Download - Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Page 1: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

HAMPSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS Minutes of the 69th Annual General Meeting

held at: Victoria Hall, West Green Road, Hartley Wintney, Hants, RG27 8RE

on Saturday 22nd October 2016; from 9.00am – 1.30pm

PRESENT Cllr Ms A Winstanley Mr S M Lugg Ms E Greene Mrs S Ramage Mrs V Treagust Ms M Leadbitter Dawn Hamblet Jon Brown GUESTS Cllr Keith Chapman Su Johnston Karen Murray Mr David Whitwell

Chairman Chief Executive Company Secretary Business Support Officer Member Support Officer Communications Officer HR & Employment Officer Learning & Development Officer Chairman, Hampshire County Council Crowdfunder Director of Communities, Hampshire County Council Meon Accounting


The Chief Executive, Mr Steven Lugg welcomed all 90 delegates from 50 member councils to Hampshire ALC’s 69th Annual General Meeting at the Victoria Hall, Hartley Wintney. All delegates were thanked for their attendance and it was confirmed that the meeting was quorate. The Chairman greeted delegates and again thanked delegates for their presence at the AGM.

Page 2: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309


Apologies were received from 9 member councils. Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council, Hordle Parish Council, Longstock Parish Council, Romsey Town Council, St Mary Bourne Parish Council, Boarhunt Parish Council, Durley Parish Council, Hambledon Parish Council and Wickham Parish Council. 17 Apologies were also received from Simon Sanger-Anderson – Tozers Solicitors, Cllr Mark Steele – Bransgore PC and Hampshire ALC Board Member, Cllr Jim MacDonald – Steep PC and Hampshire ALC Board Member, Cllr Adrian Collett – Hampshire ALC Vice-President, Cllr Martin Slatford – Baughurst PC and Hampshire ALC Board Member, Cllr Neil Lander-Brinkley – Denmead PC and Hampshire ALC Board Member, Cllr Kevin Andreoli, Denmead PC, Cllr Goff Beck – New Milton TC and Hampshire ALC Board Member, Sue Halstead – Liss PC and Hampshire ALC Board Member, Geoff Beaven, Dogmersfield PC, Prof. Colin Copus – De Montfort University, Cllr Keith Budden – Liss PC, Cllr Diana Effiong – Sherfield-on-Loddon PC, Malcolm Butler – Whiteley TC and Hampshire ALC Board Member and Maxta Thomas - Silchester Parish Council & Bramley Parish Council. 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish Councillors”. The slides presented are appended to these minutes. The Chairman thanked Steven Lugg and asked for any questions. Steven Lugg received five questions and responses, and responded appropriately. Cllr Colin Bielckus asked how Whiteley TC can increase numbers attending their parish meeting?” Steven Lugg suggested they get schools involved which would encourage parents and grandparents to attend. Another member asked how viable is it to run council meetings during the day? The member went on to say it had been suggested first thing in the morning. Steven Lugg replied by saying it’s a decision for the council, it would be decided and put in the standing orders. He went on to explain meetings can’t be held in a public house. Cllr Howard Linsley – Liss PC said the recruitment process usually means Councillors encourage friends and friends of friends to join the council, this means you don’t get a diverse section of councillors

Page 3: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

needed. Anne Atkins –Hook PC said Hook PC had not co-opted a Councillor since 1983 until last year and she believes this was due to controversial issues in Hook. She went on to say she felt this was because potential Councillors felt they would be spoken to aggressively. Cllr Dr Colin Mercer – Botley PC & HALC Board Member said you need to make the population aware of becoming a councillor, he suggested a leaflet drop and went on to say that Botley PC have found that if people see a busy council getting things done they are more likely to want to join and become part of the success. 4 PRESENTATION BY CLLR MIKE EVANS IN PLACE OF PROFESSOR COLIN COPUS Cllr Mike Evans introduced himself and explained that Professor Copus was sadly unable to attend. He went on to give an overview of the Local Council Commission. He explained that the Local Government Research Unit at Leicester De Montfort University has launched the Councillor Commission to conduct an independent review of the role and work of the councillor and the contribution made by councillors to the governance of their communities and the country. He went on to say The Commission is aiming to provide policy makers with a better understanding of the office of councillor and of the contribution councillors make to their communities as well as seeking to further public and policy debate and understanding about local government and local democracy. The Chairman thanked Cllr Mike Evans and asked for any questions. Cllr Mike Evans received one comment. Cllr Charles Milner-Williams - Thruxton PC and HALC Board Member said he wanted to say well done to the Local Council Commission team for running a very professional event. 5 PRESENTATION BY KAREN MURRAY, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITIES HCC Karen Murray introduced herself; she went on to give a presentation titled “The Future of Local Government in Hampshire”. The slides presented are appended to these minutes.

Page 4: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

Karen apologised on behalf of HCC, she confirmed they will NOT be removing .gov email addresses from Parish Councils, these will remain available for all free of charge. Please contact [email protected] if you would like further information. She also apologised that the slides from the Future of Local Government events had not yet been sent out. She confirmed this would be rectified as soon as possible. The Chairman thanked Karen Murray and asked for any questions. Karen Murray received two questions and responses, and responded appropriately. Cllr Eric Bodger – Curdridge PC said he thought a 3 tiered system was too much but felt something in between would work better. Karen Murray said she though this offered an opportunity for discussion. Jane Biscombe – Yateley TC said she felt some of the key findings would need to be revisited after the Government Precept Capping Consultation. Karen Murray said she was aware of the impact this may have and agreed that she would like to keep channels open. 6 PRESENTATION BY SU JOHNSTON, CROWDFUNDER Su Johnston introduced herself; she went on to give a presentation titled “How can your Communities use Crowdfunder”. The slides presented are appended to these minutes. The Chairman thanked Su Johnston and asked for any questions. Su Johnston received five questions and responses, and responded appropriately. Jane Biscombe- Yateley TC asked if the council have idea for a project could they contact crowdfunder to discuss. Su Johnston said Crowdfunder would welcome that, she went on to clarify that it must however be a community idea and not an individuals. Cllr Joyce Bowyer – Sherfield Park PC said the council wanted to get community funding for Superfast Broadband to cover the whole parish. She went on to ask if they set up a Crowdfunder project what would they do if they also got funding from another source, with regards as what happens to the excess funds. Su Johnston said you don’t receive the funds for the project until you have hit your target and you still have to go through due diligence. She went on to say the council could setup stretch targets and say what they were going to do with the additional funds. Cllr Jan Lovell - Barton Stacey PC & HALC Board Member said there would be concern if the funds go

Page 5: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

directly to the council to facilitate as it would be classed as income. Su Johnston explained that the funds can go directly to the project benefactors. Cllr George Bisson - Lyndhurst PC & HALC Board Member, asked if the project can be stopped as well as started? Su Johnston said yes you can stop the project but the funds would not be released until the target has been reached. Mr Adrian Walmsley – Compton & Shawford PC asked if the project doesn’t reach its target if the people who pledged are charged? Su Johnston explained each project decides independently, it is possible to set up an all or nothing project, and if the target is not met then no charge will be made. 7 RECEIVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 It was resolved that the minutes of 10th October 2015 were a true and accurate record of the meeting. The Chairman then signed the original document. Proposed by Cllr Mike Evans from Whiteley Town Council and Seconded by Cllr Howard Linsley from Liss Parish Council. Agreed with 33 votes for and 1 abstention. Motion Passed.



The Chairman invited members to comment on and to receive the Annual Review to 31st March 2016. No comments received. 10 TO AGREE THE LEVEL OF ALC MEMBER COUNCIL AFFILIATION FEES FOR 2016/17

Eleanor Greene explained the Board’s recommendation to the AGM to increase the affiliation fee yield across all member councils by £2,000 across the county. The spreadsheet sent to every council illustrated the potential cost to each. The motion was proposed by Cllr Dr Colin Mercer from Botley Parish Council and seconded by Cllr George Bisson from Lyndhurst Parish Council. Agreed with 43 votes for, 0 against with 1 abstaining. Motion Passed.

Page 6: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309


The Company Secretary invited members to consider re-appointing Mr David Whitwell, Meon Accounting Ltd as Hampshire ALC’s independent examiner of accounts. This was proposed by Cllr Charles Milner-Williams from Liss Parish Council and Seconded by Cllr Howard Linsley from Liss Parish Council. Agreed with 45 votes for, 0 against and 0 abstaining. Motion Passed. 12 RESOLUTIONS None were submitted. Steven Lugg explained why we don’t get as many as we used to. NALC have changed policy procedures so motions are now pipelined throughout the year, rather than saved until the AGM. Nonetheless Member councils remain welcome to submit Motions to be discussed at AGM, if they wish? 13 TO NOTE THE RESULTS OF THE VILLAGE OF THE YEAR COMPETITION The results were sent to Hampshire ALC Members prior to the AGM for information and were noted, these are appended to these minutes. 14 AWARD OF HAMPSHIRE COUNCIL OF THE YEAR 2016 Steven Lugg gave an overview of this new award, explaining the story behind it. Appended to these minutes is the newspaper article reporting the story. The award for 2016 was won by Lindford PC. The award was presented by The Chairman, Hampshire County Council. 15 AWARD OF HAMPSHIRE CLERK OF THE YEAR 2016

The Kirk Shield is given in memory of David Kirk to a Clerk having shown outstanding service. The nomination can be made by the council, the ALC or other stakeholder. The award for 2016 was won by Kate Orange, Braishfield PC. The award was presented by Steven Lugg. Steven Lugg went on to reiterate that a good clerk is vital to the success of any council, and this award encourages councils to support the recruitment and retention of qualified and competent clerks. Highly Commended Claire Cotterell – Abbotts Ann PC & Lisa Walker – Rowlands Castle PC

Page 7: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

Third Sarah Goudie – Four Marks PC Runner Up Jane Biscombe – Yateley TC 16 COMMUNICATION AWARDS 2016 Best Local Council Website (sponsored by e-mango) Michelle Leadbitter gave an overview and the award was presented by The Chairman, Hampshire County Council: The results for 2016 were: Winner Compton & Shawford PC Runner Up Lyndhurst PC Joint Third Denmead PC Newsletter (sponsored by Microshade VSM) The Chairman, Hampshire County Council presented the award. The results were: 3rd Place Fair Oak and Horton Heath PC 2nd Place Denmead PC Winners Alton TC Social Media Award Michelle Leadbitter gave an overview of the award and the trophy was presented by The Chairman, Hampshire County Council to the winners, Alton TC. Runners Up Wickham PC

Page 8: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

17 DEBATE UPON THE PROPOSED “PARISH PRECEPT CAPPING” CONSULTATION Steven gave an overview on the Precept Capping Consultation, information was sent prior to the AGM in all delegate packs. Cllr Dr Colin Mercer - Botley Parish Council & HALC Board Member explained he is the NALC Representative for Hampshire ALC, he said NALC were unaware that this was going to happen. Cllr Howard Linsley - Liss PC said once the principal is broken you don’t know where it will end. He gave the example of university fees going from £1000 to £9000 per year. Steven Lugg said the cost of running a referendum is of no benefit to the tax payer. Cllr George Bisson - Lyndhurst PC and HALC Board Member proposed the ALC puts a motion forward stating it does not support this consultation. This was seconded Cllr Katherine Bird. The motion was agreed unanimously. Cllr Katherine Bird - Andover TC and HALC Board Member said if precept capping goes ahead councils will not be able to make any changes to their local services. Cllr Mike Evans - Whiteley Town Council & HALC Board Member said some Government departments don’t understand the roles of parish and town councils, he said we need to educate in this area. Cllr Barbara Chandler - Droxford PC said parish and town councils can’t exist without some finance. Jane Biscombe – Yateley TC said parish and town councils have so much potential to deliver but not if precepts are capped. She went on to say please respond to this and show central government we are united in this matter. The Chairman said that NALC will be sent a copy of the HALC response. 18 REMARKS AND CLOSURE OF MEETING BY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, CLLR ANNE WINSTANLEY OF BISHOPSTOKE PC AND EASTLEIGH DISTRICT ASSOCIATION Cllr Anne Winstanley thanked everyone, including staff at the ALC and the interesting and engaging Speakers, before closing the meeting at 13.20pm.

Page 9: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

Page 9 of 15

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309


Quorate Parish/Town Council Title First Name Surname

1 Alton Town Council Cllr Peter Hicks

Alton Town Council Mrs Leah Coney

Amethyst Mr Alison Fox

2 Ampfield Parish Council Cllr Bryan Nansom

Ampfield Parish Council Mrs Doreen Matthews

3 Andover Town Council Cllr Katherine Bird

4 Barton Stacey Parish Council Cllr Sue Gaines

Barton Stacey Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Jan Lovell

5 Binsted Parish Council Sue Hodder

6 Bishops Waltham Parish Council Cllr Robin Howe

7 Bishopstoke Parish Council Cllr Chris Greenwood

8 Botley Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Dr Colin Mercer

9 Braishfield Parish Council Kate Orange

Braishfield Parish Council Cllr Carole Renvoize

Page 10: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

Page 10 of 15

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

Braishfield Parish Council Cllr Steve Renvoize

10 Bramdean & Hinton Ampner Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Barbara Holyome

11 Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council Cllr Jane Ives

Bramshott & Liphook Parish Council Cllr Michael Croucher

12 Brockenhurst Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr John Korbey

CCLA Karen Carter

13 Chineham Parish Council Cllr Sue Fuller

Chineham Parish Council Cllr Laura Romney

Chineham Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Lesley Fryer

14 Church Crookham Parish Council Cllr Gill Chatfield

Church Crookham Parish Council Jayne Hawkins

15 Compton & Shawford Parish Council Cllr Bob Jordan

Compton & Shawford Parish Council Mr Adrian Walmsley

Crowdfunder Su Johnston

16 Curdridge Parish Council Cllr Kevan Bundell

Curdridge Parish Council Cllr Eric Bodger

Page 11: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

David Ogilvie Engineering Mr Aaron Catterick

17 Denmead Parish Council Cllr Kevin Andreoli

Denmead Parish Council Cllr Paula Langford-Smith

Denmead Parish Council Cllr Neil Rusbridger

18 Dogmersfield Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Alastair Clark

19 Droxford Parish Council Cllr Barbara Chandler

20 Dummer Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Julian Jones

21 Elvetham Heath Parish Council Cllr Marilyn Robson

Elvetham Heath Parish Council Cllr Emma Watmore

Elvetham Heath Parish Council Jan Hyatt

22 Fleet Town Council Cllr Bob Schofield

Fleet Town Council Janet Stanton

23 Four Marks Parish Council Cllr Janet Foster

Four Marks Parish Council Sarah Goudie

Four Marks Parish Council Cllr Simon Thomas

24 Grayshott Parish Council Cllr John Frankcom

Page 12: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

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Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

Grayshott Parish Council Cllr Sally Campbell-Clause

Hampshire ALC - Vice President Mr Martin Biermann

Hampshire ALC - Vice President Mr Brian Langer

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Mr Jon Brown

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Eleanor Greene

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Dawn Hamblet

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Michelle Leadbitter

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Mr Steven Lugg

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Mrs Sue Ramage

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Mrs Vendy Treagust

Hampshire Association of Local Councils - Chairman Cllr Anne Winstanley

Hampshire County Council Karen Murray

Hampshire County Council - Chairman Cllr Keith Chapman MBE

25 Hartley Wintney Parish Council Rochelle Halliday

26 Headley Parish Council Cllr Jim Wood

Headley Parish Council Cllr Les Walsh

Page 13: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

Page 13 of 15

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

Healthmatic Mr Ajay Spolia

DP Hook Parish Council Anne Atkins

DP Hook Parish Council Cllr Debra Davies

Horndean Parish Council Cllr David Evans

27 Horndean Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Lynn Evans

28 Hurstbourne Tarrant Parish Council Cllr Mark Thomas

Hurstbourne Tarrant Parish Council Mr David Baker

29 Kingsclere Parish Council Cllr John Sawyer

Kingsclere Parish Council Cllr Sue Adams

Kingsclere Parish Council Cllr Fiona Sawyer

30 Liss Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Howard Linsley

Lyndhurst Parish Council Cllr Helen Klaassen

31 Lyndhurst Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr George Bisson

Mant Leisure Mr Charles Mant

Meon Accounting Mr David Whitwell

32 New Alresford Town Council Cllr Irene Spencer

Page 14: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

Page 14 of 15

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

DP New Milton Town Council Mr Graham Flexman

33 Newnham Parish Council Cllr Paul Gaskell

34 North Baddesley Parish Council Cllr David Knight

North Baddesley Parish Council Joan Harrington

35 North Waltham Parish Council Cllr Geoff Chapman

Nursling & Rownhams Parish Council Mr Bill Ashdown

Nursling & Rownhams Parish Council Cllr Lorraine Wheeler

36 Nursling & Rownhams PC & HALC Board Member Cllr Brian Richards

37 Oakley and Deane Parish Council Cllr Geoff Law

Oakley and Deane Parish Council Cllr Ros Blackman

38 Odiham Parish Council Cllr Jeremy Fellows

39 Petersfield Town Council Cllr James Deane

Play Innovation India Higson

40 Rowlands Castle Parish Council Cllr Chris Stanley

Rpii Register of Play Inspectors Mr Noel Harris

41 Sherfield Park Parish Council Cllr Joyce Bowyer

Page 15: Hampshire Association of Local Councils · 3 PRESENTATION BY STEVEN LUGG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE ALC Steven Lugg introduced himself and gave a presentation titled “Recruiting Parish

Hampshire Association of Local Councils President: Professor Gerry Stoker Chief Executive Steven M Lugg

Page 15 of 15

Hampshire Association of Local Councils Limited c/o Eastleigh Borough Council, Floor 2, Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh. SO50 9YN Tel: 02380 688061 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Twitter: @hampshirealc Registered in England – Company Registration No 6879309

Sherfield Park Parish Council Sue Talbot

42 Swanmore Parish Council Cllr Jon Woodman

43 Tadley Town Council Cllr Avril Burdett

44 Thruxton Parish Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Charles Milner-Williams

45 West Meon Parish Council Cllr Tina Over

46 Whitchurch Town Council Cllr Barry Jackman

Whitchurch Town Council Karen Bleazard

47 Whitehill Town Council Cllr David Cooper

Whitehill Town Council Andrea Mann

Whitehill Town Council Cllr Alan Waterhouse

Whiteley Town Council Cllr Colin Bielckus

48 Whiteley Town Council & HALC Board Member Cllr Mike Evans

49 Winchfield Parish Council Cllr Meyrick Williams

Yateley Town Council Jane Biscombe

Yateley Town Council & HALC Board Member Cllr John Keane

50 Yateley Town Council & LLC Representative Cllr Tony Spencer