Download - GUIDELINES AND INFORMATION 201709-201801 · Guidelines and Information for 201709/201801 Class Build Modified on January 19, 2017 Page 6 Credit Units and Billing Hours in SSASECT


Guidelines and Information for 201709/201801 Class Build Modified on January 19, 2017

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Table of Contents Class Build Report for 201709 and 201801 Terms .................................................................................................................................... 2

Subject and Course Number ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Subject Codes.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Section Number .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Credit Units and Billing Hours in SSASECT ............................................................................................................................................. 6

Term and CRN ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

POT (Part of Term) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

201709 and 201801 POT Default Dates .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Schedule Type ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Enrolment .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Approval ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Available Approval Codes .................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Restricted To ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

NEW College of Graduate Studies Name Change ................................................................................................................................... 13

Night Classes ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Release Unused Permission Spaces .......................................................................................................................................................... 16

Link ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Experiential Learning Attributes............................................................................................................................................................... 17

Campus ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Campus Codes ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Meeting Time Box .................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Start Date/End Date for Meeting Times ............................................................................................................................................... 20

Schedule Type ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Building/Room Information...................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Instructors ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

GENERAL INFORMATION FOR COLLEGES AND DEPARTMENTS ............................................................................................. 22

Child Sections (labs, tutorials, seminars) .............................................................................................................................................. 22

Setting Class Titles ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23

SSASYLB - Entering long title and technical requirements (pre- and co-requisites) .......................................................................... 23

GENERAL INFORMATION FOR COLLEGES ONLY......................................................................................................................... 23

Classes Offered In Other Colleges ........................................................................................................................................................ 23

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Credit Unit Maximums ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Class Build Report for 201709 and 201801 Terms

To build/maintain your classes for the 201709/201801 terms, you must run the “Class Verification – Master Long” report through rePortal (crystal reports). This report shows all classes that have been rolled from the previous terms. If you do not have access to rePortal, please fill in and submit the rePortal Access form available at requesting access to the Administrative folder. For additional information on running rePortal reports please see the “Running and Viewing Reports” training manual available in the files section under rePortal of the Student Information Users Group on PAWS. To run the “Class Verification – Master Long” report: 1. Open your browser and type 2. Enter your NSID and password. From there you will 3. Select Admin Services in the menu. 4. Select the Crystal Reports and click on it to view the crystal reports folder. 5. Select the Administrative Reports folder (click directly on the folder). 6. Find and select “Class Verification – Master Long” 7. Enter your parameters Enter prompt values. (ie) to enter term, type in term then click the small arrow button. It will add to the selected values. Add another term if you like. Continue with the rest of your parameters. *NOTES:

All parameters must have a value or the report will not successfully run. Run this report for all statuses to ensure that you are maintaining all of your classes, not just the Active ones.

8. When finished choosing all the parameters, click <Submit> at the bottom of the screen. You will then have to wait until the report finishes. This report that you have run through rePortal is a list of the classes that are currently in the system for the term you chose. 9. To print the report, click on the “Export this report” icon located just right of the printer icon in the top left corner. Select MS Word file format then press Export. You will be prompted to either open the document in MS Word or Save. Choose your option and print in MS Word at your convenience.

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Subject and Course Number Used to identify the section in SSASECT.

Subject Codes

(These codes can also be used to specify the subject when running the “Class Verification – Master Long” report)

ACB Anatomy and Cell Biology

ACC Accounting

AGMD Agricultural Medicine

AGRC Agriculture

AGRN Agronomy

ANBI Animal Bioscience

ANSC Animal Science

ANTH Anthropology

APMC Applied Microbiology

ARBC Arabic

ARCH Archaeology


ARTH Art History

ASKI Askiy

ASTR Astronomy

BAC Business Admin Certificate

BINF Bioinformatics

BIOC Biochemistry

BIOE Biomedical Engineering

BIOL Biology

BIOS Biostatistics

BLE Biological Engineering

BMSC Biomedical Sciences

BMST Biomolecular Structures

BPBE Bioresource Policy Bus Econ

CACE Adult and Continuing Education

CE Civil Engineering

CHE Chemical Engineering

CHEM Chemistry

CHEP Community Hlth and Epidemiolog

CHIN Chinese

CLAS Classics

CLR Clinical Research

CME Computer Engineering

CMPT Computer Science

CMRS Classical Medieval Renaissance

COMM Commerce

CORR Corrections


CSCH College Scholar

CTST Catholic Studies

DENT Dentistry

DRAM Drama

EADM Educational Administration

EAP English for Academic Purposes

EART Art Education

EBAC Executive Business Admin Cert.

ECNT Continuing Education

ECON Economics

ECUR Curriculum Studies

EDST Education Student Teaching

EDUC Education

EE Electrical Engineering

EFDT Educational Foundations

EIND Indian and Northern Education

EMUS Music Education

ENG English

ENGI Engineering

ENT Entrepreneurship

ENVE Environmental Engineering

ENVS Environment and Sustainability

EP Engineering Physics

EPIP Engin Profess Intern Program

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EPRT Education Practicum

EPSE Ed Psych and Special Education

EPSY Educational Psychology

ERES Education Research

ESL English as a Second Language

ETAD Educational Tech and Design

EVSC Environmental Sciences

EXPR Extended Practicum

FABS Food and Bioproduct Sciences

FDSC Food Science

FIN Finance

FREN French

GE General Engineering

GEOE Geological Engineering

GEOG Geography

GEOL Geology

GERM German

GERO Gerontology

GRK Greek

GSR Graduate Studies and Research

HEB Hebrew

HED Home Economics Education

HIST History

HLST Health Studies

HLTH Health

HNDI Hindi

HORT Horticulture

HRM Human Resources Management

HSC Health Sciences

INCC Interdisc Stud Culture Creat

INDG Indigenous Studies

INDR Industrial Relations

INTD Interdisciplinary Grad Studies

INTS Interdisciplinary Studies

IPJP Indig Peoples and Justice Prog

IS International Studies

ITDL Interdept Medicine and Dentist

JPNS Japanese

JSGS JSG School of Public Policy

KIN Kinesiology

KINA Kinesiology Activity

KIST Kinesiology-Stats Equivalents

LATN Latin


LING Linguistics

LIT Literature

LSC Labour Studies

MATH Mathematics

MBA Master Business Administration

MCIM Microbiology and Immunology

MDSP Medicine Special Topics

ME Mechanical Engineering

MED Medicine

MEDC Medicine

MGT Management

MKT Marketing

MPAC Master Professional Accounting

MSTA Maintenance of Status

MUAP Music Applied

MUS Music

NEPS Nursing Ed Program of SK

NORD Northern Govern and Develop

NRTH Northern Studies

NURS Nursing

NUTR Nutrition

OB Organizational Behaviour

OBGY Obstetrics and Gynecology

OM Operations Management

ONEH One Health

PATH Pathology

PBIO Palaeobiology

PCOL Pharmacology

PGCL Post Graduate Clinical

PHAR Pharmacy

PHIL Philosophy

PHPY Physiology and Pharmacology

PHSI Physiology

PHYS Physics

PLAN Planning

PLSC Plant Science

POLS Political Studies

PSIA Psychiatry

PSY Psychology

PTH Physical Therapy

PUBH Public Health

PUBP Public Policy

RCM Rhetorical Communication

RLST Religious Studies

RRM Renewable Resource Management

RUSS Russian

SC Science

SCP School and Counselling Psych

SLSC Soil Science

SNSK Sanskrit

SOC Sociology

SOSC Social Science

SPAN Spanish

SPST Special Studies

STAT Statistics

SURG Surgery

SWIT Std Well Init Toward Comm Hlth

SYNC Synchrotron Sciences

TECH Technical Vocational Education

TEFL Teaching Engl as Foreign Lang

TESL Teaching Engl as Second Lang

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TOX Toxicology

UKR Ukrainian

VACC Vacc and Immunotherapeutics

VBMS Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

VINT Veterinary Interdepartmental

VLAC Large Animal Clinical Sciences

VSAC Small Animal Clinical Sciences

VTMC Veterinary Microbiology

VTMS Veterinary Medicine

VTPA Veterinary Pathology

WDA Western Dean's Agreement

WGST Womens and Gender Studies

WRIT Writing

XAR Arts and Science

XBCS UArctic Consortium

XCGS Graduate Academic Exchange

XCHG Academic Exchange

XCHI Inbound Exchange

XGER Term Abroad Placeholder - GERM

XGPC Graduate Pathways Placeholder

XGSE Graduate Student Exchange

XGSR GS Placeholder Course

XHUM Humanities

XIMG Intl Medical Graduate Training

XLAN Language

XMBA MBA Part-Time Enrolment

XMED ME Placeholder Course

XNEP Nursing Ed Program of SK

XNLB Nursing Library Orientation

XNLC Native Law Centre

XNSC Natural Science

XOFD Visiting Student to Oxford

XSLC ESL - U of S Language Centre

XSPN Term Abroad Placeholder - SPAN

XSSC Social Science

XSWB Science without Borders

XTLC Teaching and Learning Centre

XVMT VM Placeholder

XVRS Visiting Research Student

Section Number

Used to identify what section of the course this record is referring to in SSASECT. Do not enter zero (0) as a section number. And as a courtesy and easy visual to mark sections, place a W in front of the section # for web/online sections, a U for off-campus sections, and X for independent studies classes. (ie) W01, U02, X01. Use letters in section numbers only when needed (cross listed sections) as traditional section numbers are critical when scheduling exams due to the exam scheduler ie. (01A/01B/01C).

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Credit Units and Billing Hours in SSASECT

NEVER change the credit units or billing hours listed on the SSASECT page. If you think they are incorrect contact [email protected] for verification prior to changing them. NEVER update the tuition waiver flag at the bottom of the SSASECT page

Term and CRN

201709 is T1 (Fall) and 201801 is T2 (Winter). Classes are being rolled with the CRN’s. A newly built class will have a newly created CRN.

POT (Part of Term)

Within each term there are Parts of Term. Each POT has its own add/drop/refund rule dates. There are multiple POTs, but sections can only be attached to one POT. In the example, POT: 1 indicates that CHEM 112 (01A) was a full term class in the 200709 term.

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201709 and 201801 POT Default Dates

201709 Parts of Term 201801 Parts of Term

Code Description Start date End Date Length

1 Full Term 06-Sep-17 07-Dec-17 13

IS Full Term Independent Study 06-Sep-17 07-Dec-17 13

IS1 T1 Part of Multi-Term IS Class 06-Sep-17 06-Apr-18 26

MT1 T1 Part of Multi-Term Class 06-Sep-17 06-Apr-18 26

PH 18-Sep-17 24-Nov-17 9

Code Description Start date End Date Length

1 Full Term 03-Jan-18 06-Apr-18 13

IS Full Term Independent Study 03-Jan-18 06-Apr-18 13

IS2 T1 Part of Multi-Term IS Class 06-Sep-17 06-Apr-18 26

MT2 T1 Part of Multi-Term Class 06-Sep-17 06-Apr-18 26

PH 15-Jan-18 23-Mar-18 9

PH3 26-Mar-18 1-Jun-18 9

POT Default Dates These are the dates that the POT will default to the section when the class roll is performed (Note: for classes that are attached to a POT but do not conform to the default dates, these dates must be changed to the real dates before registration e.g. MED). For classes that go over 2 terms (multi-term classes), the Start and End date values of the class will show from Sept-Apr for both POT=MT1 and POT=MT2, even though in the Class Meeting Dates and Times you only use Sep to Dec dates for MT1 and Jan to Apr dates for MT2. Note: It is very important that the POT dates match the chart above. Please do not change the POT default dates unless it is to correct an inaccurate date or your class starts before to the POT date. If your class starts a few days after the date above (max. 5 days), leave the POT date but adjust the meeting time. If your class has a different start and end dates than what is listed in the POT chart, please set up as an open learning class; however, do not change a POT class to Open Learning or vice versa. The dates affect other university processes (T2202’s, student loans, etc.), therefore is very important that they are correct. (This note excludes Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine)

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Example of a multi-term class

Note 1: POT default dates for both MT1 and MT2 sections are Sept-Apr; however, each multi-term meeting time line will have a Start Date and End Date associated with the term as follows: Sept-Dec for POT=MT1 and Jan-Apr for POT=MT2. Note 2: Open Learning sections will not have POTs or POT default dates; they will be empty. Each Open Learning section has its own add/drop/refund rule dates calculated based upon percentages and so do not have an assigned POT. For building these sections, Open Learning Class Maintenance training will be provided by Student Information Systems. Please contact [email protected] to request training.

Schedule Type

This is the classification of the section according to the type of instruction. If this is incorrect or if this code needs to be changed, please first consult with SESD staff.

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Schedule Types and descriptions available in SiRIUS

CL Clinical COO Coop Class FLD Field Trip GCL Ghost Clinical GCO Ghost Coop GFL Ghost Field Trip GI1 Ghost Internship - Education GI2 Ghost Internship CMPT & EPIP GI3 Ghost Internship - General GIN Ghost Independent Studies GLB Ghost Laboratory GLC Ghost Lecture/Clinical GLL Ghost Lecture/Laboratory GMM Ghost Multimode GPA Ghost Practicum GPB Ghost Problem Session GPC Ghost Pre-Clinical GRD Ghost Reading Class GRO Ghost Roster

GRS Ghost Research GSI Ghost Sup Self Instruction GSM Ghost Seminar GSO Ghost Studio GST Ghost Lecture GSU Ghost Teacher Supervision GTL Ghost Televised Class GTT Ghost Tutorial GWB Ghost Web Based Class ICR Internet Chat Relay IHP Internet Help IN1 Internship - Education IN2 Internship - CMPT & EPIP IN3 Internship - General IND Independent Studies LAB Laboratory LC Lecture/Clinical (DENT Only) LEC Lecture LL Lecture/Laboratory DENT

Only MM Multimode PCL Pre-Clinical DENT Only PRA Practicum PRB Problem Session RDG Reading Class RES Research ROS Roster (DENT Only) SEM Seminar SSI Supervised Self Instruction STU Studio SUP Teacher Supervision TEL Televised Class TUT Tutorial WEB Web Based Class XCH Exchange Program

Note: for multi-term classes, the second half must have a different schedule type from the first half; all second half classes are classified as “Ghost” schedule types. If the first half is a LEC then the second half is a ghost lecture (GST). If the first half is a LAB, then the second half will be a ghost lab (GLB) etc.

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Enrolment Please indicate the actual number of students you want to enroll in this class based upon past enrolment trends. Enrolment fields “Section Enrolment Info” are found under the option menu in SSASECT. The first number is the maximum enrolment and the second number (in brackets) is the actual enrolment. The accuracy of the max. enrolment is very important for the purpose of scheduling rooms. The system will be choosing a room based on this number as one of the priorities. If the numbers are askew, there may be large rooms only half filled leaving no rooms available for large classes.

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Note: some classes have been broken into multiple sections to facilitate seat restrictions. The classes that have been broken down into multiple sections are represented by having an alpha character in the last place of the section number (e.g. 01A, 01B, 01C…). Each of these sections will have a separate enrolment number based upon your dept/college’s decisions for seat restrictions. The example below is a class that will remain cross listed as this class has multiple sections in different locations. Classes that need certain seats saved for specific colleges, we encourage to be set up as reservations (more information on pages to follow). ENG 114 (V02) Literature and Composition Reading Culture 5-Jan-118-Apr-11Instructor Primar: Attributes:

(201101.27023) Schd: TEL (TELE) POT: 1 Max. Enrol: 10 (0) CCDE CCDE

Campus: CT College: AR Department: ENG Status: A HUM Link: Linked to: Approval: Night Class: Yes OCO2

Start Date End Date Start/End Time Days of the Week Schd Type Bldg Room XList Subject CNum Sect # Term CRN

05 Jan 11 08 Apr 11 19:00 - 21:50 R TEL SEMA 1D ENG 114 59 201101 27021

1D ENG 114 V01 201101 27022

1D ENG 114 V02 201101 27032

1D ENG 114 V03 201101 27003

1D ENG 114 V04 201101 27013


Does a student require approval before registration in this class? If yes, indicate the appropriate person/area from which the student needs to get approval in the “Special Approval” field in SSASECT.

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Available Approval Codes

AD Advisor's Approval Required

AU Audition Required in September

DE Deans Office Approval Required

DP Departmental Approval Required

EX U of S Int'l Approval Required

IN Instructors Signature Required

CrossListed (XList) Is this section crosslisted with other sections? If yes, follow the directions in the “How to Crosslist” manual. Crosslisting is completed through the SSAXLST form under the SSASECT options menu. All sections crosslisted with the reported section are displayed. The information include contains group ID, term and CRN.


Where seat restrictions can be defined by College, Degree, Program, Field of Study, or Department new reserved seating functionality is available in SiRIUS Plus. Setting up reserved seating will reduce the number of class sections that you will have to maintain. Do not use Level in entering restrictions unless you are setting up a reservation for Learning Communities. Learning Communities will use Level, College and Cohort only in their reservations. Note: Use the fewest number of parameters as possible in setting up reserved seating to define your target registration group. SESD offers training to class maintenance staff to help with converting crosslisted class sections to reservations. Please contact [email protected] for training.

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Restricted To

Is this section restricted in any way? If the section is available or unavailable to any particular college/program/degree/major, use the appropriate radio button in SSARRES < under SSASECT options menu.> plus the college, program, degree or major that is restricted. Staff should use the fewest number of registration restrictions possible to restrict the class to the correct group of students. If more than one restriction is in place on a class the student must meet all the restrictions (e.g. restriction A and restriction B not restriction A or restriction B).

If you have reserved seating groups in your class sections then registration restrictions must allow the students represented in the reserved seats groups into the class section.

NEW College of Graduate Studies Name Change

On Feb. 25, 2016, University Council approved the College of Graduate Studies and Research request for a name change. Effective Jan. 2017 the new name will be College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Student records within the student information system will reflect this change beginning with the Sept. 2017 term [201709]. Part of this work is the creation of new college, department, program, and major codes and descriptions. Below are the new codes and descriptions that will be used as of the 201709 term. These will be updated on class records as of the 201709 term by a script. After the script is run class records will include both the old and the new code(s). The new codes must be used for class build as of the 201709 term and beyond.

Area Code Description

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College GP Graduate and Postdoc Studies

Department GP Graduate and Postdoc Studies

Programs GCOH-GP Grad Certificate in One Health

GCSEC-GP Grad Cert Soc Econ and Co-op

GPC-GP Graduate Pathways Certificate

GPSC-GP Grad Professional Skills Cert

JNTSTUDNT-GP Joint Student Program

JSGS-RG-GP School of Public Policy – RG

LLM-T-GP Master of Laws-Thesis

MA-C-GP Master of Arts-Course

MA-P-GP Master of Arts-Project

MA-T-GP Master of Arts-Thesis

MAGR-P-GP Master of Agriculture-Project

MBA-P-GP Master of Busin Admin-Project

MED-C-GP Master of Education-Course

MED-P-GP Master of Education-Project

MED-T-GP Master of Education-Thesis

MENG-P-GP Master of Engineering-Project

MES-T-GP Master of Envir Sustain-Thesis

MFA-P-GP Master of Fine Arts-Project

MFA-T-GP Master of Fine Arts-Thesis

MGENIA-GP Master Gov EntrNorth IndigArea

MIT-GP Master of International Trade

MMAT-P-GP Master of Mathematics-Project

MMUS-P-GP Master of Music-Project

MMUS-T-GP Master of Music-Thesis

MN-C –GP Master of Nursing-Course

MN-T-GP Master of Nursing-Thesis

MNGD-P-GP Master North Gov and Dev-Proj

MPA-C-GP Master of Public Admin-Course

MPA-CR-GP Master of Public Admin-Course

MPAC-P-GP Master of Prof Account-Project

MPH-C-GP Master of PublicHealth-Course

MPH-T-GP Master of Public Health-Thesis

MPP-GP Master of Public Policy

MPT-P-GP Master of Physical Therapy

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MSC-T-GP Master of Science-Thesis

MSEM-P-GP Master of Sust EnvMgmt-Project

MVET-P-GP Master of Vet Science-Project

MWS-GP Master of Water Security

NONE-GP No Program (GP)

PGD-GP Post Graduate Diploma

PGDSPC-GP Postgrad Degree Spec Cert

PHD-DIRCT-GP Doctor of Philosophy (Direct)

PHD-GP Doctor of Philosophy

PHD-TRANS-GP Doctor of Philosophy(Transfer)

VRS-GP Visiting Research – Grad

VRS-UG-GP Visiting Research - Undergrad

Majors GSP Graduate and Postdoc Studies

SCGP Special Case-Grad Postdoc Stud

Night Classes

Is this section a night class? If yes, the class has to be identified as a night class. To designate a night class section (for all classes beginning at 17:30 or later), an N should be entered into the “Session” field on the main SSASECT screen. SSASECT

This is necessary for determining the special exam schedule for night classes. Night class meeting times beginning at 17:30 should end at 20:20 and meeting times beginning at 19:00 should end at 21:50.These times include breaks.

Due to the day limitations in the 2017-2018 Academic Calendar:

o Term 1 (201709) Monday night classes need to be built as 3h 20 min (begin at 17:30 end at 20:50) o Term 1 (201709) Tuesday and Friday night classes need to be built as 3h 05min (begin at 17:30 end at

20:35) o Term 2 (201801) Monday, Tuesday and Friday night classes need to be built as 3h 05min (begin at 17:30

end at 20:35)

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Release Unused Permission Spaces

Unused spaces, (not approval spaces) may be manually released for general registration at the department’s discretion.


If this is a child section (LAB, TUT or SEM) and registration will be enforced in the child section if the student registers in a parent LEC section, then a Link ID (SSASECT) and Section Links group (SSADETL) will have to be placed on each section that is part of this linked group. Please refer to the “How To Link” training manual on linking parent/child classes. In SiRIUS the two forms where links are created are SSASECT and SSADETL (Under SSASECT options menu)


The links display on the class verification report as

Note: Cancelled linked classes must have their links removed or they will continue to appear in self-service.

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Experiential Learning Attributes For information on how to determine if a class is experiential and needs an attribute, consult the experiential learning document on the

class build website.

If the class needs an attribute, this can be added on in the SSADETL form under the degree Program Attributes

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The Campus through which this section will be taught.

If this is an Independent Studies section (schedule type = IS, IS1 or IS2), then the campus = OFF. The OFF code is used for sections offered through the U of S but student fees are calculated as if the student was taking the class off campus (in conjunction with the OFF Campus Student fee attribute). If the section is held through a regional college, the regional college code would be inserted here. (e.g. WGST 110 (W61) is held through Parkland Regional College so campus code = PL)

Campus Codes

AU Aurora College

CH Cypress Hills Regional College

CT Carlton Trail Regional College

CU Cumberland Regional College

FN First Nations Univ of Canada

KI Kindersley

LA La Ronge

LL Lakeland College

ME Melfort

MJ SIAST - Palliser Campus

MU Muenster

NB North Battleford

NL Northlands College

NT Northwest Territories

NW North West Regional College

OFF Off-campus Site

PA SIAST - Woodland Campus

PL Parkland Regional College

PW Prairie West Regional College

QUE Quebec

RE SIAST - Wascana Campus

RG Regina – U of S

SA SIAST - Kelsey Campus

SC Swift Current

SE Southeast Regional College

SI Saskatchewan Indian College

SK U of S -Saskatoon Main Campus

SP St. Peter's College

WE Weyburn

YO Yorkton

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Meeting Time Box

This displays the meeting times of the section.

If the section has no meeting times (e.g. Independent Studies) then most of the fields in this box will be blank. The fields that must have values are Mtg Type (always CLAS) Start Date, End Date, Schedule Type (Schd), hours per week (Hrs/Wk), Sess Cred and Sess In in SSASECT/Meeting Times.

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Start Date/End Date for Meeting Times

These are the start and end dates of the meeting time. Remember, if it is a multi-term class, the POT default dates on the main SSASECT form will be Sept-Apr but the meeting time start/end dates on the meeting time record will only span the term (Sept – Dec if the POT=MT1 and Jan – Apr if the POT=MT2). If there are no set meeting times, indicate the total contact hours per week. If there are no contact hours (or you do not track them), then enter 0.

Start/End Time These are the start and end times of the meeting. Each different Start/End Time has a separate line. E.g. If the section meets every Wednesday from 0830-0920 and Thursdays from 1130-1150 then you would have two meeting time lines. If the section meets every Monday and Wednesday at 0830-0920 then you would require only one meeting time line as both dates can be entered on one line as long as all other information remains the same.

Include both the start and end times of all classes and lab/tutorial sections, using the 24 hour clock format. Use the actual

end time, e.g. 08:30-09:20 instead of 08:30-09:30. Days of the Week Please indicate the days of the week for which this meeting time line is relevant in the SSASECT/Meeting Time block. The codes are M-Monday, T-Tuesday, W-Wednesday, R-Thursday, F-Friday, S-Saturday and U-Sunday

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Schedule Type

This is the schedule type of this meeting time line. It can differ from the main schedule type of the section. E.g. If you have a LEC that also has a LAB meeting time, you would have two meeting time lines; one that shows the information of the LEC meeting time (schedule type = LEC) and a second that shows information for the LAB (schedule type = LAB) The second meeting time line would have a different schedule type than the main schedule type defined against the section as a whole.

Building/Room Information

Leave the Building and Room fields blank or remove the spaces unless your Department/College is responsible for the building and room space assignments for your area. If you enter either one of these fields please ensure that you enter both. Room Scheduling will schedule all other classroom space for you. If you have a class where no space is required, please insert “NA” for the building and “NO ROOM” for the room, this will also apply for departments/colleges booking CLRC in Health Science building to place “HLTH” for the building and “2200” for the room. On both of these situations because the rooms share the space at the same time/date potentially, it is important to ALWAYS place “O” for override, otherwise you will receive a conflict error.

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If the section is held through a regional college, place the exact location here (e.g. Nipawin, North Battleford) and the regional college code in the campus field (see page 12-13). (e.g. If the section is held through Cumberland Regional College and the exact location is Melfort, the Campus = CU and the Building = Melfort)

Instructors In SSASECT/Instructor, instructors are added to classes. You may enter the instructor’s NSID and the instructor’s name should appear after you tab. Please refer to your training manuals for adding instructors to sections. (TAs should not be assigned to sections but if the section is a LAB, then a Lab Instructor may be assigned). The first instructor listed will always default as the primary instructor and be given 100% responsibility of the section (Primary Indicator box will be checked). You can change the primary instructor if necessary (see the class maintenance training manual for directions).


Child Sections (labs, tutorials, seminars)

If there is more than one section of a lab, tutorial or seminar for a class, students will be required to register separately for the Lecture and for the Child Section. In these cases the Child Sections will be listed as separate sections, with the section # prefixes: L (lab), T (tutorial) or S (Seminar), e.g. MATH 110 L01. You must indicate through the use of links (page 11-12) whether specific lab, tutorial or seminar section(s) are linked with any particular main section(s) of a class.

Some Child Sections may not require a separate registration. In such cases there will be no separate section and no section number. List the time of the lab/tutorial/seminar in the meeting time box and indicate “Lab”, “Tutorial” or “Seminar” in the meeting time box Schedule Type field.

Guidelines and Information for 201709/201801 Class Build Modified on January 19, 2017

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Setting Class Titles

1. The short title field (30 characters in length) exists on SSASECT and is referred to as “Title”, rather than “Short Title”.

This is the title that is displayed on the official transcript and the advising transcript.

2. The long title field exists on SSASYLB. This title displays on the self-service class lookup for registration purposes and

also on the unofficial transcript available through self-service.

Special Topics courses require unique class titles to be set. Therefore, these titles should be changed in both the title field on

SSASECT and Section Long title field on SSASYLB . This way, students will see the specific class titles both when they register

and when they receive their official transcript.

NOTE: SSASYLB only necessary for Special Topics Classes

SSASYLB - Entering long title and technical requirements (pre- and co-requisites)

1. From the options menu in SSASECT, select Section Syllabus Form (SSASYLB)

2. Click Next Block. For Special Topics classes, do not Copy from Course. Instead type in the long title in SSASYLB and press SAVE. You can then enter the shortened title on the main SSASECT page and press SAVE.

3. Click Next Block 3 more times until you are in the Technical Requirements area. Type in any pre- and co-requisites to your class. Press SAVE. Without doing these steps students will not be able to see any of this information


Classes Offered In Other Colleges

If there are any classes offered by other colleges that are required/recommended for your students, you should contact the appropriate college(s) to work out the details for those classes. The information for these classes will only need to be built/maintained by the college offering the class.

Guidelines and Information for 201709/201801 Class Build Modified on January 19, 2017

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Credit Unit Maximums - Please email changes to [email protected]

SiRIUS can limit the number of credit units in which a student can register in for a given term. The credit unit maximum can be set by college or program. They will remain the same as last year unless SESD is notified of any changes by April 15th.

All Credit Unit maximums will end with .1 (e.g. 15.1 Max CUs). This is to allow the student to register in 0 academic CU classes that have 0.01 operational CUs to accommodate other functionality in SiRIUS.

SiRIUS will not allow the maximum for the term to be exceeded. For example, if the credit limit for a term is 18, a student would not be allowed to register in a class that would make their total credit units (for that term) exceed 18.

A college may approve a student taking more than the maximum number of credit units for their college. If approved, a staff member would have to increase the maximum for that student. A college staff member who has access to the Registration system could make this change.

Once approval is granted and the maximum is increased, the student would be able to register for additional classes (up to but not exceeding the new limit).

And remember, NEVER change the credit units or billing hours on the main SSASECT page. And never touch the tuition waiver button on the bottom of SSASECT. If you think they are incorrect contact [email protected].