Download - Hammurabi’s Code King of Babylon (1792-1750 b.c.) Code of do’s and don’ts Different Laws for different people Marriage and Divorce Key : “Eye for and.


Hammurabis Code King of Babylon ( b.c.) Code of dos and donts Different Laws for different people Marriage and Divorce Key : Eye for and Eye Steal = Hand Cut off Is An Eye for an Eye good policy ? What does the Government do ? Make policy Enforce Policy What types of policies are created by the U.S. Government ? Taxes Military Economic Protect from Others The State A territory with organized people that create and enforce law. Where did the State come from ? The Force Theory A group claim a territory then force all within it to submit to the groups rule Evolutionary Theory Families form with head of house Families combine Irrigation and end of nomadic ways form civilizations Divine Right Theory God chooses leaders A sin to disobey the law Hell = Punishment The Social Contract Theory People want to be free. Total freedom (Anarchy) doesnt protect from the violence or aggression of others.(short life) In order to create protection people agree create law Purpose of Our Government (According to the Constitution) 1.Form a More Perfect Union (Links states together) 2. Establish Justice (Law, fair treatment, lawsuits) 3. Insure Domestic Tranquility (Law & Order People not angels) 4. Provide Common Defense (Military) 5. Promote General Welfare (Transportation, Education, Sewers, etc) 6. Secure Blessings of Liberty (Protect constitution, educate) Geographic Distribution of Power Geographic ? Distribution ? 3 Ways Power is Distributed Geographically Unitary Government One Centralized Agency Makes Policy for entire nation and holds power over entire nation Great Britain Unitary Government Federal Government Power split between Central Government and Local Government United States Federal Government Confederate Government Several separate states hook up for common matters but all have own power (Currency) Commonwealth of Independent States + EU Confederate Governments 5 Minutes to Think Silently List things that the Government gives you (Open Word to Display Responses) List things that average adults give to the Government Responses Essay # 1 Why is government important and what are its three most important functions. Follow essay format 2 The Foundations of Democracy Basic Concepts behind the formation of a Democracy (Like Us) 1. Recognition of the fundamental worth and dignity of every person. Is every person valuable and worthy of dignity ? 2. Respect for Equality of All People (Opportunity) Are all people equal ? Are all people treated equally ? 3. Faith in Majority rule and protection of the minority Is Majority rule the best way to decide Is the Minority protected ? 4. Accept Compromise 5. Allow as much freedom as possible How free are we ? The Magna Carta (1215) Grandfather to the Constitution King John of England Heavy Taxes Military Action English Barons make John sign Magna Carta Due process (no arbitrary killing) trial by jury protection of land England develops Parliament (representatives make laws) Petition of Right (1628) limits power of King (needs approval) Glorious Revolution 1688 Parliament hands crown to William and Mary for Bill of Rights Severe limits Military (No Peacetime forces) Need approval to tax, Execute Free Elections Parliament Before the United States Colonies 1607 First Colony Virginia (Royal Colonies) Law and leaders come from the King Some Colonies owned by Individuals, most required Kings Approval for Major Change 13 Colonies We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang seperately Ben Franklin What does he mean ? Take 3 Minutes Write Ways Colonies (States) are better off alone & Ways they are better off together Suggestions Together : Militarily, Taxing selves, trade, make own rules Apart : more local decisions Until 1765 Colonies dont join to oppose the British Until the Stamp Act Stamp Act Tax on documents, agreements, newspapers 9 Colonies Unite Against It Parliament repeals it More Taxes Later Later British Taxes met with Boycotts Are there products worthy of boycott today ? What reasons are products boycotted today ? 1770 Boston Massacre 1773 Boston Tea Party No More Kings First Continental Congress Colonies Meet to protest new British Punishment laws 12 out of 13 (No Georgia) Refuse to do business with UK Boycotts America fights back Revolutionary War begins Shot Heard Round World Second Continental Congress All 13 Colonies Unite President : Hancock Commander in Chief : Washington Duties of First National Government (Confederate) War and Military Borrowed Money Monetary System Treaties with Foreign Nations Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 Freedom from Great Britain Fireworks All Men are Created Equal Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Right of the people to abolish a government that does not give these three things Students Give Examples Life Liberty (Freedom) Pursuit of Happiness 1776 1777 Most states create individual Constitutions Law, Principles, Structures, Process 1781 United States Under Articles of Confederation Simple Common Defense Secure Liberty Mutual Welfare Each State = 1 Vote Which states might not like this ? Which States would like this ? Other Weaknesses of Articles No Tax Why would they be afraid of tax from a Central Government ? No Executive Power Why would they shy away from a Chief Executive ? No Court System No Way to Deal with Interstate problems. All States Must Approve Amendment 9/13 to pass law. Revolution ends in 1781 States stop working together Money weakened Violence breaks out of chaos Leaders meet in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation NEW CLASS PROJECT You will learn I will learn how groups work at Banning Divide Students into 5 groups Unequal groups is in 13 colonies Each Group Gets One Vote as to which project we do Give each student handout and place for notes (Teacher be sure to review notes on this frame.) Why is this fair ? Why is this not fair ? The Same Problem Existed While the Founding Fathers were writing the Constitution The Virginia Plan Created much of what our government is today Voting based on the size of the state New Jersey Plan One Vote for Each State Connecticut Compromise Create two houses of Congress House of Representatives Based on population (CA 57) Senate 2 From Each State (Fienstein and Boxer) The Issue of Slavery Northern States Low % of Population Slaves (MA. 0 Slaves) Southern States Up to 43% Slaves (South Carolina) 3/5 Compromise Each Slave counted as 3/5 a person Look at 726 when you get home 3 Branches Executive Legislative Judicial Federalists Believe in Strong Central Government Separate Church and State Alexander Hamilton Anti-Federalists Too much Central Power No Bill of Rights Thomas Jefferson The Federalist Essays that influenced the nation to convert to a federalist system Alexander Hamilton James Madison John Jay All 13 States Approve (see pg.48) April George Washington Becomes first President