Download - Hall Township Will Be Scene Of Sunday Test · mad THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW Vol. XXII., No. 45 PHONB BUTH. t-ltSl LYNDHURST, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 m KltHiK M IAO rlV f V w


L y n d h u r s t P u b l i c L i b r a r y

V a l l e y B r o o k A v e . .¿ jy n w Jh u r s t , î«'* J


»«• ■» « M m

Buy N ow

W a r Bonds!m ad T H E SO U T H B E R G E N R E V IE W

Vol. XXII., No. 45 PH O N B B U T H . t- ltS l LYNDHURST, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 m K ltH iK M IA O r l V f V w w i

T h e M anpower Commission, a lte r a great deal of p u b lic ity , is re a lly beginning to m ove. Lomd- h u rtt em ployers are w aking up these days to be confronted by th e ir w orkers who have received post cards in the m ail telling them to report to such and such a defense plant.

One such w orker dropped in to see his form er boss a fte r his first week on the new job. He had worked seven straight days and collected $81.00 in pay. Now the boss is w aiting fo r a post card.

* • •Anyone who takas an un­

trip these days is Just crazy. Returning trav­

elers tell unbelievable stories •bout our transportation sys­tems. Trains and b u s e s are so badly crowded they look and smell like cattle cars.

.Soldiers arriving home from distant camps tell of women w ith infant children riding on % a lu two and three days w ith­out berths. People eating and sleeping on the floors, amid garbage ankle deep. Porters who w ill give no service w ith­out a stiff stipend.

. • •Potatoes 2 lbs. for a quarter

There's one you w ill be able to te ll your grandchildren about It m ay be hard to understand how it could happen, but the men running the wholesale produce m arkets can explain it. They say that the arm y is grabbing the spuds by the car load. They »1- low a m inim um am ount for ci-v Uian Use, which would be allrigh t except fo r the shysters who can 't resist the tem ptation tom ake a dishonest dollar.

There is a price celling ori the potatoes that are sold fo r eating purposes but the governm ent failed to put a top on the prices the farmers m ust pay for seed.

Capaccio Medal for

AthleteLyndhurst Junior Cham ­

ber of Com m erce to Make Award

The Board of Education last night vcted to permit children reaching the age cf five by Dec- e m lc r 31 may enter school the previous September. This action was taken on the motion of A l ­fred C. G ilm ore and seconded by W illiam Wilson.

Previously children were not permitted to enter school until they were five.

The Jun io r Chamber of Com­merce asked for permission to award a Pau l Capactio medal at the graduation exercises for the high school senior class in mem ­ory c f Lieutenant Paul Capaccio, who was killed while piloting an airplane in Kansas. He was a graduate of the high school. The medal w ill go to the outstanding athlete of the class.

Thé board readily agreed to the award.

The board decided to attend a meeting c f the Federation of Boards of Education in Teanock M ay 3

Frllow ing is a letter from M r Shepherd o parents in Lyndhurst:

A p ril 19, 1943To Parents:

Children who w ill be five

Bergen Tops Bond Quota by 7 Million

Rutherford Leads South Bergen with Sales of

$571,669.50Rutherford topped South B e r ­

gen municipalities in the sale of bonds in the new drive, but all municipalities did their bit with the result Bergen’s drive was fa r in excess Of the rosiest ex- pec tations.

W ith a quota of $11,000.000 in bonds Bergen County sales to tailed $18.903,932 #3.

Rutherford sold $571,869.50 in 2,279 sales.

Lyr.dhurst »eld $82,175 75 in 372 sales.

North Arlington sold $35,837 in 370 sales. &'■ -■

East Rutherford sold $22.151 25 in 377 sales.

Hackensack was the banner city in Bergen County w ith $1.174.481 25 in 843 sales.

Englewood w s b second w ith $800,108 in 877 sales

Ridgewood sold $550,717 18 in 884 sales.

Plan Air Raid Tests

Elect Mrs. Diehl Bible C lass H ead

The Lyndhurst B ib le Class for Women closed their season with

years of age by December 31st. a - luncheon meeting held Tues

_ In torn -rosell to t* . ta ilm at s till h igher prices. The O P A agents, undermanned as they are, are busy trying to break up the racket.

The Joke ameng the trade this week Is the case of the punk is Psssale who has 150 bags on hand which he pur­chased for M.Z5 • bag. His problem, Mr. Anthony, is, he can sell at any time to certain people fo r S IM * a bag for seeds, but the O PA knows he has them and they might come In and ask to see where they were planted. So, rather than dispose of the produce at a le­gitimate profit, ha Is holding

and children up to age seven years, who are entering school for the first time, are to be registered in their respective schools the week of M ay 3rd.

For the past two years, about one-third of the parents wha have children eligible to enter school have, for seme unaccount­able reason, failed to comply w ith this prelim inary registra­tion plan This prelim inary reg Istratlon 1* very importnt, as it w ill enable the school authorities to plan more adventageously fo" these begining pupils before a il schools open next BmpUmher.

shall greatly

Parents should keep in m ind that children within these agelim it* are to be admitted only w ithin the first ten days fo llow ­ing the opening of school in September of each school year, i. e., no pupil« Will be adm itteJ in February-thc opening of the second semester.

Children who take advantage of this early enrollment are en­titled to a free, pre-school exam i­nation bv the school physician.

Yours Sincerely,H. P Shenherd

Supervising Principal

day at the W om an'* Club, with 32 women enjoying the meal to­gether.

The table* were tastefully a r­ranged w ith w hite linen cloths and bouquets of jonquils and forsythia, presenting a ve ry at­tractive appearance A ll foods served were non-ratiored. The committee for arrangements was Mrs. John B Wixson, Mrs. Jam es W Lake. Mr* C C. Christ

A fter the luncheon there was a tjrief worship service with Mrs Thomas A. J.ohnson, a past presi­dent, reading the 18th Psalm, and a ll joining in the recital of

In order to acquaint the pfcMic and the Civilisn Prutfc tive Force-« with the pr.Hednrcmmler the i» » air ran! alarm system, a series of tre»|uent >tii|irue. State wide hlarW.nit* ami air raid drill» are being |>l*itttcd for the near future bv the Office of O v illa n Dtfense lltre itur Leonard lit c v f u -

It ha> Ik-cu definitely ajfrftd, following conference< 1« tween Defcn-e officials and \ iw \ authorities, that a ten ■.econd blast of the siren» w ill hr used in New Jersey to notify the protect«« fore** -i the *»8 « lea r ’* f u r |m»W»o w ill continut to Ite notified by radio »ttwotMH'f niriit

The series ol surprise tests and air raid drill», um nlm n to present plans, will follow each other in rapid smcession In this way. it is expected that thi ¡>til*lie will soon l* c >tne a«, custonied u* the new* signals and jarticularh the second ’TiUie when lights in boiwcv offices and stores must rcjUaiu ««iU .i! though street lights come bark on and traffic moves

It has been definitely se ttled w ith Army au th o ritie s th a t we in New Jersey may use a sb -rl b last of the siren- a* an 'all c h a r ' signal for th e p ro tec ttv . forces,” llrrv itts s said "T he householder m ust realize. Inivvcver, th a t he will rin itm ue to receive the all c lea r ' announcttnen t on the radio

" M a n y Council cha irm en believe that a series of surprise tests conducted in rap id succession w ith onK a day o r tw o in te rven in g , w ill » i*tn acqua in t Iwnh the public and C h il ia n D efense Force-, w ith the procedure w hen cacti of the signals sound W e are go ing to <i<> jtttl that

T here w as Bo indication today u lt i t t the first of the sen* s of te s ts would l>e staged , b u t it was evpectfil th a t it would be held si mui

High School Principal Burke Explains New Program

Following is » letter submitted j lege preparatory pupils well be to the Board of Education by M r ; encouraged to take Physics, the Burke: ¡ subject being on :i 7 periods pet

Tamarack to Hold 2-Day

CamporeeAffair Planned for Brook-

dele Perk on May 15 and 16

week basis, in most cases, the policy of ol

f.ring tin spoeti) sub ject- Me ; u Lychsmcal D r . w . n g Wm»,l»hop P |ir „ „ „ hrr #(.Printing, Art. Music, roods and

A p ril 12. .1843.Board of Education,Lyndhurst. New Jersey Gentlemen,

I wish to acquaint the Board of Education with the results of j Clothii.g on the bast* ^ I S pe our curricula planning for tis«-, rtods per we« k w ill be continued next achocl year We be lieve ' A ll pupils w ill al*o scheduled every possible adaptation should j on a daily basis f i r physical edu be made to give pupil* le tte r j cation Kadio code w ill tie ion picparation for the w a r program j tinued to be offered to * lim itfd

For the lommg school year t number ol pui*il4In ordei that the p iog ia iir out

A feature of the program was a hymn sing w ith Mrs. Wixson at the piano and Mrs Robert L Fisr as soloist.

Annual report* were given bv Mr* Adolph BerchtoJd, secretary; Mrs. Ju liu s Schoppaul, birthday bank and greeting card secretary;

i Mrs. Douglas Nicol, treasurer Three member* held a re « rd of

j perfect attendance for the year j Mrs, Nicol. Mr*. Christ and Mrs j J S Latsha A donation was j voted to the Salvation A rm y

Officers installed for the ensu- j ing year were Mrs Ulmont A

Diehl, president; Mrs Thomas A Johnson, vice president; Mrs A d o l p h Berchtold, secretary;

j Mrs Douglas Nicol, treasurer.Mrs. J S Latah*. teachei The

j meeting was concluded w ith the { formation of a circle cf a ll pres ! ent and the singing of "B lest Be

— ------------- — ' the Tie That Binds "More than 1,000 children pg i- ia ld , members of the Recreation D u n n* the social hour which

tieipated in the second snnual Commission, and by Miss Elua- followed Mrs Hescock entertain- Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by beth Lindsay; members of the W lth the reading of several the Lyndhurst Recrestion Com- i Tri-Y girls, the G irl Scouts and humorous poems

oours« ol »«udy

Mrs A rthu r Schreckonstein, of 242 Fern Avenue, is ill at th" Hackensack Hospital

More Than 1,000 Hunt Eggs

mission, which took plsce on Monday last in the Municipal Park. Candy egg* were hidden throughout the psrk, and each group, assembled sccording to age, was allowed an allotted pc- reiod of time for the hunt Prizes w e rt awarded to the children coUscting the most eggs The winners in Group 1, ages 5 to 7, were: 1st. Frank Schlano, 2nd. Gene Gowe; 3rd, E s r l Greenleaf, J ’r. Group 2. age* I to 11' 1st, John Errico : 2nd, Nsncy Thome 3rd, Dorothy Holden Group 3. ages 12 to 14 1st. Louis Sollitto 2nd, Orlene Pinto; 3rd. Joseph Morrcne

After the hunt, games wer played under the direction of M iss Elisabeth Lindsey Prizes winners were Group I, David McCresth *nd Joan Alfcrtfht i Group S. David Hass snd E llen K irch . Group 3, Louis snd A n ­thony Crupl

There were 108 entries in the Eg* Shell exhibit, and prires were swarded to Doris Delflno and Joyce M ayer for the pretties' egg*, to Csm ille Cefdone and C v o l Ackerson for the mart sr «MIC eggs, snd to Rooe M sne gtanda snd Joan Beck for the most original design Attracting much attention was • pen of live rabbits exhibited hy M r Joseph Alonso at Stuyveaant Avenue

T h t exem *ss w are opened with prsyer o tie f4 by Rev fred en rk BuchhoH*. Sftd the MBgm* o# A merica bv the rhit dran ConmiMieaisf Wifham F GalUgher gsve the sddfes« nt watrome A bag <4 randy wes given to A d i child as he left th

the Boy Scouts

Installation for íím eetiDiehl w ill shortly ra il a

ting of her executive beard to lay plans for the coming year

The opening mfeting of nextM f e I n S n I season w ill be hrfld at the WoM r s . J o i n L a T s n a m#n.s C|ub t>n

5th *t 2 30 p mThe Lyndhurst W om an* Club

w ill hold installation of newly-j elected i fflcers at a closing lunch at the club house. Wednesday, M ay 12. M rs John S Latsha w ill be installed as president, sup eeedtng M is W illiam Webste.’ who served in thst capseity for the past two years

Members m charge of the luncheon include Mr* Bendix Frederickson Mrs Elm er Daven ­port, Mrs Luther Berkey. Mr* James Tait. Mrs Jooeph Aldridge and M r* Ernest Fontsn

8th Grade Pupils in Easter Show


Mr* Eugar Earp was iof arrangements.U n Hsnry Gvithsa. Mrs e « c s Vse d m i#*«*ef Jame« Tail arid Wr Ss»»»




Eighth Grade pupils of thr L in « ih 'S ch o c l presented an Ea* ter program Wednesday at tin assembly period Mrs Bdith Or» low ski snd Mrs Susan Gust if- son. directed

Those who took citation 'Xirigi M ary Ann Andr by There»* Mar tor C w U M i.- •ettn and Rita K e lly Saaaphor? Soto, "Easter Bonnet' by John O s iw n V>ng "A p ril Girl*" b»' Kathleen Krmpton

“ e tSB ssng. 'T h e OsÄedU*. , «‘me $ « w t Springtime^, < Spring*. “ L it i le B r w w w rh in the V a te ” "Pa ir»

sn d '"The f ir s t Tut»*'"

Summer Round-UpM rs Chris Piendergast, ch*ir-

msn of the Summer Round Up announce* that registration for the children who w ill enter Uv school» in the fs ll w ill be. May 3. 4, 5, snd « And the pre school physical examinain n w ill be at the various schools on th<- follow ing days, Lincoln and C o l­umbus Schools, Tuesday. May 18th. 2 to 4 P M with M rs Pen- dergast in charge At Jeffers« n School, Thursday, May JOth, 2 to 4 P M Mrs A J Hoi,er At Roosevelt Schools, at Roosevelt M sy 24th. 2 to 4 P M Mrs M J Htemlauf Washington May M o i I to 4 P M Mr* E K Ridgr way

< mphasis w ill be placed particu- la r ly upon Msthematics and the lined for the coming sctw > I yeai study of Physics Pupil* in the college preparatory course, how ­ever, are to cVjfflmw iRsllege p re ­paratory work without inter rup tion, For them, there is S 1 united opportunity m the l lU i and lïtb gradt« for pre uKiucticn o r in ­dustrial preparation The ciattont o f the various tests for the a ttr ' und navy p iogran» V 5 (naval aviation), V 12 (n a vy ) and A-12 (a rm y) indicates that for ro lle *r preparatory pupils, there is no better preparation purstbh- than that now existing m the lubjeet content of the college prepura lory course

On April 2nd, 7# boy* took tht qualifying oxsminaturns tar the navy's V 12 program aad the army's A - It program We have had 8 senior hoys apply to« »d mission to the nava! aviation V S program Four a t t h e s e boys w i re sccepteit and are now en­listed in the N^val Aviation Re serve C«rps In qualifying tost? for all of these program* oui Senior iniy* realize th»- impor tance »11 program* |4a»« up<>n competence in M athem atin A» a means of making desirable adaptations »nd extending \b< scope of Maihemal ws to our pu pii enrollment for the coming year, it is expected thst the fol

i lowing changes w ill b«* mad<1 N inth grade commercial t«i-

I pils w ill be permitted to tak<I either Algebra 1 or Jun io r BiiM j tu-ss Training rather than requu ! Ing Jun iin Bustnas* Trainiiig

2 Algebra 1 w ill be off.-t.-d ,n i the morning srtwwd to Jun io r ar -t ; Senior pupils wiahing to la k e it j and considered ca p a b le o f d w n i ] satisfactory work, in it \ J Pupils m the it lh a n d 12i! j grach** not in th e college pref*sr i atory eour*#1 may take E iectnc ii y ‘ and P r e -induction M sih e m a tirs : The pre-indurtion fm atheniat« - t offtred Wi-il " 'M u i , • f *f ithmet j re v ie w and the . i-oi.j cipals of algebra i r t geometr'.: Tl.e course in electricity a» 4 ptinduction malheniatna *» e«j»>t

i ed to D c . i l v a lu e t m in d u stria I work by girt* w s # graduati«:«* m

Tlie annual camper»«' of Tama ratk Boy Scout Council w ill be held May 1$ and 16 tt Hr..okdale Park, Hiisimrtrld. with *» trvnip» c l nine B*rgsn and Ksss-a poni muftitTcs participating

The pngram this o a r w ill «•ver phases of scouting ftoni cubbing through «n un scoutmif Kn-.phasi* w ill be placed un sctlv die:* tor older I ays, w ith a Senior Scout exhibit to tie pi esenti ti by the A ir Svs ut* Squadri li m Ea*t Ruthei ford and the He* Seoul Ships Tamarack and Pv-ngum

As » new feature there w ill b* a graduation ceremony U-ys advancing from Cu bit ing, age* * thiough I I . to tkuiitlng. » h u h is for boy* 12 and older The grad­uates w ill receive their new badge* as Tenderfoot Scout*.

Participation in the campi rev events w ill he limited to Scouts regtstetesl as of May 1 Seniot patrol trader*, Junior assistant scoutn'Bsten» ami sena r Scouts j w ho w ill take part Ss supstvuory ’ leader* but ,wtll not compete

Scouts w ill p ilih tents and camp overnight, remaining in pa tntls snd tro. fi» assigned to lo tàtion» sccotdtng to Tam siailt

tCouiM-il* five d istriils ICaehi la f

adultleader. Religious snangements include a Scout'* own setvue on t tiu- grounds and Catholic msssm in nearby churches Attendsnce w ill he resjut -ed

Award* w ill tie eaentsd I ■ fore the cam pi«ee closes at S i p m ( n the sefs nd day Judging : w ifi be on cgRlpcraft uw ludmr »pix-atan equipmsnt use ol i

Hall Township Will Be Scene Of Sunday Test

Incidents WiM Prove AbiHty o4 Loccrf Defense Council to Meet

Any EmergenciesIh r liefet**« « o m n i! w ill !»- >

p iti Itoti» K iv e f Ko*«i to H ills ide I fo rd \venuc to *He> Hrook V l«

| )o » c n . of iiu id rn ls wilt t t e jk ,*:*ttolis in that »es tu n I * r-dhor ,.^*e iv it l i the ir proldenis


Elks Revueon June

* \

Bader Announce* Pl«m at Fir»t Meeting of

New Year

Jose (ill lU ile i presiding si bis flrst meeting, as I sattest HuWr ..I the 1.) nd liutx E lk s op Momts evening, A(»ril J * snnwuinwt *h* ptofram o f activities for J h e • and >« 11V summer l»ai n*-en ismpleted suit »11 tm ti-iiefi ttf |hr v iftinH

Ai4 «iwl fswsflCf# not) fu lfil ***4 t*•irm*.#*!, b •**iitviiiu r<\ |# ih f MMiiltnlMlI ' ’ io i < » * ih ml« i i > ih i W * i Oamm il l i t Ui u k r twm n lt»r «** I«-« ' t**1v»fUti*i (’MUAilit# iriiH il m»**f

ti|i«If w ill »«reuf i« wb*#tm ii »(i4 o ilU r *

r-H Iiwf ,i

Chi < f lb for H ,4 thi dent that

test IV

p*»-e*l a tin

Meo .-»her sip

-, -—j — -—;— —- ,---——j ,, . ! n u M ig ii.» . - .« v i i» '» « ' , — — — i - bans and olioU- adopted it I* requested That m. t » r iaf ,> a p a r* n ^ T !f7 W Ttrtie eit*Mtt«edthe Boafd of Edm sUon give o ® ( (n t l l ,, um ,,f ,-*mp .it. iu r nesn ti f..< themn * l approval- for nlnrf-rietded .... ....................., -

1 Thst the subiert E lectric ity w w r # l ,Vi „ „ „..uv, r.sfi tm lud IH N M H M t l 1,nd Prt induction M alus orggmsalion administran« n tin Ma> t. th. i. * ' I- tie offe ted ill tlie blgll schocl M .t,^-n,lii,H .»n lla l Uin and I usual dinlieJT pai 11 pimts-i

S t . lln

..m M ....

sod (*re-Induction Matiierrmtu-.,b*- oflerr-d m tht- high school course of *tudy

.1 Thst Salesmanship be tern porartly ilroppeil from the course of study

Very tru ly jn unt, K H M I 'M ) 111 N h f

IhltM ipal

Falcaro Here on Wednesday

Jo«* F aU iit» of N«*w V«»fk, wt.tlcJh uiicirircili^ match gi»m« bowler. wh<» hat M nmn**t*» hi* crrtlil, * i i l h# th* alUa* t n m xt wcMpk at the l,yt*<4hurai H* <tc »uoh A lley* H*v w ill fcowl

Vitola, tine of Bt-i g«-n'a t*»p

niaUh w ill 1m ncfH the I, ) rulhufft nf Kllw

Tli* match w 4j l* ttn at |>m and w ill ci mtiat d eiht »««‘«V1 tutal ns U\ ttnmt V iM a hn*

! avert||iwft 21$ in hia la»tUMpNt, and at th r tscetrnt tmv*

: ha* t’owledf ftmt IjptTel^ndhurvt i l ie y i w tll N# thr

• I « ivr Sunday at 8 $ti ji n *>( th' oi four mat« t*« *

. . j ; u , i safrty m easures, ¡un tw k c ia ft. in ­i ' Thst Vhe Mttdy, M ^W w sa fm*t «tw ««*. r«*«kins a M•ervtn* w*I. nwnu tfMi#«

ni **m/atu>n ami a a n t t a l i o n n n 'M u if i T h r re w ill h r a court «'f hi nor Ihn Äi #t fti&tn f,ff t **' *e*ntatt«m of >ed«*<a in thrj it * < dmg m«*nti - n*r »»rofttttf« wilt in riud r ,« miifihrt uf sventa didiiffird tí» tntefwt! ih»i t »»t» and : fM t f fü ! in tohtfh adult*^nrt Motion j...tufr* snd Mifigi %*tl hr |M»ft i thr rr»om¿g Pt tigi am.

Clergy Praises Assistance Board

Realising that through putii» Hy 11.a I did not inform the psit. lit as til Ib i aork le in | done by thr local .. A- iisstanee ■ B o a r d through its suprrvisMO i f the W rlfa ie I W-partaient tn ils fuiu' tions of Child car* responsrtuit •us snd the public i nie fast l n ;

■ th«? care ol ihitAnrfi of working s' JiroteetHÍn of the : >f rhiidren general"*

«ämibtr# ■ B»dea on May « IlsDeputy Gtsrid ttu Si, ttli»a*tttieir annual * *Isd «e tn rtlie pulpóse «. tIteti 1. 1 I vp u ty l ì- . Hutrr ,fi r the .-mon present flapots ts Ji-1 i si . It uWi fu

».»traed in. Past lim e*

E s . Not Hu!« i . .n u ir te t W ill i - I » r iM at- l.vndhu r'

d -et»•i r s ii.

** 4

i llie iIhSt tlu *1

>1 it «

Dinner for Lt.Guidetti Sat.

rf4» W.■tr. m iy


(Hu IM



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a ithr Kaufma hr thrwr tat

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Visiting Nurses Plan New Drive

M r J


It Hr

r I*»-r«

tmrwut hirn n m at m «

ThuRmod Council C*l*bratti

27ih A n n iversa ry W e d

ere Re- \ Easier

is<) *ol«. Ancrent Ess

Dorothy Hsr-

W e"In

' Chic S®hg.

M nA m is rp p f

Instail Mn. GebhardtM r* M srgaret Gebbsrdi wa*

um alled as not le grsnd of Pyrs- mid Webe lo b Loags Mo 7ü l o o r at s « at the club itouse Saturtlay ntght She sur • eeds Mrs la t t y Derrick

Other officers instaíled s e r» Vicie grsnd Mr* L i l i rae Strwk ■er, . rectifdUng u p e t s r j _ ■ .»-■ A i ice Zaeh ftnanrta! aasretanr M rs C*(h*rins Z i s e e i s m trsaeurer M r* TSeresa Schreck » rwlem and truatee M r* Mabe-i

Tw o B ro ad casts*4

A e r

P u C h risten G«/« MvltmrD o e i I

Una# Joqy«i»to-. «oei, is ill st her hotoe

P A wss hgid ifU ftw to w p '


F.H.A. LOANSProtect Your Property

with Good Paint


! Mrs. bharles Mrs.

! Andrew liam K ra ft, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.

' i W illiam K raft, Jr ., Miss M arie ' M iss Doris Bogle of Stuyvesant K raft, Mrs. John Hartigan, Mr. J Avenue, daughter of Mayor and

and Mrs. John Wooliscroft, Mr. Mrs. Horace Bogle, w ill be co-i Kirchaoertrers Mark 20th, and Mrs John A. Brady, M r. and! chairman of the memorial com

T H E L E A D E Rf1 r-MT *

THURSDAY, APRIL » , 1M3 {T " '"'I ‘T

Celebrate IR » ¿ » P S S? 0* * '/«•*«»«' ;Dorothy Schroeder Marries1**Sorensen W ed7 Andrew Kraft, Mr and Mrs w L; Committee Chairman ^ W l V B , , J a v i i l m i i l 1 4 U /*J |U A r 4 J r

i W illiam K raft, Jr ., M iss M arie M iss Doris Bogle of Stuyvesant George Lehmkuhl Saturday• 1 K ra fi M rs .Tnhn H arfio in M r I ..t : w m

Miss Dorothy O.

W edding Anniversary at Dinner Party

Mrs. W arren Themas I m jttee for the Fo un d er' Day ex daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W illiamAnd, Mr. and Mrs. .Jaspn Licit -j crcises being held at Fairleigh H. Schroeder, 201 V a lle y Brook

ra, M r. and Mrs. Charles Geb- Dickinson Jun io r College May 5 Avenue, and George lehm kuhl, .— j . ~ v » _ son of M r and Mrs. George

Lehmkuhl, 73 Magnolia Avenue, Cresskill, were married Saturday

Miss Iv y Stenberg Sorensen,— — ----------- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.

Schroeder, and a finger tip ve ile of tulle ar- Stcnberg Sorensen, 156 P a ra

hardt, C arl Nicoletti, Miss Bose; Miss Bogle is also a member of Mr and Mrs. August E. K irch- ® * rD*« w ith the honored couple the luncheon committee.

docrffer of 27# K ings land Ave- ® anc* Mrs. K irchdoerffcr, and; Pounders’ Day w ill mark the ___ _nue, who have just marked the ir hostesses and hosts of the | first anniversary of the establish- at ® P m at the Church of the velvet20th wedding anniversary, ce le ­brated the event^-wuth an after- i „ ., „ . , — r .,noon theatre and dinner party in ( ^ Kenneth Kirchdoerffcr, being planned by the students

i even ing Mrs. M ary Brasser, Miss ment of the Rutherford institu- H oly Communion, 20th StreetLlise Wirchdoerffer, Eugene, Vin- \ion anc] the program for the day and Sixth Avenue, New Yor*.

id Kenneth Kirchdoerffcr, being planned by the students Dr. Worster Perkins, pastor of New York. ‘ j all of Lyndhurst. j w i l l commence with a luncheon. the church, perforrrfcd tht cere-

On their re tu rn home they There were many beautiful and Edmund Burke, principal >f mony The bride, was given infound themselves guerts of honori useful gifts for the bride of a of the Lyndhurst High School marriage by her father,at a surprise anniversary party sw re of years, most of them in la n d a member of the Board of W illiam Van Tuinen, a teach- arranged by the ir children and china A number of telegrams Educational Directors for the Col- *‘r 111 Tenafly High School, u n g Mrs. M ary Brassfcr; sBTer of M r and telephone calls, w ith a show- lege, w ill be among the invited Perfect Love" and "TheKirrhdoerffer. The surprise was ” of greeting cards, helped make i guests that day, as w ill be stud- P rayer Perfect ’

r inged w ith orange blosfoans. Avenue, became the bride of Pvt. She carried a B ib le topped w ith He ward W. G ilbert, Jr . , son of ar. orchid, and a shower of rib- Mrs. Jane G ilbert, 442 Chase bon and sweet peas. Avenue, on Saturday, April 17

Her maid of honor worr a yel- >n the Ebenezer Lutheran Church low dotted swiss dress with blue in Columbia, South Carolina,

trimming and hat to Rev. Chas. E F rit* performed the


Tain, notice tha t application will I«- mad** to thv Board of ConiHiUwioiMrK of the Township of Lynd ijurst. to iran»t**r to Bert i I E._ Dehlln <fe W il ­liam I I . Itollin, for prentittt?» locatt-d at S3» KiYCTDidc Avemi«*. tin* M«narjr KPtftll ConKum pti'n -frirtn»»»" Nn. 1*34 heretofore issutd to Peter I>t W itt for premises located J»t at.'» iiivc rs idv An»•* am. Lyudhurm. S . J.

ObJ#*of|oiw, If *ny. be mad«immediately in writing to Donittitek J. L iv* Hi. Municipal C lerk of the Township of Lyndhurst.

B E K T Ifa E D R i f L IN and W IL L I A M H H O L L IS ,22-1 LaM,* A.venut,Lyndnur»t,' N. J. It—


Take notice that application will b* made to th* Board « f C©TO*nUwionerH of th«- Townahlp ot Lvndnurst. to- transfer to Lucy Dunn for premi*»» located a t 455 V a iU y Brook A veti u-.I hi* P len a ry Retail Consumption U - c> »«e No. C ll heretofore Issued to Catherim* Rc#a for premiata lot-a tini » t Valley Brook AveftUc, LynU -hurst, N. J.

Objection«. If any. »should be mud** Immt'diately Jii w ritJnif to Dom inick .1 L ive lli. Municipal C lerk of the Township of Lynd lu irst.

L IV Y D l ’NN 10 ltiveraide A^emin. Lyiulhurst. N. J.

April 22-2V ' ?•

match. She carried an old fash» irned bouquet of spring flowers. The bridesmaid was dressed in the same type of dress as that of the m aid of honor, in green. She also carried spring flowers, j

ceremony. 1fh c trhurch was beautifully j

d e c o r a t e d with flowers and palms.

The bride wore a suit ° f aqua w ith British tan accessories ami I


carefully planned and every de- the day one long to be rcmem tail accurately arranged, even to bered by the honored couple anda three-tier wedding cake ...... the gurrte of the ev*min#, a ll of

Guests at the party included Miss Edna K e ld er and Thomas McCrotty of Elizabeth. Miss C lara Kirchdoerffer of N ew York »City,Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n L K ra ft of Bristol. Pa . M r and Mrs K e n ­neth Patterson c f .Stratford.Conn.: Mr. and Mrs Edw ard •Butler, Miss Henrietta Knust.George Haig of N ew ark : M r aud ------ ---------Mrs Paul K irchdoerffei. M is i St. Margaret's Guild of the Eleanor K irchdoerffcr of Bergen- St. Thomas’ Protestant Episcopal field Church, w ill hold a card party.

Also, Gunner Andrew K ra ft, tonight. Mrs. A. J . Sturm isJ r . of the I J S N avy; M r and chairman. She w ill be assisted Mrs. Edgar B Earp . M r and by M rs Hesli^rt Truex. and MrsMrs. Frank Chapman, M> .in i John Higgins.

whom had one ’ grand time.Mr. and Mrs. Kirchdoerffer

have b<,th been active in civic I affairs and specially in G ir l Scout, and Boy Scout work, as w e ll , the parent -Teacher Association,1 'and have a hast of friends who - The boards of directors of ti join in extending congratulations P u b lic Service Corporation of and host wishes to them N ew Jersey and its subsidiary

ents from Lyndhurst High School Mipi! Nan DeCamp of Bergen- who expect to enter Fairleigh was maici of honor and 1stDickinson next fall. * Lieutenant Robert Tishbin of

1 Dumont was best man —........Miss M ary Walsh of Lyndhurst

M c C a rte r H eads Public S e rv ic e

was bridesmaid and ushers were Captain Leigh Thompson of B e r ­gt nfir Id and Don dd Abrahamson i i C lilfiide Paik.

The bi ide wore a white mous­seline de soie dress, with a rwe< theart neckline, long sleeve«.

A reception was held after the ** corsaMe of gardenias. Pvt. Gil- for m em ters of the berl is stationed at fo r t Jackson.

S. C. Prior to his induction he was employed kjy the Crucible S teel C. ef America ;>t Harrison. The bride is employed by the New ' Jersey Be ll Telephone Co.,

ccremonyfamilies and friends, at the t«'1 Cornish Arms.

A fte r a wedding trip, M r and Mrs Lehm kuhl w ill reride at 445 Union Avenue. Rutherford.


Rutherford. Both arc graduates

Telephone Nutley 2-2400-1


Cem ent, Bricks, Pipes, Blocks, Lime

A dam ant Stone, Ashes, Lath, Etc.

C la y , Top Soil, Agricultural Lime

180 W A S H IN G T O N A V E. N U TLEY

H ave Manda lifcht bulb« o f the ri^hi w a tta g e fo r th e lamps in which they are u»e<l. Replace b l a r k e a e d l a m p s with new »ine». ( lUe the olii one* in your clothes cloiets. or in th e a11 i r cellar).

D ofon t try to make one la m p <k> the work of two. H atr enough lam p« fnr each room. Make « ir r your lamp» give enoudi h*ht and we that there ar** no shadow« or ¡dire to interfere with your work.

fixture« often. See that reflector botali and !i|dit

are yfxvUing clean not merclx free of dust. Don't lewmmite on light You r a n i do justice tw an> joh home, oScr or f»ct«*rv if «.our eye# are tir*d and »trained.

P V B L I C ^ S E H V I C El u t a n t a t a » « a i a o n » m u a * a e a i i

companies at their reorganiza pointed tion meetings on A p ril 20th in N ew ark, re-elected Thomas N M cCarter, cha im an of the board Edm und W. Wakelee, president and Percy S. Young, chairman of the executive committe. A ll othej^- executive officers of th/Corporaticn and subsidiary comp­anies were re-elctled or re-ap pointed.

Dividends as follows for th.- quarter ending Ju n e 30 were declared cn the preferred stoi ks of the Corporation payable 0:1 or before June 15 to stockholdei-i of record M ay 14 $2 per sliai'-on tlu- 8% cumulative preferred Thcmas J . McDermott, sUick, $1.75 on th«1 77< cumula performed the t iv c preferred. $1 20 u i the iv , par value $5 cumulative prefer- red: and the regular monthly dividend, for June of 50 cents a fharo on tht 6'X cumulative p re­ferred. also payable on or be­fore June 15 to stockholders of record May 14

The bride is u gratfuatt c f t h r ' or L y iid h u m High S r im l Lyndhurst High School and of A fte r a short ‘ lay in Columbia Mcntelair State Teachers College. if)f, bride w ill return to the home She is a science teacher in East 0f her parents for the durationHutherfoid High School. __________________

The bridegroom is a graduate of Tenafly High School and is employed by the Aluminum Ccm-

at the wrist, full sk irt! pany c f America at Edgewater

Miss Gaccione Bride Sunday of Petty Officer DeMassi

Private Andrew DcKnno, son of M is Theresa DeFrmo, 111 O r met W ay- -is home on fifteen day furlough He graduated from gunnery H f io o l i^ C ö w r y T f e W l C tlorado and is now stations I at Fort M rye is, Florida.

Louis MionTile Contractor

“Quality Produced By M atte r Mechanics”

W e in v ite von to si y our sliou roum .



Phone Rutherford 2-5045R B S I D E N C t

54 Kearny S treet«

Founded 1927

Miss Christine Marie Gaccione, trimmed with the same lace a.¿laughter of“ Mr and M rs Jam es the dress, and carried a soray of V. Gaccione, 64'l New York Ave- three white orchids and lilies of nue, and Second C lass'Petty Oflfi- of the valley, eer Louis DeMassi of the U. S. H er maid of honor wore a blue Ccast Guaid , son ef Mrs, Rose marquisette dress made like that DeMassi, 572 New Je rsey Avenue, o f the tride. She wore a , lace wore married Sunday at 4:30 at rUITled headpiece trimmed with Sacred Heart R C. Church. Rev. pink sweet peas and carried pink

pastor,, and blue sweet peas, ceremony. Th .• j The mother c f the bride wore

bride was given in miirriage by j a light blue dress with navy her father. 'j trimming and navy blue, acees-

Miss Bertha Ju rkow ski of East j series. The mother c f the bride- Rutherford, was maid of honor! groom wore a black dress with and Leonard Rosa ef Lyndhurgt \ black accessories Both wore eor- was best man. j sages ol orchids.'

Larry DeMassi, of the Coast j A reception was held after the Guard, aKti Arnold DeMassi of <■< remony at T i masim’s ' Tavern, the Navy, were ushers. Both are Emerson About one hundred cousins of the bridegroom ; persons attended.

The bride wore a fine marqui-j The young couple are now on soUe -drcss, with a white lace j a trip to N iagara Falls Bo th theI odice, long sleeves pointed a t; bride and bridegroom are gradu- ,th ? - wrist and puffed a t ' the j atos of Lyndhu‘ st High School. w lil bt' i ni' > fshe ulder, old fashioned iace pep-1 The bride is manager of Eliza lum at the waist and a huge bow ! feoth’s Beauty Parlor. Be llev ille at the back in the form of a ; The bridegroom is stationed a

C u b e re e H ere fo r Three Packs

South District ef Tamarack Boy Scout Council, einhracm.; Lyndhurst and North A 'lina ton w ill hold its first cub« rue M ay 8 at the Lyndhurst High School, it was announced by W arren R Hanson of Lyndhurst, field cum-

1 missioner for cutbing in the dis­trict.

Three cub packs w ill partici­pate in the program which w ill

' include competitive events and games Several pvcnti w ill be ar- langed especially for the boys' parent*. The program w ill he planned to test the cubs' skills in tlie crafts they are itaught and to acquaint the ir fathers and moth-

1 ers with what cubs git out of the program.

A n 18-foot rope climb, part of j the “ tougheining-up" program of scouting w ill appear on the schedule of events of a Boy Scout ra lly for the first,, time -.1 Tamarack Council's area, wl.on the Nutley district holds its an nual ra lly on April 30 at Park ■School, N utley A lfred Morgan of Lyndhurst. South D istrict

l itjudges

k _ }H E is an “ IN FO R M A T IO N ” operator, one of hundreds giving important wartime service in New Jersey telephone exchanges, with facilities thal can ­not he enlarged because of material shortages.

H alf of the calls “ Information"’ j i o w handles every day are for num bers that the persons railing could get from their own directories.

hustle She wore a finger tip veil

Surprise P a rtyThe K iow a ’C lub gave n "«tit

prise birthday party on Monday fi r Miss Sonhiu B Komorowski f 17 Ridge Road, at the home of

M ils Grace Cavaleante. of 94 Ft ronia Way , Rutherford

GuySts present were the Misses Agnes Adamo, E llen C e !la, Aon Krangipane, L i l l i a n Domonica. Mrs Pi tor R ia u tn of Lyndhurst: M is-es M arie Calvaeante and Rita Qumzer of Hutherfoid

Miss Catherine Dowtiie, 17 Ridge Roud, is spending tin hi liday with her parents, Rev. anil Mrs Si tii Di wme at Har- I isburg. Pa


Every F rid ay Special!T ry O ar Delicious Fish fa k e s tt Home Made Clam Chowder A L A R G E S T O t 'K O f H O N O R B R A N D F R O S T E D FOODS

Phone RUtherford 2-1275 •53 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J .

For That Midnight Snack After The Show C a ll Us IV c ’rr Oprn T ill 12 1’. M . Each Night




Phone R t'th . 2-2114


IN T E R IO R D EC O RA TO RMade to Order

A ll blinds are absolutely guaranteed

Manhattan Beach. Brooklyn.

Grunw ald Wins in Tournament

The men’s and Women's’» and mixed di ubles table tennis tourn­ament now in prug ess at the Western Electric Kearny works reci ntly reached the semi-finals Which were played in the plant’s recreational center

In the men's doubles matches. 1 Bob Fi>x of N ew ark and C h a r i» Wegrccki c f Irvington, defending doubles champions, were forced to play five straight games!befo'i-

| defeating C h a r l e s Beaucharro of Kearny and Kudy G n jnw alo of Lyndhurst in a well earned s ictory In tbe second doubles I match, Jim m y Waddell of Cran-1 ford and Herb Keating of P la in-1

j Held eliminated Adam Sirrun. of ! Kenilw orth and Frank Delmeici j 1 ef Arlington in the first three I 1 games.

A son was born Wednesday■ I Mi and M is Joseph Green ui 314 Union Avenue. Rutherf-

■ fi rd. at the Passaic G enera li ! Hospital Mrs Green was before! j her marriage Mildted Grosso. |

daughter of M r and Mrs John ! t'.ri'.sso. 17 Ridge Road She was j

( rm erlv empUived by the Lynd I h list Board o l Education as a t tlerk, .

Edw ard Dunn. wh<. w station- e 1 at the N aval Training Sta j I ,m at N ew iw rt. R 1. -son of j Mrs Lucy Dunn. 669 Valle / } b rook Avenue, is home on a two I v e» k furlough ;

W CTU M eetingIs Planned

O il Monday afterm on. M ay 3,, at the Woman's Club, Va liev j Brook A ienue, t h e Woman's Christian Tcmperance Union wdll hold its local institute at two o'clock A worthwhile program has been planned and a cordial Invitation is extended to anyone! interested Preceding this meet-' tng. the Executive Committee w ill hold a meeting at one p nv

M r and Mrs. Adolph Schlieht- ing of 285 Orient W ay, have as the ir guest for several months M rs Schlichting’s mother, M n . Margaret W alker of Houston Texas

If r t iU duplication Of s«rvlca w era e n d e d - ...."Inform ation" could giva »IH moro effactlvo ser­vita . * * ★ An unnacasitory burden on linos and switchboards would b» lifted. * * * At Ita it TOO trained operators would bo freed to devote their time te providing essential telephone service.

^ini will niil ihe war effort by calling^ UH 'OR* M ATSON ** only for numliers that arc not in you» regular telephone director}'.

f "I # new poc r__ _____I the telephone numbers yen jet from "Information I and ether

OUR BUSINESS OFFICEpocket«* numbers booklet to keep handy

r numbers you seed frequently. ]N E W J E R S E Y B E L L T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y




lessons on A ll Instruments, including Vocal Hsrm ont -*arranging, g iv e n bv in d iv id

ual music in s tru r tw

Ruth. 2 5*55 J or 4*27 M Lessoaa At Tear Maair A l e


H O S P IT A L IZ A T IO NIndir id ual or Group




C. SAVINO AGENCY255 Ridge Road Lyndtiurst, N. J,


Gordon's648 R ID S E R O A D

RUth. 2-147«

> T U I. NAM A » X X L I. IV K O F A U . I RA D IN «. M A N D S

o * L H | K « S


per quart


Preset te and beautify your home by painting it in­side and out, or by making other needed repairs N O W .

Don't worry about the money to pay for the work.

W e will lend you what you require under the F.H .A . Loan Plan.

The cost of the loan is only the usual moderate F .H .A . interest rate, and repayment is made in small, equal monthly payments.

Ask us for particulars, and plan to get the work done quickly.

RUTHERFORD NATIONAL BANKL y ié a r i t : M l Ridge Road

2 tl Stuyeoaaal A v amie Rutherford: 24 P ark Avemw

Coat Rutherford. 215 Paters«« Ave

CarUtadt : 321 Hackenaoch S t

- Member Federal Reeerve Sjnten*Mem bet of the Federal Dcpuait Insurant.- C o rp o ra te

THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 T H E L E A D E R PACE THRESS ocie ty of P b r ts tU n S erv ice . Na. I.

i Ml Uta? Uuiiif Avenue, to¡ Ml ibv Uuuiu ul Mr». Kuxiuxcr. Ja y

make Anal p U tu for i*t>-

•’ Episcopal ChurchStayvesan t A ra u e s

Besr^ Rowland F N ye, Vicar 2 5 i y v ;n jis to n Avenue

T H U R S D A Y . A P R IL 2S—St. Jfanpar« t » Guild will frpemeior a

pubttk- card {tarty al the Church Hail a t 9:1S p. m .SU N D A Y . MAY 2—

T * a First S unday after Easter Day i H o ly Communion * t 7:3© a m.;

<*hureh School worship and tnatroc* ***** at $:se a. ra.; Choral Ku<hari*t; and aermon at 11:00 a. rrt, Corporute «'wnmanion of the Ex«-cutive Commu­te«. St, Mary's <*ctl(d and the Claasce of 111» and 15*40 —T U E S D A Y . M A Y 4—

M onthly l»usin.>ss nw etlne <>f th«- Kx -1 ecutivp Comm ittee a t the C harth Halil a t I H p m T H U R S D A Y , MAY 5—

M o n th ly bu sin ess im ^eting o f St M ary a G u ild at the C hu rrh --H all at 2:S t p . m .

20 30 a. m , •Rtllaiou* Certitude .'* H o ly Communion will be «.elcbratcd. T U E S D A Y , M A Y 4—

S p. m , Ch\ir» h Council.F R ID A Y , M A Y 7—

4 ff n».. Ju n io r «'-horns * 1» m . Senior Young . Teople.

SU N D A Y , M A Y 9-10 no ifa. m , H«*eeption of N ?w M* inireV* Se rv ice Flag dedication 75 n t mbers a r t irs aervk**.

j fM uu of u r ta lament to L .f May t t ih ; Ko. 2. a t tbr t ia w l af Mrwi W. R Chamberlain, O riental P lace ;No 3. at th** hocne of Mrs. hYad

j Ki*-en, Traverà Place; No. I , • to be i aunouneeAi Tht-r«1'* a wek-om« to all at the ser­vie*-* and s»«*veral attiviti«** of th* (hunh oif the cornar of Stuyw&iai and Tomín« Avenu«-*. ívrmm* antb out a church horn»- In Lyndhurst are tM|MviaUy invited to worahtp har».


S t M atthew 's Evangelical Lutheran C h urch

V aU ey Bro o k and Travers Pl»ee -Lyw O uint, N . J.

Rev. G eorge M u ller 296 T ra ve rs P l., Lyndhurst, N . J

Ruth. 2-2134 — *S U N D A Y , MAV i —

5:1S a. m.. Sunday School

Lyndhurst Methodist Church

yvesant and Tontine AvenuesR e v . G. W . A lexander, Pastor

307 To n tine A venue R u th . 2-6928

SU N D A Y . M A Y 2—1* 45 a. »»., Churcb School wttn

t la«K<.is jfor a ll ondor d irectionof J i n Clart*nc* J> >u«l, SuiKTinttMi- d**nt. I*lan» art' und«*r way for Moth* e r ’n 1>hv celebration next w<ek<

11-00 tn , Public worship w ith ai»i>rt>jn late wrtfiwm TUESDAY. MAV

8 p m . i 'ffb'lal Hoard T H U R S D A Y . MAY

MoeUnfr -»f th»» W om an’» Society of Christian Scr\i- . c iecu tlvc board at T n. in.; W orsh ip per vice nt 2 p. m.. ft»«owt‘d by ih«- busm«*** m**etiiip, at 2 3*> 1» rn , M ia» 1’ay. Robinson, mis- yif’iiiry frcn-, w ill ¡>j»’ak on

T H U R S D A Y , M A Y t“ " ------Cirvlt- me*tlnirH of the W o m an1*

R utherford B ap tis t Church

West Passaic A re ., RutherfordSU N D A Y . MAY

t* 4;"> a. m . Th. Church School.I I a. m.. S**rvlro of H o ly Com­

munion. **Thp ïHrcngth of W eakneaa." tHe< »*ption of u»«w nwmb«rs >

4 Si» p. m . V«'*i»er >\\>rî«hl|» Hour. W h ich W a y A fte r ' KaatcrT*6 4î> p. |Q'-. Youth Oroup inoetlnga.






RU therford 2-2114P L E A S E C O N T R IB U T E Y O I R P E N N IE S TO

T H * E L K S ’ P E N N Y B R IG A D E F O R S E R V IC E * IE N

W estm inster Presbyterian Church

Ridge Road & New Jersey A re.Rev. Frederick Buchholtz. Pastor

Residence: 604 Fourth Street

Reed Memorial United Presbyterian Church

Stuyvnaat AvenueSU N D AV , MAY 2—

9:4f* a. m.. B ib le School w ith class«« for »11.

11.00 a. m , Morning: worahip. S e r ­mon "Wt- A n w itna ttfM '. 7:00 p. m . Youth tnoeUaifr*TTOo p m . frSrs'ttHig whotiOUp- Scr*

mon: •‘Comou mlation of Christ." M O N D AY. M AY 3—

T fv M A* VJ C lub H ill »»peat a l « ;!*. T U E S D A Y . M A Y 4—

Th«' B'‘itrd of Saeaaion ^iH meet at » 00 p. inW E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 5—

Mid'HNMk aervict- a ill bp ht ld at8:15.

The Oohlen Temt la a man »oweth chai ahallraap 4<UI F t ) ,

ataaavarh ia M a

in n » <lul ä It*h4-a Tbu •h a l l p e t

First Church of Christ, Scientist

In Rutherford. N. J.E. Pierrepont Se Lincoln AvenuesB ranch of th e M other C hurch , T h e F lra t C hurch o f C h ris t, S c ien tia l, of

B oston . M aas.Wednesday Kve. Minting. % 15 p m Reading lt«K-m N»<at*-d at b Station

Square op«*n daily from 11 o'elook to f. o’clock except on Sundays and l**al holidays: and on Thursday evening from 7 to » o'clock

Sunday Services. I! a m. fi> p m. xunday School at 11 a. m.

A ll claaseM now convene at this hour,


\h the 1 A-M»»on S<rinon nuhlert for Sunday. May 2. In all i*hrl*tbin S«‘l- ence Chnn het and Societies through­out th.’ world

Me»li«»?#.' « r r o v . Ilt l , , ,

Th, iM a M - M rn m «lao jih- fntlowtatf N m i M fmm th* 1'ho.iu.n Scfen,. t c t t W k . •Srtene» *nd M.-alth »u h K»> t» th . Scrip­tu re bj Man- lU krr RU> " W * <-«nnot rw-op. tlM jwh»!<> 4M f»» ■in " "Tn riiiH »uBrrtwr M th» r»- •ult of »tn, m th* m ua. at drMray. in« »tn. R w r j — np«»w> ptwuur* tit ■»In *U1 turnWh roof» than It* *4«i- v»l*fit t>t |Mtln. until (xUrf In itw irrl*! U te lilid «In <u-» lr*ltr.r»4 «>

M r s . M . V . W i g h a r dM rs. M ary V W tghard ot 1X0

VaUey Brook Avenue. Lyndhurst passed awsy suddenly at noon yesterday at her home from a heart attack.

-Surviving are her husband, Frod W iffhard , one daughter, Eve lyn : and tw o suns. H arold and C liffo rd

M rs W ighard was bom inH obtken and had lived in L yn d ­hurst fo r the past 22 years

Services w ill be held at # SO A. M , W ednesday, from the Col- j lins M em orial Home. 253 Stuy- i ve.iant Avenue, Lyndhurst, to be fo llow ed w ith a requiem mass to be offered at Sacred H eart j R C . Church, at tt> A M In- | torm ent w ill be in H oly Nam e Cem etary, Je rse y C ity

M rs. Mory EmmonsM rs M ary Em m ons, "S, of SOS

W atson Avenue, died TUesdsy at her home afte r an illr.ess of sev­eral year* Sh e was the w idow o f the late John W Emmons Bom in Germ any, she had lived in Je rse y C ity before moving to Lyndhurst ten yeare ago.

M rs. Km mi n j leaves two sons Rudolph and H erbert, both of Lyndhurst. Rev Ernest Dunn, pastor of the Reed M em orial U n it e d Presb yterian Church, c o n d u c t e d funeral services Thursday night at 9 p m at the Collirus M em orial, 258 Stuyvesant Avenue B u ria l was in New Yor'/ Bay Cem etery. Je rse y C ity, on Saturday.

People, Spots tn The News

The 2nd Victory War Loan Drive Is On

T h e Com m and h as Come-

“ A T T A C K ! ”

SW IM M ING T IM E— Pretty Frances Raflcity,m ovie »tarlrt, models swim su it of quilted cotton

LH K AT A X IH T in . I.lltr ( i l l H affisinf tin run 111 but Kin to lug tximb put in t^indun Mt««ie In K«<el *«!< o t Sritau i « w ar stamps When Umiti w r ' w m y lttriy- w v w r t , . i t was 'd e litn r .t lu i**im.m> I raiding t<Uii<

Magee Asks H ow A bout M e

Cooperation Red ° ”



New Jersey's traflW mv»i, I tataltttes wmiM chan«e fn«n ma jor U) minor proptwtwin* if lirdestfian pn«Nem rt« .U l brought under vt*ntn.| M, t. hu le C«mmt*stt*fié! A rt ti t. Magee tahl th » week in hi I« ri ni truffle deaths lor the quarter

Anw unt >n«¡ a l.-ul . ( t«*- M.<it> killed during the t» i 90 pet « i . t dçcwma* und*«ame quarter lüst veai, C iw »«inet Mugev that UH ir h t«-* th iid s i of the \ K t w r ie ptdeitnuns ff.ì ^.idevi whih i»-d< »trtan d»ath»,fii:ni ìjU-t in the (»'(Hi!,«!.»li nk ehaiigtng iii»*diti**»w' ihm ight *K w t ìugtwr fin th*' ra tio» in th e K m p .> p u U lid e ia-> wtv.-»e -1» •• « k..f<.

■ rtesth» »«n- more or . d t» tn . vw u i i t t> i». A», an e sant ( ih t!-,« C-' in n i!.loner t iled M>" tu C» u s ti' w'u-m all Uve fatslities tin« im i m vél««d irtiu alni n ira ï Rurling)i<n C iiiinit »tn-rr w a lk rr. t«ll|»l l*.M till ¡. , r ! t T!U I■tal In E u . \ i >1 "t t «.1 natitut.-d «»0 1 ■ ■ •itralh»'*' »« ‘*:t çm-% %*t\%l'as# a H', TU |w * * er>t M e tteltlC> |w« t e n i T h e te w e re t a t eg ««fdte tts atro ng »he high I l i>11 » o u i i lh * C an w le ti art»! I -ti

T . dé] •rflvttn \f^atrv

R rtí


i4 w.

.t.. « M itiawwt

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ç V"kl>: iiim trrn



U n T T D T ’ QC i U X L X v 1 0

c m r / O * A f , « *

V icto ry Gardeners mi-t l tonight at the Am erican Le g to i Home E lm e r Davenport, president nt the ] Lyndhurst G arden C lub ami H arold W e lls, chairm an of tin V icto ry Garden rom m tttce. w ill take charge of the m eeting A speaker WT11 be pr»af-M and w ¡S' show instructive alides

M iss Em ily DiTommaan tlaugh 1er of Mi and M i* llm lw rtu Ot T> mma*ai> ol « « New Yi>rk A v r hue, wan given * gift hy the Paai Pteaident, Mrs' K.»ii Catmt». during an im taUati|>n Im » Ilm * W ar Ronda anil Stamps fi-i Vet i F i it Tgn W ats. IHut—N,,^ 5 3 9 u t I V m if u T s T — --

TH E B IG PUSH IS O N ! This is the fateful summer that we have been waiting for. H itler knows he must win before another winter rolls around, or face inevitable an­nihilation. And you can be sure that he will hurl everything he has — every gun, plane, soldier and tank— into the summer struggle that even now rising in tempo on every front.

And when the command goes out to our fighting men to A T T A C K — you can be sure they don't look for excuses. They don't hesitate. They strike fast and hard — as they did at G uadalcanal, in Tunisia and in the skies over Europe.

N O W the command has come on the home front to attack! To attack with the dollars hat buy he weapons of war our boys must have to meet the last desperate assaults of H itler. Your government asks you to lend it 13 billion dollars during this drive. And this historic 2nd W ar Loan

Drive, which started A pril 12th, is the most urgent appeal Am erica has ever made!

The tim e is short - a c t now!W H EN you attack with W ar Bonds you don't suffer pain or anguish— you don't risk your limbs or your life at millions of our boys are doing every day. A ll you do is make an investment— -the safest in the world. You help to secure Victory now— and your own financial security.

During this drive if you are visited by a volunteer W ar Bond worker, welcorne him. He will explain the 7 different types of U. S. Governm ent obligations you may choose from. But don't wait for hit call— go at once to your nearest bank or Pott Office or place where thay sail W ar Bonds. And antwer the command to AT­T A C K by buying more W ar Bond»— and still more W ar Bonds!



V n t w i l l tj'-.l • in - , a •<-(’ 1 -t ,, ¡¡!l ,1-1 r t l l l l t „ . t 11,11 I , . | l l l< H i I1t i l l t i l , 11 H ill i l l t . it ' I I ' > 1 ' 11 . .-Alti» 1 '

mi n i it • i ■ i * > i »! f «I •' * * * '

52 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURSTR U lh .rfo id 2 0490

Jacob Burk, Director J469-471 Palisade Avenue Jersey C ity

Jo u rn a l Nquaie 4 457*


C o in ed B e e f '4 5 «L E G S or RUM PS M ILK FED


There are 1 different types of U. S. Government se cu ritie s — choose the ones heat su ited for yo w l


This Advertisement Sponsored by

I 8 y C A L L I N G U S 1I W W t i rttiifo rlu ttr oc tu# a in > o u i (a iiu ly , you 1 wt)t be r th « « td of t m t «M a il and «4 j M ifH v i l T y p r S e rv ie r at a «oat tn a< < of dam e 1 w ith V»»tu wiaKaa

C i l i l l 111II » U N I M A I 1 H O M I

W m W G r i f f tH Í r ! f* f t fS 1*

l Ì R iflq t k ü d J- L y r i. fh i ' ■! • P m *

‘ - 1

i T h e r a t i no t w b o i l v l « lo r qwolity. H it *ha o r¿y tío n ó w d

j w e know .S V f ft *

• «

Rutherford Trust Co. Somerset Laboratories Inc. Lyndhurst Recreation Center


A dignity >*>o<ti wkK of«H» M r*««« .

W* O^er q va litf oné à,gr>.»f *od iK ' iffM noti'tg fi+isftm

William C. ColfimI l H I J M M lW lt l lU I 'm

m S T U T V f S A I f t A V E N U » t v t n r m t M r ta# i i u u t

mLUX rn

t s m24c

R IN S O n 22 cLUX ’O f f J lor 22cL IF E B U O Y 3 for 22c

Fresh Chopped M eat . . . fc. A sso rted Cold C uts . . . . lb.Sirloin S t e a k s ....................... lb.V eal C r o q u e t t e s ................ » .

BABY WECKr t t t m .*M O O A T S I O ct i o / r %« a »>.+ F A R I N A I Ui i »« r « n * i s « » i s iG R A H A M S 14ct t m r u i s t .*W H f A l G l R M 24c» i» t r u s * i *C l a p f ) * C a r e « I i S ct i tt r «t. H t I« a nR I C I 16«S I t Kft « M » s teH mm.FVAP m i u 10c

SW A N SO A P 3 med. 20c 2 lg«. 21c

t t it


t« <1/. t I M t u K . a r i

A p p l e s a u c eIt t»/ t A-*s

G rap e fru it Ju ice?* 11/ I i s

Tom ato Ju ice .11 \ r r sStrain ed Foods .

2 toe 27« . 1 6 «

1 2 c

___________________________________________3 i « - ' 2 S «


l l l t M• «Ul |»t s f e l N M I

Feas Cornl’u n i .

2 9 ‘ 19«

I * « » #* 1 1 1 %



J U I C Y O R A N G t S s i ) k

S E E D L t S S G R A P U R U H 1 * ^ 2 1 ^

S T R I N G B E A N S t i * <

C E L E R Y H t A R T S b - I S c

f R E S H A S P A R A G U S L ¡ » c

A P P L E S 2 4 *

F R E S H T O M A T O E S s 2 4 «

0 3 I S J G E H EI * ' » r> ,

_ 3 c o l , # f 2 2 c

2 1 1 S t w y * « s « n t A * « » W « — R 4 * N » r t ® e d l 2 l # * 4

Tubisti w ili be 'provided for v i.- ttt'.r who t«ke - I»* ¡« 1«'!:: • It



N O i : \ I M K I ! \< I \ K t K S S \ m


A T I X li am\uwicon r. Jung. Hi - 41 Hjl -1 *.

Worker« h».V protiu*-Mon *.i




t M Orient W ay Rutherford Fhone RUth . 2-3635

b T T T T ■;O o n v erti» a T w o V’M liiily H m ist F o u r

Rooms on Km h Floor, ivory -work. In 'Fine KutJ). rr<»i <l lic-s.idi-utial Hertion. AvceftKil)tt‘ * t«> eu rythiiiR < Hd.v $3il00. ,

1-OVfly F ur 1 toni Bungalow with- l^ P ^ ^ T ioilonl-.l-’oiu- —l^l. IW t l .:nirl -Hot. N*«w Hoof and U«<*>ntly

1 *ecOTRte<1 iOfod* i:lwl I ’uhltrd • Hit - i*dd4». In Wxfi lUnt Uutherford N< »uli- bof|ii. >d and Aeccasfl.ite to Kveryihiuu.

bkjuidut«' an Futn*«, ’Phi Can lie Sfcured for Only |*2Q«>.

C H E ER F l’Ii SIX ROOM HOUSF. C O M !1!, i: T E LY RKOLVOHA TKI* AND WITH NEW ROOF. Xt.»tn Heat witli C.oal. iliirup*- .Month! v carry inf < h arge.4 nrily JIT 60, im;i tid­ing Interest on mortgage. iimnrti'/.i- tion. taxes and Are mjuirairce. Onlv $4200

Two Funi ly Hows#' with -N# w White Asbestos ShinglfH ant! Thrt*»* l.arg** Rooms* on each Floor. I'oivh and Oa­rage«. Fine Neighborhood and Acessi- bi** to Store«, School« uiid Trausporta - tlon. Ho rh Afiarf in ii» Konted. A War Sacriflcve at only $4.'-(mi

. Two family lvmsn in Sylvan S- hool Section. Both apArtnii-ntH reni**d. hi <-jcc«‘llen' Rut herford nviK)i)iOifnnxiAci’t'Hsibl« to.-, transportation andPtotvs For on!v *'< -'• «>

M'»d tvn Fi\*--R »in Ruiik-‘I<ov v\itli Ht«led Sunnor«h ntui t Fn * |d-n . I.ajg*\ l.lght llio ' in' iit for Ib t r- aUon Room N< wi> P 'oiiit» I In.s d. nnd J*n1>it d Out» Id**. Rxl**n»dce Hnpalr and U*novatinc .lu*»t ' 'oni|«|-i-' iJttg»-. 'Fern ed ¡''ft AMr -riiv* ly l'«md*« a twd. : Car.tee. Stf.on with «'•1 Will Fin- nnei/d at n H w « in I ’ru«.. *. .. .

THE BARGAIN COUNTERThousand* have found that these small advertise­

ment* are th e most ecferly read in Bergen County. C oo-' vince yourself by buying them . Through them rent, buy ° r exchange; find th e bargain for which you have been seardiing. Telephone or w rite your classified advertise •newt* to o w offices: 255 Ridge Road, Lymttiurst, o r 124 Ridge Road, North A rlington. The telephone numbers «re RU therford 2 - l t t l an d K Earny 2-11M.

One insertion is fifty cents.Two insertions a re seventy-f« _• cents.Three insertions are one dollar.

The Leade rFO ft S A L E

BLEACHING FLU IDV»»u «Mît n»ji\ buy t..«* w-.nner

IIE1/P W À•r. - ** V-

SOJI i Rutgers Offerso ciiKi 'usm*" JM " t 'u 'T t J i f •" - \ s .

W ill Replace C larence VDdticf for r Tama ta c It i , r ;5cbtA .Council

^ n t i rtd r *Selection of Ralph W. Benson r*ra f lil “ classc s for young v.*>

If Akron. OhM, as Stout Exccu- ¿2 ,.^e ° ^ . ocd f ' , * j l * 1of Tamarack Boy Scout

THURSDAY, APRIL » , IMS aa_i i—-i.

Rutgers Un iveritity is-'Odi-rict: youiiK wom tu actuates. f*um New Jt rsey Higti scho i? this fcpring an unusual opportunity v ro a jio lu itiun-fixf «trattine t am ing

Special j u n i o r engineer!


ive (enters o f ''the state, inctitduig O u n t i l ttas announced today by; N ew Bruraw ick . Camden. D o w I t r o y B . Newell of Bloomfield : £ ‘z:‘bc*!h ' p,«t irson - r r c n l o r . CcuncSi Presjdi nt. Bwtsnn w U f W est N, w Yo,k and Wl !Kibur> ■tart his new duties this Satur-day.

Thr new rw cu tive w ill fill th" iKcncy caused t y the commis- toning oi C larecce Doud o '

:is a N avy L ifu ten an V unidi grade, last Sacem ber 7

Frank C . ' ' MacJCecver, assistant “ Kecutive, Bas been carrying on hf worl mi iwnwhile.

The new course w i l l include in­struction in ■iniitat'oriiiH Prefc- : It ms, providing thi R»UKm atrf£ - nécesíaiy for the soiuuun of er gincering piabi> rm.. and Eag:- m sring Drafting. B i' in« training in sketching, working and aaNMM- j I4 y dia Wins. ThBxe w«tl be 12» hours of En fim eli ,mj P :.,i i . " »ñd 200 bouts í.í Kn :'..x* r‘T

«»e SC R IP T IO N FOR VIC TO BY GARDENCRS - Having fertilized the gar­den plot with «he* from the furnace, Mis» Victory Cardener is here taking the first step in planting which is nyikmg ths seed fur­rows. Millions of An>erl-

have started Victory Gardens. Have you startedJSSSL

Bl« avhina four, tv fV»r tiM u id s it* B , iI >,t Kulh/fi

Why i*îiy i*t r. *W ILLIAM ELLIO TT

261 l'*agr Avi ¡ni- l.> ntl^nrnt S î l e a g e n t o r B erg « » C o u n ty . A postal and igent will call


R E N T A L S — A F A k T M E N T SThr«*«- room ojiarlno-iM with h«*.at,

hot wut**r and idtctrlilty; In fiii** fiwthirford n< iprhbothoo<j. Available at once. Only fio.

VVK I'AV full v • »;. i„r -i. .oks, |m.tuns, o'.d gla*s«,,u<-. « hina,. old

dmht*#. ftirnilti: - . h»1v i . jgold J*w«lrv. ■ .ou.rac, viol in'*', tA’|i. wrf(«r** «■<«»«■-> u?'d '•lump • Mlection... i ft* T. b jiholu BAs -1 2 Will

W A N T E'*- S . l'V tion o f.

r.SUl» f.VBS ANT» T I ' l i ’K »B. t I - . h . II

T cv v tn o S irv tc *r^AL S A U T O S A L E S ri30 R iv e rs id e A v e n u e

L> ndhurst RUth ? 7611WANTED

A T T E N T IO N ! * »01 . . . i .M iv i . . <1 * th i iQr itf* N* u s i» an * r> .m il f.ia^j*

l^oueh t tir.- V‘ in 1 h u n d n dMlx**d-ri^gM t* |k iu ik 1 M ir t i *- 1 "*-i **

id f r K in jc.-r. M n iftc jjlne«tools. nto|o»>. . .». iitnn mol waN'vi|«'Ufitw M MyiM-tKiCUl -txul4»W • -tr*> liaif»* d Lit«* 1 »1* k up • ’ *11 0 1 *' 1 t l i

M R A D E SSeth tooyO»n T ^ r r ^ f #N»w*rk Blqe )w 1 7043S.ll tin- M-ra|* to n.-t fh |

nt ~ 1 1:** r. f. 1 v


C L A S S IFfED 3-A\V< »ItK IN « 1 IN


OPPORTUNITIES■ .'.rii-; lvx'/fr.^ (.r?

I " m s it i ì i ;k k .sìhk w u h k kVITH

Bensin is 32, moniert, and the! ,tSWber M , ne ehtW. H « has been I w - W . »• -na;.v Jt .r 21•is'iistrnt rxi'cutivd of A k i;n and ruft » i eight thlr«'»;A*te. CauBcll since January, n , ay Aurus* H.. ta n : f i « r■ - * 1 • • iM*!*>t lu ïh). u ana.

rn. daily, .'Monti;I Mil. ami fervi d .«d field exeru- f ' 1


H'iriy in t. tl a n d V «jrtitaJ ß c iim i) M ill

Pi.iri r - R .id ja l 0'ri/| Lathe A £kl<in*l C rijyUert


CITIZENS ONLY■ ! *h-v\ . In iw iir pm

i l a - 1 t V, lii 11..'i In i f ..ilC nipUiymrnt O fltc r o p e n

V\ , I'll.I --------- ... . Ji.iUlfftliyn1-1!

Ì *tVr ü '^-etor. ih rae ',y*lrii ipfoi ‘.hut. His . Scouting career startr d ss a mcmhii' of a M inneapolis( Tni* l ' ‘8nill(! ’ :i

t troop* i r which h i advaiícei) 5 Rutger« En su * j thnugh all thè Uuideia-htp mwt;]

to .SBouttnaSter. l ie is an Eagi ?^¿i-ut witih SilvWf Polm.

A graduate r f W» " I Side High '^hot-l in< his naWwe Mirun ttpoli«,''«nf-n tnaiw-fi irt.lari‘hit«ctu) ^

! v t the »U rivc rs ity o f IftanaWKn l-f-id attended tiest.pra8it;rte yvjn- 11 ion • schnoli there. He has tnki ti

..ix itfrxyiai trainttk* icouritw in icoutinv. includine' «ut-tru'lkm * fidi iff KrSerVatii n. Mundham,

‘.vheixn'h«'later «M>r»Mitwoi year,:■K «»•retar»1 to the■■dilr.otore

E e n ’f-n i i ’ti amtnlwriitf.ille Ak- i "On Optimiiit Gltib. q-niè a .liutlw r t i t 'chun li thern. i« ■ Iîb<U ■■ he- h ‘ ■hum «<.ttv» <■ i)i ; y3i*»g pK>Qpl* j (WUrki Iw hj? new mwitioa hp;w ill ; 4jecct Reout «e tin t ie i in Nul lev 1 tikom<n»lii, N o r t h A»-tóojdun,' t,-y<)frd î f U rtf t,' Jh Jthertâ’rdi Ktc%t j Mttpk wi od.

i Huth« .ford, C a r l«it a d t, Woo<i -i the W om tr

iCI' ta f e :¿. ihnau; •

Riilge, and Mirinsehie, 2,-1 •'

!*■ inc('’‘lh'< ?!Wiv industrie*.'

Abf.Hi ants mu‘-t h*> v--. »m« t «** A/»n, - ’Cfj} hi#»h -fho d:}• w ith two y* ars *»f tntOITI' ) Ì' . . V-

tof. ,1 -U-ñ r/ í * i . ; r-n v ,-ir linth^* <b ta*is frfiiTi t) . *r «'¡g *" *N‘ I I »’UU-.T-11 • • * ■- IÌ!Ft|»«"T -,W - - T i.lin ing ()?{.<•;. to m Briirm,-

i V.icli. - /’

M rs . P a t r ic k A d a m *

to A d H r e a G r o u pMl ., fu l/ le M in iy \ a m r M

S i.iu - jC U a ttm » . ' ,D ivisii o

t 'ÏF 'ùmrr 'm



H E L P S "SM ASH SEV EN T H COLUMN*—'Por its Olitstsnl ing record of 1,136,442 man hours of work without a isat- time accident In one of its plants, Curtiss Candy Company of Chicago has received an efficiency award from the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, which is conducting an accident prevention survey in plants engaged in «tar work. The award, known as the “ Smssh the Seventh Column” award, was presented to Otto Schnerlng (right), president of Curtiss Candy Company, by E. N. Lashmet, vice-president of the insurance company. ____________

Miis Leans’ P im a ; ef fil.Y.C., was the winner of the § «month oigaret oit “Thank* to the Vanki," heard

j '~«tMrtfayc,, at 7:30 p.m. ovtr CBS. Bob Hawk, quiz- aUcr of the »How, •• preaertting Mi«» Parriih with

> certificate for vhe.firat RCA televiaion receiver to the production line after th« war, whidh will

|«.e *ent to Prtvat« John J. Butere, her boy friend, »-^t*oned at Camp Croft, S. C. Ail- the cigarettes ..rc i <wi this program are acnt to men in the service.

Sunnv Four lioom Apartntfnt 11 *-«• i . 11 i Water. A« *' HKibb 4n Fxt ••Ih-nt RuUicrfohd N*-i«hborhoffl. AvaiJubk- May 1st only *tjO.i»«»

Attrii'liV' First Mom Aiiart»h«*nt.Thri-t- IViOtilK, 1’i'atsft HHd IUai-K Tib-

—lüli±di,‘!i. I ’oi’ h Iradclmr laudni au‘*d <|ardt n with j!*(►• I H* aJ und Hof VS’at.-r in* hid. d Ayailiihb -May 1 si. Unl>

M K T N O W Open Daily, Nights and Sundays

M A R I O N C . B U L L290 Orient W ay Rutherford

Phone R l'th . 2-3635 A M P L E F R K E P A R K IN G

H E L P W A N T E D F E M A L EW o m a n fur Iiw m ».'.I

tint- n>l 1 •"*ro.{:i Mr** \V;*-n r ?» t'idß. fotd Itl'tii 2 C77‘

. I'an or »Ros*df Tit—.-4

r tuU. it her

R VPK iiirN VK lF r.y in- n«*r* j- id Fit*iabet •» tliwrant. • d f

We* k on ine«.” WnfS» VfHTB *dil giiXtrniiti i fl i»«»nr wrt-k f a s Si »nl Aveno. Ko- i N-«

fi ÏW» fr,t l'l <*oii k

• «di- ndrr tor *i »?

Savings O dnm .U • kt .' at a mt

DivisionL.ynâhu: : t Dt fe tise Savrt

S . R u s h M o u n t s « ! - , ( f t a i r m a n ! j m j t t n - i n h r h i !d t h i s

I thi* camping com m illve o i thi*| at tho Catholic; D .u^nts

J M I F H M A N N r O M P A M V '*5 boy»are member« nT«5 Scou t1 a gu. ' i n l- C O M P A N Y ll{ilip . Pob l>J1(ks j (!u w „ „,N C - ° f H A T K IN IN O A T C A M P

lull ’ Nfw York Avenue, LyndhurM, N. J

I IH . I* U A N T tO M ale & Futíale Council; »nn-uneed lorloy thatihi T ' : I jtion lna « « u lation^ will make it

' 1 "i> t u T j *m pf'fwWr tn provide .meaU fur i 'i .‘.i'-i'v.. i I» r r ' ¡ i« iv h ts i;aiwi. u Um* visinn s

at Camn Tamarack, Oafctend, during the summen pensali

FO R R E N T1-iH’H roojniT'find hath. If'**»»t und hoi I

wafer furiilsi.icd Two mìtili*, rniddli- ! ag‘*d. It-ut Mr. *mi j*:»»•* Avmn-

:u—4-15,22,2» I

Apri» !(K 1043

THHRTC ronniM. )torch and bath Henc and iiof water Huh I ties* eo.wpb- pn *-

fern d ilO.fta p«r month. AvrtJIulde Ma y lat. »‘all nf 171 -, 'Bout fu« Avenue:

:’.t t r.-»;

s k i : mi; ja « **"*!;i .sS. B P E N IC K A C O

Oraht Ave. 1 Block South of Second Lyndhcrit, N. J

T H Ü E li rn m.v and bàtlj. Heslt. « t« and'elei trie >U|iplled, BldeHy enuple I

di’HÎret! fiiîa T e n l'.vt K A v en u e ,-t- 4 2?.2'

fîOOr» Ht-/e < itinfi^Uible .room, next H» i hallt; tilt nt> ni htat atid luit watet j

Gitoti, neimliltorhii <1 Ittus« j*¡ims d<»*>r i itud tu ar r.iilm id KValion Iteawnutbb*

S i! R ii IC A L S I P P I . I E S- 1 • u i u i' 1 1 l».-H*>, e lu s i le ho«e

■ » " • *1 ’01 i I n « satlsfaeiloni m i t-.i. B rìi e s im ie h loV i r ih.»ri ri- \pnliunei » t f jmired, aitei edaféd ä*ffk ■ * *** * ”

Se213« -1


M E N - - M E N




\<> Í A I M R l i A i \ ‘ í A I s s \ K V

F lVI. ro-mu añil !.. All. iiuprftvi i • nl -Make own -,

»4S.W». \t» |.ly •«‘I ^

KO VU rofiuiM andoratid, .Su|i*iinte T**rra< • I. :ul io • ’

THUKF aed « hait lars« plUlt halli 'liti ie,»|t!,‘

pli%*d Ineulre .■ ! i* i Lyadhur.vlTWO fur forvi and l.yml tir^i * Hujih-l Avenue, North v 2-3f>t>' -1!

h o u s e s ron s a l e

|»I «m|u- tlf.1 ,<• li'-1. s i : » ; m i *.- i V« '* *»ti y

S B PENICK A CO Grant Ave. t Block South of

LyndhufM N J

GAS STATION a T i e NDANT1 #ubr • -ft » too \ - t • e, . it« |¡»,

(amp, and coftro and #t»»lk nrol - thp- 1»■<\\V -TTtr " r I ably utill be available. I.ut no »lamps through tin ' '■j m t i lr ran be served. j n;«*n’.. »rKanirntii ns r . urc- i t

Scout« w ill turn ov< i their r a - f t 1 oresent tio» bonk* On arrival a t ramp,j There w ill I , a • ¡j r* , r. ■ ■ under vOPA reuulatim s The; t' ful a nount of -ill -./»• t camp director w ill remove the1 wrnu «loops hecan w ork 1 i:

j sugar stamp which expires while i A w n » ! L)at< on whii h e » ** •.I the boy is there and 11 points! oral organization. w ill «. It n nc

from Book No. 2 for eacte.„yeek• and rtampu d tirine t r- xt tv j the boy stays. months w ill In •!, , . r t,-. tt

- B EA V E R a i l B A W A R D S .. womin C< ff« • and i ,.k . <| BCiivtl; Club awards w ill lie- -K-rvi d duimt: a :i.

- I i»ene»Ved >ta Harry Oilk an ! follow the business meet r«,; i ; ' r ,A v .^ ^ ,'li«m ., V a l(a m Salisbury of Troop 6. of I -

# Mws-n rN irtlrv , n t Nutley O istrii t's ,mm/ Mr.- I my Sie.i .i • I»1 ra lly tiiWrt low night at Pai l; Avtmu and M - G> :lr .Srheol. They are the first tv.

" »rh Scouts in the Council to receiveI the medaltions, ban»d on meri| service at Camp Tama' rack| M em beifhii) in the Beaver

Club . is eonli rri'd on S««iiJb; orScauter* who spend 10 hours or Kli .u- i H un i. Mi.mere on an anoroved run true- feis M K.tln r s.»' v .tiiwi, mainteiiance or improveent protect at the ramp A sim- Powi i , t i l rullx t

IN s lR t ' t T IO N ^ i l j r medallion was awarded post Hun t- Gt >efi ■ ' Nhum ov'ly to Hi.ttier Shepherd, 'on

N U R S E | .t , o i1 LyndhuiatIf , I , .. I - Mi

P l. l 'M R lN G & K F A T IN G

KK.HAIHS" - 1 »r' V .............-

Al l. OF I V Ii U I t r i ’i-’t f s f îK l ’ M tlK I )

AUGUST W e h lk r s 60 Fa irn jo u r» A ven ti« . N o s A r lm fto n

Kfiarnv L‘ -1 !»(nJ


Avenue and Mtdunßtr ) a v a álicAvir M ’ nd. v of Mr? Jaynt foni

I >i i t i . i t:bilk-

Our 1 ..1 ' te Fall-arw Horn «*.

; fiM .s M , KUh i ! ftrrd S ivoM ila

P m n

•«t t h.- ra n«.d

ON FFotnfk >} estati Me Wiile.m 1*Hrook \.e!

SIX ro ru*i I proven*,

paint* d Jen' -o I at 2 'I-

V lied 1.1offers V«II« '

EAfU.E u o w k r a f tWood W orkers and Cabinet makers, sash, ili>ors. srreens.

Unfinished Furniture.269 R id ire Rd. Nn. A r lln fto a

Tel. K K ifB T Î-JgîHBeach Chain, and

Adirondack Chairs





Tyr*-*"--— 1 1*41? -. fi4t 14' .....-irr* ‘X h m v

’ - ■ • ^ 'i '11, h k j

I Olt SAI^EH 4 « • 0




l.rm lh u rs t4A3 lla id in jj A vt nue TJ2 Lvndhoist Avenue

O N t lA M II IIS I.HixUiuist

4511 Clia-e A v it iu r * v - D.-1 iftcld Avenue

5.VI Kin^si.ino Avenue S’« Lake Avrru..- IM I'nci Avenue 0 2 H idce R«ad

T W l l l l M l l l l sl.vmlliutM

313 Copeland Avemte 42 Lavuifestoii Avenue

(123«Milton Avenue 401 S e o n d A vm t..'321 Travers H ia.,

V * t AN T I AM»

I »tilers «"«Il or t ir i le far Lid t.

li vi (>i: i:v k .v i .n iiiOni iti I Now! ,

N i M r k Y.W.C.A. SchoolI w.ivhinstm streM MA. -2 ’Mi

t 11

\Vi mch'> Division i.l the Lynd- h u i.t Uelense Savings CJommit-

: t ie w ill nu et toiuglit at the club house uf C' uit l.yndliurst, Math olii- Dauglitels of Ameiieu. Mis- Mai> )■' Uoilgers, ilia irm an, wil>

i tai,t citarne .

Mrs Peter Ferrata, 25 Jack n Plate, teacher in the Frank

im School, is visiting at Jack sots Mississippi » h w re .iie f . funi lijiid », »tutioiied in the U. i A rm y, ihw e. ■ J

R iver Road Parent Teaeher A» nation w ill hold i.luclu.n *n

insOllatkm of i fllcers at a meetmg Wednesday. M ay 19. at thistho. l

S« l 'Lotus C iupi of 452 Thfinia\ v i nuc who is in the U 8 Arm y .-tatmned at M iam i Bead - Fb'i:<li, !. v .i'it in t his family

j Mrs. Joseph Slobey, 483 Root : ve lt Avenue, vm ted ter the pa • i>, ., , few d tys w ith her daughter. vTi W alt .Ytornan Thifd,Class Bom u e Sl< '. liejr of the W A V E S , who is M i vj, ,|.k k ytioned at the Hotel Douglas in I l t j. \ j lt, ¡,, % a hin|ton, D C

Ita lian A m e r i c a n Wiiman s iun n it X C lub held a eard party night at tim club house F ilty were m attendance T h e ttt-rungcmeiii ommfltee included M rs Bert h i

j Pau-ilu and M is L iili.m Rica- •- v ' ■'

sun nut rh u rsda sor M i- mar.vl" 1 .it l-M tit ■J>- A i ide

4.A V I ) 4 V I N I « Arttnttwn

K E e ( u * ; M « :

RENT Onlt U t/M £ a ila «


A d d i n q M a p h i n c t |

BERGENTYPEW RITE* S thV tC F All Makes New *n4 U m

RENTED, REPAIREDl asv Paym om t Sa le*

Tradr W hrn* Sat»*fa<ti *n 2a Ot*ataftt«#d

ZS3 Mam St., H aJ k a l l J i IIA< k rm a c k 2 S34I

Mr. and Mr.« Adolph Molli • n Second'Avtnue. were ku*--, fs te rd o y of Miss DowiUiy Whi* • nd Ch<or««< Euert« rie ut »i.n>k

yn. ó « -, I* • *r«- « j

M r and Mrs Jos» pii Colle, I t ; Valley Brook Avenue, entett im- d Sunday night at dinner for drs Andrew Hallissey, S i and liugtitf-r Kay, of Union C itv 4r. and K r- Jam e* l«uaby and Ir . ami Mrs, Frank Rumpletm, r. of- Lyndhurst. and M t* llan el Su llivan ol ^ e»ey Citv

A daughter, Mar> Sllen. w as H'tn Wedm-May to Mi md-Mii. %nd«*W> Hallisey, 514 Weari A ve nie, at St Barn iba.s llospnal. in Newark: A j

M r and Mrs, Cbeater Browrtrt Ml Pnat'Avenue, jrr.tert.nned on tunday ni*ki at • «iciat lor M

M»l Mra. KannOh Baer <f K u ili erford .

M en'* C lu t of the Lyroflvur?' , M i Hwidnt C b u tth xni 1 M i ' ■«m iti -at i*>* jKime of Norman T Chute. M B « 'ft»** Avenue, Ruth

I et t o d M aaweU R W nght p.e?*.i tie«*. tM’k charge id the nni-t r.¿

Consrr.t n ia I I .■ :iili ,Lriidhune!. N. J .

t D««r S irr -In the A p iil Sth issue of th e1

■Crmmenial I.<*adei— thcin ap- Ceaud m articl* ''W ill Charge <•! Fe.- fo, Meter Repairs," T- «- oidinaiiee appeared on Pau-- 5 of TBe~atw»ve issue and aa the i unde: - ijjneil attended tile Com-i mi«»iet>i-rs' m eeting when pro- ! tests were r» Kistured aaainst the

1 was a surprise to ( ■ • •• rve the foregoing arlTcTe ir i' r. ta id to the passing of the ordi-

As a matter of fact, the im prel um treated at the meeting , v as that the ettarg«' would be re-. scinded

Section (2 1 I B ) cites tn addi-f t a n to above charte for wate.I..^ i n or ronsumeri. there shall be 1< i H-d an annual service charge f $1 IX* to each ci nsumer. etc. Se tticn (2) (C ) ' cites: As con-.;

'ideration for levying of said -»iviee charge begmnuis Apri! I 1st. 1943, the Tawnshio of t.ynd- ’ -’urst w ill issume full cost fo r ! ’fie matntenanee and repair of hll

»ter meters in said Township H-ithoui anv additional charge t<> the ee’ .-urm-r:: f«tr said-.r*paii anil maintenance

A- a matter of fact, a ch-irge is, maiV lx*fcie any service is ren- j Aered W here no serv'iee is ren- «tered t h r f f cannot be any con-1 sideration and the charge cease t . Hi a charge but is a direct I ,* cu n pt on any usere tiiat ¿d u a lly received servicc by w a y ' of reiM irs And what percentage!- t nl the users that amounts to,'.

tt bulouf questi<>n. IAnd as lo the "m aintenailce'

iU rr,- ii to. i certainly would kt to know just what th Jt cor-

*isl« iii. bit-auae during the 22 v. .its that I have been in this T » w h ip , no maintenance or ser- VK- wa> render«! by artyo’’c

taking the index of th w m tr «twsumed. (This is mv

The ri- ult ef this ordmance is if-,,I a certain |>creei»tai5e of »»:■ consumers, w ill He tare,I j..i i h f - « t a i r » I’f l in te i te * ><!■, tm v have tm thle'e»t

Further, w-heroa* th*1 ordlnanc** m av i, -I rtin-etlv jirohib it. it' is a | ! .,!! »1 r. >traint of trade as I i*ir ¡ lumhing bov.n. ss and is nei X- k i ] ,u Ii. • ni t .‘tut ha-*'the a p , u f a un ila tita l H>otr»r! t

Rt rs itfuM v submitted.WAT A F UESEU:

at» (m< nt in ™ »C tndhsrs l. K J

Tri-Y Meeting" The. Tu Y oí I.vndliuist Hign School In lil, il: regular meeting on Tuesday night. On Wednesday

! night leeu ilers i f the Tri-Y were italier« al the B.ind Concert On '1 hurnlay, : everal members at­ti tided a st. nal ¡it Ridgefield Park

On Tuesday aftcrtwons arid : Thursday niehts, a group of Tri-Y members ro ll 'bandages at the Town Hall fi r the Red Cross.

—New York City— Member* ef the per eon net of Ameriea'e Alert man, who were cited for printing the beat publication in the nj ' tion'» armed force* are ihowm here in their,

OPA News

Miss Ed ith llulmes. principal dftthe Columbus Sihool, is spend­ing two vvi ek- w ith relatives at'Wjrr 'riTiTrtrti. - N-- „

Mrs. Esther Hedrick.'230 Stuy- vessnt A ve , entertained Sunday night at d inner for Mr. and Mr.;. Frederick MarConnell and their daughter, liosahe.

Miss L ill ia n W ikoff, 17 Ridge Road, Music supervisiir in. the Lyndhurst schools, is spending the holiday with her mother ct Gladstone.

Miss Edna Breadwcll, 162 Dor.- aldson Avenue, teacher in the RoOsevelt School. 1s spending tin week w ith her aunt :it Chester.

The OPA advises that the blue G, H and J stamps (there are no I stamps) in W ar Ration Book

I Tw o are now valid for use in uurchasing tanned and processed fowl* thri.ugh May 31.

The blue D, E -and F stamps expire on A p ril 30.

The pehu values t f frozen fruits and vegetables, frozen lu in s , jnd canned and de- hydrated soups have been re­duced.

M EA T . B I T T E R , F A T S A N D C H E E S E

The red stamps in W a r Ration Book Two are valid for use ae-

1 fording to the following schedule:: The red E stamps become good , on April 25, the F stamps on M ay j 2, the G stamps on M ay 9, the H stamps on M ay 16, the J stamps on M ay 23. A ll expire on May 31.

Any red A; B, C. end D stamos remaining in your bock can be used only through A p ril 30

C O F F E E Slariip number 23 in W ar R a ­

tion Book One is gmxi for one , pound of coffee through M ay 30

Miss Helen Detweiler, 333 Sc cc nd Avenue, children's libr jrian at Lyndhurst L ib rary visited herparents at Reading. P*.

K N O W N FO R B E S T IW A N B S f - «

Ben's DelicatessenW IN K S M O T O R S B E E R S

500 S tu y v e sa n t Ave., cor. Pag;*, L yn d h u rs t— R U . 7-6416

I I I T i l " ' ET A O IN S 'C N tfC

C a rsta irs , W ilson's, C a lv e rt 2.79F l ’L L U l ‘A RTRoman Beauty Apple 2.25

We tinve rinlith In rreV cf l>-er for rartle*. O R D ER NOW.

You hear, people *ay: “I wish I d had the senseto buy a house when prices were low."

Y o u can s lili L u y a iiouae today (o r 4 0 ', le*» than you could build one.

W e ¡»:, i li .0 t,, at a tew Ita rga iiis li» te il w ith tti L'v i , ! I .. , . ¡- i • m ipaiiics un it red l>\ the R a n k in g

.-.iiiV.i.titles to iiijn idate.fc RO O M S & BA T H . L O T 3J*I5#.

I ( AK I.A K A O E . (O V R T A V E N t'E 6 K O I » | S K B A T II, LO T 34»120.

1 ( ' \R O A R A O E . C O l'K T A V EN LrE . i. R O O M S & BA T H . LO T U x lU , JA C N C E Y A V K N C E 45*# B R O O M S a, BAT H . LO T 4 U IM . N 'N M U A V E N l ' f ti R O O M S A. B A T II, LO T 5 * » ll l .

1 I AK V A R A fif i, I B IR D A V E N I 'l :13 R O O M S LO T I0 « \ IM . G O iM ) F O * B l 'H IN E S S

Terms can be arranged by


Mr* Edm tinti Bu ilo ', 235 AtVtePur. «ntertained Timi ».i t -aeAe for Mm Charle- C M r» L a rry Limen», M is El Oen-mfort M Mr» J u i B*


Cuys Old Regs — Newspapers — Magazines

Ail Kinds of Metals


Call Now . . . RUtherford 2-I765-J OW Beds — Springs and MaHrmsses


f R R O l F iY W

m m m w

a \ k n e t e

9 V Hur<y! d lU t Siuinpv D|-fBlue 5t«•*#*< Ä- H i N*» P. Ji-i ifiafci#** '*■

i r ~ H uilfl R S D S tom p » A I

THURSDAY; A PR IL 29, 1M3■m , III.II. I.I II i i . ...... .

County Ten Rote Down a Point

- - » f t ' .......... _ _ i- — *—

Bob Hope Stars alflivoiU. S. defense plants, corporations legally exempt. actually pay real property tax, he said, but the enormous ratabes of personal tax represented by mechanical equip­ment ot special plants a rt ex­empt from personal prcperty tax because they are owned by the U S Govectupt nt

Tcw-ns ¿o t having w ar plants have suffered kisses in raUbles, he said, and must be conserva-

.tive in their budget requirements to prevent tax rises

He Uiiidi ti the v\ ink of the County boa/d and said that oi 7.009 appeals it adjuSETFVery year cn ly 100 are finally appealed to the State Board

Evans Speaks on Manpower

J . J . Evans of the Jb! S Em ­ployment Agency spoke Monday night at the meeting of the Lyndhurst Em blem Club on "M anpower in W a rt im e “

Arrangements were made to. the annual chow mein luncheon, to be held, Tuesday, M ay l lth at the, club house. Mrs. June Neiison is chairman of the ar rangeraent committee.

Joseph Bader, exalted ruler of the Lyndhurst Elks, spoke and gave an outline of activities for the coming year.

A social was held after the meeting Mr*. Frederick Muhl- hcisen and M r*. G G Robertson, w er* in charge.

Two new members were in iti- ! ated.

*r m •. •mu*- >t, W fin m m « Mm g p P H ij wi ’f » . >1 * nor« |*x «um- M tit- «NKw it f t hoar»at the end •>! .th.- w a r *h* is


Men and WomenIN SERVJCE

Lyndhun t C**un4il of Ih » ©n I Sm ut*, met M.wwtav at w>«* U l h Ito****, w ith M r* H J Û*»n>. e., cootousMunet u t «hai*« Mm Homer P . ,* Stwjuhrid financi r t iM iM D . w«Mun<«l Mmi tlv work on Hie U t i l * H«*mt « m betng dww a* *«■ knx n mm» able to de H The m»>i«e would m m m «»til m atern i ptwv* a m .at > t< i. mniiMd pttce Mm G nulkwk. I » « M • hairm an anm w a rd a <«>ur« fdr « «mesi membri \ in Ma« at New York M o fa»cred and M r* J f l)e?.a»*t\ pian to attend

The Kagtonii © w im w e t wid b* lietd in it*- M' lrl P tm iv ly van i* and Council m « an h « i and l.eadrt are planning to f.A f t t l ,S t a n d >»

Mi» < KHtat eth I.sImIm? i «me li i lW tM for the l>»y Camp irta«., h open a m p a* «<*>n a» a* toad rtaMw O itr« w ill l>e «nnntiniiH) la trr Mr» C larence IA ud sa» a tre u il frnw the troopa, no

" t t y ~ttwt~ thr n w g * m » r r w heu-<■ I« k*^h( «tmdiik>*t « I *S‘ h nie* by rack t i.» p M rm tw n it>t t r i v i ' « ».-se Mt It S I mm,.»*. M r» H i « .!•> Uomini Mr- A 1‘ <Silo Ml legavate, Me» Or««# »* .M n Manx I J Stirpi» >»t MiAnd him v Tar» ltd M l'W < Orniti, Mr» Uim<’èt A 11« n: iM u* L liM brU v |,aiui»»j

I m » » » i » e r rThe On I Sri«ul L - ' n . l

We*Ui*sd«v *t th. I itti* I.- w ith the pr»»id*»nt, M » Anti» l a w ted pr**tdtflt

At ttw «W m n a ■ Img Mi i Tanerrti f < <e i M *1la a d r i* |ne-. lit aitH » «• i ' • »pin, It I *■ tk - I fat I Vwm (Hort \ l'U n ‘al ii» » i i» M t(u> u tm ti if b tm t N lin u U ted and cacti -.•«»it li«« um a neu i o f ho*r* w ill hr i« »m itte l i.» « r a r the »er» * » pun •'*»«• m enu If at Hie triwl i|n n»*>»i»n «h< hat ta t rttn linurd Ui v a in it».

H >11: tlw IvîtV Kfnf W ill COM.her w«rk f»ta th# war »RuW.

»fe i -,«'"Mvnt t in ;VHH* OHM « « I I t l l< A T « MM r* U It W f*Vtäiflir-i Miti V Hefner* Ärt* S Va« tin Mta* Rena Itam i•«»

County T ax Com m issioner Jo ­seph K in z ley told the Se rv ice C lub of East Ru therford Uus week that tables now being com piled by t % C ounty Tax Board indicated a one and one-third point decrease in- the County tax rate this yea r and that the st;rt is w orking overtim e to g et out the rate* to enable local tax col­lectors to send out their tax b ills

He said there a r* (12.000.000 in increased ra tables Wood-Ridge has increased its ratable* *2i00.~ 000 due to the location there of tlw W rig h t p lant, and Rockleigh, one of the C ounty's smallest tax­ing d istrict*, added *8,000,000 to its ra ta tle s because "big busi- ne»" used its low tax rate fo r the establishm ent o f its State regis­tration, M r. K in z le y laid.

l ie said the w ar adds now prob­lems fo r local governing bodies

M iss f lo ra Yannerillo was ilected president of the choir of thé Westm inster Presbyterian Chur . h at a meeting Tuesday. Ojkhcr officers elected were: lib ­rarian. Eleanor , M khaelfe ldet ; secretary-treasurer. Arleen Os inga'; Jam es Beaverson is choir director and George H. Cuhn is organist

M r and M rs E M Casazza andsen Ernest, 613 Sixth Avenue, spent tfce week-end at Asbury Park .

S E N S A T ,Oita Pound Famous

And a Gloam ing G la t t

Bon Boh Dish ^

SG T . M il.T O N C . N IX tiN Fort Bragg, N C , April 2S S jjt M ilton C N ixen of He* i

quarter« Battery, 22Bth lie-lit A rtille ry Battalion, lins n-eeotlv been promoted to th» gradi- ut Technical Sergeant Sttt Nix- t < ntrred the army at Newark on Noveml f r 30, 1W0 He i» th. brother of George E Nixon >«f 5*>9 Si-cend Avenue, l.vndhurst N J

Pointlt// Wet* satfs. S e rv e Éresh California T.ln. it • >i human *t«*ry that ha* «u m óut of the war, J« hu S r a | * T ls" :' tM M tW 1Alr.' S e JU ifc H N t ,’ a tn tr t in , M cain PaN M and H t.4:.- O l i t i j (dun f l C O M ES I T U l V t w ith Q lm m Jean *'td t)» ra ld OCtMUMH, come» to 11m- Rite i f n i t »taHing Svinday M i» in a

In m c d U Ir l ) iU i» l |t i I* iHJtiH- en a 14 the U rinpl'-ve«*« in that Uiack igh He giadualed from et « a » unit»'r*t«»*t lo Has* twt-n i« at Uiiwi v l u H d , Irq in»tedHe t* How nu iiin iv i) .»t No «rlKXt w«u U l t « by Uwjk, 1 1 * f l f t ' h t i i d l ' l l , Ü H K lg lt l ì i* I t ’PM ll-■ . . t%i ihm Ih r n-yufsl w ill br

j i n n U n l'H ie County in K u rti * * » m

44^^4 t U i l â 4 1 lo th*t^wHrelftf « I li tvi nal H* v*M\ur nl N< ^ it tk i h r on»* ut»i it:pre«eni mg Ih r iirti qvMiait t V id u r f Tä*tl« 1 .¿« ij. ■!«'- Iiu iii ' ' ** i a i ì t % ot t *~i 1 u n i » m m — .,

TVn K i i i lttiUkn volrdl I« tw*>S.MUKM» * 4 H i I i r » I W m »U n ti*f io r i ! II'© i v M i r n i n i i f l u iit t iH in i

, I _ , ( U i i f i 1'h| A U * W itkt Mima 'm .c * ' ■ ,u * ,r\ ■< t*i* ti I* !•< >-?»• hh*t fmnAt I m m ml - J l l H B B bWII .’ ’ , ' . ,V: . , It W ” « H--IH 'A AUI k. !*tM. ;i* r ,,!.=• , , • t , f,.

lïî*. *A*f <t ! «ktltMHItti lui* 1« un*# TIW a v i l i t . M ( M l« Iwm <n*d. t.' ,.. I ,

I,**4 * * Wd» en.-,'*, rii. „ ' u , v . ......


Itaymond E rtim w to **( Mi andM is Herman Ernst. 753 Ridg. Road, and Anthony Te>.la. *on .»( Mi and Mrs. J J lenta. 43» Chase Avenue, wh<> ai« i.iii»«»-t i t " p r t e r > ir t r y-w-td-,- <?»l«i»»«t»*- Springs. Colt , in thè Sev«mth Photo RccohnaiawMvce Squadron, were both pum i iteti \o torpo iaU

Schuttz in New Job iK K t t n r

T H E H A R D W A YR K T IA K I ) P S O M M E *

fji.churd P Si m m t'i. >«it « i M- and Mr* V Somitwr t I •M'» E>>I . t Avenue t* -e« '■■■ ì' .' i ' , !1*1 r.n State College . a »n **t> tion cadet He is preparing f-> pre-fltiiht training Si mi mi r lt»h‘d la»t OeUthe' »ini « e *Î 'f-- r->1- active aervHT un I*.*1 > 24 Ih- ‘et-i'ivi^l in--, t '*u I im *ng al A tlantic O h N .1 w *.(«U r tWa» .Hsifiu il I hi* [-!*.'» ut statini. —

r i A R r n in n i t i l i t i »

••M ARGIN f o r ER R O R ’’


Tomato S o u p ^ . ’T 3 2 2 cCam pbell Improved Soup 'c ,* 11c

AH K.rwii c«-ept See» ond Chu, .en Vo«*et.ei am i lenKH1*

Cam pbell Tomato Juice Co»* 8c V -8 C o c k t a i l 2 '££ 2 9c G r a p e f r u i t Juice ««“Tco.3 0 : Grapefruit Juice Natural Can 13c Baby D ried Lima Beans «>. 11c Fancy D ried Pea Beans ib- 8c Large S w e e t Peas •*:;? T J 16c Green G iant Peas ~ Cm 15c D e l M o n t e P e a s '¿Z 17c Fancy Tom atoes î.^ 'c» 14c S l ic e d B e e t s 'ÏZ He L im a B e a n s *tJ 18cApple Sauce V 10cCranberry Saucé „ ' T v 14c Domestic Tomato Paste * " 10c Our Best Catsup 11c


R o e S h a d »19FRESH BUCK SHAD ib. 9c

HACTEREL ‘ 17< fillet of Mackerel * 25 (WHH1NG - 15c SHRIMP X - 33cWEAKFISH M 9 c HADDOCK ^ - 21c


h a v i » o

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Lytiit Dog Food Z U SpMd-Up BtoBch i 25<C fc U r I w c T L i 2 k G c n e r f F ib i « 2 U -

Penn-Rad Motor O il 2- t T $1 3 2O ctagon Laundry Soap 3 c« r m 1 3 c

Kirfcman s Com plexion S p cah«5c Octagon Toilet Soap 3 c»k*. 14c Palm olive Soap 3 'S C 18c 9 c O ctagon Cleanser 3 13cOctifoa FUm 2 ZZ 4 lc .G rm ln :i £ 2k

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J . Ba l le r in im P A U AVLMCI I t H U I H Ä| f - r* ~ HCM* l-J9 * * * 0 *MO O n M A Ì W ix ' T * A M C K A N jT O R P COMXtWY \ - m 2

m s n n r v c s A i f T a v e w e . l y n d h u r s t m p a r k a v f k u t , R ir T M t * r o i» D


C o m m e rc ia l TLtabtxand T H E SOUTH BERG EN '

Established 1921

Published every Thursday by The Commercial Lead e r Printing Company at 255 Ridge Road, Lvndhorst. Telephone RUth. 2-1031. _________

Editor :......................... Carm ine Savino, J r .Business M anager Ernest J. Dabinett

. ■ J 1 ».............. . ..... ..... -, --f---------------_-- , . I — ■Entered as second class matter A p r il 7. Î9JV at the Post

Office at Rutherford, N. J., tinder the Act of M a rch 3. 1879

Subscription $2.00 Per Year .Five Cents Per Copy

M ailed in Conformity w ith P. O. O rder No. 19CB7

Lyndhurst, N. J.; Thursday, A pril 29, 1943

oughtRequired Reading

There is a great book out and every to read it,

W e m ean Wendell WiUkie’s “O ne World."Every American ought to read it.You can get a paper covered copy for $1 It is fa*t

receding.A fter that you should mail it to sob

forces. H e’ll like it. And it may give to give to you, a new glance inward a t new glance outward at the men and w< our neighboring countries.

This is no new theme. It has baBut when it come« from the lip» of

it does not em anate from a long-haired A r t s a t c looking for new stages on which to exhibit himaeif.

It comes from a man who is as American as you or we ever w ant to be. It comes from a w ide-girthed, bear­like man who can only be identified as one th ing no m at­te r w here he gbes, no m atte r bow be is dressed: -an American.

He w rites like an American.Riding over the manifold scents of China be observes:

“For stra ig h t beauty it cannot be b ta ten ."Two things you get out of WiOkie'sYou sense the desperate escapism of 5 0

cans who depend not upon their own observations of America but upon those of their im m igrant fathers, the observation« of men who w ere poor in almost afl the m at­erial th ings of life but who were rich in tbe ir pride as they sought a new sta rt in a new land th a t apprarrd * 0 much more promising, so much richer and to m ath stranger than the land they had left.

Somehow when we w ant to take pride in o a r country we mut look upon the country that o a r father* '«aw , ra th e r than upon the country we’re encountering today.

This sad, wistful com mentary threads all through “One W orld .”

' And then you find w ith pride an d t TsdtatiM t k t th is limit of our dream is only with os. th a t faith an Anr rrican has broken down only in ua that in o ther Isnda and among other people the dream of America is l t d b righ t and in ­spiring. —•

‘‘W e have a vast reservoir of frinsds throughout the world,” says Willkie.

And reading his book you come to realize that we do have m any friends and tha t we have many friends because we have been and are a great nation. TW dictators sneer at us.

B ut the Common people do not sneer.

^ -■' They know of our free institution*, they know of

our standard of living and they know that America, indeed, is the land of hope and liberty.

Certainly, we have friends.W e have never tried to conquer anybody. W e have

been a vast m int out of which has come money to support missionaries and all kinds of people who have gone to foreign lands—and for w hat? T o spread the doctrine of a religion, to spread the lessons of health, to spread the seeds of education.

In our b itter contests over elections and in the push and pull of life we have forgotten that among us have been thousands and thousands of selfless souls who have gone among the foreign countries spreading th e ir lessons, and teaching love for America.

The world is our destiny.Those who say we must remain within the boundaries

of our own coasts feer th a t we are not as g rea t as wc should be. They have based the ir fears upon petty selfish­ness and short-sightedness.

Read “One W orld” and realize what the world thinks of America and expects of us.

THE TASK FORCE CORNERThe Leader reserves thi* space for the boys in

service — who they are, where they are and w hat they are doing. Our newspaper, which is sent w ithout cost to any Lyndhurst service man who wants it, has proved such an aid in keeping each other informed about 4heir w hereabouts that w e will each week set aside space for them. If relatives receive interesting le tte rs tha ir neigh­bors m ight enjoy reading, we will gladly p rin t them.

D ear Editor:I have beeri receiving the Com­

mercial Leader ever since I en­listed in the N avy in November

April 18, 1943Dear Editor:

Just a short note to notify you cf my new address I certainly would appreciate it very much il you would forward the Com mercial Leader to me.

Boy I certainly miss the honu town paper. Especially when y iu are in a new outfit and don t know whats going on back home

W ell, Carm ine it's repHy swell to be out of the hospital after 8 months. I was operated on the 17th of March and 1 rm'st .■-.ay the operation was ve iy suc­cessful. It's certainly a wonder the way Medical Profession has come a long way in treating soldiers. I must admit onn thing the Red Cross at McClosk*y General Hospital really are do­ing a wonderful job for the !el- lows. They make it seem possi­ble fc r sick fellows to forget they ate sick and be able la lau ih „• the shows they conduc;

Carmine, it ’s really tough for a fellow like me to be lying ..round a hut in a "Station Com­plement" although my job is 1 very simple one. From Tank Destroyers I end up in the Qua ter Masters cheeking post pro­perty- at the —Property Office where you'll find my desk il you are ever in ''Buckeley"

I'd like very much to thank

and 1 am ve ry sorry for hot writing and thanking you for itsooner.

I ’m in m y 13th week of trade school up here and graduate on M ay 14th.

I t sure is swell to hear the news from the old home town. I hope to get a leave upon the completion of this course and I hope to see you all then.

Sincerely,Ralph J . Fantacone S 2-c Co. 1214 Section 5 U SN T 8 Torpedo School Newport, R. I.

A p r il 14, 1943Dear Editor:

Just a few lines to let you know m y new address. I w ou ii appreciate it if you would send the Commercial Leader to the address below until furthu r no­tice.

I was shipped from Parris Is ­land yesterday and arrived here last night. It is rea lly grand down here gt Camp Lejuene W e live in brick barracks, with ho* and cold running water. Also, we get a liberty pass every othe: night which means that we can gc to Jacksonville, N . C. from

A p ril 19, 1943 m ost. W c have something to be p r o u d o f

I am p la y in g o n th e D iv ision B a seb a ll T e a m in th e S e rv ice ­m e n ’s L eag u es w hich h as H ugnM ukahy and George Turpeville competeing. They are former m ajor leaguers. W e ll its time fo r chow, that mess sergeant really blows that whistle, and we young fellow s really get down

“to the mess hall.W ith my happiest thoughts of

Easter I ’l l say so long to my freinds and neighbors in town.

Pvt. Jo e Guidetti Co. G 424 In f A P O 443

f t Jackson. S. Cj ----- V -----

Dear Editor:A fter one week landed here in

Florida, not so bad so far. I haven't been assigned to any outfit so don't w rite to me.

Spent a few days in the same tent w ith your cousin Charlie but I left him at Camp Dix.

P v t H Greenwald Co. H 262 Inf. A PO 454 Camp Blanding, F la .'

A p ril IS, 1943Dear Editor:

I have received your paper for the past m cnth, and I want ta thank you fo r keeping me intact w ith Lyndhurst new«.

I have been stationed in M iam i

Savings Prepare for O pportun ities as w e ll

as Em ergencies

O A V IN G S which you build up at Boiling Springs k Savings stand you in good stead in an emer­gency; they often save you from the necessity of borrowing or going in debt.

But savings serve another purpose, too; they make it possible to take advantage of opportunities that arise— such as Having the home you desire

after the war.

Save as much as you can , regularly. Your account at Boiling Springs Savings will be protected by insurance up to $5 000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent instru­mentality of the United States Government.

B o il in g S p r in g s S a v in g sA N D L O A N ^ S ^ A S S O C I A T I O N

23 P A R K A V E N U E R U T H E R F O R D ,* . *

4 1*.»

the fellows overseas for a ' won­derful job they are doing.

A t the present I only hope 1 can get back into Combat Ser­vice and join many of my bud­dies now fighting overseas.

May I take this opportunity to wish all my friends at home and in the service a very Happy Easter.

And here’s hoping we'll a ll be home for the next Easter Parade.

Thank you again for sending me the Leader, I certainly ap­preciate it deeply.

Pvt. Pa t Domanieo Q M. Det. 1851 S Unit 8th Service Command Camp Buckeley, Texas.

April 18, 1943Dear Editor:

Tliis is to express mv thanks to you for sending me the home town paper. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading it. It sure brings our home closer to us. I never knew how much I would appreciate the little old town un- t 1 now. I enioy reading about home town doings Boy I su iv mum IL 1 11 he .locking to w a rd to your paper to learn how every­thing is back home I ’ll appre­ciate it very much

Thanking you again, I remain,Sincerely,

Pvt. Chris Caggiano Co. F 424 In f 106th Div. A PO 443 Fort Jackson, South Carolina

Dear Editor:Just thought you might like

to know how it goes in the Navy.

Eve ry place I go in the U S AI seem to meet someone from mv home town. I was In Sao Diego three months ago ami ran into two of the boys. Freddv Peck of the Marines and Johnnie Ferry of the gocd old Navy. It was just like old home week and we got together and talked about old times.

Now I am on Treasure Island at San Francisco and have been here for three and one-hail months One night on mv libert>1 ran into Frank ie Outhleihn (sp illing very doubtful) who lives on Page Avenue and is ir the A rm y A ir Corp We had » grod time and looked over "the tig city. Dnnny McNamara ii here also and we bunk in th fame berracks I saw Danny ir the new gvm It . was recentlv opened and it is a huge place Thev have a swimming pool

j Bow ling Alleys, roller skating | B isketha ll ccurts and e v e n ’; thing you can think of Natural!J 1 few black eves show up ip th»

boxinii ring but that is to he : I'xnectedI It is nice having him here p 'I we go on L iberty together an>) there is nothing like an old pa’

to bum around withI get quite a few letters iron

i fe lkw s who are scattered »!'1 over the country So vou cm see that Lyndhurst is doin'

j more than her share to bring r bout the V ictory that we a!'

! wanti Roosevelt Pollara H A 1 -c

Treasure Island D u ixnsat > San Francisco, Calif

V ---i rV » r Ed itorj Ju s 1 a line lo let you know! ¡tha t ! have been receiving youri I paper for the last few weeks 1 and wanted to thank you for >

r-mling it - I re a lly .enjov read-1 j ing about all things that are ; 1 happening in Lyndhurst and also j j like the letters from the other | j ¡e’Towj in the service

1 intended writing ymi before! 1 hut have been tn the rifle range 1 j fi r two weeks and dp not have I much time to myself

There are also a few other'I fellow« from town down here t and I am Sure ffilt Thev fert the i same way about the paner as I 1 do There names are, John Doy- | le. Robert Simm* and Edw ard i Chankhan (w ho was just ship-i ped off P 1.»

Sincerely P v t W illa rd L Near r S M C Platoon » » Recru it Depot. M arine

! ftW raeitt.Parris island, S. C.

Iho IT ,, M J * I for the past 4 months with A rthurthe morning. Eve ry other week- j Gillcreast and both of us haveC^ - '^ t\ reCf lVn,.a i.W " t ? 5>a*S 3 grand tim e sharing the paper,adding up to 64 hours. M y next Jnd comparing different writ- week-end comes up on April 24 inRS of interest.

The Marines are s till tops as far as I ’m concerned, and 1 really do enjoy the ir kind of training.

Hoping to receive m y copies c i the paper as usual, I remain,

Sincerely Pvt. Robert W. Simms IT. S. M. C.Pionee;- Co. Tng. Bn.Camp Lejeune, T. C.New River, N. C.

A p r il 20, 1943Dear Editor:

Well, here I am up in G reat Lakes, III. taking my boot tra in ­ing. I must say, though, it is a good builder-upper. Since my arrival here, two weeks ago, I have been kept busy and at the same time my mind started to wonder what was happening at home.

When I was home, I found out all the local news by reading this paper Home town news stil's

It also has helped us out in finding addresses of friends who are in the service

Once again I want to thank you and also for A rthu r Gill- creast.

Dom Notte A. M. 2-c Squadron VR-7 N aval A ir Station M iam i. F lorida

April, 8, 1943Dear Ed ito r:

I ’ve finished a course in A rm ­ed Force School at Fort Knox, and have been moved to my original outfit.

Please send the Commercial Leader here instead of Fort Kntx .

I th ink the Commercial Lead­er is swell.

Lyndhurst H igh School stu­dents are certa in ly donig their part in buying bonds

I ’ve found out where lots ofinterests me, to I would appre- the boys I konw are through ciate it v t y much if you w ere your papt \ 1, excited when to send me this paper My ad - I read ab ou t' (¡»Bows that liveddress is: ---------- right around" by .¿leek, that I

Charles John Marass A-S , used to run arcund with.Co. 438 U. S. N T S. It ’s nice bemg here at Camp-G reat Lakes, II I. b ill again I'v e been here a

Thanking you in advance fo r week und had a good time shoot- the attenticn given to this let-! ing machine guns. U s fellowstar,

. Yours tru ly,Charles Marass

A p ril 21, 1943Dear Editor:

Sorry to bother you again but I have been transfered from Sampson, N. Y „ to Newport, Hbode Island. 1 would appreciate

that went to Knox tor tank me chanic schooling have to catch up on the rest c f the company in our training

W c certa in ly have gotten a lot of nice equipment since I was gone. I still can’t get over the tommy guns and carbines we have, they're the nuts

Carm ine Batista is the onlytbo Commercial Leader sent to other fellow I know here fromme at m y new address below.

The Commercial Leader is a means of keeping in contact w ith Lyndhurst news. I am sure every

Lyndhurst The 12th Division ought to

have more Lyndhurst fellows if they want us to- have really

Lyndhurst boy in service w h i smashing victories receives the Leader, send their The Kentucky hills and valleys heart.fe lt gceting and admira- are O K for tank training, its 'icn to you for your grand ser- : very dusty though vice Thanking you again. The' weather is swell here I t ’s

I remain, very cold in the early morningSincerely yours ; though

Anthony Jesse Liberti, S 2-c These last two days were IcveU S N T S Co. 121? Sec 4 Torpedo Service School Newport, R I.

April 19. 1943Dear Editor

W e ll here 1 am in the south. I | remain, like it ve*y much I expect to lie here for about 19 weeks

I ’m writing ti you to let you , know of my change in address Boy it sure is a difference down j Here from the way it w as in Sampeon, N Y. Its to warm down j here.

1 wish you would keep up the fine job yoi^ are doing by send­ing me the Commercial Leader ; i very week I enj< y reading it '.cry much, 1 guess you don't know what it means to get a town paper when you are a '* ng way ( -nm Home It does do <>mething to you I knew there <re a lot of fellows from town Hat feel the same way as I do

ibout it Please ket»p tip the fine vork I know everyone appr»- j ate itT n going tr aviation Radio

School down here I like it verv iiueh There are many other fel lows down here going to the sam >’ school Two from Lyndhurst H arry Hertigan and W illiam Kuatace

R Lisno. S i-r Barracks 46, Section H - I N A T T C Memphis. Tenn

V -----Dear Editor

The Leader really cornea ir handy when you come from the field after a hard day It takes v n w mind oft a ll m ilitary mat t.-e* and put* m vour mind tome sj»tng new, . Such things as the high school buying )ecp* and t t f -oldiers letters make we soldiers feet right at home There are 6 Lyndhurst fellow s in m y Area,Bob Nodell Jo e DeVenio. Russ S a i l e r . Dominick Giampola Ju n e * Caggiano Then you go dnwm to the aerviee club or into team and you see more, it really looks like, in compariaon with uther towns Lyndhurst ha* the

ly, it was hot out, it was a nice change from freezing most of the time I ’m glad summer's on its way

Hoping you and everybody in Lyndhurst are feeling fine.

Yours Tru ly,Edw in C Jensœn Co F. 44 A R A P O 262Camp Campbell. K y

P S Hi. G loria

(Dae to lack *1 spaae, letters from the fotlewlag aaea could not be pelata* la fa ll. How­ever. tbeir aaaaea tad add ra w es are published, far tita bene ■t of ear readers who mmy wish to contact them mas.)

Cpl W J Sellen Class -43-21 Bks H-77-22 L V A G S Las Vegas. Nev

- — V ---Staff Sgt A W C iam eck i 503rd Bomb Sq A A BDyersfcurg, Tenn

V ---P v t John J Canicci 106th Signal Co A PO 443 Fo rt Jackson. S C

V ,•P v t Anthony Ciance 106th Signal Co A PO 443 Fort Jackscn. S C

Pfc I Quartararo 2nd Sea Search Sq Lang ley Field. V a

C a i John J Check.37 Observation SodnV S A iy ry A it BaaeAbhne TV*m ---------------

„ — V ---I^ t . C J Zukowski Co M SMth In f A P O « 7W irt Jachara s C

V ---P v t F Raraeakl Cm M IM th In fA P O 447 *---For« Jaefcjo»». S C





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