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Page 2: HANDBOOK OF STRUCTURE AND (6).pdf · CHAPTER 2 The History of the Basal Ganglia: The Nuclei A. Parent1,2 1Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Universite´



Edited by

HEINZ STEINER AND KUEI Y. TSENGDepartment of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, The Chicago Medical School,

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, USA




Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier

Page 3: HANDBOOK OF STRUCTURE AND (6).pdf · CHAPTER 2 The History of the Basal Ganglia: The Nuclei A. Parent1,2 1Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Universite´



The History of the Basal Ganglia: The NucleiA. Parent1,2

1Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada2Centre de Recherche, Institut Universitaire en Sante Mentale de Quebec, Quebec, Canada


I. Introduction 33

II. The Core Structures of the Basal Ganglia:Striatum and Pallidum 34A. From Antiquity to the 18th

Century 34B. From the 19th to the 20th Century 36

III. Two Control Structures of the BasalGanglia 39A. Substantia Nigra 39B. Subthalamic Nucleus 40

IV. Conclusion 44

References 44


“The basal ganglia—the corpora striata and opticthalami—are ganglionic masses, intercalated in thecourse of the projection system of fibers which connectthe cortex with the crura cerebri, and through thesewith the periphery. The corpora striata are the ‘gangliaof interruption’ of the projection system of the foot orbasis of the crus, an anatomical indication of theirmotor signification.”

This is how Sir David Ferrier (1843�1928), the dis-tinguished Scottish neurophysiologist, named anddescribed the set of subcortical structures to which thepresent book is devoted (see chapter: TheNeuroanatomical Organization of the Basal Ganglia foran overview). The description appeared in a highlycomprehensive review of the 19th-century efforts tounravel the complexities of the brain that Ferrier pub-lished under the title The Functions of the Brain (Ferrier,1876). If the epithet “basal” adequately reflects thelocation of the nuclei at the basis of the forebrain, theterm “ganglia” is a misnomer. In modern literature,this appellation is largely limited to neuronal clusters

located in the peripheral nervous system, whereasthose present in the central nervous system are com-monly referred to as “nuclei.” Such a distinction wasobviously not in the mind of early anatomists, and theterm basal ganglia progressively became a catchwordfor all those interested in the anatomical organizationand functional significance of these large basal fore-brain structures.

The anatomical nomenclature regarding the basalganglia has nevertheless always been problematic. Thesituation is due in part to the fact that, much like thelimbic system concept, terms such as basal ganglia andextrapyramidal system have no precise anatomical limits.The use and abuse of the epithet “striatum” has alsocontributed to the confusion, particularly in the com-parative neurology literature, which is cluttered withterms such as archistriatum, paleostriatum, hyperstriatum,and epistriatum, whose intended meanings varymarkedly. A further complication results from the exis-tence of significant interspecific differences in the orga-nization of the basal ganglia. For example, the striatumin rodents stands out as a single entity, whereas it islargely separated into two major components—the

33H. Steiner and K. Tseng (Eds): Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function, Second edition.

DOI: © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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caudate nucleus and the putamen—by fibers of theinternal capsule in primates. There also exist majorvariations between primate and nonprimate mammalsin regard to the arrangement of the pallidum. In pri-mates, the structure consists of an internal and anexternal segment juxtaposed to one another and lyingparallel to the putamen, with which they form the so-called lentiform nucleus. In contrast, the two pallidalcomponents are widely separated from one another innonprimate mammals: the lateral subdivision—simplytermed globus pallidus—is directly apposed to the inter-nal surface of the putamen, whereas the medial subdi-vision—called the entopeduncular nucleus—is deeplyembedded within the fibers of the internal capsule.Despite the fact that some early anatomists, such asThomas Willis (1621�1675), had a profound knowl-edge of comparative anatomy, these topographicalinterspecific variations did not attract their attention,which was largely orientated toward the largest andmajor integrative component of the basal ganglia,namely the corpus striatum.

If Ferrier’s term “basal ganglia” was retained, hisdescription of the structures has been largely forgottenbecause it is essentially based on 17th-century knowl-edge (see below). A more accurate picture of the ana-tomical organization of the basal ganglia emergedduring the course of the 20th century, thanks to themassive amount of new findings that stemmed from amultitude of experimental and clinical studies.

The basal ganglia, as we know them today (seechapter: The Neuroanatomical Organization of theBasal Ganglia), are a large set of interconnected sub-cortical hemispheric structures that plays a crucialrole in the control of movement, as exemplified by themotor disturbances that occur when these nuclei arepathologically affected, such as in Parkinson’s diseaseor Huntington’s chorea. Historically, the presence oflarge structures at the basis in the brain was alreadynoted in the Antiquity, but the basal ganglia per sewere not fully recognized before the 19th century. Thepresent chapter relates the long and arduous endea-vors, which led to the discovery and detailed charac-terization of the complex group of interconnectednuclear masses of diverse forms and functions that aretoday united under the term basal ganglia. The firsthalf of the chapter concerns the core structures of thebasal ganglia, that is, the striatum and the pallidum orglobus pallidus. These are the most voluminous anddistinct parts of the basal ganglia and, because theyoccupy a vast portion of the cerebral hemisphere, theirpresence was noted very early in the history of neuro-science. The second half of the chapter is devoted tothe subthalamic nucleus and the substantia nigra, twonuclei that lie at the margin of the core structures butare intimately interconnected with the latters, a

position that allows them to modulate the flow of neu-ral information that courses through the basal ganglia.Being smaller than the core structures and located atdifferent levels of the neuraxis, their discovery is morerecent and their intimate relationship with the formerhas been firmly established only during the secondpart of the 20th century.



A. From Antiquity to the 18th Century

Galen (Claudius Galenus, c.129�201), the famousGreek physician and anatomist who worked in Romein the 2nd century of our era was probably one of thefirst to pay attention to the large masses of nervous tis-sue lying at the base of the lateral ventricle, which hereferred to as the gluteal parts of the brain. In some ofhis treatises he used the Greek term γλυτια (glutia orbuttocks) to describe these structures, whereas inothers he compared them to human thighs (Galen,1490). It is difficult to know precisely what Galen hadin mind when he used these terms, because the origi-nal texts in which he alluded to these brain structuresand that survived long enough to be scrutinized andtranslated by medieval scholars were not accompaniedby any illustrations. Nevertheless, Galen’s view wentunchallenged for more than a millennium, the sametype of awkward terminology being still in use in theMedieval and early Renaissance periods.

A typical example of the anatomical nomenclatureemployed in the Middle Ages to the designated basalganglia is that of the Bolognese anatomist Mondino de’Liuzzi (Mondinus, c.1270�1326), who courageouslysought new knowledge, not in Galenic treatises, butdirectly from human body dissection, a procedure thathad been forbidden since the Alexandrian period inthe 3rd century BC. Mondinus referred to the basalganglia as anchae (haunches), an appellation that firstappeared in his Anathomia (he coined the term), a shortmanuscript that he wrote in 1316 for his students, butwhich later went through several printed editionsand was to guide European anatomists for morethan 200 years (Mondino de’ Liuzzi, 1482). Anotherfamous Italian physician and surgeon, JacopoBerengario da Carpi (c.1460�1530), who was one ofthe first anatomists to call upon capable artists to illus-trate his treatises, used the term nates (Latin for but-tocks) to describe the same structures (Berengario daCarpi, 1523).

Later in the Renaissance, a still crude but muchclearer delineation of the basal ganglia appeared in the



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literature, thanks to the work of the famous Flemishanatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514�1564), who workedin Padua but published his landmark treatise Dehumani corporis fabrica libri septem (On the Fabric of theHuman Body in Seven Books) in Basel (Vesalius, 1543).In the seventh book of this treatise, a surprisinglydetailed outline of the various basal ganglia compo-nents appears in a figure that we probably own to theFlemish artist Jan van Calcar (c.1499�1545), whobelonged to the Titian Venetian School (Fig. 2.1).Unfortunately, neither in the figure legend nor else-where in the text did Vesalius name these structuresnor comment upon their possible function. Vesaliuswas apparently more interested in differentiating graymatter clumps from the white fiber groupings ratherthan identifying the various nuclear masses that lie inthis portion of the brain. His drawing neverthelessshows rather clearly the contours of what are knowntoday as the putamen, the caudate nucleus, the palli-dum, and even the thalamus (Fig. 2.1).

A first breakthrough in the history of the basal gan-glia occurred in the 17th century when the Oxford phy-sician and anatomist Thomas Willis arrived onthe scene. Willis decided to dissect the brain out of thecranium and to look at it from below, discovering thepoints of emergence of cranial nerves (9 pairs, not 7 asin Galen) as well as the arrangement of the vascularpolygon (Galen’s rete mirabile) to which his name is stillattached. His new, blunt dissection method allowed himto discover embedded deeply in the brain of humans aswell as that of several nonhuman species, a structuredisplaying a typical gray and white matter striation atthe apex of the brainstem and which he called corpusstriatum (streaked or chamfered body). In his celebratedCerebri anatome (Brain Anatomy), published in 1664,Willis describes the topographical location and overallmorphological appearance of the corpus striatum as fol-lows: “Corpus striatum seu medullae oblongatae apices, suntduo prominentiae lentiformes, quae intra piores cerebri ventri-culos” (The corpus striatum or the apex of the brainstemstands as two lens-like prominences, which are beheldwithin the anterior ventricles) (Willis, 1664). Willisbenefited from the great artistic talent of ChristopherWren (1632�1723) to provide striking illustrations ofthe corpus striatum in Cerebri anatome (Fig. 2.2).

FIGURE 2.1 Andreas Vesalius’ depiction of the basal ganglia asfound in his De humani corporis fabrica (Vesalius, 1543). This horizon-tal section through the human brain provides a rather accurate viewof the basal ganglia, particularly in the right hemisphere. Bundles ofwhite matter (identified by the letter E), corresponding roughly toour internal capsule, are shown separating masses of gray matter(D), the lower medial one corresponding to the thalamus and theupper lateral one to the putamen. The caudate nucleus is also clearlyoutlined as a structure separated from the putamen by white matter.Also note, on the right side, the unmarked line separating the puta-men from the pallidum.

FIGURE 2.2 Thomas Willis’ view of the basal ganglia as illus-trated in his Cerebri anatome (Willis, 1664). This drawing shows a dor-sal view of the brainstem and basal ganglia in a sheep. Thesuperficial portions of the hemispheres have been removed to betterillustrate the basal ganglia, and the corpus striatum on the left sidehas been cut open to show its characteristic striations.



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Willis was the first to clearly distinguish anatomi-cally the corpus striatum (see Part B) from the thala-mus, which he called Thalami nervorum opticorum.However, he did not recognize the globus pallidus asa distinct part of his lens-like prominences (our pres-ent-day lentiform nucleus, which includes the putamenand the internal and external segments of the globuspallidus). On a functional point of view, Willis consid-ered the corpus striatum as a nodal point in the controlof both motor and sensory information (Galen’s sensuscommunis). Willis thought that the marked striatal atro-phy he noted while dissecting the brain of patientswho suffered from paralysis supported the corpusstriatum’s involvement in the control of voluntarymovement. Willis’ view of the subcortical or striatalorigin of motor behavior lasted until the end of the19th century, at which time the role of the cerebralcortex in the initiation of motor acts began to beappreciated.

Willis was a central figure of the Oxford group (thevirtuosi), whose efforts led to the creation of the RoyalSociety of London in 1660. Like other virtuosi of histime, he had an irrepressible urge to find a functionalsignificance for his structural discoveries. Hence,besides attributing to the corpus striatum a major rolein sensorimotor integration, Willis hypothesized thatthe corpus callosum was the seat of imagination,whereas he saw memory deeply embedded within theconvolutions of the cortical mantle: “Inter plica cerebrimemoria et reminiscencia” (Willis, 1664).

These speculations were soon to be criticized byNiels Stensen (Nicolaus Stenonis in Latin, or Steno inEnglish; 1638�1686), a young Danish anatomist whoacquired recognition following his discovery of theparotid gland excretory duct (still called ductus steno-nianus). Stensen’s objections are to be found in aremarkable Discours sur l’anatomie du cerveau (Lectureon the Anatomy of the Brain) that he pronounced inParis in 1665, that is only 1 year after the publicationof Willis’ Cerebri anatome. In this discourse, which ischaracterized by a healthy skepticism that gives it atruly modern flavor, Stensen makes it clear that hewas not ready to sacrifice scientific objectivity on thealtar of clinical speculation. The major reproaches thatStensen addresses to Willis concern his unsupportedspeculations about the localization of brain functions.He stated: “Willis is the author of a very singularhypothesis. He lodges common sense in the corporastriata, the imagination in the corpus callosum, and thememory in the cortical substance. [. . .] How can hethen be sure that these three operations are performedin the three bodies which he pitches upon? Who isable to tell us whether the nervous fibers begin in thecorpora striata, or if they pass through the corpus cal-losum all the way to the cortical substance? We know

so little of the true structure of the corpus callosumthat a man of tolerable genius may say about it, what-ever he pleases” (Stensen, 1669). While admitting thatWillis’ diagrams were by far the best then available, hedid not hesitate in pointing out several inaccuracies inthese drawings. For example, he found unfaithful therepresentation of cross sections of the striatum in someof Willis’ illustrations because they do not accuratelydepict ascending and descending fibers.

Some of these negative remarks are obviously justi-fied, but Stensen’s overall critical attitude can be attrib-uted to his youthful enthusiasm that tended to blind himto the merits of contemporary neuroanatomists, includ-ing such prominent ones as Thomas Willis, who made amajor and long lasting contribution to our knowledge ofthe anatomical and functional organization of the brain.True to his nature, Willis accepted positively the criti-cisms formulated by Stensen, whose contribution hegreatly praised in his De anima brutorum (On the Soulsof Brutes) published only a few years after Stensen’sDiscours (Willis, 1672). Willis recognized that his “pleas-ant speculations” about brain functions, such as the rolehe attributed to imaginary animal spirits, were not basedon direct observation, but at the same time he ingenu-ously admitted that he could not easily overcome such atendency toward wild speculations. The latter attitudewas typical of pre-Newtonian scientists, whose bound-less scientific optimisms allowed them to overthrowtheir scholastic adversaries, but prevented them fromrealizing the limits of their own endeavors (Isler, 1968).

Slightly later in the 17th century, RaymondVieussens (1641�1715) of Montpellier referred to thebasal ganglia as le grand ganglion cerebral (the greatcerebral ganglion). In his treatise entitled Neurographiauniversalis (Vieussens, 1684), he subdivided this largestructure into six different sectors, the anterior one cor-responding to Willis’ corpus striatum and the posteriorone to the thalamus. More than a century later, theFrench anatomist Felix Vicq d’Azyr (1748�1794) pro-vided a remarkably accurate depiction of the basalganglia. His Traite d’anatomie et de physiologie(Vicq d’Azyr, 1786) contains several plates in whichthe various components of the basal ganglia, includingthe caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the pallidumare clearly delineated from one another (see below).Unfortunately, somewhat like Vesalius before him,Vicq d’Azyr did not name these structures individu-ally, focusing more on the fiber fascicles, which hecalled arcades, separating the various nuclear masses.

B. From the 19th to the 20th Century

At the very beginning of the 19th century, bothJohann Christian Reil (1759�1813) first in Halle and



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later in Berlin, and Franz Joseph Gall (1758�1828), inVienna and later in Paris, made important contribu-tions to the anatomy of the brain in general and of thebasal ganglia in particular. Like Vieussens before him,Gall referred to the basal ganglia as le grand ganglioncerebral, but insisted only on its superior and inferiorparts, which respectively correspond to Willis’ corpusstriatum and thalamus (couche optique). In the treatiseentitled Anatomie et physiologie du systeme nerveux,which he published in collaboration with JohannKaspar Spurzheim (1766�1832) (Gall and Spurzheim,1810), Gall provided astonishingly accurate illustra-tions of the basal ganglia, with an outer and an innerportion of the corps strie (corpus striatum), correspond-ing respectively to our putamen and caudate nucleus.As for Johann Christian Reil, in addition to the epithetganglion (Greek for swelling), he was among the firstto use the term Kern (German for core or kernel thatbecame nucleus in Latin) to designate masses of graymatter located inside the brain. Reil also frequentlyemployed the word Hugel (German for hillock or mon-ticule) for the same purpose as, for example, inVierhugel (superior colliculus) and Sehhugel (thalamus).In regard to the basal ganglia, Reil noted the presenceof Capseln (fiber capsules) around the great cerebralganglion, whose external surface, he remarked, hadthe shape of a Linse (lens or lentil) (Reil, 1809).However, Willis had noted the lenticular aspect of theexternal portion of the corpus striatum as early as 1664(see above).

A second major breakthrough in the history of thebasal ganglia occurred when the German physicianKarl Friedrich Burdach (1776�1847), who occupied thechair of anatomy and physiology at Konigsberg’s uni-versity, wrote his three-volume treatise entitled VomBaue und Leben des Gehirns (Of Structure and Life of theBrain), which was published over a period of 7 years(Burdach, 1819�1826). This masterpiece in neuroanat-omy contains a detailed and strikingly modern depic-tion of the basal ganglia that Burdach referred to asthe anterior portion of the Hirnstammganglien(brainstem ganglion). After careful examinations offrontal and parasagittal human brain sections, Burdachwas able, for the first time, to clearly differentiate thecaudate nucleus from the putamen (Fig. 2.3). He usedthe word Streifenhugel (streaked hillock) to designatethe caudate nucleus, but gave credit to VincenzoMalacarne (1744�1816) for having been the first tomention the existence of such an elongated mass ofgray substance in the brain. However, Malacarne him-self might have picked up this observation from atranslation of Galen’s work provided by Avicenna(c.980�1037) early in the Middle Ages.

Burdach also gave a very detailed description ofour lentiform nucleus, which he named Linsenkern

(lens-shaped nucleus), a term that he admittedly bor-rowed from his compatriot Reil, who himself picked itup from Willis. He also recognized that his Linsenkernwas not topographically and cytologically a monolithicentity. He called his more grayish lateral part Schale(shell, peel) or putamen. He further identified a palerstructure (blasser Klumpen) within the inner portion ofhis Linsenkern that he called globus pallidus, and cor-rectly identified its inner and outer segments (innernund aussern Theil) (see chapter: Organization of theGlobus Pallidus). He noted that the major basal gan-glia nuclei were separated from one another by fiberfascicles that he termed inner Capsel and aussre Capsel,which correspond to our internal and external cap-sules, respectively. He termed begranzende Markblat(bordering white matter) the fiber laminae that sepa-rate the various segments of the lentiform nucleus.

Burdach had an obvious gift for naming brain struc-tures; his neuroanatomy treatise contains a multitude

FIGURE 2.3 Friedrich Burdach’s representation of the basal gan-glia as found in his Vom Baue und Leben des Gehirns (Burdach,1819�1826). This reproduction shows a parasagittal slice of the lefthemisphere of a human brain in which the various basal gangliacomponents are visible and their location indicated by letters in theline drawing of the lower panel, a part of which has been enlarged(inset at the bottom) to better appreciate the details. The letter apoints to the tail of the caudate nucleus; d to thalamus; h to internalcapsule; l�p to lenticular nucleus, with the putamen (p) clearly dif-ferentiated from the internal (l) and external (n) segments of the glo-bus pallidus.



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of new names for various nuclei and fiber systems ofthe central nervous system, including the claustrum,pulvinar, amygdaloid complex, red nucleus, laminaterminalis, pallium, cingulum, subiculum, alveus,cuneus, precuneus, and the fasciculus cuneatus towhich his name is still attached. Of course, Burdachdid not discover all these structures, but he neverthe-less provided the first accurate description and illus-tration of many of them, thanks to the help of thetalented draftsman and engraver Johann FriedrichSchroter (1770�1836).

As a genuine Naturphilosophen (nature philosopher),Burdach attributed much importance to the historicalaspect of the advancement of knowledge to which hedevoted a 300 page long section of the second volumeof Vom Baue und Leben des Gehirns, which he titledAnmerkungen (comments) (Burdach, 1819�1826). Thishistorical review of brain anatomy surpasses by far theearlier works of the French physician and anatomistAntoine Portal (1742�1832) (Portal, 1770�1773) andthe Swiss physiologist Albrecht von Haller(1708�1777) (Haller, 1757�1766). Burdach’s physiolog-ical considerations on the basal ganglia are those of atypical Naturphilosophen who indulged in speculationon the discrete localization of functions in specificbrain areas. He believed that the basal ganglia werethe site of sensory perception and consciousness.Volition, he thought, emerges from the corpus stria-tum, whereas sensation, particularly visual, and con-sciousness originate from the thalamus. However, hehad no firm experimental observations to support anyof these affirmations, and he did not even feel theneed to search for such evidence. At the end of hiscareer, Burdach’s speculations were out of the realm ofthe vigorous neuroscience research that was going onat that time. For example, he did not take seriouslyinto account the results that were emerging from theuse of the microscope, including the cell theory.

Despite some weaknesses in his physiological con-cepts, Burdach’s description of the core structures ofthe basal ganglia is still largely valid today, except forsome minor adjustments and additions that weremade throughout the 20th century. For example, OskarVogt (1870�1959) and his wife Cecile Vogt-Mugnier(1875�1962), who worked first at the Kaiser WilhelmInstitute in Berlin and later at their own Institut furHirnforschung und allgemeine Biologie (Institute of BrainResearch and General Biology) in Neustadt, made a sig-nificant contribution to our understanding of the func-tional organization of the basal ganglia of primates,including man. For many years, the caudate nucleushad been considered a distinct structure amongprimate basal ganglia, whereas the putamen wasclosely associated with the globus pallidus, bothentities forming the so-called nucleus lenticularis or

nucleus lentiformis (lenticular or lentiform nucleus). TheVogts departed from this long-held view when theyrealized that the caudate nucleus and the putamenbelonged to the same basal ganglia component (Vogtand Vogt, 1920). They also recognized that the caudatenucleus and the putamen were linked together at ante-rior and ventral levels through the nucleus accumbens,the three structures forming a single cytoarchitectonicentity, which they simply termed striatum.

The large fiber system that emerges from the stria-tum has attracted the attention of several neuroanato-mists early in the 20th century. Among scientists wholooked seriously at the connections of the striatumwith other brain structures was the American neurol-ogist Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson (1878�1937).In regard to basal ganglia terminology and functionalorganization, Wilson is remembered for having for-mulated the concept of extrapyramidal system (Wilson,1912). The renowned clinician suggested to merge thecore structures of the basal ganglia with virtuallyall brain nuclei connected with them into a singlefunctional system, whose major output consistedof descending motor projections coursing outside thebulbar pyramids. Wilson proposed this novel termi-nology mainly to underline the distinct mannerwhereby the subcortical basal ganglia and the corticalpyramidal motor system exert their control overmotor behavior. It should be noted, however, that theepithet extrapyramidal was used well before Wilson.Indeed, terms such as Extrapyramidenbahnen (extrapy-ramidal tracts) were commonly employed at the endof the 19th century by the members of the prestigiousVienna school of neurology then dominated by thefigure of Theodor Meynert (1833�1892) (Prus, 1898).Although still popular in clinical neurology, the con-cept of extrapyramidal system progressively lost itsheuristic and didactic value, at least in the opinion ofmost basic researchers, who never really abandonedthe original basal ganglia notion. Wilson’s nameremains also attached to the hepatolenticular degener-ation (Wilson’s disease) as well as to the proximalportion of the striatofugal fiber system, which weused to call Wilson’s pencils (Wilson, 1914). As theypierce the internal capsule, the same set of striatofu-gal axons were often termed Edinger’s comb bundle inreconnaissance of the Frankfurt neurologist LudwigEdinger (1855�1918), who made a major contributionto our knowledge of the comparative anatomy ofbasal ganglia (Edinger, 1908).

The most recent breakthroughs in the study of basalganglia occurred with the development of varioustract-tracing methods initiated in the last quarter of the20th century. These powerful neuronographic toolshave revealed how closely the various core structuresof the basal ganglia are interrelated with one another,



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but this issue does not yet belong to the historians.Being at the heart of contemporary researches onbasal ganglia, it will be dealt with in detail elsewherein this volume.


A. Substantia Nigra

The discovery of the substantia nigra (see chapters:The Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata and Subtypes ofMidbrain Dopamine Neurons) has long been attributedto the great German scientist and philosopher SamuelThomas von Sœmmerring (1755�1830), to whom weowe the description of various brain structures as wellas the first accurate classification of cranial nerves (12pairs, not 9 as in Willis) reported in his treatise De basiencephali (The Basis of the Brain) (Sœmmerring, 1778).Most neuroanatomy textbooks published during the19th and the first half of the 20th century refer to thesubstantia nigra as Sœmmerring’s substance, substantianigra of Sœmmerring, or locus niger Sœmmerringii.However, Sœmmerring does not mention the existenceof the substantia nigra in his 1778 treatise. It is only ina revised version of his book published 14 years later(Sœmmerring, 1792) that he alluded to this structurerecognizing that it was originally identified and per-fectly well characterized by the French anatomist FelixVicq d’Azyr (1748�1794). Like Sœmmerring, Vicqd’Azyr was a typical medical figure of the Age of theEnlightenment; he had a vast and deep knowledge ofmedicine and biology that encompasses several fieldsof investigation, including epidemiology, comparativeanatomy, social medicine, and neurology. He was oneof the founders of the Royal Academy of Medicine andhe remained the Perpetual Secretary of this prestigiousinstitution until it was abolished by the French revolu-tionaries in 1793.

Vicq d’Azyr’s major contribution to human brainanatomy is to be found in a remarkable work entitledTraite d’anatomie et de physiologie (Treatise of anatomyand physiology) published only 3 years before thebeginning of the French Revolution and dedicated toKing Louis the sixteenth (Vicq d’Azyr, 1786). Thislarge folio volume contains 35 nature-sized, colored,human brain figures of a quality and exactitude neverattained before. The color illustrations are accompa-nied by line drawings with minutely detailed explana-tions of the various brain structures identified and acritical history of the descriptions of the same struc-tures given by preceding anatomists. All the plates inthis treatise were drawn and engraved by AlexandreBriceau, draftsman to the anatomy cabinet of Alfort

Royal Veterinary School. They were made with a com-bination of aquatint, line-engraving, and stipple-engraving and printed in colors (Fig. 2.4). The core ofthe work is preceded by a very elegant discourse onanatomy, which philosophically elevates this science toa degree not reached before and which strongly arguesfor the development of a general nomenclature thatcould be applied to all species. The book was to be thefirst of a long series of volumes on vertebrate anatomy,but the work came to an abrupt end with the advent ofthe French Revolution, Vicq d’Azyr having had thebad idea of becoming Queen Marie-Antoinette’sprivate physician.

Vicq d’Azyr’s dissection of the human brainwas facilitated by a fixation technique that he bor-rowed from the Dutch anatomist Frederik Ruysch(1638�1731) and which consists of a combination ofalcohol, saltpeter, and hydrochloric acid. His originaldissection technique included scraping along the whitematter fibers, a method that was to be extensivelyused later by Gall and Spurzheim. With the help ofthis procedure, Vicq d’Azyr was able to complementthe pioneering description of the basal ganglia pro-vided by Willis in 1664 (see Section II.A). Vicq d’Azyr

FIGURE 2.4 Felix Vicq d’Azyr’s representation of the basal gan-glia from his Traite d’anatomie et de physiologie (Vicq d’Azyr, 1786)(labels added to facilitate identification). This horizontal section ofthe human brain, which passes through the basal ganglia anteriorlyand the brainstem and cerebellum posteriorly, depicts the caudatenucleus (CD), putamen (PUT), and globus pallidus external segment(GPe) separated from one another by groups of nerve fibers, as wellas the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and substantia nigra (SN).



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clearly depicted these basal ganglia components butdid not name them, a task that was accomplished 50years later by Burdach. The substantia nigra is alsoclearly outlined in at least two of the magnificent illus-trations of Vicq d’Azyr’s treatise (Fig. 2.4). Vicq d’Azyrnoted the dark pigmented nature of this structure, afeature that prompted him to call it tache noiratre (darkspot) or locus niger crurum cerebri (dark region of thecerebral peduncles). Burdach, who referred to thesame structure as schwarzgraue Schicht (black-graylayer) or its Latin equivalent stratum nigrum in hisneuroanatomical treatise, gave full credit to Vicqd’Azyr for its discovery (Burdach, 1819�1826). NeitherVicq d’Azyr nor Burdach commented on the cellularaspects of the substantia nigra, a task that was left tolate 19th-and early 20th-century microscopists.

The French alienist (psychiatrist) Jules Bernard Luys(1828�1897), who worked at la Salpetriere and later atla Charite hospital in Paris, was probably the one whoprovided the first images of nigral neurons. Thesefindings appeared in Luys’ copious neuroanatomytreatise entitled Recherches sur le systeme cerebro-spinal,sa structure, ses fonctions et ses maladies (Studies on theStructure, Functions and Diseases of the Nervous System),which contains significant advances to human brainanatomy, including the prime description of the sub-thalamic nucleus (Luys, 1865) (see Section III.B). In hisdescription of the human substantia nigra, Luysemphasized the fact that it harbors numerous denselypacked neurons with ovoid or polygonal perikaryafrom which emerge numerous elongated processes.He also noted that nigral neurons stained intenselybecause they contained dark pigments. Unfortunately,Luys refers to the substantia nigra as the locus niger deSœmmering [sic] in his 1865 treatise and this has greatlycontributed to the perennial nomenclature confusionalluded to above. Furthermore, Luys depicted nigralneurons as having long processes that literally mergewith one another, a detail that betrays his acceptanceof the then commonly held reticularist view of the tis-sular organization of the central nervous system.

More than 20 years after the publication of Luys’pioneering work, the Italian neuroanatomists GiovanniMingazzini (1859�1929) and Domenico Mirto (dateunknown) and the Japanese morphologist Torata Sano(date unknown) provided more detailed descriptionsof nigral neurons. Mingazzini depicted the human sub-stantia nigra as a highly stratified structure composedprincipally of a dorsal layer containing several types ofpyramidal cells and a ventral layer harboring “atypi-cal” cells (Mingazzini, 1888). He mentioned that thepyramidal cells had a cylinder axis (axon) that coursedforward within the midbrain tegmentum. Mirto notedfor the first time the close morphological resemblancebetween neurons of the substantia nigra and those of

the globus pallidus, and further recognized that thevast majority of nigral neurons were Golgi type I (pro-jection) cells (Mirto, 1896). Sano reported the results ofan extensive comparative study of the substantia nigrain a wide range of species, including man, and pro-vided a detailed description of nigral neurons that isstill valid today (Sano, 1910). Sano subdivided the sub-stantia nigra into a pars compacta, which harbors adensely packed population of pigmented neurons(dopamine neurons; see chapters: Subtypes ofMidbrain Dopamine Neurons and Neurophysiology ofSubstantia Nigra Dopamine Neurons: Modulation byGABA and Glutamate), and a pars reticulata, whichcontains a smaller number of nonpigmented neuronsthat are rather loosely scattered within a dense fibril-lary meshwork (see chapter: The Substantia Nigra ParsReticulata).

This nigral subdivision, which is still in use today,was largely based on an earlier suggestion made bySantiago Ramon y Cajal (1852�1934) in his descriptionof the substantia nigra that was first published at thevery end of the 19th century (Ramon y Cajal, 1899).Using the Golgi staining procedure, Ramon y Cajalprovided a clear depiction of the different types ofneurons that populate each of the two major portionsof the substantia nigra that he called superior and infe-rior zones. He also emphasized the existence of longand dorsoventrally oriented dendritic bundles thatemerge from the large pyramidal-shaped neuronslocated within the superior zone (pars compacta) ofthe substantia nigra. However, despite the quality ofthe material he had in hand, he was unable to trace theaxonal projection of nigral neurons, except for smalldistances within the midbrain tegmentum. Ramon yCajal underlined the confusion that existed over thisissue and indicated that the Russian neurologistVladimir Bechterev (1857�1927) was the only one atthat time who believed that nigral neurons were pro-jecting their axons as far rostrally as the striatum(Ramon y Cajal, 1899).

The definitive demonstration of the nigrostriatalprojection and the discovery of its dopamine contentand role in Parkinson’s disease are the results ofintense researches conducted during the second half ofthe 20th century. This issue will be dealt with in detailelsewhere in the present volume.

B. Subthalamic Nucleus

The subthalamic nucleus (see chapter: TheSubthalamic Nucleus) is perhaps the only basal gan-glia component that escaped Burdach’s scrutiny. Thenucleus was discovered by Jules Bernard Luys, whoalso provided the first depiction of the thalamic centre



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median nucleus, which is now known to be intimatelyassociated with the core structures of the basal ganglia(Fig. 2.5). Luys was a highly dedicated neuroanatomistwho contributed significantly to our knowledge of the

organization of the central nervous system. His highlyoriginal insights and descriptions are to be found inhis 1865 treatise in which Luys portrayed his originalconcepts through his own elegant three-dimensionaldiagrams assembled in the atlas that accompanied his660-pages book (Luys, 1865). Luys was also a pioneerin applying the art of photography, then still in itsinfancy, to the illustration of brain anatomy. Theresults of his efforts along this line are to be found in atwo-volume treatise entitled Iconographie photographiquedes centres nerveux (Photographic Iconography of NervousCenters) that appeared 8 years after his neuroanatomytreatise (Luys, 1873). This very first photographic atlasof the human brain comprised photomicrographs ofentire, serial human brain sections displayed in frontal,sagittal, and horizontal planes and accompanied bybeautiful drawings identifying the various structuresseen on each photomicrograph (Fig. 2.6).

In his 1865 opus magnum, Luys employed the termnoyaux gris centraux (central gray nuclei) to designatethe thalamus (la couche optique) and the striatum(le corps strie), an appellation that has been retained inthe French literature (Foix and Nicolesco, 1925). In con-trast, the name bandelette accessoire de l’olive superieure(accessory band of the superior olive) that he used todescribe the subthalamic nucleus created much confu-sion and did not last long. This awkward designation,in which the term olive superieure referred to the rednucleus of Burdach, was chosen by Luys to convey hisview of the role of the subthalamic nucleus.

According to Luys, the major function of the subtha-lamic nucleus was to disperse the influence of the

FIGURE 2.5 Jules Bernard Luys’ first representation of the sub-thalamic nucleus that appeared in his Recherches sur le systeme nerveuxcerebro-spinal (Luys, 1865). In this frontal and somewhat schematicsection of the human disencephalon, the subthalamic nucleus (bandel-ette accessoire de l’olive superieure) is identified by the number 19 onthe right side of the drawing, whereas the centre median is indicatedby the number 13. Number 17 on the same side of the illustrationpoints to Luys’ olive superieure, which corresponds to Burdach’s rednucleus. The subthalamic nucleus appears here as a sort of thirdsegment of the globus pallidus.

FIGURE 2.6 Jules Bernard Luys’ photographic depiction of the human basal ganglia as found in his Iconographie photographique (Luys,1873) (labels added to facilitate identification). The photomicrographs show the basal ganglia in a horizontal (left) and a coronal plane (right).The topographical organization of the core structures of the basal ganglia (CD, caudate nucleus; PUT, putamen; GPe, globus pallidus externalsegment; GPi, globus pallidus internal segment) is well illustrated in these two photomicrographs.



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cerebellum upon the striatum, a disposition that allowsthe structure to play a “crucial role in the synthesis ofautomatic motor actions” (Luys, 1865). Hence,although he erred in believing that the cerebellum pro-jects to the subthalamic nucleus, the red nucleus(Luys’ olive superieure) being the main target of thecerebellum in that brain region, Luys should bepraised for having thought of the nucleus as being inti-mately linked to the basal ganglia. He also describednervous fibrils that linked the subthalamic nucleuswith the globus pallidus (the subthalamopallidal con-nection of the current literature) and depicted a fiberprojection from the cerebral cortex to the subthalamicnucleus (Luys, 1865). He also clearly envisaged the factthat the various areas of the cerebral cortex are directlyrepresented at the level of the striatum via the corticos-triatal projections (les projections corticostriees). Many ofthese structures and fiber pathways are now central toour current thinking about the anatomical and func-tional organization of the basal ganglia, as well as tothe physiopathology of Parkinson’s disease.

Luys’ description of the subthalamic nucleus is tobe found not in the section of his book dealing withthe forebrain, as one might expect, but in that pertain-ing to the cerebellum and its dependencies. There,Luys alludes to the presence of a “novel clump ofgray matter that takes the form of a semilunar band,which in turn becomes a center for the dispersion of anew generation of nervous elements” (Luys, 1865).Luys continues on to say that “the accessory bandof the superior olive thus formed by the groupingof one portion of its afferent fibers appears as aclump of a grayish substance, displaying a linearform, bulged on its median portion and slandered oneach of its extremities.” He further specified that theaccessory band of the superior olive together withwhat he calls the arcades (arches), which correspondto the various medullary laminae that separate thedifferent components of the lenticular nucleus, forman imbricated structure that encompasses the corpusstriatum (Fig. 2.5). Luys affirms that this complexarchitecture helps to single out “these nuclei of ayellowish substance, whose clear color contrasts somarkedly with the dark red tint of the surroundingcorpus striatum.” Luys’ yellow nuclei correspondto the two segments of the globus pallidus, whichwere clearly singled out 40 years earlier by Burdach(Burdach, 1819�1826).

The Swiss alienist Auguste Forel (1848�1931), whowas trained in neuroanatomy and microscopy byMeynert in Vienna and Bernhard Aloys von Gudden(1824�1886) in Munich, reassessed the originaldescription of the subthalamic nucleus providedby Luys in 1865. In a remarkable paper devoted tothe organization of the brainstem tegmental region

of man and various mammals, Forel provided aclear description of the complex nuclear and fibrillarorganization of the tegmental region, many compo-nents of which still bear his name (Forel, 1877). This isthe case of the tegmental fields of Forel (campus Foreli),which included fields H, H1, and H2, the “H” standingfor the German word Hauben (introduced earlier byReil), which refers to the nightcap aspect of this region.The fields H, H1, and H2 correspond respectively tothe prerubral field, the thalamic fasciculus and the len-ticular fasciculus. Forel’s field H system consists of thefield H2 fiber system that courses in-between the sub-thalamic nucleus and the zona incerta—a structurethat Forel was the first to define—merges with fibersof the ansa lenticularis within field H to finally formthe field H1 fiber system that ascends toward theventral tier nuclei of the thalamus.

In 1895, the Russian-Swiss neuroanatomistConstantin von Monakow (1853�1930), who workedin Zurich, gave a detailed account of the ansa lenticu-laris (Linsenkernschlinge), which he referred to as “thesum of the fiber masses which come from the regionof the lentiform nucleus, penetrate the cerebralpeduncle, and gain the subthalamic region and themedial division of the thalamus” (Monakow, 1895).Monakow subdivided this massive fiber system intothree different components: (1) a dorsal division,commonly termed lenticular fasciculus (Forel’s fieldH2); (2) a middle division, often described separatelyas fasciculus subthalamicus; and (3) a ventral divi-sion, called the ansa lenticularis (Forel’s field H1) sen-sus strictiori by later authors. Originally, Monakowbelieved that the ansa lenticularis had a mixed striataland pallidal origin (Monakow, 1895). However, theexperimental studies undertaken in monkeys byStephen Walter Ranson (1880�1942) and his collea-gues at Northwestern University in Illinois invali-dated this view by demonstrating that these threefiber fascicles arise from distinct portions of the glo-bus pallidus (Ranson et al., 1941). Today, these fibersystems are known to convey motor information ofpallidal and cerebellar origin to the thalamus andthey occupy a central position in our current thinkingof the pathophysiology of the basal ganglia. However,the complex arrangement of these markedly intricatedfiber systems still remains to be deciphered.

Forel’s paper on the tegmental region was widelyacclaimed by the scientific community. Among thosewho wrote personally to Forel to congratulate him onthis major contribution was Luys, the discoverer of thesubthalamic nucleus, who was particularly proud tosee that Forel had attached his name to the structure.Indeed, this component of the subthalamic regionis termed Luysscher Korper, corpus luysii, or Bandeletteaccessoire de l’olive superieure von Luys in Forel’s



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writings. However, Forel was very critical of the lattername (accessory band of the superior olive) given byLuys to the subthalamic nucleus. In his 1877 paper,one can read: “This term is improper for at least threereasons. First, the word bandelette commonly refers toa band of white matter, whereas the nucleus in ques-tion is clearly a mass of gray matter. Second, whatLuys called olive superieure corresponds to the rednucleus of Burdach and not to the superior olivarynucleus of Schroder van der Kolk (1797�1862). Third,Luys’ nucleus has nothing to do with either the rednucleus or the superior olivary nucleus” (Forel, 1877).Forel’s paper includes a much more accurate descrip-tion and illustration of the subthalamic nucleus thanthe one provided originally by Luys, and also containsa microscopic drawing of a neuron of the subthalamicnucleus.

In contrast to Forel, who wrote in German but wasborn in the French part of Switzerland, German-speaking neurologists were reluctant to attach Luys’name to the subthalamic nucleus and this lead to anobvious terminological confusion. For example, thesubthalamic nucleus was termed nucleus amygdalifor-mis by Jacob Stilling (1842�1915), who worked at theUniversity of Strasburg (Stilling, 1878), whereasFriedrich Gustav Jacob Henle (1809�1885) inGottingen called it corpus subthalamicum (Henle, 1879).Theodor Meynert in Vienna used the term discus lenti-formis (Meynert, 1884), whereas Ludwig Edinger inFrankfurt named it Forel’s body (Edinger, 1908).Finally, in his elegant vascularization study of thesubthalamic region, Rolf Denkhaus (1917�1944) ofLeipzig referred to the subthalamic nucleus as nucleushypothalamicus (Denkhaus, 1942). In France, however,the name of Luys remained attached to the subthala-mic nucleus for quite a long period. In fact, mostFrench neurologists designated the nucleus as le corpsde Luys until the last portion of the 20th century,when the structure was progressively integrated intothe realm of the basal ganglia under the name subtha-lamic nucleus.

Luys’ last contribution to the description of the sub-thalamic nucleus is to be found in a paper entirelydevoted to this structure published more than 20 yearsafter his original description (Luys, 1886). In thislargely ignored article, Luys no longer alludes to thesuperior olivary complex in connection with thesubthalamic nucleus, but now uses the term accessoryband of the red nucleus of Stilling (corpus Luysii) to desig-nate this structure. The exact location and biconvexlens shape of the nucleus can be clearly appreciatedin a photomicrograph of a horizontal human brain sec-tion that illustrates the findings. In this paper, Luysinsists on the cytological homogeneity, high cellular den-sity, compactness, small-celled nature, and neuroglial

framework of the subthalamic nucleus, which heclearly described as a mass of gray matter. He notesthat neurons of the subthalamic nucleus emit numer-ous short processes that intermingle with those ofadjoining cells, thus forming an inextricable fibrillarynetwork. He also mentions the existence of nervousfibers emerging from the cerebral cortex and termi-nating in the red nucleus and subthalamic nucleus,two fiber systems that are known today as the corti-corubral and the corticosubthalamic projections. Luysunderlines the physiological and pathological impor-tance of such direct connections between the corticalmantle and the various gray masses that lie withinthis “still mysterious region of the basis of the brain”(Luys, 1886).

From a pathological point of view, Luys thoughtthat the importance of the conjunctive tissue fabric ofthese ventral brain regions could explain the frequentsclerotic indurations encountered at the basis of thebrain in certain pathological cases he examined. Healso believed that, because of the abundance of glialcells, even a small irritation in these brain structuresmay lead to a rapid glial cell proliferation and ulti-mately to localized sclerosis, with progressive evolu-tion. These premonitory insights were confirmedslightly later in the 19th century and early 20th centurywhen clinicians realized that lesions of the subthalamicnucleus cause violent, involuntary, wild, flingingmovements usually limited to the side of the body con-tralateral to the lesion. This syndrome, described ashemichoree post-hemiplegique (posthemiplegic hemichor-ea) by Jean-Martin Charcot (1825�1893) (Charcot,1877), was later termed Hemichorea or Hemiballismus inthe German literature (Greiff, 1883; Santha, 1928), ormore simply hemiballism in the English literature(Whittier, 1947).

From a functional point of view, Luys clearly rec-ognized that little, if anything, is known of the physi-ology of the subthalamic nucleus. He considered thesituation a delicate one “destined to keep spellboundfor many years to come, the sagacity of the vivisectorsof the future” (Luys, 1886). Luys could not have beenmore right. It is only recently, with the advent ofpowerful experimental tools applied to various ani-mal models of motor diseases, that the subthalamicnucleus was recognized as a driving force of thebasal ganglia, a topic that will be covered in detailelsewhere in this volume. Clinically, the subthalamicnucleus has become the preferential target forneurosurgeons who use the deep brain stimulationapproach to alleviate the major motor symptomsrelated to Parkinson’s disease. However, the mechan-isms and the specific neuronal elements whereby thisapproach produces its beneficial effects are stilllargely unknown.



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The present chapter has briefly reviewed the long andconvoluted history of a set of subcortical structures thatplays a crucial role in the control of motor behavior andsensorimotor integration. The basal ganglia concept, aswe know it today, took many centuries to emerge. Its his-torical evolution did not follow a straight ascendingcourse, but resulted from both significant advances andmajor drawbacks in our knowledge of brain anatomy. Itis the result of immense efforts made by several pioneersof brain anatomy, such as Thomas Willis of Oxford andKarl Friedrich Burdach of Konigsberg, who deserve ourrespect. In this chapter, we have focused on the corestructures of the basal ganglia, namely the striatum andpallidum, and on the subthalamic nucleus and substantianigra, which are closely linked with the former throughclosed ancillary loops that are characteristics of basalganglia circuitry. Recent experimental and clinical stud-ies have radically advanced our concept of the basal gan-glia, which are now viewed as a widely distributedneuronal system that acts in concert with the corticofugalsystem to control the multifarious aspects of motorbehavior. The different sets of studies that led to thismodern view will be reviewed in detail in other chaptersof the present volume.


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