Download - HAMMONTON, SOUTH s Fills T.TJ. JERSEY · SOUTH JERSEY The only newspaper $51.25 a year, post-paid $1 00 in the county. Well equipped for in all branches—' Pamphlets, • Business

Page 1: HAMMONTON, SOUTH s Fills T.TJ. JERSEY · SOUTH JERSEY The only newspaper $51.25 a year, post-paid $1 00 in the county. Well equipped for in all branches—' Pamphlets, • Business



The only newspaper

$51.25 a year, post-paid$1 00 in the county.

Well equipped for

in all branches—'


• Business Cards

, Posters



' Statements



prices charged, always.We will not do cheapwork, and can't affordto do good workfor nothing

Promptness.a epeoialty. If we

- cannot do your work.when you want it donewc*Jl tell you BO,and finish itwhen we promise to

The Tribune,.' New York, tho weekly

edition, and theRepublican, for $1.25

" A ^)ilo of good readingfor a little money

The PressPhiladelphia, wookly, andtho K<;i)iiljliciiii, a yearfor ft 1.25



BAPTIST . ——• pooler;dayaorvioos .-Preaching 10 30 Sunday-Baboo11.45. Junior 0. B. 3.00 p.m., Christian En-deavor 0.00,Proaohlnffff.OO. Weekdayprayermooting Thursday evening 7.80. Boys Bri-gade; moots Wednesday evo> in S. of V. Boll.

PVTIIOUO, St.JoBEpn'B. -Rev. A. Fasnnottl. D.D., rector. Sunday rnriss 10.30 n. m'Sunday Sohnol 3.30 p.m. : Vesrers,ttt 4 p m

• EPISCOPAL, ST.MAHK'S . Rev, Edwin CAlcorn, rootor Celebration of Holy Enobarlst1st and 3rd 8unclaj» at 10:30 a.m. Other Sun-day",7:3" t t-m. Morning Prayer, Lltnny,anc8ormon,2nd and 4th Sunday* at lO.SOa.mEvonsonRT:0* P. Di- .Sunday Boh oo'9:30 a.mPrldny Bvonaone, 7.SO. - Snintd Doy Celebra-tion,7:J« a.m. Spoclalnorvlocsln Advcntand

pastor. Sunday servioos: olasn 9. 30,preaching 10. SO aunday. school 12.00 noonEpworth Loagno R.00 p. m., preaching 7.00OlasB- Tuoaday and Wednmday evenings 7.SOPrayer mooting Thnraday 7'.30 p. m

Mission at Pine Road.— PBEHirTTBTtriir— E«TV

ay To «ToeS"f p'Tealay-aohool 12.00 noon,"pronch!ng|. 00 p. inC. E. prayer mooting Wednesday. T.30 p.mQharoh prayer meeting Tborsday 7.30 p. mi

Missions atFolsora and Magnolia.Italian Evangelical. Ilov. Thomas Frogalc

Pastor. Sunday School ati) a.m. Preaching a10.30 n.m. Jr. C. E., 3:30 p.m. C. E. Soo'yat 3-30.

UuiTEnBAitsT. Sunday S nlool, 12, coonJr. Y.P.C.TJ,, 3 p m. Y.F C .U. at 7:'0 p. IDSociables alternate Thurscl IT evenings.

WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPEHAHCK UNIOHMrs. Charles Smith, president. Mi»s ABradbury, cor (eoretary. Mrs A L Jacksonroo aoo.'y; AIM P 8 111 ton, treasurer

MUUIOIEAL.CLERK. J.L.O'Donnoll.COLLECTOR & TREABOUER. A. B.Davis.M A R S H A L . George \V Swank, JrJOSTIOES. Q. W.P*««ooy,'f.B.Jlyan, Jo

H OartonCONSTABLES. Qeo Bornihouso,K ShackleyOVERSEER HJOHWATS. ROBCOOBickford^OVHRSEEBOFJMIE POOB. Geo .BorruhcnsoNIOHT PoticE. J .H.Sarton.

S E Brown. H M PhillipsFIRE Co. D. S.Cunnitghnm

oroflidont; Chas. W. Austin, secretary. Meet<rd Monday evening of oaon month.

_ Independent E'ire Co. Meets first WednesJay evening in each month.

Town COUNCIL. Alex.H. Button, ChairmanB W Bateholor, M K Boyer, Wayland DePnyHenry Loibfrid J E Watkis.

Meets last Saturday ovo each month.BOARD or EDUCATION. G. F.Osgooa,preM.

Jepj!.P.u?.i_p.aD_n'n8ham»0'erki Edwin Adams

Prosaoy, Mrs E A Joslyn, Thomas C ElvinsOf J A Wans. Moeti 2nd Tuesday eveningaooh month. , . .


D S C9nningharn,JMAi_A_B-Davis, fleo'y,ilsets first Tuesday evening in eaoh month iniliohanios' Hall." -

WIHSLOW LOHOK, I.O.O.F. K C Boldrldge,N. <J.; Chaa W Austin, Financial Secretary.Orrllle B Iloyt, Roo feoo. Meets erery Wed-nesday evening, In Odd Follows Hall.

- BnAjfH rjHKiM TriDE Imp 0 R M. JohnB Sooly, Sachem ( Chaa W Aust in , Chief o!Records. Meotevery Taotday'taleep IB RedMcne' Hull. - ' i

M. B. TATion LODOE, F. A A. M. J. S.Thayor, W Matter ; Alonco B. Davis,fieo'y.2nd und 4tb Friday nights In Masonic Hall.

J r t .OBDBR DKITBD AMERICAS MBOBAHICBVVm.O. Hoyt, Coun.; Harry Mnrpby.R.S.;A. T. Lobley ,V. B. Meets every Fridayevening In Mechanics'Hall.

UBS.D. A-RnsBBLtPoBT. Q .A .H. 0 ALeonard, Commander; W. H. H. Brodbnry,Vdjutant j U. F. Kdsol l iQ. M. Mcclr Island,1ri) Saturday nights In Mechanics Hall

W O M A N ' S R»n»r Coups. Preildeut, MissSollio DoPuy; Secretary, Mln Eva Curlaw.Al te rna te BMorday evos, Mechanics Hall.

OBN. D. A. UDBSBLL CAMP Bona or VennA N S , So. 14. Cape., William U Qifford | Firstdor^t., Hurry C Leonard. Meets 2nd and'4tbVl!milay even, Meohanles' Hill.

IloAiin or HBALTU, M. L. Jaolaon, Prosl-. lent j .li'hn T. French, J. 0. Andor«on, Wm.U u n n l u g h u m , Oeo. Do'nshouie, JOB. Jl.i l n r t on , Dr. Ohas. Cunningham.

.-iUtorhooil Dranob, No. Sd, O.t run Hall oflUlclmoro. Sarah A. Hood,Prea't . Carrie AKing Beo'y. M e o t n l n Mechanics' Hall firstand th i rd vYedneattny eve's, Rn 'o loek

Little l l a - l l a Cou'noll, No. 27, 1). of PGeor^lanim H e w i t t , P n e a h o n t A i ; Carrie ^Klnir , K . « l H. Moots Monday evening In ItetMen's Hall.

liiioinooa Orcanlzatlona.I'rull (Ironert* Anoelatlon, J. H. Abbot taeo

ro tury , »M|i|l<Jr» of f ru i t and nrodueu.l lummonton lioan nnd l lu l lc l lng Annnola t lon

W . H . Tll ton Geoie tn ry . Meet> every loTl iu r lday ln Klromen'i Hall.

iVnr l t l i iKinrn 'n anil I lni ldlnR AnoelatlonW. II. II'Tilolni-iio, O')oro'«ry, MKOII everylit Monday In Flrouicn'i Hu l l .

I'eoulo'g Ilink, W. H. Tllton onnhler .

1.00AL BUSINESS IIOUBEL..Ii llovorai;e, ni>tnry pulillol l u r t y l.llilo, burdwuro mid lurn t t i i ro .A Ii. I 'fttten, blnyiilel.Orunell ' i IMiurmuny.It. A. Oordory, blnynle«.K. I>, Ar l l l i . mlll l i i ' i ry, ntn.llojt A H u n , |mhll»h(ir«, (.irlnterii.ISII l l .Ohuiii l lor, utviytoy. ;/•loiittne & llooii, i i iWirli iknrr. vIt A I.oluiun. MnohnjiUJli und wlioolwrl/(ht.Johu I), Ilallieloolrtilllii ,John 1'rnBob, Jr . ,^ ini ler taUer .tYiu.Ui tknr , t lni inl th.I tnlxir t lUoolJoMolor. 'II. Fl«dl«r, tobaooo unil elgiiri.Jaekion A Hou, meat «nd product\t. Vr .0ogloj r ,harnni>. I(1, W, l're««ey,ju«tloe. I\v". II. l lorniunuBo, notary, oom. <]«eda

Jobn Murdook.ihoM. A

(Joorx* ICIvIni, dry K»oil»,Krcioerle«,eto.Jno'ib ISekbtrdt, moat uBil f rn i luoe.Ckki.OunnlliKl 'Biu.phyilolanandiiur/taon.J . ll.llnall,baker »nd ooDf«ollon»rII, Ii. Molntyro,me«t *n<! |ir«d«rte .Wm. I.. !llaek,ilry fiontt, Rroeerln,«to.D. 1), V<o, Bi«oo»ronl, veimnoolll.

Tho .Tnpahcee MiniBtor 6f Finabcfi

committee compcaed-of reprcs'entatfvesof thu ropocratio arid Silver Eopubllcansurly Japan.for.the purpose ofreporlloc to the people of the UnitedStales upon the:worktnga of tbo goldstandard iatbat country, but somehowtheir. rep6rt was never hoard of. Now.tbo Japanese Minister of Finance comesto the front with an elaborate officialreport in which he says the gold stand'ard hasboenof «reat advantage to allclasses in Japan,, which fact may easilyaccount. for the failure of the self-ap-pointed commission of Americans toUnd material with which to reportajzainst the^cqld standard. ^_

The public debt is decteaainc; at arapid -rate, notwitbstand1ng..ext,raordi-nary expenses for the Philippine trou-ble. During the-last Democratic admin-istration ,Uie public debt increased, intime of peace, in about tbo sumo ratiothat it now decreases. '^-TbeSouth-is-*riDging-lor-expansionProtection has started Southern devel-opment, and business men there knowthat wo must have foreign markets inwhich to sell our surplus products.

The wilder the free sliver advocatesbecome7thTgreaterr becomes thovblumeof our currency. Does the one explainthe other?

'; The Appetite of a Goat"Is envied by "all poor dyspeptics whoeestomach and liver are out of order. Allanon should know that Dr. King's NewLife Pills, the .wonderful stomach; andliver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,Hound dieestlon and a regular bodilyhabit that -insnres- perfectJiealth andgreat energy. Only 26 cents at anyDrugStgre, - ' •

:.;• :TO BE GIVEN AWAY; ?"7!

Owing to the immense demand last Saturday throughout Hatti- -monton and vicinity for free packages of Johnson .s Dyspepsia!Cure, and the wonderful sale created for this most excellent^remedy, the following .prominent; druggists have arranged tovgive away 5000 free packages c f -A

s Fills -}\

The only absolutely guaranteed cure for


HAMMONTON, : N. J., APRIL 7, 1900

A Letter from Far AwayW.C. T.TJ.

^Hammonton,City Pharmacy. Egg Harbor City.






fa*a> '




A tnllaBBortraont of hand and macblrmade,— for work or driving. .

Trunts, Valises,JWhip0,Riding Saddles, Note, ->tc.

Hammonton, N. J.

The People's BankOf Hammonton. M. 3.

Authorized Capital, $50,000Paid in, $30,000.SurpluB, |$517,000.

R. J. BYRNES, Prenidont.. M. L. JACKSON, Vico-Proa't

W. R. TII.TON, Caahioi

DinECTOIlB:II, J. Hymen,

M. Jj. JuoliMon,"

W, It. Tllton,i.\V. L.'JIlnolt.

O. IT. Hnxtnu,- (]. V. Ungood,

J.O.W. J. Hmlth.

OertlfloatenofIntorontnt the rate of 'Jporoont. pornnHum I f 'holi| nix niontha, nnd Dperoent l lliold one year.

DiHcounl days — Tuondny nndFriday of each wcok.

_ * ~ iBET Hnfo Deponlt Iloxei forr«ii i , -J l

QO.nO, 06, ami f>IC yor year.

-Don't fail to give this remedy :a -trial— JTou are welcomed ,.;'

Better than a Rago, Organ', or Music Box, for it sings and talks 03 well as plays, nnciflon't cost as much". It reproduces tkemusie of any instrument—band or orchestra—tcllastories and sings—the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular aonga—it is always ready.Prices, $7.60 to $100.00. See that Mr. Edison's signaturo is on every machine. Cata-logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 135 Fifth Ave., New York..


Schedule in effect March 15,1900•01' TRAINS.


Bun,Ace.a m

8'15•4 304 384 484 555055 IS5 V53')

•534.6 385455 6C «9 59K m6230X5

8238 318 4.18639050109 IK



6 ( 00080206280386536507097 15'n *•*. » i'J

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42012743St 41453

065175 85.


(1 I'l 29

2 on2u7

2 41



105010 6811 1011 1011 2611 381141II 6.1

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8008 078 178.2,5;8t6,848853001


....'., .Plilladelphla



7 30 8 40 10 'i7 228807 IS 8 20

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10 08

......Berlin ......

.-AtcoWotcrford :..'.

Ancoio...Vlnalow Jc.O've). .....Hammonton ....

..-Elwood,'...._E)iK Harbor.;...;....«;. ..AtiBecon...........

Atlantic CltT


fi 2»

G 12,


(I 34 7 Bl

a. m

10 32

7 40|..0 187391

7311.0 OS 7 !X'I6 00,7 23

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PvMj; si7-24

Ac*f j n .

6418 10 5 278036217 M 5 13-


7 Ofl 4 175564 OS

The ladles havn taken this epace for orioyear, and are responsible for all that'll

,may contain. , ' •



— * Stops only on noUco to conductor or agent, or on nlgnal.y down express lcav/)9 tiamroonton 5:40 a.m., £gg llarbor 0:17, Ab^econ 6:fiu, Atlantic7;I5.

Jttlaniic S5i% R. H.DOWNTBAINB.

Thursday, March 16,1900UP TI1AINB.

bund Acp. m; A. tai, a.'in. p.m. pjn. p.m

4 454 6850555 206 BO5425 486fi 500 050 116 188 250 S36 42850,

.0 «t 8 00 0 80 S SO 5 00 1215

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9011 48 0 (61 68 0 122 05 0 ID

9 24O U 2040IMS1000min


. . . . . . . . r«Dden.. . . . . . . . . .

...Went Colllnginood....

....Ilnjdon llrlglilr .....

..... Laurel Springs......

....... Olementor. ........

..\VlllUnntown JODO...

....... Cedar Broo>.. ......

....... Blue Anchor^ ......

.Wlnitoii Jonr. (I'm)..

...Hammonton .....

...... .. Jj»(o,i» ..................... Kl»ood M ............... Kgg U>rbor_ ......

nc Jnnc.....

.m. a. ni. o.

0268 550 188440005 to6 4 H5806 806246 aiB 10 ...5 10 H 09

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17 fl • -6 127 44 4 US

6 FO-

« IS 5 11507503465

Week-day accommodation up ICHTO Ilnnilnunlnn nt 2:30 p.m., rMrlilnn PhlMelpltU at 3:55.Sunday Up Express Iraies Atlantic 6:30 inn.; Kg« Harbor 6:.VJ; I lummontpn 0:00, Plilladi-l|ililii C:r>0.J.A.S\VT.IOATtp,aen.8iipt. KPSON J. WKKK8, Ocn. Vmtafft

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.

of Haminozktojt!,

have on hand a fulllihe of Field and gardenSeeds.

Also, Fertilizersfor all crops.

-We. are headquartersMTor.Plows, Cultivators,Harrows, and all kinds

. of Fanning Implements.f •

Onion Sets, 11 cts. a quart.

- The crnaade Against cigarettes hasbeen waged for a long time by mothers'claba, anti-cigarette loanuea and others,who succeeded ip having laws passedbarring the young from purchasing the

^the U. SGoyernmont has taken the matter inband, and direct results of a permanentnature' may be expected.

ID a-circular' letter recently issued byone of the departments, the information

Rales can be Iind on application.

New Monday\Ve<lri< winy

York Friday

Tri-Weekly AJ DAILY

rjl-,I'U,.^,rt And tlioJLULUUlJt? Cli«n|itint Known

A new nnd rnmnrlinlily iittrniiHvn pnli-,llr.utlon, profiiholy l l lnMrntrd with 1'iir-trultn lUul l i i i l l ' -KniCH ; oon!''li>H nil t l toBtt ' lUli iM IKIVVH iVutiircd <il t int Dolly 'I r l -buna. H|iro1nl \viir <l |c i>nl<) l i ( in , (loiiKmt.lnnnd fonvRn oorrcHjiciniU'i if lo, •I 'crlrlMo-1

rlou, hnnioroiin l l l i iHt . rut loi in, I n d n n t r l n lInforiniUlnii, I'nnliloii nolCH. ARildiilt . iualtnattiii'* r . i v i i i f n l l v hi ' i i l t i ) , ivnil (n<ii i |>rn-liontiivonii() rc l lu l i lo l lnnr ic l i i l and nmrlrotroporln, H In r.mlli(I ut. niiinn l ionc imtlio dully nilltlun, roaolxma luix" I'K'iior-tlon of nutinti i l lKiri i on dutu of Ixnnc, nnduaoh edition In it tliormiplily »!> tn-dutodally family |in|i«rfor litiny puoitlo.

Itognlar nulnnrlptloii price,

ffll.BO per year.Wn fliriiliih It with Ilia Dnimblloan fur

per year.


Publlnlirdon Thurfldoy

Vat ovor llftyriira n Nutliinul Fam-ily I'n|>or for furiuorunnd vIllnKani, whouorradorn luivo ropro-Hriitod tlio very bont

olonirnt of bur country population.

Itglvno all Important, IIOWH of tlioNation and World, and tlio inont tollable-inurkflt'roporlK. IfunolimtliiK nliort nto-rlcn, an uuoxcollod iiKrloiiltnial dopiirt-inont, Holontllln and inoolmnloM lnfornm~lion, fanlilon nrtlalnn for tlio ivomon.liuinoroun llluntriitloiia for ,li» olil andyomiK. I' l» '"I'ho Toopld'n r«por" forentlro Unltod Btaton.

' llugular aubnnrlptlon prlao,

$1 per year.Wo (urnUli It with tha Roruibllcan lor

$1.26 per year.

Send nil orders to tho RKI'DIIMOAN, Ilammonlori, N, J.

^l:EeaLEstateLjandInsurance Agent

Notary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Eailroad Ave.Hammonton.

Tho RiirunJ.icAN office in

tho only printing houso

in Ilaminonlon.

Wo will try to fill ovory order


Valentine & HoodUHDEETAKERS

partments.of those addicted to the habiteither while in the discharge of duty 6rafterward, aqd It Bounded a note ofwarning to those who used the "deathneedles" which should cause them'todesist. ..To those 'who continued thepractice it is hinted that their positionsmight be filled by others. ' '

For some time past reports have beensubmitted to the various departmentsregarding the matter, which recalledthe efforts put forth by tbo women tostop the sale of the cigarette; but noaction wa3 taken until recently. Thealleged injury due to excessive smoking'has caused widespread alarm, and aprohibitory law may yet be enacted.

There are numerous cases on recordof young men and boys being renderedunconscious from over-indulgence inthe habit, and at least one instance iscited of a mere boy being in jail now,charged with murder which he says wasdue to .tbo fact that big mlpd becameunbalanced by smoking.clgarettes.

A young man who IT a regular sum-mer visitor here, residing in Philadel-phia, fell to the pavement on Saturdaynight, "dislocating _his._ jaw,_.breakingfour teeth, and cutting a deep gash inhis chin that required eight stitches toclose np. Ills physician laid the entireblamo on cigarettes, the young manbeing a groat smoker.

It has long been urged that tho pois-onous weed bo placed beyond the roachof boys; bat they will got them some-how. It might be well to adopt veryetdpuentmoasurea to protect thorn froma habit that not only affects the beadand heart, but polnona tho system andIn Bomo cases CUUHCSi death.—AtlanticCity Democrat.

Young People's Societies.Thin Hpano la dlwoiod to tho Intoroata of

ij'huiclicti. t)|itolal Hemn of Intort'al, undunnoiiuccmuatH aro Hollolted.

Y. P. 8. O. E.,—Presbyterian Church:Moots Tuesday evening, at 7:45.Topic, "Yo niUBt ho born again."

,Johi'i 8: 1-16. .Loader, M!BSLizzlu UotnuliouBO.

Duulnuub following prayer mooting,Y. P. 8. O. E.,-UuptlBt Church :

Moete Hunday ovunloar, nl 0:00.Topic, '-Chrlal our mleMonary roodol."

Jolin 4:6-15. Lvtidur, Miss LizzieHooly.

Epworth I<oiiRuo,—M. K. Church :Mcota Uuuday «v<mlii){, ivt C:(X).Topic, "C'hrisl our missionary

model." John 4 : B-10. Leader,A. L. Jikcknon.

Uuslncaa inuutlug nuxi Monday ovo.Y. P. C. U.,—UnlvuMivIlM, Church:

Mcota Htinilny ovoiilug, ot 7;00.Topic, "Piilin Humlny. Victory by

Blundliift Urm.'> JCph. 0: 18'1 Cor. Ill: Hi.

VICTORIA, Luzon, Phil. Islands,. February 15, 1000.

--: MY -&BAB DAD r-^-We' are eight milefrom the railroad, in the hot-bed of threbellion- -lirthterptt t~of the'conatryThis is a large town, and raises a> lot orice, tobacco, and sugar, besides smalmanufactures from bamboo and rattanand oils, bides, timber, etc. It is con.trally_lQcated,Jn_aLnlce_ large stinking

d-.7~ Gan'trget^outlnr:any,dinc.tjpn.iwith6a~t~wadingTr;TI)ant~Iscommercially an important point, amthe largest town in all this section. ThePresident of the town Is commander O]the insurgents in-thl.- province.- and-ia


six or eight miles out, waiting for us. tosplit up into small enough bands for himlo tackle. He has from 150 to ,600men; we have here two companies —238 iflon.

Canoes are said to be convenient herein the wet season ; and my yard looksaa tnongh it bad just dried up fromthe last rain, in November. Our onlycommunication with the outside worldis by telephohe_to Geroria, and tele-graph to most any old place. Youcould reach me by cable fn^ide of halfan boar. I have been in the armynearly fire years, and have not a blackmark against my name. Never heardfrom marm's Christmas box.

We have three towns to take care of,— Pura, four miles to the north-east,and Gerona, eight miles west. We getall supplies by army wagous, drawn byAmerican mules. I have an ambulamand two big mules, and a gray nativepocy. ______ . . . . . ; _ ; _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-•', . . . . . . . -_,___— The natives" here^are' air friendly inthe day-time, but at night are insurgentsympathizers, and would give you theirbest compliments between the ribs.' Allroads are bad,— have not been cared forsince the Spaniards rand -Filipinos fellout, in 1896. We repair enough for ouruse,— haven't men enough to attendto all ; but expect to compel natives todo tbo work, ere long.' It would bemuch to their advantage.

We have but eleven flick men,— threewith malaria, one wltb email-pox, therest with trifling disorders peculiar tothe climate. The natives havo much

possible. Americana do not" take thedisease readily, — our only case caughtIt by sleeping for two weeks, la a shackthat bad been a post-house before wecarao hero.

News comes slow; haven't boardfrom tho Third Cuvulry since last Fall.I am well, only have a touch of nonio-sicknusa occasionally.


Funeral Dkectors.All biiBuiCHs in thoir linopromptly und carefully

attended to.

Embalming a SpecialtyOffice nnd Ronidoncc,

208 Penoh Street,Hnmmonton.

A cordial Invitation In oxtuudodto nttcticl tlicno iiU!iiUn«».

to all

Undertakerand Embalmor

Twelfth Ht., hotwuon rullroii,ln.

Ilumnionton. N.,),. v

AH nrnniffflmrnfii for li\irmla mndonud carefully executed,


HAMMONTON, : : N.J.Dnyn,—Every wock-dny.OAS ADMINIBTBBED.

rtoolmrgofor oxtraotliiR with gaa, when• tenth ore ordered.

A. H. Phillips Co.

Fire Insurance,- MONEY -


Mortgage Loans.Correspondence Holldltod.

lOin Atlantic Avonuo,

Atlantic City, N. J.

••'•"*v, Mnnufuoturor and noalor In

FAWCYSHIHGLESPoats, Piokote, etc.

DEHHY OnATEB.Foleom, N. J.

, G@uLnmboraaYrcil to order.Ordoru rooolfcd by hinll promptly flltcdj

Prlcoq Low.;

Glorious News.Oomes from Dr. -D. B. Cargilo. of

Waohlta, I. T. He'writes: *'Fonr bottlesof Elootrio Bitters has pared Mrs.Brewer of scrofula which bad caused hergreat suffering for years. Terrible soresvrovld break out on,her bead and face,-and~the'bestrlr»ot0f8"coul4"t;ivejtio'help';but her .cure is complete and her.healthis excellent." This shows'wbat thous-ands have proved—that Electric Bittersis the'best blood purifier known. Ic'sthe Baron supreme, remedy for eczema,totter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and rnn-

Tiinir8pTeB.jT_B atimuiatoa liver, kidneya"anSiinweTs, expels poisons, helps dipres-tlorirbrrildstup-tKe strenpthr^ODlyrCOo.7Sold b'v Orowell, Druggist. Guaranteed.


People's Bank of HammontonAt the close of 1>aBlnefm on Monday, •

March 6th, 1000.

RESOURCES.:,-, LLoans and Discounts..... ..... -.™. $82451 80Overdrafts.- ....... . ..................... ...!... SO 81Stocks, securities, etc- .......... ......... 87049 01Banking House, furniture, fix-

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$161698 26LIABILITIES:

Capitol Stock paid In.. ......... . ....... .. $8000000Surplus.. — ..... ................... ..„.„ ...... • 17000 ooUndivided profits, lesscnrrent

expenses and tazp* paid ......... 8815 70Due-toother Banks, eta. ..... _ ...... - 1614 05Dividends unpaid,. .„.._..... ..... ...... ' G4 $QIndividual Deposits...... 73748 12Demand Certificates of

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Certified Chocks. ..... :.... 12200

standlDB- 75 01

Accrued Interest payable...10A480 80

'. • 8?2 45$16160820

STATE OP NBW JKBSEY, 1 „.County of Atlantic, /""• '

I, Wllbnr R. Tllton, Cashier ofIhe abovenamed Bftnfc. do solemnly swear that thortbovti statement IB trao to the best of myknowledge And belief.

WlfcBER R.TILTON, Cashier.Subporlbod and sworn before me.

this 6th dny of March, A. D., 1000. ^H. C. MONFORT,

Commissioner of Deeds.Correct. Attest:

M. L. JACKSON,.), C. F. OHOUOI), }-Directors.

The Directors have this dny deolnred a semi-annual dividend of THRBB per cent, paya-ble on and nfter Tuesday, April 3rd, next,--WTRVTILTON; Cashier.

March flth, 1000

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Horse-shoeing a specialty.

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The People's BankOf Hammonton. N, J. '

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U. J; BYRNES, Preeidont.M. L. JAOKBON, Vice-Prea't

W. R. TILTON, Cauhie»


, M.L. JaokBon."

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CJ. P. <)B«ood,W. n. Tllton.

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OerUfloatenof Ucponit leaned, boarlnsintorflnl nt the rate of 3 peroont. perim-

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Discount dayo — Tuesday andFriday of each week.

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In Hammontonevery Thursday

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\ ~


Be Is the freeman whom the truth makes' froe,""T : ' • ' ; " •

And all are slaves ..bcaldc. There's not-,\ la chain

That/hellish toes confederate for his"^ harm ' .

Can wind around him, but he casts It offWith as much case as Samson his green

withes.looks abroad Into the'varied field

Of Nature, and tliougfi poor perhaps com-pared

With those whose mansions -glitter inhis sight.

Calls the delightful scenery all his own.His arc the mountains, and the valleys

his, •And the resplendent rivers. His to enjoyWith n..propriety that none can feel,But \vhp, with (ilial confidence inspired,Coa_ lift

eye, 'And sqiilfng "say—my Father made them

'......„ alii-" v-~- f '—— " <• —

—William Cowper..

I THE TRUMPET CALL j0OO0S00O00000000O0000000

HERE was somethlng'worse thanweeping and walling among thePink dragoons when It became

taoWn« that^ taelr, pet_aq unrlrnn h.-ulbeen gobbled up by the enemy and sentoff to languish In the retirement of theracecourse at Pretoria. Even their old

"rivals, the Tyrone fusiliers, with whomthey had met and fought in all parts oftbe world wkh belts and fists, bad noth-ing but pity for them, and delicatelyforbore to make any remarks upon tbenews.

Since they were under orders-for theCape the Tyrone fusiliers were'on theirbest behavior, .and the Pink dragooasat the depot felt too low and depressedeven to desire a farewell fight with theIrishmen.

So they chummed instead. For 'thefirst time in the history of the British-army Pink dragoons and Tyrone fusi-liers -were seen walking together, drink-

...Iqg together and smoking each other'stobacco. Some of them even walked

'jout with the same girl, and proud weredamsels who walked out escorted

iy a fusilier and a dragoon, thus form-ing a. link,, as It were, 'twlxt two gal-lant regiments which had been at en-mity since the days of Wellington.

Ininoiis cigarettes which bad beenpressed 6b Irlill by a Byulprihetle fi'IOllitas they mai'cbed -pet of ' the barracks.

Beyond tlie trumpeter of the Pinkdrar ' -njr. Bugler Simmons had had nofriends ncKBee him offj lie had notmissed thlsjast tribute to the departingsoldier, since throughout his short lifehe bad never enjoyed the privileges ofrelationship.

He had been an orphan at the tenderace of 0 months, had been ralsgd In awirkhouse school, and had drifted Intothe .army bpr reason of his proficiencyIn sounding wind Instruments.

One lady, Indeed, as the .troops hadmarched down to the train, had, muchto his Indignation, lifted him In herarms and kissed 'him. . ..

"Just as If I was a bloomln' baby!""fie~fpinarKea~scbni"fiilly ^ td~bTmseIf'a"she sat In the corner pufilng bravely athis clgnrette;""walftl)l:-\ve comBS-ncrosrsqine o' them Boers, tliat's nllP'

Five weeks later the bad luck of thePink dragoons fell upon the Tyronefusiliers, and Bugler Simmons had hisfirst chairce~uf tasting—the ateru renllr

. M . . , i _ _ .or the quarrel Between theTnT Ufiinn8r

torian claimed that at the battle of Wa-terloo t)ie fusiliers had peppered thedragoons under the mistaken Impres-sion that they were French cavalry,

. thus, nddlrig Injury .to Insult. Anotherauthority held that tbe trouble arose

_ b.e,tw_eeD ,:the .regiments .during .the .pea.-.Ipsulnr war, when, after the fierce bat-tle of Ailment, tbe fuslller3 had comeup for tbelr share of some pipes oflooted Vnldepenaft wine to find that"the Pink hussars had absorbed tbe lastglassful "and bad tilled up the' pipes'•w 1th1' water.

Perhaps tbe truest story of the feud

ties of war to Hie~uTterniosrHregs of'jhe^cup^__\ • '"

Of course, it was nobody's' fault"Inparticular, and everybody's fault ingeneral, and the fusiliers cursed noth-ing but 'their own proverbial luck, when-thej^found-themselves-at the-Tiighrfnllof a dny of battle cut off from the armyand. surrounded by an overwhelmingforce of Boers.

They1 occupied the position of somestrength, suchTas the Boers theinselves"love—a bowlder-strewn kopje, standinghigh above the surroundlng"plaTn. Inthe middle of the afternoon an orderhad come that they were to take thoposition. •

They had taken It, with a-loss of over100 men. —

Later on a message had come, saying:""Hold 'position until you are rein,-forced."

They had held the. position with 'theloss of another hundred men against anoverwhelming- Boer attack, but the re-inforcements had never'arrived, andti.5 cartridges were beginning to runshort. Then, with twilight, the heavyfiring of cannon on the surroundinghills bad died away.

The fire of their opponents, too, asthe day drew to a livid streak of grayover the western mountains, had slack-ened down to an occasional sniping.shot.-- — — -~ - . -.-_,™-rJ...

"Got 'Iml" said the small savage trl-Tnnplnnitly: "tuyrhut that \\rds u-;closcsbaye for Private Jones!".

He had certainly saved the woundedprivate's life. , . ,

"That was a clean shot, young 'un,said the Boer with approval, "but youmustn't show your body Jlke that.whenyou flre, or you'll get plugged, as safeas eggs!" ,. "Right, oh. Duchy!" acquiesced-thedelighted bugler. Then n thoughtstruck him.. "I say, would you likesomething:'tb rcndi1" he asked, thrustinghis smoke-fouled little, paw Into thebreast of his tunic. "'Kre's tire ha'-penny journal wot I take In when I'mat home. It's six weeks old, but-there'ssome proper reading In It; nil aboutpirates and snakes and buried money.Tne—worst of-It-Is-tbat-those-ehaps;;nl-ways knock off their stories In,the most. . .away in that story. Vs Just going tocet nobbled by tbe pirates wot are com-ing up the bill after him. and you getsso excited that It fairly mokes you sickwhen"t cuts off short Just ns the pirate-klng-comes^up-the-hlll-wmi-hlsjnouth-full-of-k til ves-an'-about-three-thousand-pirates behind him." -

:The Boer- took-the tattered dog's-«ar-d :pnper, and a queer look came Into

Ills .eyes as he regarded this remark-able youngster, who. In the very faceof—death, ^waa ,jnore_Jntcjeated-Jn-lh&fate of a novelette hero than In his own.

'1 say, youngster," he said; "whydon't you clear out of this and get backto the army?"• "Wot! an' leave our chaps be'lnd? Notme!" responded the bugler rather Indig-nantly.

"There '̂111 be about seven thousandmen on" to you by daybreak,: and your

•general'seems to have forgotten you. Ifyou keep those two stars In a line withthe top of yon mountain peak, you willcome to-the horses of the commandowhich are surrounding us now. Whynot take nay-hat hud run down there,collar a horse aJJil tide for reinforce-ments. Your general has mislaid you.There are some good horses down there,•too; some that we collared 'with asquadron of your dragoons," added theBoer. ' • . . • * • • -

Then Bugler Simmons made no moredemur. He sought bis ofilcer, who hadbeen mourning him as dead, and laid aplan before him. His officer gave himhis blessing and a compass. lbe_f[Lc£ ofwhich was painted with luminous'paint, so that its points might be read

tcred In the same town, after the Crim-ean war, tbe dragoons and fusiliers badIntermarried freely, so that they hndbecome ahnost as one family. All badgone well until the daughters of thefusiliers who had wc'ddcd dragoons be-gan to patronize the daughters of dra-goons who had married fusiliers refer-ring to their husbands us "fut sojers."

Anyhow, all these wrongs were for-gotten lii the one great trouble whichbad befallen the^ pinks. Sympathyfound beer to drown sorrow, and no onerejoiced but the wives of tbe men whohad been made prisoners. When thedny of departure came for the fusllleni,the band of the Pinks played themdown to the station. Then the dra-goons bung; on- the footbourds of thecarrlngeB to bid them n lust farewell,and close-cropped beads were cuffedaffectionately.

"W'll bring 'cm buck, dn't you fear,an' their 'orses, too." mild the Tyronefusiliers.

"An" oulil KniKcr wld 'em," In te r -posed n corporal on bin own account.

Al though there WIIH plenty of room Inthe Hpeelnl I ru in , the Tyrone fusi l ierspreferred to t r ave l l i f ted! In a com-par tment , us being more noclalile andconv iv ia l t h a n the orthodox live u side.Ho the bugler bail a compartment ul l lohimself , mid, wus Hpnmdlng h l i imcl f ac-cordingly.

"Don't you .be i i f ru ld , Danny," heliald to the t r u m p e t e r ; "I'll keep u goodlookout for -Jonr ehapH when wo relieh-CB prcloricr, an' I ' l l nee w h a t 1 can dofor 'em!"

"Dolj'l you he loo s h u r j j mi' get iHinl-tin' yei-Holf , Hiigler minimum!" repliedthe t rumpe te r , w i t h gentle H U I V I I H I I I ,"cupecliil ly a long o' t h a t new I n i y ' i i l l o'yo l i rH . mi' I f you nee my per l leklerfrlem'1, Corp ' rn l 'Awl . ey a long o' (hemprli i ' i ici-H, g ive ' Im my love an' and; ' ImIf 'e I l k e H I ' rc ior la • he l t e r ' n Por t l and .Al l r i g h t , g i iv 'nor a l l r i g h t ! Keep yer'amlH urf t he arm.v, e i u n ' i yer. I I 'Mu - l u v l n ' | |H prcelnim l l v r n for t he I l l i e i io' yon,- a i n ' t I t 'I"

Them' h in t remnrlin were addlvnin'd lot i l e i f l l l l l d .

" I t i i n ' l I H r K e l ' i l h e i n calhi I ' l a l i K l i Iyer!" c i lcd t h e l r i i i i i | i e l e r to Mn i l i ' i m r i -Inj ; f i l e n d .

"Noj ' i i r f l" i d jo l l t e i l l iaeli Ihe hil|;lerapprec ia t ive ly .

'1 l ien, h a v i n g ninde a Vi ' lmuee a t Iheguard, be pul led In h ln head and n e l t l e i lh ln i i i e l r e o i n f o r l i i l i l y In the corner IDivtart a t i n y puckct of p a r l l c u l u r l y s'll

Bugler Simmons had been very happyall the afternoon. He had found a Bnugcorner between two large bowlders, oc-cupied by a wounded Boer, one of the

j defenders of the hill who had been leftbehlndin the tight. y—^ -'

I He had tied up tbe Boer's legs withtendM~OflgeT8~nnd an Tilr of -importancewhlcb had brought a quiet smile to tbebronzed face of bis patient.

"Now, I'm Just n-goln' to borror tha tthere Mouser o' yourn, for n bit o'^boot-In!" he hnd remarked coolly when hebad concluded the operation to his fan-cy; "that is. If £ou don't mlud me pot-tin' tit your pals," be added with some

"dlflltlenee. •—-Tho Boer laughed. He wnaan Irish

"Boer," and, although a citizen of theTransvaal, bad no great sympathy withbis friends, who hnd left him so pre-cipitately when the Tyrones hud rushedthe kopje at the point of the bayonet.

"Never mlud me, youngster," be re-plied UK be slipped off bis bandolier,which was well tilled wi th cartridges."I'm only n prisoner of war."

"You talk jolly good Knj-llsh for nDutcby," remarked Hugler Simmons,ns the Itoer showed him bow to loudthe strange weapon.

"My father was Irish," answered theHoer,

"Then you're on the wrong side,cocky," snld Hugler Slminons wi th con-vic t ion.

"1 slm'n't be to-morrow morning" mi-twereil the prlHoner wi th grim memi-Ing.

"You mean we K h a l i ull be dead If(hone reinforcements dnn ' l come npV"ipierled Hugler Hlmnions.

H l H prlHoncr nodded.•Looks l ike II . don't I I V remarked

the hoy cheer fu l ly ; "but we ain ' t deadyet, wot ho! \Vo a in ' t got much money,but we do live!" he added, an he n lghlcdmid llrcd.

"Mil a n y t h i n g ? " ankcd the Hoer w i t hu l i i i tgh ,

"Klelis a bit!" miggCHlcil Hngler Him-I I I O I I H . r ubb ing |I!H shoulder.

"Hhe'H u b i t heavy for a young ' unlike you," miHWerci l the Hoer, IIH he(dipped a n o t h e r carlrld|i\ I n t o thebreech, "lly Ihe wuy, sonny," he added, "how old are you?"

• "Koiir lcrt j i h in t birthday," repliedHugler Slmmoi|H prontUj|!y.

"Too young for llil||[||iisliie»H," imir-u i l i re i l t h e wounded mit'll In h l im<e | f .

"May, Dnlchy," mild the bugler, "d'yenee t h a t chap down there, e r i iw l lng lie-bind t h a i rock? In he a pal o' yonrnY"

"1 don ' t t h i n k no," miHwerei l t he Itoer."Why?"

" ' ( ' O H I 'm going (o pot ' Im," repliedLt i ig ler H l i n i n o n t i q u i c k l y , an In cuddledthe H l n c k o f t h e r l l l e i i ga l i nd Ihe e l ieeK\ v h l e h the l ady hud Untied, mid n! j ;h lcd,

The l iner b i d i l i n l Ihe l u c k wax a i m i n gI I I . I I wounded l l r l t h d i no ld le r \ \ l i n h a di lroppeil I I I t he r p n l i for tin; Kopjn n n d\ V I I H now Ir .vlng lo ennvl to cover.

There wan a x h n r p repor t , nn t h ewlnde of t he hugler 'n l i t t l e body I w l n l -eil w i l l ) Ihe recoil of t he r l l le , a n i l t h el iner behind l lm rock pi tched forwardon lo bin fuen.



(Juuiut SayinBoond CnteDoiuitaof theLittle Folk* ETery*rhore, Gathered

, and Printed Here for All Other tat-tle One* to Bead. ' .:......+•—

There was an nlnrin of fire In1 one ofthe crowded tenement regions. Greatcolumns of smoke arose from the tipperwindows of an apartment bouse,-andwhen the engines arrived n portion ofIts hallway was In Hames/ By this timemost of the tenants wore In the street.

'In onp_pf the groups_pf_jjie_ fjjmlllesgathered there a/girl of 0 suddenlyclasped her hands to her head a'nd'crfiSTouT: ~ 7 "̂

"Oh, mother! Where's the baby?"The mother bad not tliougbt of ^the

child, 'as she had riot been accustomedto cnre for It. She supposed -that asusual, the baby's elder sister .had It In'

for neglect, she blamed the little moth-er. _wlth liysjcjJf^UsevernyJ.7TL ~_~. _

"I thought yon had him. mother."s.lld the girl, patiently; "but 1 can gethim." ,

Before any 'one thought of .stpjjpjngKer~Blje^tnTt<?d-pnst—theorem ctr-andthrough,;-j:he smoke coming from tli^

he was appointed Lord Mayor, and on/ HDMOB OF THE WEEK

two BUbaoiiueul ueeuHlons, In WOO aild1410.,: he ~,wns -'iigaln ..appointed-., to.Jthosame position. He was:knighted byHenry •V.. and died In 1423..

Trlclty Gout.crowd of children were playing oa

a vacant lot In the suburbs some tlmo-ago. Among the spectators , was a largo .white goat, that was looking on "'as •though ho were watcning nis opportu-nity for getting some lun out of thegame himself. The children, who wcfe^very much scattered at first, finallyc-an» together In a very complete ring,.the largest boy In the crowd being clos- "est to the goat. Thc^oat did not argue-with himself long, 'tut smiling with hla . "peculiar smile made a bee line for th»boyLjmd.lstrJklng—wlth,- full— force, _____knocked him winding, thereby sending-the other ̂ lldrenMturnbHngln every dU^^rectloul" ""• . 7 . '. .'"

''I don't believe," said the man who-told .about It, "that any animal but agoat would have struck.. Just at thattime and In the manner which ho did


Odd, Cnrion* and Laughable Phaoeaof Human Nature Graphically Por-trayed by Eminent Word ArtloU of

. Our Owo Day-A Boduct of Fun.

."1 wish we was-all over In Kimber-ley," said little Willie..-'"Wbyr his mamma asked. .;

"I heard papa reading; last night thatbread cost nearly half a dollnri a loafthere, BO I guess they wouldi/t try tokeep a person from filling up on cnkel','—Baltimore Times.

^ Mexican HdrcaBin.La -Gaceta, a paper published In

unless heBcnsegoat humof."

had beep prompted by a5vcnjyOtjKereI6nl5La.

,.,....GuadalnJnruj-Meslea;-part- -In- Englishand part'ln Spanish, prints In a prom.l-nent place the following:T' A (RAHD.

f—- Will the gentleman who embracedlay wife nt the ehtninem to the post-

A. Great St. Bernard.A lady In Newton was drawing her

little girl on a sled. Just after a greatsnowstorm, through n Jpng,_jiarrow[mth-to-the-seboolbouse.-the-snow-belug thrown up very high on each side?

hlm the probable position of the Britishforces. .

Half an hour later Bugler Simmonswas ..crawling-quietly ~aiuong a denseprosvdpf Boer horses. Armed with apenknttew^e. cut hobble-nfter hobbletill, in tbe darkness, be came to a bri-dled and saddled horse, who attemptedto bite him affectionately.

He felt the brute's knees. There wasno doubt about It. He hnd happenedupon an old friend, .Corporal Hawkey'sGinger, late of the Pink dragoons, nowserving In a Boer.remount.

For reasons boat known to himself(.Inger always bit at a trumpeter, buthe allowed .Simmons to climb on to hisback without resenting, "

Some Boers on the outside of thecrowd of horses moved backward nndforward siiHplclouHly, and Bugler Sim-mons lay low on (Singer's neck ns heInllated his lungs and placed his trum-pet to his lips.

The Boers and the besieged on thehi l l above bean) a sharp succession ofcavalry calls Hounding from the midstof the horses,

'I'jji'jvwerc answered by the tramp ofdisciplined hoofs as the horses of theMi|iiailron galloped toward tbe sound of

{ the tnimpcl. In another second thowhole I I I I I H H of horses WIIH In motion,surging round Cilnger, on whose"backlay Bugler Hlmmous, giving call aftercall, u n t i l ho felt the troop IIOI-HCH re-sponding, bringing l l i e l r liner brothersw i t h them.

"I .vnnl!""•'nargel"The calls rang mi l , : i , | u i < U xiiri-cs-

H|OII.Tbe dragoons' horses set example,

while the Itner steeds stainpi>ileil In gym-patliy. Picket ropcx and hobbles snap-ped l ike pack' threads ani l then- W I I H at h u n d e r of hoofs on Hie p l i i ln , In vain'the liners Hbol l te i l and tried (o beadt h r i l l off, Tbe I I I I I H H bad lUnr ln l , andfrom Hie center rang out Hie "Charge,"which kepi Hit! leaven In a H l n t e o f \v l ldexe l l e ine l i l . I l l a few l i l l l l l l l i ' s HuglerH I l i l l i l o l i H W I I H HmTnil l ld t ' l t li.v a n ie lngcrowd of HOO horses, l igal imt wblehn o t h i n g could H l a i i i l .

They cliiirgcil over a Hour c i i ra inp-I l i r l l t , ami (lie I w c n l y men U'hu oi'cil-pled l l Were, found Hit* I lex! day l ie i l lenlo n p u l p beneath the l lmmlci ' l i iK hoofs,

Tlie pace nloweil a f l e r nix i i i l l cn , \ v l i r nan Kng l l sh pnlrol hove lu sight, '|'|,,iI r i i i i i p e l from (he i i l l i b l l o of Hie n m l i „(honicii i ioi indet l a H|I ; I I I I | of i l l i i l r e H H , amiIhe p n l r o l bore down.

"Are you a c l i v i i M V " eallei l t h e o l l l rc rI I I rhlince.

He nal i ' I I I and cut l lm Imglcr 'n homemil of Ihe Mi io i ' l l i iK , nliiiii|ihi|( mult ,

"If y t i I p l i ' i i M i ; , I ' v e c i i ine for n I l l i l ehelp for Ihe, Tyrone I ' l l n l l l c rn , " i i i m w c r -eil Hugler H I i i i l n o l i M f a l i i l l y , b i l l u l l h ulo l i i i of roilenl nnr rmi i i i . "Vui l run te l lt l i o t i t i h loo iu l i iK r c l n l ' o r r i ' i i i e i i l M . I Jh l I weeoi i ld i i ' t ne in l r a l i M f o r l l n < n i , l u l l I ' v n

llie|n a few boi 'Hi 'Hl" I ' l i ' l o r l n l

who have been relieved^painful menstruation byLydiet E, Plnkhant's Vege-table Compound, are con-stantly writing gratefulletters to Mrs. Plnkham,

aoand.Helped Elect Her HnaRepresentative John F, Lacoy, of

I Lydla E. Pinkhun'* Vegetable*Compound!

cured them. It alwaysrelieves painful perToWsarid no woman who suf-fers should be withoutthis fmowledfoe, ,

the-SHs—off-his-pimtogroph-for-my-t women result~from some

derangement of thefemale organism, Mrs,PlnKham's great medl-

woat on

yers; he bus combined .able digests of railroad and land lawseaya the Boston Transcript Little ofhis career bas been public, as bis, largepractice bas engaged most of hjs.tlme

Year after year he was liuportuneiby the llepubllcans pt Iowa to becometheir candidate for Congress againstJames B. Weaver. At length, In 1S8Sbo was nominated almost without hisknowledge, and so consented to run/

It. Is related that when he almmefacedly .told bis wife that 'be bad ac-cepted tbe nomination, she, with somedisgust, said: "Well, John, now tbatyou have gone- Into It, you must, beatWeaver—and Jf you donate. I'll leaveyou!" To-save herself from carryingDTi1rtbl8"terrlble~threat;7evldently,"Biieused all her endeavors to elect him, go-

4rigto-hi8-politleal-meet(ngH-and- notingthe Impressions that different partd ofhis speech made. ,

Llttle.Tomniy was a hero, nnd the fairiesthought him good;

He felt as bruve au twenty Jnck-the-(l int i t-Kll lcrs could.

One tiny, us he wan dozing, he \vn» sum-moneil to the fniy.

"You shall have," n fairy cried, "nn op-portuni ty tn-ilay!

i'hc I'rinccHH Dain ty DarlliiB IH u pris-oner lu yon tower,

And a lowering Olnnt Ki inrdt i her—oh,how t ln rk ly he cmi lower!"

"Let me liuve home wings," nnld Toniniy,"untl a sword t h a t goes ' thwack,t l iwuek , .

And I'll make a few things happen atI but lower ere I come back." ,

they Hew mvay together, and Ihe< J l n n t Hiai t i WI IH neen,

M l n n y I 'o i iH ' i i e iui lur t l i a l l l i i i | i |dni nil ,

door Into the l i i i n i l nK building. Dptwo Migh ts of Hlnh 'M Hhe HtaKKered.groped' for n f ami l i a r room, anil thereshe found the liuby. ThoiiKlillcHs, IIHi iHiml, for l ie rne l f , she rolled him InI l i lek l i l i i n k f l H . and began (lie terribledfseriit to the Hlreet . lly Ibis time IIl l rei inin WIIH Kent lo look for her, butW I I H driven linek by the mmiko Minit inmen . In I n t e i i M e exel lei i iei l t (bocrowd \ v u l l c i l . The Heeoiuls iieenieilhours. When the l i t t l e mother midlu iby hud been Min ion! given l ip IIH loutu ilguro Hhot l l i nmgl i l l ie miiolto—

r i M i K h the cnimbll l iK: i lni l r . mid, eom-lo the mi te r a l l , iilooil n t l l l . StrmiK

u r n i M burr led to Mi ippor i her, bill Himn u l l ) u l i n p l . v ;

"Talco I be lu i l i j ' l "A l l h o i i K b her I m l r W I I H Hinged, mill

her faen h u r n l i i K fed w i t h heal, idleHeiiied, to be i i i ln ie i i lo imly pri'Hei'Veil.There idie iiliiod mid Ht i i r ed . Then uloud wnl l bund from her piirehcd l lpx:

'Ob, my! Oh, mother! Mother! WhatvIH t in ' I l l l l t t e r \ \ l l l l me? I enni l ld tiee!"

I'lie lire hml H i n l l l e n the l i t t l e heroinebl ind mid blind for l i fe .

l.omloti'H Voi i i iKtmt Loi'fl IMnyor.I t l e h n n l \ V l i l l l l i i | ( l n n , fa ined m'lioiii;

l .omloll n p p r e i l l l e C H , i l l the ii|(i' "t !lt»WIIH i ippoln le i l I .nnl Mayor of London.Horn In li 'IfiH, ho W I I H I he ynimiteid lionof Hl r W I I M i i n i \ V l i l l l l i i K l f rum-ley. In (Uol ieei i ler idi l re , 11 In f a t h e r dyIn;;, I t l e h n n l i«<l out for l . ini i loi i whenai;ed Ml, mi l l a p p l i - l l l l e e d I d m n e l f lo Hll '. Icdin l''ll/. Wiirren, u proH| ienniH mer-cer, whotio ilmi|;hler he i i f le i 'wm' i l miir -rled, l i e l ieeulne u member of ' l lmMcrecr'ii Compiuiy In lltll", tho yearu f l e r n i l A l d e r m a n i tn i l MlierllT. In 1111)7

Low'r lng-nt them with 11 visage that waswicked and unclean.

Then the Oliint waved bin ijplkcy club,but Tommy killed him dead,

One blow Hiilllrcil to pcptmitc his hotlyanil bin Iiend.-"-*.

And the I'rlnce»H Diiluiv Darling be pro-cectled to iinchnluc.

To the King and Qiiecn, her parents,then , he brought her buck again.

The KiHid KftiK nnld, "Hlr Thoniim, youH h a l l hnve her for your own,

Ani l when 1 get too old for work, I'll letyou have my throne.

You shall have n royal pnbiee. ti l led wi thkn igh t s nn i l Herr ing folk,

And your poeketH f u l l nf gold, and ""I'wiiH nt I h l H point Tommy woke!

of Hie pn th , when she met midway nlarge Ht. Iternaril dog, a stranger. SheImmediately atlilrcHseil him as H|IOwould a l i u m a i i belug,"e\plalulug t h a tthe p n t h was narrow and the sunwdeep, and t h a t he must t u rn aroiiinlami go .mck. l ie l l s t e m > t l careful ly toy

her exp ln i i i i t l i i n , | Ihi ' i i wheeled aboutami walked back u coiiHldenible dis-tance, un t i l he found n place where thobiiow bad been Hhovelcd out a l i t t l e ntHie Hli lc . I n t o HI|H he bucked, anilw'led q u i e t l y u n t i l H!IC piiNsed h imw i t h the Hied ami child. The lady t h a n k -ed h im for being so much of a gentle-man; he wheeled about and. startedagain on the path. , ,

Hobby't Helllali."I want Hobby lo lake Home ii iet l l -

cine now. Will be tako It l ike a goodImyV"

"ICn, mother, IH II nlco?""YeH, very nice.""Doeii oi> like II, mother'/""Yen, very much,""Then oo d'lnlc II, mollicr, 'unload of

me. Hobby not sel l lHb ' I l l l e boy,"

ir i i lu l i to i ' i lOUic i lorn l linw.The eleelonil Inw of Uclglum pnivlde-i

t h a i evel 'V niau between Hie ngi-H of '^1mil 'X< yen I'M Wb«i M b a l l pay .f 1 P«'r yearIn I n x e t i W i l l be en t l l l ed to Vole oneb i t l l o t ; mah'led m< vi-r -'5 yenm oVn i d i ' w i l l Imvi t Iwn l i n l l o t H each; ami UHiie l i married mini r i hu l l own real t m l n l o

nimeli l bomhi nr Having" lll">1'roi l l iel l ig im l l tcomt i of spl'ii

year l imy w i l l l iave Him; Iml lo l t , each,

i t l i n i i l mi" H I M - ' c e n t of vrcn-lthC l l l l l f l l l ' t .

or gove

A DIatlniciilHlied Character."That's an Imposlng-looltlng woman

over In the corner.""Yes; she's the'president of a parrot

club."—Chicago Kecord.

Caution. ,"Young iniin," said Uncle Jerry Pee-

bles, "how do you pronounce tljat?"-'I'nbbled y—bote,—jsliV—replied—ther

walter, a recent Importation fromSkedunk.

<llng bis .approval.Chicago Tribune,

"Bring me that."—

What u Pulittnhle Diehl. ."Will you. have.. oysters?" naked thema>, glnuclDK'ovor the bill of far*.

"Vcs,""ftnld the short l i t t l e woman, ns-she tried In ..valn_to,touch_tlie. floor ;Tl'|th

her toes. '.''And. John, I want a bris-sock." .. *

John nodded, and, ns he handed bisorder to the waiter, he said: "Yes, andbring n hassock for the lady."

"One hassock?" asked the. waiter,with what John thought more than or-dinary Interest, as he nodded In the

healthy; off this tfaero Isoverwhelming proof.

Hon't exaorlmont, iffyou suffer gat this mod!-olno am? get Mrs, Pink-iaam's. ffre& advice. Her®tJdra@B Is Lynn, Mass,

ItABASTINE -fiFtne orlglnaJand only durable wall coatlngr,entirely different from all kal-,aomlnes. Ready for use In jiwhlte or fourteen beautifultints by adding cold water.

fflJDIEg naturally prefer ALA-BASTINB for walls and ceil-ings,, because It Is pure, clean,durable. Put up In dry pow-dered form. In five-pound pack-ages, with full directions.

I/L, kalaomlnes are cheap, tem-porary preparations jnade fromwhiting; chalks, clays, etc.,and stuck on walla with de-caying animal Blue. ALABAS-TINE Is hot a kalsomine.

'Ihe Kublcon.Tbe proverb In regard to passli

Rubicon originated from the clrstance-of.J.uUus_Caesai-'s_crosslng-th9stream In the year 49 with his for-midable force. This act marked thej>e^-glnnlng-of~clvll"wa"r: THeTRublcon Istbe ancient name of a-small streamwhich divided Italy from CisalpineGaul, and was the boundary of Cae-sar's province, it-separated -h Is-prov^ince from a fertile and populous coun-try, upon the conquest of which he de-termined. At tbe brink "of the Rubiconhe paused, conscience smitten and un-decided. Finally, the love of conquestled him across the stream and sent warand pestilence Into the heart of thecountiry. The proverb signifies the en-trance upon .any undertaking, fromwhich there can be no retreat.

It la .very rare" ot- la te-tha t -you' see agirl with a braid down ber~back thatlooks like taffy candy that has-beenDiflled a lonj* time.

go, but brushed the table cloth wi th atowel and rearranged the articles on Itae'veral timed, while bin face got veryred. .

Then be came around to John's Hide,and, Hpealtlng notto voce, mild: "Hay,mlHter, I haven ' t been here long, nndI'm not up to t i l l thcm> things. Will tholady have the luiHHOck broiled or fried?"

Anothrr ChuiiKO I.IUely.M l H H Breezy—I see sbe'a married

again.M|HH l.ukcHldc—YCH; tblH, Is her HOV-

tMitli , and I don't t h i n k Nhe ciirc.f verymuch for him.

M l H H HriM-zy- -No?MlHH LakcHliIe—No. I WIIH nt the on-

Kruvor 's to-day when xho le f t lior or-<li ' i - for her iu*w v l n l l l n g r-imlH. Sheunly onlercd t l f ly .—ri i l ladolphln 1'rcau,

^_j!f_ithe. dealer jvvhosays he can sell you the "samething" as AI>ABA9TINE or"something; Just as good." <HeIB either not posted or la try-

MP~JirOEFERING somethingThe has bought cheap nnd triesto sell on AUABASTINm'S'de-manda, he may not realize thedamage you will suffer by akalsomlne -on your .walla.

BNB1BL.E dealers will not buya lawsuit. Dealers risk one byBelling and consumers by uolngInfringement. Alabnstlne Co.own right to make" wall c6at-"Ing to mix with cold water.

HE) INTERIOR WALLS otevery church and school shouldbe coated) only with pure, dur-able -AL.ABASTINK. It safe-guard!! health. Hundreds oftons uned yearly for this work.

N » BUYING ALABASTINE,customers should avoid Jset-tlnp cheap kulsomlncs under

"different'" rmtirea; inHtst—orrtmvliiK our goods In package?and properly labeled.UIBANCB of -wall patier IB ob-viated by ALAI1ASTINE. Itcan be used on plastered waJla.wood ceilings, brick or can-van. A chllil can brush It on.Itdoeo not rub or scale off.

• Tne Way to Beautify HomeIs to do aS'tbeyn'l are doing. Ask yourBrocer, who knows nil about It; has Bome-tblrjR.for you In the way of a coupon book,which enables you to get one large lOe.package of "Red Cross" starob, one larR«lOc. package of "Hiiblnffer'a Best" starch,with I he premiurM.two Shakespeare panels,or-one Twentletb-Centnry-Qlrl 'calendarall for 5c.

Don't thee wed for money, friend;For money hath a sting;

'Tis but 'a foolish thing;Don't thee wed for place nor fame;

'Twill disappoint thy hope;But when thee marries, choose a girl. Who uses Ivory Soap.



le'o Quite Different from the One inMartha ill's Poem.

He was an Intelligent-looking man,well dressed, clean shaven, and seemedo be quite at home amid the handsomeinrroundlngs of the hotel In which the•eptfrter' met him: The clerk had, toldbe reporter he wa8-a"prlnalnent Illi-

nois farmer, and might be a goVd partyo interview. \_^ _"Do I," he said when he hnd settled'

or a talkr"Iook like I-had-the- empti-ness' of ages m my face?"

The fortitude of a Christian consists/n patience; not In enterprises whichthe poets call heroic, and which arecommonly the effects of Interest, pride-and wonldly honor, , .

"Both my wife and myself have beenmine CASCAKETS and they are the beltmedicine we have ever had In the house. Last'

eek my wife was frantic with headache (oriWodayg, she trlettsamtfSf yourCASOARETS.and?they relleve<rtfie paln-fe-her-head almost—

ledtataly^xWe both recommend Cascareta."CUAS. STEDEFqltD,

— PUtsburg Sate:fcDeiJOslt;Co.7

^^s¥S?^v^^ «»'»8 »" W",

In favor. Shuntill Imitations. Ank paint deal-er or dniKKlat fir t i n t card.Wrltn im for intorestlnK book-lot, free. AI.AI1A8TINB CO..Qraiul llnpldB, Mloh.

my Is as small as a fly, fancy, himas large as an elephant. The. manwho weens for every one will soon be-come blind. • He who rides only bor-rowed horses will seldom mount Intcth'e saddle: ~"~" " ~ " ~ "'

IVIiut Slinll Wo Have For Dcuert!This qnnattonarlaea in the family dul ly. Letux answer It to-dny. Try Joll-O, a delicious»ud l ie i i l t t i fu ldoaaur t . Froparod In 2mla. Nobolllnc! no baking I Simply add u llttlo hotwft torAflut tooool. Flavors: Ij«mon,OrnnicofIlaspberryand Struwborry. At grocers. lOo.

The mind requires not, like an earth-en vessel, to be kept ful l ; convenientfood ailment only will Influence It with~ " " ~ "

love of truth.

Hln WordipjUnnu True,He— To prove tiio sincerity of my In-

trnt loni i , I have l)ron«lit tlilx aolltiilroiiiloniniont for your ciiRiiRotnent (liiK«r.

filu;— 1 nniHt miy, my friend, that yourcit-h biiH thti tnii! rlUK. -HoHton


J«II-O, llm rVniv OitBinrl,1'lnnHi-n al l t in t fami ly . K n u r llavorn:—1,1-mim, OnuiK", I l nn | i l i n r i y ainlHtiuwlioiry.At your Kroniirii. II) all.

It In very mici ' i ' l i t l i i wluil n lusiy Ixiynn i l M V I I I I I I K H in ikn wi l l n i n n n n t to.

'In rum H Cnlit III On* I>i\j.T«k« I.i 'ATivH liiioun Qi imiNn Tiiu.KTa. All.lui(.-,;|.n r n f i i l u l llm in,,n, ,y ir It In l ln to euro.10. W. (liiovira o lunnui io in uu ,,m-li imi, L','in.

11 In a l i l l M n i ' l l l > h > H l n l l l III I"''1 n IMIOI-i n t t n proni l u n i t n r lr l i inun a v a i - l i i l n t i n .

To (Inro (l«itnll |iiillini ri>r«*«r.Tulin ( I i twi ' iuo tH (Ju ln lv <lu lhur t ln . KM or Cflo.

It ( ' . O, ('. f u l l Lo oi i rn , i l fU |u ( l> ' IM r i i fu i i i l iniiiiny.

oiipiii'iunlty iiiiiiMi'H nvi-i-y ilniir, bill(lllilH till' lllllKKIU'll IIHllM'll.

' I ' l l , i K"'»l l in in 'n l i f t ) In l l l« ' t bn i i p i u kI Im I In b i - l K b t i ' H t "I t i n - clmii' ,

Tbi'i 'i1 In n n'lynt i l l f f i ' i ' i ' i i i ' i ' l i r lwi ' i ' i in l i ravi ' anil u f r i ' U l i M i M i ln in .

I T yuii l i i iv i i i (n tyou tiuvn nHnnti

luir i l . lUI,I D A N I H . n

ji rn.ta Ointu, ur >'nuwuiil i l not i iuvi i l i n i i i N I I w .

'I t in on ly Uunnuit.i 'o(l ( ' u r n , Nn d n l i ' i i l Ion f nunl i i i M i i i ' h H , no njh i r i i t l i f r i , in, oii luin nr n in i ' i ib ln i 1 ,IJ Ml l | i | i i i h l l in - | i<n Mil', ill- -i nni l l inn of n l n u n n n l9UNI. i inn lp i i l i t l . y i i i n l l . Hi i in t f i i t - l i n i i k n r v n l nn l i l i i l l i r i i l l i i n t l i i l i nil I ' l lni i . h ' l l l O K . w l i n t h i i r y u l lil^in i i t i r r i M i i i ' i l y nr nut.

till A it {Tin in I I I , , llm tfi'i-.l, I'mi'ii.

11} Thompson's Evo Walor

Mr.Tho HeiiBotiliiir.

Ti>ndi>rfoi)t -- T!I(H bcnr inrntHi- t ' i i iH vi>ry lilglily HiMciMl.

CartiiH ( ' l iurlcy -It ouKbt to bo, purd-MIM-. 'I ' l iat 'H a .cinnamon boar


A OuiUe of Clieclieni.

-Mr. I l lnckboui- t l ; nm- ough tn r InIn tllshcr lojf,



\1S—llcnr : Thtirn In! Tho•hockm-ii, nnd It's ymiii move,

'. Of n Truth."Hovon dollnrii mid M f l y c t j n t M for n

book' I lko t lmt l" oxclnlinod (hn y o i n i Kman, p u t l t l i i u bis inn-tin bnck In b inpockol. "Why, t lu i t COH|I< l l k n nlu."

"My yoiniK fi'lend," imlrl llm o l t ld r lybook iigiint, "there, In notbliiK Hint COHIIIIllio nlir."—(]hlcni[o Trllmim,

Don't Tolmrco Spit and Rmoko Tour I.Ifo Anay.To Quit tobacco cuslly and forever, t'o muff

nolle, ful l of lite, nerve nnd vigor, talio No-ToIluu, tho wonder-worker, tlmt nrnliis weali menBtronir, AH drusglata, OOo or (I. Curommmii-toed, nooltlot/ tuirt Bivmplo freti. AddressHterllng Hemtfly Co.. Chicago or New York.

JCvory npcni l t l i r l f t to paHHlon IB ili-btm-to tboiib'bt.

MrH. WliiaUnVn HnothlnK fiyrup 'or clitUUenteething, Hottcnn tlie KiitiM, rciluclni^ Inllatiuuii .t tun , alliiya piiln, cnrc^ wind cullc, *,>c. u IHIIIU.

l l i -uiver

who can vv l i l tU lo1)1' loI lC 'HOIl l t i . '

otto turn-

Tlio Holt I'ronrrliillnli fur O l i l l l *nnd KnriT In ft hot tin of U I I O V K ' H TAHI «i.(''1111,1,'['OHIO. 11 la almpljr Iron nni l n u l n l n nii inBtoloan form. No euro—no j iuy . I'rlco fk

True Imleix'mlenee noviM1 n ix i 'Ki tH In toUui la t lon , l int K l < » l l . v W I > | I > I I I I I I > M <>vi - rya id f i -nni I 'Vrry H n u r c i ' - - I K I I In Hr rv l lnani l In i l i i l rn l iillliji-cllnj, . lull IIH llmK n i w I i i K I > l a n t weleonieH Ihe warm HUHanil t in ; i - i ' f i - i -Hl i ln i r ruin by whUih It luIn i ;nln I I I i i t i ' i>n( ; t l i , I I I l i r ac i ty and Inf i l l l l f l l l n r i i i i .

nnnntnim Ounnot no (7iir«<1l>v Inniil npiillnntluan, iiiVtliny imiiiuit ronnh tlindlnimnml (inrllon (if tlin onr. Thnro In only i innwny to oiirft ili-nfni-nri, mnl tlmt In by imunt l tu -(Inni i l r i ini iMllnH, 1>, n f i i cnn lit ontiniMt by nn n.l l i i iniMl n i i r i i l l t l i i i i nf tho iiiiic.diin ! lnl ini( i f I I I , -ICi l i i tnol i Inn Tllbn. Whmi thin ti l lm iiotn I nH I I I I I M ! you linvn u ninibl l i iK nininil or Impmfi't-t liiii«rliiu. uni t ivliun It lu n llml) iilnwaHii i i fni iHi i 1 llm rui i i i l t , . mnl unlniin t l in In i lmnninl lnn nun IMI I j ikon nut nnil Hi In t i l lm i n•tnri'd to Itn i in r i i i i i l i i l l t lon. l i iMir l l iK w i l l boi lnnt r i iy id fur vnr. N l n n ennun nut.of tun nr«rnnnnd by (iii l^iri 'b, whldl i In l ioMi lhK h i i t i i u I n -lamed i oinlttlnn (if munoiin f i i i i ' fnrnn.

U ' n w l l l i i l v d Dun l l l l n i l i i »1 V > u l l i > r n for miyn n o o f Ddi i fu i iK ( |,y c.iit.nrrh) tlmt «iin°.

mil bo (ini-(ii| by l lnl l ' i i I ntnrrh i urn. Hi^mlfur n l r i i i i l i i rn , friW

I1', J. ( l i i M N n v A ('«., Tnloiln, <>.Hnbl by )>nmnli ,(«, 7A«.llnll',1 Fiunlly IMI,i in n Uin

'I'h,, mini V I M I I ' l i n i i l i l i i r it f i i u l p i ' i i l i n l i l ybun it i i l i n l l i i r op in ion nf you

lln%« Art) Ymir lLI«lu«>ya f

Dr. Ifnlitin'rliinrnunn I'll In t'n rnl» 11 klilnny 11 In llnni.

I.ailt'' vlnvvn, blub bi)|i"M ami imniil-M u l i n l i i i i i i l l i i > i l | , a l i i i i , \vhnlr i t nnv nfI M - I I V I r l i i l i i , an i i i iya i i r r i i n n i l l i r l l a -I l l l l l l l , M I K l I ' V r l l l l l ' l ' l l l l y M'dncn i i ' i i ji i n x l n l l i ' i i ami n n l l r l l i i i l i T .

n l t lv r lyn i i cnrn l lu l in ,la Ilic i:lii-«l nr

bis remarks."I ask you, do IV" be repeated.Tbe reporter hastened to assure him

that as far as he could see he did not.~ "Do I seem to be bearing on my .back;the burden of the world?" .

"You carry It very lightly If you do,"smlled_tlie .reporter, _______ , ______ — .1. — •— ..... ~ '..

"Would you sny that I was dead torapture and despair, a thing thatgrieves not and that never hopes V"

•'Not unless 1 was a liar," venturedtlie reporter.

"Wourd~you~0ilnk that, anybody hadlooHened and let down my jawV"

"And has anybody slanted back mybrow, that you can notice?" the manwent on.

"Not In the least."."Or I IHH anybody's breath blown ont

the light w i th in my brain?""'Never a blow," naltl the reporter."Do 1 Ht r lke you as stolid nnd stun-

ned, a brother to tbe oxV"' •Any th ing but that," admitted the re-

porter. "Itut why are you asking meall them) (iiiestlonsV"

"I'll tell you. I ruined nn my farm Inl l l l no lH last year 10,000 l i i iHl ie lN ol1

wheat, IL',000 bimhelH of uutn . -10,000lnml i e lH of corn and 1,000 head of entile.In miy no th ing of other HtulT and Htoek,mnl I'm J U K I baek from a lOuropcanli - lp . Now, w h a t 1 wan t to know IH II'.MarUha i i i knew wha t he was ta lk ingabout when he wrote 'The Man w i t hthe Hoc.' "

fileanty IN Illond Dnep.Clean blood mcntm n. clean nkln, No

Iwauty without it. (JuwarutH, (Jiintly I'athnr-,tin clean your lilnod anil kccii it clean, by,

up tbo liir.y liver nnd drivlnK ull lin-mritli'ii from the body. llcnln to dny tolianiuli piinplen, lioil.i, blntoli(-n. lilncl.liciuln,mil that Hit-lily biliotm complexion by ta l i i i iK

CunciirulH,- -licunty for ten ccntM, All(jlntu, imtinfi if t ion Kiun-antt-cil, 10c, 'JJi

H n l k l n' V l i l i - n e c

•IIH In it boy, ornf Inc i ipa i ' l t y .

Pleasant, Palatable. Potoiit. Tasto Good. DaGood, Nover Sicken. Wcnkon, or Gripe, lOo. 2io, Wo.

... CURE CONSTIPATION.. ...»»rfj C«mp«n;, Cbleijo, Uralrtll, Hiw Tut. 917 '

Sold'nnd cnnrnntecd by ulldrnc-:l»i8 to OtJUB Tobacco Hnblt


Worth $4 to $6 compared\ with other makes. t

Indorsed hy over' l.OOO.OOO weurer».

The nenulne have W. L.Ooiigua* name and Priceatamped on bottom. Takoino substitute claimed to bean pood. Your dealernhould keen t l lemr- l ( jnot, we will ocnd a | ^

on nKelpt ot price and for carriage. Stale kind ot leather,alxe, and width, plain or cap toe. Cat. free, '

W. I. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mill.



I IHH tH"<'n UM«<t hy in lH lonHof . moth urn forih.'lr f l i l l t l i i ' i i whl l (> 'I'.-.'tiling ror ovur FiftyVritrn. 11 riootlii-rt Ihti (;lill«l, nof toi iH Ihuuiinirt, iilhiyn nil pttln. t'Ui'f» vvhut cullu, undU tho tK 'Mt n'lm-dy fur illttrrlioHi.

Twonty-ftvo Conta o Bottlo,

Ur"*"uf{ " MtrijtiiVrrr'tjeroD

^ >3»«j ll.ftl.hj

r f l i i n i n n t r f i l hy1016 AHCH ST.

,11 o|ici'imni or nclity liK'h lice. Ju i i ln lnc i i i e i ini l l i i t i iu lnc i i l i ' l t lRCi i* .

i 1 .1.1. < ,,. m? i» I r. Al

'l',!in|)rrancr njvilnil iiliyMlrliiiuf nf

FOR 14W* Hlih to «»ln ll>l> fur ioO.IMD«wou»t|imi<r«, *nil ncnoti offe1 I'kil, Oil/ (I.I. Un lluct.'.t Ii'Mior.Mc.irimiborlJ



Km- WhonplHK Cmiidi, I'lnn'n ('lira In n nun.i -nnn rn l imni ' i ly . M. I ' , l l l i - | i : i i , l )7 ' rhriHil i Ayr..I l i -Mt ik ly i i . N. V., Nov. H. inut, '

I I I I I K H mill I IK: I n I «u Ii ' i>nimni|>lli 'n I Atwi ivn

fur ctillJicu. Tu»lr» u»««l. IXmcomoiiumll,

\ V l i a l i - n i i l MI l l l l l l l l l l ' l l l l l l l .

Hilui'ntn Your |Ki»<il> \Vllh <1n>onr«lri.( N i i u l y < ? a l l i i i i ' i l r . inirn < n n i n t l | i i \ t l n n furnvor,

lOa.LMo. II (!.(!, ( ) , f iv l l , i l r i i i (Klninrol i in i l i i ionoy,

II ' y i i i l I ' x p i ' r l In w i n n l l h u II" ymii i u n i l lilaj; M uuUi l i . P

V i r A l . l l V low, t l r l l l l l l n l r i l ni r« I l l l l l v t e i t i - l l l ri|t iy I I I . K l l u r ' i t l i i v l l l o t i i l l n n 'I'linlo. I'llliii )lI t l n l h i i l l l r IIH '•! vveW l i r M m i i u l . I l l Kl l l lc ,l.ll., Kl l AK- l l Ml . , r l l l l i l l l r l l ih l . l , I ' iMl l i i tn , ! Ilia.

( 'o i i l imlmi ' i i l i f lvniif i l l t l l l l " l l H l l l l l l ' l l l l - l l

n crown whm-iiI t .

af IT Dinner Onion,rllfl«iit I/low. rUe.<1«.

lh «t.ou, w.

_. . . . . - jnllrtr., .\kuowr, ll.n jciu uoftlft NalBcr'p>4H«ioilB ynu «f l ) l n«Tiir ilu wUhoui. '•*«UI>n| I'rliuon lUlior> lttui).-jr>t- I

jniin A. nil»u mil CO., |.t (noim», nin. (


i nnr»r ncTlinuc >'»>» «i'i«n iiivmiiin«nt« inI Anl!r llh IUllHi ,,,!„„„ u,ii,,iiin,,ii». MIH.LnllUL |n,j(!,,.,r:, l . n n V i - n n n . N . M . . f , .vi-lri-i l l«r«.

I f H I ' K U H I C N T A T l V I C H \VANTI!I> In ImnilUI k i i l l l i i l i i u n m l hy n i l I,, |, ' |I |M,II" ini lo , , I l l> i ' in . 1 >r,r

i«lli>ri nn imn v n » H l i l | { ; | in ill IN. HI,ml ft tin)1 .1 'Hrtlri iUrttCur (lump. I I T E I ' I I K N / L t l l l k k N , HM a l 'Ml l t l l . , N, V,

lloilk nf laMlllluilllftln milt ~IO fttlTN1 irn t̂iiiiiii1

I ' t o o , nr. )(. ll. umiBN'Bioni), n» t n, MI.UI..U.

H ' x k l * »IIU^ W « ( . < l , r 4 M f l r l "l*l»l>|,|f,t , . I l l U I W n , 14 I ' I l l l^ . l , I l l ^ ' h l ) , , , V t

iiuli* unit <loli l« Oonvuiuiitliiu,

AU I>iu*(UU, MOo.

Page 3: HAMMONTON, SOUTH s Fills T.TJ. JERSEY · SOUTH JERSEY The only newspaper $51.25 a year, post-paid $1 00 in the county. Well equipped for in all branches—' Pamphlets, • Business


The Nineteen Hundred Wheel859

':'j of fortune caa turn up nothing better for yourfamily"tbaiira; good-'UzTi"'policy "of \tife"iiieur!iuce""on "'your life. The Prudetijid.1 isauea policies e'x-ictly"*within your means. • - - . . ^-p . • • -

Write for particulars.Co.-

•lca.iJOHN P. DRYDEN, Prea't. LESLIE'D. WARD, Vice, Pres't.V,

KD'JIAH B. WARD, FORREST F. DRYDEN, Bec'ySecond Vice Pros't and Counsel.

Announcement. J

:~After having taken a th~ortru.jh and practical coursein Refraction, I wish to announce to. the public thatI am'tiow capable of prescribing glasses for the most

complicated cases. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prescrip-tion Lenses duplicated from preseiiption or old lenses.Eyes examined in the evening, as well as during the day.Uptical. Repairing will receive prompt attention.

ROBT. STEEL, Optician.

Spring Shirt Waists; and Ladies'Wrappers.

0 New styles in Millinery every week.Sailor Hate for 35 and 45 cents.A variety of Ladies' and Children's Hats,

—always of the latest.

• • Miss E. D.Agent for Standard Patterns.

Oh, by the way,Is your Butter satisfactory ?

Wo have the Elgin Creamery—tho best.

At Mclntyre's Meat Market

Tri-weekly N, Y. Tribuneand the •' .

South Jersey Republican(Four papom cncli week), for $2 a year

to any uddroso in thiw county, or ^2.25 outrnde.

Homo-drcBHcd Moatii t^ivo tho bent'oatu faction todealoroand ouHtomoro alike, and Hatinfiuition in juiit what youare looking for. If you got it you'll coiuo again.

Wo guarantee to compete with any in price, thoughliomo-dr«H8cd costa one cunt more per pound than wooan buy for «'laewhoro. Yet wo prefer to handle liorne-dreaHcd. Clivo it a trial, and judge for yourHelf.

EOKHARDT'S MARKET• 240 Uollovuo Avo., Hammonton.

~ I entered as aeoona~bTaB»mntterT


' Rosedale News. ^Isaac Wells was borne" from Phlladel

pbia on a visit.Mrs. VanSchoick and danger have

returned from Bellefonte, Pa., wherethey have been visiting friends the pastmonth., Harry Wells saya he expects to have

the largest berry crop of any farmer'inthe place tbhr season. A.

John Farrar spent two days visitinghis mother in Philadelphia, this week.

Conrad. Woodrieh has the contract toplaster the addition to Tarchi Brothers'Hotel; also a .bouse for Mrs. J. T.Robertson, of Elm. .; . " . ' ' • ' • > .

Jno,-Gr-La«inger-was-here ibis week.

lantie—Telepbone-Go.rfor crossing-thewires of the West Jersey and SeashoreRailroad with their ten new wires.

Wm. Higizan bas ' purchased thbSDauldinp-propertyrand'given8 0 c r J 6 b ~ n 7 ~ D.


'Miss Lizzie Sweet, of Camden, Isvisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 6.M. Sweet.

J. F. Leed, Jri, spent Sunday atJfValerford.

E. S. Reeves, ofJJridgeton, is visitingbis mother, Mrs. E. Cordery.

J. W..Currie IB moving into the houselre J. T. Robertson.

The continuation of Spring Road,which is to be known as Rothwell Ave.,was completed this week.

Clms. -Albright wSs chosen RoadOverseer of this district.

The clay workers are especte^j toresume next week.

The schools were closed .last week, onaccount of the measles.

Mt."~A.: E."Deabrws~ out" -yesterday"forjjjg,f3rat time, after a four weeks'severe sIchneBS."~ '' """ ~

Mr. Thomas Albright is recoveringfrom a severe attack of rheumatism.

Miss Florence Wood has been con-flned to the bouse with lagrippe, MissNellie Jones conducted Miss Wood'sBcbool at Bluo Anchor,. —-.•.._,

Frank Albright baa been elected amember of the Board of Education.Goo. Bower was appointed to Oil vacancycanned by Mr. H. Wood moving away..

Freeholder Joseph Kane, of _ BlocAnchor, has an attack uf lagrlppo.

Turcbi Bros, purchased furniture forthree rooms at the sale at Winalow•Junction H o t e l r T h u r e d a y . •

Tho social held In the basement of theChurch was a success. Another will beheld In the same place very soon. mx.

Ho Fooled tbo Surgeons. • r 'All doctors told Renlok Hamilton, of

West, Jufloraon, O., after Buffering jgluontha from rectal flfltula, ho would ,dlaunlesft a cnatly operation was performed;but bo cured himself with live boxes ofBuckluu'a Arulciv Salve, the surooc pileeuro on earth, and tbo bout salve in tlioworld. :!fi cento a box. Bold by CrowellDrugglat.

Diaoovorcd by a Woman.Anoiuitr great, dlaoovory baa bron

mudo, and that too, by a lady In thiscountry. "Dlnnane funtencd Hu olutohnsupon (tor nnd for mi von yearn nho wIMi-Hl.ond lln «uveroat tentH, but lior vital

^IIB worn ' uudernilnod and deathDiiicil Imminent . For throo montha

HMO oonjrhrd liifiOHHuiitly, end could not«l<xip. tiho llnully dlnoovarcd a wuy torecovery, by |;»rol> inliiu o! nn a bottle ofDr. Klng'n Now Dlnoovpry for'tn, nna wnn BO much rol.ovod on tulclngflint (loud that Bbo ulopt nil night; andwith two bottlon hna br.on ntmnliiuilyonri'il. Ihir nitiiio la Mra Lntlior I<utK. 'Thim wrlton W. 0. Humnlok & Co., ofSluilliy, N. C.' Trial hottlflB fron at(Jro..nU'H DniK Btoro. Itognlar «lz>i fiOo.and $1.00. Evory bottlo Kiiuruntoiid.

Dodgcra, Postern,/

etc., oto.,

Printed when wanted,

ut the Republican Oflico.

New stock: of SATURDAY. APBIL 7,1000.

Carpets, Mattings,

Call and see us. ~ .

Afullaasoztmentof band and macbiomade,— for work or driving.

Trunksr,yalises, Whips,Riding Saddles, Nets, etc.

Hammonton. N. J.

Opeoitig.We intend making our SodaFountain ouelof the'Ieadingfeatures of our store for thecoming season.

Pepsin Ton!combines all the properties ofEueboe'of'Pepiin with~those~of amost, excellent.Tpnlp.


Especial attention will be paidto Ice Cream Soda, served withcrushed fruit.

"•CrowelFs Pharmacy.-11 f Bellovue A von no.

OpenSuudaj's—9:80a.m; to 1 p.m. •—v . 2:00 to 8:00 p.m?

~GEO. 0, DRAKEKeeps a full lino of


Sewing Machines,Repairs,

And Supplies.In Minn ArllU'a Millinery fltoro

Bollovuo Avo., Hammorton.

The Ropublican nnd .


Weekly Press

two papers one yoar

for »51.25.

SHOES.Always a Good Stock

ShooH mudo to Order in mySiiooiulty, and full

nut'uifaction in guaranteed.

ilopuiring done.

llollnvuo Avenne,

Hammonton. : : W. J,

Physician and Surgeon,'Hill's Block, Hammonton. *

Office Honrs, 7:30to 10:00A.M.1:00 to8:00and 7:00 to 9:00 P.H.

Bring orders for

Job Printing

to this office.

Lyford Beverage: Public

'for New Jersey, '•*tenders his services.

Pension vouchers'. J.

W. PRESSEY,Hammonton, N. J., •

Justice of the Peace,Office. Second aud Oherrv Sta.

O. A. CAMPMKLL , 1C.C. A. Canipbcll & Co.,

Real Estate & Insurance,Money 10 lonn on mortgage. Parlies having

hiiuBis to rent, or proportion for eiilo or ex-ctmnne. will do well lo cull, or \vrlious.OfDoo. 1803 Atlantic Avo., Alliinllo City.

Residence, r.!J Orchard rit., Huinniunton, N,J


our homo treatment. Wo arc pliysl-olaiiB, and you Rut tho bonollt of ohroxpurlouco. . No matter wlmtyourtrouble la, bow aimplo or huw liopo-lem, wo can do yon K<iod, and If woouti't wo will LoucBtly loll you BO.

' Thouinndx of tired, wcury, mclc, andliopulcun pooplo IIAVO bnuti xiidrelyanil poriuiinently ourud by


Why not talco heart again nnd Invcs-llRuto th in uieat prinoiplo. \Vo havetlioununda ol' Uiatliuo'iilalH. Hiind forbuolc (iu homo trt'Ainuuit, wonderfulciircu, uilvlou (0 tho nick, olo , fiou.

Drs, Starkoy & Pal on,1112 Olrord Btroot, Philadelphia,' Po.

Dr. Htimphreys9

SpflclrtCH cure by nclina <lirootly upontho.aiBOnuo,' without oxcltlu({ dluordor iunny other part of Iho, <:o»«s. rnicw.

1 — ir«*nr>; Oonflo»tl«D», Iiin«mmatlono. ,'J5•J-\Vurm.. Worm Voter, Worm Oollo.. , ,'JO

.l-Illnriliea. of Ohlldroiior AcluIU,..,.. .'JO7—Onii*li>, Oold», IiroiiohllH '45H—NourMfla, ToolhMlio, Vaooaoho U5U-llnxlarlio, Ulok IKuulaolm. VcrUff,).. ,'Jft

1O—Uyfpnpit*, IinllijwiUou,WiMkuU>miioh,'.l511— HupprnM«4or 1'iilnfiil I*nrl"rtrt.,..I'l—WliU«*> Too rrofiuo I'orlwUl£l—4Jroup. LarviKlll'' 1'oarnonoid14-Hnll Hholira. KrjrdpflUi; Krui>tlon«,10—llhcuiiiallirfn, llliouniatlo I'ntiii10-MnUrU, OhIIU. Valor «n>l A|Uo.,,.1O—<l*larrli, lufliimuo, Oolil Iu Ilia Head ,'J5HO— \Vhoopln«.<)on«|i... HI•JT-UUlior IH«oi«««i« 'Jrt«H-Nnr«ou« Dohlllly ..'. l.OO

7T-<Jrlp, H«r Ifo'tT • .U*tit. llumphrn «• Mnvnal of nil )>lwu«i «t jrour

UriiiHliti nr H*lli»i VrtH>. , .»uil(I lit ilruHi(l.t«, ur M«t /in rmnlutnf prlca.

H uiniiliray*111*1. tllx, Oor. WlUUi" '' v-'~ '"owYurk. ^



,llftW A JvhttUU..


Meeting of the 6. A. B. this eve.Wm. C. Qifford baa accepted a

••position in Atlantic City._ sSf Mr. D."C. Potter le spending a

'•little time in Hammonton.KQrE. Stockwell baa put electric

- lights in bis store, feed-room, etc. -------©ay Begnlar service in the Unlver-

-aallbt Church to-morrow morning.TT'OUND,— a r"lr of BpeoUioloo. Owner con

uC.__flasa them .by:paylue for.thlajiQUce.

County Courts open on Tuesday,— at May's Landing, this jcar.

£6f~ Syd. Verts ba» been entertaining^hia brotfier Harry, from Philadelphia.

ES?" Look out for the concert to be" .'Riven May 1st by the Sons of Veterans.

POTATOES, for-flccd.

- Word' was received, Thursday,'Of the^death of7Mr8rWm^BrHaudi"inAsheville, N. 0.

JB©» Bev. Houston Taylor, pastor-electrWill-preach-in-the-FreBbyterian•Church to-morrow.

^ SST First regular business meeting•of the Board of Education, on Tuesday-evening next, 10th inat.

WANTED.— All the pretty Rlrls in Hum-moutoa to inrm o lino Iu front of oar

store and Induce tbe young mento treat toFepnln Tonic.

CHOWELL'8 PHARMACY.• J®* Miss Mary Wincbip baa returned• to Hammonton, having been employed

~ -several months in Vineland.- ......• BSffbe ladies of the Universalist

•Church will give a patriotic concert onthe evening of Decoration Day.

£S?~ Tbe personal property of tbe lateDr. Edw. North is to bo sold on Wed-nesday, April 18tb, by tbo executors.

I OBT.— Friday, March 30. between 4 and 6J o'clock p. tn., a Ooia Watcb, by Miss

Dollle Nqlson— either ID Ceu iral Houool or ontl-.e way bnme, on First Koud. A liberalreward for Its return to her father,


EOT There will be a grand EasterJmiytfoniiay ̂ evening,^ApjjMi6th, 1900,in Jackson's Hall. "Spectator's tickets,

t&- Home raw weather this week,but grass begins to look green, and Na-ture is making progress toward summer•growth. .

. Pr<)f- B- Ucmpcl, Instructor .ofZltber, Mandolin, Butilo, and Ualtar,

Will open u Consfrvnlory of Mnslo In Ham-monuiu. ThoBO who d«nlro instruction canconsult him personally after the Concert In(Tulun Hall, on Hatnrday evening, April 14.He comes highly recommended.

M. Ballard's property (tbebarber shop), and H M. Trow bridge's,

. adjoining, are being protected by brickcurbing.

We'hear "6f "a ITamruonton man

SS?" Pastor Ogborn, of .the M.Church,. is expected to preach to-mprrow;" following themes ; n.'m•'The Christian Bace." ̂ Evening, "ToSafu Way." ., '

PIVE.LAR.GE ROOMB for rent. In thoOdFellows' block, second story. ' Snltubl

for housekeeping. Call at this olQco. •OSS" Changed advertisements, tbl

week: Miss Arlitz, Wf L. Black, Pruden tial Insurance Co'., Johnson Laboratorles. Jackson & Son, E. A, CorderyCrowell?s Pharmacy. ' .•\TfTHY do you Invent jour money for el:TV per cent, when yon cnn mnko twepiy

Address C. A. CAMPBELL '& CO., ,; . Hummouton.N. J.

Harry Little 'has divided tblarger corner room of bis store', laid inew floor, and with paper and painwill make an elegant show-room (or hifurniture and carpets.fl&l KA_CAE*H will bay nflne building Ixit3P I •f>tr"GO~i"15(rTeof; ori^"Krapie~Htr~Hlithund dry, wesi. side. Hoi'iubllcan offlco.

8 -̂ To-morrow being Palm Sundaytbe services at St. Mark's Cbarcb wllie,—Morning Prayer and Holy Commapion at 10:30 a. m. Evening Service a

7:30 a. m.rpo KENT." The'BflooDd-floorof Red Men's1 Hull. Apply to C. W. AUSTIN.

86T Rev. W. N. Ogborn bas been ilsince last week Thursday,— unable to

"Ibat'frorn'hieTorty lions bo"now receives an average of ihirty-sixegg* per day.

SEVKUAt. THOUSAND of (Mono Blraw-borry I'livnu not wold yet. Viirl«-UcH (inch

ns Uuuuy I'rlzo, Uunily Holla, Ulcu Mary,<:iy<|i'. HuiindurH, Ijicly Thompson, UrcalI'aolflo, Wolvorlon, and Ilruixlywino.

J. K. IIOI.MAN, .M Mil 1» Houa, Hamnionlon.

earfbo Arllrans LodtfO had a veryintoroRtlng moollns on Tuesday evening.lust. Several of Ihuir Grand Ofllcorswere prcncnt.

Edw. Roberts, son of Mr. andMrs. C. E. Roberts, visited bin parentstills wcob, for tbo Ural tjnio Iu moretbnn nine years.

HOIWH: KOH 8AI.R-rli«nn.K M Y U I C K . M I t M I n Ilond.

tgjr Mr«. Win.' II. Hopplnj; la ro^iort-«•<) very sick, In Philiulolphla, Herulstor, Mine MorabScoly, wuaiiummoncdtlilthur on Monday.

SQf Thn Kpworth League supper andonturtalnmont Tiiohdny evening wan nnurcrna, nnd tho committee report thollnunclul part aa oatlalaclnry.

n" OUHIC AND LOT KOH HAl.l'J, on llollo-vnu Avoiiiiii , I l i inirnonlnii . Lot SO x 161)

luol. Uood h<MiH<> ot Huvdn rooinu,liMilllnnif \. H. DAVIH,

I?. .Taylor preached in bis stead in tbemorning, and the League took chargeof evening services.

TWO HOUSE WAGONS, new,iwoof Ihem—for Kale. Two second-band

Ight spring wagons on band.. . F. A. LEHMAN.

S&~ Tbe Presbyterians on Tuesdayvening elected Rev. Houston Taylor, a

Senior at Princeton, as pastor, and haveeason to expect him to accept. „ He ia

a young man of more than ordinarybility, and gives promlee of great uso-nlness.

&&• The regular business meeting olho Woman's Christian TemperanceInion will be held at the bouse of Mrs.

R. Tilton, on Tuesday, April 10tb,at 3 p. m. A full attendance is requested,as mutters-of importance will comebefore tbe meeting. COB. SEC.

£57" At a special meeting on Mondayvening the' Baptist Church -extended,a- Invitation to Rev. Herbert F.joomls, of Crozer Theological Seminary,

to become their pastor. Mr. Loomispent two Sundays here, and made -a

very pleasant impression upon his con-gregations. Ho bas accepted tbe call,and will be here to-morrow.JKAA CASH will buyalargednnblol ...P«IUU on East Third Street, 100 x 22S

feel. • QuleTlocatlon, In-night of-souool undobnrobos, Ropubltcnn offlco.

A CAED.—We are very "grateful toour neighbors and friends who ministered to us In word, deed, and flowers, iqour late affliction. 'May said tothem at that great and notable day,"Inasmuch as ye did it unto one bf-tbeleast olLtheao. my_ brethren, ye did _lt'uuto me."

Mn. and Mns. L. MONFOUT.SQT Mrs. Charlotte Moore died on

Sunday morning curly, at tho residenceof bur son-in-law, Lqaml Moolbrt, onBollovuo Avenue, Ilumninuton, aged 83years. She WUB a sinter of Mrs. SamuelAnderson, Sr. Her death was not un-expected, as eho had bcuu lailiny; instrength for a long time. Slio hasresided ••lioro many yeara, 'and wnn aChrlstiun woman. Funeral etrvlces attho M. B. Church on Wednesday alter-noon.

Hona of Votoriinu' moutinj; nnxtMonday uvonlne;, Ixit every inumbornttund, an tho Cup tain wlnl ion to drill an

oltou us ponuthlu boforo Moinorlal Day.K&- Kritnlc Allbrluht Imn boon oluotud

Htcriiliiry nnd HhlppniK AKMIII of tboKim Fruit Orowera' A'BRodtnllou, to Il l l /vucnnuy cnuaod by duulh of Mr. Mutton.

I .1011 ItKNT.. Tim (Inn lurx'i Ktorn In Oddli'cillown' lilook, l inn two l»ri|ii iiliito

u luna hulk wliulown, minvi inlont nlnrD-i i ioiu' (n Hut rjur, |>.iv<-il mOlnr , lnn"lro id t l i ln

for plirOoi 'nlllnti ft>i onlnrn,

Star Kdvmrd MoCormlcIc, of 1'hlln-dolpblo, waa In town thin \vmilc. llol inn owned land In lUniinonton forniuny yonro, and haul); ati old nolilmr, IntlniiklnR;atron|{ly of u quiot honii. liorolor hlmnnlf iviiil wll'n.

C«Sr <Jood Friday comeo noxt wcuk.- ___— - *?1

Innuro with tlia A. 11. I ' l i l l l lpM Co,,11116 AtU,,'.!o Avi>,, All i inl lo Oily.

Doric Lodge. No. 12, Shield ofHonor, hold its flral "nmokor" luutSaturday evening, In Meuhanlca' Hall,nnd It proved a grand succoas,— Iho hallbeing crowded. Brother Churlun Klil>;e-WAV, of tho Grand Lodbu, umdu u linenddrusa on the bonollis and (itivllogua ofIho order, and suverul of our youngtownnmuu tooU part In Iho prugranuno.Tho olllcort) dod meiiiborb of ibo Lodgowloh to thank Iho followliie yount; menwho gave their sorvloos : A. L. Pixtton,Chun, Boull, Harry Curry, Morris King,JoBuph Herbort, and Olmu. Thornton. *

Mu. ICnh'ou :_Wo buvo hoard muchcomplaint bocauoo Iho Town Councildid nut appoint uomo man from the"firm ward" to (111 the vacancy cutihodby tho doatli of Mr. Suttnu. I wlnh loutalu thul wo did all /wo could to l lml/Homooiio to Illl lliu, bill and ulyo iBatlHl'ncillon. Thono whom woBiiltablu would not nccopt tho olllco, oruvon coiihlihir It. Then wu wont to antiinhor ol our l>nnliuinn moil, and gottliu mvnio reply. Tim uxmiium worn thatIt look too muoli tlma from Imnliiuno ;olliorn, that It might all'oot their hunl-

In Iho wuy of tradtt, nto. In my(>|>lnl(>ii, llio Ooinuill Hhniild ho iiiuilu upol thiiio IIMIH from ' i l lffn 'rvnt nootloim oftlin town, and ihron Iniiu tliu liuslnwm

—' our bunlntiBH inSii and tux-|iny«rn. J. K. WATKIU.

A Busy Town Council.

jVtMidiournod meetlng-was-held-JasFriday evening.^March 30th, —all mem-bora present. • ' . ' . * ' '

The, License Committee reported-favorably on the application of M.D'A'gbstlno, arid, later bia license wasrenewed by unanimous vote.- , The application of J. T. French and32. T. Crowlpy for transfer of license totheTattor, was referred back to Council.Considerable doubt being entertainedas to Council's 'right to transfer a license,an ordinance was introduced by Mr.DePay, Chairman of License Commit-tee, intended to give Council' therequisite authority. Mr. Chandler ap-peared in tbo behalf of the Woroan'sChristian Temperance Union and"allied

. _ . isage' of 'said ordinance or transfer ollicense. Mr. French argued the case iuhis own behalf. The ordinance passedfirst reading, and was laid over underthe rules. * . :

—MrT-George-Chr-Hariey-waB-clccted-to-of "Mr. AT

H,_Sntton. ;". Electric Light bill for March, $100,

ordered paid. -Voted, to hold 'special meeting on

ordinances, and transact any other business brought forward. • . ,

. SPECIAL -All members were present on Tuesday

evening. "A letter in regard -to repairs for road

machine read aud referred to Overseerof Highways.

Ordinance to license bottlers andbottlers' agents taken up. Passedsecond and final reading, withoutdissent,

Ordinance empowering Electric LightCompany to increase charges to com-mercial patrons also passed by unani-mous vote.

Ordinance to authorize transfer, oflicense taken np and passed secondreading. On motion for final passage,Council was addressed by Mr. Chandleror the remonstrants, and by Messrs.

French and Anderson in its favor. Onroll call, the ordinance was defeated byifvQteof flve toronv=-Mr. DePuylilonevoting aye;

Mr. Batcbelor expressed doubts aa toCouncil's legal.right to pass the ordin-ance, and moved that the enablingordinance be referred to Law and OrderCommittee, who arfi_emp6wered to con-sult eminent legal aulhVity in Camden

'ounty, and secure written opinion asto its legality. AdoptedA

On motion, -Council adjourned; tolold special meeting on Friday evening,

April Otb, at 8:30, for the transaction ofany business. that may come before It. .

List ot uncallod-for letters in thelammontou Po9t-Offloo, on Saturday

April 7, 1000,Mrs. Herbert H. Armstrong.

Airs. Mury A. Clark.Hlinono Ouooo.

Ulo Dl Doraenloo.Uulhopua Ua 11 no. "J

Atlantlu Journal. !j MuKdulouu 1'utranella.

PorflODB oulllng for any of tho aboveotters will ulouao etntotbttt it has boon

advertised.M. L. .IACK80N, P. H.

Holy Week aud Busier Day eor-Icus. ot Sl..tlarU'a Church will bo as

olluws :Holiday, TiiDHday, Wcdncniluy,Hutnnlay....".

...7 u. in., Holy Com in K n loir.

...On, in,. .Mornti iK 1'rnyor.

...4 p, in.; K v r n l n u I'ruynr.Miuiniluy Tliurniliiy.,!,..

...U u. in,. Holy Communion,

...ill. iu., Kvonli iK rniyrr.(load Krlduy ,

,,,10 H, in., MornlnitVriiyiir. I.lluny, und' ' Pro-Anuplioru.

...1'J to fl p. in., "Tluuii llourn Horvloo "

...I'M,, KVUII 'K 1'rayur itnd Adilrcm.i.10AHTICIH)AY

..,7 u, in,, Holy Communion.

... li);iiu u. in., Morning Truvor and Holy' Uoimminlon,

• ...7;,'M p. in., ICviinlntf 1'ruyar.The Illehop IB oxpoctnd to vlnlt tho par-sh, for Conflrmatlon, on Wadnaaday Inloly Wick, April lllh.

1C. C. Al.coilN. Huntor.


The wise •woman is doing her Summer sewing now,before the hot days come. :

Long Cloth is acknowledged to b.e the material for service-able underwear. Soft finish, and so easy to sew.Ask to see it.

Lonsdale Cambiic for something with a little more weight.Nainsook for infants' slips and ladies-fine underwear.India Linen for children's dresses^and. ladies'shirt waists.

8: cents to 30 cents per yard.Embroidery in all widths and qualities, from, cambric for.

underwear to finest Swiss for waists and dresses.^Muslin Underwear, ready for wear. , ^Gowns, Drawers, Skirts, Corset Covers.The new Val Laces are ready for sata More designs to

choose from than ever before. - '

^* For an easily prepared dessert, try Jell-O.

At Ws Ii. Black's Store.

An Echo from the Junk Shop.BY THB 'Am MAft.

Once yon were pareAs tbe beautiful enow :But thou bast fallen INow your dazzling splendor•Which slitters in the summer sun,

. Pleads to the bargain- hunter: , '__Wbo_wllUlBO_fallThen bis breath will comeIn bard blue pants-Like tho hired man's—And Iio will consign thcoTo tho junk sbop

And buy an Orient.Poor bargain Bike IThou art no more (itTo be called a bicycleThan these lines areTb bo called a poem.

The Orient Bicycle will drop its price when, likeother wheels, it drops'its quality and stops win-ning races,—and not until then.

E. A. COBDERY, Hammonton.

12 ll)B Vlour, 2,r), J)0, «!l «.Ijurgo box llorriiifjj, 'JO o.

Cofloo, fair, 15 <:OU(H(IS poundn for 70 oontn)

CqflViO, good, lio und ^H o.A lino of Smoked Meata

Ordoro taken—gooda delivered

There ia nothing quite BO goo<4jfor dinnor UH oluokon, in thoro? It IH something of which wonever tiro. A tender,' ju iuy fowl, nicely browned, and nhungry man,—well, thoy irwtiuitly hocomo one. ,

Wo pride ourselves on our drenaod ohichono. Wo have aHock of well-lu-pt ehioltoiiH ^from which wo can sutiflfuctorilpfill jour qrdor on very rillorb notion, /

1 (\\

Page 4: HAMMONTON, SOUTH s Fills T.TJ. JERSEY · SOUTH JERSEY The only newspaper $51.25 a year, post-paid $1 00 in the county. Well equipped for in all branches—' Pamphlets, • Business



Sartorial Acceraprica that Ar«

Americans cllug-to old customs .near-ly as much as do foreigners. Probablynothing Is marc useless than the but-tons on ".the back of a man's coat or onthe underside of his sleevee, nnd yetthey have come down through many.years and no coat Is considered com-plete, without them. >In the old days,when every gentleman wore a sword,nothing detracted more from his dig-nity than to have the sword bolt sagilo>wn In tlie back. The buttons weire.placed on tho coat so that the_ belt

\' might-rest- on "them- and be-even -all.around. l<a/ter, when'swords were dis-carded and In the revolutionary days,the gentleman wore coats with flowingskirts. The sklrta were considered-blghly-ornamental^wheh—the-Tyearcr

; was standing still, but 'when ho Went.walk jth^e flanping-of—tbo-skirts- -of-theae

>caus«d him: to.present an appearance'more ridiculous than dignified, so theskirts were made with a small button-Hale In the corner and our forefatherstnttoned the skirts on the back of the>coat when they sallied forth with theirciuiee and snuff boxes.

The buttons are all that remain to us•of tliB^cbstiinies of thfise days. Thebuttons on the sleeves come from the•some times. The,. gentlemen woreneither mittens nor gloves, but Instead

_Jie had, thc-slecves-of— bis-coat-madelong, so'that he^ouT3~draw them overnls hands, even to the tips of his fln-.-gers. It added ihore to the dignity ofthe sentloman's appenrnnco to go forth-with his hands clasped In front of him

...•and his sleeves meeting so as to coverthem than It would have done to wearlarce and clumsy mittens. On. warm

-•days the gentleman did not desire totave his'hands covered, so the sleeves••were- inade with a silt back to the•wrists and the gentleman turned back"the sleeves and buttoned'them^Bo^ thatthey made-a cuff. Hence the buttonson the sleeves and the silt In the sleevefrequently made and carefully sewednp on the coats of the present day.—.Indianapolis Press.


Borne Giants that Grow at the Foot ofthe Mountains.

Near Stuart, Va., at the foot of aspur of the Blue Kidge Mountains,there is an apple tree which measuresnine feet and five Inches around, says.the Philadelphia Record. Five feet

-•.ffdm^thlFgr^uarare''-Tou^^largest being six feet around, the next•5 feet 6 Inches, the next 5 feet, thesmallest 4 feet 5 Inches. The tree Isflfty^two feet- high and seventy-oneTeet broad. Although Jt la about 70years old, It bore this year a very largecrop? U has been known to produce110 bushels In a season, and, as mightTie supposed," tlie soil 'In 'which it growsJs exceedingly rich.

On a neighboring farm there Is nn.Apple tree which Is 8 feet 0. Inches.around. In 18SO elghty:liv(> bushels ofnice picked apples were gathered fromIt and sold at -the apple lious;> for §GO.

.^The tree Is .75.j.earp. o.l(i..ond: Js;..Stlll•bearing. „

"""•Two lulles from Sfuart, on the farm•at J. W. IlobiTtBon,- stands the famousRobertson apple tree, the. parent of nil

.the apple lives of that name In theCnltcd States. It hours a largo redapple, which keeps well, 'und It hitsiproduecd at one bearing eighty-livebushels, Is about NO years old, nnd laatlll In bearing.

A few ytars ngo tbori- was on a farminonr Stuart an apple tree which pro-•jduccd at one hviirlng ISO busliclB. ' I tubadcil at uiiM-tillnu nlnoty feet ofgrounil In dluinetcr. Apple trei'H growvery largo In I'lilrlclc County, und tho.flavdr.of the f rui t IH

Nuntoli na Mliti la tVrotn.Mrs. Holiinbmldle— What nrb you

wading that absorbs you no?Mr. IIohinlKMldlc (looking up from hla

ftookl— It!« a now Scotch novel.Mm. Ilnhmhoddlu (with etitliiiHliium)

^Oh, Tin HO fond of thosi! deiir dialectthings! Do rend mo a little.

Mr. Ilohmboddlo— Onu you umier-(liuxl 117

Mro. ITahmlKxldlo (lottlly)-i-Oaii I un-<1ornraiul I t? Wi'll, I idioiild hopo nny-tbliiK you <'an ii i idci-Mliind nri'd nut buOrwlt to IIH-!

Mr. l ln l i iuhoi l i l l r No; but It i n l ( , IU))i- Hciilch. s*'

MI-H.' I l i ) l u n l i ( i ( l i l l f - < i o on; Jiml rendwhtM'it you nn. H I .

Mr. l l i i l i i n l i D i l d l r (n 'Mdln i ; ) "V» Hee,Hlpxli ' ," »ald Di inrau , i lni lrely, "I migh t4nu> i i i a l r Hie i i i a i l i ' i - «T mit t h i i u ynVUtl In- M p l e r l u ' . A l l i l l i i H inn reu IH nMl i l a ? / l l l . nn ' inn h i - i i r ln ' I lie iionhd-Mt l n n l t l l n ' In nm rni-», mi' me loougiii* IHclnvln' when I t ntid he gat-li i ' ; nn ' d lyyi> Mo' henr the i l l i ' l l n ' <>' inn l i n l r l mi'feel t l u > H l l i l l i l n ' o' inn lunul I b in i l nyKl" I gill. 11 Kl l i i ip ' in i)' .ve, imlr l i l r p l l i ilike nn mild i i K i n V l l l v . y l i mie i;(t\-nntv lni l 'v n' ( l i« iileer, h l i i i i i iy , wl 'oi l l I IKII f i ie ln ' I t mi i l r wonbt?" '

Mi'H. l l D l i l i i l i i i d i l l e Hlopi fur guod-I I C N H ' iinliel Wha t In Hie world IH tbof r i 'Ml i i rn Iryli lg to m i y V

Air. I lD l imbod i l l e - l ln 'n i n i i k l i i K a dec-larnllon of love.

MI-H. l l i i l i i u l i D i l i l l e -A •i leelnnil lon orl i )vi)V I l l ion H l i t lie >vil l i l i ' l l l l IK a lot or*yni |>lmiiH lo hln «li»cii»r,-(Joll lcr>HWeekly.

, -_- _„ , _. , _ _ .. —.....̂ ^ j

'1'hore lini'l i iny l l i ln i ; qul ' .n mi e rowi l -liiK nil u bill il»U In a I l l t l n IKHJOO.


Their Phyalcnl Perelopment la Borne-

Although the American IB willing toconcede to the Japanese the possessionof a mental capacity almost,. If jot•quite, equaling that of the mnjorlty ofwhite races, he Is apt to form a some-what slighting opinion of him as'view-ed from: a physical standpoint. Thespecimens' met with In this country donot tend to convoy a favorable Impres-sion of their athletic powers. After,however, reading an account of thephysical measurements of some of themostLprpmlnent Japanese wrestlers, atriore i respectful attitude regarding themuscular development of these littlemen will probably be taken. The J1JISblmpo has recently, published a tabl<giving the measurements of six of th»foremp9t~Japattese~ Dghtersrr Fronv thistable It Is gathered that the most bulky

'-modern- gladiators ̂ -weighs ~at-the age of 22 years about.300 poundsheight, five and a halt feet; "girth ofchest, fifty-eight Inches; lung capacity,4,450 cubic centimeters; upper arm.eighteen Inches: • "*~^ '

Another one weighs over 280 pounds;helght,_fllx_fe£t_ilve_lncheau-Klrth_Qt.chest, forty-eight Inches; lung capacity,8,000 cubic centimeters; upper arm, six-teen Inches. The smallest of these fight-Ing men weighs more than ,200 pounds,measures In height five feet sevenIncneaTwhlle'lnTTung capoclty~fie exT

ceeda them all. There are few" wrestlers pr pugilists in this or any cotfuh-ywho'attain to these dimensions, andthose who have seen.some of the bestexponents of Japanese wrestling arcwilling to back them when pittedagainst the pick of the European orAmerican experts, as it is said thatthey are as skillful as" they are power-ful.—Medical Record.

• School GnrJens.A valuable educational Idett come?

from Germany, where school garden*have long been cultivated by the pupils,two "hours' work per week being com-pulsory. The result Is that the com-munity life is effected- The farms andgardens are cultivated with new knowl-edge; the boys and girls work In -theKome grounds with greatly increasedInterest. Destructive-insects and "dis-ease are watched for, and the cropshandled with the Intelligent ettre.thatcomes from knowledge. The introduc-tion of the school garden Into this coun-


I>ist Restlna Place of .the Famouo An-

_..BW books,, except the .Bible,{one through so many editions aa thePilgrim's Progress, written by JohnBunyan. It was written while the au?thor was In Bedford Jail, England; suf-fering for liberty of conscience. Bun-yan in his early life was a tinker, thena soldier, later becoming a Baptist and

-a—preachcrr—While-itr-jail—jvhere-he-spent' twelve "yearsr be^sopported ".hiswife and children by making taggedlaces." After his release he resumedpreaching and continued It until his4eathJn_LondonJn.lG88.

He* was burled In JJunhm Fields

Preached by Rev. Dr. Talmage.

All Nature ,T»ln> in Singing HI* Prnt«ot_Kvoryililhg llrlelit unit Benutllnt HugCmitA Itlm—Vownr. of tho Hymn us aCnidlo Sang; I* Hmnnrlcnbli).


burying ground, which was opened aea suburban cemetery In 1005. Here are |burled some famous1 personages ID 'their day, Including the novelist, Dan-iel Defoe; George Fox, founder of th«Quakers, and the mother of John Wes-ley. Our Illustration shows Bunyan'stomb at the present time.; -


It would create a new aveju^of ere-ploym«nt for the students In our agri-cultural . colleges and experiment sta-tions; It.would make another avenue forthe use of the knowledge collected byour Department of Agriculture. Ourtownship-.system would makc"a prac-tical division for the control of one agri-cultural supervisor and.Jristructpr.- In?stead of the school house.and groundsbeing the least attractive and most bar-ren places In the town, they Blight be-come on educating center, by the scien-tific cultivation of the grounds, as1 wellas a practical lesson in forming andgardening to the'wholo community.

Ulalne Bear Story.An old she bear lunl been ki l l ing

sheep and scarlh^thu women and ch i l -dren In a Maine towuHlilp, and a fann-er, who was a dead shot, tpok au af ter-noon off to hunt tho imlimil. Whilepassing through a blackberry patch !)••found n fnt cub, and nf tc r a short clum"caught it In II!H arms. Tho l l t t lo followfought and bit unti l tho man ctiffuil nndchoked It Into subjection, and thon thecub cried for ltn mother. H|io came, amitlie hunter nctcd (julclcly. rinclng thecub between bin Ituoew, -ho took up hlnrifle and waited. Tho mother boar hudevidently seen (IrenriiiH, for nho haltedut n ronpcclablo illHtniicc. Tho miniH(]iice/eil tho cub w i t h II!H UIIOCH u n t i lIt howled, and nt t h l H ' tho motherthrow,away her caution mid diiHlied onunt i l n r i f l e hall l l i i lHl ied her enroer.The Ittlnter wont homo wi th b in prl/.eand nflor oliiiliilng tlio cull In the burngot the old lienr'H H k l n an i l tunned It Inu rough way. Then It wim H|ii'end onthe Moor by Hie wide of h ln Hl i i f e r 'H be<l.Duo night nlioii t a woek Inter, whon thoyoung wouiaii \yirn nl iout lo r i - l l ro forthe nlgl i t , Hhe heard n commotion un-der the lied, nnd H I I W Hoiuethlni; l i lnelcmid l inlry moving iiround ui ideniei i t l i .Hhe Hereniiii ' i l nt tho ln |> of her videe;her lirolber eilliie n i l in l i iK. and pulledout nnot l icr cnb." I t WIIH n innle tu thoi-n | i l lv<! l i i Hie burn, and It had mnolledDil l UN M H i l l i e r ' M pell , N i i i d i v l l l e Hunnor.

Has Had an-Extended Experience InSouth African Warfare. '

. 'A strong man and an accomplishedjoldler, Sir Charles Warren has- had amore 'extended experience of South Af-rican ' warfare than any of the divis-ional generate already appointed, and.his conduct of the Bechuanaland expe-dition of 1884-85 was conspicuouslysuccessful. A Royal Engineer of closeupon forty-two ;*ears' standing. Sir iCharles Warren did not see active ser- jvice until 1877, when/after serving for |

j a year as a boundary commissioner iu,|Grlqualand West, he was given tht/|command first of the Diamond Fields^

,ntl^subspqTiirnTiy^of^Trre-l<'lel(l~'Force-ln-the Grlqua. nnd Bechuanaca-mpalgns of 1879.. Here he saw ,agreat deal of "rc-ugh-and-tuuible" light-ing, and emerged -with several men- /tlons In dispatches and a brevet lletu^te_nant colonelcy. In the Egyptian ex- ;pedltlon of 1882 Sir Charles was cm- i

I ployed on special service among t h e 'Beduln lu connection with the murderof Prof. Palmer—a duty for which his (

| previous experience In Palestine explo-| ration was a use'ful qualification. . In11884-85 he led the Bochuannlnnd expe-dition, having under him, as command-


: er of "Methuen's Horse," the olllcerI now In charge of Sir1 Iledvcrs Bailor's|Vlrsf "Infantry division. In 188(1 SirChfirle8^commanded__at._Sunklm,-.nnd

TlioHti ' | - l lni ; IH derived from I hi' in l ine li.v

which llio,il\vol!oi'H lu I'liHlern (leimanywere Ui iown In Oji j iVlweiri l i anil I h l rt e e i i t h eoi i tur l i 'H j™|y wen' enlled e i i H t -e r l l i iKH. Not (Ui l J | i iw i iM ( l ie pi ir l ly ntI h o l r money very ' I ' l i i i i in iH, but I l i u l nfI l i e l r idlver i iperlal ly HO, eidnenimill i i l lve r i i in l l ln i wiVn felehod f n n nHume I I I I I - I M In Improve the q u a l i t y nl'mil1 own i n i i i i u f n e l l i r e H .

Ho Knew."In hln iiiiinn lu 'Wlm'ii Who?' ""I don't know IIH to Unit," irpllml the

dcinnre ono hll lMldiiK, "bill lio l inn dnmmint ruled to me ( h a t lie known w!m'i<wlio nnd ivl iut ' i i wluil , nnd I 'm wlm i n n 1

Hul l diamond e|lKii|(eiiieul r ing I."~-Ohlcnco lOvoiilnir 1'ost.

from IHHt l HH lu> WIIH chief (•oinmlflalon-er of the Mc ' l ropol l tan polU-o. . From1HH1I-DI he W I I H In the Hlnilti/ Ho'tllo-l i ien tH IIH colonel on t l i e H l i i f T , and Hil l)-H iMjue i i t l y IIH brlKi' i l ler general, '"IH!).") he wan i ippnln l iMl lo the eoiiimiiudof i l i» TlminoH dNi t r lc i , w h i c h ho rollnU l t l H l i e d In .September of I I I H ! your.

A K' 'ml ' ' inan who went nu t w l t oHlanley In Afr ica took w i t h him u i i l l l uher. of lilnl eilKi 'H, III w h l i - l i )ie hopedto In III); l inek Minne Hpeelu ie l iH ol' Hi , 'ni|-er lilrdii tit I l io In ler l i i r . Owli i j ; I .t h e den t i l of hln carrlerri, be w n niibll|(ed In throw away l l u r l i l n l caK'"wi th n number of other n r l l r l e t i . Them-worn nel/.ed by the i m l l v o H w i t h Kiour1,-lci1, thiiu|(h I l iey did not K i i n w w h a tIn dovwltli t l ie iu; but oven l i in l ly deelded 'tflut tho mimll elreuli ir cagea w e i ia kind of l io iul Kenr, mid, klmcli lni ; olHID botloni, t he ( ' l l l l ' f M H t r n t t e d i i l i n u iIn I l io i l l w l t l l nvldi ' l l l pride. A l i n t l l e .e l i l i i f , I l i l nk ln i ; l i lmi ie l f morn wine ( l a i nDm i i i hc in , l iavlni ; iieen tlm while - i in nfeed nj tu l i le out nl' i l ln l i eH, l l io i i i ; lnlh(*y WITO r«c«|itin'leii for fixxl, milook h lu meulii from one, eorimxmliuily opiinlliR unil Hlui l t l i i ) ; tlie door l>»iwuuii each mouthful.

A newspaper whose columns over-flow with advertisements, of businessmen has more Influence In attractingattention to building up a town thanany other agency that can be employed."Peoplego wheu- there Is business. Capl-to.1 and labor go where there Is an en-terprising cdmmunlty. No power onearth Is'so strong to build up a town asa newspaper well patronized, and itspower should be appreciated.—T. DerWitt Talmage. . ' ' ' !

It Is very easy .to plan one's advertis-ing for the whole season at the begin-ning, and It removes all the worry anduncertainty from the advertiser after-wnrrt:—w-t»'n~i"i-aOv«>''*i«e''-hnfl bls-ad-vertlsements all prepared and arranged-In advance It does not necessarily fol-low that he cannot moke changes thatbusiness conditions make necessary,any more than It follows that an archi-tect cannot make changes In a buildinghe has designed as the building pro-gresses; but the advertiser who has ar-ranged his plans thoroughly at the be-ginning will make his changes subse-quently with a clear Idea of the effectupon his entire plan, and his changeswill usually be In the direction of Im-provement rather than' a helter-skelterrush to keep the work going.—Adver-tising Experience.If you toot your little tooter and then

lny_flfllde!_..n,.l!There's not n houl In U-n days will know

than you wore born.The man who Kithcra pumpkins Is the

man who plowa all ilny.And the man who keeps n humping in the

uinn who innkoH I t ' pny .The man who nilvertlHPsi wi th a short liud

sudden jerk,Is the mini who blames the -printer bc-

rauxe It didn't work.1'ho gent wlm kcopH the |IIIH|IIPHH him a

long nnd Htt'iuly pull ,And kwp« the locnl paper for yt-iira',iind

yearn qui te fu l l .Uo pluim liU ndver i iwinonln In n tho i iKh t -

fu l , liunoul wivy,And kc'i'im forever nt It un t i l he nnikcs

it puy.Mo Imu fu l l fiilt l i In nil the fu tu re and enn

w l t h u t u n d n Hiuli lon nlioek,And l ike the niiin of Hcrlptnrt- l inn I ' ln

laiHlni 'HK on n rock.—Houldor, Colo., Newn.

Advcrt ln« Jiml IIH you oat—regularlyand In reiinoiinble <|iiautlty. You don'twait mull you are Hlnrved before youcat, but K" l ( l yur moulH nt u Hot timelivery ilny. One meal rlnlit n f l o r thooi.icr, your l i f t e r your, mnkoH you growfl i t mid koep >v«>II . A d v o r l l N o J tmt OByou drive a nail . Not one hlg blow im'lthen Hlop forever, Iml w i t h roiiHoiiubloblown, ono folhnvli iK the i i l l ier . ICvoliIf your own blow IH l i ned enn i iKh todrive Ihe mil l home, It IH l ikely to K"crooked or npl l t the phtuk and upollyour Job. Advor l lHo Jmil IIH the f i i rmerplani i corn mil a III) ; n i i e k f i i l nt onelime, lu ono place und then ntop, I 'H la few Kl ' i i l l iH at u place lu regular or-der mid In reKi i l i i r lime, In olhorwordu, r tdvort lHo w i t h |IUH|IIO»H deiiHe.Kuop lit If. wei;k l i f t e r wi'ok, moil I hu f t o r iiintffh, und H I I I - O O H H w i l l H i i r e lyeoiiio liy uud by. l.oinlon M l l l n i l l l . i'•'InioH. '

Hnnhn Illio In 'tilly t w e n t y l l ioi iHiuid ol' t l ie iiopu-

, u l l i > n of India nro a n n u a l l y ki l led bym i u k o Idtoii . Tho inoiii deadly of ' i l lInd ian ropllleii mipcara to he (ho cohriii l l riipello, which IH urontly droiuled byI l io buro leKKoil l l ln i looH. W i t h a viewIn reduelnK f l i » morla l l ty , Jim |{overn-melil Irled rlm elTiMit of offi'i'llix a re-wnnl for HMikei i ' l ieudii; but, Imitend ofdlmlnlidll ' i i i ; I l io i inmlier of t l i emi rep-t l lc i i , I f Inerouiieil II, nil I t will! d in -covered 1,1ml (ho i m t l v o f wei'o liroedliii;t l i o i i i i i iAoii In mil or lo noeliro Ihn re.wui'd.

History of the Compact Between UnitedStates and Great Britain.

The 'Clayton-Buiwer> treaty" derivesIts name from the diplomatists whonegotiated it—on tbe part of the United

! States, Hon. John M. Clayton, Secre-tary of State In President Taylor's ad-ministration; and on the part of Eng-land, Sir Henry Bulwer, iWrflsb minis-ter at Washington. The "treaty^—toto use proper diplomatic language Itwas a "convention," and not a treaty—was concluded In 1850. Its. purpose)"*was to promote the building of anIsthmian canal, to connect the Atlantic

1 and Pacific Oceans. In 1848 the UnitedSta.tes had made a convention withNicaragua for constructing' puch acanal, starting at Greytowh. on the At-lantic. But Greytown was occupiedby British settlers, and Great Britainclaimed a protectorate over the Mos-quito Indians, who held the oasterncoast of Nicaragua. The United Statesdesired-- Great Britain to waive Itsclaims, but as the request was denied

Establishment of a Tolnl protectorateoveTlhe proposed caiial. This was done-by tlie "Clayton-Bulwer treaty," ontvr^condition of which was that neitherpower should secure exclusive privil-eges In-the canal, and auother thatneither power should occupy or exer-cise dominion over any part of CentralAmerica." •

I Since the convention was made, andnoyed at the 'campaign she, had made,and mild: "I really don't understand;madam, why or how It IH that Amorl-oaii ladles refuse to enter political lifeIn their own country, but overwhelm.

r UH hero lu Knglnnd." "That IB becauseyou have never traveled In the States.

. _ . . _patriotic tiiut thoy do not require tho

' Korvlc.uH of our HPX IIH au educatingforce." '| ,Iohn Clerk, afterward known IIH l.orilI ICIdln, wan llmiihiK down tho Highstreet of Edliibiirgh one day, when 1mheurd n young liidy reimirk to her coiu-punlou, "Thnt IH the funioiiH JohnClerk, tho la mo lawyer." Ho turnedround and wild, w i t h l i ln "not unwontedooui-Ht in-HH," "Von lie, mn'mn! 1 nm nlame mini, hut not a Imne lawyer."Lord .liiHtlce HnixlleUl, too. .iippem-H tol i u v o ful led In courtoHy t o - t h e f a l i - H O x ;I'or, when told Uni t a brother JudKOwould not H i t t h a t day, oil account ofh a v l i i K J i iHl lOHt h ln wife, he, who Willlilted w i t h u Xantlppe. replied, "I l i iHhe? Tliut lit n glide exeiiHO, Indeed; IwlHl i wo hud n' tho Hiime.'1

When William .leimliiK'M Ilrymi llrmwont to NobriiHkn he WIIH lilred to t i ikotbo Btiimp ngi i lUHt Tliuyor, who wimrunning for (lovenior, mid tinld H O I I I I Ibard Ih l i igH i iKi i l i iHt the candidate."Tlmyor wan olocled," l lryuu IB quoteilnn Haying In tlm Cbleiigo TlinoH-llornld."Aftor ho look the (Jovornor 'H elinlr hoWIIH called to lie to i iHt -mi iHle r nt u ban<|uet nt wbleb I WIIH HO) down I'm' anp\'ecli, 1 did not euro to K" «> |||M|

l iamiuet . ,1 did not W!H!I to meet t i n t(lovenmr, I reinonibered n i l H in t I hudmild of h im, mid 1 fell chcViT. Hut Iwent , uud HI I I thoro Ihron i j l i t h e curlypriiecodliiK* i | i i l te n i ico info i t n l - l c , l i ' lnill-ly II came l ime for t he ( lovenmr to callupon me. l i e rone from hln neii l , w l l hHie |iro|,rrani liel'oro h im, and H l o v v l yH i i l d ; 'Mr , I t r y i i n llr.vun.' Tlien ImHlowly (nnicil Ida eyen iipim me mnl a,d-ilreHHeil me: 'Ho you npenk or u l n K VTlmt IH n i l I ever hoiird f rom (lovorilorTlmyor IIH In w l u i l ho l lml ' iK l i I of mye u m p i i l K U HpoeehoH U K I I | I I H | him."

Hotniol lor MmiiHliil Olonnit,I Hpr l i iKl le ld , Mo., women Imvn oi|;an-I r/.cd n "don't Hpouk ovll" Hoeloty, each

meinl i"C H|KII|II|{ I l i l n H K I c e m e n t ; , "t doI liereby solemnly pleilno my woril In

npeiik no o v l l of any woman, wl io t l io rHt te l i ri-povi l») in to ui' not , ' Any violn-.Him til' t h i n pledge, Imwevor, doen notrolci iHo mo from I t a nnl im'ql ient oli l lKu-t lni i i i , which lire In coi i l ln i io fur nilI l l l i o lo eonio." Tld'i l'< I l l lerprolod tomenu: "If at Unit you don't unccecd.try, try

WASHINGTON, D. O.r-In this dlscourfe Dr•Talmiigo shows how Oiirlflt brlnRa linrmonyand melody Into every life that Ho enters-text, Pmilm cxvlll., M. "Thn Lord Is mystrnugtli nnd Hon«." "

Tho most fascinating theme for n heartproperly attuned Is the Saviour. There, fasomething In the morning light to suggestHim and something tn the evening ahuclowtOapeak His praise. TTio flower brnnthnsHim, the stars shine Him, the oiisondeproclaims Him, all the voices ot unturochant -Him.- — Wlmtever-|s~graudr brightand beautiful, If you only listen to It, willspeak His praise. So, when In tho summerume-l-plaob«"-flowerrl-tlilak-of -Him— who-Is "the Roso of Sharon nnd tho Lily ot theValley." WSen I see In the fluids a lnmb,~I sny, "Behold the Lremb of God thattaketh away the sin ol the world," When;In very hot wentber, I come under a pro-jeotlng cilff, I say: '

Boole of ages, oleft for me,- ' '

"X)Vorth"e~oIit aoundlag boa

loned pulplta thoro was"- '

ter rose to the Bounding bonrd nnd then•was struck hnck ngnlnripon theenrs of tl inpeople. Ami so tbe 10,000 voice." . of eiirturising up find the uoaveima sounding boardWhich strikes baqkjo thejarpt _oJJ thfijia-

- ^ ™ t ~ - " " " r 1

tell bis glory, and the earth shows hishandiwork. The Bible thrills with onegreat story of redemption. Upon a blastedand failed paradise It poured tbe light-otglorious restoration. .H looked upon thru-ham from the ram caught iu tho thicket.It snoke In the bleating of the herds drivendown to Jerusalem for sacrifice. It put In-finite uuthos Into the speech of uncouthfishermen. It l if ted Paul Into the third-heaven, and It broke upon the ear-of Si,

•John with the brazen trumpets and thedoxology of the elders and the rushingwings of tbe seraphim.

Instead of waiting untlt-yougefslck andworn out before .yoti.slng the .prulse ofChrist, while your heart Is happiest andvour step is lightest nnd yonr fortunessmllo and your pathway blossoms and theoverarching lieuvuns drop upon you theirbenediction, speak the prnlses of Jesus.

The old Greek crotoi-a, when they sawtuelr audiences inattentive and slumber-log, had one word with whluh they wouldreuse them up to the greatest enthusiasm.'In the midst of their orations they wouldstop und cry out "MaruthODl" and thepeople's enthusiasm would be unbounded.Sly hearer*, though you may uuvo beenbornn down with gin and though troubleand trials nnd temptation may have comeupon you and you .feel to-day hardly Ilkalooking up, methlnks thi-re Is ono grand,roVnl, Imperial word that ought to rouseyour xoul to Infinite rejoicing, and thatword Is "Jesus!"

fiafo Into tho haven guide;Oh, rocolvu my soul at lust.

For thof l lok .who hnyo-up one to torn thehot lilllow, no one to put the tdpoV on thestiind, uo ono to put Ice on tbo temples 'orpour out tuo soothing anodyne or utterono cheerful word — yet songs In the tilgbtlFor tUo- poor, who Irueza'.la the wlnier'scohl uud swelter In tbo Hummer's heat undmunch tho hard crusts that blood the soreglims und slilvor uader blankets 'thatonnnot any 'longer bo patched andtremble because rant day le comeand they may bo. set but on tbe side-walk nnd looklnc Into the starved fiuft>( the onfld and seeing famine there nndloath there,- coming home from the bakerymil saying la the pre*euoe of tlm little'ninlslioil Ones, "O'l, my God, flour ha'»{ono up!" Yot SOURS In the night! Songen tbo night! .For the widow who goes lo

<{0t the back pay of her husband, slala by:ho "sharpshooters," and known It Is thenst kelp she will have, moving out « f u

comfortable homo In desolation, deathturning back from_tlio_oxhaufltlnK. couKliand tbe pale ctieek and the lustorlo-i.i eyeand refusing all relief, Y«t songs In theuiglill SongB^n tlisnjgbtl For the JoldleiIn tlio field Hospital." no" surgooii "to "bind"up the gunshot fracture, no water for thehot lips, no kind' hand to brush away theflies from the fresh wound, no one to taketlm loving farewell, tbe groiinlne ofother.4.pouroil Into his own groan, the blasphemyof others plowing up his own spirit, the

number," into tho temple of the skies, hostboyond host, rauk_beyon'dI runic.

•f°ff;;±*S££^^Si^^liomo among strangers. _____ .__I SongsHn tbe I "Hi," saialying-m)ldlerr-"tel|-my mother~tliiit

last night them-wan not .one.clomt bu-i mv "onI HOI! .T«<a]»!" Songs lu tlm

ul«l|tl Songd In thu'ulglittTills Sabbath dnycnmi). Frotnthe nitura

_ot lO.QOQj) 11 u r dl ei!ni3_iLn pj£ eAu pJh o_gu vot

•speak to you of Christ our Song. I remark,In the first place, Unit Christ ought to bethe cradle song. What our mothers san fto UM when tbfly pat us to ele»p Is singingyet; We may have forgottnn tho words,but limy went Into ttioflbor of oiirsonl andwill foruver bo a pnrt of It, It |s not so

... • much wluiLypu formally teach your chil-dren us \yhat you Ming to them. A '-yumhas xTlogH und can fly every wlilthnr. Onehundreit uncHIfty yui irn"aftwryou urVileiidand "Old Mortality" has worn out nlschisel rocuttlug your name on tho loinb-atono your gruut-griindchlldrou wil l besinging the song which Inat ulght you Hungto your llttlo ones giithored about 'yourknee. Thoro IH n pliii-e In Hwltieriandwhere. If you distinctly utter your voli.e.there come back ton .or f if teen distinctechoes, and overy Christian song rung by a

' • mother lu tho ear of her child fllmll liuvo• 10,000 echoes coming buck from all the

gates of lieuvon. Oh, If mothers only kinnvrtie"pQWBror"thtH"iiiioroil snoll howTmi'iliofttmer tho little oaea would bu gathurodttjd all our home* would chime with thegongs of Jesusl

Wo want somo coiintarnctlng Inf lunncoupon our children. Tho vnry mommit yourchild slops Into the Htruiit l ioutaiw Into HIDpath of temptation. There urn fou lmouthud children who would I IUo to he-noil your l l t t lo onon. It will not do tokeep vour boyu nnd glrlu In tho hoiino undmake them IIOIIHO plants. Thoy must havefresh air und ruonmtlon. God snvo yourchildren from tho southing, bl i iHtlng,damning Inf luonue of tho street! I knowof no counteracting Influence hut thepower of Uhrlxt l im nulturo unil oxiimplv.Hold beforn your l l t t lo ouan the puro l l f uof JOHUH, Let Hint iiiunn bo tho word Hintahull nxorolnu ovll from thulr l iunrtn. (llvn

•to your I n n t r u o t l n n all ibo fnno lnn t lo i i ofmiisla inorulng, noon and night. Let It hoJeaun, thn orudlu nong. Tldft In Impor-lant If your ol i l l i l run grow up, hut per

eTTMi!rinoe~"7IlhistersJ"ofT the"preiioliad In p ln ln English, la broad Scotch,In Hosing Italian, la harsh Oboctaw. God'filieoplB assembled lu Hindoo temple andllornvluu church and Quaker roeetlnpouxuiiuil sailors' bethel and king's obupej

nnd lilgh towerml cathedral. They sung,i n d i l i D s o u g floated off amid tlie spice

graves or struck the IceborgH or floated offuto tlm western pines or was drowaeil luhiiu 'nnor of the great ultles. -Lumbermen

uinKl t aiul tho factory girls and the alill-Iroii In the Subtmtli class and thn trained

oholn lu gront assemblages. Trapper:v l t h tlio same voice with which theyhonied yesterday In thn stag l iun l

un l . mariners with -throats, that- only-1eiv days ugo sounded In the, hoitraelint of the pea utirrliiune, tbny snni; It.)ue tl iumo for the sermons. ~ One burdun

for Hie .HOUK. jesud for the Invoeall uiJIISUH for tlie Scripture lesson. Jesii. 'foitlm l)iiptlsinal font. Jesus for the sncru-mental i-up. Jusas for the benediction.But t l iu .dnr lion gone. It rolled uwuy or.swif t wheels of light und love. A'^iiin tin.uluuolius are lighted. Tides of ptjopltngnlD sottlug down the streets. • Wlioltfnmllles coming up the church aisle. \Vtmust liave oun more service. What shall

we proaoh? What shall wn rend? Let Itbe Jesus, everybody says; let It be Jesus.We must have one more song. What shallIt be, children? Aged-men and women,what shall It be' Younir men and maidens,what shall It be? If you dared to b-oali

-tha .Bllence-,ot-thl« autlltory^llinrjEtigjjulc^come tip thousands ot quick and jubilantvoices, crying out: "Lot It be Jesusl'Jesus:Jesual"~l any once more Christ Is the everlasting

song. The very best singers aomatlmejKet tired; the strongest throats sometlcno-iget wonry, nud many who sung verynwoet-ly do not slug now, but I hope by the graceof Odd we will after u while go up undsing tho praises of Christ wbere wo willnever bo -weary. "You know there are'abmeioaga tlmt are especially appropriate foetho uomo circle,fclTtiey stir the soul, thoystnrt the tears, they turn tho heart In onItself and keep sounding after tho tunebus stopped, like somo cathedral bellwhlcli , long nf te r tho tap of tho brazentonguohns consoil, keeps throbbing on thoair. Well. It will lio a - h o m e sonu IDhenvon, nil the nweeti-r because those whosang with us In tlio domestic circle oilearth shall join that groat harmony:—--Jerusalem, my happy-homo, '.---

Name over dnnr to me;Whon nha.ll my labors have an end

Injoy and pence In thoo?On oarth wo sung harvest songs us Un1

that groat host to conduct tho harmob).With'HIB woti'flded hftndrand'HIa woun'dodfoetl' Like the voice Of many waters, liketbe voice of mighty thunderlngs, thoy

,'ehnll oryr'^Worthy Is the Lamb that wasslain to receive blessing and riches andhonor and glory and power, world withoutond. Amen and amen!"

Oh, If my ear shall hoar no other sweetsounds may I hear tliutl If I join no otheiglad assemblage, may I join tbat.

I was reading of tbo battle of AglnaourtIn which Henry V. figured, and It Is saleafter tbe battle was won, gloriously won.the klug wnutod to acknowledge the divineInterposition, nnd he ordered tho chaplainto road tho Psalm of David, and whtm hecumo to the words,: "Not unto us, O Lord,but to Thy oame be the praise," the kingdismounted, und all tho cnvnlry dis-mounted, uud all'.tho great host, offlcorEand men, threw themselves on. their faces.

Oh, nt tbe story of tbe Saviour's love andthe Saviour's deliverance shall we" not-prostrato'ourstjlves " beforo""Hlm to-day,hosts of oarth and hosts of benvon, fallingupon our fnuos und crying, "Not,

-not-unto-usr-but;unto TUy-nnmB1'

Qnlotc WorkiBorne was not built In a day, but then


• - . _!:.•;. . April 8, 1900. --_ _ _ . . PRECEPTS AND PROMISES..

, i ' M a t t . ' T : 1-14.

UJ.d ' Matt, c : ID to 7 : 23. CompareI'tike 6 ; 37-49. Memory verses:

7. 8, 13, 14.

Golden T°xt: Whatsoever ye wouldthat men should do to you, do ye evenso to them.—Matt. 7 : 12..


Topic : Directing Right Conduct.

/ " . . -ANALYSIS. •

t... iN_£ASSiNG-JIIDG:MENI (vs. 1-5).1. The Rule: .

Judge not, that ye be not Judged (1).

(Luke 6 : 37). .Let us not.'therofore, judge one anoth-

er (Rom.HM-: 13).

2 The Liability: • ' -Why beholdest thou the mote....but..not the beam? (3.),

-I-a nv-no t-as-

the outskirts ofcompllshed not long ago that wouldhaye astonished Rome.- It may be alittle astonishing even to present-day

Warnlnc Noteo Colllnir tho Wicked te>Hopcntancc. = - . . - - - .

JI10 truth needs;no apology.

Ascetic) s ru I »a e I f - a b undon-uieut..

L u c k y stones- <arc only found ia

plucky paths.Just- Cor .devil-

try, the devil I*occasionally . bon-est; • ' . ' - '

T h e r e Is nomusic-In bell.

'Timidity Is n robber. ' '• _ : ,—Oynlclsm.-ls-sln.icism—:—1A 1 «•__.

. Mite sonietimes becomes might.!— Every-seat-may^^-a-merey-seatr.-"---

Bitter truth is fiwcetcr than flattery;Faith'begins where the human arm

ends, . •"The spirit of tb.e age" Is-the Holjr

Spirit. ••>•

I^thatlB ̂ without .sin....let him Hrst hnwn ~v" " ' ~ —

A contract was signed on Friday forthe building of a church. The documentstipulated that the ch-urch should beready for dedication on the followingSunday. Just one clear day TVBS leftfor the erection of the building, whichwas to accommodate three thousandpersons. • ' • ' ; . ' *

At four o'clock on the morning ofSaturday the work .was begun, and at.Seven o'clock that evening .the menwere putting' In windows, bangingdoors, and getting Imtbe electric lights,-which were especially provided for Inthe contract. 'No floor waq laid, andthere was no.-time to gather up theshavings, but by twelve o'clock thatnight all else was done, and tbe dedica-tion services were held on the follow-ing day. . ' •

Almost as wonderful a feat; and oneIn which haste was more justifiable,was the building of n field hospital, andhaving It ready for patients In exactlyone hour from the Jlrne when It wasbegun.

Dr. Hofgraeff,' an array surgeon, un-dertook .to demons trate;to^tue. Austrian-

stone (John 8": 7);

3. The .Safeguard:Cast out first the beam of thine ownC1VA /K\ . T 'eye (5).

Thouest thou not thyself? (Rom. 2 : 21).Anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest

see (Rev. 3 : 18).

u. IN BESTOWING "LABOR (v.§>.1. A Definite Restriction:

Give not that which Is holv undogs (6).Reprove not a scorner', lest 'he

thee (Prov. 9:8).


2. A Good Reason: 'Lest.... they, trample, them,.,

rend you (6)..As ye-go forth,.. ..shake off tbe•of your feet (Matt. 10 :-14).

Dissatisfaction may bo the spur ~t»-activity. - . . . - '

There Is nothing more eloquent than'

It takes morethan blame.

piety to -bear praise^

dus. .

They shook off the dust of their feeagainst them (Acts 13 : 51).


I. The Command:Ask; (T).

Seek ye the. Lord while he mavfound (Isa. 55 : 6). '

Let him ask of God (Jas 1 : B)


military authorities that eight mencould build a hospital-fifty by twentyfeet In an hour. "

All.materials were ready, and no tools.were required. Sleepers, pane!s.__bolts,rods, waterproof packing, all were propared beforehand, every .pliig for itshole, an<J,every groove for'Its sotting.There was nothing to do but to put thebuilding together.

The value of n hospital that can baerected on the spot at such short no-tice needs no demonstration.

- None for Him.Two negroes were hoeing cotton on

a hut Hummer's day, .when the follow-liifrocourrc-cl: ~

"Undo .Ioi.>, donu't ymi wish dat wehad llvo In <lom good ol' days or

nhoiit onnio Into Iho burn uud tho Ijurrueksworollllod. Vou know there Is no Hi iu l it lmn on n farm us when they got the crop;In anil «o In 'himvnn It will bu a harvest

pnrt of those who on mirth«(>Weil In tours and reupml In joy. Lif t upyour hoiidfl, yo everlasting gnto*, nnd leitho alionvus ooinu In l Annuls shout nlthrough tbo heavens, mnl mul t i tudes conndown tlio h l l ln crying: "Ilnrve-it homoHarvest liomul"

Thi) Olirlstlan nlngnrn aim (lompoanrn olall agnj will ho t hero to Join In tnn t sang,rilOinus HiiHtlugH will G" there. f.owellMa-inn wi l l bu thorn. Hiiethovun and Mo-cart will Im there. Thoy who Houudml tho

tlm t rumpets In thn nuoltiiitlomplos will ho thoro. Tho 40,000 linrpomHint Htoi l i l ul the auulent dn.lluiitloii wil l

hnpn . thoy inny not. Tholr | i i i t l iwuy Im thorn, Tlio 'J00»lnnor» that i iRnlntoi l onmay bo short. JOXUH iniiy ImUnit ohllil. Thou thnri) w i l l (in n noi ind-IIIHK ntop lu th» d \yu l l l i iK , and t lmy o u t h f u l p u l n o w l l l tiiiKln to f l n t l n r , itml dmlittle tianiln -will l)o lifted for ln)lp. Youimnnnt holp. Ami a Kraivt iiRony wi l l p l iu ihut your linart, nnd tlio flrailio wi l l hn n inp-ty, and thn nuraory will bn uinpty, uud thoworld wil l ho empty, unit yonr mml wil l bnemnty. No l l t l lu font ntiiiidmi; on thnitalrH. No toy-) aauttorod on thoonrpu t .

•'No quick followliiK from room to room. NootruiiRO und woaclorlatf queatlonn. No up-turuod fuoo, with lai iKhliiK lilna oytm, ooiuiifor a klan, bat only a ifrnvo anil a wrimlliot wldti) blotnoma on tlio top of It iiml hlt-tar ilaaolatlon nnil a eli(lilug ut n i g h t f a l l ,with no onn to put to boil. 'Vim ImiivnnlyHhophord will t ukn tlmt linn)) n i i fu ly , u n > -how, whothnr you hnvolioou f a i t h f u l o r i i u -f a l t h l n l . Hut would It not l iavo lumnpl i i i iHi iu tnr If you ^oillil Imvn liiiunl f romthoHO ll|m Iliii pnilHitH of ( J h i l n t ? I u n v n rroiiil i i a y l h l i i K morn l i i i n i i l l f u l th i iu t h i nabout u ohll.l'n dupar t i in t , 'I'lm i i m i i i i i n t(tidil, "Hlio fo ldnd lior ha i i i ln , k lMHod horirot l ior Kooil-by, H I I I I K hur hyiuu, l i i r i imlher fimo to tlm wal l , hid.I ' l ior l l t l lo pri iynrund t lmn dlnil,"

I npiiuk lo you iiHilta of J O H U H un thnal)(llt HoiiK- J o b n p n u k H of Him wlm K l v n l hnoi i f tn I I I thn n l K h l . .loha Wololl . tho oh)MiK'tnh ndn ln tn r mioil to put. u pl i i l i l atiriMi!hln )>od on nold n l i f h l n , und H O I I U I ono i tHkodhim why !n> put It ihnr i ) . l ln mtld: "Oh,loimitlinn.H In Ihn al|(lil I want to n lnx t in-praliio of .himin nnd to Kiit i towi t nnd (ii 'iiy)Ihn i i I j i in t t i i l in unit pl i i l i l nod wru11 Uaround inn to l<on|> am f rom thn oulil ."M I I I I K H In the u l i f h l l N l K l i t »f t r o u l i l o himooino down Upon nni i iy of you, Oonminr-u l i i l lonnori pu t out omi h l n r , H l i u i i l n r i n l Hi ih i inn pnni out u i iuUl i i r n tur , Dimi i 'n l lohoroi ivi imoat l i nn put out n t h in in iu id l l | ( ld».uud ((loom Inui tuioi i udilod to Klooai na i lo ldl l to o h l l l und i i l ln ic to »Uaj( , mnl oaoiuli lal | (ht l inn nivimoil u( borrow tho f o l df n n n uuot l ior n i l i l n l i t h l to w r a p I t r t o l f l aiiioi ' i i u i i l i o n r i i l i l n d i u l i n o i i M , |iut ( I l i r l n t Inniupoli i iu poui'o to y o u r Inmr l , and you nhi|(

Joiini, lovor of my ma i l ,Lot mo to Thy immii i i lly,

\Vlilln tho lilllowK iii'Ui' inii roll,W l i l l n Ihn toaipont t i l l l l In lil|(h.

J l ld i i nm, O my Mi iv lour l Mid i )'J'lll Ihn iitorin of l i f t ) la puni,


t ha t iliiy will Im tlnirn.I 'alrlnroliH who llvoil umlil l l i ra»hlnH

llonm. Hliuphonl-i who wiitolm.l iiuild Oliul-ili'iiii lillli). nroplmtn who, wulko.l , wlt l l loaahoiinlH iiml unarm- nppurol, pronouuolu^won iiKnlnnt imaliiut u l io in ln i i l lo im, wil linout tlm mori) rnoi-nc inarlrym who wontup wl t l l limping oohortH of tiro, and munfwi l l n|ionl£ of t int JIISIIH of whom t h n vpropliuiilitil ami otlinni of tint .Iiwim foiwhom tbny illoil.

Oh, \vlmt a nou«| it nuinu lo John uponri i t i i i i in . l t oiiiun to Onlvln In t l io prlHoif itilropiinil lo Illdloy lu tlio llro, unil noiim.tlmiiH Unit DOIIK Inm i-omii In your nur por-I I I I I I H , fur 1 nniiiy ,1.1 t h i n k U nomctlmoil i rnnknovor t l io l i i i t l l n iun i i tH of l ionvnu.

A Ohr ln t l i i n woman, thn w l f n o f a mlalitt««r of H u i O o n p o l . i v H H d y l i i K In llui iliirm>nIJ'K* i n m r t h i i old nhurol i , wl inrn »n Hutnr -day nlKl i t tlii) itholr imoil to aHMiai , l , i nill|riilioiirm) foV tlm fo l lowing Hi i l i hu th andB h n n a l i l i " f low i)lrnii|{oly nwont t int oholrriihourmn lo -u l« l i t , Thny h u v n hooii rn-l i imr i t l i iK t l i n rn for un lioiir," "No " niilduomo onn uli ,ni t l inr, "tlm ol in l r In imt ro-lioarnliiK to-i i l«l i t ." "Yon," nho u n t i l , "|know thny nro. I f inur t l in iu nlnif. l lnwvorynwimt ly thoy aliiK, '1

Now, It wim not a o l in l r of mir th t l m t nlmlini i rd, lint tho nho l r of l iniivnu. I t h i n kUnit Juni in M i m o i l m o n noln ajar tlm dour nfhoiivon, mnl u iiiiHiniun of t lmt r i ip l t i rnKrnn tn n u r mirn. Tlm n i lnu t ro ln of l iouvnnn t r l k o ni in l i u t rn iunndou i n t iu ln Mm w i l l l rof J i i m i i i r n i i n i i o t hold It,

I \vmnl"r- - imi l i h ln n, u (|i|C,,,i|(m j |IIIV|l ionu nnldnit u iyr to l f all Ihn HIII v ino — w i l lyou n l h K Unit noun? Wi l l I n l i i K U y Noli in lonn nur n l i ln inn pardouod und wo limnnow to nl l iK Ihn prnlno of ( Jhr ln l wi l l vvinvor M l l l | ( l t thorn,

Tlm llvnt ([rout ' nono i t r t t h a t I nvor i idn i l wim In Now York , wlma . la l lnu |Mt lm O i y n l i i l pidnoo n t o i n l l i n (n ro him.Ire,I . ,of nl i i | ( i i rn nail l i i i in l ro i ln of p h i y n f n uponl u n t r m i i i m t M , Mimio of you nn iy ro im< m hoith i l l onoiinlon. It wa') t i l l ) Uni t oao of t i nl i l u i l ul w l i l n h I wii'i ]1r,vinal, and I n l m linivor fnri{ot II, I liuw ( h u t mm mini n l , t a dlli|( ami w l t l l thn l i i i n i l uud foot w l n t d I'm IKi-oaUliir iuoiiy. l in i i t l a i t I h n Ham, || w'n,In nm nviU'whol i id i iK.

H u t , nil , t lm i f r iunlnr nooan whoa l l n , :ih i i l l uomo f i o n i thn Kun t mnl r rn iu ||,,iWont nnil , from thn N i n t h mnl f rom ( l i tM o u t h , "uurout mul t l t i i i lo t l im no man mi,,

di; profit, wlicn wo cud sot under n bigNliiKle tree en shet our oyes en hiive dobirds coiiio t-u . feed un Ink dov didhlmV"

Snld Uncle Joe: "No, you fool nigger,cf wo hud llvi-d In dem clnys dom whi t efolkn wild had dat mini -Jiisliua koopln'(le HUH Htmi'ln' HI III all'de time, en wonlggoi'H neblier wild lie fni wiiclc. jtfih<nai l !"—Atlunta CoiiHtl iut lon. /

" 'Hln I» o -Binjr Way.\Hunrloy-"How ;l|,i |U; l,(.t.,,mi. m,

f iopnlurV"Yow—"He'll repent (ho HIOI-.V yi>\\ (old

li lm .vcHterdny to you lo-du.v imd H I I Vtlmt II WIIH the I ' imii le .Mi ynrn lie everbonrd."-.Syrucuse l leruld.

2. The



s that asktth recelvetli

Those that seek me diligently shall nndme Prov. 8 : 17).

1 do .(John 14-:44)3. The Assumption:'

,Ye then, being evil, know how to givegood gifts UDf-r^ - b

As a father pltleth hla children, so the1-ord (Pan. 103 : 13). ,_... ^

I will t-pare them, as a man spareth hisown son (Mai. 3: 17).

4. The Advance*:

your FatherHow much more shallgive-good things (11).How much more shall your' heavenly

Father give (Luke 11 : 13).Grace did abound niort exceedingly

(Rom. f> : 20).6. The Deduction: .

Even so do ye also unto them (12)Do ye also to them likewise (Luke

Reai-() yo one another's burdens (Gal.

IV. IN CHOOSING PATH'S (vs. 13, 14),1. The Path to Destruction:

nrond IB the way, that leadeth to(leBtructlon (13).Thou Bhult not follow a multitude to'

do evil (Kxoil, 23. : 2). <A wnv the «nd thereof are the ways

of death (Prov 14 : 12). •2. Tho Path to Ufo:

Narrow IH tho Bate'..'..thatun to life (14).Thou wilt shew mo tbo

(Pmi. 10 : 11).t r l v p - t o enter In by tho narrow door


Pnth of life

i- The higher life Is found In, the yalleyM humility. J

A. double-face J man can see in, only.-one direction. - - . - : „ : : ...•_..,..

The Idevll Is a pnntbolst; he, toon:would be God. ' . . *

A suhootb and shiny course makesslippery traycl.

To Uve the- truth we must have tuo-truth abiding In us. : „ - - - _

Liars should make It a point to care-fully cultivate their memories.

The Christian life demands our all;.yet It gives more than 'all In return.

If; the devil jever takes off his maak;It Is .because somebody sees under It.

If you prefer the service of sin. you.must be prepared to accept the wages,of sia.

INVENTIVE worvinN-Some Useful and XIniqne Devices Dls-

that"It"ls ,not generally suprmany of the labor-saving Inventions oftho world may be credited' to women, i .!Tbe Chinese impress Tao, For exam-[)IorWorkeU-out-iiBef ul Ideas In-her busy-t-^brain. She luvented^the spinning '-ot .silk, never dreaming x)f. the immense- .'ndustry that would "gro\\v ft-ouTlier ere-itlou. A luxurious woman of 'Asia dls- ":overed the attar of roses, ' and this- 'tame woman, Mlionnii JIlsl. Inventedhe Ingenious handicraft, the c-asbmerc-

shawl. .History Is silent as to her end.The' women who aro kept from wantby the making of^plllow lace hrtvo rea- -sou to bless the mime u( Barbara Utt-

Hani Work tit i l ie Vat loni i .I met n [ H e i n l e employed In (he Vat -

Iran the other day. nnd lu the coiirHo ofnut ' i - i inverHnt ln i i bi-ciiu to deplore myl iun l Int In l i a v l i i K lo uluy In Home dur-Ini; Hie heat of tho Hummer n n i l work,NII .VH I ' u l l M u l l (iil/.etlo. "Oh, well."lie mild, ".vim nro nut worm' l i m n wenro In the Y n t l c n i i , Now Hint I I I O H I ofthe omplnyoH ure nwii.V wo wlm are l e f tl ime lo \\orl; haul."

"World"'! exel i l l i i ie i l . "Yon, wnl l i Inthe X ' a i l e u n K u r d o i i H nnd ronnt thei;ra|ii-H of (ho I 'ope'H vl i ie .vunl l"

" l )n you I;now i i m l every eveningthe m a l l ,lii'lii|,-H to (he liron/e i loni 'M ofHie V u t l e i i l i nn i iven iKi ' nf -O.OIHI l e l i e i i iI l l l i l l i i > W H p l l | i e r H , In hii,y nolli l l l | ( ol' te lei ;n ini i i? All Hie le l le rh l i u v o In he opeil-eil, i iorlei l nml e l i i M M l l l o d , wh i l e thene \VM| i i i | j e rH ure fend a m i heleel loi i i i e t i lin1 o M n i o l H I l l l l de d i i l ' l l I K Hie ll l | ; l i l In lieI'eiid.V rtn' l i e r i lx i i l I i v Hie ollleeni ofH t a l o eill'ly l ieM mori i l i lK."

" A m i where duett t h e I 'upe i - i i ine In?"I l i i t i ' i ' n i | ) l e i l . "They i.ny he worlui anI m r d V "

"Ml le l l nl' I h l a worli la M i i l i l i i l l l e d loh im, nnd lie id ioi i l i l rend n i l Hie l i - l l e r na . l i l i ' i 'K i i e i l ' S a i i i ' l l l i i l l Sune l.oonl ra|iin-X l l l . , f ' e l le l le l ' I 'er. l l l l l lH. ' HnweVel ' , I I MHie \ v l m l i - I w e n l y I'mil ' l i o i i rn ul' Hie i l a ywould not I noii|;h for the poii l l l ' l ' toe x e i l i i l an ro o\ 'el ' t l i e m , lie uul.V m-i ' r i\ \ h a l C i l l ' d l i m l K l l l i l p n l l i l H i l l l U a iieeea-iinr.V for I l ia Innpi-rlloii ."

( I l l l e l i an e i l l e l i r an Ih t lmnla l mol l i ) of imme u l r lu .

Toplo for the Quarter:Worker at hid Work.

Ooldon Text for the Quarterlilngdoin come.—Matt, fi: 10 ..

The Great


I NTKll NATIONAL IIOMKMon. - -Mut t . 7:1-14. I'reccptH and

promlHea.Mull . 7: ir,rW. Known by


,I.iilto fi: -17.45.

13; 22-30.

withTrue lovoTluMiioto nnd (|,

TueB.f r i i l tH .

Wed.—Jan. 4: li-12. JmTliui-H.—Jer. 211; «.|.i.

the lu'iirt.I 'VI.—IjiiUo 0: 27-IlflHut.- -

beam,Huii.~-L.iil(» 13; 22.30. Thn Htrnl t

gute.(TheHe Homo TtnndlncrH ure the HI

t lo i iH of the lilleriimioiiul Dllilu Keud-I t i K AHHiielat lon.)

U':HHON Hui t i io i iNniNnH AND cm-Tir.'Aij NOTION.

. thonel lv Profrnwnr Af. II. T t ldd lo , n.n,,

I ' l n i - o and Time.- -Tim rmm« «H.of the l i i H t I I -HHOII .

O i i t l l m - of DlHcoiirno.- - A f t e r tho llen-t l t udea , He t t ln i t f i i r t h t he o l iu r i i i - t i i r lN .th ' i i a m i pr lvl loKoii of dm Ideiil I ' l l l z en t iof t i n - I t lnirdom of lieuvon. tlmlr re-la t ion to t l io world In (lenerlheil (Muttfi : i : i - i n ) ; ( l ien our r.ord'H rolut lon to tholaw (f i : 17-20), nnd hla oxpimltloii of; |t»i- i ' i l i i l r i 'mi-nt i i , I ' l i lmlnal lm.- In Ihn du tyof I n v I n K e imml i -H nnd moral purfeet lonHid- our hi -avonly li ' i i thor 'n (li: 2 I -4H;eomp. I . i i l cn II; 27-.'lll). Tho t r iKi uiiulitof dol i iK r lxb le i i i iuno im (0 : I) Hpeel l l i - i i l .ly i i l n i H K l v l i i K ( H : "-<). prayer (111 fi-U>),and f a i i l l i i K ( I I : l l l - J N ) ; t lm t r i io t ro i iHUnnito In- la id l i |> ( I I : 111-24), enforeed hy the,p r l v l l i - i i i - of i l np i<ml l i i | { upon our l inuvi -n-ly l ' ' i iHii-r (II: 2li-IU). Cau t ion iiKalmueoi i i in i Imm, I n j n n c t Ion lo pruyiir i-\\-foi-erd l l n o i i H h prnmlae of iimuvor, tow h l i - l i pi-omlii" " t in- ( l o l d e l i Hide" la nn-i i i - X r d ('I; 1 -12) ; i -xho i ' l a l l on to i - n f i . | <In l l i r o i i K l i tbe nar row K a t u (7i .n, I I ) ,u a i n l n i ! a t m l n n t f n l i u i iriichc'ui ami (n\n,\

ro f i - i i n lon i i (7: Ki-l!.'l; ennip, l , n l ( n | l , - •1.1-i i a l o n ; Two eon l i - a i i l i - i l p i i r -

r. H i - l i t ami d in-l i i - d l i - n l l i i ' i i n - i a (.'i 'JI-'.!V; rump, l.uldi

« ; • -IV I I I ) .l ' i i r i i l l i - 1 I ' l i r i n i i K o H . - To vi-rar i i I , ;;,

l . i i ln - II; :I7, Il l l ; t o v rn i r t i :i-|i, l .ulm (I;• I I . I'.!: 10 vi ' in 'Ti v - n , i.nlti- II ; |i-l;t in ui l l l T e i o n l eonn i ' i ' l l on : to v i - i ' iu - 111, f . i i l u iU: i l l ; to vn 'Mi ' i i 1:1, 14, l .u l i r U', ;i;i, :ii ina d l f f i - r i - n t e i innee t lon ,

.•lil). ( ' o i t i - l i i a l o n ; Tn l i l i ' i i , r e i i r i 'Mi ' i iHi i i ! '

. . . . . .llscovered by (he Cunlo sisters, twt>tallnn wouioii. nnil It was the widow

>f Gen. Nathaniel . Greene who made-|i« foiggestlou of the cotton gin, whlclvvas porfecti'd by Kl| Whitney. 'The- •

grandmother of Clara Konlsc Kcllogenvonted mi attachment to tho niachlu-ry In looms In mills, nu!l another woiii- <.U'H t,'o|ilim worked 011) a doylcc forloadoiilii^tho iiolwe ol' railway trains.V Minn Knight Inveii tei l Ilie paper bag. ,.IK! ut bnci< peoplo wondered why so.

Hlmple a contrivance Inn) never b»ei»;t l ioiiKht of before, ' •

Mine. l>o Kong invetiioil motal-eut-tliig muchliiery, which him boon used InI^ranco for Homo time. This machineryIs worked by Htenin. and from tho solidmetal cuts out KI I IOH and other archl-toetiiral work wl th in i t cnNtlii);. Mine.Do Long IIIIH cut pinion of bixiHH a footthick Into lull lee work ill a Mingle oper-ation. siio IIIIH alNo made pleturo-fruition, oroHlH and Ineo plnn, turningtnoiu out of tlm iiioial fu l ly l lnlHhed,overy (iperatlon bolng performed by tho-Htonm-drlvoi i miii-hlnery, ,Sho llrnt con-ceived the Idea of her reinarl i i ibU- ap-pi i rn t im over twen ty yoiu-H tdm-ii, whoitu panilyidH of Hut rl^'lit ni'tn compolleilher lo givo up her t rndo of Jowol work-er. Hlio Inm received many medalr*.from vnrloim I 'nr lH ox|ioHltloiiH. Ini i renlo crown I'vor olTored to «wmnun IIIIH been |IOHIO\V|M| unnu .Mine.,Do Long by the Hoelei.v of h'roneli Ar-c l i l t e c lM In 1'urln. MI-M. l lnr l i in .I'urnoll.who I I I I H worked for over for ty yearnIn the A i i n l r a l l a i i i;old milieu, hmi miiih-fame and for tune for hoiwlf an an U K -i inylHl . Hhe dlHcoviM'ed (ho Hccrot ofI r eu l l i iK ore hol'ore rouNih ig Jt H i K f l m tIIH miieli gold IIH brown H I O I I O could lioobtained from |(. M r M , 1'iinielj I n tmn l*lo foiind u cnlloKo In Knglnnd for wom-n, whoro they w i l l lio t r i i l n e i l to In?

p i a r t l r a l ml l i r rH . Iclu Hin ted Uni t I l i r r i rire nearly fi.di.Ml.tloo Hoi r -HU| ip i i r l l i i cwomen In Hie Uni ted Slulea alone, anilIt la d l l l l e n l l to f i n d n l i r i ineh of l i a d i -In wl i le l i UM-.V ore not ilolni, ' H i i ccoHMfi i l -work. Now Orlo i i i iH I ' leuyi ino.

lino Hi i - i t^Klmu; Ine !• roi-iloni.,V cu iu lve hee H'I r i v i n g lo eHeii|)e

I I I I H la-en imnle to I ' l-i-onl u» m a n y usi r > , d l l ! a l roUei i pe r n i l n i l l e .

Home men ure never ua l l a l lod . A f t e rl i a v l i i K I l ielr l l n i l u i l i rnUen, heiul nmai , l ied, elc., l i m y |;o to ln \v und t r y to |[(,if u r l l i o r danmueii.

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BJ.FTIB* . pmtoi; services :Pceaohlng 10 SO Banday-sohool1.45.Junior 0. E. 8.00 p.m., Christian En-loavor 6.00, Preaching 7.00. Weekday prayer

meeting Thursday ovenlngT-SO. Boys BrU;ado; meet B Wednesday ovo. In 8. of V.' Bill.

noLio, ST. JOUBPD'S. Rev. A. Faaan-.Director. .Sunday masalO.3P-a.-in'y School 8 SO p.m. Vesper"at 4 p.m.

EPISCOPAL, BT.M AUK'S. Hev. Edwin CAloorn, rector. Celebration of Holy EnoharlBt

Srd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Other",^0 a-m- Morning Prayer,Litany,and3ermon,4nd and 4th Sandayn at 10.30a.m.Bvensons7:«B p.m. Sunday Sehoo'9:30 a.m.Prldav B»«nnoBK, 7-«0. Saints Bay Celebra-;loni7:30a.m^-8poolaUervloeslnAdTontand

MBtnoDtBTEpiicorA ̂ ^f • W.N.Ogborn..pastor.' Sunday service*: dirts 9.30,i."m.preaching 10.SO.Sunday-school 12.00 noon,Epworth Ieaga6~-«.00 p.m..preaching. 7COO.Class Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 7.30.PrayermeetlngTnnr«<3ay7.50p.jB., ^

MissionatPlnaRoad. .PBBSBTTEBIAB. Rev. —— pastor.

Inndayjaervloes : preapTiTng7lOj3fra.m.,Snnl

Gbriat in tbc religious Ideal made teal.

Resolutions without, results ate blankcartridges..

- Excessive regret puts .the .headlighton the caboose.

A live preacher and a dead churchare unequally yoked. .

It is sometimes difficult' to determinetbo difference between out wants and

our needs, but they are not the same, r

The flight of 'time makes a stationarylife impossible.

A revival always [quickensas well as the dead,

TTustinjf does not supercede trying;

-Tbe^Tove-of Christ-radiates,-rather

than absorbs.

The joyful cry of a new-born soul is

heard above.

Petulance prolongs the pain that pa-

day schoolTZl'flO noon,preaoHIng 7780 p;jn.0. E. prayer mooting Wednesday T.SO p.m.Churoa proyor mooting Thursday 7.30 p.m.

Hisalonn atFolsom and Magnolia.rtalian Evangelical. Rev.Thomas Fragile,

Piston—Sunday-Boh oolat9a;m—PreaobinfratJr. C. E., 3:30 p.m. 0. E. Soo'y10.30 a.m.

3-3 Oi-

The Appetite of a GoatIB envied by all poor dyspeptics whose

JStorjaftohjtfidJIver are ont of order. Allsuch should JtnowTEHrDrrBng's-NewJ/ife Pills, tbe wonderful stomach and

UNITEHSALIST. Sunday School, 12, noonJr. Y.P.C.U., 3 p.m. Y P.C .UJ at 7:«'0 p. m.Sociables alternate Thursday evenings.

WOHAH'S CanistiAH TEUPEUAHCIS Union.Mrs. Oharlea, Smith, president, Miis A MBradbury, oor secretary. Mrs A L JaoksoL,reo soo'y;- lire ¥ 8 Tilton, treasurer ---------------

MUNICIPAL.CLERK. J.L.O'Donnell. • '- 'COLLECTOR & TBBABDBEn. A. B.DiviB.MABSHAL. George W Swank, JrJUSTICES. 0. W. Pjessey, J.B. Ryan, JOB

— H Gar ton ---- -------- ----------CONSTABLES. Goo Bernihonse, E SbacklejOVEBBEEB HIGHWAYS. BosooeBicktord;PVBBSEEHOPTHIS Poon. Geo.Bernoh..uoe.' POLICE- J ,H.Oar ton.

8 E Brown. H M Phillips

TN CHANCERY of New Jersey.

To A. EckGdd Dsvle, Trustee, Michael Es-posito, t. A. Conwell, and 0. Frank Be-gan; trading as Criscnla It Co., Mrs. L. AConwoll, Mrs. C. Frank Began, and MrsA. Eckflold Davis.

- By virtue of an order of, the Court of Chan-cery, made on the day of'the date hereof, in acause wherein Tbe Hammonton Loan andBuiId!rig"'AsBociation is complainant and yonare defendant?, -you,ate required to appear,pie«d, answer or demur t» the complainant'sbill of complaint, on or tefora the thirty-firstday of May next, or the said bill will bo takenaa confessed against yon. The said bill Isfiled to foreclose a mortgage given by MichaelEsposito and Dominica hli wife to the com-plainant, dated Jan. 14,1889, on lands In tboTown of Hammonton, County of Atlantic andState of New Jersey. And you, A. EokfieldDavis, Trustee, Michael Esposlto, L. A.Corwell, and C. Frank Hagan, trading asCrifonla & Co., are made defendants becauseyou claim to1 own said lands or some partthfirn^f TTmTLdyoUr-*Mrs»IiiA. Coniyell, MTJ.

Pressey, MrstE A Joslyn, Thomai C Elvins. c. Frank H»g»n7»Hd~HrsrArEckneld-DavirDr~J~A WBSB;—Meets 2nd Tuesday eTcntog- -»rem»d»:deieadants-because-you: attJaid to

VOLOHTJSEB FIBB Co. D. 8. Cnnnlcghftm,oresidont; Chas. W, Austin, secretary. Meet?Srd Monday .eyemng ft feach month..

Independent Fire Co. Meets first Wednes-day eveninR in eaoh month. -

Town CODHCIL. Alez.H. Sottcn, Chairman,B W Batohelor, M K Boyer, Waylsnd DePuy,Henry Leibfrid J E Watkis.

Meets last Saturday eve each month.BOARD 07 EDDOATIO». C. F, Osgood,preM-

ient; D. 8. Cunningham, clerk; Edwin Adams,

gaob month.


D 8 Connioghnm, M A ; A B Davi«, See';.Moots first Tuesday ovoning tn each month it,Moohanloa' Hall.._ WIHSLOW. LoroB.I.O.O.I1. N C Holdridge.N. O.; Chas W Austin, Financial Secretary.Orvlllo E Hoyt, Reo &eo Meeti orery Wed*neiday evening, In Odd Follow* Hall.

P n A W M C B K i B TniBK Imp 0 B M. JohnB Soely, Baohem; ChaB W Aaatln, Chief olRecords. Meetovery Toejday'tiloepla RedMem* Hall.

M.'TJ. TATLOB LODQK, F. ft A. M. J. 8.Thayor, W Mat te r ; Alonzo B. Davis, Bcc'y.2nd and 4tb Friday nights in Masonic Hall.

JSm.O. lloyt, Ooan.; Harry Mnrpby,R.B.;A" T. Itobley.F. 8. Meeti every Fridayovenlngln Mechanics'ITall.

. D. A.BnsanLi.FoBT, a .A.R. 0 ALoonfir.l, Commander; W.II.JI. Bradbury,Adjutant: U. F . lidsall, Q. M. Meetalstand3ril Saturday nights In Meobantoi Hall.

WOMAN'S RBMET Conrs. Preildeut, Ml«iNellie DePay ; Secretary, Mils Eva Carlaw.Alternate Hatorday OTCB, Mechanics Hall.

OEM. D. A'. HUSBBLL CAMP Bonn or VBTIU-inn, No. U. Oapi., William 0 QIITord; FlutSorgt., Harry C Leonard. Meeti 2nd and 4lhMonday eves, Meohonlcs' Hall. t

BOAHD or HBALTII. M. l/.Jao>«on, Prenllen t ; John T. Frenoh, J. 0. Andeiion, Wv.

Uunn lou l iuu j , Goo. Berriehcuie, JOB, U.i jar ton, Dr. Ohaa. Cunningham.

Hli torhuod Branch, No. 60, O.Iran Hall ofBaltimore. Sarah A. Hood, Prea't. Carrie A.King. Sco'y. Meett'ln Mechanics' Hall Hntand third VV«'dnosday eve's, So'elook

Llttlo ria.lla Gonnoll, No. 27, D. of P..Oeorglanua llewttl, Pnonhonlos ; Carrie AI C I n r , K.of H. Meota Monday ovenlnf In liedMen'n Hall.

Bumnosa Organizations.f ru i t Growen' Anonlatlon, J. II. Abbott «co.

rotary, slippers of frail and produce.l lnrnmonton Ii'mn and Hulldlng Annotation,

W. II. Tilton oeoretnry. Meet! every litThursday In Firemen'* Hull .

Worklngmen'i l.onn and Iluildlug Aisnelxtlon,W. II, llernihoaie, sooroiary. Meets everylit Monday In I'lromon'i Hull .

People's Bank, W. H. Tilton cashier.

1.00 AL BUSINESS HODBEL.r, Ilevorogo. notary nublloHarry I.llllo, liardwaro and furniture.A Ij, fat ten, blnyoloa. \ 'Uruwoll'a 1'tiarmaoy.K. A. Oiirdery, bloyolea.1C. D. 'Arl lm. mil l inery, elo.HoTl A Hnn, |inbllibera, prliitera.Ull II. Ohaudlor. attnr»ey'.Valentino A Hood, unj!fVl»ker».V A I.ohrmu, blaokinlllN and wheelwright.JolmD. Hall, elf otrwWVj.John Prasob, Jr., unnfr takvr .Wm.IUkor, (In.mlth.ltoborlliteel,|owelor. -

H, Ifledler, tobaooo and olgari.Jaeklon A (ton, meat and |>roduo<It. YT.Oogloy,liarnoiB.(l .Vf. rrenejr, juitlce.W. H.Dornahouso, notary, com. d»ed«.Dr.J . A. W»««, dentistJttin Murdook, •huoi.Oeorxe ]Clvlnf,ilrr gao4i,i;roe«rl«,«l«,.Taoob Kokbardt, moat aad prodaoa.

J . n.Umall, baker and oonf.otlonerIt. I«. Holntyie,ta«al au4 ptodioe .WIM. I/. Dlaok, 4ry g«oii, grooerlef, elo.D. I), ffeo, uaooaronl, veimacelll.

liver remedy, gives a splendid appetlleisound digestion and a regular bodilybabit that insures perfect health andgreat energy. Only 26 centa at anyDrug Store.

claim dower Interett in eaid'premlses.Dotod'March XO, 1°00.

HENRY P. 8TOCKWELL,' Solicitor of Complainant,

317 Market St., Camden, N. J,Pr.biU-$3.?S . ,

A N ORDINANCE to amenr} an ordiYV-—nance entitled -"Ad Ordinancegranting to John D. Ball and William J.Sheetiand their associates and such incorporatedcompany as they may form under the laws oftbe State of New Jersey, their saoceators andassigns, fnll power to use certain pn^llo road*,highways, streets, avenues and alleys in theTown ol Hammonton for the purpose of con-structing, maintaining, and operating workslor the supply and distribution of electricitylor electric lights, beat or power In said Townof Hainmonton." • ,

Inirodnced-MoTch-JoYlflOO.Passed April 3, 1800.

Be It enacted by the Town Cuuno)l]of theTownof Hammontoo:

Section. 1. That the last paragraph of Seotlbn 3 of an ordinance entitled "An ordinancegranting to John D Ball and William J.Sheetiand Ibelr associates, and inch Incorporatedeompanv aa they may form under the laws ofthe Slate of New -Jersey, their snooessora andassigns, full powei to use certain pnbllo roads,hlfhwai f, atreeti, avenues, aid alleys In theTown of Hnmmontcn, for the purpose of con-structing, maintaining; and operating worksfor the (upply and distribution of eleolr.cUjfor electric lights, heat or power. In said Townof Hammonton/' bo and the same Is herebyamended to read an follows t

Tbat the said- John D. Ball and William J.BbeelB nnd their associates, 'and >uoh Inoorporated company as they may form under ibelaws of tbe Bute of New Jenny shall and willduring tbe maintenance and operation of tbesaid works furnish electric light to consum«r>on meter rales which shall not exceed three-fourths of a cent per hour for each light of 10candle power, or one and ono>half cents per.hour for raoh light of 82 candle power, i ind•Iso f urn I oh power to consumers at rates nutexceeding ten cents per hcrte power per hour.

Sec. 2. That all ordinances and parts ofordinances In conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed.

Boo. 8. That Ibis ordinance shall talie effectImmediately after IU paasax*.

MI011A1EL 1C. BOYI3R, Chairman.J. I>. 0'DoKniLi., Town Clerk.


AN OHD1NANOU to Llooneo Ilot-tlt-ra and liottlora' Aeenta.

Introduced M*r"h, 3fl, 1000.I'a-sod April 9, 11)00

lie It onmolcj l>y llin Town Council of tbeTown of IlnininOMoll j

HccllMi I. Tum nil ntrsunn. firms «u(lcorporations ingigoil It In* Imilneii of bot-lllnif, wln««, be«r, »ml innlt liquor* Klll i ln IIII l i i ' l l t ol iboTann uf lUinmunliin i l iu l l n«y tothe Collector of tnld Tunn in unnunl llaonsefco ol <mo bundled anil fifty dollar* for Ihprlrlkfto of li'iftling mid tolling suoli drinksttlihln ike »lil Tu\.n,

H»«. 2, Tl iMi no parson, (Inn or corporationdolnic • bot t l ing builnon wi th in Iho ml,I Townor siil l i iK lliolr »«r«s »nil mtrohunil l io thcioIn, tlmll bo piriiiliuit 10 <tll i ny of Ilia mild<tr lnh», nine, 01 liaer In bu lk In loin auinllilosIlia* 0110 quirt, nor grimier quanl l i lm limafl|r« u«ll<un, nor In lessquanilllgs linn Iwtly abuttlnc, nor lo bo d r u n k on or nbuut ||>«pmnlKi.

lleo. it. Tlirvt for einli oi i r iTlnt l i in fnr• lalnllun of this onlli.Biioo Ilia i ITiiulor ilmllbo flnad nn t to riocM I0n dolUrit, or Imprli*on«il for • period not m<*«edlnx tin cUjrt,

f«a. i, TUl,llil» orilln'kiiM (Mill ti> In lorn• nil l»ho oflcot luinuillttlely u l lo r Ilio <1nt« »lId |itti-ii*.

MICH Aid. K IIOYKII, I,. O'Vvimiii.i, Town llerk.


5000 Free Packages.,Everyyper^ satrtple of"

Jolins6n9s-StomackTaMe^^^^^If you suffer from Torpid Liver, Malaria, Biliousness,

Constipation, or any other Liver, Sfeomalch, ,j or 'Bowel Trouble, they will make you well.

The following leading druggists have arranged with the-~^Joh_nsou Laboratories for a grand free distribution on.-

Saturday,, April 7faoweJTs Phan^acy, Hammoktpn,Citjr^harmacy, Egg Sartor City,

Now is the time to .test these wonderful lif tie regulators free;None so good—'ffor other BO cheap. 25 tablets 10c. 70 for 25c;

dree-pfegr Ymgr^JEilcjome^I

FI-_. J. I

• VOL.: 38.- HAMMONTON, N. J., ̂ APRIL 14, 1900. NO. 15


Better than o Piano, Organ, or Mnrio Box, for It sings and talks as well as playadon't cost as much. It reproduces the music of any instrumonfc—band or orchestra—tcllaB tones and sings—the old familiar hymns as well as the popularsones—it is always ready.Prices, $7.60 to $100.00. Bee that Mr. Edison's signature is on every machine Cata!lognes ot all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO, 135 Filth Ave., New York.

WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE R. R.Schedule to. effect March 15,1800




•534S3S6 45



8 15823831!8438 63'DOS;910,918


6 60 «9 591007

0 23 10 SO6 89 10 87



I7"1517217 30

Ace. Ex.p.m. pjn.

4~20427i 334 411635066 175S5•541546563603B i n

Ace,a. m.

2 4 1



2 on io602 W 10 68

II 1011 1011 2011381144II 63



1157«90.1I 10




...... PlilladelpWa ......

...... «..»CnoidcD H. .*.*••<

....... ColltnEawood.i........... _Il«ddoofifli] ................ Klrkwood ...... ........ :....Berlln ...... _............... .JUco...... ......

........... Ancota. ....... .

.;. Window Jc.(l'To).

......._Kcg H«thor_....i..__. ..Atweron................ Atlantic CltTsi...


7 30 8 40 10 40



7 228807 OS 8 207008 110 47 8 036 34 7 6)0 2« 7 406 187896 127316.OS 7 Sfi

7237127 W0466 86




Acep. a,

...;V(i56305.81 855612

> IS 83555212 4"5S J8 £0 6 41


"I"9 1

,Ace.)! Acep.m'

1 60 5 40;1 42 -1 3111 23

1 0(1 4 -IS

n.m. pjo

12 55 4 .t!>4 2 U4 144

8 ( 8

•7614 in 17 471 03 I? 116 iX\\l 31•i « -7 24 _5 21 17 06 43 15HO 55 4 05-


.5 2T


•SOT5024 65-44*485


• Stops only oh notice to conductor or agent, or on signal.Week-day down express leaves llammonjca 5:40 a.m., Egg Harbor 0:17, Alxecon 0:65, AUintIc7;15.

eDaManiiger.._ _.,.^ , ^ , _ ; 1TBWOOD. Gen'lPaja'r Agt.

. "W-e have on hand afulline of Field and garden

: ,Seeds. - - -~

Also, Fertilizers• for all crops.

We are headquarters forPlows, Cultivators,Harrows, and all kindsof Farming Implements.

Onion Sets, 11 cts. a quart.


DOWN TBAIN8.Thursday, March 15,1800


Sundp. m.

4454 6S5056 135205 SO6426 486 M650005fl 110 180256KJ


8und». Dl.



..! '.



bund». m.

TooK M8 ftH 828 5'i8 S39 070 160 21021)9 43retx0 55





580ft 42

0 60|» 610 5 8 G O O7 127 187207 81785

n i 40180 WOils089

7 62'0 41759


0490547007 007 187-25785


6005 10



6 40







1 1301

3-10a 26


8008 128 1118278428 45856D O I91159 129 ID»249829 4H0 4810001010


;......;.ri>ll»d«lphl»^^;...Ounden ...........

....Writ Colllngswood....Hidden UcIjLnLnorfl Springs......

Olwnenton^,....WlllUmiiown Juno...._ OKl»r Drool-

Blue Aocbor.....Wlnilow JDDO, (!'»)........Hammonton.... .....DkCoiti :.....

Elwood..KgK Qttbor.

Drlnntlut June—...



8150 188005685 486395805 215 20fi 105.10








7 3fi

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ilFss10 DO10 009 620 SO9 801) lit*0 Ul;B 17ti |20 018 f.fl8 GO8448.%

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10 K)

•..̂ .



ll &8*,.,,,


& i'fi0 00

p. m.

TJC8 JOA C S6658405306186215 inA ]04 M4 4H4 4 14 844 25t U4 05

p. a

tt~M6 43......M...






fl Wf

„..,5 T 2*.....


* 111

OS'S8 H9L7H f H8438 Ml8178218 1681280475fl7 tl7 4 47 f67-2.1

rfiTr 16


«'ia i6 06 Cfi46 4B SC t

51616 06 04 64 34 24 1t<)



S._Real Estate and

Wwk^lty accommodation op IMTFI Ilinimohton >t 2:30 p.m., rcntlilns Phllailelpblit »t :i:BC.Snndtjr Up Eiprtj. lenrti Atlantic 6:30 p m.; Egg Ilarbor 8:.l'->; l lnmmuntiin 6:CO,' I'hlliiltlflila 0:50.J.A.BWEIOABD. Oon.Bnpt. KIiPON J, \VKEKH,Oen.l'aMcngor Agent

The Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.

of Eammonton.

Insurance AgentNotary Public,Commissioner of Deeds,

Office, 101 Railroad Ave.Hammonton.

RutcB can lie hod on Duplication.



'vliit 'ml


An<1 tl10

Cb«Api!Rt knownA now am) remarkably a t t r t in l lvn pul>>

llcntlon, profnftoly llltiBtruti'd wl t l i por-traits nnd Imlf- tonrn; oonti l im ull thpBtrlkln^r newt) fcnlurcn of the Dully Tri-bune. Hprolnl wnr (llnpnlflhea, (loinonllonnd forelnti corionpoiuieiinc, nhort uto-rloa, humoroiiH Illi intnitlunn, Itidyntrld)Information, fiinlilnn luili-n. A^rloultuialniattora Gainfully treated, anil onmpro-IienBivQnnd igllablediinnolnl nnd innikutreportu. ' It la mailed iit xnmu hour a«tho dally cdltlnn, roaohoon lnrs;n propor-tion of nuliBorlborn on riatn of Inoiii', andeach adltlon la n Illoroughly up to-datadally family paper for bu«y people.

Regular nubaarlptlon prloo,

$ 1.50 per year.Wo furnish U with tho Ilepubllcan for

$2 per year.



PubllMiodon Thursday

For oyor IKty-elp[b6yenra a National Fam-ily Taper for furmoraMid vllloKora, whonorcudoru Imvo ropre-nciitod Hin v«ry boat

element o( our country population. -(

It glvos nil Important HOWB of th»Nation ntiil World, ami tho uionti rcllt»bl»marliot report". .Pjwolpatlnjf nhart nto-?rlou, an iinnxcollod oRrlaulttiral depart-ment, Nolonilllo <*«»! uieolmnloul Informa-tion, futililo" artlolna for } tlio women,liumoroun IlliiBtratloiiB for ,lm,old nndyoHiiK. It U "Tl>e Vooplo'B Taper" forentire Ujiltod Htalen.

Hcgutar oubnorlptlon prloo,

$1 per year.Wo iiiriilih'lt with the Hapublloan lor

$ 1.25 per yewr.

The Rici-onLicAN office ie

>the only printing house

La Ilaramonlon.

We will try to fill every order


Valentino & HoodUNDERTAKERS


\nil ortloro to tho Rr.ruin.icAN, Iliunmontoiiy N. J.


Funeral Directors,All husincas in their line

promptly and ourofullyattended to.

Embalming; a SpecialtyOllleo and Reuidonco,

'JOS Penoh Street,1 Hammonton.

W. C.T.TT.• Tbe ladles have taken, thli space tor oneyoor, and are responsible for all that itmay contain.

. Why iKipling Deolared for~ftohlbltion.;

In tbe heart of Buffalo there standsa magnificent building which the popalatlon do Innocently style a music ballEverybody comes, here of aa evening tosit around' tbe little tab-Ids and listen toar-first-clasa-^orchestra?—Here-I-wenfrwith a friend — poor or boor ia the manwho cannot pick up a friend for a seasoniii America —and bete were shown the

Oneeight of tho evening was a horror.Tbe little tragedy played, itself oat ata neighboring table, where two veryyoung men and two very young womenwere seated. ' It did not strike me untilfar into the evening that the .pimplyyoung reprobates were making tbe girlsdrunk. -• They gave them red wine andthen white, and their voices rote withth.e maiden cheeks' flashes. I watched,and -the'youths drank till their speechthickened,-their eyeballs grew watery.It was sickening to eee, because I knewwhat was going to happen. My friendeyed the group and said :

Maybe they're children of respectablepeople. I hardly think that, though,or thoy wouldn't be allowed oat withno. better escort than those boys. Andyet the place is oue where everybodycomes, as you see. They may be ImmoraUtes— but in that case they wouldnot be so hopelessly overcome with twoor three glasses of wine. They may

•tolerably 'drunk— there in that lovelyball, surrounded by the best of Buffalosociety. Onoconld do nothing exceptinvoke the judgment of Heaven on thetwo- boys, themselves half sick withliquor—•. '....„„„ "• . . .

At the close of tbe musical perform-ance the quieter maiden Innphod va-cantly and protested she could not keepher feet. The four linked arms, and,staggering, flickered out into the street— drunk, gentlemen and Indies, as Da-vy.'s swlno— drunk os lords. They dis-appeared down a side oven no, but Icould-hear their- laughter until"lonjrafter they were out of sight And theywere all children of 10 or 171

Ti<cn, recanting previous opinions, Ibocaiuu a Prohibitionist. Better It istlmi a man should go without bis beern public placed and content himself

with Bwuariau at thu narrowmlndedoeosof the majority ; better it Is to poisontho inside with very vile temperancedrlnke, and to bay lager furtively at)iick cloora, than to bring temptation to.ho llpa ol young fools, euoh as the four

I had coon, I undnretapd now why thoprcachore ro(-o nnninst drink. I have

alii : '-There In no harm In It, tukoninodcrntaly." And yet my own demand/or 6«r ffdped dtrcctly to sand these twoglrla routing down tho dark street to —God nloiio knows to what end. If liquors-worlh Urlnhlait , It In worth taking alillo trouble to conui at — Bitch trouble

aa a man will undergo to couipnus hisown. desires:. It I n , not good that woshnll lot It llo before thu uyca of children,and I have boon a fool In writing to thocontrary. — Prom Amorlcnn Notcu, byludyard Ulpllup;.

Tob Printing

at tho Risi'vnuoAN officei\


Undertakerand Embalm©!

Twelfth Ht., botWiUMi rnllron<la.

Iiimniouton, X .?.All »rrAii«*m-ur,» for Inmnla madi,nnd aiuofully OKooutod, • ]


The Seeds that Hever Grow. ,Tbo following wan read In Congress onMonday last, by a member trom Ohio. Hosold It was written by onoof bis constltu-on tans expressive of popular BOD tlmontjnthat section of tho country^ . " .

hate th'e'tKouilirbf Spring","^With Its delightful sun, ,

For well I know the real I will bring1

A pack from Washington :A little package, duly franked,

No postage stamps 'to show, -And It contains those little seeds—

Oar good nnd lonloaa CoDgreoBrann,Kemfndfulof oar vote,"

Upon his momoraudnm!s pagePuts down a little note.

And when the' proper time arrivesFor U8towjeld_the^hoe,

~"He sendottfuB tlje little seeds— ~The ones that never grow.

There's squashes with enticing names,And cabbages, I wot,

Bo largo tbat yon would think that oneWould shade a garden spot. *

-So with the pack from Washington ~Too amble forth to sow, . .̂ .

-Wlta many a drop of sweat, tbe seedsThat never care to grow. - .

How ofton bave I piled tbe rake,'How OR I've lounged about

With eyes alert, to catob the flrat •- . Signs of'a coming sprout:In vain, In vain, my hopes have fled;

My heart has filled wltb wooAbove tbe deeds from Washington—

Tbo seeds tbat never grow.

But yet each year my hopes reviveAs spring reclotbes the tree.

And to my homestead surely comes" The package marked "M. O.'*"And, foollsb like, again I wield

Tbe sprinkler afjd tbe boe, .And, like a ninny, plant the seeds—~That never care to grow.

Young People's Societies.

the YoungPeoples Societies of tho TarlouaChurches. Special Items of Interest, andannouuoemeulB arc solicited.

Y. P. S. C. E.,—Presbyterian Church:Meets Tuesday evening, at 7:46.Topic, Missionary.

Y. P. S.-Gi-B.,—Baptist Church: ~Meets Sunday uvuniutt, at 6:30.Topic. "The Bread of Life." John

^ 0 : 24-30. Leader, Mrs. Emma,* Beekler.

Epworth League,—M. E. Church:Moots Sunday evening, at 6:30.

Y. B. 0. U.,-Uoiversullst Church:Meets Sunday Evening, at.7^00_-,..-:-_Topic, Eaatcr. "Newness of Life."Bom. 6 : 4 ; Rom. 7 :6.

A cordial invitation Is extended to allto attend these meetings.

The parly tbat thrives on labor strikesand business I'alluteB is qulto naturallyopposed to the prosperity produced by airotccti'vo tarlffand stable currency.

J. A.

HAMMONTON, : : N.J.Jffloo Days,—Every wook-day. • >

QAB ADMINI8TEBT3D.Moohnrgofor oxtraotlng with gal, when

toith itroordoi'iid.

A. H. Phillips Co. •

Fire Insurance.-^-MONEY

von'Mortgage Loans.

Gorrtmpnndoiicu Bollolto<l.\

tilin Atlantic Avnnun,

Atlantic City, N. J.

Mntiufaotiiior ntul Dculor In

FANCY SHIHGLESPosts, Pickets, oto.


Foleom, N. J.

• C$Qu Lumber juwod t(> order.hdera rooolrad by nmll promptly


^ Glorious News.Oomes from Dr. D. B.-Car(flle. of

Washlta, I. T. He writes: i'Font bottlesof Bitters has oared Mrs.Brewer of scrofala which bad canned hergreat snfferlng-for years.—-Terrible soresworld break out on ber head and face,ftn^ .tihfl fogflt dootovB o^yiH tylvp no hplp;but her cure In nomplote and ber healthla excellent." This sbows we at thous-ftnds have proved—that Eleotrio BittersIs tbo best blood purifior known. It'sthe tamn supremo remedy for eozema,tetter, salt rhnum, nloors, bolls and. ran.ning sores. It Htlmnlates liver, kidneysand bnwols, oxpols pnUons^holpstlon. bnllds up the stronath. Only 50o.Bold tvTIfSwell, DrtifrgiBt." Ganrantced.

Attorney-at-Law^Official Town-Attprrieyj -.-—

Arlltz Building, Hammonton,-Room 37 Resl"Estnt(rffiXa*'Butl

Atjantlo CUty^

In Hammontonevery Tliursday

Praotloe in all Courts of Ibe State.

~Mogey for firBtrmortgrtpHoanp'


!̂ w!ra!5RW

People's Bank of.HammontonAt the close of buslnesnon Monday,

March fith, 1000.

: * ; .EE«OURCE8:. .„:Loans and Discounts - 882451 80Overdrafts .'. „. SO 31Stock's, Becurltlea, etc...... 87048 91Banking House, furniture, fix-

tures, etc, —. 9682 00Other Real estate... ...» 6768 96Bonds and Mortgages. - 8485 80Dno from other Banks 10753 6OCosh and cash Items.._ ,~ ., 10622 61Accrued. Interest receivable 827 77


Capital Stock"Jiaid In $30000 ooSurplus 17ooo ooUndivided profits, less current ^

expenses and taxed paid 381570Due to otber Banfes, etc. - 1514 96Dividends unpaid............. ' 64 86Individual Deposits 73748 13Demand Certlflcatesof,

Deposit...™ .7 184 98Demand Certificates of'

Dep, bearing Int.... 84849 79Certified Cheeks 122 00Cashier'soheclirouU —,-,..-,--. ..—~

~Btan~dlng.j .............. -

Accrued Interest payable...- 10R48O 80

832 45

$161698 26STATS OT NEW JERSEY, > _ „ -. - - -

County of Atlantic, /""•.•I, Wilbur R. Tilton, Cashier of tbe above

named Bank, do solemnly swear -tbat, thoabove statement Is true to tho best of myknowledge and belief. '

-••• -WILDER B. TILTON. Cnahler.-Jnbsorlbed and sworn before me.

tblsOtb day of March. A.n., 1000. 'H. L. MONFOHT,

Commlsalonur uf Deeds.Correct. Attest:

M. L. JACKBON, )C. F. OHGooj), > Directors.

Tbe Directors linve-'-tlilx ilny declared a semi-annual dividend ofTiuiKK per cent, paya-ble on and nftor-Tiieaduy, April 3rd. next,, __ .., ___ ....... >v,

March fllh, 1000

A Hew Wagon ShopI bfi(Ve taken tbe Jno.Walthershop, on Third St., and will doall work in the wheelwrightand blacksmith line.

Horse-shoeing a specialty.

HARRY CORDE^Y.Bngruvlng of all kinds done at the


The People's BankOf Hammonton. N, J.

Authorized Capital, $50,000Paid in, $30,000.Surplun, $17,000.

R. J. BYUNBS, President.M. L. JAOKBON, Vice-Prea't

W. R, TILTON, Cashioi

U. J. Jlyrnoa,M. Ii. JnoUuon,"

,Klnm Btooknol)

Q. F. Bft»tori, - / "O. P. Oagood,

W. «. Tlltoc,•T, 0. AndorKon,

W. J. Hmlth. W. L.

Corllfloatonof Uopanitlnanud, bearingIntorentnt tho rate of U percent, porno..num 1 f held alx montlin, nnd I) per oentllheld one yo«r.

Dincount dftys — Tuenday andFriday of each Wook. •

CETO»fe Dopoolt Dox«n for r«ut,—03.00, 90, and $10yorjonr.


Oil Stoves7

WILLIAM BAKER,No. 25 Third Street, _ .


ConfectioneryOnly the choicest.

Always theibesl

J H CTVTfiTTt Jo. o Jzi/yU Ju,_ __

Cor. Second and Bellevue,


The Republican and

New York

Weekly Tribnno

both papers one year

ior 81.5


Italian and American:STEAM

MACCAEOM.; • - /

Manufacturer of tho llnnst VcrmlcwlU'and Fancy Puato,

Maooaronl iu .paokngos, with dlmctlonn.Tbo looao, an troll an tlio packed of U>

very l>eat quality, and nothing luforlaq• to tho Imported OIIUM.

' 't)toa»iahlr(Agnnt. Flrut-olnna tlebata to• nil partnOl tho wond, with tnlu-nttow'

cxprouii Borvlco, . '

STOREnnd a inoat rollablo Una ot»U tho impular hrnudo ofTobucoo, nnd my own mako

CIOAESla what I oull tho uttontlonVof my old fVlondo, and nowfrlohdo. Alno, rrrll nolcotodlino of aportlnji ojoodi.

