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Page 2: HAMBATAN PERSEPSI AUDITORI [Compatibility Mode]

Auditory perception disorder is a condition where the individual is unable to

process auditory sounds or auditory objects.

This usually occurs in children who experience a delay in the brain’s auditory centers. experience a delay in the brain’s auditory centers.

In other cases, auditory perception disorder is caused by neurological issues and

conditions like lead poisoning, tumors, head trauma, auditory deprivation,


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Auditory perception

disorder is often co-morbid or co-existent with other disorders like dyslexia,

visual perception disorders, and attention deficit visual perception disorders, and attention deficit hyperactive disorder.

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Auditory perception disorder can be detected through specialized tests designed

to measure the functioning of the brain’s auditory processes.processes.

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� Speech perception problems � Sound localization problems � Difficulty comprehending words in noisy

environment � Poor listening skills

Difficulty carrying out directions with multiple steps � Difficulty carrying out directions with multiple steps � Difficulty remembering oral information � Language difficulty � Reading difficulty � Spelling difficulty � Comprehension difficulty � Vocabulary difficulty � Behavioral problems

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Input Sensori

Area sensorik primer

Area sensorik yang lebih tinggi

Dipancarkan dari reseptor & saraf aferen

Area korteks yang pertama memproses input sensorispesifik dari bagian tubuh yang dipetakan somatotopik

Elaborasi & penglahan lebih lanjut input sensori spesifik

Integrasi, penyimpanan, dan penggunaan bbg input


Area motorik yang lebih tinggi

Area asosiasi

Area motorik primer

Output motorik

Integrasi, penyimpanan, dan penggunaan bbg input Sensori untuk merencanakan tindakan yg bertujuan

Pemrograman urutan gerakan dalam konteks bbgInformasi yang diberikan

Memerintahkan neuron eferan untuk memulai gerakanVolunter

Dipancarkan mll neuron eferen ke otot rangka yangSesuai untuk menjalankan tindakan yang diinginkan

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