Download - (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) · 8/30/2020  · HSK Monthly Financial Report (July-August, 2020) Our church treasurer, Suzuki Tomoko-san, has prepared the monthly church financial

Page 1: (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) · 8/30/2020  · HSK Monthly Financial Report (July-August, 2020) Our church treasurer, Suzuki Tomoko-san, has prepared the monthly church financial


Welcome to Hamamatsu Sukuinushi Kyokai…HSK!

浜松救い主教会 2020-8-30 (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior)

Please believe us when we say…. “The first time you come here you are

a visitor…BUT…the second time you are a friend!”


522 Mishima Cho, Minami Ku, Hamamatsu Shi

Church Phone: (053)442-5080 Church Fax: (053)442-5186 Church Cell: 070-4500-9327 Portuguese: 090-9220-0600 E-mail: [email protected]


Hamamatsu Sukuinushi Kyokai (HSK) (Hama-matsu Church of the Savior) is a Protestant group of Christians who are very dependent on God! We believe He is great, good, and holy! Anyone who has a desire to know Him and seeks fellowship with others is welcome to attend th is church.

Welcome Visitors! We are so glad you came today. Please come again and again. And if there is any way we can assist you, please talk to our pastor or his wife, Ben or Ruth Fowler. We have been praying for you. A ‘Baby Room’ is available for anyone who has a small child.

This Week’s Events at HSK…………..…..………………

Date Time & Details


6:55 PM...Gathering of Watchmen(Prayer) (‘Live’ Prayer meeting on Internet)

9/2(Wed.) 1:30 PM…Prayer Meeting (Main Room)

9/3(Thu.) 7:25 PM…Musicians & Worship Leader:Practice


8:45 AM...Musicians & Worship Leader:Practice 9:55 AM...Singing, Sharing, Sunday School & Fellowship Time First Fasting and Prayer Day12:30 PM...Mother's Prayer Meeting 1:30 PM...Prayer Meeting for Israel 6:55 PM...Gathering of Watchmen(Prayer) (‘Live’ Prayer meeting on Internet)


Second Fasting and Prayer Day6:55 PM...Gathering of Watchmen(Prayer)

'Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord. Praise Him, O servants of the Lord, you who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God! Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good. Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely. For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His own pos-session. For I know that the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods.' Psalm 135:1-5

Page 2: (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) · 8/30/2020  · HSK Monthly Financial Report (July-August, 2020) Our church treasurer, Suzuki Tomoko-san, has prepared the monthly church financial


Dear Members and Friends of HSK: Well, we have come to the last Sunday of August and soon we begin the month of September. I hope next month will have some cool days. What do you think? But I think we all were able to keep cool in our homes and at our jobs. I noticed that construction workers are wearing long-sleeved jackets but they seem to be staying cool. What is in those jackets? Last week I heard an American pastor on You Tube talk about two of his friends who were also pastors but recently stopped pastoring. Why? Because they had to close their churches for several months, they got really discouraged, really dis-appointed. I felt so sad when I heard about those two pastors who I can believe spent many hours nourishing others. Surely they prayed over and over again for church members who had problems. But the absence of members, the cancellation of activities, and the fear of members becoming sick was overwhelming. They quit. Hopefully they still trust God. These past few months I have prayed more for pastors. And I think that pastors of small churches have the added pressure of bills that their church needs to pay. Please take time each day to pray for other pastors. Churches in Japan should not remained closed! This past week I have been listening to various speeches made by all kinds of people who support the re-election of the American president, Mr. Trump. I do not think that all of them are Christians but for

the sake of fairness, for the sake of safety, for the sake of freedom to worship the Lord, these people pleaded for a con-servative government. Those who oppose the president want the right to abort a child days before its birth. They want immorality to be protected by the government. The list of their demands is so long. In other countries, it seems many people think Americans have an anger problem or futile opinions or like to start conflicts! But I think one word might best characterize what Christians think: Righteousness! Why love righteousness? Why seek to be righteous? Answer: 'For the Lord is with the righteous generation'(Psalm 14:4). 'The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their trou-bles' (Psalm 34:17). 'The righteous man will be glad in the Lord and will take refuge in Him and all the upright in heart will glory'(Psalm 64:10). Now how righteous do you want to be? I want to thank everyone who has been attending the Sunday morning meeting for the past few months. You could meet someone at our church who is sick! You could be asked to pray for someone who doesn't feel well! But you still keep coming and singing and loving others! Thank you. I believe this: 'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You (God Almighty)are with me...'(Psalm 23:4). Your pastor.........Ben

Please continue to tell…your family and friends about viewing ‘live’ and recorded meetings at HSK on the Internet. To see meetings, go to <> and click ‘Schedule of Meetings’. Next click ‘Click here

to visit Live Stream channel.’ You will find a list of previous meetings which can be seen at any time during the week. Thank you for sharing this information with others.

From Your Pastor…………………………………………………………………8/30

You can hear your pastor's message…in Portuguese (or English) by opening the app 'Blizz' and inserting the message ID. The ID will be displayed on the screen just before the speaker begins to share. Your ear phones will be necessary.

Page 3: (Hamamatsu Church of the Savior) · 8/30/2020  · HSK Monthly Financial Report (July-August, 2020) Our church treasurer, Suzuki Tomoko-san, has prepared the monthly church financial


September 6th & 7th…will be the next prayer and fasting days! Your

pastor is hoping that all members o f HSK wi l l participate. Too many nations are still suffering because of the virus and

God is expecting His family to pray for them. Let's do it.

New information from Bridge For Peace...a ministry to Israel, can be found in the church foyer. Please look for your free copy of their booklet, 'Olive Li fe ' . Maybe you are interested in attending the prayer meeting for Israel next Sunday which begins at 1:30 PM.

A Mothers' Prayer Meeting...will be held next Sunday after-noon beginning at 12:30 PM. All mothers, regard-less of what language they speak, are invited to this prayer time. Please talk to Vanessa-san or Yukiko-san for more information!

Information for any-one to connect with HSK Wifi: hsk/1 PW: song1234

Several more adjustments...are being made to the church PA system. This includes using different wireless microphones. So, it is possible that you

may hear strange sounds or no sound! Please be patient...the problems will be solved soon.

Also, anyone who wishes to...give a monetary gift to another member or friend of HSK, please place your gift in an envelope with that person's name clearly written on it. Your gift will be delivered as quickly as possible!

'Give and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over...'(Luke 6:38).

Church Announcements/Information………….……..………..………………..…8/30

HSK Monthly Financial Report (July-August, 2020) Our church treasurer, Suzuki Tomoko-san, has prepared the monthly church financial report for everyone’s examination; July16th - August 15th. Copies of the financial report can be found in t h e S K I s t a n d . T h e church tithe to others was ¥64,000. Many thanks to all who have given to HSK. May God bless you more! And…your pastor is so thankful for our consistent giving to others! Hallelujah!

Fund Previous Balance

Income Expenses Current Balance

General Fund ¥558,853 ¥631,389 ¥509,381 ¥680,861

Building Fund ¥662,385 ¥2,000 ¥0 ¥664,385

Helps Fund ¥60,968 ¥0 ¥0 ¥60,968

Missionary Fund ¥147,697 ¥0 ¥0 ¥147,697

Bible School ¥171,527 ¥0 ¥0 ¥171,527

Christmas Fund ¥5,452 ¥0 ¥0 ¥5,452

Evangelism Fund ¥11,169 ¥0 ¥0 ¥11,169

Cemetery Fund ¥130,126 ¥0 ¥0 ¥130,126

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God is good! He has promised to supply all our needs. Let's believe that today!

Please pray for the children of HSK! May they all come to know and love Jesus.

The Lord is truly blessing the "Food Bank” outreach of our church. Let's pray for lives to be touched and brought to Jesus.

Let’s continue to pray for our sister, Lyn-san. She will have another treatment next week.

Will you please pray for pastor's mother, Wrae-san, to have strength this week and to keep well.

Daisy is asking prayer for her daughter, Darsheel-san to find a good job! Please pray for Daisy-san's entire family!

Mark-san desires for the Lord to show His justice and mercy in Lebanon. Other Middle Eastern countries are suffering because of the virus. Who will pray for those nations?

Rose-san is asking prayer for Ryosuke’s teacher to be saved and not to bully some kids in her class.

Let’s pray for Amal-san. He wants his daughter and wife to be able to be together again soon.

Please pray for those in HSK who are working in the Japanese schools. Satomi-san, Mark-san, Nadine-san and Ruth-san!

Let’s keep believing and asking for the Lord to stop COVID-19! This virus is closing too many churches and causing

great discouragement. Surely the Lord will hear the prayers of those who desire His deliverance!

Could the virus still be killing people living in China? We must continue to ask the Lord to save those people and keep the Chinese Christians safe.

Good report: The missionary now living in the US who has been extremely sick, is doing better...Bro. Kaylor! But he is still hospitalized and extremely weak. Will someone pray for him again? ……………………………………………………… Note: If you do not want your prayer request in the church bulletin, please mark that clearly on your prayer request card.

Prayer Requests……………………………………………………………………………..8/30

Thoughts to ponder… from the book, “I Stand At The Door And Knock” By: Corrie Ten Boom


Many things go to pieces because our life is not in agreement with God's plan, God's purposes. The word sin means "missing the goal.” In the Old Test-ament we read that God came to dwell in the tabernacle because it was built in accordance with His will. What are we fighting toward? Towards a future where the earth will be covered with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. The prince of this world, the prince of darkness will be dethroned, and King Jesus the Messiah will reign. To serve in the army of the King of Kings, you must come just as you are. But you won't stay as you are. The

King himself will make sure that you are trained and that you receive a uniform for your battle against sin which will bring you to victorious ground. Just read about it in Ephesians 6:10-20. The Lord will break your bondage to the past, to people, to habits so that you will be truly free. Jesus wants to live in us through His Spirit, and then the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit will be completely at our disposal. Read it yourself. In Galatians chapter 13 we read about God's love, which is poured out into your heart by the Holy Spirit.