Download - Guidebook_Renaissance.pdf

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    General rules ...................................................................................................................................1

    Rivista (Magazine designing) ................................................................................................................. 2

    Perspicacious (Book cover and Bookmark designing) ....................................................................... 3

    Warli art ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

    Symphony Sid (R J Hunt) ....................................................................................................................... 7

    General rules

    1. Renaissance is an art event consisting of sub events: Magazine designing, book cover and bookmark

    designing, Warli art, RJ show.

    2. All the events are open for classes VIII-XII.

    3. The decision of the judges shall be final and binding at all times.

    4. Contestants are required to bring all necessary stationery (paints, pencils, erasers, etc.) beforehand for

    the event. Drawing sheets will be provided by the organizers.

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    Rivista: Magazine Designing Designing a magazine is just as much about balance and organization as it is about the text and images on

    each page. Consider each article individually, how those articles fit into a particular magazine issue as a

    whole, and then how that issue fits into the larger publication set. The way in which text is treated and

    formatted is paramount. As a designer, you have the power to form the way in which the reader is

    presented with information. A page with no imagery can still be appealing and attention grabbing with the

    use of grids, headlines, subheads, drop caps and pull quotes. The end result should showcase your

    cohesiveness, consistency, and creativity.

    The rules:

    1. Only 1 team can participate from each school.

    2. Each team should comprise 3 members.

    3. Each team shall be given a total of 3 hours.

    4. Each team shall be provided with 6 sheets (A-4).

    5. Only one color ink can be used either black or blue.

    6. Old newspapers and magazines will be provided for reference.

    7. The judging criteria will be creativity, content, presentation, and cohesiveness.

    Layout of the magazine:

    Cover page

    Editorial page

    Movie/ Literature / Restaurant review

    Comic strip/caricature/crossword/quiz/horoscope

    Celebrity interview/gadget review

    Back cover

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    Perspicacious: Book Cover and Bookmark Designing

    You need to carefully analyze the plot given and then choose the title accordingly. Carefully analyze and

    determine the imagery, choice of color palette and typography that helps to capture the readers. A really

    good book cover talks to its readers through choice of typography, imagery, and layout.

    The rules:

    1. A maximum of 2. teams can participate from each school.

    2. Each team should comprise 2 members.

    3. Each team shall be given a total of 2 hours.

    4. The teams shall be required to bring their own colors, brushes and any other required stationary. There

    is no restriction on the type of colors that can be used.

    5. One Drawing Sheet each for book cover and bookmark designing will be provided at the venue.

    6. The plot given may or may not be an extract from an existing work of literature.

    7. The judgment criteria include creativity, presentation, relevance to write up, justification of title,

    appealing caption, and adherence to time.

    simply due to his exuberant nature.

    Alas, it was time for the gates to close. The majestic, overshadowing iron and steel monstrosities reached

    up to the heavens, thick vines twisting and turning up as if to grab helpless souls down to Tartarus. The

    archaic metal creaked and groaned and finally came to a close, a brief but bright spark given out as metal

    scraped metal. No one dared to get out and no one, nothing, got in.

    Back ter work, eh lad?

    Course, that reactor aint gonna fix itself! Wake the new guy up. Big shot that he is, better be worth our


    Armed escort, yeh? Wasn expectin that.

    I was. You seen whats out there.

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    Ivan was woken up to the gush of ice cold water over his face. Ivan, a tall, skinny, and timid fellow with a

    lack of natural insulation, was essentially a useless bag of bones. His job, although tedious and redundant,

    took him to the largest building in the colony; the wood chipping factory down by the second river from

    the left of the boundary wall.

    The factory is filled with machinery as tall as the nine storey building itself. The sound of gears and saws

    slicing wood and the smell of grease, fuel and smoke filled the room. The brutal wood chopper severed

    tree trunks with Swiss precision yet rumbled like a helicopter crashing into the Amazon. Out back was the

    sound of a tree falling and the distinct buzzing of a chainsaw. The operator of the mauler of maple and

    mahogany was a large, fairly old yet brawny man with a square jaw and thick brows.

    Ivan approached the anvil, wondering why it was there, when a gigantic figure darkened the room.

    Vat is dis? said the man in a deep, thick, Russian accent. Vat is the reason for dis disorder?

    Its the new boy, Vlady. Weve got the reactor on our hands so take care of im, will ya? Word is hes useful

    round here, if ya know what I mean.

    With that, Ivans escort left him in the care of the looming figure. Ivan could feel the shadow growing

    behind him. The smell of sweat becoming more pungent. The hair all over his limbs stood up, chills tingling

    down his spine. He twitched but could not move, his audible heartbeat pounding faster and faster. He was

    frozen stiff and could feel the beast of a man breathing heavily over his shoulder. Too afraid to turn around,

    he scanned the room for exit points or, if it came to that, a weapon. Before he could react, he felt a tug on

    his shoulder that nearly knocked him over. The man glared at Ivan from head to toe. Ivan could not make

    out much of the man in the darkness except for a giant scar extending the length of his forearm.

    A sudden bang came from the wood chipper. Startled, Ivan jumped and looked in the direction

    from where the sound had come. The burlesque man snickered and chortled, and finally burst out


    You act as if you are woman who has seen mouse for first time!

    His laughter definitely lightened the mood. Ivan started to laugh his fear off.

    I am Vladimir. And you?


    Ah! Fellow Russian! I have not seen one in very long time. This calls for drink!

    Vladimir hastily went over to a beat up sofa in one corner of the room and stuck his hand behind the

    cushions. Out came a bottle of Chteau dOri Cabernet Merlot 2007, its glass casing gleaming in whatever

    little sunshine leaked in through the cracks in the roof. Vladimir discarded the wine and reached for a bottle

    of vodka.

    Wine does nothing. Now this will quench thirst!

    Moments passed by and the bottle was nearly empty. Ivan and Vladimirs conversation had to have lasted

    at least two hours. At this point Ivan knew quite a lot about old Vlad. Ex-KGB, fought in some war that he

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    was too drunk to remember. He had a wife and beautiful baby girl too. Vladimir showed Ivan a photo that

    he had kept safely under the many layers of clothing.

    Their smiles and merry making were abruptly interrupted by Vladimir turning quiet, leaving Ivans

    unobtrusive laughter to slowly fade into silence. His face turned grim as if he had just walked through an

    inferno and back. He looked at Ivan and put his finger on his lips, and gestured him to stay low. Ivan got

    up and slowly backed into a corner away from where Vladimir walked towards. Ivan was petrified. There

    could not have been anything that could sober up the drunk Russian. Vladimir grabbed a shotgun which

    looked like a toy in his massive hands.

    Footsteps, whispered Vladimir. Not good. Stay.

    As Vladimir reached for the door handle, the doors were forced open from the outside nearly throwing

    Vladimir off balance. Before him stood a creature straight from the depths of hell. It stood twice as high as

    Vladimir and was engulfed in a black and grey mist, almost as if it was the physical embodiment of

    darkness itself. The creature, with crimson red eyes and an obscure, gaping mouth, gazed upon Vladimir,

    and then at Ivan. Its eyes widened and gleamed as if its purpose fulfilled and slowly advanced into the


    Without flinching, Vladimir extended his arm and aimed the weapon at the beasts chest. The deafening

    sound of the shotgun made Ivans ears ring. The head was next. Another loud bang, followed by shrieking.

    The demon fell onto its back and slowly disintegrated.

    What in the Ive never How What was that?!

    Vladimir let out a hefty laugh.

    Hahaha! You see, Ivan. When you use shotgun like peestol, you stronger than recoil, because of fear of

    hitting face. Do more accurate damage!

    Perplexed, Ivan shook his head and leaned onto the wall.

    I think I am going to be sick. Do you have water?

    Ah, no comrade. Only Vodka. Water in this country worse than weather in Mother Russia.

    Their brief conversation was interrupted by cries for help. Vladimir pulled a lever by the furnace and the

    gigantic wood chipper slowly slid forward revealing a passageway down to a large armoury filled from

    the floor to the roof with an assortment of weapons, from medieval maces to modern assault rifles.

    Grab what you need, Ivan. This is not over

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    Warli Art

    Warli is one of the most ancient art forms that originated in India. This beautiful craft form includes the

    usage of simple geometrical shapes such as triangles, lines, circles, etc. The most important aspect of the

    painting is that it does not depict mythological characters or images of deities, but depicts social life.

    About the competition

    The participants may design on any one of the following themes:

    1. World Peace

    2. Religious Intolerance

    3. Development Vs Environmental Degradation

    A write-up of 2-4 lines justifying the underlying appeal is to be submitted along with the painting.


    This is a warli art image depicting women empowerment. The image shows how women in present era are

    capable of working competitively in each and every field reaching unexpected heights.

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    The rules:

    1. A maximum of 3 students can participate from each school.

    2. Each participant shall be given a total of 2 hours.

    3. The participants shall be required to bring their own stationary. Only white paint, silver glitter, chalk

    can be used.

    4. 1 Black drawing sheet per student will be provided at the venue.

    5. The judgment criteria include creativity, presentation, clarity in theme depiction, a small write up

    justifying the underlying appeal of the art and adherence to time.

    Symphony Sid: R J Hunt

    The rules:

    A maximum of 3 students can participate from each school.

    Each participant will get 4-6 minutes to present their show.

    The medium of speech may be English, Hindi.

    Use of illicit words and/or gestures shall entail disqualification.

    The judgment criteria include presentation, adherence to time limit, relevance of matter, diction.

    The act must be divided into the following segments-

    1. Introduction

    2. Movie / Song review

    3. Advertisement

    4. Mimicry

    5. Closing segment