Download - H i i i n [1 2s AKfl [][iELATE Cm* F -8T0RIEfflF-Kl|-J a m ...


, I S . M.-’EdWon

T H EI V 0 L ri6 . NO. 816.

f u l l ’ s T a r i f l P ro v id e s P:

^ “ F o rs o u itdCHICAGO CIV IC L E A D E R g e


CHIOAOO.'^prtl « (« -P » tr ic k A. NMb. 10 T w n old and a dTte In d w for baif a c ra tu ir . appeared toQlflit to M acnired of MlecUoa u majror ot Ohlcago.

From Uw (our DemocraUe inem* P aW bert of an aldennanla eommlttee oo

— canmltteM — wJourntof— i r — H or — eprloss. Arkama*. a m e a teletram I-

U filni him to aeecpt the tXHlUon, nicteedlot tho lata A n t« > j J. Cennak. vtcUm ot an a m u ld t b u lle t 1

PoUttoa) leader* lald ther belief* ed Naih'* electlon-probablr nest

. M o n d a r-b j the elty eoundl woul4

‘ I probably VlU accept t f e l e e U O 'T T aald Math. ■ buUdlof ooutrueUon V \ M der, and a po«ft. la national nemoeraUfl a ttain . ^



N IW YORK, AprU n On-Ur. ^**1! t e d U rc Nonaui V um u u n o tta o . ^ ed t«dB7 tbe e t«at*ow at ot tbetr

' - • Id e t l d a u fh u rru a ry Oaen i r B c r ^ j V >Krt O. uuier, ) r . Columbtu. Ohio, - , 0 tormer Yale vanity footbaU player ^ IDd oow cecBpletlni hH la tt rea r a t ^vait'm edlcal tebooL------- -— ^ n i

Mit* Thoma*. «ho*e father vaa Uie SoclalUt candidate for pred- ^ dent In 19U and 1B». 1* a.itudent a t .h . V a m r. |P rt,

------------------------- luieiB O U N D C O PIE S O F IDAHO I

___ :S E S S lQ N - L A W & I G f l_ O a t! ja S, _____ i a i r

BOISE, April 11 «V-Bound copie*, te< or the new teeilon U vs enacted by tha »u te letUlature. were belnt <11»- trlbuted today by ^^e ottlee pf the fer •ecrctary ot lU te. •

. H


rant* fo r the %rr«et o f elcbt per- »on»> eoanected with a borle*Qu« ^

n t /» otflee today. Tba warranU to * . be *«rr«d U U r , . . ^ t y .attorney.*: aald ware la w d f ^ , l * q men Idea- " f j

t b y re. two actor* and four fclcla. “

to** U artba Randall, s u p e r in u j f en t of the women'i proteetlva ^ TUlon, a* “not funny or witty f c t ' .U ^ »ug«e»tlv* and vuliiar." M lu r A - ®P*'

o ttlw atked the d ty to take Am VJ -y > » tvo “uadrcM" a c u .;. '^ ',^V »C ?f* je chonu wtre "revolt-1 '

' ; _________________ * »hl(held


A L L W E A R M O C C A S IN S ,^ ^

FO R T F R A S E ^ rllb ih Columbia.April 11 (iPi — "Slim" WUllama, en route frotn SUver Clly. Alaska, to the Cltlcajo exposition, wa* bu»y to- pm,day fittlns bli^doR team with m o c - __catln* to protect thetr teet. He a r - . < rlvcd here 'U tt nlRht and expccl* to proceed by broken *ta(Ks, arriving r t f a t hi* next atop, 100 mile* a v a y , i i ' i i by SftiurdBy night. 1 (JJJ

A D O L F H IT L E R T A K E S ' fl


------- BEHL!w.- npnntTffV=Cttani:ttiuf ' ' 'AdoK Killer added the post ot Rov- ’ n ernof ot Prussia to his dulica loday,

mann Wllhcim Ooerlnt, one of I t f e I principal NbiI leaders and minister ■ , without porttollo In the federal I I enblnct. to *frve ni premier of thei <tnte. ;

The Hiller appolnlment a* gov- qi ernor was approved by the cabinet, it,, which atw named Oeneral Ffan i ^ Ton Epp. another Nail. (0 serv« a* ena< tovemor nf Bavaria. The general Qgy ha* been aetlnjr aa lederal commls- ji^g sloner tor ifiat stale. Captain Qoer- tne <• Rome a t present.

■ " P R O S R E C T IV E T IU S B A N D S -^ ^

ST A N D M ED IC A L T E S T S p<_ • b y l

AUSTIN, Texas, AprU 11 W) -• Teza* Mnate voted early tonight to “ 'I ! repeal ihe tour-year-old «utute re- flutrlng thrte day* notice of Inten-1"“* Ion lo wed. commonly* known a-:^” '' ' o e " tin marrUge" law. The vote w b lB to M . • » «nl

TTia *en*te. however, voted to re- tain th a t part ot the law re<iulrln*l proepecUve bridegroom*'to paas a ’* ^ medical, aaalnaU on.

___ ___ the


----- - eretL 03 ANOELK April ]1 ~ A

dtverce wa* granted today to S e ^ Tl nor Doardman. film actre**, after wh*

.Ihe tesUlled she found her hus- tea l iband. King Vidor, movle'dlrtctor ia h e « another vonun'* apartnwot In hU ot a dressing gown and lU ppm . Tl, She uld-Vidor earn* “acrer lea* old than IW400 a piatoe,*' and makea nov tv o or three pIctuiM a y e u . kind

— i ln a pfopcny-ietU eiM ol UUa fern Boardman * u aUoved tbout OOO a Oi month for u p k e e p ^ her ^ l y legli Htii« borne m d >W a. mwUt for

• ' A n u S a , 8. and Belinda, J . ' . ' sj,*r ^ ■ ^ p l e tn .rrW la ^ptem ber, beer 19M, tn d Kparaled last Ju a t, J a |.

5 ' X W := = ^ = : ^ ^ = s = sf ( n n i OT '

f f P o licy 30-1 P ro tection | [ dlTidustriesi.ilSecretary Makes secri Clear Statement Of Own Theories

Cabinet Member Urges Op- „ ■ponenU ot~His Views ^

, i t Go Out and Interview 13,000,000 Unemployed f f

------- UUl<By The AiiocUted Preu)

-r-rT-ASHnfOTOTfrAprUlI-Amer.V v Ica-s h?w u r lf f poUcy to bt » » Uunched during the forth-

comlac WashlntWn^ ^ y i w

S T t o m f f t w * t r Boeretary Oor- deU Hull a t t e n d e d to deitroy no M tnd Industrie* la thU eountry bot *“ “ J n th e r to ealablUh tbem on a more

**At*SaBimo time the*ecretary of ita ta emptia*lied anew th a t regarn-I m of whether tha rtprtienlaUTei UUi

,e« .iee tn llon i ara in WaihUig- eneo_1toa a t the lame time tbe forem - por cimeat propoaea to converse with then avd tl

. h « . b . “ ISfbrmed th a t fonncrPrem JerHerriot. • - • Prance, had m orid up hi* n lU n i r i n dat* tvo daya Izf order to Join In H L the Washington discussion* between LIUI

I P m ldent Roosavelt and Prime Mln- lu ie r UacOonald, O reat Britain, j ^ near* CotopblaU

ia l not .being Indnded ta the 11 In- vlted to send special represpntatlTc*, U(sfh Becrelary Hull said he had not yet had opportunity to consider the mat- n . ter of extending the Ust of InvlU- r e

Re pobted oul lh a t aU counlrle* Ml ; wUI bo given tuU opportunity to Join tha dUcuulon* throush their regu­lar diplomailo repreeenl^Tea h e rt t*i i

Oolnt further Into tta . mattar

l^ ln te m allo o tl- ,trad e , HBU ebar^ S ' u

” ?.! ]-I T o t o o d t o e « i a t 5 ^ m t t t i e 5 -uclt of^beap^^orelgn labor to (be

He remarked tha t person* taking ‘ ^

wllk the ISMOfiOO Amcrkaui wige " 1 ^ earneri who. ba lald. have been i f £

‘.thrown out otempldymentunder Ihe operation ot the highest U ritt In jS .tlc n l.liW r)..

. Fop every dollar ot curUllment ot ||:i American ImporU, Hull told repon- e n ihnt trom M to »5 o t goods rt, which might have been exporti-d are held wllhin lh« couniry.

roulbUUIt* of Ezebangt ,There are many commodl'.lea, tbe

i secretary conUnued. which could be ' exchanged with o th e n In return (or product* which the Unlled Siaits doc* not produce a t aU or In lniu(- tlclent <iu»ntlty to meet demand. Products which thi* -country eould |J

(Continued on Page a. Col. 1> «tilr »

m m m m il i P i S l l S

ir ^14

C. Ben Ross Awaits Test m.: Case Belore Taklnj Actlonlu i l i

On Numerous Requests «In the

j ------ InleBOISE. AprU 11 (/?>>-An increas-

Ing volume o( requcsU (or a specUl (c, sestlon o( the Idaho legUlature to enact beer legislation (loved upon n i n i Oovemor Ross today but (rom uno(- Ilclal sources havo come Indlcailoni n p th st It WU unli::ely he would call sueh a aesslon unlU tho supreme court h u ^

AvalU T * t U>e nFollowing upon a determlnaUon

by the coun In the pending test case * brought In Jerome, the governor has Uiree major opUan*. . »|f„!

If the court hold* tha t the law u J fWU 1 no*- aTHtcn permlta sale o( per “ i‘*d I cent beer he miy call a special lei- I alon 10 enK t legUlaUon reguUtlng ! and taxing lU sale.* - 1( the court holds th a t iho present I lav prohlbiu lale ot beer. Ho m*y PHi?*" •ooi > special MMlon lo rtrUe Ihe >UV w pennll sale ot beer, because ^ the constitution prohlblU sale of “In- ^ toxlcaU nr liquor without speclty- ing any limit ot aleohoUe contenL

A* an alleraaUve, he may decline DIMI to caU a specUl oeulon In either p p

. ' Doe* Not State T e n n Ths governor ha* no t atated under 8AN

vha t terms he would caU a ipecUl »V -T aeislon but said In an In tm le v that purotj he v u “considering the advUabllltr belong ot a special aesilon. I ! J . Rai

supreme court la a 30-yur- annoy old ruling baa.beld Uiat t l Uie lav court < nov atands. It prohlblU tt l« of any tn t cr kind ot Bialt, vinous, iptrttoui or Jb*fem in ted U^uor,— .....................Haaloi

Durint Uie past tv o veek* lereral Ura. t lefUlaton and many priraU dU- Uvt n i f ^ have u n td Uie to rerao r to call The *11

shart 1a Uie revenue from the sate ot It w beer lh a t now U to tn g toaarround-tlve 1 la t *t«tei. Ddliei.

r g g O N LY ASS(

T n f, T W IN F ^

H i i i n [1 miBMiiii] f l i r M f f l s

:____ Ume

Secretary Perkins, Spokei* man for Administration, mue

reelEndorses BIII to Put 6,000,000 Idle to Work ^

_____ tor. . ^ w>th

(By The AaaoeUted Prets) rTT'A S m w o T QS.'A prtn t= T iea - s ' i t V v ( n i letUUUon lor a 30-hour ^ * T T w orklat week In Industry ap-

>eartd cerU ln tonlghi a* an admin- strallon tpoketman—Secretary Per- tInt-«ndor»ed the principle of the ^ lenaUWU.

UUl Perklna, atter a con teru riUi SecreU ry Roper aad 8e n J* r

ire. announced, however, ahe would tcommend modUlcatlon* to make he legUlatlon “more workable.’ The >111 U dealtned to put 0.000.000 per- ^ J ' wns back to wtvk.

Considerable easing o( the restrlc- “ lorn provided ^ Um *en*U U In >rospcet to , make more eliiUc the “ ^ idmlnUtralloo of Uie al*-hour day J. ind-flve-day week.

. GoealatoCenferenM UUs PerUn* wUl go Into confer- unUl

mee tomorrow with Uio hixae la- iha a to"com m ltt«er 'vUch ' ‘ haa 'bw n on 5, ivalUnt a report trom the White ,very

■ (Continued 00 Page 3, Coi 3)

[ i n i i ■ I.J lL lL E L IiS j-------------------1 _ ____________ a c t f

flolher and Seven Children Perish When Fire Levels „JS Minnesota Farm Home ^

HARRIS, Uinn^ April 11 («) - r l l n Bgbt peraoni. the moU»r a n l sev- • Ull m-dflErenrwertf-bBtoed-to-death: f i t p

t t» faUier was mUdng tcd iih l. L U i4'(lr« destroyed Utelr farm homo I Ull !eor ;nlles -northeast e t hert early

" T S o d e a d S r ^ ^U M . ALSIN JORNSON Uilnji

.^«AROU> JIBM80N. 10. army

' 'S m ^ t t l J O n N S O K ! 7. ' . I d k DOROTHY J0IIK 60N , s. ers <

- BEBW CE JORNBOW. 1 -------------PTSUrL88TER JOHNSON, Z. thatJAMM J0K N 80N .« montll* old. T h<bodle*otM n.Johnw nandlhc

ihlldrrn were found late today In the rulni. bul no trace coiiW be tound 2,“" ' X the father* body.

Deputy Coroner A. O. Stark, Har- •U. who conducted an InvMtlRatlon. ledared tonlRht he believed no mort jodle* remained In the ruins. ,

. Confer* With PrMecalor Instc Stark tonlBht u-enl to Center City ‘nR 1

« confer wllh Counly Altomey s , B. ‘Ofe-’iVennerbcrg lo determine w h a t ------;oune of Inve*Ugatlon would be _ :aken. Stark anld an Inqurtl'would « held a l HarrU tomorrow mornlnir. ind Indicated county oXIelaU prob-' ibly «-ould take a htnd In Uie ease.

Ottlclal* tonlghi were nl a lo.« to ;xplaln how the (Ire »tarted. A nelgh- )or. Ragnor Krantc, living leu than I hal( mile from the Johwon tarm, r u the f ln l to retch the Kene. He lald Uie (Ire had Rtlncd tueh hcad- ray II wa* Impossible to oKer any ' luUtance to lu oecupanti, and tha t he whole structure collniwd short-y after hU arrival, -_______________

One Stove In House

H 3:30 by nelghbon who trrlved too ale a t the burning itructure to save tny o( IU occupanU, The only stove n the house stood In the kitchen.

Intending to move to another louse today, Uio (tmUy slept latt

(Continued on ^ e 3. Col 3) '


SPRW 0PIEU 3. I ll .^ n r l l U (® ___=CTarehce Darrow argued~l>efor* he nilnoU board o( pardont and larolea today Uiat the deaUi pen- ilty thould not be Indicted (or a Time of adoIe»cence.

Ke pleaded for the life of Russell klcWllIlams. Rock(ord. llllnoli, who ailed a man during a robbery when le was IT yeara old and has been lenienced to electrocution three Imei In SO monUii.Crusading again against ctpIUl

wnUhment. Darrow said: "The tllllnt o ( children should be agaUist ‘ he policy of the sla tt" and asked hat yount UcWUiiams' sentence be ommuted to Ute Imprisonment.


8AN JUAN. Puerto Rico. April 11 <?V-The 64 caU, eight dogi. two larroU. oa« roo tttr and three hena lelontlnt to ProhiblUon Dlreetor A.L R u lo a and bU wife must not mnoy th e oelthbon. Uie dUtrlet w r t ^ t r e d today la a r e f t ^ -

Tb* caort tU o ordered Uiat Uw Ualona-maat-not-addreM-Ur.-aad ifra. Arturo Rodlguei Aguayo, who Ivt next door, or Ibeir te traa tt. the lu lt v u (tarted by theae nelgh-w i . .. .J— ____ — ■

It wa* tedlfled'U iat Uie dlmlnu- L Ive meoaseria eauied frightful idlies.



Shaw Smdihes On First New

(By Tb« AMoclated Pren> day t-NEW-VOMfc-April-U— O ee m - dsoo. « n a rd 8b tv cam* to kxaaW*m te a t mitnppU* tor Um ( M ak^aw todrg*— tn d wiihia a a bour |gm 1a had broken tU rule* f j r t r - p jct <iTing oaletriUe*. «ralH m Ikyllnt IntereiKd h lat to causlsIUe ba n f u i td to walk » ftw aeat.wl acroaa UM ahip to tak* » Aaeek. U a ■Tbe formality of being later* Udpai

lewed IntaM ted.hlm to mtl«.JM terrteiranded bImieU “deaf tn d dnmb prtnle>r UM momaat.*' and v e n t on opinioith bU b re tk fa it . “I tHe eT«L|Ot out of Uie formlOity in g . b

t lu S i ln g lin in e ''a n r* u b ttQ t t t r when’i a cuttomi examination— the tutlly(tleen went to hU. s U U i« m Innd flnUhed tbelr buslneu with wat qi«t tbere. "I

A U SH r a r Sbodi " J jNew Vork h td been aU aet to laiera

a ahocked by tha Irish d ram a tlit "Wl:haw-had-aald-aom e-haiah-thtB t* »«-‘hitxMit America and Hew Vork la thantrtlcuUr and only a week ago —— e oUted Quito frankly th a t Nev ortt would be “told a lot" wbene arrived. P f l lBut UlU WM hU sole m M taga- J» |,reply to a note te n t to him by U U I group of rtporien anxloua for

U opinion;“The New Vork p reu tnay retora . J) IU tiretldea and nurse Um baby f Ia tu tomorrow morning, except fla .anterpridngjccllon.vhlch.ctm e 1 board a t Havana and dUcuaied n . n f,-erylhlnf wiUi me tor an boor Oaill3d 40 mlnutea. .“Today I ara la trtInlng:for~the - OU le'lr^poHtta oper* hou»e ta n llh tnd may be rtgarded u deaf tn d tU imb for the moment U y regreU nd apologlea."Tha reporter who banded Shtw w - , le p re tr mesiage, and oUktb « uo

l£ tf_8Q d_d«m l»:L < l»«M llU L ^ thaOJ He prop* a book up before b l n <1 1, hlle he hat hU vegeUrian b r ^ k - p_>*t aon. IHU current literary In tereat. U ogu n pton Sinclair'* “WUUam Po*-*^ eqmpi He had hU beard trimmed e r« y eycle:

Que dl— — -------------------------------The


_____ . of ret-BQmE.- -APTH l l -W H {yaii* t o —jQJf sing 8000 men of the Rooeeveit Job not f] rmy cere drafted today by foreit* alflca: rs o( w ulhw etw m ..and ,.cen ta l 1 dalio ibd a ra n d tb m o ro rw 'fo f t j t - jh « ■ r» ot e ttw ra Idaho wtll m eet In tteal ; T Scm ino-m atrilm llar-plim t-forK U oa-* hat tmllory.Dana Parkinson, Ogden. aulsttiH

fSlonal larMter. tald Uie plana are nccew lurely l«iittlve u no IntormaUon 1 ras nvtirnble a t to tho number ot j ] iicn to br iiulgned to Idaho or to ' ny psrtleular (oreat. However, the 1 >Ians were dni.wn up (or orgnnlza- jcarch Ion o( tevrrtl camps In each (drest of the or trail building, bridge building,! lutct conlrol. lungus control.Jay- 7-tie (iR o( telephone lines and bulldlnR ore.itrj' entiln.i. (Ci

Another One Of

— -A N D vottN YOU a iT n«pi RU*4 ©tfIJWt ^ 0 CNW&

DOHt* THB STBKKpirrtiMO. UP Th e sckeerV

ASHES CWT o n -me . ^ IVie ALU OUT OK

----------- W AMD iO W U U T'rffllANO PITT TWIHiS SfcCK !►

gy TUA.T TlMt M*V[}B ' »i,VE. VOU M E lP US VUA AMD KAMA tMB RtCrirt g»t^ T » « t » < y AMV »USi— aw ^% cB / ___

- W


.S B AiY MORNING. A P R IL 1 2 ,1D33

2s All Rules AKfl ) York Visit [][lay on Uie way from San R a a - a

* Nerrea* HAlthough he h u addrved mUl-

ins from the plaU om . UM p n a - - eet of (teln t an audlaac«.ot aer- ral Uiousand Nev Yorken> v a t NSVa tuslot him eooilderabl* nerroui-

PI'la steamship oompaay h td t a - n i dpaled Shaw* n ( u i t l U> be la- srvkwed and had preptrad a Jonf p., rtnled resume of Um playvrightl ^11 pinkms.“I never lakl th a t; th e re l noUi-

;g .to It,’ was ShaV a oommant il (hen-SskM nrO M -JpT hW O irie- y —A u lly lud been expressed by him. j , pi In IhU prinUd “interrlaw" he •*-»Ui

V quoted u taylng: darkni"I (tnd A neiletna extraordin- of 3S 1

rlly murtaUnt, bu t tbey haven't wUh 1 one anjUiln* yet to JuiUty my penny i l e i t s f ' I*’* I'J■ When Uie Unltad SUtea tack- witl

*-the-Jol»-lt-wm-f®-much-farUMr m IIottu n Ruatla. We aUp Uito tf ta - smith

— the tu(ConUnued On Page S. CoL 1>

iCEiriii %. u a I

' .................... r r r r - - ........ ................ uUWlalllomla Professor Pro- S fJ

duces Coldest Tempera- ture Yet Creat'edliy Man

— _ la UieBERKEU fY,Cal,Aprm i(«V -A t- ^ J !

ilnment of Un coldest tem penture 5 ; “ “ ' et created by maa. 4M.1 below a m a h re n h d trv u t n aounecd todayat

t t U achleremenl of Profe**or W.'. ouuijue, auUted by O. P. Nei- an. mechanician, tn d D. P. Uae- lougall. rt*e*rch taaU tant, w u ae- tmplUhed by Uie uae of a magnellc rcle proceu v h k h Phiteaeor OUo- ue developed. (C(The m w t r**ched ii wlUUa JS de-

rea cenUgrade ot the abtolute >>>* n n i l cnee of h ea t Tha tnaperaU ne U in - S M ;nltely colder Uiaa U ttt of Uquld UU ll

ny point yet obUUied by proceaiea C f iTolvini previooily taiovn meUiod* f f l t refrigenUon.

isti ; j r a io t ipecuUU do UI8 pracOftal t l f P ita , Ifleaaca of b ir tpproacb to tba*> 8» w iU u n , expcriaenlen tenertUy "Ch* S e heM Uiat-iiUatnment e ( pw«r *tadoi leal lero Is eatentlal to th* *olu« airf » |i» prob- Clerl-ms. TtgOteAmoac Uie Uieorle* advanced U Hf

tial Um practleal absence of heal U 17;Ka; ecessary as a prellmlnaiy to Um Bole reallon of a perfect vacuum. T hat UtUa 1 *w lov tempenture* c*n be *p- » lied to the manufacture o( tuper- hind t « 1 and th t t thU laboratory re- enth f jtrch wUI contribute to the ttudy U ^ ( the ilructure o( tho atoru,

Ketallle R em ent " ie leiThe tubJtanefe cooled by Profeisor ^ »

(Continued on Page 3, Col. 9) to t ^

Of Those “Made-Work” 1 For The Idle'

n«pucHiM(>«TMoie IM«THD4A00C0 9C«n«W, ^■OKM. VrWDOWfi JiHO / J / ^Ir5 . W J C*>< CA*WV / / J S . tMB CBU*.R.T.«M


" a ’a M S t R n ’ I M f ™UB V«tL e e SrttON TO 1^1 / lU f ' t \«A£H WOODWC»«K ^ J M V

rru sE c .Y U u tA .v v B u e- l aUSlNKJATTHS **

^ p | n

flopyrigbt. IW . hjf .U*



n siviK SciELATE Cm* F -8T0RIEfflF-Kl|-Jival Court Inquiry Hears Picturesque Description Q j 01 Final Moments Before „

Dirigible Struck Water .£ ^~ for Tl

(By The Asaodaled Preu)—AKEH0 R8 T. y.~7-rA prm i= A, picture o t Um mammoth dlrig- ^ ™

■•Ible Akron dropping Uirough ®»rba<rk n e u w lU iiu b o w u p a tan a n g le of noi3$ degree* and hItUng the water “ frliIh a craah “llio *teppln« on a «« 'de nny box of matchei,“ w u givent n a n l court Imiulry today. B U

ith second cU u. told hU stosy of ' tUght Uiat cott 73 llve^

n ie (lender Erwui w u one of nrincli ree survlvon ot the dU uter In { ^ k I> Ailtnllc oft New Jeney a week0 last Uonday night. BEM Crvln Joined Richard E. Deal. Arkan tuw aln. In teUlng ot the break- f e t t ' t ' { of the loatlludlnal glrden and wlUi G s ateep Incline ot the lU-tated air- uUna Ip toUowlng what both deecrlbed vwHur a Urrldo “gust of wind." BoUi

d.tbey h td lo .. g io imtelve* up the catwalk toward Pretid 9 bow and Erwin eitlmated the n ^ t gift w u about 35 d e g m ._____ n -> < ^ ■SoUi'. too. letUfled Uie t in t break I t l lthe structure ot tbe Ihlp occurred iV l Uie a ir foUowlng Uie gu tl Uiey

•crlbed. w hereu, Lieutenant Com-inder H. V. Wiley, tha UUrd tu r- IR'or, changing hU opinion, tald the ilU

rhe-brtak-Ttacribed-by*thr-two ------Uited men w u 'l n longitudinal Cani, d e n num ben 7 tn d 8, thoae gird- v c p it1 running leagUiwiae of Um d lrii- q ,e. on the right hand aide midway fil tveen.tba bottom and top. Oeal

(Continued oa P a V a . 'c o L 'a f ”

] y T 0 i l i iT 0 i i .c .HT m n p c o f l ig;___________— _ Oft™VABHINOTOH, AlUU .11 (/H ' ' tm ugt Ul a . King, 3t-year-oU. ton o t Uln p Btft^'W lUitm H. King, Otah, te- fodt 1 iht plunged froia ii seveath floor trade idew of UieBltek*t»M hotal.lW i lng-|i i v u intlanUy kUled. ..nerkt a t Uie bote] tald K la t bad j :K « « r Ih W a b o u ra -w e e k T to T

U turvlved by a vldov and t year-old dtugbU r. Slolel employe* u ld tbey kaev Je aboul the tragedy except Uiat ; body w u found la on tUey be- id the hotel, underneath hU aer>:h floor window.t o . WUlltm a King, wife of Uie lator. v u deeply attected when J L : "> learned of her ton'* deaUi. She " d tho did not know whetherire vould be any rtaton for him taka hla o v a Ufe.

........ .. .............. • buihol• veined

’ Program s , ” *-- The

finUh----- ----- ■ - - . > fc.bUll



I arerat

' Jboroug

m e N n r Vork Tribune, Xoa, ctuden


■ N E \m m iM AUDtT B tm u n


senator B o ra l For Im m edial T oA ssis^M c


(By She Aiaodated P r tu ) i 'BILLS w m introduced In t e a . A 2 e and houM to c tn y out Prtal* ° M Booaevett’a reoommeadaUoot r Tenne**ee rlrer badn deretop-

FEDEr A Harold Lou« B c lrb a c t 'S a a naDcUeo, e n ten p le t

not guUty before te n a u a luing S o f trial jury on houae impeachment

___ AppREFRXaENTATITI B tnkhead,•mocnt, AUUma. v u atricken iUter c pm ing for admlnUtraUon >f in n n o tlg i^ fe r ia a n c IH rm T i l ? ? ?

BKCairrAET PerkUi* endoraea W t« o u i . _ _ _

SENATOR Roblnton. Democrat, k an tu , praUe* Pretldent Rooao-, w e u n It * White Hou*e record In debate ■'o" th Senaton Long, Dem ocnt. Lou- Evlde ana, and Roblnton, RepabUeao. betweec dlana. Demoo

-------- Um le tBCOBTTAllY- Roper-(ubmlte to,O halrm eiident ROoievdt p lant for trao i - eommiti lU tloa bureau In commerce de- tecUoni rtm en t _______ Pl»n.

IIEPKolllg \ PIT AT C I M giptember Delivery Values tw. Rise 30 Per Cent Slnoe ! ^ Chanoe in Administration

------- • • ^ CUOHIOAOO, Aprti 11 M W m e r l- n Wheat farmen found UmIt crop

0.000 loday In almoat ;»U iing f l a t 7 ’ , A lamp of I t o IH M a u a bu tbel ’ ' Uie price of wheat on Uje boardtn d e on U u opening f f l i u o U m

» pounding *urf iv ep t tbe 100- dt high r o Q t t 'o t 't t t i n t r d ,c(

No OtfSdal Arterftra&ea a - w t Ul* trtd*tt-tawrw.4o-tfcei: nooDo pvenimenl crop report; itaued I t to m e n u sterday, forecutUir t w heat erop chaUmi u lle r Uian any tlaca I901 l l w ta comoii » t reply t« nporta (rom "W uh- Bmlth gtoa Uiat Uiere would ba B0 offl< and n U ia tarennea wiUi g n t s p r t M «*tN c U m i OQ eftldal f l f M efenrtB» „ 8.000,000 butheU of w heat la b lo t ^ 1 tann* In the United StittM, eacb Thil n t of the advance InciTaaed th e today it value of wheat t l ,7 S 0 m featum The otfldtl estimate on Uie aizo prosnc

tbe w h n t crop w u 334.000.000 achieve itheU which w u only Pxi00,000 Appn iiheU In eicceu ot the crop ha r* ellmlnt ated lo 190i L ul-year'a h a rv w t from b I*. 4«3,000WJ busheU. _ _ _ _ _ _ ered,_li

A dnnca Of g'C enia rTho upw-ing today, which a l tho lUh ranged trom IH to 3H centa buthd on wheat, carried tho Sep- mber delivery to 63H cenU a itheL ThU U a a advanoe of 8 nU In Uie la it week and 10 centa i ' j ! , ? ” ice Matth 28.Taking Ibe dote March I aa

b* bat^ wheat prieea have aeer- d a gain «( 14H oeaU a baahd . leariy W per eent on Uia Sep .

epreteoU wheat which b u yat to e btrretted. The Hay dellTerr.

car. b u tbomi a maxlmsm rlae t 13 eenu a botbd.Utlng 14 oenU a bushel u tb e ertge rise for aH gradea and op- ms. Amerian wheat grower* a t* . lay worth approximately >33.000..

(ConUnued On Page 9, OoL 7) sens


_____ He (BOISE, Ajiril 11 MV-Mw. M yrtle • ik lw .T U trtreararer.-tonouncealay that she h td "ll<juld»l*d“ aU dd e tnt »2SOO o( the 1100,000 In check* ' “ “ J!** 0 received during Uie bank hoH-

The checks were received In pay- “ ttll of property laxeii, for Incomo *"*,d gusollne Uxc* *nd oUier reve- ,*1. fam e tVirtually all Uie ones rem aining [f icolleeted. the iitlij. were draw n " ‘’iL ? ’ . various North Idsho btnk* which j*"* e erpecled to be opened during e next 30 d»y»,


_ _ . could bYONKERS, N. V.. April 11 UTh- rs. Ptanklln' D. Roo«Velt w u a n f f u r 1tl« (or a ipeaklng engage- rnt todty bectuse a moUircyclo "lUeman taorilng her autothoblle \t injured In an accident and ahe P™' lUted 00 accompanying him U> a

S l ic e 'd i e t Oeorga Dobba, Cro- PRICE1. her escort, c»ught th e fro n t | leel of hU m o t o r ^ In t itre e t- ' r track and vaet-Abrown.-: T h t tddent^ WUB nm tiaed wltii h im B0I81

Uie emetfency v tr d e t 8 t crease 1 lepb'* hotplUl until It WM aaeer> be effec ned ^ had luffered only c u t a | m a ^

men Ihe conltaued' to 8c ^ | Furth migh. Where the add rtued th e Udpate< idenU of Uie Searborougti achooL ery mat

. . . ^

TODAY: aogdyi


ih P leads ite A ction [ortgagotg—aU For Currency Expansion Sounds. 4gain in Congressidence of Widening Breach Between Whlfe'House anil Some Democratlo Solons Appears on Senate Floor


VASKINOTOIT. -Ion demand* for currency ex* paniioa to floal the fanaer

. of Um bog of hU lo v price uble* touaded la boUi honae aad j U lod*y u Uie tdmlnUUtUon ■ Icultural reUef program ctambi* along lU path.Mdenc* o t a vldeaUig b r ttd t ween Uia White Houie ta d aoma nocraUo tenator* appeared on I lenaU floor In rBltertUoa byairman Sailth o f t t a agrlcaitura........omiUee of hoitUlty toward tome Uont of Uie Rootevelt f trm aid n.VhUe U » lenate roared to vigor.m »b tt«= tttic r-tB d 'eooa tw ii» --------k U ut embraced tba entire oaerelt p ro g n m -th e houae. by t- e of 2M to 130, UmitM debate U10 n,000j]00,000 tdmlnUtnUon

rlgagft-nflnandng 'program to h t houn tn d exduded tOMod.

Preeagee Paaaaga%U preiAged pauage tomornnr emooo, hu t Uie chaaeaa of aeaate ' voral by the ead of Uie weekimed.UpreienUUre BoUeau. BepobU- 1, WlMonila. urging expansion of I currency la tb e hou*e. told mben th a l unleaa the ao-called m er carrency-moitgago aid pro- lal were p w ^ 8W W 0 fyniCT- .

ind *trike, ■ •Jnder Um Frailer plan, tdvoott.:^ a e i u ^ f t y lCT.^nBpubUcta.

t jr a d P ^ e n ' UnWi; Jt U prt>-” ^ wd to l»ue .ttT T n ie rto nflnano*

S u t l v * ^t im ta of the house. *grletiltar« no iaee , whUe . in Uie «anate,Ilth (timed lofUUon -o c ^ a a rr ’ d tald Uie admUiUtnUoa ttA tit oDiy vlUi “(y n p ten t '*

Od* Along m * m<i *en*te got along (Urly Uy with tbe non-eoatronaUB iture* of Uie admlnlstraUon f a i a ignm . Here ara t t o mata ilevemenU of the day:Ipproved agriculture commlUee nln*tloa of cattle and ibeep m bailo commodlUe* to be oov. d , leaving wheat, eo ttoa eom..U .-rke rtobacS -and-daIiy -i»£I-------cU’asied numerous olalrfying lendnenta, none important, aaa jrovtd tuUiorily for S ecn ta ir lUtee to lower tbe prooeuing tax U,J“bm “ openUon*[hese Ui'ingt done. I t reached the called Slmpton cott of produc- n gutranty plan-w here th e day^ rk ended.

rhe p ltn . written Into t t a bfll

t advocated by John A. Slmpeon. - tuldmt c t Uu National Ptrm eia’Ion, would permit fixing of t nimum price to insure th e farmer ) coet of prodnetloa on tha t in ot hU crop going Into the neetlo market.Senator Borab, BepnbUcan. Ida- 1, took Uia floor U ter In tbe day.(cr tbe row o r tr adalnU tratlea [bUUen, and pleaded for pau- e o( Ihe ftrm bill tomorrow.He ttld be nodenleod three o n blUi were to be broagbt np netrow aDd‘lf~lbe 'ftlui~blIl~U letncked *2*ln a rote would be Uyed Inderittlldy,T b * mortftf* ttf la an e la r ae- m alone," be lald . ‘'oocbt te td ns to a ip « e ^ dlipoaJiloa of 0 mettore.“Ilandml*. of Uiouand* ef m e n ar* d*Uy coming dotely, not te lodly lo Uie lo*e of ttadr ime*.*Tbe reflnandng •odlen* wiil Ing bnmedlate reU efaad Uial eaoi uvlng Uie bonxa aod rm* et many farmer*.'' lenalor Reed. Republican, Penn-., iranlt, luggetled If Uie mortgnfe Uon were teparated. th a t feature :ld be patted today, lorah u ld he would llk« to ha\'» t dbne because'he woold be n - '«d trom approving tho other tec- It, bul he ttld Uie DomocnUe , le n were opposed to tepanU nr . | ■ provUIonr for separate dediiO!j-


iOI8E -A p*lliM »H A l.e*a» to------- --u e tn Uie price of truUtrfat vflt

Itrther liu m iM tn p ^ tr e paled In UM near fututr. c re tn* a u n t | t n rtported,

i i MUnivenlty ol PenmylvmU

Solentlit TellJ MJitlns ■ Aboul Exptrlmmtatlm

“ C T f O T w m A ja n r w s « ^t a InUM* nou or •

. cuuMT-Buy b( m d to mtkt ttltt M ie t<r taUM. Uw A n erteu Ptvjr*- lokicleal lodft; « u \M toda;.

U»U* A . OJumOen « U* t W y titr oC MuuTlntiia, hU «p«l<

' tMnU OQodoeted b r »*«*«> O tlim U d blBwU lod ie tM tn tt* ta iM iXO-eitk oato

Moluif meUMd kBowa u puUttrltt* Uoa. D m lo p a tn t s u r l u k i Uu

■ ■ tytB n e n pr«cUe»i>l>. h i

“ S tt j iu ii s n 1»« ™■Uk 10 kill Um bwteria. 3tw «zpert'

^ with mUk, Ouabta n ld , b« IDd o r . OAlau uwd a modi­fied form ot «1eo(r»-ma|Mtie okU*

------ leW-cc>«to*ny-dMlin «d fnr iinriff^w tu r lifiialUni.

DMdUiw Twofold Tbe dfftdllnw of MaDd tMmiotlj

i l twofold. U up la iw d. n D4J cither itiAke Uu m lcra-crtioliai tp e rt . o r U mkj mecuUte Uu pro* tm lw n vlUilQ Uie mU. B ttU ai b u a lom nrhat tlmUar e n to t la I ic t be teld Uis pb]ndolo«liu, 'f t ben ecf, bHA ttn 0 / ^ lo a a d u u l / * t« n tbe touw i 01 Ttttf«Uowa o u n r . • >

. p u n (o b a io f t boiled wbea o p e ^ "---------IB - laouier-iditm fc- Dr. t tn a

BnJUi. J0W» 8U U ttto H . told r t bet e ip e ito iB ti M d obeemUooi In mcp» oslde |M » poboolnc a ie i .

. . u r . amlUi m one experiment ea-tered ft monoxide I U cbusbff to ta n btr naeuooi. Sbe nmtlati ta Uu cU inb tr, seUnf lt« etleete u>4 cbecklag b it reacUou, m a ibo naebad n b a d r m beten tbt em arnd <e tba air.

xx ipenau it* Ibow," abt lald. *tbat -TrT-7-.Uu:-laBktat.or-mioui-anlmaii a n

w b m ^ p a la » nwn bate bees

T b n a tenUu r t 1 p tf e tn l r t Uu m In Uu air l l M Uldeat to kUl U tm t b a d ttr ta j S«a|tb r t Umi. Aa M par c w t mixture wlU klU a man la fzom ooa to n n mlnutei and abe

crowdad cltlei la enombf to make traffle ponoeoan am y.*


---------MOflBUnufd -rnm .rtt t .Q n ^Mka to a d n a ta i* In n tu ra for lU

^ l a a ainiaUoo la tbelr cooTcraa* tloDi wttb U r. BMaerelt. Hull em- phaalnd U ut Uu dlKuiHou a< re- oelTCd b a n WlU be eoDcerned prl- nutUy WUb eoMuolo maitaia.

in a onlr exoepUoa, be IndtaOed, It tbe mattec.oT UmlttUaa of arm- tm enU and a m tbat. b« n ld , wiU ba taken op onlr la a isn ira l way. AUbouib Ptaaldiai BooMreK In ble

--------- Ja»W*Uap to -P rtiw MtnUUr MafxtDonald faTO u TCt « t tbe two rea- aona tor a»Un< hba here *the need for makJnt tufU ur p roreai toward practical dtiarmanHnt." Butt w ld bU ondentaodtag w u tbera wooid ba ooly aM raet dUoutflao o( U u M a- damentala r t d ln ia am in t.

W lU rU S ID K XiONDON. AprU n UD - Prtma

lU n liter Rajnsw ' MacOcoald will pN aldjttt-cablnel leailoaa tttttorrow

bto trip to W tthlaftoo, on which be i ta r u Saturday, t

--------- m l iu m i tu f ieafitunt IteAewHtbe prime mlnUter ’*U1 be prtpartd (a nutce ov«r tbe r«Uov2nc bread nibjeeu:

>. Tbe world eooaoralo conleteace. X Tbe war debu problem.5. TirUf polkclea.4. lnt«nutlonal excbaace'prob*

lema.9. UeUuide ot eooperaUoa 00 lucb

qoeeUoQi M tbe Oeneta dlurm im ent confcrvoc^

6. The feaeral iltuatlon In Bur- op«. - •

Beildea Uwee. Mr. Mairnonild aad-----------M r.-B cM ete it-w o-N -ftT rw -nu*

aay oUier eubjtct.• n u prime m laiiter eonildeta Uu

purpoee ot U u taUu to be limply to e u h an ie vlewe wttb no attempt to make apeemenU, bui to lay a Mund foundatloo ot common undentand- ing tor the world eeonomte w ater-

B e WU) take wlU) blm to Waibbsf- ioo S ir R(4)e>t VawiiUrt. pennan- cn t bead of the tortlgd office; a ir Frederick U lU i-Ron, chief Kommlc adTtoer to tbe tovtm m int; A. E. Orertoa, of Uw board of trade; aad J . A. Barlow, the prime mlnliter'i prtoelpal p r in te iMtetary.

P fenpU iD^alrica l% e fact tha t Mr. MacDooaM'i

daughter, bbbel, trareled with her toU ur on reeent Europeaa miMlone prompted rtflelal ingulriea o tbe b o u i ^ e o o a w today t i Uu nw BM r Ior Battenea, wbo ww In- toiBHd U u t W tt MacOontie paid b a r ewB aipeaaaa. T U la a u boldi t n a for ber Waablngton trip.

O w firm learned tbatU r . B ooM T ^ IB tartUng tb t (r ln u

b u S L doM l ^ t o V S e ? “

PARIS, April u M»-‘n ja iniM - m of U » eablaet U ut A n » r Vre* m a r BdenaM B errlotti O M eo toA a w ta i m urt b» p n n ^ iDARaato?

-------------1 1

IGE HereVLoofc

[ K ' | ^ t e |m i l

lin o

t io n

n i t t

B ta*

:st;« a d ■ n n ^ ^ H S C f l S E ! !irixa* ^ B B B ^ H a E u K aI Uu B B R a l H H x S H B I



1 h e s l tb o f on lookers w ith t h i M th e y look o u t o i th o p o r th


j"?!! rO U O A ST F 0 » TOOAT AND fac t TO H O EM W — Clewdy with a e ». eCf, aiaaal ra la Wedaeaday aad la Math­i s eai* pertte* Ib « * d w J mederata

» n a - T unpera tuha ranged Irom a b lg b .' (b e r r t U digaee to a low r t » detrees acB. during tb* )«-bour period precettlog

6 p . U . ywUPday, according to D. B.

> tm

I iba ea aad bumldlty ranged ftom <4 to ifcrt I t per ccnt ot latnraUon.

AKRON SURVIVORSi i m w o a s i n N G r d

1 STORIES OF CRASHp « - (CoaUmud Tt Page One)

aald U u tn aH w u a i * « t io n u m [ Uu to tbe rear o t the control car, and lU U rrw ln aaaerted Uw number 1 ilrd - .

1 abe er Uu atera itruck tbe water Sr- : . th e win declared, aad U u ib lp aeemed , [T la im r Y H n r o r t r r T d i i r t i r e lb o w - ^ u k e a* a baae repreeenUag U u stera,

be tndlcartd U u u w w ae a l hy a. downward twwp rt-bla foreann

---------- fn%«« thHwi T O a cnnhlM m U>.he added, - ju r t U ti

.T-- ' t t e ehtp w u bteaklng up a t t " Ha — w W -th * -b n * k o ^ -a p p e * ra « » -^ ^

, lU from U u f a m r d engine o u ali Uie,u d to U>e rear. I

«iAl- vniey. sole surrtTlng.ofticer. pre- ,m an Mded I M and Bcwln on Ibe wltije o . ntee ita ad today concluding Uu Ua* ;jmi,. tlmony he iti r te d yeeUtday.

makea It ektremely douW nl. I t w u ’ pri- H id oa good auUionty today, U ut

any progrcaa toward payment r t Uu ated. war debt can be matte a t praseat. trm - rrtoRdf of >L HtnM xeprewntM} , WlU him u dUappolnted In the rtttrieted <

way. icopeolhU m U sloa.atU uugbbe»p* 1 3 his procUied IU Imporunca In U u dl*

re J l acurm um g ineed clearly Pm ldent RooienU's atUr 1 ward tude toward world problami, tnduA*.,

d t a * ^ * * H « S t ' wUI aa* P r t o ^ 'a i - ' ! Mn* ouard Daladler n o n ta-r«c*m bla ■

Tb former premier wHl fall for ! Kew Yorit Monday, two daya etrilcr

Time than be had planned. He ael fer* 1 will ward tha d a u r t bU depatturi In ,

now order tha t he might hare an oppcr-

hleh M inuter Raauay MaeOonald, O ru l B r ito ln ,j^ lw y *y^^ the-Amertcan j

M. H m lol M d h w r t IM t U r.l read Aooaerelt!* InflUUoQ to Ttaaoe to

aend a.rtpreaenUUra to Washing- race, ton might e m u sentiment, la the

chamber ot depuUea lor payment of U u ttfl.000.000 In w u debt Interest '

irob* defaulted laat December. 1KafreU noem barraumentlnmak* 1

sucb Ing the Journey without auUioriza* : se n t Ilon to pledge Uie oretdue payment.

It wae aaid, tweeuse debU a n not ' Bur* on U u program for tbe Washing* '

too Ulks and American gonm m ent ' . and leader* haw declared U u t QuesUoa ' NiUa to -be-im alim -w m partioa-w llh-tbe-

greater problem r t wprld reconry.I tba A rMoluUon advoeaUng payment ly to ot U u December Interest waa elr- )t to culaud la otfleUl prlated form to* jund Hay. . (,end* ■ - 11Iter- DUcovery o t a aeutpturad headi

hear VentUlea, Uo^ h u led sclent* Uag* I5U io beDeve Axtee Indians may nan- onee h a n Inhabited U u tlclnlty.; a i r ________________________ . ■

L S. ,

“" 1 A T A L L G R O C ER S’


UuUu 11

I In- f l M l l l l t f I I

»“ l H w ! | d .

*?“ ^

■S: RESULTS3 » , l ---------------------------- ----

- -----------' f W I K F A L U D A a

! 9 B S » a B ? 5 s s a = a s » a

M kfnirA tY oal

?, CiUforaia, to tlrfX tho now 8.2 br«w In the atelng, orthole of a ihlp.— Photo.

e)qht persons■ DIE IN FUMES

' (Oonllnued Pron Page One)

^ n i^ tin lff lp ro v U e d b ed a o iitb a ttn t S : floor. A moTlng tan . loaded w ttt '}* fumlturs. stood outslda.

T m ' t b * potlUow o f tb a bodlai nooTtred from tbs rutaa, U u moUwr

,tah M d Uie two-monUi.old baby up a r* esUy had Uept In one roeca, t m r t

^ U u eblldren In anoUier aod asoUier r ? child tn Uu kitchen.

HarrU U about M mllea nortb ot ^ Uie twla cities.

1 t in t notlcod Uw f in about S A. ic r KranU said. "Aftar gtrlor Uu alarm, I d ro n to U u Jobaion

T O a t a c i t ^ U t f f i ^ ^ o J J f f f l y 'o M small eonier nmAlMd stasdliig aad th a t aUo laUr arunbled."


House.. . . Prealdent Rooaerelt daalgnated

MUs .Perktns and 8ocr«*ry Boper ^ to make Uis study and to preasot

r s s s r a i k r f e s su u e a b b it meeUng today a t wbkb

' UU U S w u- belJirKj to b m been

l l i m l l t s

t t e , ____ _ •_ ' a o B E , Aprtl 11 (#»-A n in tre u a

la the enrollment a t tha two lummer "if*' sduoi sMlons a» tew tX oa normal

and the Unlrerslty o t Idaho may re* ' lult from r«< n t eiiactmeaU Ot Uu

= > letUlature. W. D. Vtnceot. ecBOls* . •tloDet of educaUon. said today.

* « “n w tawUton summ st scbool ffll M t opea June B and Ui« u n ln n lty 10U u 4 m later.

CommU<onerVlnc«niatsobadto* >t<d ton&atlon t h a t aummer assiUei ^ would be held a t Uia OoUege o t Ida* *P* bo a t CaldweU and Baxburg academy, dl* U ^ e r a taw by tbe last

tUr i l^ b e fo r ith e y m v re c e lT a M K ln . . Cfdea to teach tn tbU sUte. Under

^ A prOTlflM « | tbe oertUlca*'Of* Uon law requires Uiat bolden Xlt Uf*' >n cerUtlcates who b a n no t U ught tor1 * tire yeara^mM^^

“ "CHiRLESH. RROWN ^1 WINS NOMINATION% P0CATm0.ABril n UVObulMt r t A" Brown, tenner Bannock countyrest assesKtr, was chosen Republicaa

nominee /or mayor ot PoeateUo. a ttk - ft wnvenUon here ton igh t J. P.Iza. lUUIwell. local druggUt. and J. K.ta t, DavU. n a l esUU tnaa. w en thenot cbolee* of Uu BepubUean cooven*ng . tion for members r t U10 city ooua-lin t CU. The Democratlo cooventtonLioQ eontlnued In session late tonight.

^ P e ro lck ibadep taB islbe rU aS ia .lent AU ebca. a n r lew prleea. KItabirtye lr. Nuwtlea. Oyeo B*«alBg»~A«* — . .

(A S 4 2 Y E A R S M U

I r .

mr. m re, rwm r u u . iPita

j L P i m

piininiH. Idaho Attonray Qweral Penii 11 . Opinion on ’Quotlon Sub- I mltlod by Nortli Maluanj

i M'Mimir 0 « ^ Bot MiumI t ruUd today tbat thay oaa i^itrtlMI tt for surroundUig sUCea.lii BepJytBff to I 4vsftl«0 «>basltt«dM by J. ward Araey. ooMr d'AlsoaII fl Idabo eould cgtiy bosr M tm ttstag.IN th i tU o m ir tensral dalftd Intom boUi StaU and federal lUtaU* u dW tlaally bawd bU dscUloo npooH oDCltflon U u t Uie tedsrai lu tu u a^ goreraed and tha t' the state l a r dJdfe not apt>ly

U he ruled U t ceauaodtty tn I n ^

U pon Uuaa auUioriUe^" be aald a t Uu end r t a 13<pag* digest, 'I t

“ 7 is my oplnJoB th a t pubUcatloo of a d ^ U tm e n U of 3 J psr.een t Uci- uor Ift newspatien publUhed bu ld i

_ or ouUlde U u lU U ot Idabo ad*

U softly, wttbln ttie poww et am- F S -g rew .to regoUt* and beyeod tba ^ lurUActtonot tbe s u u r t Idaho and-

the epcraUoo ot section U*S01."' fleeUon l»O 0l r t Uie. Idabo oode

prohlbiu any kind of adrertUlng ot

'**’*1 Cites ProvUleas ItflAil AtUnigb’ lUUag U ut 'd sU rt^ o t,

e r t ' be.quotod a sscUob r t the coa- mS'ireiiionil« » legtllilng« per cent

(beer which stated tbat notblof ta., Qf.the poetprtflee approprlaUoa act

'ibaU prohibit tbe deposit In or car* It « rUge by U u mafla r t . tbe Onlted r la .la u ts i , er U u dsUnry by any poet* luA i msatar. or le t tv CHTler. ot any nftt* iD i.' ter eontalnlng aay adrertUemeat oT. w , 'o r any.ioUcluUon of an order' or ^ 1 ordsn-tbr. any o t Uu foUowlng coq- ^ ta ln lsffno tm onU uaaJparcan tum

of 'alcohol by weight: beer. ale. por* ~ t»r.-wliu,alBUarifenacnte4'm alt:0C

-So far aa tbe la tenU U commeroe In I J per oent Uquor, U concerned.’'

I Y bs continued, '* * * It sppean th a t shlpcnenU may be made acraas a 'd ry ’ sUU whera tbe intent U to dsUTa Uu beTengei bi a staU wbare sucb dellm y U Uwtul. aod It tortbar ap- pean th a t congress b u expressly re*

^ ulned JurisdlcU onrtaU SJ per eent Uquon a s /a r as eolloiUUOQ and ad- verUsement In biterstaU commerce «n-eonoarned.-t . « «■ U u-natuaO T iiusstkn then ba m ed U U ly ^ U c a ,

^ wheUur sucb adrsrUslng la Uw face **" ot sKtloa 8 (of the naw beer law).

PC into *di7' -atates would n- 13 tain lUclwaKterrt Interstate «xn*l if t t B efenito Oaa*t tn Aniwertag this, fm referred to ai i r atsi-O f Detwellw Turmu W«lrJ» In

■ Wblch Uie Onlted 8U U circuit court Mjt beld U u t Idabo poUtoes mlghi M mgr lubJecUd Co staU branding rtgu- n i l laUons, Za Uils cue , ba said. Uu

court ruled tba t 'w hen ooogreis h u tlte made no enac to sa t on a subject a ll. reUtlng to I n te n u u coouasrce. tha

. lU U may VaUdly eootrol m aiten ^ la loterstaU «xaatx4 t/ieedag It,

10 and th a t onoe eongreuhuexercU ed Juriidlctioo caoiUtuUonaUy vested

iQ. to control any particular phase e t ipM intenU U commerce, U u t conlrol U ^ txaludtva.'*nty. Us referred Uitn to Uie prorUloo l u t ■ ,

g £ f - i . n . ........ _

« S P E C IA L


i New suii i ■

li - 6 9 cthe

S r For those who sew this ta < toi) opportunity, u it comes J t. tiiB« for thal new Easter “ ~AQ a«"W gnlar ll.OO'yalu*

tarlnit a bcsntlful-array c .aprlnff and summer patter

^ color* that will thrill yoa.

i N E W P R I N T SV Faat Colors,m A sm art m g p of newV pattema Tn thU (ln« j f qtiUUy doth.' You al*W ways aava at Anderaon'a

' 13c« N E W B A G SH C l a v a r new siiauUtad| \ iM tbais ara fcstored la[ ' thia an a rt lot of newV bags. Showlns the new*I eat -shapes, They have- I - - new- fe^ares. litay we 1k l showyoQ?

V $1.49V F O R G R E A T


|g Stock Inquiry Head



•a aa l i rUertiM



m * S S B K £ 2 S S S ^ ^ ^ ^ S S 9tbalad -T H E UNITED STATES 8£NAT8

. may InveitlgaU Uie records ot Uw ode TUt banking houie r t J . P . Uor>; o t gan aad company as a result ot

I n fu sa l ot Uie film to supply tn>I fonaatlon sought by Pcrdlnand

ir iir counSi charge of the stoek « te j m arkst to q u lry H « Rwto*

S t • - ^ Alaska's Governorted

w).ate I CLIMA3CIN0 a ctrw r of publle

r t - ’ and Alaska. *John W. Troy,; a * Juneau puttUsbfr, h«s been' ip>

pointed gotersor r t the northem t«rttary.-W 1 Phota

) a . -- i n -A -- ' -------------------------(tft of the new congressional beer act M and sUted that "eontrcn h n assum*

n - ed JurUdlcUon o( sdTCriUlng mat> Uu ter. since by thU proTUlon a a_ u * IU p reu exceptloD covering I J per eent cct I beveraget u annexed to secUon 341. tbo UUe 18 ot tbe criminal code. Accord- era tngly. It the adrffrtlsement o t SJ per It. ccn t berengef. under tbe condictons

Kd Stated In tbe question. U in te rtu te ted .commerce, sucb idrerlUemcnt must e t be excluded from the operation r t

t u section 18.Ml,lds)io coda annotated.u being conjtltuttonally beyond Uw

loo power o t the sUte 10 regulate."

3 / / a

ilk 5


ta a great a Just Initer frock. ' '“ "TtXJnKOP? ' alues“ fea~ y of new itenia and 0 0 .


f Here la somethlDg new . in wash ro< ^ a “differ*1. ent' finish" In a new cot*, (on crepc. The patterns

are exceptionally smart.

29c, K A Y S E R

J F A B R I C G L O V E S’ New I lj 'tn In Ih o n lun- , 008 Kayser gloves. In I the smartest ahades. Yes

. they are waahable.$1.00^ T E H V A L U E S ----------- ---

< q . A i r o a ,

i n i r a ;

Wjrtin A. a Wslkof Ej- p«oti to Tako Hattif

' Up With County AHOJ^

fU ta prisoa anaouaotd (oaigtal b* wm ge ttfore Uw Pina) county «U tORuy ttmortaw to ask a u n ity haariag for Wlnnls RuUi Judd, aen* t« m d to d iaA p rU K fo rm to d tte f . AgBU' Adas Lwol.

> e a td t th a s ta u p d ic e w S M t i f i A . . iKCif Is good tH i^ a '

«K must call fucb flKt'tel u w a tttt* ' tloa or Uu w oaty attbm ey e t .Uw:

-) w btw ddty it i l to tanedlM oly &' ’ tn-tbe iBparlar oourt« ( m b aeeoa>

ty a peutloa staUac U u c o n ^ a a ' n id JudimstM and tta* U u t tb i

- T - y i

H . ( c u t 'nd '«a

X ' •

M A O T p

unpro^ has changed

■(?. •

------------------------- a t a r t i n g f l i g l

Stop on the J crow d right th a t hat am no gasoline c d ie neWf sol Bronzo gasoi factors that

------------ 4 n ti= k n o c k r

'W anttotM « ance? T zyC


A PERFECT RUNNIMS MA ' — r « i M O 'ro iro ii w ifH -


I I i s r r t u prrwai to tasar m i l UK a

S s i i M f i L

• v i O K e i i i o i iOppomiOT-Th *

^ Blanket Guarantee Re- > "5 .lOltt ln' Coniplloalifr/ii.J

£ 'S » T S & 'i ’S lg l i '3 ? S ; i iitM dspoiiu Atrsaity. tgrewl to ta sub- u

WT -lt-wribfTBflWitaiiatnrtB-ron'd S e f n o ta i a l dreiea after a W tlt« - ia> House conferttio* r t 't b s prealdent, laa' SeaetaryW oodlaand BsQitarOIass. et Ibl Democrat, Vlrglala, tb i t Uis chief w

, o b lm ii tJ ow ' m i b !

3 5 J _ :

’ people hav^ heea peuunist raved gasoline claims•~Conoc ed them l

ith Conoco Bronze, Instant ltffhtntn|y reaponse to the ac< le gaa and you are ou t in fro

now . A sudden su rg e o unazcd even Ae cynics thal e could do h i The answer is s c ie n tif ic fo rm u la t h a t p joline diesc.qualitiesi combi Ult give long mileage and i fc-------- ------------------ • ■ -

« an optim ist ahout gasoline r Conoco Bronie*


«ATE fOR CONOCO OERM PI rn^mt 'hiddim QUAur' m i r i

a . mOttUf* deaind uie aU><DahsM da B « u « « be fpB* into pa rti m a « w

h M aa a e s tM r t a w a n m , ,U IB Uw run iung ooatoitOQ n ’v u ta rtaua iM boH taU n lykyaldasW uw -..; a tn s ld a r t U ut-be-bu takm ao m u t ' f K tm 00 U u lasunbos r t depoaltii '

proprtal aad doaa bei cxpeet to t t f . two or three w«eki.peDdlng atudy.

K pwesbadew Bedimniar M ouUlMd a t th i oapUcl. baw^ '

r « s i s ? wI and other secUoas ef Uie re r« « l 1 f l 0 la 4 bUl foreshadowed poaslbla’n * ;II dratuag o t Uw unu tlve m ean t*

t&at h a^ been agned to by a asaato banking sub*commlttee.

'ft m Mii” ^ms*^^ ii^banklag prorUlons r t Uu Olaaa bOl

>. and proposed .reitrieting branch banking to county limits, wblUibU

oertola faM uns-rt Uis propoaed n * aulreme&t U u t aaHooal bcaka dl*

~ Toree thalr security affUUtes.

« H*W U O i m HOLT TBAX* VATIQAN omr (1 powerful

ladlreot llgbtlag system h u been tniUUM 10 at, Pitaft U p r # a n -

>• Uon tor boly year pUgrimiges. tb f IlghU UunUnatf Uu basUlcal prin-

t« - - ■■i, O dd o n h u beeo r«potteit dls<«. eoTCKd la SkourieUtu. Oyprus, and ef work U under way to mine'It.

W — s -------------- V ’ —


l i s d e a b o u t aoco BrO nzo

f tt a c t io n iri _______ ,a c c e le ra to r* f r o n t o f th e e o f p o w e r h a t c la im e d* is f o u n d inC p u t s i n t o >o b in e d w i t h d im p ro v e d

n e p e r f o r m -


\ P R O C E S S E D M O T O R 0 !V g

iT N f V « - f t W I M « A

■■ ■ “ Ii


\ tOontian*^ P n n P*H Oo«) ''\n u & itm . U rou put A itop to com*

f V iB lu n ,ln New Yoit jtn would dl* ' . p i h t a » WMk. AlRtdr m iu in .. w nunnnlun. ■ Your •Uto-owoM .«T M t raQwtyi, U |bt u dpownr i7 (teau t n Ul txvnplet.'’

• Durtsff Uw >itemooQ tb* p lv -

c ra t of ftU TMton to New York 60.

B« w ent Tor a ilfb t-M lnc trip. WhUe od the ilfb t^eeln t trip

Shftw h sd the cbiutfeur itop At tbe OuUd thetter. ;u it oR Brotd- I war, wtwre nunjr- «( bU ' pItT* I tu re bwD prodund. I

A r e h e u tt l for t p lv not by I the I rl ih dranutU t v m tn pro* I p r a i . Shaw mounltd lb* tU te , I •topped the proc*«dln|i aad a a - - I nouneed he waa golni to t«*t ou t I

' the aeonetlea. I------^ H a n 'C ril ir tM ira o im -th e T c a le - -*l

several Umet, chuckled, u ld the I acou*U ca,w m .all rUbt. and then I Itarted for the (treeU I

in tbe lobby be u w a b u t o f ■ blmieir. He ecruUalwl Jt do« ly , then ta ld to lhe ibcttcr m tn tser: r J

"Needt pollalUng.'"•----The Irl th wit and pltywilRbt. cap-

------ ped-W«-flm-tl*St-to-New-York to-------n lsh t w llh an tddreu t t tbe Metro­poUtan opera houte under the au- •plcet ot the Academy ol Political ecleace.

Shaw w u Introduced by Jtckton; Reynoldt. vlce-preildeat of the a c a d - |j_ emy. in the abeence ot Aianton — Hoiuibton. nm ldeot and former a m -| cbi bofsador to the Court of St. Ja m u .' > who was m. all.

poUowlh* hU introduction. Shaw me tald he felt " tn lrre«lble tempU- *n

• : lion lo tin*- flndlnj hlmwlf con* nc fronted with "tuch t mtgnirieent and ' (hi reioontlve audlCDCe." I .

"Bill I 'm afraid my unfortunale a so ,__ precludet any ' pertormanee of th a t I

kind." he tdded."I d r a j tn tho lubJect o( n y tge .-t .

conllnued the 78*yetr*old crlUe, "be-i . c tuw 11 really hat eomethlnj to do wllh w hat I am Bolaj to u y tonight., ®“ I am. or courte, pcrlectly await th a t I all old men like myteU, cndettor to oei

^^ ioU lroaU ».pubU «.U^-o{:U ielr M____ tn ;< llc c to Jia< L a lu ^„ *t°^«

comings t s being poUlic, u teIn«7lB lomeihlng th a t slvet tbem authority. m<

■'Don't you belUre tbem, ladle* and ihi doet not glre them any bo aulhorlly except oa one tubject — pn t b t adranU ge tha t I bsTt orer t}<a • Tsjoxlty e t my .audience U tha t I hare actually K<n about th r tt m o - of ertUons of human belnSL* «ti

Rcctfe Other Americant bo 8bsw said he could remember "the <r;

, I ifirl, nf penoa thtltnA nm leinJH M L ,ui I ty , In the year 18»,” tn d that “thei American o( th t t dty w u quXe unllks' th tbe American of todty. th tnk Hea-^

granU, they were provlncltU Uieyi.j, wero peopte bringing tbe h tb ltto f an old country and tn old clrlllxatlon.l aU (he bad bablU u «.-cIl u the good I

“They were drtgjlng them lo IbU * country aad they were telling up a t a nation wllh a very uneuy te U -i., conscloutneu 'which mtde tbem 'a ,, rldlculoutly temillre to tny remark I . lhat-waa made by a foreigner tb o u t 'u . the Amcrlcan nallon. "T

"Kven to this dty ll It eu ler than It ought to be for me to get a rite out „ or an American by telling him tom e-: ^

' thing about blmteU which U equal- , ly true about every human being o n ' _

the (aee of tbe globe, but wblch heljy feels to be a dltptngtncc, tnd tn tu e rtlp n on my p trt that people o n ; J , N ber parta of tbe globe are nol like u, ."xi, bul arc something juptrlor. I ...

--------A m « lcan .-A t-l-tay ,l i fexlit t'ldiy, At the n a tio n i. .

<re( on developing In the dlrecltonjth <A a nation. It was itlll for a long |ti, time trying to do tbe things that Bu- „ rope was doing and doing tbem rery badly, i may rem art although gen- < erally very expemlTCly.'

There came a chtnge. Sbtw went T on, and described the Amertean who . t emerged like tbU: '*

"He wat a colotui peraon; he was m an extremely, dlgnltlefjierjon: he

------- waj a person tha t when you mei Wm; —]you felt here w tt a m tn of grett lm- g j

norUnce: a man who h td lomethlng „ In him.-but you nevcr.bouIil get th t t „< something out of him. no

Trnnendeot Ttlkcr » ," Ilew asatrem an . i

of magniricenl periods and iplea- did perorations, an orator whoshoul- cd a l meetings and especially a t din- ner ta b lu a t grett length, bul be m i never said anyihtng,” sai

“Out he wat an abomlntilng sort • of man, If l m ty usa the expRssloo,* ^ : Shaw continued. *He « t monunien- on tai, but he wat so empty In the point jIq' Of getting new or deHrilte t h a t '^ i i Th tlmply were tlaggered when ve look* gei 'd a t him In E u r ^ . * * * tn

“He w ts In the atr, consequently i ; you got nothing out ol him but wind of aad you got a IremeadDut tmount vei

■ Of th lC T h in tm n , however, emerged. Uo . tn d a t Ian he began to get a n tm e •

aad became known u the 100 per pei e«nt American. pn

“And there w u tbli tbout him, foi t h u he w u tba nalque pbenomenoo. thi There was nothlni ilie tn the Korld pa t t an like h b n r ^ ' ^

Shaw tald the “100 per cent Amer- eoi lean's" principal ahortcomlng w u a i

- poUtlclaa becaute “be h td no pc^ bei lltlcal consuiutlon to which ha could "w refer hU Idialt.- Ba veered from -tl there to a dItcQitlao of U»e Amerl- ■ c tn contUtuUon wblch he termed “a tai


"Red Seal1. SUblUty o f C

.............- _ _ 2 . . 8 e r i i e i l l o - A iS .L c9 N rC o it .

— C L Y D E A .N ElU M a ln Ave. North

SodelT: G irls"

. j f a p S R

PROMINENT aoclety sirla from al Arizona. Here a re somo of ther row. le ft to rig h t: Betay Skinm

— H efflnjrcrrM flwaukeorM ary-Sti Milwaukee; Francea Batea, St. :

I Louis. F ro n t: E lizabeth L M . I mcI, California; Eliae Peterson, <

i; R e le s^ /P ) Photo.

•1 charter of anarchltm." Iitely• ' " I t w u not really a cooiUtuUoast you

all," he avered. " It w u no t an In ttm - your ' ment of government. I t w u a gutr- I wi ■ antee to a whole nation th a t they Hooi ‘ oerer eould be governed a t aS. And Uial I 'th a ib e x a c tty what Uiey wanted.* cerU ,! Shaw conceded Uia» “to Engltod 0"“* :we htve Uie BritUh consUtuUon. but “A

^[nobody knowt w htt U lt. snd It Is not Root .1 w rlltta down snywhert. ~ eJ “But you htve got Uie Uilng." h# ^ , ’u ld . "1 can nau you down to the J clause* Of m at constkutloa.-’I Shtw ttld It w u “t constltuUon of J , , certain ptrlltm eatary bodies, legls-r! ittiirrs.. f fm g rw e i -a n d -M —Xwtb A ;!whJcS”w trto"-w onderfully divided “ rtttirw h en -y o u 'K n rtn -o n B -h o ay o r “ f : ’. men to govern the country i h r ^ h „ ' M hese bodies, you sent la anoUier r body of men Into Uie tam e body to . p rn en t their doing 11.“ ^ ,0,» "Tbe result of U declared. »ti t

“w u th t t you-were very much afraid ^ ^• of d lcttlott, aad you u r lr e d a t a hooi

state Of society la which every ward b o ttw u a d lcU to r .a ad la w h lch e v -

e cry financier la h it w ty a die-L MK»ry tn«n »hn MpiyMnt.B ed big butlnea w u a d ld tto r and' ^ e 'tbeyhadnorctpooHbU lly.*, "And to this state of Uilnp, UiU <p|

all iwvemTngHtj itmi nut ^ in « « • York h a r to a m

-I Idol irtiW jjou called -Llbetty.' And J l there 'll U ,.tnd the only ih ln« that

remains to fo m p le te lh a(tU tu to '‘ put on lu pedestal Uie Inscription, ^ I ’All bope abandon, ye who enter ^“ hfire.*^ —1——— . ~ ..• Hollywood—“one of the most lm* " r , *. moral pUcet In the world," he called■! It—was Uie liwtltuUon to come under ^S liaw 'sflr t.II Tbe.m otion plclure eenter whleh‘ . he visited In the course of his world . *“ . I tour w u nol Immoral In tha sense Ame

of "ladles' sklrta or stocking* or VsomeUilng of Uiat kind." Shaw ex-,“ ’" *1 plained, for sex appeal In the movlet : i - la very Imporant. provided It U “ , weU done and U(e tex appetl U real- ? 'ly cdueitlonal. fcilch It can be.““ . .T h e re a l thing wlUi which you are . ‘‘ ’corniptlng the world," he said "I*« Uie anarchism of JloUywood. There , you put a string of heroes In front '•‘ o r-people-ind"m 'orthem ” ar#"an"®‘-® “ arehlsts, and Uie one aniwer to tny- “ thing anaoylag or to any breach of »! Uie law or to a5y e x p tttt^ T h lc H he

coatklers unmanly u to give the o ih-, er person a *ock In Uie Jaw. • • • I..,, ‘

‘ "111* a criminal offente to tock t ;, persons In Uie Jtw. When wUl we tee '

a film Issuing from Hollywood In , which the hero. Instead of socking Uie , gcnUcman In Uie Jaw. does the civ- i ,u .

» Ulted Uilng, and calls the police-;*"* 8 m a n r !

■ ■ PrTsUanfHooaeveU 1 5 3 lO T a i n ; J|f;" I ^ " ^ P 'P b Hearst came In for Shtv- i “j ”

per cent American.” the lecturer ' said tha t In hU development he "Is JJ , *

now being succeeded by another sort of American, who U physically

“ a little like the 100 per cenl Amerl*• c a n -h e h u Uie same Impo&lng ni• presence, he h u something of Uie,• *ame eloquence, someUilng of the Pi f same dignity and a great deal of Uie Lynt

u m e enUiusltsm." traftt •! Ihlnk Mr. FrankUn Roosevelt U ballo

a type of Uiat, rather," Shaw went U%f>• on. “I think my friend B ir.'Ilsn - posll > dolpb HearsUs-raUier-a-type-of-ll, aod- u The reason I mention Uiese two muni• gentlemen Is not only bccause they slatli

m pretty good »peclmeni of what rentr I mean, but because the symptom 1 of the change b U u t they are boUi = I very violently agalntt the constliu- 1. Uon.. —e "Mr. President Roosevelt U tp - • r petUng to you. prtcUcally, t t the SO I

present Ume. U> get rid of your con- 1, founded constitution "and give blm L Uie power to govern the coimtry. He 1 perhapi hopes Uiat he win be able

to govern IL He wmX u long u ’- eongrest Is there to prerent him.” M

Shaw said tha t we “have tried" I H• before, and U ut Herbert Hoorer H 1 "w u no use u a preiident'' because H 1 "the tyitem wouldn't work." ■• “EveryUilng n d e d la talk, talk, ■ t talk. taUc,** be tald, “and uofortun-

l u r a n c e p m E ^

ll” Policies ®>f Company.

V ' J

fELSQNrAgent= iPhone 223

Ib “Go N ative’: At Arizoni

im all parta of th e country are a t them dreased in familiar trappin kinner. St. P a u l ; Violet WcstlnRhi jT'Ste^'art, IndepcndcncerKansaB." St. Louis: E llen McAdoo, Los A

yd, Little C om ptons, KtaB.sachuset< son, Chicago: H elen Block, Chicas

Iitely Ute during hls term o( office •= you again had a b td slump tnd your system began to break up. • • • , 1 won't, ssjr Uiat you found Mr. 1 Hoovtr out. I suppote I mustn't u y i thal you kicked him out^b^t you certainly te n i him away wlUi extra­ordinary violence.

“And Uiea you Mr. RooMTelt," m aw declared, rbecause ^ Uia practical mood In whleh you _ elected Mr. Hoover w u a d tup- ^ polntment and you got Into a senU- *e r mental mood, and Mr. Roowvell, «?« by a hippy chance, got phctogriph- ed wlUi a baby ♦ • •

“1 dont know whether the btby to th»ri-(ln-Uii-‘Vimit»:HoB*e>.-boH :^0 ctn tell yoa onu-thlng. You,hopc. for t n e a t deal from Mr. Pnnklln ron RooMVelt. You win get nolhlng W. from him. In h it four years. If he elae h u to go on under the constitution 0 .1 wlUi the usual rotten congrea and E. all the w st of It. he will lue»lta>i1y J in be u great a disappointment u Mr. win Hoover. ^ e

"In the meantime. Mr. Hoover “ ■ wlll htve gone back Into practical buslnea Ute where Uilngs are meant

again to b« a perfectly successful man."

rb. Academy of Political Science, f ~

for Itl Dblect "lo tmaah Uie Amerl- can coniUtuUon.-

“I t is very doubUul." he u ld . .tf j 'TifiWfttf '.'m aitklnd.-whathef man ^ u a pollUcal animal, to use tha ex- ^ pre tilon^p f^ A rl^ tl^ w he lhe r ha ^

'retUy'ls enough o f a poUtlcaraiil-i _i, mai to produce a good and senslbls ^ n and terioui and efficient conitltu- lion. • • • All Uie evidence I s 'S t against It. r I

ReverUng to the “100 per cent -6< Americtn." Bhaw lald "he h u gor enormous hoepltalliy ond "then pai there Is the rage for publicity." "itj

■ “An American b u no sense of a . privacy,” he continued. “There It no by such thing In the country. The t l English have tt very lUongly. The i reason th a t an Englishman very, tra olten faUs In business where an dK Ameriun would lucceedHi that a n ' yt\ E m ^ m a n , If he opens * * a placo^ nle

-of-buslneurlnst«ad-or-wilcomlng^a— t customer, he cannot help feeling: mil Uitl tbe cuslomer Is tn obomlnaKe' o. introductr who h u not h td t prop-' itt er IntroducUon.' I sik

j - n i s American h u no feellnft j .Uks Uitl. He h u thU curious-pub-’ s u ;Ue Instinct. thU lodal feeling." } u i

And Shaw went on to tty t h t t ' ha> "If 11 can get Intelleclutl betrlngt' mil * * ' possibly America miy ja v e ' dat

Ithe hum an /ace yet .* • V 1 The speaker praised what he call-! “ 7ed-*the-A»erlcan-etit<«eHy f e f po-‘— ;llllca1 action." polnUng u an ex-

jtw -D a^W nta^M orm ons) by w&Irt he u ld Uiey toughl to nave their church from annihilation by the su­perior number of their enemies..


' PASEDENA, CaUf. <4')--CtpUln Lynn Harrison of the Pasedent 11 traftlo police h u luggeited upU vi U balloons be uted In directing heavy U Uafllo pollco h u luggestcd ctpUve position on a high hUl near the cliy st»d-wllh-U»fr ald-of-Ulepboau com— f munlcated directions to Ihe. men B slatloned a t comert trying to pre- ' ^ vent congestion. j ■■

Soffleihing different (or b reak fa iti

T W IN F A L L S D A IL Y N g TWIN P A L L S . ID A lB O , W

) n a S c h o o l S

attending school in Tucson, pubi pinga of the old west. Back « • ighouae, P ittabu rgh : Lorraine i8 .-C enterrM arjorie Dooliyie,- p . h

Angelea; Ann Francis. S t Mn. le ts ; Ordway Tunnison, Car- 'o » i w go; Mary Connell, LOs An- ^

• , te n - War

_____________________________ •• Jolni


I 1 Moo

Past matron* and p u t patront Pf„,' were honored a t Uie E u te rn Star meeilng attended by memben of ^ Twin Ptllt.-Pller. Buhl and HoUlster chap ten Tuesday nlghl a t Uia Ma- ionic Temple.:^OUlti.were'Dt««enMrLt«TUH;{«l:: - jon

J t oron*: Mrs. Kmesl White. T I n . T . _ W. McRoberti. M n. H. L. Dink- . , f , elaeker, M n. Effle Senior. M n. H.0. Dickerson, Mrt. M. 0. Ware. Mrs. ‘ E. J. PUich. M n. J. P. Johnston, Mrs. J. A. Keefer. Mrs. Prank Bald- win. Mrs. 0 . E. Jonca, Mrt. C ither- - Ine Potter. Mr*. Ori* Cryder. M n.E. A. U ndon. C tptaln P. W. Mo- Roberts, E.-J. Ptnch.-H. U Dlnkel- a c k e r .^ ^ ^ a SaU th .^J^E .^H fer,

Mrt. H. M. Branln. Wwlhy Matron. v u I n ,charge of the meeUng.

Announcement /iv&i mtde of a Masonlc-Order df -Eatlern Star

"prlnif darite*ld W HVW W HOUUi Iter and Twin Pall* memben at Legion Memorial Hall on Prlday 'evening. May twelfth. Masons tnd Eastern S u n of Buhl. Flier, Oood­ing. Wendell. Jerome. Hagerman,

-Eden. Twln.P»lls-aiul-UoUUter.t« . planning to a ttend the dance. ^

The evenla^a program included t. two vocal solos by M n. W. H. » Dwight. "The S u te ro e r t P n y e r and "A May Morning": violin solo, « "Souvenir," by M n. W. A. Thomp- son..wlUi Mn. J. A. Dygert tccom- Oj panj'lng a t the piano; and a song, . "Into the Dawn WlUi You," by Mrt. i ' A. P. Oslund. with violin obllgito , by Mn. Thompson and Mrs. Dygert 0i I t lhe pltno.

RefrtJihments were icrved i t a t- SI tractlVely appointed Ubies, with deeorallons consisting of dtlfodlU. tl yellow croue* tn d mlnliture bun- nlet and chleks.

^~Membcn'trf'the refreshment'COiQ-' , mlttee were Mrs. Dora Wilks, Mn.0. C. Long. Mn. Prank T . Kellogg,Mrs. C. A. Ernes. M n. S . L. Price and M n. Elile Kaaseh.

M n. Terry P n ter, M n. W. H. SUnley, Mrs. Ray Agee, M n. E. B. Laubenhelm and M n. H. L. Holmes have been appointed u the com- mlUeo In cbtrge ot th« spring dtnce. Memben of tha decontlon


f e f tftff usuti low ene-w y A re ..

o n S a l e ' ’! : " L 3 UA P R ! ' . 1 J - 1 4 - 1 5 . 1 6Relurn Lim it A p r il 25 . .Now you u n mike that E u ttr irip -s( sbout half the utusl but i i r t T ^ x MCurtJoni on sllour fm«tbuK»-wiiKdcpend»bl« 'Union PiCif« Service tl) the uiy.

R o u n d - t r i p B a r s ^ a in i

Pocatello ........ ....... :------- ^ .1125B«Ue ___ __8.«Salt,Lake City ■ 8.2SP o r t l a n d ______________18.45Idaho FalU ■ ■ 8.NA aerieaa Falli _________ 8.45NampK ---------- :-------------- «J0O g d en------------------------- 8.W

8TA0E DEPOTROaERSON.BOTIL....................

FUONBi t u

IW b M t

coomlUc* a n M n. O ctti rn S tf , Apcll M n. CttrtU Turaor, U n . ' O w n Daubaer, Mn. a S . U a te F ta d Ifa ^ Ray SlujfUr.. • ■ • » i | j

'n is Muslo O ip u tm n t o t Um Noct) TwtnUiUi CtaUuy Club B i t a t U » h o o i of Mrt. OharUs Wortb TWu- day afterooon. Tbs pregrtm ebalr- man w u M n. W. & Dwigbt aad Mrs. R. Plemelsel read the papef on ■Songs of Dlffennt Ftriodi.“ U n . ^ 0 . P.,DuvaU u n g two ntnaben from Ull 'jDohemlin Olrl." aocwnpanled . by Mn. D. U Alexander; I0« . n U ^ Alexander playtd two ptano aoloe, Mendelsiitan'i “Song m tb o u t

S Stream'’ aod “In T ta e ’ of Rotes" aeoomptnled by Uka. O. P. Duvtll; and Mn. W. H. DwlgM ^ u n g two numbers, “Sp rta t 8 to |- 2 5 ) Ing" tnd “RuM lan'’aeooDpanM b r ^ M n. 0 . P. Duraa. .

M n. Ouy U U ir «n t« rta lud M 6 Z ™ dlnoer party a t the F I r t Botel ^ Monday evening for t v o ty - t t n ^

annlverury. . - -The table appotntmenlt. birthday OU

caks and-faw rt-wtre In H rt« - w l- iO ts ora. Q t ^ ta d danrtBg w en e a - «d U Joyed th e r Uia dinner. Dr.

------- MeUPUot to bring n tz t year^ eoQven- coup

tion of tbe O nnd Mmr el QuJU g rto pubUc to Twin FtUi were furthered end t l a meeting ot Uu ladles' organise- awtk lion a t Memorial HaU Tuesday a ft­emoon wlUi the appointment of M n. s n ] p . a n ig b ^ M n . Ed^SnodraM'iAd M n. W. T . Moore m a eonvenUon commlltee. U d lu of the Grand Army of the RepubUc. of th t /< Women'i ReUet Corpe. and Daugh- — te n of Union VeUrani aad OlvU Olan War Veterani held eenveatiooi tahy JolnUy. poun

Arrangeaunls for preeeoUtiflB,.fl< degree work during th is y e a n cdn- ^ ten llo n .a t Emmett, Juae aereoUi. elghUi and nbiUi. were dlicuiaed a t U u butlneu meeUar whicb was pre- ^tided over by U n . B. R .'8 w ie t ......... ^

A party honoring U n . Oharlee S .! ! Roea, M n. JuUa Oriffea, Mra. W. T . ^ Moonr and Mr*. Prance* O nham , aem btn.bavlng tilrthdays In U arcb ^ or April, w u given foUowia* Uie ^ butlneu letU oa I t u two btrtbdsy' V . ° cake* ware deconted wlU» Ugbted U pen and miniature B istem bun- Qlet. Tbe committee to- charge of atrangemenls for Uie birthday party ^ Included Mn. Hd g n g d g ^ U n . | ^

Mr.. * nPlant were mtde for a o iu o'clock atur

luncheon to be terved a t tb* home Fah of Mn. L aun Ortggi of PUer on|neU(

T h e M A N

uiio luild sell m m life insurance thou anymanltverbeard o f never shouted.Notice tbe men wbo bold tbe records for selling.. tbey just talk in a quiet easy way.

ci» im .Z iK tn*U nunaM e»O i>

, W E D N feS P A Y M O B N W O , A PIll

«cll twentr-nlaUi.

Uim ben of tbe nu p m U o a a u b _ _

(erth. SewUic and a a C u te t eoo-t i t ooeupled ( du rla i tb i , fiftenoon. The ccnteet p r t f w u Bwarded to U n . b m t t Woolly. ■.■nu Club's n est mitUng wUl be ■leld AprQ twenty-fUtb a t tb* home IH(M n .0 tr im T e iac e8 tx U iA v e n u i H lait, . '

A.recipUoo la boqor of Rev. aad I<n.W .B .A ndinoaaadfam U yw bo ■(ciatly arrived her* trora Parts, QU- ■loU, wUl be ciTCB a t the ChttoUan Hhuwh4blt.«w alO f-at-elght ottoek. - ■tev. Aadoeoa li the nev paitor et ■h t OhritUan Obureh. ■AH memben o( U u ehurob a&d ■

riiDdt a rt im tted te attend Ui* re- ■•puoo:' ._____ ■k n . 0 . P . D unO . u n , 1 , 8 . U tK - f l

Itnc* i t t tu lodge b in r o e m A ^ . ■ eventeenUi. B k i froiq snnoitDdlng ■ «w w an tnT iM loatt*Bdtto*«v*Bt, • ■

OUverKuyksadan. Twin Falls, aad ■JtM PIlT i ~TTt 1"*'*- I Bid la marrlagi Tuatday evening by H3r. EUJtb Hun Longbrake a t Uu ■ilithodM Epiiceiial pateontge. T bt ■w ple w u atteaded by Uie bride- ■irt«a> brothw, AUred Suykenda]], ■>ad Ull b rM il tlster, Leoot Zur* HiwtU' M


(ConUnued Ttm Page One) *

lltuqu i waa gadoUnlura n lfa t* oe- hahydnU, In o rdir words a com* .«undofgadoU nlum .aaeta lH eele- ;Beat d tK om ed in 18K, ^

The magnaUaUon jMsm a - _n e ts from UUt nbe teaee Uw heat —Ibat il generated ia K whea It l i UUU BigoeUsed tn d demacaetiied.

I t vUUsM-Utt priadple-tha^ wben t lubctance it magseUied the ten- teney it for the aloM o Aagnetoos10 nine up," tn acUoo wblch pro- _ J .lucet heat, tmall tn amount under amitortaal clreunUtanMi .tnifreliuve^ ^ly considerable when produced tm- . _ ler tuch extremely low tempera- luret. The atomlo elements of mag-iieUBO are due to the spinning of ” ?ihe ileetront and U u roUUoo of f ? :lhe eliotroat wlUiia the atom. g/**

fW et« rO U ti(jnaT eK W i-U ttp« r--JfS ii tu n of about 30S.4 degreet below, !?H!! Fahrenheit, a t which polat tho aug-1 neUo cycle beglat. | At


P R IL 12, 1 P M ; _______________

Saved From Wrecl

f l E O T E N S O T I O H S 'i r T H O S W York, w as one of the flvo memb when" th e navy blimp J-S fell Into in s for aurv lvon of th e wrecked being 'escorted to t n ambulaace t civilian a fte r he had been brought New Je raey .H ff) Photo.


------ TOdi<OoaUm>ed From Page Ons) was p

)OQjaoi«. Uun Uieyjrero.UiidiJ.During tbe same period. U u price pool 1

>f wheat fer ImmedUte deUveqr on oatue ;he catb market h u risen elmoet A tlaat to cenU a buihel. or n w ly 48 per sent. Today a tlngtecar. of-sumber I red wbett, a prime mUUng fa v t^ “ 2 2 te. told a t <8 eenu, The fanner

«nU, below. Uil*-flgnre-beeaiua-of. — ,n xpenset atter Uie wheat leavet the "**• U u nA ttheunuU m *.con ip rioe ibaT e depart

H B i IC h e s te rf i<

i n thelf making £

^ — r

ooThe C

Satisfy*'— — statemec

Clicstcrfic m a

fields are

terii(i e i ^ c u e t k i i t l i a t i y a x

' " ■ ^

= S ^ S 9 S = 9 S B 9 R S ^ . _

edced Blimp /

Q J ra ^ S ro T G fo a w ib w b , N w 7 sm b e rs o f th e c rvw resc n o d In to th e o cean w hU e se trc b *:k e d d lrlfflb le A k ro n . H e I t ee b y a t ro o p e r a n d •Ig h t a s h o ro a t B e a c h B a v e i^

loeased • u d 10 eant* • b o b iL Its 4 to 6 eenii, r je IS c e a t s e 3utey -T c«nt*r------------------------------Today's ad n ac * In graliu ber« u preceded by a a advasee.ef • lat a buibal bt UnrpooL t t w uI* f lm ilia*-i&.weeks.tbat J J ia r . -------)0l ha* tbowQ any ttrenfUi b*- — inte of new* from tb ii tld* of tb*

SecurlUea In New Toric gBoenllF icked ta d niled wiUuitl makinff ne re is aod Uie flnlib w u steady.

ult4 and vegetablei thi. year wer* le ta u U eit in 11 y e tn , aayt .ih* sparUnent o f tgrteuttora.

\ t ’s like th is::rfields just go alongeif own quiec w ay-------g frieads from day to

te ’s 00 noise about i^ack talk.": Chesterfield slogan : two words, ‘'They

is a plain simple aent-telliflg about xfield’s merits, means that Chester- ire milder—they taste—

eldI I U I B R . ;

5 S B B T I B R .

T ' '•■■.i'

r ' : - '


rW ^ ^ Z

— U v i M n f u 1*11 w *tm. - . . ^1

......... . - ■■ ■“ ■'■' t oO M O V O U Jol

tlM M t i Ot TruMMi u d Suptr* ^, inlendent W.B.Bmlih i n t#b* eoo*

in tD la ttd upoo Uutr <letennlna(lon _ ' W ^ t l U » W W » H « UUl DUtrtet U

«Utwitt Um u t n M m mUl Utt ' ■ ------TrUc4rUM-be*B ip«>*B» w l« J t « —

K boolpurpoM tn tU i dlltrlot nfQ- Urty lo r puny > « » . HU* U Uw kJDdo(.ee«uiay tor ir b l^ peepU u t ,

■; TffW O TT»?ttipadi»nd«f O »iau» ^oJopim UooliW dow ttltliTM TU n. eoiUfctly UuU inr'K odent v ia i«e*in Uu U « In Uw way of tn cdueiilOQ Uun UT« pm iou i eliHu. ^

, nU u alo rtu M ttU atto en w M U ty r t , ‘ fM t o

tb e n U ne p ttln i iw ty from Uis ( le tU u tK U u n f T tc w u t t l iD i te r >n U ueurtA ilffl» to ttu«xpenM U ilili tpe th a t llm#. In erery to o of builneu *«

•Wd eteryeeeupiUoe economy U be.Ing prttUeed. TOi wffl not H w tyi 6 t tfes Dcceeury bul It li n e c e o u r todvr c tl

_ and Uio m ponie ot Uie Botrd to Uie *P< dem endofthehourUhighly frtOfy.

■>m- : rt____________ ■'------- ' j j i y w • ihl

STABTATION FAY quiI n t^ i e U o n ot w g te tn d . wortr

Uktl elty hive dlKlcwed the tM l Uitt needleworken tn certain itiope to* lu

' eetre frcm eenMeen to torty eenu g a day. Dreeeee produced under euch ^

' 1 wage i r e lold K ietall fur wwrny* ~ B tu to nlnety*elgtil centi. n e y a r \ .

’ D arta tai* founded oo H am lio n V wage*. Ttwy Injure U u w otkan and a t U u um e Ume m tn m anufaeti^ e n wbo try to maintain a decent vagg aeale. Tbey prolong U » deprei* llo a Luoy Rudolph U aioo. Here< tary ef Uie SiUonal Oooiumen League, made Uut fact eleetr In a « ! recent speech. tw

■Our pait proeperlty," ebo o ld . ™ - h u been built upon m au buying »“ of onr worltert^'aiatUUca rereal tha t In Amcrla fUty>tour per cent

^ -------ofH>w-i00d*-*ere-oow wn*d-by- »thOM wboee Incomes were le u than two thousand doUan annually. ^ That h i i i t o s ^ now. We lUU hare f>'' UiU contumpUon capKlty, but not tha meani lo buy eommodltlee.''.Tbe needlewocker getting forty

ceati a d iy may B0( bare atx day*' work ft « M t U tbe doci.'iM r total eld )»y of two doUan and tccty oenU nli cannot go tar toward booiUng AmsN ”

- Jean industrr and rn tortna pw tper- Ity. I t can not eren keep her off tbe til

relief Utta. Bcplolten who profit frtm iu th mlitftble w arn are nub- lie enemies, some day. aomehow, they must be put out of builneu.

r s n o o u o r TDC FB E ss ’The bUl inuoduoed In Congreu “

whoaa Immediate a ta was lo prevent tai publicaUoa ot lecret diplomatic u > PU changea In a certain book obtiouity ^ went too (ar. Ruibed through the ^ SOUM under, tne tmpreulon that tt hn.

-------- wartaperaUve, It-wai taM np tn-Uw ftie en a u for tuitber consktenUon. TbU delay eeeai to ba*e been wlie. Though apparently oo t meant to tr] -m nnte Uu prus." It might have h id

tUocit]n America, ot all countries, and

a t p reunl. o( all times. U u wont SI UUng Uiat could happen would be to interfen wlUi' th t frep pubUcatlon of leglUmate n e n and comment. ,

“yreodom of Uie preu." to r which to Uu poet MUtoo wrote a great de- teoso nearly Uiree hundred years Ky ago, originally meant fncdom (or nIs booki. and Uun Irtedom for pam> eti pbleU oo pubUc a ttain , ib a rc wen tt) oev ip ipen Uien. u we know ,,, them. Wltb Uie ippearance ef week. VI ly and dally papen prorldlng gener* a l s « :n and opmieo. Uie n b u ef ‘p reu ftvedom becaBiinon a ad m on tn

. Important, i t gnw «lUi f m g o n n . it{ V, a m u a partaer. a' ymaan tm taa ec Um pobUs

' - p n n t t u n U 00 peUUeal freedco. « ti!j‘ . m world tedar ibew i U ui. D eaee- Ux ;V<: m r wm pouIUi la etllM c r h u b iu S ^ ; - d i ^ « a t 9 M ( n ( b m * i r e a a w i * ,

fe7 .^ f iB d loa coly threogh ft'frte, fair. In*

t t n H e o tp n » 'j3,: - ■•ret UUl reaMo, BU cUeoed vn-

•nuMDt a iM npport;] freedom of Iba newapaper preea. Just aa eaUgbt-

jOORtalUa evpporti' poUUetl tfMdocB. And lo JennU U n, w to loraramiBl, maeb fnadon U I«« (U a iK ta th ia UtUc. Cnwiaa pub* . UettkB M ittrty (0 da le u barm tbco

fiontioiipuiiisj l i p L i i i .

B t m ts r . Aprtl 11 (•pedal to H u ' K rw t) .-n » cee m fM lte ef tba ObrMlad ebureb wffi en}OT*^i“ »“ and mtulMi pregran a t Uw ebnrcb Apm » wim t n m SteelimlUi In tf ia m ot • m o n m n te . t b e dlnser S S tS i im O tT tf e lo c k w t t J . tbe -

M U » ObrtoUao lD de tn»B 0(er«4 to Kimberly « a t. o tliy m B loff w ben an ezaeuUva b o m mattlAg w u beld fer tbU dli* triel. Olila nM ttag ti lebeduled for

0 . 0 ; Asm ot U u Bwtey Pnebyter*' ““ {an ebureb. wU ba, Uia prinelpal ipukar eo Saturday afternoon aad

flirdwiU. aurley. wlU be toaM oaitar a t U u annua) banquet H E lo be beld aaturday evening. ‘Xlie n Burley orcheHra wtll pUy a t thla “

A f e i l m of Uie conrenUen will be u n in r te B tia r o n fn c e n m te i td e n ta — n trom Burtey who atUDdid tne execu* ^ t i n meeting w en, Mr. and U n . Don IlM lU e. toUU Burton. Helen Itob* insoa, oatbertne Rou. Larena nu*

M i^ lin a Bathbone, Crystal aterr, Olan. Wyatt, Don UeOlatlin I f i and sm aet «t«elimlUi.

W ILS flSIfl -- ^ m S J GOll

QQQpWO. AjtfU t l (Bpeclal to th e Newi)—i l i e ahnilarBaUwnKfn * ooUese young people connected with Uu ohrliUao auoclatloas of their retpecUT* eampuua haa been plan*Old for Uie Ooodlng eolleie camjnu Kuter week*end. Thla work la or* ganlud under the leadership o( U lu Mirola Baeber, OontalliirOt<gon,jadl. D r r R m o n d C u lm PorUandj who in c Iu ^ lK e i r^ w lir i l la C u 'In (h'alr~ nperrlslon. Tbe theme choaen u i Q T b e Art o( Leadership.’ and the Q tpeak tn Include In addition to the I f f leentarlea Dr. Elljeh Hull Long., C j; brake. Twin ralte; Rer. Traoy Coker, I M Shoshone; and UUs M. Gladys U ay .' den and U tu RuUi Street of tha lo- W cal campus. Rer. Longbnke will tpesk Saturday.

'nte-contertnee will be centered- iniuDd,_itfdaMM-HV4--iUiauiilMt- | | S rroupi. Featuraa a n an egg.bunt for M

. ^ l o o o t the a Iw Normal delega*

' a'r chalrmiia*o?'toe^«Sennee**imd ^ ^ an E u te r lunrlse tenlce and bnak* f* f u t to whleh aU young peonle'a I a sroupa ef the vlelnlty a n Invited. - { H The meeting of etudenta eoncludea .

Sunday noon. ■ - • *

"Zsn DisiGTi; I* PUNJN1L[LBT1 D' BtntLEY. April 11 (SpeeUl te* The News)—Twenty.nlne oommon n ft Khool dutncta In CauU county wlU

hold their annual Deetlng ef p«U tons of tbe eebool, for dlacuaOnt buslneu and Uw elecUon o t one or Met mora truiteea, April IS. Each aii* v tu trlct h u three truiteee, tha term of .» ■

_ i ni. >Yplrln> »«>-h y.** ^■ one elected for a Uiree year tana. In °*®

cases w hen tniiteea resign or leave the dUtrlel. one te flU the m a a e y Is alM eleeted. W1tbto««e dayiU * ter elccUon Uw boud n u tU for r t .

- onanlnuon. V J' At Uie annual meeUng the tax ' levy. It set, Uw tengUi of le m de* * P a elded on aad Uie day e t tta begin*a nlng. and olher builneu tndden t ___, lo Ibe school year transacted. Tho _ time ot meeUng li eet to etart a t *P(

e u f t t u u s m e u 'j j t t u a p ^ ^It — :— -------- 'W



SURLEY, April n (SpecUl to p u t . The N ew s)-a T. Lowe haa been M«a ‘ appointed adm lnlitnlor ot the ea- _ t tate ot the late Jackson D. B n e n ,. pursuant lo requeit ot Uaurleco E. ^ . Brtete. San FraoeUeo. a ion named ' In the wUI u executor. On petition, I* Probate Judge Henry W. Tucker t has appointed & IL Sunau, Ward9 ftl-8mlth-aBd-J. 0 .-0 u k lll appnU - —, ert of (he estate whleh conslsU ef JC

farm property adjoining Uw Burley i'• rotnulte and llm tock and machln- inl 0 ery. Besides Uie eon Uaurieee, tbe A wtdow. Narrla Jane Breeae. lu r-

Tires. • nu


AMSTRRDAM. April 11 fBpeelal L tl to The Newi)—Fahn work U get*. ting under, w ty again in th is dlj*, trlct after a delay eauied by tnev ’ flurries and cold wind. During K ' nights of the last week'-end temper* U . aturet were recorded a t 13 degreea | » , abon aera , M

' VISIT AMSTERDAM HOME ' Sj AUSTCRDAM. AprU 11 (Special ", to ■Ibe f t tw D -U s i Helen Walla* and U ln Helena Blinker. FQer lo>. itn ietoa , spent Iha week*end a t U u

a L Konkel boau. U lu watto and ,?^ ^ HlUlker w tn l«M ban lo U u I?, /U uterdan aebool (or two yean. ^

While Tiiiung b a n Uwy altanded -

Tlgero rartfllair far H w w ta d _ !

Dr. T ^ l l . CU repneter. U l Srd A n . N. rbona u n . Low f tu new la

* affect Nfl l i a tn te a U a b ^ d r . !—


HENRY LATROBE BOOSEVEI newspapermen following hlR t futAumi} chnrRG'of the invcBtla;: uniform) ia Lloutonant Comma

— n a v a l - n in t a t i « T ? - K f i^ h ( r t0 7 -

Officer Tells of ,

ASSOCIATED PRESS’TELEPf mnndor H. V, Wiley, rcscucd Brooklyn, New York, nitva) hc

- interview following the sea cn . nboard.~(/Q Photo._________ ,


N ew i)-runeral’ien lce i for M n . Jo- lephlne Cheney wtre htld a t the Methodtst church flunda» altem oon, mi wiUi ReT. Victor Phlltlpe in charge. « i Tbe Rebekah kidge, of which Mra. Cheney w u a memb(z~for maby n . years. Joined In Uu final titaa. I&. tn te m e a t w tl inR apart eam itery/

ly .aetUen of U u . dUtrlet. bAvIng nu homesteaded near Aceqnla 28 yean ; a g a She It aunrind by ooe a litcr. = Mr*. Charles Laodlt. BolM.

Too Late To ClassifyP«R n m t JTVE SADDLE HORS-!

W ^ 'l f .b T O BUY. A BADDUt AND!

WE HAVE ROOU POR MORE,' aheep, hones and cattla oo early pu tu re. Msry Alice Parfc Phono M«M1. •


JOE.K 8AVS':- Dont strike a match and look

Inlo four Unk to aee tf you need gM ~tor you wont need any. Eh whatl You dont b a n to strike a match to find Uie Oood TUnea Mst around Uie'Mmer . . . .

• -----A T JO E .O T ------


i ^ 'C o ^ m b l » ‘P l e t a i« i t-----WITQ -------

'S y lrU ---------------- Maa CtartoJoe SmlUi----------Italph B^lUmy

Tony --------------Hale I tan m en •

— " r tU 8 ’. . . FBATVDETTES . . .

Newa »-.B ia SCREEN ACTS-} I and t - a i o C0 M ED iEg..i

■NOTB: Itl-All'lD'Tiiii,'Aa'<l~We ^ Nerer Rabe Ow Frites] I


' . I’ '

■ T W IN r ^ J f l D A IL Y tf l l E W a . T W m F A U A ID A B O ,

a v a l S e c r e t a r y . H e a d c A k i

’ELT extreme left) , oBBlstsnt secr( R arrival nt the naval ttlretation, tiff&tlon into tho Akron dliostcr. < mandcr Jesse Kenworthy, tempora

f Akron Crash T

I TTInjt. Folk ftsii cliur All I

~ aoodsui


IW B jH E 8K w ^ ,Ti


' ■! Tl

3PH0T0 of Lieutenant- Com* * ued officcr of tht* Akroa. in

hospUnl ns hc ^nvo his Tir»t c craah of tho dirisible with 76 Nor

op.. , . jedi

l i i l i f i T i - FILEIl MNIS MFILER. April n (Speclnl to The

NewiiJ—The regular meellnn end luncheon ot Flier KlwanLi club was

I held todsy In the ba.ument ot the MelhodUt chureh. The meal was served by memberk of Uie Ustho- dlst LsdlM Aid soclcty., Tha.mMtlna.ttu-prwlded-ovff-by- — Oeorce W. Anlliony, pre.^ldent of . tbe ciub, \• Fred M«ch, Twin Pulls. a

ifue it.I The profirnm coaiLited ot vocal ; numbers by Mrs. Paul Ludtow andI , J ^

g J / ' TODAY!tm i Woman' Has ^. . . A Lore 8 « r t t !

What wss Madame Blanches? A lltitlme ot c x p e r l e n e e Is pscked into UiU vl-

• vld glimpse ot th« | inner soul o t a wo- | msnl

• nrUUant Star otI -HACK STREET*

Jntne- |V M tieJ•"•SECRET



• UMAMtMCn.V* PLUS •! .

IT lU pboneBaadA ct rJ W A F i ^ d r i C S i i ^ L

- f lB ^ P a t r a e u tM w a

E B a a i D a TM »t Ite-W - E w . lfc.t5c.M .


kkron Probe | |

iccretary of tho navy, talks to ^ on, Lakehurst, New Jersey, to ^ sr. At the extreme right (in "* Mrariry in command of tho

Mlu Lanon Drake, accompanied by pQ P Mrs. E. A. Beem a t Uio'pUno. ^


The contest tryout In story lell- j ^ t Injt, the one-act play, •'Women ■ even! Folks," and musical numbers will beiietde ftslured a t the Latter-Day SalnU uon clmrch Wednesday a t 7:30 P. M. elect All memben are Invited io attend, ident

. , ------- RobeMrs. M „J. Bush will entcrisln the Hopj

ao oa 'w ureln ir»rthe:hc« itrj)frher caii« dsuihter. Ura. Opal Johnson.- Wed- talka nesdiyatlem ooaRotlcaU wlllbere- Uie i ■ponded to wllh an exchange ol Oulic bulW in d secdi. ple. .

_____ son,I The Unity flub will meet at

dM a lte rn t^ .

j The next mc'itlng ot the Scrlb.l” ’'* ' I biers’ club haa been ^ tponed until Ituriher notice. V|/(5

Tilt Women'a Council of ih t Chrli- Usn churcb will meet In the lover room of the church Thunday at J:JOP. U. FT

_____ NewiKimberly Orange-wHl-meet to- lowlr

nl«btUUUi»-lKKn*-o^MrT-and-Uriri— FnDonald Kllbom. Mow

__________ = = ______________m u .I The Past Noble a n n d s club wilt plan;

' of V trt pVank W k s, l*M SsTenln nlaT iBTcnue cas t firstI ------------------------ Is cnI Complete aasortmrnt of llardr R. j N ontrr stock. Prlrca are low. Drlre tllntt I op. Open eTenlnit. Kimberly Nnr- pscU Ijedta------------------------------------------ iQtsa



............................... I ll I - i m i ’ M

SaSsaS^Q ^uSm BLdoo In a

of '


d a a



H as Oarko and Ralph BeUamy New « •’Parole G trr~ A ColambU Pie* la r i are now headinc the aaeat Ticket atUiTogTMinit-Jee.KtBo*y iheatn ;---------Ti

' _____ 15*n


JoctBUHL. AptV I t (Special to Tho ralli

lews)>poplar m il 4-K club beld lU A n t meeting ot the year Friday pUn renlng. w ith Sherman WlUlami a i Tt lader, a t the sctioolhouse. An elec- with on of o ftlcen -w u held.-Ottlcen- B u a leet are Raymond Lancuter, prei* • lent; Ted Nebeker. vice pm ldent;«b cn HarrlnBton. secretiry; John ICE ropple. yell lender. Mr. Winiama | illcdT m im ralT it th^ boys to make ' ' I Ilka on care of calvei Memben of 10 elub ore Le Roy QUi, Eugtne B t lulkk, John Hoppte, WUllam Hop* Neai le, J r , Ted Nebeker. Mason Lar- pany in, Letand Lanon. Rex Lancuier, mam ;lchard Lancaster. Ray Lancuter. Utlo: •otyft Harrlngt o n ^ geno XOt_dward Warner and Harry Wilson, b u i

nd year work. adde -------------------------- Durl


------- nearFILER. April l l (flpecl.'l to *016 ! “ *

Iew s)-n icr visitors Include the foi- iwlng:-md-Blaa*4s4M^r9nvhli^horoe-(n — louston. Wisconsin, to visit his bro-

Ians to slay several montiis. He ex* ^

■We b r o lh tn ^ n ha^ng the ir T w ' Irst reunion In « y tan . Ur. B lau I cnnased tn newspaper w ort « m| a . o , Cramer. Salt Lake City tn v - u,o

llntt reprr^entatlvt ot (he Mlsaoarlj be i 'seuie Railroad company, w u a bua-1 traoi pCM.Otllcr.ln PI!*r.lDdai_________ 1____


uld theeat

PARENTS, particulai tention tp children’s < economical and pleas him correctly than b; io bealth.

Of course in case c suited regardinsr wbi should not eat. But d( ut'acturers orfood no the leading nutrition; tlve to the claims the advertisinR?

In other words, 1 sources of informatii upon the results of coveries about vitam Intion to vip^orous 1 teeth and propei'ly-r(

So read these adve doctor about them. Vl to do this because he

. doctor respects, abou tisement&

A P R IL l g , 1983

■ ■ l iIRENE DllNI E STJiS IN 'S'u


Memorlu ot ber dajv In l lo re n i t b n u Uagteld sbowt on U it N tw York m b Ksga w en brought b u k to - in n e jte rlas Dtome whea tbe lang and danced ipeak a a ipeclal eb y i i n n n i ^ loclud- j n «

sod M ilag tn for T t u S e c n t r ? ^ it Uadame Blanebe,* th e Metrv-^ Strati Ooldwyn-Uayer p ^ u e U o o tb i t U o tsU sow'hbowlag t t U u O niheum tbea. Lea tre. Whali

I b e daoott f o r ' l l u aec re t of Ua* lome. la a u Blanche* w tn ila g td by Le Magd

a 'PTini. WlUl muilo by WlUiam'Sloan Stotbart^cad lyrlci br OlUfora.willu a n y and B itty tS iIb i. lu ldle

B tba call nppo rtb u U U t Donne, playe s r t Uonel A tw a T m a ip * Holmes,'Laiar (Tot Uerki] Dooglu W altoo, 0.{Anni Henry Qordoa, Jean Parker and; thea. UllebeULtwU. Bib


FILER. AprU n (Special io The 1(Jewil-FUer O nnge met In regu* ____!ar session Friday erenlng wttb an itundance of SS members. .t,,

H»B “8eth-Parfcer - th ib g i T e - a - ^ ’S I5.mlnute program. R. J . Ebenole.Idn. Lester Uuoer, U n . E arl Peck, iw » n a ld Spencer, Lee Bnnli a n d 0 .0 . rh o m u preunted tbe p rosnun fea* „ o n .

"Money and Flnanca" waa th e aub. oet of a lalk by A. L. RoaeU. Twin •Uis Orange m uter.

A iced and plant exchange U ilanaed tor next meeUng. ’

The Orange auxUlary, wUl meet . / J l rlUt M n. C, 0 , Thomaa. M n . W. M. dueling wUl'be a liti ta a t hoetea.

-------------------------- mCE COMPANY AT BUHL

INSTALLS-^60-B0XESiyB r a o , A pruT T T spK M to T l , ? “

Tea-3)—Buhl Feed and Ioe com- ■any. opcnUd by Theodore Rangen, nanager. h u Just completed Insta l. oV X stlon of « 0 lee boxes w ith locken jwer:

laa more Uian lo tons of m eat ou t. m iidB“ of"b6iesTiow"in"'iiortge’^and u Jdded spaee tor sevenl more tons. q. .Mrlng warm weather the company -yn nakee an avenge ot IS tona of lea a

Shoe npair and ah b a a m ic e u lear u yotn- phone. Work called for , iBd deilvend. New E s Shoe Shop,IS Main Avenoe E u t . Phoae lit.

Coun'-pW lo T in ln i-P hoao b . T . tJo "* < o .7 » ,o rIta -A d v .

1°.iu rn ilg i Mill/IUM I ilOMiMI. MJfnif ,.»■Imts known u Mrs. O. W. Adami.' lavlng lett my bed and board, you; vUI take notice lhat trom and aflcrj .^P* ho UUl dsy of AprU. IM3,1 wUl not thU t X responsible tor an y 'd eb ta ton- raeted by her.____________ C_W_ADAM3—Ad5---------

e ChildJ T ? - -

larly mothers, a re paying i 's diet these days. For it is asant to keep a child weH I by'nursing and doctoring

e of doubt the doctor shou rbat a child should eat an do you realize th a t the lea

now seek the advice and a: anal authorities in the cou hey make for th e ir produc

I food advertisements ai ition regarding d ie t They if the latest approved scie imlns. minerals and rough 3 bodies, clear complexic-regulated-systems,--------

vertisements carefully. Co Very often the advertiser i he has asked anthoritles. i out statements made in th


'jE R O U a April.« (SpeclaJ toT ba ■he N m ) - A week of p r e - B a ^ j , nlen urvleae ipeaiered by Uiy l o y i al m lnlittrlal uiedaUOO b e g a / A Jonday nlghl wlUi a pageant f f f ba Olrl Reeeme, aod wUl o o o t ^ f bnughout tbe week. T tu m e e U i^ n being eondueted a t tb e Prcaiiy. trlao ehurob and a loeal mbiliter peaki each evening.Tbe pageant given Uooday n l ^ l .

Tl^um^ l^»nt•Otadneu^•wa»dlr«et->■--------d by Erma. Amou with IbeUna itratton and RuUi Oldham tn cbarga t sUge setting and Uie chonii.Leading cbaracten included lone

Vhalty who played tba part o t S a . une, O nee Horton vho played Uary {agdalene. Fay prerfleld, U arg an t lloan, U arg an t UUler, Francea tmiUinion, wbo represented prleeU, oldlen and ann le : U arrU Nelien, ilaytd UarUia; Marjorie Oarlwn.Aiorus: Helen Cooaot. Peter; and uinabelle Zug, Joaepb of Ariraa* hea. I

BIblul ooitum tt w en uted, wUcb

ipot UghU, produced aome lo'rely cenei. A la r ^ audlenca wltneued he production.

Legal Advei-tlsementtNOTICE OF 8UEBUT*8 SALS .VIdaho, lo and for Twin FaUi Covaij.

Mm S iau Lumber Company, a cor* poratlon, PlalnlUf, |

la try Baan and Oenevleve Bean, | husband and wife; Ouy N. Ault and Aiina Ault, husband' and wife. | Defendant*. |Under and by virtue o t an Order •;

If Sste, Usued out of Uie above en- | lOed Court, In t^e above entlUed a c - ! Ion. dsted the VKh day of Uarch, j M3, whenb) the plaloUff obtained L Judgment and decree agalnit the bove named defendanU on Uie ITtb^^yJ^F^b^uary, 1833, u ld dWTee-be>_____ng ncottled ln-Judgmen^Book-18,--------)t u ld DUtrlct Court, on page ‘IS:: am commanded lo tell all Uiat «rtaln lot. piece or parcel ot land Ituated In the County of Twin FalU,Itale ot Idaho, and bounded and lescrlbed as toUowi, to-wlt^ ____________

-Ufi) of the Town nf H an«!n,.ta_______tame It thown and designated on the official plat of Hansen Townslie on tUe jind of ncord in the ottlce of the Recorder ot u ld Twin FaUs County. Idaho.PubUc hoUee U hereby given: T hat

>a Uie U th day ot April. 19M a t Uio lour ol 3:00 o’clock P. U . (Uountaui nmei ot said day, a t tbe East front loor ot Uie Court House of the ;ounty Of Twin FaiU. SU to Of Idaho,-wSrln-^obedlanefr-to-iald-Ordar'Of-^-------Salt, teU Uie abovo described prop- rtv to saUsfv PlalntUtI decreo with n tm s t ihenon. together wlUi aU

awful money ot tho United Statea ^ I Dated a t Twin FaUi, Idaho, oa A

AU the aist day of March, m T E. F. PRATER, • 1

Sherltt. Twin Falb 1 ---------_______ C0uati.Jd4b0,__________ :


lg a lot of at-______ ^t is fa r morciHby feeding_________ing him back , j

lould be con- 'wand wbat he leading man*I a p p r o v a l 'o :

:ountry. relp- lucts in their

are reliable ley are based icieiitifjc dis- ghage, In re -' ■ xions, sound

Consult yourer invites yous, whomyourthose adver-


— I

B i g J u e s

President Plans To Witness first

__ GameitXapitalBoom-Time Opulenoo Faile!

At OUen-Day Fighting Spirit Looms Tor Clubj In Malor Circuit Raoei

Br ALAN OOUtO (AnocUted Pw ti Sporti Editor)

-------tel Initeid a r t t u n r o f '' Ume llstiUiig spirit, b ; ottielal n-

r (, the unltorniMl r t n b o( lu * 1MIU8' bMcboU will m trch Into action tomorrow tn » etm ptlfn deft*

if o je ijjju d -to rrcapture n ttio u l populult^ Md. IncldenUIIr. to end the domlnitlon ot the New York

-------- TiiikKsr---------------------- ; — :------- ^The return o( one o( Amerlu*!

• • • s r e tu tt and moet colorlul iporUn*; InstltuUons to lU old (wnUUr ta t> , tlegroundi, will be c ^ f » t« d . ' weather permitting, with u jfcpltT of old-tlme c n th tu lu ^ soii cer«-| n o n lu and beer on iSS. 'neath th e , lUnda, In four of the e ljh t p«k». '

Undealntble Weather Det'slle undetlrable' weather and|

a prMpcct of ahowen In a t le u t three cltlei. the eight American and National Icapie opener*, baaed m ptedlcUoni tonight, will draw IBS,000 ipecUton. Tho poor weather out-

'. iQok-waa concentmted .In the Eait _ . . - in ip l t e ^ tw i and oppoeiHOH o n ij'..

from the ull-end Boston Red 80*. the Yankeea' maiagemenl jwctoted » crowd of 40,000, for the opellcr In the big Bronx park. I t waa chilly but clcarlnj In the Wc»t, ^

The fcccrd ma]or lea g ^ u ^ o p ^ g ^

200WO. The majM tee will be hap­py If they come cloae to that to* p morrow.

Prtildenl FrankUii D. Rooaevelt c wUl throw out the f ln t ball for the same between two of the American c league'i forenwet champlonahlp challengtri. Waahlngton’i Senaton and PhUtSetphU’s AthleUcs. p

Of baiebnU'i-DfflclaJ-fainlly, Com----------muitrfnerKrMrtendto-wUl-wltnee* S

tlie a

the American league. wlU' attend ^ Jhi* nmwns.Whlto Box name In St, «

Louli and iw id e n t iJonn T5no d ^ '^ ^ ^ H e y d le r ot the National league, will .

be a gUMt of honor for the Brook- - Im 'PhU lta, cw lost. a t Phlladel- | phla. where a capacity turnout ct I 11,000 f a u waa forecaiL I

c n h a n left nothing undone to atlmulate greater popular intereit and clceer pennant raeea thU year. Wholesale player sh lfu hare brought about greater balance ot itrepgth In both big leagues, although b - Jurtea and mUhapa will keep an un- _ usual number ot veteran sU n out ^ of Uie opentag day Ilxieupi. >*

. T he two league pnaldeoU hare J Joined In appealing to the playen » to employ a maximum of a g g i^ v e - ^ new, mlnua rowdlnoa*. Into the com- “ petlUon and avoid fratem ttlnj on “ or about the fields. , ^

Beer FIswi K

^i<<7w*lhe New^YOTk a ^ fll, Louis „ M ^ c a n league parks, a lu the ClQ- ^ cinnau and Chicago NallonU league itad luo i tomorrow.

The Yankees' ISa.OOO piece ot b a w baU hrtc-a-brac, “Babe" Ruth, may Pi ba a tnfle pale and weak- from a di sore threat but he will take hU ac- M euitomed place In right field to- PI marrow and. no doubt, rise to the emergeDcy with hls usual tiatr for ai ihowmanthlp. 'O m “B a b e M a n e w

Just emerging trom the doctor’s V care, and he U hlnuelf confident he will defy his critic*-by playing reg- ularlf throuth mo«t of hla twentieth . Dig league season.

Less fortunate are sucb other vet- I erans as Rogen Homiby of the Car-

dlnali. -Klkl- Cuyler o l the Cube. Trarli Jaduon of the a ian ti. and a ^ number ot othen. all casualties for '® the time being. “

Although no developments of tha ~ p u t few dayi have altered the wide- ^ spread view of expert* tha t the Van- ” keea and Pirates are the two clubs

_____ to beat, surprises are looked for taboUTponiianl race#. J*

American league rivals wlll shoul- ” der a toughu tu k . In trying to dls^ ^ lodge the opulent Yankees, but a t least three of them, Washington. S Philadelphia and Cleveland, think fp they hava a chance to do It. Mean- whUe Improvement h u been man- }*5 Ifeit by all the other dube. notably ^ lhe Chicago ^Vhlte 80*. "

Two of the best prospects for sen- , J satlonal pitching duels tomorrow will pit ''O lzsy Dean of the Cardlniil agalnat Lon Watneke of the Cuba, ^

■ a t Chicago, while. Al Crowder ot ” the Senaton Uckles either Oeor|« f* Eamshaw of -Lefty” Grove ot the £ Athletics In Washington,

Dean is the youthTul strikeout «" Ung ot the NaUonal league aod aco ct a plUhIng staff whleh promise* to kwp the Cardlnato In tbe thick •

--------of“ttw K a ttm a lle ig o B ■ r n K ^ i -----lin t serfea between ths CWU and lhe champion Cab* will be watched wllh keenest Intarert. t

Meamrhlle the iwaah-buokUag Pl- a : rttes of PltUborg.-with Tti Swift OQ the flrlBg line. wU ^ boi

' their pennant drive against tb* Aedi • _ j i t ^ e to n a t L T h i Buc* belMn Uny ly.

have'the speed, poww and pUchlnf sU

ented southpaw. Vamoa Oma, eart p in t t the Red Sox to r Uie opea- i

........ teg mow of thslr f ampalgn for pen- Uunant number 8 ofthBTXJSt-war era.- fin. Let the welkin and U u baiehlu tldrlngoutl Ca]


a g u e B a




'ofD--' d- -






nd '

r. Salient Facts Abdul

NBW YORK. Aprit 11 OP>-SaUent fact scheduled major league opening ball gai

n t AMERICAN LE ------------------------- Preba'Me Pttchera-----

ro Boston a t ^P* New Y o rk ___ Andrew* versus Gone»• Philadelphia at

W uhlngton ...O rove venus Orowde lit Cleveland att» D etro it............ Jfw w a venus Brldgtitn Chicago t tIp Bt. Lm Is n urtitm versua Hadle n NATIONAL Ll

Pittsburgh a B- ClndnnaU ..__O w lft w » ia Johnioc

e- C h lctgo ...... .....P f n versus Wamikj

id Philadelphia — Clarka venua Moore 5t, New York a t £,m T BOBuin — '___hmumwvjm tmU l _____ .•■.............. ~ ^ . . . . ..k- ^

Highlights From ^ ;.nfeseball Camps^ NEW YORK e. YALE B S)g J . NEW HAVEN. Conn.. April irn>> the „> Charley Devens. former Harvard •

pitcher, pitched t no<un no-hlt Ing , , gama for the New York Yankeea Ne< n against Yale this afternoon, win- vin

nlng ,« to 0, Devens fanned 14 Yalo lan bittsmen but gave several walks and few

m the Yank* made two errors behind rea him. • he

■nieecoro- R.H.E. cd^ w York (A)_.000 401 0 0 1 ^ 1 S E

Batte'rti: Deven* and Jot^ens: O. Jot Parker,-o. Wheeler and Egloff, M

'* MONTREAL *. PIULUE8 I «B }. PHniADEfJHIA. AprU 11 Ml - 5 " ly Phlllle* and Montreal Ued here to- ^

;- M oatretl <n.) OJO 000 000-5 13 I >. PhtladtlphU. N 000 000 003-1 « 0 "* le Batteries: Thormahlen. Mlchaets n and Tate: Dudley, Berly and Todd.!r _ - T ^ .. _ — P i

5 €oach At Burley iTq Stage '

: P^rilalWon M ettrf’ BUpLEY. April 11 (Spedal to Hje 5 Hew»)~PitparaUons are belnjT made _ to how a pentathlon field meet at

the C aula county fair grounds, Aprn . 33. for acbool boys under 18 yean, z The affair wU be under dlrecUon ot ^ . PhUlp Hir*cWer, coaeh ot the Junior , high sohool. Burley. ?“n EvenU wlll coaiUt ot W and TS X - ) v d dathe*-broad-and.hl«h-Jumpi.

and basket ball throw for accuracy, T htro will be Junior and aenlor d l; ^ Villons. eontastanU to be gnded ac- ^ cording to ago. weight, tn d height. Schools tlready *nt«t«d Include Hey- bum, Paul. Malta. Rupert and Bu> ^Vn ley. with t probability 01 represen- ““i tatlvea from Albion. Oakley and oth-

Six medals wlU be awarded, to Uie three high w tnnen In each dinatai. and 10 oertUlcatei lo the high point man In each event. W lnnen wlll be ,7 5 n tlt to d to enter the pentamion, a l Ban Lake Olty. L ait yMr. wniard Katnoed. »eo f ln t .a t Salt, Lake

weat to the Lo* Angeles

“Easter Luck ” Wins_On

SAN BRUNO. CtL, April II ( « - A 104-to-l tho t won Ute t i n t r«e« at T ttttto ran today, paying « M to boldcn o t t3 flr*t-pU 6?dU >m

" Ik i te r tw k ." (0-ty. t*Ung ber t i n t vietofT m n ita tU . w u tbe moiuy Butkcr. Qh* ll p n i evned by M. J. naye* ta d wm rid- CQI <!» by J. F l y n n . ^ took Um lead eariy ta d aerer « u la daagtr. ffl

AnoUter long ih o t registered in dlUe U w ete ee d n ee w h aa ‘Tos* Budget." Un* flnUhtagnooD d.paldgn;40oaplaoe St. Ucket* tn d m « lor *how. *Cholee Ui* ' CtDar" woa. ta d

a l l C l u b :| M M 1

■ i p

' c l'


<iut Opening 933'ffiamond Drire 1t facta tn d tlgurei on tomonow'a eight ; ill games: IN LEAQUK J

________ AlWndaneft_Kc»lhcL9n8Ale,

Gomes______ 40,000 Bho«'en Yes' Irow der______ 33,000 No' j

Id g ti________ 35,000 P^lr.cold No'

Kadley........ ...13.000 Pair YesMAL LEAGUE j

h n » D ____ -J0,000 Clear, to o l- Ye* '

imike _____8i).000 C l e a r , Y e s ' -

u fTOtnkW uir i a,ooo aiiowe n --------N o -

Max Baei- Tips H

S NEW YORK. AprU 11 MV-Max w Baer, curly headed young-Callfor- fi nla giant, hauled off his street togs, and gave the experts one of It

■t the biggest surprises of 'their live*. 11 i Re w u an Immesse fellow weigh- h t Ing aoa when lu t he departed the li I New York sceoc afler beaUnj Le* n . Vinsky tn 1930. and he looked evm a larger when he stripped today. Bat gl

tew of the assembled expert* were vi ready for Ute shock th a t came whea he stepped on the Hale*. Ke weigh- ti cd exactly 330 pounds. . U

Baer arrived yesterday from Ltr- U. ««oror-C aH fom l*,-lo-it*r»-lrala- O ing for hll IS'tound bout wlUi Max SI Bwmeltag here June 8. Be announc- rc ed then that he mighed -about 318." He w u ditfldeht today tbout , getting on the icales afttr ahadow I boxlog, rope skipping, exerebtag « ' ' half docea rounds, and d l ip U ) ^ lets than half a docen exceu poundi OR his huge frame.

Hope Of Germany SBgRLIN. ■April ll.l,TV-DflVl8 CUP Ul

hope* of Germtny today wero wrecked by Ute HlUer govemmenf* f» b ta on Jew* u the cup committee ^ dropped It* leading player and for- ^ mer captain. Daniel Prenn. because f f ofliU nee. W

The dUbament left Germany with ” only Baron von Cramm to renew the ^ campaign which twice In four yean had canlcd her to the intertone final w against the United SUtes. Her Uilrd aad lourih ranking playe* — G. 2* 7unck'e and E.“ Nourncy—arc ao t v considered In the same e lau with the Baron and Prenn. “

Germany laced a dUflcuIt Davli cup campaign even wlUi Prena, without him they face almoet eer- ** tain ellmlnaUon.

Prenn h u been Germany’* lead- , log player lo r several yeara and la 1D33 WU one of the 10 or 15 best la ^ the world. He fln t headed the Ger- man list la 1D38, repeated la U38 and im a n d tn m i shared the place WlUt von Cramm. He again ranked nufflbtr 1 In 1B33.

M A PLE L E A FS T R IU M PH «— ab

TORONTO. April 11 WV-Toroato anMaple Leaf* defeated Ute New York co Raugeit,'! t s 3, to n tg h t^ 'th o thlRl ic | game or (he tlxial pt*yo/l taieg tar tk the Staaley cup and the world'* pro- ftaslonal hockey c h a m p l i ^ p pro- | J Icngtag Uie series bcyoad U » (tore*- J j game mlalmuai. The raagen m o Ut* t in t two ooRteit*. A lourtti will be pUyed Thond*y.

------------------------ IC O LLIN S LO SE S P O S IT IO N &

— mffr.-LODls, April II « v -D nooa- ta

dlUe(MRlea*e of Pitcher lU p -O o l- rk on* WM ■anomieed today b r-U «St. Louii'Brown*. Collin* w ta oa »*] Uie Toluntarlly retired Ult la*t year w ta d rcc tn U j'w u rtlasUted. . Be

T t n N F A U C f l D A A T t l

) s E x p e c

Th i s II Um day for w hich tho 1 been w tltln g ever sioce “B* Cbarilo Root In Chicago laai

I t ’j *n w m uiJ event,'th ta getaw i t never falla to assum e a v u t lm millions of fana. It-is , am ong oth

th e famous “griindm other’' joke, repeated here.

OesplU Uie acarcliy of ready money. ' and bleachen la eight cltla* of the Natl pretty eooforttbly filled by the Ume the l start making wUd Uirow* Into short lift

At th a t hour, aU 14 outfit* wUi be on e

pink ol condition and are going to put 1 By darkneu, a lti. Ut* JublUtlon will h

The Ytnkees probably wlll be headed to agen ot eight losing teaai* wUl have f i r o o m Mupper will hare grown cold In (

^ m e of the day's tautest tetlon Is d'l catti customers. Club ttiuunn, going > the l u t tsn h u been tueked la a seal,

- t f 0ortaJot_M im !tttlnt4 he_®Mlptfc___U thretten* to be a to u g b ye tr nn ts

give some IndlcaUoili of Uie f u u ’ atUtudi regarded tUendtnee on opening d ty u 1 tuites never ditcograged them In the lea

WheUier the fans still feel tha t way : The attendtnce. ordinarily jUit a figure 1 Uie box scare, becomes something to Inc after the result

Tbe heroic tigure a t the left Is Seno Acrou from him Is Al Simmons, who Is e: handsome for Chicago's Whlt* Sox.

*■ ■a '~ ' ' ’ ------------ *01

B erkeley Bows______ «° .jn y e t Matches ^: PINEHURST. A ^ i 11 l<n-B ake- ^

ley Bell New York, seeded eighth and tju• ranked' slxtertUi aaUonally.- w u j„ , . eumlnsttd tn m Ute North aadSouUi f ^ n n u tou iym w t to d y by C lw lu ,

year-old Duke unlvenUy freshmta. . J ( who eooUy stroked bis way to a ]•«. L7• fi-7^-4 Victory.t B«U1 dm tloU w u Uie only upset ^f la the second day olU ie tou rnam en t;^ u thttsaw sU of Uie ottjer seeded s ta r* ., '"• headed by Clifford SuUer, New O r-' J I leans, advanee through the third ^ ■ round ot men'* tlng lu play, t1 The im t round ol women's sin* 1. JI gles wt* also nro ofl wlU» the tt - lw nI vored adrsndng easily. ;PoiI .George U. LoU and Lester 8 tocl-;ot• fen, wbo eame her* from Uie Hous-,out . ton toumsment, wUl not go Into ac- bes• Uon until tomorrow. 3. GUbert Hall, eao ' Orang«,-Ntw-Jert«y,-and-£rank-X. ant t Shlelds,NewYork,reaehedlhelourth t• round yesterday, wit

------------------------ I t 1

I Corbett Defends ^ I Title In Battle ™

Against McLarin------- he*

LOS ANOELES, April 11 ( ^ - in V ottttt-Oeet>ei^lterwel*h^-«h*mn>-x ploa of Ute world, wUl defend his V o UUe against Jimmy M eUraln in t ^ h u 10-round bout at Wrigley tld d on;ton

announcement late today after a bit long cooferenco wlUi Charle* (Popi U fft Focter, Uie challenger'* manager. H e. h&r u ld he would leani from L arrr.'ciji WhKe. OorbetVs manager, tomor-],oui row when the actual signing would ht* take place. - tlrd

George Dltke w u decided upon t* Uie referee, tn d the weight wltl be 147 pounds'at 3 P. M.. the day' t Of the bout These point*, previous- gan ly-agreed-upon -by-Wlilte-in-*-UU»,^oot pbone coQveruUoo wlUi Doyle, wera deei found favorable with Foster. g tn

Under Uie agreement Corbett wUl pier receive a flat guarantee o l US.OOO Kbi with a pireenU n If the gate grooses nea more thsn tlOOMa wltl

Ih e mstch h u been In the mak- Ooy ing for more than a month. Jtck Kearns.,manager ot Jackie Field, m t from whom Corbett won the title p n i recently In Ban.Frandico, originally i i u had InsUted th a t WhlU keep his the agreement to meet the former cham- the £ ^ ^ f o r e he went up against Me- le n

Kearns later rsleated tatf demand- u m ed U ut tha wlaner meet Fields u ... hi* IU « opponent Tbi* w u agree- able wlUi Corbett, but U cL am lnl ^ mtnager nfused to make such a contract and the tight wu o lt again. ^ T O an jr ta u n M w w rb a rw T h e-w ^ S f

Bill Increasea % Boxing Rounds ^

8PHm onELS,HL,A pTll u u n A U n lacnadng beataf boua trom. will U ^ 1 8 rouad* WH psM Uie werl SUaod boua* o l t«pr*MBUUT«. 104 prm to 4. (odiy.- H i* pneea t law pro- q Tide* tor 10 roundi. b u. ‘n u a e w m e a n re a o w Boa toUie be .: •eaate lor coaeurreBO* in t minor gua •n sadm tn t ta d then to ooveraor chll< B o n e r lor bU afmature. '* d 1

r K B W a .T V n N F A L L S . P A H 0;

e t I S S f O;he oatlon’B bueball f l l b e r t i have “Babe” Ruth caUed hU ahoU on last October.

tawoy day In tbo big leagues, but t importance In the eyes of some other things; the insj^Iratlon for

jJce, which pbsiUvely' will not be

ley. the probability U tb a t g rtndstan* National and Araerlean league* wlU be the band* begin playing and tb* aiayon lif t l le l lon eucU y even Unn* lor th* l u t tlm*,

put up tha tight ot their Uve*. mi have ended and stark na lity eet In.!d !or another championship, tb* man*« t'irned the tU- blue In eight dreuing in couoUeu AmrrJean homes.

Is d ie, unforlunttely, to b* lo*t to the tng >'nto a hurried huddle frnffledUUIy esi. -indoubtedly wlU break aU existing

tlnasdaliy.'a&d todars~tonw V *bbukl Itude. In-better times th* patron* baVe u a lort of dvle duty, aad tha mag-

! leastray aUtxit It wa wUl know b r tonight, ure stuck tw ay down a t tbe bottoo of > Inclule In Uie first p tragrtph, right

Senor 'Lefty” Gome* ot Uie Ttnkees , Is exp(cted to h ll them high, wld* and \

Wrestlers Stake AtacementflF IJ Lod Contests E

Bob Miller and Pat Calahan,' Aspirants for Woriif Tills,

BulW Hopes on Outcome J;, Ot Match In'Arena Here S

_____ Uu. . :4

. ■■ TntgftHnrlny In a Twin W«n« m w isome of the outstanding wre*Uen ( of Ute Paelfle cou t and Intermowt- gl?

i w ith a MwUoM a exhlbUlon|onl

f l i^ 9th1etl£ card In more than t 1 ! yetr, t trlple-matn bout wreetUog f**

bUl, a l Ute Legion MemorUl build- laa ' tng Ihls evening It *ttracUng tbe 13 I attention of fans throughout tonth*

pxlraordlntry Intcrwt aUacht* to ~m the bout between Bob UUler. Pa- J

' dflo c o u t middleweight champion, Ir, and P a t C althth, Jerome, tormer

’'W uh lng ton su te middleweight •cham ploa * 2- At stake ta thU encounter b Uie r chance to aieet Gus Kalleo lor tha je (

|W«rM's chomplonshtp.Ju st two month* ago UlUar Lat

iwresUed Kalleo In t UUe bout a t kar ; PorUand. WlUi but a tew minute* ben ;o t Uie match nmatalog, UUler leU m , ' outilde Uie ring itrUriog o a bU Joh bead, tn d w u dated Just lo&g to 1 enough for Ktlleo to faU on him _ iand -w m -thenalch .--------------------- P*

Portland promofM are dlekarlog wlUi Miller for t return aiateb. but I t h u been teamed, they u y tbsy WlU sign Calahan it be win* Uie bout here tonight

UlUer. lo m e r Northwestern nol- n rslty athlete, (peelallies ia Uu flying tackle and the airplane (pla. varying these maneuven with the , flying wrlstlock and the reveree headlock U> good advantage wlien I la a tilncb.

1*--Or a BlB U ' ltothei^ ot Uie roiltfir , t a d tumble type o t grapplen and , h u a world of staying power. For j tonight's bout he h u been training

I S M u M f M -I bit punch which Calahan uses most leffecUvely because of his large ; hands and tremendous strength, ;C tIahan usually (can tn a t the (Sound of the bell and trie* to beat ,ht* opponent into submission the I tlrst SO or 40 minutes. I\ U*e Wkked Tadics, Tonight's battle between Jtck Sampson. University of ly b ru k a

decide which It to meet Jim Corrl- gan. one ot Uie outstanding grap- I pier* In hU class. In a bout that U scheduled to be held here ta Ute I near tutnre., Sampson ts eftectlve I w ith the njilBg tackle, while Me- ! Ctoy, t p rotegf of Merln PlestUia, wtw Is regarded u one of th* four greatest living wiesUer*. h u been practicing M arlnt - famous - body slaaL McCoy also uses effectlvety th e ham m er Uirow, which U one of the wickedest bolds known to wre*t- lera. At any rate, Uiere will be 42g pooad* of tug and tussle t t grtjia Utfougbont UiU bout

"Wild BUI* Longwa, Wyoming oowboy. tn tnoU iir of ihe triple m ala eveata, wOi lock homs with Cbatlle OUoa, Swedish sUong man to»a-Bo«toB,-01*oi»i-i»-l*-r«port*d, — io(t a dlo** bout to Sonnuiberg tn 1 Boaton no t long ago. and Is weU able to protect btmiell against Wild BOr* rongh bouse UcUca.

Ralph Schurr. Twin FaUs. a wffl- Inc.ffllxer wbo it ixpected to come UntMgl) In good gtyU. and Cart W*Mt, Bol*e. T ouat Uen'* Cbrlitlaa tm e laU o a l a i t n ^ Uie past year. | will prorlde t ^ boor of Ilr*- works a t th e *Urt e l Ull e reaia i^ '

ube .:admltt*d : wimost:; ehsrse i u : _ gue*U o t th* maaagemeat, aad ChUdren ander 10 yean, aceompanl- •d by p trea ta . a n to eome ifl Ith . *

;0 ; W E D N E S D A Y M O B N IN G , A l

> 0 0 F a r


T -


Wresding" " L r a ' i L o s n 1CHICAOO, April U — Jim

Browning. 230 pound*. Vcrone, U s - m i louri, defeated Ed (Strangler) Lewis, 368. ta I hour I mlnutea S3 m , seconds with t turnover eelaior* fti


Jade Oanion, 335, San Fraaolaco, Sat defeated Wbng Buck Cheung. 301, Hai In a wresUlng mateh bere 'um lght wei because he w u the better climber, er. With each credited wlUi ooe fall, rou the pair grappled tn d tan ont ol tbs ring. Ganson climbed back ta :a Ul* oount « l nla* tn d w u ad- ■Judged tb t winner— ____________ « J:

Oeorge U a g ^ 313.Brooklyn, w u ' ^ given tbe bout on t tool wbea Able Iq J

ont of the ring u Hagen w u climb. ^

Hal num hetf. 338, SeaUle. da- *“ ftated BUI Thornton. 310. Cleve. U ad. wlUi a ily tag body *eUson la 13 minute*. ^

B K W M it, A rm 11 i n - a ia SJerlstroB. 33S. Chleafo. won two tioi oat of Utret talU train '7£o»a '' wd Norbeck, 334. San FnmcUco, ia Ute wei feature bout ot t wr«itU:« e ttlU - Uon here tonight.

ResuIU of oUier matche*: Ray A: Jetfertee, 313, New York, took one tftU n w a Jack MisDonBld. 900, Salt U k e City: Pat Freeman. 157, Spo­kane, one lal] trom youi« Sonnen- L betv. IM, Spokane, and R. Hupp. Kai 1&3. Ulca, Washington, tn d Roy Nat Johnion. 156. Spokane, three rounda aigl to a d n w . tw


BOB MILLER' Fadfie Coast MIddlewdgM

C taapU a


/e n a e r WasUngtea SUle m ddlew dght Cbampioa




U L P p BOnVRlt. Twla ran*_______ ' .

O A U WBBB, B e lli •

LEGION B U ltD lN G i T W IN F A E L ir-

. TONIGHT 8:30

A P R IL 1 2 . 193S

n s A t O f

B H H *


' BMai

ih a i - U a«

4heoT tm

u tm

* Baa] MUU



........ ................ -.-I...... ’j.! KBOXDW NEWS J ?

— SANST O t L O U ni j o r j M a t x z 6 . ' ^ m ' a ^ ^ a » a

Out-boxlar the young Norweglaa aeoutloQ. Pete SanttoU over a 10- ■

.rouad route, youag Tommy, UanUa, took an eacy decUlon tonight T o a- ..BA< my welglNd lU ^ pouDds and Sani- tol. whose hcoM Is In Otlo, w u a peuna ina r a a t U te r :— :—------- ■ ■■ ' -------------- to f - t


Sammy (Wd) Oaughtar. T m e 6e*tt Haute, tadlana, Negr* tnlrtdl*- «acn weight outpotated Rosy (Eld) Bak^ B ti er. Andenon, la d i ta t , ia a Ifr* Sban round boxing oonteet bete toU gbt Wtod


w u a w d e d ^ ^ ^ S o ^ w


from Aady Bandy. Poctlaad, ia the•f u t i S f a d hiilid *»eflt M ■ g r -------n igh ti tight caid her*. MUlei^ Na- Notn Uonal BoAag tasocltlloB tsaUier- e r d t w dght tttie w n no t a t ttak*. B td i lud weighed UT,---------------------------------wr*i(

-------------------------------------- Load

Association Bars «»“ S « v ^ Matches

'LOmmiLM. K j, Aprt U » > - S f S Karl W. M alou. tecn tary ot Ui* TtUa N*tlonal WreaUlag aaodaU aa. to . Uie *1 alght aonoineed cuipcaiioe by U u la aa atiodtUM «( Jee taroldl. tortacr Ooa.


________ —

p e i i l 6 i i |Missions Defeat 3

Seals, 20 to 3San Francta Vlctor<*R»- ' i

cord 2 + Hits, and Soort ' 10 Rum In First Innino

•A lt niAiraiBOO. A ttll 11 Ml - BMabllshlng toau klad e t a a t im season redord. Saa VtaadieO^ i t e Iloa* pounded out 34 h iu today to d « fea tU H lrhoaetow nrtftU ,U )e6tals;)fr>l, la U u aerie* optaer,

T%* U U d e u pot Uu game on to* ta Uie t i n t laalag by *eo(tag » nH% tha eatb* team b a t ^ trmmd. Oar*U a«avU rt« |»m aa^lb»«eala4w iiU ------lag *tatt.w M the i le U a o t Ukt early - - attack. Re reUred wlUi neae e a t la Ute opening oaato sndalxntB t I tn u d . Itirce Beal rook is wbo loUowed aUo were b i t t e d to » U m btatlaf tv the Mittioai. wbo la it week lost lix eu t ol *enB to oatlaad .

Ctiarlee'Ueber pitehed tte ad j ban Utfw g ^ ^ Uie winawi. ^ ^

BaaFrtadaD *..oo30001oo-a 10 lM Uttooe____ iO U O o sm -M a« s

BaUerUe; Davit. P o m . i^ut& A dorm ta aad Jielaaact: U e t e n tip a trle ^ Ottggaa.

AN0KL8 Ik STABa tLOS A N O S ia AivQ U («) - . '

3 u d r* Newiom’a high ta st b tn sob;. <teed. t tu BoDywood B tan la a u plneba today aad te * ABcalet wen ^ _ o p e n ln t ffuoe.of J l} i,ie rie < t.» ,to _ :

'Tbe Sear* ’» , » ■E^'A ageiae ^ . . j s o i e io o s i - a i i tseOyyrood_____e o l i o o n i - i a »B M ^ i- ;fN T O tt- : ta d > U d lb Ilia i^ airttfnbaek and BawUr.________ ;_____ _

s iN A ro R a 17. m t l u t « BA CSukD nO b April U ( ^ »

■toautl flaho pitehed t t* aacrsBBn*0 a ea a te n to U uir flsB M ntout«W en reH tieeeaeeBhBy toaiy. blMa i— - ag.Mn funaa tw llin i la U u n r* t., . ■ taow ec U u **tlM wtme tu* ta tM i «uBd*d oot 17 n a a , n u e e c * ^ - r B l ' "

l«*eUa_____ . . ,000000000-1 T 1laoramanto ....JIOlMOaix-tT 30 • Batterte*: Bewtll. Oaiter, OaQy,

^ ^tlM ch ta d Oo i; a t h o tn<

O A U 1 p o n u m ) «AjiKT.iTO. Anrtl t l m O a t .

±aSt Oafes mtiBtalned th e tr 'c u fv l i t v t ti ty . laaaoa itrlde todty h r

ne e* tw ttja fc The O tk i BtT» woa

T hea* ft»~ R B l!>orUaad______ OOOOOIIK^ 1 0aakited — — M o o i o s i z - s u - i


iM i* D ta * tootoaa star, vbo did ir dU aot, taeerdlai to tb iin d M d - I t l vUwpolat, win U u nattoaal < srteUtaf eh*mrtaiship trom A n I iiooda* a l C U e w FHdar. I

Ualoaa, who U a ln ehatnsao c( ite aaodattoa’* tnge taion eon> n ttue . Mid Bttoldl w u It toe requeH o t ittU aaa athktto f tld a li who retMtlad S tn ld l <all. d to (DltlU a cen to e t a t X ra u - tUa niyh>be niipeotlon would be reeogaUMl a aa aumbor state* o t t tu anoelt* lea.




^ TH B IU 5I A C m O N t

SPEED! ■ .


^ m B M m t ' '

■ — S S ! Extreme Fluotuatlons for M

Many Leaden Appear!^ Small at Close ol Day a


, ■SS.T”» ' A 2 L - » . . J

“ “ SSc u t : » m 3 « r d a a « « » » • w j j

" w n im n ta r s m

m trket' h lfh tr I>«“ S i « : a S S M O jt H


W h # » t:B u o r* n U I* r^ '* * “ - J,**!

Wcik; f»rm ttoeki In- ^ ereiMd. ^ 4

C«tUe: Fully ,_ K--------- B o p r 6 t « i n r r J 0 e - h l « h * r -------

d u w t ; U»p M-M. . r —■ —■' ■' - BraOONUCOOLEY eoras

(AnoeiAM P r m ftMW Ul Wriwr) conp NEW YORK, April U-flUiCkl WOT of th

worn down • b t t t y prtllt»Uklni to- vcekj da;,.but offered |ood reiUttae* ta d M t ebinvet w m moiUr of (h« n v -

'^ l i ^ ^ b u e t u t U o t u for mtny s u u iMiden wars nn«U and toIuom w u elow< wJiioed to l.U iSM ih ir tt . Uber

-------CoBunodlUe* malaUUwd tbati Uber|ii» w trend, M by wtwat wUch r*- ube r

. . ipooded buoyantly to the Aaipljr^re. p a jduced erop eatteaU . Some noo-fer- m a i too* m e t^ to c e tb e r with rubber aad Treai cotton, improred tbelr po»JUoa»:au- m a i n r tunwd »U|«Uy Im ju la r after -fttaj early itrcDcth.

Reaibtttvtntbeaharemarketaeam- TYeaj •d a loflcal conie<iMoe« of a half- Trtai dofen eonaecuUte adraocea and buU- Uhly IneU nii Wall itw et Quarten■ __%TT

— «-offer1np . rgwrtally in the f tt< J in n half hour w ten tradlof w u brlik. #c. M ttala ftoeks turned quiet. iItIsc up T li ( iH tlon i bere and there. A tM lliniu |2S « m e d tUcfaUy and repreienUUna a iro t b t eoB inoc^ poup teneraJly re- Lei tu n e d Boall loaiea. i;iQIU«t were «1J5; lU ily firm while ralU loet a mUe Zlr

’ arotind. <Meaisred to m tU ena An

For onlted SU tet flleeU Amerloan Caa, Weitinfhoute, Du Post, Barrei-

— ietrCt»rSm t «»*ba»t-toMa» “ -M S ican Tobacco B net deeltoea were mow

TOon ^ T h

^ ° u i r a a i n b ] e j e ^ n i o t'a r t | - daya uliw v titt« rty dltldead of 3TH eenta, 4 me firmed. Amerloaa ‘TiltphoQe, wboee lU . l i n t Quarter , eam tep , tooa to ap­pear. a rt ezpeeted to be ra lb tr poor. w«i <lftwn a u VaUnnal Lead ro*e 3 KB

r ]U u lead ptteea wert adnncecf w l oent a jxund. Coppert traded tfflikly and « t ateady qu»UUflOi;rtbe

forelfn market for tbat metal w u Cf stronger. N ufaU otota loet more than try; a point on deferment ef the dlrldend hom whleb had Icni been mamtalned toM u a ln a t deereailnt Income. Oeneral L t|b reoda bad » tlm llv letbaek after IU keya o v e r l y payment had been cut to jprli:

- 40 cenU from SO although tbe com- Du pany lald th s old rate had been uncb more thaa earned In the flrtt quar- Eg ter. IlnU

fitockbolden who attend annual cum . meetlaga of tbelr wmpanlea thU tlrtti

being largely dU app^ ted . nowerer, Prealdent Oraeo of Bethlehem flleel, NI told hU tbareholdera that operatloni tuga o t tha t corporation bad recently lm- uncti proved,' th a t ths f ln t quarter loat pay would approxlmait tbe deflcKi ot S eei reeen* period* and lhat tbe bottom


u i b . u l . m W K 'i . l i . ____ J l S . '

p g f l ^ l g • » . ^ Man

v ^ c u m _____ f iw w fic o ReBpnag Umti--------------------------*5.00 with

I ■ Ol rt

___________. .— -------------- — S ^ LC

_ _ li» .- c « sh .e n e e _ lL _______ la touaOutwrftt, aalg IW DU

— g BMl ........................... ,'FlJO

^ d o m ---- *****

MUI r»»< ^ NS

8 » s kSa . i ^ m S S iSu m trad- {y f f y s j s * * ' »^p

OoBb , lOo n----- .o n w r ^ gptnun , :;=^ t in i

« g ^ ”a E L erln,' UttuM. per hwrt , lo m a w to ll

■ S ’" | s s s ? L : ^ ^ ^ r

t e ; ; j •

I s t o o k M a rk e t A verages


ram r t o e k . w n u g u d i .

Ttday — . ! r J os** * P re r tw day ------------------- JJ*

B S.rS j . " ' S T i i

i m high — ---------------------w j* M sc

in cMP>Ung B V i ,

^ a ^ m tm a U pm cnlag t raiM a( tbe whoi* lade* at^lgnrt to ««»». g g g> a n Bted) Wbeat a eetton i:. bori 11, tleel terap W. M«*r W, w ^ 1.

t-E d J te rl______________________ PI I ________ . * leodru

learned to h tre beea reached. In - o m t «um e tU U m eaU of botb the big Iteel *»mpanlea lo r the f ln t th ite month* lSr.Ku‘Df thU r » r will am iable In two m ituteeka. _____ • , iBtj»t^


J g S . M d ' K S

u S & SWa 33-47--------------- 10l.j»Liberty f lr tt 4Ui 33-47---------I ttlO mimoumLiberty fourth 4 « t 33-31------WM u ^ rr r ta iu r r 4Wt 47-53 ...-----------ioe.B ^n e a iu r r 4* 44-M --------------U Mrreatury 3K t 4#-5fl - — ......103.7 «»} Dtm u u r y 3H i Junel^— lO li ™Iteu tB T 3 H t 43-47 ---------- -lO l.liW m tnr . l M 41-43 Mareb _1013rreaiu iy3H i4«-48--------- . u . M.18 ---------ftea iury 3 t 81-W........ ...... — M.H » tow

-------- • J7)4e; 1METALS itktag

H n n ;-d tc t ttly ik -« B P iJ‘n a j i« g < gmwen lo. - tag n p

Tin: Steady: epot and nearby lomtr. WM-, fu tu n IJ5J0. • Twin

iron : Quletp^utehanged. b c u hLead: Firm; ipot and New York 1 noiV

U J3 :E u t8 t.L o u U M -ll a tewZinc: Steady: E u t St. LouU ipot ta groi

tnd future 13-10- m etl pAntimony M-»S nominal higher.

-------- l« groMONET We to I

-NCW -3fOnKr ApriM l-fiB.w C a ll---------money: SUady; \M per eent all day.

•nme loam : Euler; «0 to w dty* ^ u ,, ■t; a tn n TTinntrM » nrr c«nt,________

4 month* 1%: 9 to e montha IW to lU . « u B

BAB SILVER »*le f«

CmCAOO FBODUCC 2^ ** 'CHIOAOO, AprU II - L ite poui- “ *“ ■

try; neeelpu 34 intcka; iteady; Leg- W " " hom broiler* 17c; B « k broilen ifi toSOo; colored broiler* 19c; hen* 13c; r ~ ^ L t|hom hen*iO e; roo»ter*<(M,Tur- 111 keys 13 to IBc: Duck*: old 13 to 13c;iprlngs duck* 13 lo 14e. O eeu tlo.

Duller: Receipt* MTO tub*; **e»dy. t _ _ u n c h a n g ^ >

Egg*: ReceipU 3»,413 ca*e»; e*txa » I ln u m i6 ; fm h g r # d e d f ln u i3 « c ; current recelpu lie ; itorage packed f* tlr«asl3K o; storage packed ex tru^ 3 C ^ _____________

fiUOAR ? 5 " '"NBW YORK. AprU 11 MV-Raw

(ugar WM quiet loday wllh price* ‘ unchanged. Reflnen were willing to pay abort l u t price* for *poU or 3 eenu but then w u nothing firm- ly offered beyow 3.08 and the only builneu conflm ed w u a tale ot 4JJ00 b a n of PhUlpplne* condud- ! ed ye*urday to an oulport refiner “ »‘ ' • I SM- w i . :

A l ^ early upturw. future* re?

unchanged to l point lower. The mar- “J 'h ln kel opened 1 lo 4 polnU hlgl^er on ™ rene«-«(l covering and buying by “

Approximate uie* were 30AW tons.May doted l.lO, July 1.19. September US, Deeember U l . January 133. « « « * M.ICH U t ,

Refined tugar w u unchanged ‘ “ " e with re tlnen luting a t 4J0 and sec­ond hands avaUable a t 4.13.


LOS ANOELES, AprU 11 MV-Pro- (Or mi duet e x c h a n g e : ' butler 71.700 Heady pounds: cheese tlOO poundt; egg* Ins; noone, » ________ bulk s

Butter tn bulk 19c. “ CallEggs: Unchanged. ket; •Poultry; Unchanged. Xecrs


SAN FRANCISCO, ApHl 11 (iT) — c o n I Butterfat 30c. under

Potatoes: T exu Triumphs MiO (o .•3.19 per M pound sack; loeal Oar- —~D eU & to6e p o u n l- - u----------■

Poultry: Fryen IS to 30c; real un­changed.

COTTON "SS.NEW. YOSK Apru a I f l -B u y in g T V

moremeat sent prtcts about 9 to 11 p polnUoethlgbardurlogtoday'seatly s s trading with ;oly seUlng up to 8.80 or SO potnU abort the low lerel of UU ^ last m onth. f

D ia market adraneed further UU h t B-tB»-w o i r w a r w y ing in feo r= - : - erlng. Future* dating rery steady, 10 to Uo higher. Uay fl.04-<9; July SiO- >81: October 7«-03: December 7.1S- ?17; January I32i Mareh 749. Spot L quiet; mlddUng &7S. [

POTIITflm I ^' mABo r i i u l u s x r r

s ^ S S i £ . r A ! & r * - ^-'Dpptg «ikIIiy>Cartca«t f • b cMk y |

Sm U h i r i r i y L


---- r— - N E W ” V(

< » » B.S,

-V‘ SSg a g g j " — ‘if f ‘! S ’f f i K f

s s | E

. i r f p s ■! - i f s

laadiui f td lie _ IU 11 *}• auodm ThmiilDt to u 4* i 4*u Buadvi« da PiMO— L. 11 11 S I tu aiaadb«i * 0 b w . _ - ^ 2*n tl i . n i i 8UW1

| i I ' i StirnlOT Oofp. u u ink 11% Tnuu

Sli k sM 8ouU«n> —_ l4i n i MS VbW RkMUiaud OU___ t [ SiC t Uoii*

n u l a a ________ U i 34H MU VUWai.'S .SfcS s a s : s«e P0« * L < 1 _ 4 I 4 I 4 h Wtall3 i 5 „ * = , ; ! w 4 r S S S . '- l r z f f i ! » !! . .? ?Ki<nl Uaton — 14 4 H 13% Amni liaOcQ O o ____ _ s u 9 s u Cfntnss;Mdrur Rubbn p( U tO M BwtrM JSV pT zlli “ i ' K ,rn t W«t Sutv— 1«U } % . 14 XkUor

cxm pert Tla -----»T% 9<(S n ] ia » f K l z = : ™ i f fi " 2 S S ' i ’. - i C ! s r v r I ! l . Simtcomnr 14 k 14« }M Bajutsu r Whatl _____ 3U a|>, at! aimtIilAb Uoton — — u (£ „ Utk U ti Ani«i:i . ! « . i i i S S SIt Rnr * Let____Oofwu e u r t t r_______ 4!« * * H*u«rw Yotk Otolnl— ll^t ItVk ITtk AuWr

I low u 97|(e to 80et No. S motUy MiO; l)i«: an oeeaiianal car loww; taew to M. kktag blgber: B«nU* No. 1, » tew She ilw Wtl ** '* ** tor-mraw enuB B sw ii.-M fc-U »*U t*fe Iambi « nparted 50e to SSe; t o m potnia todty

Twin Falls-B orlcy-Cariaaii t • c u h Irtek to dealen: R o teU N a. CU moatly Mc (a 70e: a tew low tr a t —Uo| tew polaU: boUi oatwclght catb 10 lo

I growen: RoueU Na. 1 4So to BSa; poun >otl polaU aroond Me with a tew to 3i< Igher. T tad i *>l«* farm packa < u h 390 p > groweni RosteU No. 1 no*tly poun< letoSSo. tales----------------1— --------- ------------and-:

CUIOAOO MARKET M.40;c u icA o o ^ A ^ j i u / n ll^au

«>!, Ml. tMml i r n l J j B U ^ I h l a - jw ^iw U 4S4j IUm. tn d ln g ri Jlra moderate: NVUeoHtn RoU d iU*d Vhltat few talea 78 lo SOc; M lnat- lop I oU Baoad Whttca 18«: Idabo R n - pouai el* few talM fL«0 to 1149. ed ye

■ pouni-----LOIt-ANOBtSS-MARKET^------LOff ANOELES. April 11 OD (U S

) A )-FoUloM t Idaba tacked cwt tu te U V. a. No. 1 SUO; oeeatlonal d , h . r . . c « . l a ^ “ sh.

than' I tighti

L U E S T O C K ilie^ S

PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Pf“" PORTLAND. Aprtl 11 ( f l lU S D »*•”

k)-Hogs: Recelpta 190; alt drlTcs; Pf*" ew light butehen 84JS. eieady.Catlle: ReceipU 139ucalrea 10; ^

in Mtlf^r Moad>yi.tnirkeL.ciQted _ _ tnenU y SOc arid mors lower for ' leera and 39e U u much u 50o low- „ r In tnitanees for cow* and helfen; f, ® trlcUy good under 900 pound eteer* lot now quoted above 15.38 nor abort i tor noo pound*; quoUble top ,'®“ , lelfen Si78; cow* u.79; low grade* leers down to U and down; beef ^ f own to 83W; low cutter cow* dowa “ ST oll;tod*ylraU (upplyS loa< ltm U - d cattle motlly low grade with 3 “ I*!

lOthlng sold: Mondays m arket cloi- ^ d unerenly but *harpty l o n r for 'Id crop Umba and tp rlngen bul lOmlntllT Bt^idv for twc8.,AI]djX8££ rfalri ingi; best tpring lamba not now -gJ uouble tpparenUy above 88.50; off . Ttde* down 84; old crop wooled [T^ 1 ^ppatenUy not now u le tb le


OODEN. AprU 11 ( f l (U 8 D A ) - day* (og«; RccelpU 1019. Including 180 quoU or market; slow, few talea and bids n o d l e t ^ ; bidding M-80 on be tt drtre- si.oo ns; mucd kinds told 8940 down;mlk t o n n U d 8138 to m a._________ g■CaiUemecelpU «S.~aU fw T S ij: K/ :et; ateady; tcallering loU medium 8 D lecn and helfen moUly dairy type* ly a< 33i lo M JO; common ktods down- cr; I rsrd to $3.90; medium and good pouo on83J5 toM .80 :no topk lndsso td ; pour inder-gndet 83 down; buUs $3 to 180 ]

^ -V ...............................

P8 t.LA», L tK S A a ) W HO 'S 8 0 5 P IC I0 0 J

5PT f S C i CHA^ACTSft V , 1 0 MB.

m I h I■»


r o R K ■ ■ b s

U M E f ^ i

------- l» u ISlk 11% bulk•* • ? MV *

S ^ i " _ n : z : * t . 11 »« S3.«

S S r i i ! ,!f ii! S.2tai>dM4 Bnnda — 11 11' E l*<{ Sbe

i I suw ut Wuntr ___ SU » 3 Iambiitid«M*r Oorp — a nfc J t i n tS«“TBi-iSS=l! "K ii -11“naa Amarfea 4 S 4U 4< ArlSOI;ra .5 i”iLrSg ig s E a — s i S l i a OMoliad Ott * Imp— ia(« ish u <( H op:

a iBd Alcnbe:— u u M i M k jqq

* i ? S S " r r = r j S b —.f t i—i ! t w , »

i l P S JCivorta Oo_____ UU ■ ari't wunC

* potmd HgW Y O I«?A !lrt^ JS l< fur» UU-It flwuitoas c lw d;^ JS)

......J , ! Call!Sw h Um - £ 5 :bS;"iT ::— ZZZ-II U ^ed-«•etrt* neod and Bluua pt— _ n J j active

u ih T a rp iZ r 44 f j

S r o i M d u ^ ..........: » ‘ I'rtrt and tompaoy_______ lOH , load*s a f c j T = = = : I'* « f * !aWm compaor^— ----------U h « « '

a„^ ,-t n ? o r o ^ f l P o ^

1 oaa Oorp_______ ____ 3)| tloekntrtokn r o n r and UgliL— t...giock ' aitrto Fowtf md tJ fi't- « u ;a s ; s:'s.'ss„T^“ .if' » £xamttelal Boutlitni w r u t a —. U ‘ Ins la:

ibura A uto-------------------------3*(i I n,uve■ ■'I' I .. I load (

ItgeT IliO; medium to choloe vealen 84 these M. ' fornla

Sheep; Rec«lpU 3333. Indudlng 6111f mark*t|.taw-tot*-drUain-woJad.|-------rm biJdo iid»y .lt,tq .l4.7»UK>.»*l« _ b t -

_____ D A)-

OnCAOO UVESTOCK CinCAOO. April 11 ( f l (U 8 D A)-Hop: Recelpu 19.000; doted fully »( to lie higher; UU buUc 170 to 230 JJ„ in ounds M.80 to M«); top MM; 338 u>,^> 390 pounds M.7S to MJ9; 380 to .tuiRs, W pound* M.85 to U.19; 300 to 400 ca tt ound* M.45 to M-89; among high fMi n Uei tate were 310 pounds auM JO {u Bd.360.pound* a 3.8M-»o*s .M 3>.te gTen - 1.40; shlppen took 1000; estimated siuh tl oldover 3000. , u ^ h . 'i;stUfi: Recelpu 7.VM; ratvri n (W; f |,m n0 strlftly choice or long yearlings, jiiun j

te a^ ; othen slow, about steady; ’ arouni )p 88.50 lor 1058 pounds tnS 1313. indleaiouadareraget;llghthetferandrolx-ier* lel1 yearllngt ateady; lop M-79 for 7331 beef # oundheUen;sheitocksteady; buUs tlS S t

i i . ' i . T u ^ S 1 i S 'S T i r » T r “ iiSeef cows largely 83J0 to MJ9; Mu-,.pi)r n tge buUs moitly 83.75 to I3M ; top loads. 3. tlonsiSheep; ReeelpU 13.000; les« active fed v

nan early, mosily steady to ilrong; $5.35; ghtwelght Ismbt 10 to l}c higher; pound prlngen thtrp ly lUgher; bulk de- tnble wooled- lambs 19.35 to 89.50; | round 98 poundi lelltng a t Iniide . n n dee; top 83.75 psld for 89 to S3 g h „ p ounds; better grade cUpped lambt179 to 89.39; one load avenging 71 ounds 15.50; native ip rlngen 17 to ' native 8; package 88J 0; fat wooled eweiJ to 13.75. |b**t l

m ?T FK W IC I5C inlV EST 0C K T ^ 3 n SAN FRANCISCO, April 11 ( f l (U , jttad l

I D A )-Hogs: Beeelpu 900; fuUy ^ toady: double deck 187 pound Colo- ado butohen I4J9: Uto Monday oad 318 pound C allfom lu 81.35; “'r ghtly sorted 340 pounds M.75; few 50 pound t o n I3J0; aboul 100 head ' r ? y how torU 84J0 per cwt. ICatUe; Recelpu 333; tlow, t n d e j '^ ”

irgely on deanup bu ls ; tte en aboul I •” * leady; pa rt lotd fairly good 1088, cund MonUna steen M.IO; soma 7 ^ ' BumiBnirv l u a losi-pMiBfl'omUs 84.85: package 1098 pounds 4.75; few helfen 84; part load good 198 pound Montana • cow* M.75;

soet bids around 35c lower; car and ewloU low cutton and cu tten 81.50; n kto Mondty around 300 head steers0 feed lou. Sm Sheep: ReeelpU 1400: spring Umbs >■

JM ni; medium to choice quotable iround 84 to poulbly M; ewe* for (wo l>ut w Mr* around 35e to 50c under recent O^rm luouuoni; two dKka common to ® »od lOO uound *hom Callfomlu“ •«> _____ CIL_SANaAB_ClTlLLtYEaTOCK_____ HKKANSAS c m r . AprU 11 tA’i (0 goveri

1 D A )-Hogs; RccelpU 4500: fair- here y aetlre, motlly tlrong to lOe hlsh- swedi r ; top M30 on cholco 180 lo ;io tla d Mund*; better gnde m to 300 thed ' >ound* M J5 to MM; tew 140 (o Then180 pound* M.33 to $3.40; *o»t MM Norw;

" i i w

i X THS B O O K ^H . f wwoB-e . Y V I AXJS • o s w a o u * kWrB R lC H A B A C T B M ■


» M.lSi ttock p ip 83 down: csU. I l l i i

” c « i i : MOO. ealvjt W ; K lB

V j |t«en motUy tUady; tereral l o ^ MrtU fInUhed htavy *(een ot v a lu H i0 teU orund 8S aad tb o n uatold * • " aU; o th tr killing elasiet of catUa ootUy Heady; rea len and calret Ut-J t ch ts^ed : stocken end feeder* C*q . a Ughnupplf-fuU y *teady; t h o ^Sl pound yearUng iteen MJ5; pbdce low pound* 8«.35: Uires load* »WKl to chole* yearUnp 88; ^ mDl cholco.yearling helfen 85.40; C' «Ik heifer and mixed yearUnga

” 2! U M*?mf e S S _3.40 to 8330; p ra^ ca l top-realen (a* S; (ew acattered u iea tlocken and OU eeden 84 to 893#. ^ buytnSheep; Recelpu #000; fed Umba ward

Oc to l5o higher; (heep and *pnnf buoy* unba about steady; Arliona aprtng reach unbt 88.3S to |« M ; odd toU n*- moi l m downward from 87; top wool* l a ib d Umba 18.40; o then ts»: abora n m p btiiona e ir t i t> to 83J9. quou

------- cropOMAHA UVESTOCK i

OMAHA. Aprtl 11 ( f l (P S D A ) - to p : Recelpu, 6500; opened ,8o te 00 higher: closed *low. iteady to 8e Jg tftr;l>u lk300t«390ponnd .83^»p M M OQ eholce 300 to 230 » ounds; buUt better 180 to W « ounds 83J5 to M.49; 140 to IW ounds « to M « ; s o n M to M.10; lag* 83M to 8J; feeder pigt I3J»0 83M; shlppen boughnround

Cattle; ReeelpU 6000. calve* SOO; a l.sieers^(U ti:U i!ga .noder> l< lzctlve. steady to strong; «he stock .loted *low; buU* lOc to 15o higher; w n ealen aboul *te*dy; *locken and•eden slow bul steady; fed steen «« nd yearling* mosUy HJS to MJ5:VO lood* 1430 pounds (5; teveral « s j>sds light steen and yearllnp «*"»•SJ5 lo 85J5; h d fen 84 to t t ; bulk befwtgef cows 83M to M.3S; odd head sserlt;J0 to M.75; cutter gnde* 81.75 cWroiM J9:m edlum bull*l3,40to83M ; buihenetlea l lop vealen MM; smaU lou emouiM k a tee n 84.39 to M-35; choice servoo d t c a lv u 40 J9 ............ - .............. north'Sheep: Recelpu 7500; lambt *tn>ng wh'

> 15c higher; *heep *ie*dy: ihear- Chlcalg Umba ttrohg; t r t wo<ded'Umb« bustoL75 to 85J9: tog 85.40; fed dipped quotaiimb* 89 to 93 pound*, 14.75 to 85; Uvery,aUve aprlngen M M to M.79; ono _ Con«d CaUfomta tpring tamb* aver- by g(le 77 pound* 88.79; torted 10 head plcnijlese TO poundt M; two loadt C*U- Pro-im lu untold. valua

- ST. JOSETH -LIVEaTOCK '—•8T r-J08E PH r-A prll-ll-ifl-<U -8 - J u i r ' A )-H ogs; Recelpu 3000; acUve.: to IOc higher; mostly 9c higher; ^”S ‘- ip M.50; bulk dcslnbte h o p aU jutr eighU 150 to 300 poundi M-40 to IM; few extreme heavle*. some av- ''*^71 -aging 3S3 pounds, MJ9; poorly fin- juir bed h o p 83.79 to M35; towt un- utngcd; buUc M to M.15.CatUe: ReceipU 1900. calves 300; p o - <1 I tee n a ad long yetrlinp te t- , ^ e. fully Iteady; light yearUnp un- ren r-tteady-to-^X tkr-lnstaneea- S u r : - Ightly lower: other kUlIng cUsse* “ '‘A :iehanpd; *tocken and feeden

■ound 10(>0 pound avenge* 88M; S .r .dleatlona light yearllnp and htlf- 's leU around M.75 to 14.75; moct Kf 0owa n M to M; cutter grades .85 to 8139; buU* MJ5 to S2M;

i i S S : B50o7 ^ « W b tup-y 17 loads fed wooled Umb*. five “" I J ad*. one load yearUnp; Indka- on* strong to higher m*rket; top , d wooled lambs UU yesterday ' IJ5; CallfomU *prtng Umb* 78 jund* *8-50.

DENVER 8IIEEP !lDENVER. April l l ( fl (0 S D A) o , theep: Recelpu 14M0; *alabls *up- 911; < ty about M load* fed Umbi; tn d eMifUied to trucked-la loU natlvea; n*.atlve fa t Umbe *lMUly a t 8435 Ttm own; few culls iprlng Umbt 84M;est held around 87; asking 15c to c j, ,

round 85M; packen talking about 7 in ~


BOSTON, A prU U («W m odtra to | i n uanllty o t the finer grade of ler- IU I rttory wool h u been mov«d UUs | l I ■eek a t steady prieea. Bulk 84s and mer territory wooU brought 40 to 2c scoured basU In ortglrul bags, lood F n n c h combing 58,00a terrt- n e n ; 3tj sold a t around 43o *coured ba.- ^

ear the maslmum of the range. 37 ^ 3 SOc scoured buls. neeees a n very 1., ulet wtth quoutlons unchanged VV imnarrri wlfft liitt r u t — —

HALTS HITLER COMEDY ^ ^ SnDAPEST (fl - Adolf Biller «hen

'u long a lubJect for' comic lm- shlpp ersonaton on (he Hungarian stage. *bouIi u t when h t became chancellor of Ibis s lermany, police caUed a halt on » lie carteatures. Hopk

- sUtou ld I

CHARTERS SWEDIBB SHIPS .g ro c im Q L M fj-)^T ha BBvitt tffeet

ovemment h u opened aa office ^etop: lers to handle the chartering of h u l iwedlsh ahlps. In nine months Rus- Ib st la d tarlered 199 Swedlih steam cn. Uttle he deals involving aUnoit UMO.OOO. csted rhere U a similar office a t Odo. I t I lorway. fuU

I TH IN K \ M AN8S- X '-.- t - tH A rs A^ S H o f e s a o M a H ffs

A B b OOT U N 06R t \ p l M O M B B R TWAT BLACK fl

• / , 71

A I ^ 12, 1938,:

VHEITJIIMIKLHII|C |IIEIE0|fo rm o l B uy in g W h ir l? p

B r e a d C e re a l T o w a r d s , p

Z e n i th In W in d y C ity P

^— B r i 0 i m r ,D 0 u a i u N ----------^(Aw)dM«t p r u i U M Ktt.i:(luw ) ^ OUlOAOO, April 1 1 - la storma of rS& lying, wbeal repeatodly w hirM t»- ^ an l ths aenltb today aad filotad ^ loyanVat about tbe topoott point ached. J ®More th in 10 eenu a bushel gam k lu a thaa Ihree wetkv tesultad, reeplof the w h u t market abora any > toutlon* for OT*r a year. OOielal op eatlm attt whlob trade expeRa 'Jd w tn suggettbra tb a t tba eotm* y a itib t be in a *«rlout potlUon n - irdlng *uppUea took t lm plaee aong, rea*oni gtrea for exdtedlahaaio purcbata.--------------------------S ooa wheat spedaUsU flguTQl tba t « UnlUd s u te a tbls season would oducs 50M0M0 to 100MO.OOO nh«i« j m vheat tba uaususl xas rtqulremeaU. Olrlng further Imulus to tbe msrket w u a auddea panilon of o re n e u demand wltb trope today Uklng 3M0M0 buib* ^I Of whc*t fro o North America. :■------ffbeal-Cloaet'SIrM*-------------P

Wheat doted *trong. IH to 3N ■* s u net higher, coro undtanged to off oaU K to K up.and|Stnrlslons'

.owmg 7 to 17 «enu advance. . j \ Maximum prices for wheat to d ^ i !r-k1 m e right a t the openUig In d Just' fore Ute cloae. U to upiuraa were j l i icrlbed largely to a goTcrameot H H irrocUoa eUmlnaUng 30MOMO | H uhela of seed wheat froca tha aount nported u part of farm n - tpurc rve Itock* In iprlng wheat iUte*•thw W . R 'W heat for immcdlaU delivery l a ' 'n il ilcago today brought U cen u a . g|r ishd. iM e enu abore ttanoltaueoua lotattont.op the.neareit fu tw ,

Coiii and oau prices were held baek —I govenunent reportt Indicating ____e n iy o tcom ln theeoun to '. I ProvUlons reflected upturn* of hog, lue*. I

—- w Uj* p ^ 'tS r — eaiJ ei eju-i^

K = = z : S i ; i l i ! S p a PJepwmbcr -----J7 3«lk-143«U . i j i jUar _______ a i aoH xn i U yw L m s r z r r i i i ! :i» i n

TOBTLA.ND-OEAIN 1 8PORTLAND. Aprtl 11 ( f l - W b e U H B M d: May new 54Kc; May old Hc; July 58>ie. C u h No. 1 BBB' ■ ■ !R ^ K a ^f ir r lc^ ia rd -^ ln { w l2 > r“ ■ ■ fit esc; 11 per cent SSc; N a I aoft ilte SOc; N a l wetlem whIU, north-1 n t in n g S tt 'N & iiiiu d K iU i iu iu .l M

ijaU; No. a whits m .Car rNCtpU; W heat 85; oota 3.

PORTLAND HAY I HPORTLAND. Aprtl 11 ( fl Hay- ■ ■ ylng prtce from produeer: A tfalea" ^ 9 I tD » i4 .9 0 rc lo v c r» ll7 « u le n rO n s^ ic l n Timothy 814M to 815; oaU and ■ ^ 1tch 814. ' I | ) V

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN | [IflCHICAOO. AprU 11 ( f l - W heat:' ■ 1.3 red 65c; No. 3 hard Sle.- ■Coro:No.9mU ed33)4c;N o.3yeN ■ K (old) 34 to -34Uc; No. 3 yeUo? H ^ to 33Hc; No. 3 whlto 34Hc. HOau; No. 3 whlU 23»e; N a 3 white R \i to 31>ic. B r?Rye: No sales. ,Btrtey 30 to 49c. ; >nui(•nmoihy aeed M.15 to MJS per rt. onClover teed 87 to 89 per cwt. a fU r

i i i O i li i L m E W =

the dl------- of fro

epartment of Agriculture "RepresentallVB Says; Winter Wo ks. No Harm:[{^:

. mUt l aTwin Falls dlltrlot whldj reached fru it..peak production of appUa in 1929 one *1hen 800 carloads of the tru ll w en he u ilipped from Twin Fall* alone, lighleitould produce a normal apple crop er Ur lU teuon. so,far m wlnUr weath-' Condition* a rt eoncemed. A. B. and 1opMn. repre*enUllve h e n o t the Twin*to department ot ap lcu ltun , nopklId 1 ^ evening. ^urtioT h e 'p u t winter, he u ld . h u not expecttfeelM Ihe applo crop outlook. De- p rrlilopmcnl of truit buds, fortunately. cIquu been retarded this season to f,ta t recent cold wetther h u hsd |h^e rttie or no ill etfeet upon the Indl- ^fpnilied harreit. aUblllI t U unlikely tha t th e n wUl be a eurini

iU erop of peaches anywhere In Iba

c M v o i

• [ VMS-RB X SO O «S• J C«TBCTIVBS-1 LlftBLS■.. ■■r ,; ,-. 1 M S M B ess o p i o o e r


iJibby Wants Son T<

HIS ASSOCIATED PRBS.V *<?lcph RoynoldB, widow of Smith Reynoli

■rnilliohs, a 'nd 'hcr sbn waa ainong i since h ia ^ ir th devM weeka ago. Tl thb father’s deaih from a bullet

-suicide.-Mrs, Reynolds hopes h c r s ' - ( f f ) Photo.

Dedicate Geronirn

B 8

''/ J9EH9R


HIS MONUMENT a t the Arizona^: on s new highway to be known na

fter tho Apache Indian ra ider • G “used the pass nu a'mcans'urcscniHr; April 2 in which Governor Mocur ( and Governor Seligman'(lower loft p a r t The Bew road leads from Doug valley, New Mexico.—W Photos,

e dIsUIct this wasoii. on aeeount p u t thi frost damage. Mr. Hopkln isld. lltUO ln<

} predicted 10 to 40 per eent under trict gr irm*l pe*eh erop harvest for Uie melhod* ttricl. _______ _ btJi hen

Twin Falll dlitriet'* apple crop tha t *<ris seuon WlU Ukely be smaUer,an Ust in ty lu n l coMequeiica of "

Ittlsg aU bud eluslen to go to CHluit, Mr. Hopkln cold. A heavy crop banTle teuon. under thew conditions, ik . acui! u ld . U followed by a.teason ot wuilh(«r produetton. and Ihen anotb- Tealro 1■ Urger crop seuon. i„ goutThere w u a big erop of Delldous built b)id Rome Beauty applet In the Frenchtin Falll dUlrlct l u t year. Mr. Americaopkln *ald. ao that a lighter pro- projectlcictlon of theae varleUea U to be chUean peeled ihU year.Orchardlit*. r4* *?gr^^"g prln*

Sle of alternating seasons of riset ftU in production, are adopUng , MOSC

le pracUee In tome dlstrlcU ot pedlttonilnning the crop u a means ef mUet IsabllUlng production u weU u le- miles byiring Urger fruit of better eolor. 530 byIbough low priett for apple* the *quaro t

IS Y WHAT VOO WAMT 7 0 l .e VOO GCff 1) SBE.1_BUV PNB / . BT \ O N O en fl PIECB O F IrTBtiJ TMB /|) 6TA.-ruAR1— ’ J O — ^CUOTHT j[ 'D B O U T C A « r* | / | ( ,

I M H i l i ^ ^ r i flH O t

Wf. t ^ 8

1 To Be Flier ' .

ephoto o f Libby Holman 'nolds, heir to the tobacco ig i l i e 'f i r s t pictures tak«vt'I. T he child wna bom afte» illet wound presumably a j r s o n becomes-an-aviator.

limo Trail

na-N<2w ^lexico Ktaio uno as Geronimo Troll, named

r- Geronlmo (right) who_____

u r (upper left) of Arizona lo ft) o f New Mexico took ouglaa, Arizona, to Animas)S. '

; three Masons hsve fumUhed » Incentive for TkUi FaUs dU- 1 groi,-ers to adopt Improved hod*. Mr. Hopkln u ld . orc) tn gradually worfcl a e A ______a a policy of thinning the uitfitl reiulU.

CHILEANS FIND SOLACE \NTIAOO, Chile on -D esp lto acute eoonomie criils. the the-

' buaUicu h e n Is booming. The Iro Cenlrale. ons of the Urgeit South America, h u Just been t by the Banco de Chile. A nch architect designed It, an erican firm Inilallcd sound an<f lectlon machines and tn fts^ha- lean company opentes It.

— c o v E in ff iW fij---------------:—to s c o w ( fl-S o v le t Arctic CT, . ttton* havo tr*veled 13S,Ul :* In four yean, covering 67.78(r !s by sea, 47380 by Isnd and 33,- by air. Tbey dUcovered 34,000

iro miles of new Und.

^ . ( W6 TWOuCM?)!I l7 WAS A I-----

_ ( ..u iiuoed from

STNOrUSs Bh T allr.» A s w > i tk M i i M . i i U » M ii r n M i J ia i wlS s n d u a (iBdi lB l««Uiic « lu n tbba U mwMMd far ft w lnttr wMk (U

. la A i<nftbw boM ia Baathcm U | • P n a M . '^ e W m U tlW 'B a a u w ,

LofaehltK, M d «B«i Um lu W tU „

nthtt — BM t o( tb M tu

ooTef’t e ' ti«SBBdM b wafcenad (m b s d m nu k r Bat T*nj*i ea hla nudo«r. 8b« h u Mttpcd U KbdM* do tort b a c a l w b a r . t o t h * « t lobby fo r^ ha kar iba hat fM K i' 8u lan. Tba fu r U tM t] n ( B ^ ba i . ■tvmbtaoTar.a bloody oona*. 8m

5 S « ' W t ? S J W 5 £ ••• X . I -

. 1- BUNDEAirg OANGBB {,(

___ _ I knew Uraoblem. lied when ho th-------|»I<IW-«ll<rnot-luiow{hraea<Jiiunr7 o

“Vou'd b t tu r n i l the pollee th e n r th' I n ld .

LovKhlem. u tu ried tba t 1 h id , •ecept«d h ll vord, w u le tn lnf orer t t e man affiiia '• “H»-look hert. Bomeone'a robbed »W

&lm. Pockets emptied, nothing an;* Where." HU hands no longer ib n n k ;

t a ^ m ^ l r ^ u e h l ' l t ^ w u ' t i ' i r ^ T ^ A | aehlem expected to And tomatblnc toi tha t had be«n overlooked. If ao, he >u failed, tor pruenlly he look«d a t me < scaln. This tlma n il ere* w en a n iiy qq and Uttle and ’ vlelout. He tiJd : kll •T'f;;o are you7“- ;

uiittir I was to ponder o\*er tb a t u t e ru y tnqoiry. Then It enrtged rae; ^ 1 w u angry, ihaken, tired, cold, and • I w u still In the jr lp of a night- q< tnarlsh experience.

“You know very well who I am.- I f you-ara Innocent of thla affair. «h

call the pollee a t once. If you don't ] ____l_w|ll, K'i:i.v.MiF_h!n(Ji_off_th»t_thi

manl" yd' l-lnd-«po»«n too iale... — {rc

He had dragged out the knife and wa v u holding It up Into the itream of ba Ught ao we bolh could see It. H w u ] dark, and a alow drop w u forming eai en It. Dut It wasn't a knife a t all. let

I t w u a Rmall dagger like a toy wi a«-ord. I t w u a toy sword, and I he.

• —-haa iccmniB Uke-tt only •r l l ttle-bc.'-ffB

Lonehlem recognlted It, too. He ; got heavUy to hU fett, I preceded he him, however. Into my room, and bu we bolh stood a t the flnplaoe ita r - vo: Ing a t t|ie bronzfc clock. The UtUe • b ronu nkller'a gauntleted hand tni w u <mpty, and the iwcrd w u In i . Lovtehlem'i fa t hand. Or a t least, - n 1 thought. % fwotd just like It. ]

But Lovschlem dispelled n y go fproutlng hope of that a t once. He air Mld-with-it>rt-«-gie«m-ofu g ly tt l«— • amph: Mi

"There's only one Uko It la the ao

have believed of you. for you've-the n t fac« of an.Intelligent, man, Bnt you nu killed him." • _ • J u

There are tblnga that leave, you ; >0 itunned th a t fnr luit » mnmunt ^ you feel numb—u tl wn/pi-nrtM tn ^ nvordrThe thing tha t w u r a unreal fa, aild made everything else tmrea] h> w u hi* accuiatloD. to

“And yeu want me to caU the po- b i ttoe." he added, with what ap* nu m aohed , a inille. rtr

Zt w u still dirricult to ipeak. But ■ all a t once thlngi vrere rtaJ enough.A wdden memory had eome to me with All ihe reviving'InHuenee of a — Itream of icy water. Bue Tally had

Daily Cross-\^

ACR080 • 8»iution Of Yetteri i. War ivlaKir of

r(curj .................. — I I• I. Eiplot^r or ■ A M T J P A V

l l : & . Of | | | | H | |

' L E E R i

r». tlronp ' 11. A,Ilj nol 11. <

ciirtcilon '• '* 10 1 13J. SOvfl poundi ««prf«i dm* . <97. Unileriround II. rarln of nhoct

‘ “ ■ ' “r r " *« . niiiont II. Kina ot pirrot I. I itouilL^ZlL **■ *• '

«TThr«»: prenx eufir moUiatl. hi- 10. A klnr ot S. 1

tw.Mn nortH . 1.1uoff*“ * “ • ®'?SToS‘ ’ • '

t l e C o « i a a f o o -

p tw g . MHAM j_ I ^

ro n L u t lin e )

■ Moed UW*. tlm a * w t w ’aehlaffl w u now. t tu t f u * . teM U f th a t cwnd tpH n u m la i b«r Ptak f l a m ■!«« U t Otr? odt* w d I i « u g th U U w u U tf • d i« i« r. I

T b ia Z bad M t tu r aloM ta UH \

dnksM t cf Uw eetrldon. Aad lm* medltUhr a l t n m d i X tmi teaai * m v t e S n a n b« |d« tbM W r . door, to d -b e b td bw a s n r d m d < wUb tbo dagger 1 had l u t te«a In 8u« l U l f l nogera.

! B u t t h e t r o o b i a w u X ^ i ^ k m > « h a tto d o .B o t f ta o d (b M la e k ia t

. a t Lonchttsi tS d UU ikfltttaf. ■A a a n w u f toBoa’wiH th a t r ty •

lo (* Irritated IiOTHbkn lO l. s pueo tly made h t a u e u j r . B t M d :

“You you are alike, 'How cas tayoM tell w hat yea a n '

> thl&Uoar Poker faoe*. th a t^ wbat r > w W u i a 7 K o w T £ » r i 4 i f l r i « n ~ i• the poUeer UM

Tbeie w u only caa thing lo «y> ru i r them Bt oaee."

H» WU rtiSblf dliocnr trtod. Be I ita red a t rae tn d then took ta o tb a r t t t l . at«p toward me peering la to my Tral ; face.r , ."W bo-trt.jou?'*, bB-iAlrt .B giln T m• Again, tomehow, the ( iw tlo a ita i ( touched oft my tmouldferlog (m r. II stepped quickly oeanr.' “See bert, LovKhltm. X toU you ' onee who I amt And th a t t d ldn t• kill tbla manl"

Ha backed tw ay t itep cc two tn d \ aomeono from the eocildor guped m i

« “* ^ a t U 11? POT the ICFve of• O o d -"

"Q re th e -h u ih f Iflvachlem’a Tolee Artl• amothertd the woman'* cry. I Ua)• whirled;- - - ................... — Arrlt I t w u a woman, now, kneeling by LeaiI fhA iw n, ^ irnwl»n In # _

yellow ihawl whoie Irisgea dropped -from -hef-*houldefa.-H er--fed-half I w u drawn In a great knot t ( tbe ( baek of her neck.• Uvtchlem, the dagger itlU beld ^I carefully between two la t llngen,

left me and tdvanc«d quIeUy to* J ' ward her. I- followed blm and u w Lea I her turn her horrlflad taee up to- Arrl"-W W gTirnftnin»egfl~w r gUl» ------Oi'----- “&^-yoo‘TB-kllled-hlnr."--------------------- By tha t time he had bent over

1 her. and I could not see p u t h li 1 bulk. I eould. however, h o u hU

i "He w u found dead on tbe land- I Ing .there. I do nofknow Who he li. Lea'> I tm Just going to call the police. Arrl• This man with me tound him." —

He turned to me: “My wife can ' go and telephone to the police. RM 5 alnce you IniUt."•— T ne^flT nillK a-W dSum riH m r^

Madime lovichlem. I could se» her » now a i lhe roie. She clutched tbe I jwllow^ihawl-about hw ,-^n>»-m bt ^

[ i ^ w v i V i i t a n d ^ ^ ^> n t the moment I w u coniclotu. u a ^> m a n u , ot a kind ot attraction tbout.b * » _ .i. . . . ------- - Din; In the very tc t o f.rlilng ih e h td “ ®*t « tugbt alght of tha dagger with lt« liJ omlnou»-w»t-italn,-K«r-*hlnlng-eyi» -be-! ftitened on It. tn d widened, tn d Mai1 held their gua ao fixedly tha t both regi

Lovuhlem and I looked a t It. too. chu ■ But lhe did not acream. She did not V ‘ make any motion of frlcht. She aald _ finally; —

t “Lovschlem, you're a tool."• (Copyright. lOSJ.' Mlgnon O. Eberhart) .

I (To Be Oontlnuedl

•WoH Puzzle

•terday'i Punli . t t i-p* ot *•*.

' >. &»(''tnJiia cllmblna

10. • rtaio

M l*. Dono^wlthla a II. Orailllin

« . Bmall wunJ I t DlS?'";!• JM

:i. Elaine:t, iiehoiil I B30. ii«cur«d ! ■>L D K ir ■)L Uikar^ot B

IL Orawlni eut >! o'la't<w'*n11 Ie H. I’liTlhint I, Pluaoir B

OOwA i. m t t n x a la IMII. S h ^ I i 'k i t ' ' Il fh '/c u U s^ Ifi

“ s 7 « S " II. Cuilem IT. gloKort mita,T. Dar et Mit abbr.

B ita l. I t. rrtncb artlel* RE

’ p 1° r** Y' I * t


t w t n f a l l s d a t l v k e

Q |lM A M A .M « m « lV |IC Q |ttiP IW im W K lW O H W K N l H ^ l

MIUIS v n u . CbMYMUU n■ To m H U tiMKr-KyGD n

'IWIMPOI. PCM’-BCri'- B irr r r M u » r u x

H M O tfrO riW H O U tfi m h IP ME B V C t W

M m 'm iiavM L bM iA M ,

Ctil UJJl ' Wjf. A M & tO M uiB «U P A MOUT *tU» BACK DOOB W lIbM B IT H IR V lO O M ^ ATTKB eORMCl«. j W

TIME TABLES hi B abadalM O truM agtrtnhM tB d

Meter BaaM Pualag ThrMgk Twta , r t lb i 1=


I t t l n H iM v a t________3 JO P. U.T rtln SM le tv e a -----------S ; |] A. U-

WertbetaflT r t l n n to tfw --------------1U 0 A .U . -T rtln 5 0 le tv H ----------- I:4SP . U. ^


Otny accept Bundty. I _ T rtln W U tv e a _______1:10 P. tt.

T rtln I to t i r lv e a ______ 3:10 „ONION PAOFIO STAGES C

A rtlv u ______________ 11:00 A. M.U a v e i------------------------11:30 A. M. kAtrlvta-------------;----------li-ii A- fcL £ «L eavtt-------------------------i:M A .M ^ o--------------- W «*tbom «~------------ 5 .1A m v u " _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 : 0 ' i A. u . sLeavea - — — - a . u A. U,A nlvca---------------------- « :» P. U.teavei _______________ 8:S3 P. M. _

NOBTH 8IDB BtAQBS Jerome, WeodeO and Gooding ^

Leave ■ a i'<* «Arrive _______ ;_______ IJiMP.M . “ t;ttaY r'7-~ ii: z - r - T . : - - : : « T a-p3 r 7^


Uave ------------------------!Q;SOA.M “R e tu r n ........................... 3 :3 0 P .lt voc

. TWIN PALU'WELLSLeave________________I I 1OJA.M " J 'Arrive-------------------------C:«J P, M.


BDnLEY. A p rlin ISpecial to T tw iv f Oe

have lU annual itinrlie meeUng and E titer breakfast next Sunday mom- n, ing beginning a t e A. M. Herbert he Dlrdwell wta be In charge ot the d. meeting. j >

In the altemoon tho Endetvor win i.h •be-guMU-ot-Mr,-and-Mr»r-Ronaia Bi MaclUe tor a bukel dinner and the an regular meeting wlll bo held In the be: church Sunday evening. I th<

&tn. H. P, Andrew wUI ipoiuor herj :

Beer Receives Dra:


R E S ID E N T S O F T U C SO N , A R c o stu m e s o f th o g a y n ln o tlc s a ho te l in A horsclcsA corrUire tt o f th o 3 .2 b rew . M a iv eo lo rfi th e O rn d o r f b a r w h en g u n s wi y o o n y i^ f f ^ P h o to .


H E W i TWIN F^Llig, p ) f f l 0, 1

T»V «U .w Ik W uI»A.'T 1

j (

| W a n t A (ONE CENT PER WORD | „

PER INSERTION------ ------------T—r.i xxs

A Q W a atA d e tllv e tB d u ttv eu d _ l | - th e y brtag Um biyer. I EX1

r i i e a e n

For Salft—Furniture «_ _ gerPIVB TOBE CROSLrr r a d io : r iB

CaU evenlags 405 sth St. .North. cl<

PURNITORB POR SA LE. A U klndi of new aad uied fum lturt.

C o t l .n n g e t .u . lo w .u llOJN .itc li. r o f Wo tr td i , buy or Mil. Will p ty c tab q, for uied furniture and stoves. Phone umr 5. Mooa'a. . t,lerI i:- . ' ' '■ ' ; ■■ Pbo

For Rent—Unluralitied =A P A im ttN T TOR R E N i OAU.

______________________ _ IPr e p i k is h e d MODEIur odtJN* _tO fJioine for rtnt.bywlprU IB. JT | jo j u b . rw onab le ,. phone ISMM after 8

^ Ivocal e la u In t n Euler r e d tt i P l l- ONI day ereolng of thla wetk. w h(n .p tr- « enta of t i l itudenta wlll be special irld gueita. A splendid muiletlprogrmffl la Pho being trranged. _


jE R o i n , Apr’i i u ’ Special to l l j e ^ NiK i>~Thlrty members o t tbe

ttcred c o n ttlt. "Ruth," ifif A fir^ Oaul, before a e tpadiy audience c i t here a l the BlethodUt church. Sun- j i ' jday evening. . * '

The leading rotei were lUng by 5 ? l.n« Dorolhy Huston. MUa OaieU

a n d M lu F ault Eckrtm. Miss Ant-^' bei Horsman, Oooding. aceompanled I the singers. ' ^I Prior lo the evening program the

In---------------------------------------------:— cot

ramatic Welcome \derWlitoi" ttth<


>>*>te t





n il^ ^ P s s i B S 9 S £ / | l f l | COI


sust t r

ARIZONA, dressed up in tho i i u 8 and drove to the old Orndorf I i B to rehearse the Inauguration I )rful figures used to frequent » were worn and the west was ’ t

■ .

|yy>gN .yuH «

•fife \ J

0, WEDNESDAY VOANIn'q, AFn ^ :u a i a ia a 9 9 B e S B S s a ! B S B S S 5 » s

T H S Q V M r s -

I / \ ^1 la i MA ' *

MM-n _________ < ■ _

L d s ^B a c ^■ For SaI&~Seeds

r o n 's A u B L X s s ^ 'm i ^ u 0 ^ p w potatoet. Phooa OMtJi._________ h

L'gR'nPlUJ— D IOKLOTC_gJEEP wheat. PhoBt P r tn k Candle. &

EXTRA OOOD CLEAN S m > OATS. NC liM tth Avenue E u t or Pbona U » . jgi

BLUE TAO QRIMM ALPALPA, HAState Test M 4& 1U south Of Ber* el

ger atore. IH Bt«t. J . L. Rytn. —

pntffT. Q U A L m r p i e u > s e e d s , tcloven, t l f tU u tn d g r u r seeds ol JSC

tU varieties. B . L. Btmmoad. Sen* — aon Bldg.

POR SALE CKaUFnCDBLOBTAO R.Dry L tnd 8e«d Potatoe* BUea Tti* -—

umph. Early Ohio aad Irlah Cob* blen. Dingle « epilUt Beed Co. ^PhoneSrTw ln.pitU s.Idtho.____. . . ^= = = 5 5 = ^ = CU


horte o r team be aure to attend the p publlo auction in Buhl, Wednesday, too

.......... = ^ = i s

I Wanted to Rent ^O N P o S n flH ro T T o o sE p iv e o r

six room. Waahlngton fiehool Dls* f o trlct. Must h tve u aoon u poailbU. p Phons 1851. acr

r ^ ^ = = s = ^ ^ = group, together * l th t number ol k>cil young people,'Wer« enterttln- *

who w u assisted by mem ben of tbe )}*■ L^llei Aid. 221

MOVIE TO DEEP C B r aAHgr n tPAM . Apni i i la ia e m ^

to .Tha N iw i)-M r. tn d U rt. Glenn E3O lanpitt tn d ftaUly h tv t teored 1Into the Joe K iie t bouu o e tr Deep s c m k where Mr. Clampltt la work*Ing tor W ,.R. Skinner. g l

Legal Advertlsementj jJ;" ~ ^ b T fC B ~ T < r 'c B B m O * B S ^ JJ* In the Probate Court ot Twin Palli County, Blate o t Id th a * •

, In tha m atter of the estate of WlUls Young, Deceaud. , f "

Notice Is hereby given by the ua» f " denlgned executors ot tha estate of WUIU Young, deceaud. to the ued - = Iton ot and all penon i having clslmi ngalnil the said deceued. to exhibit them with the necessary vouehen,!. wllhln alx montha atter the tlitt{ publleatlon of thla notice, lo the said ..iMilnfg a t IM Idaho BMg. Hnlri.Countpiof Ada, s ta te of Idaho, tb |i being the place fUeit for the tn a t* tetlon of t^ u a l n e a s of jttld eiUte.

Dated J tn u t ry IS, in S > -lA O RA TOUNG,


Exteirtor, HW. C. MOPPBTT. n

AttonMf for Executon. nResidence: Boise, Idaho. I


In Ute Probate Court ot Twin Palli, U

In the m atter ot the estate of An- Ina L Hollon. Deceued. jl

Pursuant to ao order of the Judge I of said Court, made on the Slst dsy jl of Uareh, m s , notice la hereby glv* gen Uiat Wednesday, the i n h day o( ilApril, IMS a t ten o'clock A. M. ot | |n ld day. at'U ie Court Rooma ot said IOourt, a t Uie Court H ouu In the City U tn d County of Twin PtUs. Idtho. h u Hbeen tppolnled u Ute Ume tn d place Itor proving Ute WIU of u ld A m t L. IHot]oo,doeeaaed. tn d for hearing Uie |l

J® l4 i« itU iino tA iW leP«T yforthe it Hlu sn c e to h eru U o tle iU n tea ttm e n - Httry when tn d where ta y person in* IIterested m ty tp p e tr tn d contest Uie ^

i Dtied M trch Si, 1B3S. JCU A RJO RIS BLACK,

Clerk.W. L. DUNN,

i Allorsay for PeUUaner.I Residing I t Tw la PtSa, Idaho,


• , ■ V •

APRIL 13,1988

^ R O L A N D

(8 > ^ 0 (iriM tO 'n « C D U K T K f IM


■ W m m

gainsX)For Slie Mlutnaiwui

p R E S iP a o w J i s E Y 'T m S loe r oh tlf gtUoo deUveeid. SMJ. —

NEW raOTOUN, AOTOUATIO 11* I Jguage. iso oa Ptioat ftSe. —HAY POR SALB 3 U T L a T w ih ' 3

elghUi north ot South P trk . ->■— ■ . ■■ — ___ — , p fj

SHEEt^- MANORB TOR LAWN8 a tn d shrubs. t l4 0 two ytrda. Phoot —

1S«J*W. RO

MARSHALL s' t R A W b ' b R R 'y — pltnla. Mile north P tv t Polntt. d . ^

a . CaUutk— -------- -------------------------- C

BULK SEED OAALEY.eOo CWT. K -Two mllea aouth South P u ld tw e tl , <

U aouUL U trtln SulUita. » 0

CLOSING OUT STOCK WBtTE H I lead, llK e lb., Uneeed OU, Ho g tl- t

lon. D ltaond Rtrdwtrw Co. m>

UAJRSHALL 6 T R A W B E R R Y AP p itn u , m mUes norUi Wishing* I

too School V.W,Edmoodaoa. ■ *»

GECJIENOINE CIUZY C T ^ ALB — tn d drink your w ty to b e tltt . H. J. TE Schwltter, The Rtwleigh M tn, 38t I 3rd Avenue E u t. Twin PtUs. m

, ■ ■ I !■ ■ , I , ^ WlPOOR INCH WOOD PIPE 10 OENT0 —

per foot t t Idaho Junk House, H/ tcroas f r o m M unyoot AaW oo < Oroundi. roc

I , - , .. ................... toiIRRlOA'nON PIPE, F O O R ,C p C ,.-

eight, u n , twelve Inch t t prleet U you c tn t t tord. I t wlU p ty you to aee I luTTwlnW Us-TunfMoSfcrSJOU^^ » SouUi. -

Situations Wanted - ■EXPERIENOB) O I R I .^ W A ^ S

hoosework. lt«0*J. . ,su--. i.rrrrr.-'S'ST.-.izss s s ju

BUHL MAN OBTAINS LAND %BUHL. AprU II (Special to l l i e ”

N ew s)-H snrr Rodlg h u putehased five teres of land loctted In WU* lltm s sub'dlvUlon from Theodore u P trks. Jtrbldge. -Tho oonaldertUon w u tTOO. Mr. Rodlg h u t ln o t t m compleUd 1 16 by IS foot buem ent 12 tn d WlU m ovs 't Uiree-room houte W from the Ltwrenee J e u ranch over tho buem ent. • o{

Ambassador GoI ' - - . ■

, -{j

p iF iSJOSEPHUS DANIELS', n e w ly

M oxico, is b e co m in g a cq u a in tcc d u tie s w ill b r in g a t th e s ta to .w h ere room s h a v c .b e e n Bet aal l e a n th e d e ta il s o f f l ie i r a s s ig


9 5 = s s $ s ^ s s ^ ^ ^ s a s s e

U M ' M m umpi 0 a i r .1(41 «WI k l t i t “ oPTM tlA H R 'A H D lM l

M O O t^ >lWCr A, Nil

| g | ®

....... ■'....... ......... ... ^ = g g s t ^ =

)p p Q x £ aI For Rent—Fumlatied RboMPORHBCT.'aM IROOU AND b o a r d : 311 £ d |

.............. . . . _ .1

APARTMENT POR R B N T . <13 * U tla North.

PURNIBHQ) APARTUTTrr. 008 te d K o tih . _____ ^

PUBNI8SED A P A R T U D n a ONB ^tn d two rooai.Ot<ls H oae. 0 .C

ROOM, BOARD. AND LAOMDRY, i i B lS M m o c U i.5 0 1 M tln E ts t. ^ ' ot

FURNISHED ROOM, CLOSE IN. ..■OtnUcatn-prefeired. Phnae.8MJ. ^

POUR ROdU MODERN FURNISn* «c «d bouse, gtrage, tdulta. Inquire

a ^ U jA T sn u eE . ^

NKW X?~"RB!bvATED APART> menti. fuUy furnished. Ju s ttse re

m n . Very low rttes.

APARHfENIS A N D B O U n i £ ufurnished ta d unlom lshtd, W. B, H>

Baagtr, 300 Sboshont SouUi. Pbeos fo r

T B R n ROOM APARTUSNt T ujN per raoDtb. Including w tttr , h e tt

tn d gtra«e. Enqulra 703 Srd ATe. » )fl W est__________________________ mi

HAVI APARnONTB THAT A RI ^ tQ right, aJM the prtoea, 3 aod t * ~ .

rooms, ntmlshsd eomplete. T b t 0^* ?Otlford, 4M Ualn N orth ._________ a>hOWB AO. 8-ROOU UODERN ^

119; 4<room modem 813.M, A. N. nnli-c a sm ssria :------------'-------------- ^

^ B f l b y _ q h l c k t ^ _

HBAIAVT OmOKS, HANBQB B tn ln . Ughonw aad P n r t M tu 2

Reds.Blgdlacountlford<t«daraootb ^ c r more before waatod. RlggertV ^ Btlchsry, •. * -

Help Wanted ' «_______ ■- ■ - ■ tr

MAN WANTED MAYTAO 6H 0P m OB Shothone Avenue. Splendid op^ =

portunlty. |

WAOT UAN AND W IPE W naO U T ch lld rea tow orko (tftnn .a itm ber wA

of commerte. i l

■ ■ ' ^ = ' ioBoes To School ^

^ H i ic tr

'ly appointed ’ ambaBsador to d” ; itcd with the problem s h is n e ^ —itfl departm ent in W ashington ___aside fo r nuw.ambrntsadors to ^

signmenta.— Photo . _xii




1 ll’ ,>'mK Bifc CMAMMQM i . N I h f f l J S a U N ^ ^

/ ^ Y T M C V M I ^ ^ ^ ^ .. 'M tttn jL B R IM fr W M

Y O U 'tM K M M H -

i w u t i e & -

Proretilonal ,

0 . a U X i / - 4 t n r O i t ’ i M k M m

B w & iL R ~ * i w m n t - tB w . olDaia M o a ta ia B slM t^


M r i r L r c A B n a r ^ w s r o m ' - ■

ftiniiit '

BAUiAMTXMB P I .D M B I I ( a « HeaUai Oa. flb te i U ettl W W . >1

For salrorTrad*— ;— B f f i B u S ^ A m i S p i S r w S K

mulsi fe r aU k e e n or tb t ta . « ^ e t f t , % nortb H tn tta . £ l «

? 0 R BAXX O S i s u m e , b ^ o o kmodem hoos* la i ta t part of town, i

fUke loc tU au T » n d s tn e t. WlQ taka Bd j ^ ^ M d j g a i t e o j m a |

MItoellmoulTOURAMOtf AT d ^ T . l i m

PaUs j c o t a u m aatf Id tbo U o . ' to n B n e o t Ttlepbogte 03S6n. J . W.

j:— Wantedlo-Rent____^w A in io m OR 180 w ix b b s s * ,

W a n t e i t - H l t c e n i n e o w

WANTID — A UAEI) B J 'ltlH IIItlak, Phooe 3 d _____________ __

TO BUY PSDBtAlTOX W BIAT. Phone OlCgRl. _________

WANTED POULTRY-EOOB, B , C. IHtmter; Phooe 801._____________ I

P A n ^ O . ICALIIOUTWTHQ. PA .^ 9 u g . o«D c t r t i r . ;*hflot « f .

UBT W ITH i i n ' ' T O O WANT , to aaU. M B nrtre B re t, If l tr .

W A N iro , WHEAT, BARLEY AND oata, to e lttn ta d t r e t t Dlsgle *

Smith Seed Co.__________________

WANTED STOCK TO PASTORC. J .N Burr, 3 mllet aerth , % t u t I

W uhlngtoa BcbooL .,OT! o a cnBTQM KTLLTMn * w n I

curing, p t t bogt tn d ebliikens -bought t t tU Umes. Bunset Meat Co, |

c u t . WIU p ty c u b or seU eo ooo* sIgnmenL J , B. White Co., Dealer la Uier C trt exclusively, >

W A N T E D -C O A L R A N O E S , , stoves, rtfrlge rtton tn d uaed fu r- I

nlture. Wlll pay c u h . Phone 8, ' Moon'a Paint tn d Furniture Store. |

W ANTS); A UBXTNa ON IM - proved forty aerea near Twtn FtUa

with c tth payment of IICOOM to d btUnoe good tenns. J. E. Roberta, . Realtor, Twlo F tm . Id th a

WANTED TWO PABSENOERS TO Poctitnd. w m s t t r t Suadty: patt*

engen Just to help p ty expentet of c tr to d wUl return tboQt 31st Ad* drest p . o . BOX bs. Twin FaUt.

F o r R e n t— F a rm s

FOR RENT — T f^ V B -A C R B S , -xlose 10. Phooe noM T .' J - J


: N O * . '

f •: . - :

■IIISEESlBlir TO H U M Ifl 1n m i t f MIE

I Idaho Senator Confesses In- j ability to See Worldng — Dut-of-Asfeement-Exoept —

At Expense ol Famfer

Bftulof W. B- Dor*h does not »M • -how It U posilbl* to »ork out ft

’ Tcclpn^tr •em m en t wllh CtnaiU < « e e T » t . r e n t u a lllc e to t t e J

•V Amertean ranner." h# totd W. W. » ^ De»l Nimpa, mi#l«r ef Uib Wftho —

SUto a rtn a e . In « letKr which the

Orftnse nuuter, undtr <la(«. of yVl M trch 6, iMt. uy*: ," T i n i “ 1u iit t lp t o f 'T w r- ln ie r n

' rtUUve to the new propoul (or rcclproeliy wllh Cftnad».

•■Of WUTM. we HI wlih la l '« m d u rrlendly reUtlonnhlp w r j neUfitwr ts peteiletble. M d I »J<3H The tlwoyi tpproteh tny proixjalilon ,l,q. dealing with C#nadlan affftlr* with m p a th y and a leellns of friend* q,

— NTOtKTRili-------------t e•ButU onol*e«bow U U poM lble p .

: to work out ■ reelproelty BRreement .w ltb Canada except a t a (treat »c*

■ rlflce to tho American Janoef, Ne- „ ceuarll;, what Canada wanU (o lend to this country are the tliinit*

. which the American farmer pro- L duett. TJisr* cauld b# no oUjer ba»ls ^ j for reciprocity areem ent tha t I can m ink of th in th t t of opfning tho American market for th« n r y ” ' tb lngt for which the American

■ mart. M#!<t> ptPteeUnn. Any. . . . .«gTtemtnl would be worthleu to C in ad i unlstt It lowered or remov- in .

' t i all tv U f the idml»i)on of r O anadt^ wHunl product*. ^

' -W s h ia th li tame <juMtlon up I n - ■ • ]S11 when reciprocity w u tousht to D< be made th rw ih an ipeem ent be- anci tui-eeo tba United BlaUt in d Cana- dm da. “Hie entire icheme i t th a t lime *cn v u bued upon the theory lhat we pay thoold bave frta trade for ihe torr

f .rm w .n d pfatMUMfof

— SSiM S« eopy or the dUcuulon ot th a t (ikl

. propotal became. In my Judemcnt, Mid•ny new propoeal would be funda- tmentally bated upon the u m e prln- theielplet u the one of 1911. cd i

"ThOM intereiled. therefor*, in nra;gaerlcan ngrlculture ihould r*r>: rep« AirefuUy any propoial In the nattir* prtr«( B TKlproclty agreemenU of t

. " f t r myieU. U It b u any lemb-

A tarUr Q ttom which would protect the manufacturer and Ihrow open the market to agrleutturtl product* b

-------------------------- trie

&R€V1TI€S3________________________ ,_________ Fir

Retartt* From Utab-MU* Dona Bowen, Twin Fall*, reiumed j-eilcr- f’®* da^ from * vUlt In Salt U ke Clly. '

VnderroM W ra llo n - Milton ” Fine, Ilazelton, Underwent ■ major opcratloa ye»ltrd*y at the Twin *rr PoU* eounty scneral hoepltal.

Here P r o ’m Oreton - William hor eteam*. formerly of Twin Falll,-now implored by the Standard Oil eom- ” 11 p«ny m Qaktr, Orc|on. U a vUltor

• • _______Back >-roRi CallfornU-Piiul Beer

I h u relumed from Madcrla, CalHor-

[ l ia r i^ a tth e h o m e o fh U so n .L o w - . ell Deer. Mala ifenue eu t. Kit

, . a«rLeave fer reeatello-M r. and Mr&

£. W. Uenderun left for I>ucatcIIo K yesterday to *tiend the funenH for Me

I Mr*. Henderson'i aunt who died llicro;j. recently, PIf

II U ru F ln t Aid T*lk — Boy acoult 'L l Of Trooi> 10, Twin Fall* dUlrlct axe

I council, heard a talk on Unttrd 7 — BnW i Ihriy 'llfil'a ld . given Ijy Mel- —

char Prlebf, ii the PrrabyierUih j church la it nigh.. ; [.H'g

Lr^re* IlmplUl—Jsme* RuueU. a 1: nve-yeir-old icn of Mr. and Mm. tlieA. P. Ruuell. Twin Palli. w u dbi- 1»«rnUMd fmm l ■' Tv in Falli county tontioipltal ycstrcdiiy. He h u been un- Inn

I der treasment there tor lome time cmi ' I lollonlns 11 major operation. fMlII ------ v f11 At Ut«n»o Counler-LesU-r E. S o- «sl11 V*. ShwJioiif. uru tYancea aiercr. ^[ ' Pller, iiipllcd lor n mnrrlage llccnic. “

•nd a marrlai'B :irenia wai Iwued to I OllviT Kuykcnibu, Tivtn I'-allt, a n d ;

r' Zuriuskl, tllCL.lLlhe oH lee^.l • the county recorder here ye:tcrUfty

On Way to ttNeVrr;r — M ia Alma Raybom, Bout, in te r of E. L, n a y - ! bom. Twin Palli. and r. m. Riyboni. I Pller, w u rrpoited yeMrrUny to be I recovering ironi a w ere lllneu .tt the E L. ruylwm home. *ou!h of Twin FalU.

CfTlUy Ttwde N*me —O eorte N. Taylor and Uoyd D, KtniiHoii are the owner* of the Cremo DlntrlbutliiR

‘"company cr Idaii'o, wiih headquar­ter* a t Twin Falll, uccordlmt to u certUlcato or trade name riled In tho oJflee of the eounty recorder hero ru te rd iy .

On .Vl*» nets ~ Mr. in d Mr».


S ^ W A R R A N T S - i omaot

. . a t t S i o d l O M E M t

IW i U i e W i l l i * | P A

I j i 3 h '-I eoiitdn-l help It If tha t ehoe'UU th s :

itoytd ra my ehUi »t the party. Teac Yon can't Uek that far down." , Sei


P R IN C E A N D m o r g a n a t i c ' ^


“ D u c n A n E f f r r i iS m a n i i rA p r n - i i -^ (/n — Ordinarily w e lM n fo rm e d toiircea u ld loday. tha t Prince , mcholM and hli Mor«anatle wife. , ' Jana Lucia DclctJ. have aeparated. ' The prlnee U expected lo return , *[? nhortly to Bumanla and to lake up ' hU royal rlRhta and preronatlvei.

Queen Marie, the ' Kewnpaiier,

about a reconclllillon between prlnc Prlnee Nicholas and Kina Carol, hi* were brother. ____ TwUi

KUig Carol w u greatly vexed by ueni tbe mnrrUze of ^Icholaa to a com- louU moner In November. 1931, and he m tl oMertd an record*-of the ccremony j,ta n deitroyed. ConilderaWt prURir* w ta , 1#^ exerted on Nlcholu but he refuted noo to*leave hU bride. They have lived‘be it abroad. i Mr- ... .. — ■


F A IL -T O G E T R E B A T E J J J “

BOISE. April 11 (m -rvo iniur- latloi ance companie* propotlnit to with­draw from builheai tn Idaho today , . were denied a refund ot theU- IlcenM payment* under a ruling oT Uifl a t- ^ torney jonsrtl. ^ 7 ,

TTM eomnanlM tw klng the refund ^ ”

uklng 1230. and the Seaboard Flro and Marin# company, asking l l » . ,

The attorney tteneral ruled th a t !**“ ' theU- premium Uxei. whleh they u k - ‘‘®"; ed refundrd. w u due on IBM busl- "'=‘7 nn* and for tha t reason could not be repaid. Kttreover. he *ald. there 1* ns provUlon for the i t i te to refund any ol tha llfenae money.

------------------------ Van

A N OTH ER BANK R E O P E N S S------- 'talk

BAN FRANCISCO. April irtl - 01>f»

member bank in tho Twe.fth dU- held trlet w u llcewed today to r open Oi for normal buslneu. when thv fed- rcpr e n l reserve bank here forward^, the er treuury lecretary* approv*’ to the Mo;i Flr?t .Nallonal.Bank. of P*/k .City, . Utah. At the declaration ol the bank m i i holiday there were 0 9 member btnk*In ihU dlitriet, ' . ■

: Leonard E. Smitli and son. Bobby, arrived yeiterday from their homo , nl Lon* Dench, California, for a ‘ week'i.vlilt, nnd are Rueat* a t th o |! |v i

, homo of Mr. Smith'* brother-ln-lnw . and *l.«er, Mr. and Mr*. Aiher D. I '" s '

■ n lZ lMovflloRmGh—M r.*ndM rs.John>‘)'

a, O oiirleyand family nro m ovlngI" '”“ . thli wefk from Kimberly to iheir^. Irult farra lu Snake river cahyon Q ^ I

, Mr. Oourlry h u b « n -e^nployed nt TC KImbrrly u a ilate deiMrtment or a«riculture Inspector. jje

1 K rtam i From Utah—Mrs. PIorenco>J,'(p! • Mc.Han ot the Slmm* apartment*.! n..>I h u returned from Salt Lake Clly and

Pteasant Grove, Utah, where, with J. A. ChrUtophrnon and daURhters.

, vUlled lrlend.s and relaUvei. Snow sa , and extreme cold weather wers en- ,nd

countered during the vUlt In Utah. |nvn

, l‘<yilponeMrcllDc-Ai(|Ularmeet-^ 'I'wlii FalU Canal eompany d l- _

It laler day thL< week i ' l account of A Uie abcenee ot ail methber* of the Ame board, who. wlU) J. R. Sothwell, at-. In tl tomey tor the company, are a ttend- Tiui: inii a hearing In the federal dUtrlct fiiiirt In a . AUlt wherein tho Twin TI fMlU Land iind wawr company iB jaiw vekhiR to compel ta ll ot un luued 'radii

. uMcr itoek. i M. (

\G rm tw ^ i Conve

T h a t ’s W h a t t h e N e w

I S T A G E [

; I V l e a n s t o t h e P e o p U

' T h e i t t e a t Incoo f hBvlnK th e rlvingf a n d dcp

7 ; p o ln t8“ h n ir i t i nw e h a v e B rm n

I t h e b u ild ln ir ot( F o r m e r ly occ t h e i r d e p o t.

P h o n e E v e r y f ic l l l t ’ 2 g 5 ih o u ld b a v o hn

— P h t e L ttP c h e s S e r re d

Uniqn P adf— r . r- W elto 8 ta g « ,-N o r th

Jerom e<SbOBhoae-N

P lM C IE R v l

JllB m O lN E -A ll-O ay S chool o f M e th o d s

D ra w s L e a d e r s In M ove­

m e n t T h ro u g h o u t D is tr ic t

WlUl mors lhan W peraoni a t- Undlng.'■■'iorklnr of ihe P i r t n i r “ Teachen uiocUitlont gathered a t | the high tehool yesterday where • E aohool of methods w u conducted under Ihs direction'of Mr*. John Z. Hayei. Twin PalU. prealdent of th s Idaho Congreu of Parent* and Tetcher*. I

Setilon* were lield yesterday su rting I t 10:20 A. M. A luncheon w u lened In the home eoonomlct room of Uts tehool, with itudenU gfimlnjf fntffg tipdr r the HtfeellBn .. or M lu Juinlta SutelUf, home economic* Instructor. _Ttio^»fltniooa-m «elln£_yf«_helcl „ urtUl <:S0. -

M n. 1. C. Joilyn, sUito chairman ot parent education, and Mr*. Hayei preaented itundard and . ' aupertor reoolrements, utm* and ob- JrcUves during the momlnR le i- ilons.

PrinclpaU OuetU

prlncl{»U of *tl Twin Fatla achooU were, cueiti. three atudenU of TwUi PaUi high achoot gave In­tereiting llluilraUon* of the pnc>Ucal use ot home economic*. LouUe Haight told of various unlU in the course of initnictlon, and Mary Ream* and Arta LUid car­ried on a hypothetical convena- tlbn, wlch brought oul benefits to L be recflved ttiroURh the courte. •

Mr*. Roy Evon*. Twin FalU, ~= parent tetcher council chairman. ditcuue'd general actlvlUes of the III organlutlon. laying Uiat cach u - I .i loclaUon U the clearing houis U l J a r thc.tolvlng of.p rob lem t and 'dlflTeullles peculiar to each m oo- latlon.

Report Club Work A report was Riven th a t the

TwUi PalU KlwanU dub . In con­necUoa wllh tb* weUaro program Co of ths tehool wn* .Instrumentel in

-underiiourUbwl— chUdronr —at— a. — total coil of i3B8.38.

Mrt. Frank Uoughton, lU to pub- llrtty chairman of the organUa- tlon. told of the proirram of pub­licity jilanned for the commlng I yeor. AUo during the attemoon Tw le o lo a Mr* O. Cr<jckett. Rock hai oteti. t t l A * chairman. pre«n- of tsd • caltndar ot objectives lor tloi loeal organUatlon*. Mr*. W. A.Van Engelen dUcuiMd the Child P«M lfire-m M K lne .-and - -“ Program ««Making.” w u the *ub}ict of a « talk by Mtt. Oeorge Erbland. rtiioi>eu dUcuulon and qup.Mlon bor, ■]

irrrMflfil DVtr by Mn- Haye* w n uheld ot tho clo» pf Uie meeting, dee

Ourits at tlie meetlnii included ceercprcMntatlvei ot Pnrent-Teteh* forcr ainoclailons from Murtaugh, perMo;inlaln View and Rock Creek. ,j



Preiciited for the benefit q; a o o d - 'J ” ing college,, a "Mtiilcal Pot iiourl"' ' i will be Riven at the MelhodUt EpUeo-Ur*

I iinl church In T»ln F?ll3 on the eve- tid I nlng ot April 30. The proRram U be- bai i Ins anarfSed by Mrs, Herman Var- tloi . brough. Mm- Henry White and Mrs. I'Biephen Rld»e. Salt U k e City. Bet- ty Yarbrough and Herman Yar.- H I

t brough. jr.. wUI aUo tako part..,-.; ■:I ------------------------ t‘CHUBCH IN V IT E S PU B L IC S J

TO R E V lV S n i E E T I N G S S. _____ Kn

Revival meellngt are being eon- ducted each evenlna in»

Brethren chureh. Third avenue e u t nnd Third itreet.'Splrltual *ermon* are being preached by Rev. J. A. ' Kenoyer,

Sang lervlcei begin n t 7:45 o'cloek S- and preaching at 6. Tho public b

-----------J^ A N N O U N CEM EN TS

A regtilnr meeting of Twin Pall* •= American Legion pott U to be held In tlie Legion Memorial building on p Tluinday evening.

Tlte Waihlngton Parent-Teacher oiioclatlni v.'UI p re ien t.the weekly

' radio prt«ram Wednesday a t 9 P. j M. ovrr the local itoUon.

wnienceew ^

DEPOT !) p l e o t T w i n FaUsInconvenlcnce to travelerB, the vnriouH tttase lines ar>

dcpnrtinK from different ritmjriniprtssert ut». Nu» ~ rranKcd Ihnt nil shall uac liT ot 211 Shoshone St. No. -I.

occupird by Varney) a« II.

icillty that a modem depot '0 hoA been prorided for. tnred at All Hours —

iific StagesOrth Side 8 U g « - - - - - ae-Hai!ey Stage



— ' T w i n F a l U . D a i l y ,

v i e G l , S wm.

cht:y a w ^ B l

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-------- In

C o m m iss io n e rs P r o u « d Up - ^ i«nh

■ •d tr W fw - b w r - A t r th o r - jotcIzing Is su e of $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 ,""'^

_____ held

Under torms ot a new ilate liw , Kxie Twin FalU county eommlulonert Mert have authorized Unuance ot tlI5.000 nliiR of Twin PalU county tax antlclpa- j« i, Uon notes to meet ths current year'* qt maintenance snd operation ex- , Mnies. and wlU oiler Iheie notes for'iKiiular iubMrlpllon-ln-denomI- naUoRi of ttOO or multiples. 11 was ° “ announced y e i t e r d o j ; ^

Ta* an tlclpatlonW w > lll bear 6 Ea per.cent lnlcr « t aiW ar6 to to re- T|,m deemed within the year out ot pro- ceedi of tbs 11133 county tax levies beil) for maintenance and operation ex- and P«"«- hom

The new law under* whleh the commUiUmer* proeeedad permlU It- mcci lusnce of tax tnilclpatlon notet In amount up to 75 per ceni ot the J**"} prevloui yetr'* levy tor malnten- ance and operation. Tliat levy last ' year w u made to yield Iisaj53i)0.

I ’ Under previous law. commUslon- QUl ler* would have been rcQUlred to an- Ulll jtldp ite 1P33 county tax levlea u - a , IbaiU for laiuince of l ix nntlclpa- [ tion note*. |

A TT EN D E A STER SE R V IC E s .■: y -------- • cll «

Knight* Templar will attend Eu te r lervlce* a t the F ln t MelhodUt Epl5cou4l.cJiurch.ot.TwlnjaUi8un. day. April 10 at 10:« a, M. aU Sir Knight* are to auemble In full drew , TempUr uniform at th« Maionlc Temple a t 10:30 o’clock before leav-

commander'* announwment,

Wantedi U w n mower* to grind. 1?,^ Moore's Repair Bhsp, 244 Mtln Ave. nan 8 , Phone tMR,-Adv.

voluiPUnt deaMe_*TTlnii and Barhl- wt*

fella Bplres la ibady remfr*. Bloom fln t year. Kimberly .Norterfea. Phnhe ' Pl

______; _____ | j ^

" O h W a d S o m e

G i i f t i e G i (T o S e # O u n e ! '* A*. O il

EVENIFyeudoN OTiudgs yoioHtsrt by t h s I r sppsir* spf•n e a t— rsmsmbsr, olhsrt « ko ^ j u d g s you Hist wsy. at»

W h tn you psfronh* our , .

I If y o u p h o n e now w e w ill h a r e t t im y o u r o rd e r bi

T K C Y L A tN C l

' n i n i H u s j ^

I N C T S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H 0 ,

) D E L A T H O M E J (]

Iy News PatternCHAnMW a PRINT

P,\TTBRN «*3

b * j C ^ t m c d J a m S

(jiioo.>e your new prlnU *ueiy.If you want to achieve am anneu | and individuality. A ' perfectly charoilng frock U sketched today.Note Ihe chic M*mlng»nd fltiler-

have a dilnly touch of lingerie thU (ralleuoii. Sleeve* may be worn pulled tookthree quarter length, or allowed to gonsnare u ihown Ul amall sketch. A the ideUghUul model to prove Uiere** overre*l smartneu In atmpllclty. indi

Piite rn 35<3 may be ordered only ty i In tUet Ifl. 18. 30, 34. 38. la, 4Qind 4J. Site 18 requires 3H yird* ^St inch fabric and S yard conirut- Ing. llluitrated *tep>b}->ilrp kw- Ing IMtructlon* Included wllh thU I pattern.

Sent n r jE E N , CEM 8 (1J«) In -«oln»-or-*ump*-<ooln»-t»reterr«H.for th li p*ttem. Write plainly your {***name, addreu and style number. BE hera8D BI TO STATE HIZB WANTEt). ***

----- IrrSrtifj /or Ihe ASSK AVASn m ia

FAHIUON BOOK. I t cODUltu 33 Inckcolorful pages of lovely Paru« Welllnipirr<l modeU for every lewmg gljneed, and shows how to bo chic a l on tgveTy-hour-of-the-dar.-gvery ityle icnrU practical, and e u y lo make. Thrre fromare modeU for the larger figure, and wheipages of delightful Junior and kiddle (rom*lylcs. Lovely lingerie and tccM- „lory patterns, too. PlllCE OF , CATALOG. nrT E E N C E N T S, CATALOG AND PATTERN TO* GETIIEK TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.Address all mall orcera to Th* New* ‘ o Paltem Department.— ' ------------------resei

PH M iSG ErSTD IIll £folio

• D F P S l l l l T i 'S G i s_____ fnrm

Investigator* ol Uie rccenUy cs- n '5 tablUlied University of OrcKon dr- . partnent ot paycblatjy. cooperaUng; v tt^ Oh JuroiOs eottri^ *na sethMto -n^j j orOrtgonrredaoed ln-a-»lm!ls-TeaH-„Qyj Ihe-number-of-young-peoiHe-eom- — •••• milted to reform ichooU Jrom 75 lo 1, Df. William Dixon. J>orlIaMd. “ “ cr he»d of that department, told 30 member* ot the South Side Medical ot r ioclety *t * meellng in the Legion B“ >»l Memorial building here last eve- >'“i« nhiR. Dr. DUon spoke on the sub­ject, "ProgreM In PsjchUtry." I in

Dr. Richard B. Dlliehunt, Port* HUI land, detn of the UnlversUy ot Ore­gon medical *cho<rt and bead ^_Uie I S1irliier’*"Ticapllil arPorllarid, rcn'di I n paper on "Common Dlieasei of * Uie Hip."^ U cji^y^^the \-lijilng^^pli^dana ^^Ad

M un ty '«nm ii‘ hM ^^ beginning a t 8 o'clock thU momlna, self and will leave, rclunUng to thetr brsk homes, later In the day. . copa

Ths ipeakers ul l« t evening'* ed l meeting. lniro<1uccd_,by._Dr. obiei Charles R. Scott, Twin FnlU. presl-' pheu dent of the society, who presided. A tcrdi buffst luncheon was lerved during I t the evening. ' ' t r T

----------------------- th e i

S N A E m H C D iC IL

BACKS l i K G i PInpn

Snake River area Boy Scout coun-cll WlU auume responsibility for a r- (<j,r|rangemenu for a four • day camp i - - ,training tchool a t Ooodlng, Idaho, qi.^May 23-38. for adult leaden of boy [u ,scouts U iroughouftouthom 'Idaho -oui,and e u U m Idaho, Dr. J. N. DavU, .u-i, president ot tho Snake River areacmiDcU. advUed John H. Piper, Spo- w , , kane, reglonil boy teout executive, yesterday.

The camp Khool, for whkh a de- „tailed program U yet to b« worked rriiiout, will bo conducted under dlrec- ^ Uon of Ounnar Berk, New York Olty,head of Uie Boy Scout* of America n ,vvolutitecr^^tralnlng department. It n_ ^

' Pbno Tuning - Phene R. T. I-o- v ,?!

l e P o w e r t h e I

3 i e U s -. Q l h e n S e e U sl"

you t l t u r * y o u r b s i t ' •p p ssrsn cs s t s l l timsi,•ltd — b s i t o f sH — you • tiu r* longsr lifs to your favorft* f irm sn h i O un't* a tsrvles of prom phsit,-

- ^ r f s a Wff- tftd '.E C OW:------ ~

1 har^ oceans of time to r before Easter

I N D R . V i L ^ E A N E R S

-P H O N E

10 , -W E D N E S D A Y M O R N rN G , A I

i n DRUffi III IMiED nEIS"

n■:----- tor

Kolstein Association Leads Caravan,ol 30 Visitors To Dozen Dairy Farms

_____ er c:berr

An annual "Black and ^ I t o - ^

iral*' Idiih?'**rioUte^n wSciaUon. H®" .ook more than 30 tn tora tsd per- ions. Including ownen of toms of .L,!: iie region'* ouutandlng dairy herd*. wer ao Itinerary yeiterday which ' ncluded a dozen of TwUi Palls coun- Tt y* ouUUndlng HoUteln herd*. to T

VUUor* nuking the tour Inspect- ;d on Uie L J.T eneklnck tahn. louih of Twin PalU, a young herd CA[ vhlch won for lu owner th s Oood- ng-Jerom# Herd Improvement as- F locution'* loving cup for high herd )rodueUon lu t year, and the two-rttr-o la cow_whlch.produce<tJ»«__rear 919 pounds ot butterfat. The Thoi lerd** production record l u t year Fall< ««* 465 poundi per cow. farm

Improvement ln.hcrd*..*tirlbuted m arfB parttobclU frorolheT cnck- *on- nek farm, w u noted a t the Ed t?"*' Vellhouscn and John KaUer fanns. meni

Similarly improvement In herdt in ths C. M. WUeman larm. Han- 5’“ ** cnrw u-uuuiu tod ta irb u ir» e c u rc a ~ x . 'rom the A. It. JsgeU farm. Duhl. Rate there new bulls have been tecured fatita rom the Unlvenlty ot Idaho herds. <ast

BulU on tho J, R. Long fartn. buU luhl, .came from the Carnation, ,„i Vuhlnglon, fami. and trom the In- ermountain Institute, WeUcr. UJ*"

Points ol Improvement wero not- Mndt rd and' pointed out by 11. A.' Math- or c csen. PortUnd, northwest field rep* m n •escnlauve of the American Hoi- teln-PreUUn auoclntlon, and D. L. M .j, 'ourth. Unlvenlty of Idaho exten- lon dlvUlon d a t^ speclalUt, who in a . ollowed the whole day'* Itinerary. J u n

SettlnR out trom the C. M. WUe- < nan farm a t 10 o'clock - yciterdajr noming. the tour proceeded to the nrm* of C, IL Hempleman and Lynn . lemplenuin. Twin PalU; llemplman; hlfh irothen, '.**lo Falls; Ed Wellhous- 13:50 n. Twin FalU; H. 8 . BcaU, Twin

a £ lioCW a. T r ln PalU; f "? '

Rauming the- lour early in tho 5 lif , ■flernoon tho vUiton went from U»e 21“ ' ohnKaUcr farm. Pller, to tho farm* it F « d Blent. Filer: John Long, iuhl: Creucy tarm. Buhl, and A. U.'ageU. Bulil, herd. I

- 'illK -E ilS T [ll-|10y [iT -Adopting hU tsxt trom the second

3od Who Loved Me and Gave Him- elf fur Me.* Dr. Elijah HuU Long, trske, pastor ol the MethodUt % ).. opal church In Twin PalU, coiyfuct- d the sm1ce a t the u c o iv day'* ibiervane* oJ Holy week urihe Olr- iheiim' theiue a t 1 3 ^ » ^ ; M., yes* crday.

T b a ^ if f l i i ftcie led by Adjutant f r . Slack. Monday's observance of he wfi-k WM led by Rev. H. S. Will, md Rev. J. F. Huckleberry, p.utor If the Flnl BaptUt church. deUv- ired the nddreu of the day.

In hU sermon yetterday. Dr. Long- inike ilrveloped the Uieme T lie ;roisUPersonalExperlence,"and«ld n part 'Uie obtcrvance of Holy week an only be experienced by tho fuU- 'i t ImpllcatloQ ot Uis gospel ot Jesus Christ. Two no te t's re ouutandlng: mmoriallty ond redemption. The llan of redemption U greater than he power of m in to conceive..It :ould only be conceived by a Ood :ucli as the Father ot our Lord Jet- u ChrUt. I t w u so complete u to nclude the whole race, and so def- nlle as to reckon wllh each on# per- aailly. Its benefits must be made >s penon*l by man u by Qod. to be t*lljcd."

Today's sermon s t the Orpheum hcatre at 13:30, will be delivered by Xev. w. e Andenon. with Rev. E. il. Allman u leader.

Dr, Evani, Oplomeirlst h u located

•lU. AJ*.

.rUnien Metei

A P R IL 12, l o s s

BflPiisTciiilainA N i lC E S J S ie m B,

The Bov. 3. Pt Huckleberry, p*s- » t t lor ef the W rit D*ptUt chureh I n ' rwin PilU *lne* April. IBJJ, la*t , 3und*y announced hU re*lgn*tloo a Uw chureh board, to be effective' " “ 1™ Ibout M*y 1. The Rev. Mr. Huckls- " Krry u ld tha t be *nd U n . Huckle- SEC xrry were c6mpell(d to teek a tov- Howar •r cllmito because of Mrv Huckle- W«yn« >erry'* he*lth. - ■ {

Wllh' th^lf tw it-Hiiiiyhtyn XTIm an1i,i» Horence and MUi Carrie. Mr. and health Iln . Huckleberry pUn to make Indust heir home In airibtldl, Oregon, duttry vhere Rev. Huckleberry'* ton, Dr. Oeorgi B, R. Huckleberry, now reilde*. Peter*

T hs Rev, Mr. Huckleberry ctme0 Twin FilU from Loa Angele* In IW l .1 I ..I



■ *hlp; _H,^Kurosc.ljM .leased_Iroia^.,p_Eee*6-rhompjon. receiver for Uie Twin U lght Palta National bank, i 130-acro • flrtm*arm two and one-h*lf mile* north* erersfivest of Curry foi the ' 1933 te i- a rtin ion. lor which he U to pty IlMO mobUlent, tccordlng to i letjs agree- Inj; Fnent placed on record In tho of- study,08 ol Uie county recorder her* hilter,cstorday. > cirpen-X.—Blltln|iaiFTil»“ lctttd~ from -----------UtcUtte and SO-ocre ||nfla tb . six miles touUi and one mils M j l l aat of Buhl oft a crop iharlngluU , tor the »33 *ea*on, n in

John vray, Cutleford. h u I tu ed U r rom Mn. Ptnnle Oliver. Long leach, CallfomU, a BO-acre tractmder terms providing for dlvUlon Twli't crops of onions, polatoet, h ty Moote nd be*ns,’ which are the only \ In thtrop* to be grown oa the property nlni;,ind»r-Ui*-U **e............ ......... ........


. PowellAt a tpeelal astembly for Junior urer; :

ilgh tchool ttudenu. to .be ,held a t yenrti 3;60*o‘clocklodiy.aplay.*TheC:rou arms; >atch Queen." will bo pretenled by O. Sti me Of the public ipeaklng c lttie t otbs sctooL PrlnciBsU in U>e cast ire -------'eft!inmo«»tnson.1«n>wOBBt.-R^-OrM* nndH utcmnton7Sniner3ine8mtthr” An-« leUy May Whlto and Jamea Priebe. progn nic play h u been coached by MU* i be pl*


3 l s

W h a t X

l l M ecSEE BACK F


J. C. P.

p E E EHe r e Ii |(i« way lo mal

car quU insn .ond m oc

^ nany tsoions longar. Inilit u . , Jumboi whin you buy tfit u1lra*lowprstiut« Ilrst comj cor Irom lood tliocle end rottlss ond (quoaks — grso

' a ip sn ts . Tlisy flivs ih t uili

--------- ildlftB-oot*— oJd-*B• » » Jumbol fil <

f S O F T E S T . \1 l A F E S T . I

arCo. H i r f n

________ I.


At B bosrd of rev'lev tield U>.'it« ■obste courtroom Tu**d*y sv«a®<1th O. W.' Shroot preildio« u tiim a n , SO Boy BcouU qusllflM rr badges u follow*:SECOND CLASS-Lyman Tylsr, owsrd . Phlbbs. Mile* Jeppeioa.'ayn* Turner, Albert Petsrton. 'MERIT BAOGES-Lorens VlCtOT.

duitry ; Jacen BJunon. *nlmtl lo- u try : David U yoit bird itudy; eorgo B*Uday,..Ufe uvlng; Esrt . tlerton, tiremanship, hftndlcrtfl, i>1te*I development; Richard 01- m, athletics, handicraft: Lyman Her. flrem*nshlp; Mile* Jeppe*oa remsnthlp; Rlbot Villton, mu*Iv rthur VsUton. music; Dsyle SU r ;r. handicraft, flremsnshlp: Kett !Ui Hodgei, flrem*nihlp. phyiksA jvelopment; OarUi Price, fireman* lip; Herman Yarbrough, flremaa* ilp; Douglu Salmon, cycling;

William* __ Pallttighten, cycling; Tom^.UcDivltt, reminship; Eugene Herron, leath- m f t , firm lay out and -buUdlng -tangement; Jam et Hodgtt. auto- obUlng; Emil Benton, automobU- j ; PhUIlp Helnrloh. cooking, bird udy, public he*lth: Le*Ils Burk-, liter, woodesrvlng: Bdwtn Uslgi.i irpentry.

ISE LflOGE m i BfflCEflSjflB YI.Twin PaUs lodge. Loyal 'ordet 4 loose, a t a weU attonded meeUnf1 tho Odd PcUowBt hall la*t STO. tnir, sleeted IU offleen for UM .imlng-year.who bs.lnitaUed-------: Uie lodge's meetUig on April 35.Rob Cubit w u elected dlctalor,Ith Jame* Personnetto. p u t die- ' ,tor: A. a Mort, vice dictotor:.Bob... Bwell, prelate: H. E. Erlcson, t r e u - :er; P. E. Dnke. trustee for three- « r torm: R. H. Fllnh. *ergeant-nl- -ms; Robin Wold. Inner guard; O.. Struphor, outer guard.

'Airadded (O tu is ut thm s*em li^tl"~ rogram will be a clarinet tolo, t«» pltyed by Hubert Peck.

l > ^ -I ' ' . . H

5 t I

Does m ^ a n ?


______________________I _ /

m a k t th t.lh rlll o l nsw

inoolK psriom ancs lotT - > • lilt upon having Gsnsrol tfit’ cor. T h«« omoxlng eomplstsly tnsulats llio

md vibration— prsvsoi grsolly r td u c t vplitsp

u llim atsJn tofsty ond

a - .m o rm W n e « v # T ty |t ^ ---------fil o ii iho.moii populor

m o d sk Y o u rc o id so ls r .Iba d iongs. O r phoao

I will o n o n g tj l fo ry o o .