Download - H3O 2014 Technical Report ,Faculty of Engineering at Helwan university

Page 1: H3O 2014 Technical Report ,Faculty of Engineering at Helwan university
Page 2: H3O 2014 Technical Report ,Faculty of Engineering at Helwan university

1. Abstract2. Mechanical Design

2.1 Frame2.1.1 Design2.1.2 Materials2.1.3 Safety Features

2.2 Thrusters2.2.1 motors & propellers specifications2.2.2 Design2.2.3 Motion2.2.4 Isolation2.2.5 Bullard Pull Test2.2.6 Safety Features

2.3 Buoyancy & Stability2.3.1 Buoyance2.3.2 Stability

2.4 Gripper2.4.1 Concept2.4.2 Safety Features2.4.3 Pneumatic diagram

2.5 Camera Mechanism2.5.1 Design2.5.2 Isolation

3. Electrical Design3.1 Electrical diagrams3.2 Isolation

4. Future Improvement5. Challenges

5.1 Non-Technical5.2 Technical

6. Budget7. Reference

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Team H3O which consists of five members constructs ROV that work onexploring, documenting, identifying a newly discovered, unknownshipwreck, scientific applications and removing trash and debris from theshipwreck and surrounding area.

For performing ;that task we used ROV with 8 thrusters, multi-directionalCameras, mechanical mechanisms and special software for achieving ourmission.

ROV design allows us to perform tasks in a high speed and performance,easy maneuverability and very accurate vision.

We worked on achieving our task by concentrating on scientific base ratherthan using very expensive components to achieve the value of

“High Performance … Low Cost”

Scientific concentration was not just for achieving low cost ROV; however tolearn everything about ROV world was our main target.

We introduce ourselves as entrepreneurs hoping to be mate chosen teamwhich performs the task professionally.

Team Members from left

To right:

Omar Ihap

Hisham Abdel-Hamid Hossam Younis Abdallah Basem Hesham Osman

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2.1 Frame

2.1.1 Design

On designing our ROV we considered

it to be open source to have applicable

for adding any additional parts.

ROV Dimensions:

Length: 46.20 cm Width: 40.60 cm Height: 40 cm

We have chosen these dimensions to suit our components sizes.

As the skin friction drag will be related to the width and height and for that

both of them are small with respect to length.

2.1.2 Material

Besides pipes are most suited for structure as its cylindrical shape has low drag

We choose aluminum angles to help us in fixing our components also it has

small area which reduces drag.

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2.1.3 Safety Features

For achieving the highest level of safety we worked on three main

points for our frame: 1. Smoothing sharp edges

2. Caution taps on critical areas

3. Handles embedded into the frame

2.2 Thrusters

2.2.1 Motors & Propellers Specifications


6 motors(48v-DC-1800rpm-full loadCurrent “4Amp”)

2 motors (48v-DC-2000rpm-full loadCurrent “4.4 Amp”


3 Blade-50mm “diameter”- 42 pitch

2.2.1 Design

8 thrusters “4 Up & Down” – “4 forward

& Backward”

As a result of our calculations of thrusters

forces this number of thrusters is the

most suited for our performance.

And because of the difference in thruster forces

in the two directions we put each two thrusters “having

one function” in opposite directions to achieve equal-total force in the oppositedirections.

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2.2.2 Motion

Motor Up Down Forward BackwardTwisting



















Note: For moving left in curve we use motor 5 forward and motor 8 backward. For moving right in curve use motor 6 forward and motor 7 backward.

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2.2.3 Isolation

We used glance, O-rings, plastic tubes and Artylon to isolate our motors andthat was tested under 8 bar pressure.

2.2.4 Bullard pole test

A test to measure the force of our thrusters practically which helped us to determinenumber of thrusters required, also it effects on our design.

2.2.5 Safety Features

In order to achieve safety we used to main methods which are:

1. Caution Tapes: we used them to highlight critical areas in ROV and to help the diverto have safe interaction with it under water if there.

2. Nozzles: used for protection of blades from any external effect and to protect diversform it.

On the other hand it gives ROV more power in thrust.

2.3 Buoyancy & Stability

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2.3.1 Buoyancy

According to Archimedes’ principle, anybody partially or totally immersed in a fluid isbuoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. If somehow one couldremove the body and instantly fill the resulting cavity with fluid identical to thatsurrounding it, no motion would take place, the body weight would exactly equal thatof the displaced fluid.

We calculated the desired additional buoyancy which makes the ROV weight insidewater zero where any force applied on it could move it.

Additional Buoyancy = Total Buoyancy – Other ROV Components

Required Buoyancy

Total Buoyancy Required: We calculated it from the relation:


P x v x g = m x g


P : Density of water

V: Total Volume of ROV

G: Gravity

M: total mass of ROV

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2.3.2 Stability

The resultant of all of the weight forces on this displaced fluid is centered at a pointwithin the body termed the ‘center of gravity’ (CG).This is the sum of all thegravitational forces acting upon the body by gravity. The resultant of the buoyantforces countering the gravitational pull acting upward through the CG of the displacedfluid is termed the ‘center of buoyancy’ (CB).

The two forces must pass through the same vertical axis otherwise the body is not inequilibrium and will rotate so as to bring then into vertical alignment. The body is thensaid to be in static equilibrium.

COM (X, Y, Z) = (M1*X1 + M2*X2 + M3*X3 + …….) / (M1 + M2 + M3…….)

COB (X, Y, Z) = (Fb1*X1 + Fb2*X2 + Fb3*X3 + …….) / (Fb1 + Fb2 + Fb3…….)

BG is defined as: it is the space between CB and CG.

Increasing BG will leads to increasing righting moment which helps in making ROVmore stable.

Also we consider the arm of twisting moment to be tall as possible to provide highdynamic stability for the ROV.

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2.4 Gripper

2.4.1 Concept

It is a mechanical mechanism which used to grab and hold objects in order to take asample of it or to rescue it or any other tasks.

It has a lot of shapes and each one of them is used for a special task and with a certainforce.

A lot of systems could be used in order to move grippers’ mechanism one of them isusing motors and another one is pneumatic system which we decided to use in our ROVas it gives us accurate performance and accurate force besides its very advancedoption of having a highly safe isolation.

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2.4.2 Safety Features

1. Caution Tapes

2. Smooth Edges

2.4.3 pneumatic diagram

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2.5 Camera Mechanism

2.5.1 Design

A perfect view is a must for the ROV to perform the task. So that we decide to makemechanisms for ROV cameras to allow a perfect – wide view.

Before deciding what the cameras mechanisms are, we put our scenario of performingthe task to know the optimum way.

A front cam with three dimension moving allowance and a side cam with twodimensions moving allowance was the best.

2.5.2 Isolation

The isolation of cameras and its mechanisms was by the same concept of thrustermotors isolation .. (Glands, o-rings, plastic pipes, Aclyric and Artylon)

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3.1 Electrical Diagrams

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3.2 Isolation

A new system of isolation was used for electrical components isolation. We use PVCpipe with two end caps of Artylon from both sides of pipe providing pressure on the o-rings with three tall bolts and nuts. Also (glands and plastic pipes) are used.

We tested our system under pressure of 8 bars to ensure its performance.

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No one stay on its level and all people deserve to rich a higher point of improvementand that is the most important thing which takes our think.

On the way to achieve this target we are working on all branches that help to achieveimprovement:

1. Improving our control:

We are working on it in order to reach the highest way of control of all parts of ourROV in order to enhance its performance so we are studying automatic controlmethods like Arduino, PLC and micro controller which will make the difference inimproving our ROV performance.

2. Freezing fly system:

On the way to enhance our ROV motion we thought of that system which will help usin having more control on our motors motion and performance.

3. Study:

To be will qualified for reach our improvements we must study theories and rules whichmake us achieve that task so we are now working on more than learning programswith our doctors in faculty to prepare and enhance our technical knowledge.

4. Thoughts Publicity:

One of targets we are aiming to is to increase publicity of ROV world and its formationthrough not only engineering student’s community but also school students in order toprepare a generation able to form an ROV that performs tasks under waterprofessionally.

5. Marketing Strategies:

To achieve our target in forming world class ROVs we have to perform marketingstrategies that make market believe in our thoughts and funds our work which willhelps us in achieving our target in a very small period of time.

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5.1 Non – technical challenges

Old coute says that “Road of success is not full of flowers” and for that we believe thatif we want to success and reach our goals we have to work hardly for that.

Our failure in ROV 2013 competition was our first step on the road of success as wedecided to have much better performance in 2014 competition and not onlyperformance but also win the title and represent Egypt in international competition.

For this target we start work on solving failure we faced in 2013 competition a weekafter the end of the regional competitions and a new problem has faced us as numberof participants and members working on achieving that target were so small so wehave decided to publish more our thoughts between our colleagues.

Robotics crew helped us in that way by organizing very huge event in both faculties ofengineering Helwan Uni. And faculty of engineering Mattareya Branch.

The publicity does not stop on community of engineering students only but also wespread our targets and thoughts in market by having the chance of exhibiting ourwork in Cairo ICT exhibition which supported our targets a lot.

We also have participated in YIA competition which is powered Nahdet ElMahrousa“one of the well-known foundations” and we presented their work.

Events that we participated in helped us more to increase number of studentsinterested in ROV world and helped us in reaching a lot of targets that we weredreaming to reach once.

In Regional Competition this year we are working to prove to all people that ourfailure last year was the start of our success.

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5.2 Technical challenges

face a lot of technical challenges during working on the MATE ROV competition4. We can talk about isolation as an example. It was hard to make that system of


We begin with wax passing through silicon and pipes. We get some information fromevery try and finally we formed our system of isolation and also by the help of research.

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6. Budget.

Categories Component Price /each L.E N.O Items Total Price L.E

Mechanical DC Motors* 40 8 320

Small DCMotors

30 3 90

Oil Seals 5 15 75

Coupling 5 8 40

Screws andNuts

- - 100

Aluminum Rods 75 2 150

Artylon andMachining

- - 1800

PVC - - 130

Propellers* 60 8 480


80 2 160


50 4 200


- - 50



- - 100

O-Rings - - 200

Acrylic sheet - - 50

Electrical ElectricalWires

- - 1000

Joystick - - 30


- - 100


- - 210

Relays* 6 50 300

Others Team T-shirts* 5 40 200

Wasted Money - - 785

Total 6000

Note: “*” Is donated by Robotics Student Organization –Helwan University

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7. References.

1)ROV Manual ISBN: 978-0-7506-8148-3 Author: Robert D. Chris



4)Robotics Channel

5) Robotics Page

5)MATE Center


For Eng.Mohamed Abd elrahman.

Eng.Rmay ebeid

Eng.Abd Elhameed Saleh.

Eng.Abd Elrahman Ashraf.

Eng.Essam Alaa.

