Download - Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

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Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication

Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent

Navigation Satellites

Page 2: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

CONTENTS: • Short History• Transit Satellite System • Kosmos(Cosmos), Parus, Tsikada• Global Positioning System (GPS)• GLONASS• Satellite Navigation Techniques• Doppler Effect Based Navigation System• Trilateration Based Navigation System• GPS (NAVSTAR)• Space Segment• Control Segment• User Segment• GPS Signal Structure• GPS Pseudorange Measurements• From PRN code• From Carrier Phase measurement• GPS Position Calculation• GPS Positioning Services• GPS Positioning• Point Positioning• Relative Positioning (Differential Positioning -DGPS)• GPS Error Sources• Applications of Navigation• References

Page 3: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

Short History

Definition of Navigation:"the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place" (

What we actually need from Navigation is to measure our points/objects POSITION and SPEED.

Early navigation for sailing and air travel -- LORAN (Long Range Navigation).

Military needs.

Page 4: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

Short HistoryTransit Satellite System

• USA Navigation System• The first navigation satellite system in the world• Transit I launched at 13 April 1960 (~3 years after the first artificial

satellite Sputnik).• Transit is operational for military at 1964 for civilian 1967• Transit had used 6 satellites (3 active and 3 spare) at LEO orbit of

altitude ~1000km. • Transit System navigation working principle is Doppler effect.• Transit System propogates signals in two frequencies (150Mhz,

400Mhz)• Last Transit satellite launched 1988• Transit System gives positions for two dimension (longtitude,

latitude) not height.• Low altitude = Small coverage & Short service time

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Short HistoryKosmos(Cosmos), Parus, Tsikada

• Soviet Union (Russian)• First Kosmos navigation satellite is launched at 1967• Similar principles and frequency used with Transit system.• Operational until 1978• Kosmos system is superceded by Parus and Tsikada system.

• Parus is for military• 6 orbital plane, 30◦ longitude intervals.• 98 satellites (last one at 21 July 2009) were launched.

• Tsikada is for civilian use• 4 orbital planes, 45◦ longitude intervals.• 20 satellites (last one at 21 January 1995) were launched.

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Short HistoryGlobal Positioning System (GPS)

• USA Navigation System• GPS formally known as NAVSTAR (Navigation Satellite Timing and

Ranging)• First effort began in late 1972• First GPS satellite launched in 1978• System is fully functional on 17 July 1995 with 24 operational

satellites.• Most common system for navigation.• Uses trilateration techniques.• There are 32 operational satellites in constellation

• We will dig into GPS in later sections.

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Short HistoryGLONASS

• Soviet Union (Russian)• Firs satellite launched on 12 October 1982• MEO circular orbit of altitude ~19100km• Uses trilateration techniques• System fully operational on 23 September 1993.• Due to short life time of satellites GLONASS had 10 satellites in

August 2000.• Now there are 24 satellites constellation in operation.

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Satellite Navigation Techniques

• Doppler Effect Based Navigation System

• Trilateration Based Navigation System

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Satellite Navigation TechniquesDoppler Effect Based Navigation System

• Christian Doppler found that if reciver and transmitter is moving accourding to each other then, the transmitted signal frequency is changed according to this movement (1842).

• It can be observed from a moving car. While a car is getting closer or away, it's sound changes.

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Satellite Navigation Techniques Doppler Effect Based Navigation System

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Satellite Navigation Techniques Doppler Effect Based Navigation System

Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal , Page 511

Page 12: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

Satellite Navigation Techniques Doppler Effect Based Navigation System

• Transit and Kosmos navigation satellites used this system.

• Satellites transmit signal in two frequencies (150Mhz, 400Mhz)

• Signal contains the satellite path and timing information

• Receiver calculates doppler effects and satellite path to find its position

• 1 satellite is enough to calculate position

• Accuracy is 500m for single frequency, 25m for dual frequency

• Position can be calculated in two dimension (latitude, longitude)

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Satellite Navigation TechniquesTrilateration Based Navigation System

• GPS and GLONASS use this system. Glileo will use this system.

• Trilateration system has better accuracy and wide coverage

• Receiver calculates its position by measuring its distence to three or four satellites.

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Satellite Navigation TechniquesTrilateration Based Navigation System

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Satellite Navigation TechniquesTrilateration Based Navigation System

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GPS comprises of three segments.

1. Space Segment• Satellites

2. Control Segment• Control Stations• Monitor Stations• Antenna Stations

3. User Segment• Military Users• Civil Users

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GPS (NAVSTAR)Space Segment

• 24? satellites in operation and 32 satellites in orbit.• Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), altitude of ~20200km• 6 orbital planes• Satellites inclined at 55◦ to the equator• Orbital period 11 hours 58 minutes• 5 hours view in horizon• All satellites have a Rubidium atomic clock (accuracy of 1 second in

300000 years, 3ns in a second)• Satellites use solar energy and rechargable battery for power• Small rocket boosters for station keeping.• Satellites also have nuclear blast detectors• Satellites transmit signals in two Microwave bands L1 (1575.42Mhz)

and L2 (1227.60Mhz)

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GPS (NAVSTAR)Space Segment

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GPS (NAVSTAR)Control Segment

The purpose of control segmen is to track all satllites position and health and manage/control them.

• Ground Antenna Stations: • Send commands to satellites using S band.• Receive temeletry data

• Monitor Stations:• Track satellite positions (they have very accurate GPS receiver

and Cesium oscilators)• Sent track data to Master Control Station

• Master Control Station• Get data from Monitor Stations• Calculate this data in every 15 minutes.• Upload path correction data to satellites with Ground Antenna

Stations ones or twice in a day.

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GPS (NAVSTAR)Control Segment

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GPS (NAVSTAR)Control Segment

Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal , Page 519

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GPS (NAVSTAR)User Segment

User segment includes all receiver devices.

A receiver must do three main task1. Get the radio signal correctly

• One or more antenna• Filter• Amplify• Remove the carrier signal (down converter)

2. Process the signal (DSP).• Calculate the Pseudorange code (PRN)• Correlate signal with appropriate satellite

3. Position computation• Compute position (according to WGS84), velocity, time, etc...• Display this data (on a screen, on a map)

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Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal , Page 519

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GPS Signal Structure

GPS signal contains 3 types of information1. Pseudorandom code (PRN): ID of satellites that transmits signal

• PRN Code is two type:• C/A Code

• Civilian Access Code• 1023 bits with bitrate of 1.023Mbps• Code repeats itself in every milisecond• Carried with L1 signal (1575.42 Mhz)

• P Code• Military use and Encrypted• 2.35 x 10^14 bits with bitrate of 10.23 Mbps• Code repeat itself in every 266 days. 38 codes each of

them is 7 days long.• Carried with L1 and L2 (1227.60 Mhz) signal• Could be further encrypted to Y code

2. Ephemeris data: Information about health of the satellite and current date and time

3. Almanac data: Information of each satellites position during the day.

Page 25: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS Signal Structure

• Almanac and Ephemeris data is named as Navigation data

• Navigation data is transmitted at a bitrate of 50Kbps

• All information transfer is made with BPSK with 180 degree phase shifting for 1 and 0

• All GPS satellites uses same frequency bands• GPS use CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access) technique to

discriminate each satellites information from PRN code.

Page 26: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS Signal Structure

Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal , Page 523

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GPS Pseudorange MeasurementsFrom PRN code

• Receiver gets satellite signal which has PRN code in it.• At the same time receiver crates same PRN code• While receiver gets satellite signal, it contains a delay• This delay is calculated by compairing receivers code with detected

signals code.• This delay is multiplied with the speed of electromagnetic wave to

found the distance to the satellite.

• PROBLEM: Receiver clocsks are not as accurate as satellites clock.This problem can be solved by getting signal from at least 4


Page 28: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS Pseudorange MeasurementsFrom PRN code

Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal , Page 524

Page 29: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS Pseudorange MeasurementsFrom PRN code

Accuracy of C/A code:• C/A code is 1.023Mbps.

• Duraiton of 1 bit 1/(1.023 * 10^6) ~= 10^-6 sec.

• Distance = Velocity * Time

• Inaccuracy of C/A code 3*(10^8) * 10^-6 = 300m

Accuracy of P code:• C/A code is 10.23Mbps.

• Duraiton of 1 bit 1/(10.23 * 10^6) ~= 10^-7 sec.

• Inaccuracy of C/A code 3*(10^8) * 10^-7 = 30m

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GPS Pseudorange MeasurementsFrom Carrier Phase measurement

• Range is the sum of carrier phase and some fraction.

• This sum is multiplied by wavelength 19cm (L1) or 24cm (L2)

• As the vawelengths are in cm, so inaccruacy is as short as milimeter.

• However, calculation of this technique requires two receivers and complex signal processing.

• It is used in Diferential GPS.

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GPS Position Calculation

(x1 − Ux)2 + (y1 − Uy)2 + (z1 − Uz)2 = (PR1 ± EC)2

(x2 − Ux)2 + (y2 − Uy)2 + (z2 − Uz)2 = (PR2 ± EC)2

(x3 − Ux)2 + (y3 − Uy)2 + (z3 − Uz)2 = (PR3 ± EC)2

(x4 − Ux)2 + (y4 − Uy)2 + (z4 − Uz)2 = (PR4 ± EC)2

xn, yn, zn =x, y and z coordinates of the nth satelliteUx,Uy,Uz =x, y and z coordinates of the user receiverPRn = pseudorange of the user receiver from the nth satelliteEC = error correction

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GPS Positioning Services

Standart Positioning System (SPS)• Available to all GPS receivers worldwide• Calculations made with C/A code in L1 frequency (1575.42 Mhz)• Horizontal accuracy 100-300m• Vertical accuracy 140m• Timing accuracy < 340ns.• Selective Availability (befora 1 May 2000)

Precise Positioning System(PPS)• Availably to only authorized users only• Calculations made with P code in L1 and L2 frequencies• Horizontal accuracy 16m• Vertical accuracy 23m

Page 33: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS PositioningPoint Positioning

• Positioning with one GPS receiver

• Receiver calculates its position from three or four satellites by using PRN codes.

• Low accuracy

Page 34: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS PositioningRelative Positioning (Differential Positioning -

DGPS)• This is used for high accuracy applications

• Two GPS receivers used whileall of them sees same satellites

• Measurement is done with PRN code or from phase measurement

• Main principle is to calculate GPS error from a base locaiton and propogate this correction data to other receivers

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GPS Error Sources

Signal Propogation Error• Delays in signal caused by the medium (ionosphere, troposphere)• Change in signal propogation speed• Lower the frequency greater the delay, so L2 is much more affected

than L1• This error can be eliminated by using DGPS or calculating P code

from two frequencies.

Multipath Reflection• This error occurs when same signal comed from different paths.• This multipath occurs when GPS signal is reflceted from objects like

tall buildings or large rock surfaces.• This error can be eliminated by using ring antenna or selection of

good position for surveying.

Clock Errors• Receiver clocks are not accurate as satellite clocks.• This error can be reduced by calculation from different satellite.

Page 36: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS Error Sources

Ephemeris Errors• Inaccurcies in the satellites reported popsition• This error is about 2 to 5 m.• Can be eliminated with DGPS

Number of visible satellites• More visible satellites means uch more accurate positioning• Buildings, mountains, rocks may affect GPS signal.• GPS signal can’t propogate from objects like water, buildings

Satellite Distribution Geometry• If satellites are distributed to wide angels than positioning is good• If satellites are grouoped to one direction than positioning is not good

GPS Signal Interference• GPs signal power is weak and for this reason it can be interfere from

near frequencies

Page 37: Hakan Velioğlu 27.03.2012 Remote Sensing and Satellite Comminication Instructor: Dr. Sedef Kent.

GPS Error Source

Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal , Page 532

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Applications of Navigation

Military Applications• Navigation for soldiers• Navigation for military vehicles• Navigation for missiles

Civilian Applicaitons• Vehicle tracking and navigation• Rescue operations• Mapping and construcitons• Geodesic sciences• Precise timing

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Main Reference:Satellite Technology: Principles and Applications, Second Edition Anil K. Maini and Varsha Agrawal © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-66024-9

Useful links:••••••••

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Thanks for listening.