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  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates Updated August 2006

    Project Management @ UniSA



    To provide UniSA staff with an introduction to project management theory, andpractical advice on managing projects.

    1. Definitions

    2. Guidelines

    Appendix 1: Project Management checklist ongoing management

    Appendix 2: Project Management checklist project lifecycle

    Appendix 3: Sample Gantt chart

    Appendix 4: Reading List

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    Term Definition/s Notes

    1 Project Temporary endeavours undertaken tocreate unique products, services or otheroutcomesor

    temporary non-operational activities that

    deliver business benefits through thecreation of new capabilitiesor

    endeavours in which human, material andfinancial resources are organised in a novelway, to achieve beneficial change definedby quantitative and qualitative objectives.

    Examples include:

    developing a new course or program changing the structure, staffing or style of an

    organisational unit

    developing or acquiring a new or modifiedinformation system developing new business systems or work

    practices significant one-off purchases compliance projects (privacy, legislation etc).

    2 Project vs normaloperations

    In PM theory, projects normally arecharacterised as:

    one-off and non-repetitive focused on change focused on introducing new capabilities

    Normal operations usually are describedas being:

    repetitive usually focused on stability generally about ongoing management.

    When projects cease, normal operations in thechanged mode resume.

    3 Program A natural grouping of projects, in manyorganisations, is called aprogram.


    4 Projectgovernance

    The system of decision making andmanagement in place for a project.

    Typically, a project may have:

    A Project Board or Reference Group to:

    ensure that assumptions, expectations andeconomics remain valid and relevant

    resolve issues escalated to the project board bythe project manager

    champion the cause of the project be accountable for project outcomes

    Project boards will usually include representationfrom all significant stakeholder groups.

    A Project Sponsorto:

    ensure the project is addressing a genuinebusiness need, and that the project solution isconsistent with that need

    ensure assumptions, expectations andeconomics remain valid and relevant

    chair the project board champion the cause of the project provide guidance and support to the project


    A project sponsor will usually be a senior memberof staff from the organisation in which the projectis taking place.

    A Project Managerto:

    develop and maintain a project plan ensure project deliverables are provided to

    scope, time, budget and quality manage project resources manage stakeholder communication and project

    reporting forecast and update expected benefits.



  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    5 Project life cycle The managed progression of a projectthrough its various phases

    Well-managed projects tend to follow a broadlysimilar path. The number and the names of thevarious project phases may change fromorganisation to organisation, but they tend to bedrawn from the following generic life cycle:

    Stage 1 - Define the projectThe key deliverable here is a clear and agreeddefinition of the project, which includes expectedoutcomes and a guesstimate of the resources andother support needed to deliver these outcomes.

    Stage 2 - Plan the projectThe key deliverable here is a project plan,including detailed timelines, budgets, riskassessments, etc as appropriate to the project.

    Stage 3 - Implement the project planThe key deliverable here is the project objective,completed within time, budget etc.

    Stage 4 - Complete and evaluate the projectThe key deliverable here is an effective closingdown of the project - staffing, budgets,communications etc - and a post-project

    evaluation report.



    6 ProjectManagementBody OfKnowledge(PMBOK)

    A framework developed by the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI) for sorting andcategorising the sum of knowledge withinthe profession of project management.Knowledge is sorted into nine categories:

    project integration management

    project scope management

    project time management

    project cost management

    project quality management

    project human resources management

    project communications management

    project risk management project procurement management.

    The PMBOK framework serves as a very usefulchecklist for project managers. The nine headingscan be used as prompts (at every project stage)for planning and for reviewing progress.

    Extracts from the PMIs Guide to the ProjectManagement Body Of Knowledge can bedownloaded from the PMI web site( PMI members can access arange of other useful materials at the site.

    The following descriptors are adapted from theGuide to the Project Management Body ofKnowledge:

    Integration management - those actionsneeded to ensure that the components of aproject integrate effectively with each other, andthat the project integrates effectively with thewider organisation.

    Scope management - those actions needed toensure that the project includes all the workrequired - and only the work required - to meetsponsor and stakeholder goals and objectives.

    Time management those actions needed toensure timely performance of all aspects of theproject.

    Cost management those actions needed toensure the project is completed within theapproved budget.

    Quality management - those actions needed toensure that the project will satisfy the needs forwhich it was undertaken.

    Human resource management those actionsneeded to ensure the most effective use ofpeople involved in the project.

    Communications management thoseactions needed to ensure appropriate collectionand dissemination of project information.

    Risk management those actions needed toensure that project risks are identified, analysedand addressed.

    Procurement management those actionsneeded to ensure the acquisition of goods and

    services needed from outside the project teamor organisation.

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    7 Work breakdownstructures (WBS)

    A project management methodology fororganising and controlling work.

    Work is specified in ever finer detail until atthe lowest level a task list emerges.

    The task list describes the work that anindividual or very small team will carry out.

    The WBS opposite is for purchase of a newoff-the-shelf IT system.

    8 Gantt chart A device for graphically displaying projectactivity against time. A typical Gantt chartwill show a complete work breakdownstructure (see definition 7), total timeneeded to complete specific tasks, and %completion.

    Gantt charts can be produced easily using mostproject management software. For many projects,however, a simple table (in Word or Excel) can be

    just as useful.

    An enlarged version of the chart below is inAppendix3.

    9 Projectmanagementsoftware

    Software designed to enable projectmanagers to plot, manage and reviewproject progress.

    Don't confuse the tool with the solution!

    The learning curve with some project managementsoftware can be steep. Be sure you need thefunctionality it will provide. Many projects can bemanaged perfectly well using Word tables andsimilar to track activity against time (ContactOrganisational Learning for a sample project planin Word).

    10 PMI Project Management

    US based professional association for projectmanagers.



    11 AIPM Australian Institute of Project

    Australian professional association for projectmanagement.

    ID T ask Name Duration

    1 S urvey and Screen Market Place 41d

    1.1 Identify possible suppliers 40h

    1.2 Review literature 40h

    1.3 Prepare Request for Information (RFI) 40h

    1.4 Approve RFI 40h

    1.5 Copy, collate and issue RFI 8h

    1.6 Vendor RFI Period 4w

    1.7 Review Vendor Response 40h

    1.9 Management of above 328h

    2 Develop Criteria 4d

    3 Evaluate and Select 13d

    3.1 Evaluation of responses against criteria 3d

    3.2 Selection of preferred package 4h

    3.3 Review of selected package by review team 2w

    4 Negotiate Contract and Obtain Software 2w

    5 Configure for Installation 10d

    6 Pi lot 20d

    7 Prepare Training 7.5d

    9 Install and Full Conversion 25d

    April May June July August

    2. DevelopCriteria

    1. SurveyMarket

    3. Evaluateand Select

    4. Install

    New ITs stem

    1. SurveyMarket

    1.1 Identify Suppliers

    1.2 Review literature

    1.3 Approve RFI

    1.4 Issue RFI

    1.5 Review Vendor Response

    1.1.1 Review past vendors

    1.1.2 Check Industryassociation

    1.1.3 Create comparison

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    Step Objectives/deliverables Notes

    1 Consult A clear understanding of the needs, views,concerns of all stakeholders.

    Consultation and communication withstakeholders should occur throughout thelife cycle of a project.

    For some projects it may be useful toproduce a formal and public consultationand communication plan.

    2 Be clear about yourobjective

    A clear understanding of exactly whatoutcomes it is intended the project willdeliver.

    Project work can be very expensive, andprojects have a tendency to grow inscope, often without adequate attention toimpact on budget, staffing etc.

    Scope creep is not necessarily a badthing - sometimes the scope of project willchange because it should. What is criticalis that scope creep is managed effectively.By maintaining a clear focus on agreedproject objectives, and the resourcesrequired to achieve these, a project

    manager can recognise and assess theimpact of changes to the project scope.

    Because of the likely impact on resourcesand project outcomes, changes to thescope of project should be approvedformally by a project board, referencegroup or equivalent.

    3 Be clear about thework needed toachieve yourobjective

    A clear understanding of exactly whateffort and resources will be needed toachieve project outcomes.

    It can be difficult to estimate accuratelythe work involved in many projects. Do itbadly, and you will spend much of theproject feeling overworked and under-resourced. Spend as much time as youcan at the beginning speaking with peoplethat can help you accurately scope the

    project.If you are appointed to manage a projectafter the initial scoping has finished, it isimportant that you very quickly satisfyyourself that the projects objectives arerealistic. If you have any doubts, raisethem with your supervisor and the projectboard or reference group.


    4 Be sure appropriateproject governancestructures are inplace

    A clear understanding of how decisionsrelating to the project will be made, and asense of confidence that the project issupported by the organisation.

    For some projects an elaborate decision-making and governance structure will bein place from the beginning. For others,nothing will be in place.

    At a minimum, as a project manager youwill need a supervisor or project sponsor,

    and a reference group comprised at leastpartly of stakeholders in the project.

    These arrangements can be informal, butthey tend to be far more useful if they areformal. It is always a mistake (for you andfor the project) to allow a project toprogress without regular input andfeedback from your sponsor/supervisorand from stakeholders.

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    5 Prepare a ProjectPlan

    A detailed, clear and public schedule forproject activity and expenditure.

    A clear understanding of the detail of workinvolved in the project

    A base-line against which you canmeasure progress and manage change to

    the scope (or other elements) of yourproject.

    A good plan, developed by the projectmanager with input from key stakeholders,is essential. The nature of a project planwill vary from project to project but willnormally include:

    A clear statement of project objectives.

    Project assumptions and risks.

    Project milestones.

    A Work Breakdown Structure for theproject.

    Details of resources required HR,equipment, supplies.

    Budget details.

    Details of proposed assessment andreview procedures.

    Your project plan must remain a livedocument, and be amended and updatedthroughout the life of your project.Significant changes to your plan should be

    approved by your project sponsor orproject board.

    6 Organise theresources you needto achieve yourobjectives

    Confidence that you have the resources HR, office space, equipment, supplies,budget etc to successfully implementyour project plan.

    In most projects, getting the right people,equipment, space etc together is anongoing challenge throughout the project.It is unlikely that you will have everythingin place before you launch intoimplementation, but the more effort youput in at this time, the easier things will befor you later.

    7 Implement yourProject Plan

    Achieve the outcome/s for which yourproject was created.

    This is usually the high activity, highexpenditure phase of project. Use theProject Management Institute (PMI) bodyof knowledge headings as a framework to

    manage your thinking. Ask yourself ifthere is anything you need to be doingtoday/this week/this month about theintegration, scope, time, cost, quality,human resources, communications, risk,orprocurementcomponents of the project.

    8 Review progress Confidence that your project isprogressing according to plan, that yourproject objectives remain valid andrealistic, and that project stakeholdersremain in the loop.

    It is important that your project sponsor,project board and other stakeholdersremain involved in your project throughoutits lifecycle. A structured review process,with dates and objectives determinedearly in the project, is a very effective wayof ensuring this.




    9 Close the project, andevaluate process andoutcomes

    Documentation of results of the project,and recommendations for the future.

    Closing of budgets, contractualarrangements etc.

    Formal transfer of responsibility of thoseresponsible for ongoing management ofthe projects outcomes.

    Reassignment of project staff.

    Formal acknowledgement of thoseinvolved in the project.

    An opportunity for you and yourorganisation to learn from yourexperience.

    This stage is managed very poorly in mostprojects, mainly because everybody is inmoving on mode. You should at least:

    If you have been managing a projectteam, deal sensitively andprofessionally with any issues yourteam members might now be facing redeployment, redundancy etc. Yourown future may not be clear, but asproject manager you have a specificresponsibility to your team.

    Close off all budget, contractual andother administration matters.

    Set up an opportunity to debrief theproject. This could be with your projectsponsor, project board, stakeholders,or, if possible, all of these. Both you anyour organisation will benefit from this.

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    Appendix 1 Project Management checklist ongoing management (based on PMB

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    Appendix 2 Project Management checklist project lifecycle

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    Appendix 3 Sample Gantt chart

  • 8/3/2019 Guidelines Project Managers[1]


    Organisational Learning and Development / Shaun McNicholas & Associates

    Appendix 4 - Reading List

    Baker S & K (2000) The Complete Idiots Guide to Project Management Alpha Books

    Buttrick R (2000) The Project Workout Prentice Hall

    DeMarco T (1997)The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management Dorset House

    PublishingGreer M (2000) The Project Managers Partner: A Step by Step Guide to Project

    Management 2nd edition HRD Press Inc

    Hartman F (2000) Dont Park Your Brain Outside Project Management Institute

    Kerzner, H (2001) Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and

    Controlling Wiley

    Krause D (1997) The Way of the Leader Nicholas Brealey Publishing

    Lientz BP (2001) Project Management for the 21st Century Academic

    Maylor H (2003) Project Management 3rd edition Prentice Hall

    McConnell S (1998) Software Project Survival Guide Microsoft Press

    McLeod G, Smith D (1996) Managing Information Technology Projects ITP

    Meredith JR, Mantel SJ (2000) Project Management Wiley

    Michael N (1991) Basic Project Management: How to Make it Work in Your Organisation


    Project Management Institute (2000) A Guide to the Project Management Body of

    Knowledge (PMBOK) PMI Publications

    Spinner MP (1992) Elements of Project Management, Plan, Schedule and Control Prentice

    HallTurner R (1995) The Commercial Project Manager McGraw Hill

    Verzuh E (1999) The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management Wiley

    Wysocki R, Beck R, Crane D (2000) Effective Project Management Wiley

    Wysocki R (2001) The World Class Project Manager: A Professional Development Guide


    Yeates D, Cadle J (1996) Project Management for Information Systems 2nd edition Pitman

    Young TL (2000) Successful Project Management Kogan Page

    JournalsPM Network

    Project Management Journal

    International Journal of Project Management

    Project Manager Today



