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D A Y - 1 2 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 WEDNESDAY

1. Indo - Gangetic plains have high density of population. Fine reasons.2. Why should we use the word “Indian Peninsula” very often?3. What are the important ranges of Himalayas.4. Indian standard Meridian is………………………….5. The average height of greater Himalayas is …………………………6. Duns means……………………………………………….7. Terai means……………………………………………….8. 82.3°East Longitude passes near Allahabad and ………………………….9. India’s main land lies between …………………. And ……………………… north latitudes.(find AP

also)10. India lies entirely in ……………………………….Hemisphere.11. Perennial river means…………………………….

D A Y - 2 3 - 1 2 - 1 5 . T H U R S D A Y

1.How did the idea of nation states and nationalism influence desire for war during world war?2.make a table to show allies,axis and central powers pariticipated with following countries on different sides of the world wars Austria,Ussr,Germany,Britan,Japan,France,Italy Usa?3.Name the immediate reason for the outbreak of world war?4.expand USSR?BITS5.Correct the false statements.*at the beginning of 20th centuary ,disparaty across the world war was marked by west and the rest.*20th centuary saw the rise of democracy and instances of dictator ship as well as making of new kingdoms.*socialist socities wanted to build on the idea of equality and fraternity.*Army members of countries fighting belonged to many different countries and not just those which directly participated in the war.*After during the first world war many countries changed over from monarchy rule to democracies.D A Y - 3 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 FRIDAY

1. If Himalayas would not have been in the present condition how would be the climate conditions of the Indian Sub-Continent?

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2. Which are the major physiographic divisions of India?3. The Thardesert is located on the leeward direction of …………………………4. The coastal line of Tamilnadu is called………………………….5. The highest peak in Southern India……………………………..6. The islands of volcanic origin in India are……………………………7. The time difference between GMT and IST is………………………………….8. The three parallel ranges of Himalayas are………………………………….9. Bhabar means………………………………………10. The Indian plateau is slightly tilted towards……………………………….

Coral reefs means are…………………………….. D A Y - 4 5 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 SATURNDAY

1.write a short note on various causes of two world wars.Do you think any of these features are prevalent even today in countries around the world?How?2.In what ways do you think industrialization has created the conditions for modern wars?3. Define militarism?4.what is industrial capitalism?5.great depression occurred in …..6.who is the founder of nations league ….7.expand ILO ….8.the first world war was ended in the year ….

D A Y - 5 6 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 SUNDAY

1. What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian Agriculture?2. Plateau regions in India do not support agriculture as much as the plain regions. What

are the reasons for?3. The island groups of india are………………………………..4. Nilagiris and Western Ghats join at………………………………….5. The salt lake in Andhra Pradesh is ……………………………………….6. The highest peak in Nilagiris is …………………………………………………7. Due to volcanic activity the Deccan plateau is formed with …………………….soils.8. The Desert river in India is……………………………………………9. The longest canal in India is ……………………………………10. The southernmost point in India is found in Nicobar is called as………………………….11. Peninsula means ……………………………….

D A Y - 6 7 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 MONDAY

1.what are the different impacts of wars during the first half 20th centuary?2.what aspects of welfare state do you find functioning in india today?3.Define socialism?4.the full name of lenin …5.russian revolution happened in the year …6.New deal policy was introduced by ….

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7.second world war was started in … year.8.the book written by hitler was …

D A Y - 7 8 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 TUESDAY

1. Why do you think parents accord less priority to girls education as compared to boys? Diiscuss.

2. How did Right to Education Act helpful to human development.3. Why should we use “averages”?4. What did human development index says?5. The main criterion is used by the world bank in classifying different countries

is……………….6. Net attendance rate means…………………………….7. Kudankulam nuclear power plant was in …………………………8. As per HDR 2013 india per capita inclome is ……………………… dollors.9. Himachal Pradesh was spending on education Rs…………………………….. per child.10. The other aspects to measure human development are……………………………..

D A Y - 8 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 WEDNESDAY

1.Russion revoluation brought in many changes in their society what were they?and what challenges did they face?2.what were the criticisms raised against communist system?3.The GDR came under the influence of …….4.The FRG came under the influence of ……..

D A Y - 9 10.12.2015 THURSDAY

1. Page no. 30, graph 1 and answer the questions.2. What do you understand by underdevelopment? Explain with an example each from the

urban and rural areas?3. Page no. 40 table 2. Which people are getting more income?4. Many female of rural areas working in ……………sector.5. Highest percentage of SC,ST,BClabourers are working in …………….sector.6. Examples for organized sector are……………………………..7. Many people of agriculture sector lives in………………………8. GDP ……………………..9. The activities of Primary Sector are……………………………10. The share of service sector in GDP in 2009-10 is …………………

Employment in service sector is not …………….to productivityD A Y - 1 0 11.12.2015 FRIDAY different points of view about great depression which one would you agree with?why?

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2.In what ways were jews persecuted during the nazi germany?3.what are promises given by hitler to the german people?4. name the country expand colonies ….5.the author of animal form ….6.Japan’s parliament is ….7.hitler became the chanceller of germany … year.D A Y - 1 1 1 2 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 S A T U R D A Y P R E P A R A T I O N S 1D A Y - 1 2 1 3 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 S U N D A Y H O L I D A Y

D A Y - 1 3 1 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 . M O N D A Y T E L U G UD A Y - 1 4 1 5 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 T U E S D A Y H I N D ID A Y - 1 5 1 6 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 W E D N E S D A Y E N G L I S HD A Y - 1 6 1 7 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 T H U R S D A Y M A T H SD A Y - 1 7 1 8 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 F R I D A Y P . S & N . SD A Y - 1 8 1 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 S A T U R D A Y S O C I A L S T U D I E S

D A Y - 1 9 20.12.2015 SUNDAY

1. Do you think the classification of economic activities into primary, secondary and service sector is useful? Explain how?

2. How is service sector different from other sectors? Illustrate with few examples.3. Organized sector means………………………..4. GDP means………………………………5. Final goods means………………………………6. Labourers of this sector not produce any goods………………7. No job security to this sector…………………………8. The production activities in natural process are in …………………………….sector.9. Employment shifts means……………………………..

Unorganized sector means…………………………………D A Y - 2 0 21.12.2015 MONDAY

1.List the measures taken under idea of welfare state under great depression and explain how similar of different they are from that of the reforms that emerger under the USSR?2.what challenges were faced by germany during great depression and how did nazi rulers and hitler make use of it?3.1.Gestapo () a.america 2.socialism ( ) squards 3.maarshal plan ( )c.germany 4.reich stag ( )d.russiaD A Y - 2 1 22.12.2015 TUESDAY

1. How does the angle of Sun vary at different latitudes?

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2. How are human activities contributing to global warming?3. How does deforestation affect global warming?4. October heat means…………………….5. Atmosphere means……………………….6. ……………..means no difference between the temperature of day and night and summer

and winter.7. The winds blow from mediterranean sea in winter are………………….8. The state of atmospheric conditions over an area at a particular period

is………………………..9. Scientists are discovering a large volumes of …………………. under the fronzentundra in

northern Russia.10. Arab traders named the seasonal reversal of wind system as………………………

D A Y - 2 2 23.12.2015 WEDNESDAY

1.What were the plotical changes brought under the nazi rule?often people argue that a single powerful leader can resolve the problems of a country.based on the experiences narrated in the context of nazi germany how do you respond to this vision?2.what are the aims of Bolsheviks? you agree with the view that women should confine themselves to the pain and suffering of bringing up the children?4.what is Gestapo?5.what is march revolution?

D A Y - 2 3 24.12.2015 THURSDAY

1. Create a table to describe major river systems in India with the following direction of flow, countries or regions through which they pass through, and relief features of the areas.

2. Which of the inflow or outflow processes has most impact in the context of ground water resources.

3. What are the conditions prevailed to select as a “ideal village”.4. Important river systems of india are…………………….5. Brahmaputra was called as …………………… Tibet.6. The largest peninsular river is……………………………7. The states sharing waters of Tungabhadra are………………………………..8. Hiware bazar was in………………………state.9. ………………….inflows from the river, or canals of irrigation projects.

Tributaries of Brahmaputra river are……………………….D A Y - 2 4 2 5 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 F R I D A Y C H I R I S T M A S H O L I D A YD A Y - 2 5 2 6 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 5 S A T U R D A Y W E E K L Y T E S T

D A Y - 2 6 27.12.2015 SUNDAY HOLIDAY

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1.Countries discussed in the above chapter were all mostly dependent o n agriculture what were the measures taken in these countries to change these practices?2.comapare national movement in india and Nigeria can you explain why it was stronger in india?3.define agent orange?

D A Y - 2 7 28.12.2015 MONDAY

1. Which aspects of farming practices were regulated in the context of Hiware Bazar to improve your water conservation?

2. In what ways is water brought and sold in your area and for what purposes? Should be there a check or no?

3. What are the tributaries of Indus river?4. Ganga formed by these two rivers.5. River Godavari orginated in………………….6. When there are no trees, rain water drain into………………………….7. Narmada River starts from……………………………..of Madhya Pradesh.8. Define water budget………………………..9. The Himalayan rivers are……………………..rivers.10. Transpiration means………………………..11. The major river systems of peninsular drainage are the …………………………….

D A Y - 2 8 29.12.2015 TUESDAY

1.What are the challenges faced by the independent Nigerian nation?in what ways is it similar or different from the challenges faced by independent india?2.In what ways did the land reform programme help ccp win the war?3.what are the aims of Guomindang?4.1.1911 ( ) democracy 2.1919 ( ) b.estblishment of republic 3.1921 ( ) c.peking university 4.1902 ( ) d.CCPD A Y - 2 9 30.12.2015 WEDNESDAY

1. How are the Eastern Coastal plains and Western Coastal plains similar or different?2. The Sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the

West. But the clocks show the same time. How does this happen?3. Shivaliks are called as Mishmi Hills in……………………………………….4. Doab means……………………………………………………..5. Internal drainage river means ……………………………………………6. Glaciers means …………………………………………………..7. Utkal Coast ( ) 1. Kerala8. Canara Coast ( ) 2. Odissa

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9. Konkan Coast ( ) 3. Karnataka10. Malabar Coast ( ) 4. Andhra Pradesh11. Circar Coast ( ) 5. Goa, Maharastra.

D A Y - 3 0 31.12.2015 THURSDAY

1.unlike Vietnam or india.nigeria did not have to struggle so hard for freedom can you find some explanations for this?2.what role did schooling play in national movement of the countries discussed above?3.matching:1.napalam ( ) A.Naizeria2.young annam ( ) B.america3.comintern ( ) C.vietnam4.agent orange ( ) D.russiaD A Y - 3 1 01.01.2016 FRIDAY

Usually behind each social phenomenon there would be several contributing factors and not one. What in your opinion the factors that came together the development of schooling in Himachal Pradesh?

1. What are the factors and the aspects to measure human development?2. UNDP ………………………………………….3. The measures taken by the government to improve poor people’s nutritional level

are…………………………….4. We call average income as………………………..5. In …………………………………….state the role of women is high in political and social life

when compared with other states.6. Infant mortality rate means………………………………..7. As per HDI 2013 India ranks …………………………………….8. The expected years of schooling in india is ………………………………9. Now India falls under the category of …………………………………..income countries.10. Literacy rate means ………………………………..

D A Y - 3 2 0 2 . 0 1 . 0 1 6 SATURDAY WEEKLY TESTD A Y - 3 3 03.01.2016 SUNDAY

1.freedom struggle in these countries involved wars against the rulers.briefly describe its impact?2.Define the three principles of sun yat sen?3.who is the founder of modern chaina ….4.vietnam is the colony of …. Country.5.wha is the main … resource of … year japan attacked on china.

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D A Y - 3 4 04.01.2016 MONDAY

4-1-16 MONDAY1. What is the per capita income of Himachal Pradesh? Do you think higher incomes can

make it easier for parents to send children to school?2. What is the relationship between women’s work outside the home and gender bias?3. Right to Education Act reveals…………………………………………4. Is according to World Development Report, the income of high income countries is

above ………………. Dollors.5. Life Expectancy means……………………………………………..6. The standard measure to compare two countries is…………………………………7. PDS means………………………………….8. The infant mortality rate of Bihar is………………………….9. The percapita income of Punjab is………………………………..10. …………………………………. Indian state has lowest gender bias.11. The literacy rate in Andhra Pradesh according to 2011 census……..

D A Y - 3 5 05.01.2016 TUESDAY

1.make a table and show how different groups and individuals in india responded to world war ii what dilemmas were faced by these groups?2.given the brutal manner in which particular communities like jews and others were treated in you think it would have been morally right to support germany or japan?3.expand INA?4.princely pensions abolished by … prime minister.a.indira Gandhi b.nehru c.rajiv Gandhi d.wajpeyee5.Quit india moment started in …a.1935 b.1942 c.1938 d.19406.gandhiji was assassinated on ….a.1948:dec 30 b.1948:jan 30 c.1948:mar 30 d.1948:oct27.royal Indian navy rebellion was started in …1.1945 b.1946 c.1947 d.19508….. the leader of muslim league.9.japan belongs to … continent.D A Y - 3 6 06.01.2016 WEDNESDAY

1. What are the disagreements between developed and developing countries about AGW?2. How are human activities contributing global warming.3. The reason for melting of glaciers are…………………….4. What is climpgraph?5. The powerful greenhouse gas is…………………..6. Give an example for intercontinental climate………………………….7. The fast flowing air currents in a narrow belt of upper atmosphere occurred in the

height of……………..

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8. Expand AGW………………………………..9. The intensity of the temperature depends upon……………………..10. …………………………is boon to wheat crop which is cultivated in ‘Rabi’11. The german word ‘trade’ menas………………………

D A Y - 3 7 07.01.2016 THURSDAY1.make a list of various reasons for the partition of the country?2.what were the different ways in which power sharing among different communities was oraganised before partition?3.who has taken the resopnsiabilities to unite the princely states?4.what is communal award?D A Y - 3 8 08.01.2016 FRIDAY

1. Describe india’s climatic controls?2. How is climate change causing global warming?3. Monsoon burst means……………………4. Expand IPCC…………………………..5. The rise of 2° temperature causes…………..metres rise in sea level.6. The IPCC conference held at Poland on greenhouse gas emissions in the year…………….7. The indian traditional calendar has also ………………months8. …………………means preventing the solar energy to totally escaping back into space.9. Jet steams is …………………………………….10. As we move away from the equator towards the poles, the average annual

temperature…………..11. Bursting monsoons are locally known as ……………………………..showers in Andhra Pradesh.

D A Y - 3 9 09.01.2016 SATURDAY WEEKLYTESTD A Y - 4 0 10.01.2016 SUNDAY did britian colonialists practice their divide and rule policy in india?how was it similar or different from what you have studied about Nigeria?2.what were the different ways in which religion was used in politics before partition?D A Y - 4 1 11.01.2016 MONDAY

1.Study the cllimograph given in page 57 (9th question) and answer the questions given. 1. Write a short note on factors influencing climatic variations in hily areas and deserts.2. What are loo winds.3. Monsoon is a ………………………………………word4. The state which receives no rainfall in south west monsoon is………………………….5. The winter crop is Rabi. What is the main crop of Rabi…………………………..6. Towards the end of summer, pre-monsoon showers occur in…………………………..7. The bulk of the annual rainfall in india is received from………………………..monsoon.8. The period of the retreat of the monsoons is………………………………..9. The cyclonic depressions originate in ……………………………monsoon period.

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10. Cyclone depressions coming from Mediterranean Sea called…………………………………..D A Y - 4 2 12.01.2016 TUESDAY

1.How were workers and peasants mobilized during the last years of freedom struggle? did particion affect the lives of ordianary people what was the political response to mass migration following partition?

D A Y - 4 3 13.01.2016 WEDNESDAY

1. Distinguish between population growth and population change?2. List out the impact of sex ratio is too high or too low?3. Define sex ratio?4. Fertility rate means…………………..5. Due to migration, the number in population may not be changed but………………………will

change.6. The first complete census taken in……………………….7. According to 2011 census , ……………………. Percentage is more in Indian population.8. The central government institute which collects and records the data about population.9. Literacy rate of india according to 2011 census is…………………..%10. The fertility rate in Andhra Pradesh is……………………..11. Population density means……………………….

D A Y - 4 4 1 4 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 T H U R S D A Y PONGALHOLIDAYSD A Y - 4 5 1 5 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 F R I D A Y PONGALHOLIDAYSD A Y - 4 6 1 6 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 S A T U R D A Y W E E K L Y T E S T

D A Y - 4 7 17.01.2015 SUNDAY

1.Integration of various princely states into the new Indian nation was a challenging?2.Describe the unitary and federal principles of Indian government as discussed in the CA debates?3.find the odd one out?*Indian constitution adopts from experiences of freedom struggle*Indian constitution adopts from already exisiting constitutions.*Indian constitution has remainded the same since its drafting.*Indian constitution provides principles and provisions for ruling the country.4.correct the false statements.*there was unanimity of opinion on all provisions during ca debates.*the makers of constitution represented only certain regions of the country.*constitution provides certain provisions to amend articles in it.*supreme court of india has said that basic feature of constitution may also be ampended.

D A Y - 4 8 18.01.2016 MONDAY

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1. Define site features and situation features. Give one example for each from the place you live.

2. How did human life style changes with settlement?3. What is aeropolis?4. The way we organize ourselves and living space in a place is

called………………………………….5. PHCs are in………………………………………………6. Delhi population rises mostly due to………………………………….7. JuggiJhopdi means……………………………………….8. Pratapghad fort was built by………………………………..9. One fifth of the urban growth is due to …………………………………migration.10. The level of poverty in urban areas is lower than ………………………………..areas.

………………………..state produces about 70% of sugar in our country

D A Y - 4 9 19.01.2016 TUESDAY1.How does the constitution reflect the political events of the times draw from previous chapters on freedom struggle?2.what difference would it have made to the making of our constitution if the assembly had been elected through universal adult franchise?3.who represented the draft of the constitution?4.what is federal state?D A Y - 5 0 20.01.2016 WEDNESDAY

1. Compare and contrast the migration from rural to urban areas and rural to rural areras.2. Most children of migrant families become drop-outs. Do you agree with the statement?

Justify your answer.3. Describe the similarities and differences between the impacts of rural and international

migration.4. Seasonal migration means………………….5. Reasons for the migration of unskilled workers to west Asian countries

are………………………….6. Nearly three fifths of workers going to the west asia are from………………………………………

states.7. Immigration means………………………………8. Migration means………………………………….9. means…………………………………..

According to national census surveys, every………………. Person in india is a migrantD A Y - 5 1 21.01.2016 THURSDAY

1.How has the constitution defined and changed political institutions in the country?2.who has the power to amend constitution?3.the constitution of india came into force on?4.what is meant by parliamentary system?

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5.there were… women members in constituent assembly?6. … only has the power to make laws on central list.7.indian constitution provides …. Citizen ship.8.directive principles are mentioned in … part of constitution.D A Y - 5 2 22.01.2016 FRIDAY

1. Page 119. Table 1 graph 2. What the arrows indicate?do you agree that the distribution of cultivated land is unequal in India? Explain.

2. Land is also required for production of goods in an urban area. In what ways is the use of land different from a rural area.

3. Why are the wages for farm labourers in Rampur less than minimum wages.4. MNREGA means……………………………….5. Give examples of non-farm production activities in your area…………………….6. HYV means………………………………….7. To grow more than one crop on the same piece of land during the year is known

as………………….8. Fertility of land is declining due to excessive use of ………………………………………….9. ………………………is the natural resource used as factor of production.10. Multiple cropping means…………………………….

In Rampur, about 1/3 rd i.e. , 150 families are………………………………………….

D A Y - 5 3 2 3 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 S A T U R D A Y PRE FINAL PREPARATIO ND A Y - 5 4 2 4 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 S U N D A Y H O L I D A Y


D A Y - 5 5 2 5 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 M O N D A Y T E L U G UD A Y - 5 6 2 6 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 T U E S D A Y H I N D ID A Y - 5 7 2 7 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 W E D N E S D A Y E N G L I S HD A Y - 5 8 2 8 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 5 T H U R S D A Y MATHEMATICSD A Y - 5 9 2 9 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 F R I D A Y P . S & N SD A Y - 6 0 3 0 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 S A T U R D A Y SOCIAL STUDIES

D A Y - 6 1 31.01.2016 SUNDAY HOLIDAY

1.while constitution provides basic principles it is the engagement of people with the system that brings in social change.Do you agree with this statement,give reasons?2.If a constitution for the entire school had to the drafted who all should be involved in it and how? the subjects in central list?4.matching:1.Abolition of monarchy in Nepal ( ) a.Japan constitution premble2.elections to constituent assembly ( ) b.19463.1946 ( ) c.19494.constitution adoption ( ) d.2007

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D A Y - 6 2 01.02.2016 MONDAY

1. The impact of globalization has not been uniform”. Explain this statement2. Globalization will continue in the future. Can you imagine what the world would be like

twenty years from now.3. How the liberalization of trade and investment policies helped the globalization process.4. MNC means………………………………………….5. ……………………….means removing barriers to trade and investment.6. Tunisia, Egypt were influenced by each other’s revolutions and uprooting of dictators,

was called………………………7. SEZ means……………………………..8. WTO means……………………………9. IMF means………………………………….10. ………………………….provides bulk of employment in India.11. ………………………………..creates an opportunity for the producers to reach beyond the

domestic markets.D A Y - 6 3 02.02.2016 TUESDAY

1.what are the measures were taken to bring in socio-economic change during the initial years after independence?

2.In what ways was the emergency period a set back to the Indian democracy?3.what is SRC?4.In which year the official languages act was passed?5.women in Switzerland got the right to vote only in …….7.The cold war had begun between ….. and …..8.The government imposed emergency in the year……

D A Y - 6 4 03.02.2016 WEDNESDAY

1. Give reasons to argue for the following statement. “ public distribution system can ensure better food security for people”

2. Graph 4 in page no.152. fill in the blanks.3. MSP means…………………………………………4. BMI means………………………………….5. ………………………….organisation conducted survey on status of nutrition in india.6. ……………………….card holders are entitled to get 35 kgs of foodgrains per month per

family.7. National food security act passed in…………………………..8. FCI means…………………………………9. ICDS means……………………………..10. Government ensures food security through…………………………………….

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11. The standard of ……………………calories per day in urban areas and……………..calories in rural areas is the recommended food intake per day.

D A Y - 6 5 04.02.2016 THURSDAY

1.What do you understand about one party dominance?would you consider it as dominance only in elections or also in terms of ideology?discuss with reasons.2.what were the institutional changes that came up after the Emergency?3.what were the major changes in political system after 1967 elections?4.which state led the anti-hindi agitation?5.when did potti sriraamulu died?D A Y - 6 6 05.02.2016 FRIDA Y

Rapid extraction of minerals and natural resources would adversely impact the future development prospects. Do you agree?

1. What are the various ways in which our lifestyles affect the environment?2. CNG means………………………..3. Name some urgent environmental issues of the world…………………………………4. In…………..% of districts of India, water from hand pumps and wells are unsafe for

drinking.5. Bavamahaliya of jalsindhi village in jhabua wrote a letter to the chief minister of

Madhya Pradesh in 1994 on the issue of……………………………6. The court order banning the use of endosulfan argued that the pesticide violated the

Right to ……………article of the constitution.7. ………………….wrote the book “silent Spring”.8. Organic farming means……………………….9. ………………………… is the process of development meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future.10. …………………..function describes an environment’s ability to absorb and render harmless

waste and pollution

D A Y - 6 7 06.02.2016 SATURDAY WEEKLYTESTD A Y - 6 8 07.02.2016 SUNDAY

1.what measures of indira Gandhi are called left turn?how do you think this was different from polices of previous decades?based on your economics chapters describe how it is different from the current policies?2.think of the other ways in which states could have been created and how would be better than language based reorganization?3.Do you think unity of india would have been better served if linguistic states were not formed?4. Punjab state formed In which year?5.priority emphasis in second five year plan?

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D A Y - 6 9 08.02.2016 MONDAY

1. Describe the similarities and differences between the impacts of internal and international migration.

2. Why are only unskilled workers from india wanted in west Asian countries.Why only professionals are able to go to developed countries why can not unskilled workers migrate to these countries?

3. Observe the graph 2in page no.110 and answer the following questions.a. Among which social class do you observe the highest migration?b. Among which social class do you observe the lowest migration?c. what percent of migration is observed among SCs?d. What percent of migration observed in BCs?

4. DDA means……………………………..5. Pratapghad fort ( ) A. Star Symbol6. Mohuda village ( ) B. Port city7. Aerotropolis ( ) c. illegal settlements8. JuggiJhopdi ( ) D. Jet-age city9. Visakhapatnam ( ) E. protest against solid waste management plant10. New Delhi ( ) F. Maharastra

D A Y - 7 0 09.02.2016 TUESDAY

1.How did regional aspirations lead to the formation of regional parties?compare the similarities and differences between the two different phases?2.identify the major changes in the party system during the second phase of independence?3.what is operation blue star?4.who is bargaadaars?5.matching1.economic liberalization ( ) A.restriction in foreign import tax2.arbitrary dismissal ( ) B.of state government by central government3.ethinic cleansing ( ) C.towards people who are different from themselves 4.federal principles ( ) D.greater autonomy for state GovernmentsD A Y - 7 1 10.02.2016 WEDNESDAY

ways in which MNCs set up or control production in other countries.1. What do you mean by globalization.2. ‘Ford’ an American MNC is one of the world’s largest …………………manufacturers.3. WTO was started at the initiative of ………………..countries.4. MNC ( ) A. Mahindra and Mahindra5. WTO ( ) B. World Bank6. SEZ ( ) C. Industrial zone

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7. IBRD, IDA ( ) D. International trade.8. FORD ( ) E. Production in more than one country.

D A Y - 7 2 11.02.2016 THURSDAY

1.What are the major economic policies discussed in this and the previous chapters of various governments at the centre and the state are they similar of different?2.How do different types of regional aspirations draw from cultural,and economic dimensions?3.Find out and list all the benefits students of your school are entitled to.Do they manage to get them properly?Discuss in both the class and outside the school in your homes or playground?4.End of emergency…..5.TDP……6…… initiated the telecom revolution in india.7.SAD ……D A Y - 7 3 12.02.2016 FRIDAY

1. Describe the relationship between increase of food production and food security.2. Graph 1 in page no.146, fill up the blanks.3. Through ………………………….corporation stock of food grains maintained in India.4. In 1943-45 …………………famine took away 3-5 million peoples’lives.5. The mid-day meals scheme was first implemented by …………………………state.

D A Y - 7 4 13.02.2016 SATURDAY WEEKLYTESTD A Y - 7 5 14.02.2016 SUNDAY

1.In order to form government it becomes necessary for political parties attract people from different sections of society.How do different political parties raise these objectives in the second phase after independence?2.What were the developments that weakened the inclusive nature of Indian polity?How is the ability to accommodate different communities and regional aspirations changing?

D A Y - 7 6 15.02.2016 MONDAY

1. Why do you think effects of climate may be felt by all countries?2. …………………..indian state banned chemical fertilisers and pesticides.3. In ……………………….state the lethal impact of pesticides seen in 1976.4. What do you mean by chipkoandolan……………………..5. Tata Motors ( ) A. Edible oils6. Ranbaxy ( ) B. TV’s7. Asian Paints ( ) C. Nuts and bolts8. Sundaram Fasteners ( ) D. Paints9. Capacitors ( ) E. Medicines10. Parakh Foods () F. Automobiles.

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D A Y - 7 7 16.02.2016 TUESDAY

1.What are the different roles done by united Nations in order to build peace in the world?2.How were the super powers benefited by military alliances?3.what do you understand by the term ‘decolonisation’? conference represented by …. Nations.5.Suez Canal nationalized in …..6.naato organized in the year ………D A Y - 7 8 17.02.2016 WEDNESDAY

1. Do you think migrants are trouble makers/trouble shooters in their destinations?2. What is the need of “The Emigration Act” made in 19833. …………………….state has the largest remittances in India from abroad.4. The national commission of rural labour reported that uneven development accelerated

…………..migration5. Nearly 50,000 women fromkerala migrate annually to work in ……….processing

industries of Maharastra.6. ……………………..cutters are example of migration from rural areas to rural areas in

Maharastra.7. Developed countries required only …………………..workers from india.

D A Y - 7 9 18.02.2015 THURSDAY

1.What was the nature of shift in power in the world in the after world war?2.Why west Asia became a center of tensions in the world?4.Given the idea of democracy do yo think a few countries should have special powers in making the decisions?4.Who amongst the following is not involved in the west asian crisis?a)Egypt b)Indonesia c)Britan d)Israel5.Expand SEATO?D A Y - 8 0 19.02.2016 FRIDAY

1. Why do developed countries want developing countries to liberalise their trade and investment? What do you think should the developing countries demand in return?

2. Differentiate the foreign trade and the foreign investment?3. How would flexibility in labour laws help companies?4. IBRD means…………………………5. Karif ( ) A. working capital6. Rabi ( ) B. Fixed Capital7. Building, machines ( ) C. Rainy season8. Raw material, money ( ) D. winter season.

D A Y - 8 1 20.02.2016 SATURDAY PREPARATION D A Y - 8 2 21.02.2016 S U N D A Y

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D A Y - 8 3 22.02.2013 MONDAY TELUGU ID A Y - 8 4 23.02.2016 TUESDAY TELUGU IID A Y - 8 5 24.02.2016 WEDNESDAY H I N D ID A Y - 8 6 25.02.2016 THURSDAY ENGLISH ID A Y - 8 7 26.02.2016 F R I D A Y ENGLISH IID A Y - 8 8 27.02.2016 SATURDAY MATHEMATICS ID A Y - 8 9 28.02.2016 S U N D A Y HOLIDAYD A Y - 9 0 29.02.2016 MONDAY MATHEMATICS IID A Y - 9 1 01.03.2016 TUESDAY PHYSICAL SCIENCED A Y - 9 2 02.03.2016 WEDNESDAY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCED A Y - 9 3 03.03.2016 THURSDAY SOCIAL STUDIES ID A Y - 9 4 04.03.2016 F R I D A Y SOCIAL STUDIES IID A Y - 9 5 05.03.2016 SATURDAY WEEKLY TEST

D A Y - 9 6 06.03.2016 SUNDAY HOLIDAY

1.Formation of NAM was not merly in the context of military alliances but also in the context of economic policies justify the answer?2.How did cold war produce arms race as well as arms control?3.International court of justice located in the …..4.UNESCO located in …… 2012,the membership of NAM was ….6.The jews considered Palestine as their ……D A Y - 9 7 07.03.2016 MONDAY

1. Why did the people of Jalsindhi village refuse to move out of the village.2. Graph 1 in page no. 159 Q. write brief note on the inequality in india based on the

graphs and figures.3. Graph 2 in page no. 160

a. what is the total wealth held by billionaires and the number of them in 1996.b. Do you observe increase or decrease in the number and total wealth held by

billionaires from 1996 to 2011.4. ………………………is the single largest river development in India.5. The resistance to “Sardarsarovar project in Gujrat is called……………………..6. Suvarnabhoomi International airport ( ) A. Egypt7. Heathrow Airport ( ) B. UAE8. Indira Gandhi international Airport ( ) C. Delhi9. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport ( ) D. Bankok10. Dubai International Airport ( ) E. London11. Cairo International Airport ( ) F. Hyderabad.

D A Y - 9 8 08.03.2016 TUESDAY

1.How are the rights of black people in USA and Meria paibi movements similar or different?

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2.What are the basic features of social movement?Basoc fetures of social movement?3.what were the different types of responses to the weaponisation?4.In how many countries green peace movement spread over at present?5.define SALT?D A Y - 9 9 09.03.2016 WEDNESDAYWhat were the reasons for putting barriers to foreign investment by the Indian government? Why did it wish to remove these barriers?The share of agriculture sector in USA’s GDP is……………………%……………………….. country has the highest (16%) valued voting in policy making of IBRD.Indian Government removed barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment from ……………..yearIDA means………………………..The total number of members in WTO at present are………………………….The slogan given by NarendraModi to attract foreign investment towards india is…………………The facilities provided in SEZ are……………………………………….

1.Read the table 3 in page no. 97 and answer the following questions.a. What are mega cities? Give examples b. What is a Revenue or Census village? How does it different from a ‘Hamlet’c. What are cities having population between 1 to 10 million called? Give examples.d. Which settlement is put in lower level of indian settlements in hierarchy?

1. What are the problems of “Urbanisation”?2. What factors have influenced the settlement of your place in the past 10 years?

DAY-100 10.03.2016 THURSDAY

1.Discuss and find out how movements mobilize people from across the globe like in the above insitatnce of campaign to protest in the context of Bhopal gas tragedy?2.Compare and contrast the procedures of conflict/cases resolution by the village community elders and by courts.which do you prefer and why?3.How do you think RTI would help in improving and monitoring the work of the governments

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