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Guide to making Millions with private currency exchanges TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Example of exchanges I Primitive exchanges II Currency exchanges Why discount currency I Governments II Private

The Money to be made Pitfalls falsehoods and stupidity I Brokers II Fake provider scams III Not so common sense

Understanding the nature of the beast (a) Understanding human nature (b) Governments real roll (c) What to do about brokers (d) Don’t waste your time


1. Knowledge 2. Character 3. Accomplishment 4. Satisfaction

A note to the new millionaire

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INTRODUCTION Examples of exchanges The concept of the trading of something of value is very old. Even in the oldest archaeological evidences of modern societal man, we find evidences of the trade of one thing of value needed by one individual for another thing of value needed by another individual. In the lowest form of analyses this is what this book is about, with a twist. I will use only concepts and ideas common to everyday people and not what could easily become a jumble of complicated financial vocabulary. Early man as well as settlers to this great USA saw the value in trading several small items or animals like a turkey for some item or animal larger such as a cow. How could they tell how many items or smaller animals it would take to purchase the more valuable item or animal? Well, let’s see. I might look at how long a cow might last my family for food compared to the turkey. If one last us 6 weeks and the other last us only 2 days, we could calculate how many turkeys you would have to give me to match that food value of my cow. On the other hand, that is not the only things to consider. I like steak twice as much as I like turkey, so that will have to be factored into the calculation. In such cases the value may not be the same for everyone but it matters. Besides, it cost me to raise my cattle and you just went hunting and found that turkey out in the wild. Of course as a cattleman, I am not considering the cost of your weapons, ammunition, supplies and work that you put in to get those turkeys. Call it cattle vision.

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Also, if I am raising more cattle than I need for food, I am likely doing so to trade for lots of other things. In that case we have to consider how valuable my cows are. For instance if 5 times more people want my steaks than want your Turkey bacon, I will likely think that alone could make a 2 day portion of my cow worth 5 times more that your single turkey. However, what if there are 5 times more sellers of cattle than there are turkey sellers? Oops, wipe out the times five value. There are others that work for both the turkey and cattle sellers and They have to be paid in cows and turkeys or portions of them. This could make it a little troublesome when he wants to buy from a lamp maker that likes turkey and the black smith who does not care for either the turkey or the cow as food. I and all the settlers being well educated in the history of mankind realize that we need a government and government workers who will not have time to hunt turkey, raise cattle or own hogs. Over time we decide that we should have the government to make something consistent to trade with that will take the place of the items and animals traded. We decide on a piece of paper with something that the government officially stamps on the paper. This had better not be too easy to imitate or people will make fake copies and usurp value from the real money as we call it. Now we can take our cattle and other items to various government depots and get paid paper or coin printed money of various amounts. Unless I am using gold that is universally accepted as being a metal of considerable value, this paper is only worth something because our little government has guaranteed that your paper is worth certain amounts of cows, turkeys, gold coins or portions thereof.

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Now I can buy anything I want, if I have enough government backed paper and people believe that the government has the goods or gold to make good for everyone who have that paper money. If people begin to believe that the government does not have the resources to back up that paper, all the paper becomes nearly worthless. No one wants it. At that point the government could double the money, but by doing so the money become only one half the value of its near worthlessness. Likewise the government can make your money more valuable by printing less and not replacing old money. Of course fewer people will have money to borrow for business operations which could mean fewer jobs created. On the other hand some wise person decides that it is better to allow the government and businesses to ship huge amounts of money for real stuff from other better off governments, thus getting rid of the excess and creating Jobs backed by real assets. This only works if both governments have agreed to a standard that set value to each other’s paper money. Any other governments who choose to trade with these governments must agree to that standard also. Why discount currency Now every individual and government, just like the cattlemen and the turkey sellers still have different priorities and interpretations of value of the money. Many see certain events that will cause a government’s money or currency to rise or fall in value. If a person could accurately predict which currency and when each currency would rise or fall in value, he could swell his money daily and become a millionaire. This is the forex market. Forex means Foreign Exchange. There is even software, the proponents of which it is claimed can get it right more times than not. Of course no software can make complete account for unforeseen events.

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Did you know, however, that there are those individuals who either because of the principle mentioned above; their governments allow them to dump money cheaply? Or that there are individuals whom the governments allow to bring forth old monies that have not been taxed and place it in the market place at a discount? Instead of being taxed at 40 percent, they could end up paying 20 percent for instance. There could also be a combination of personal tax and business reasons. For instance, the world market for oil is based upon the value of the dollar. If the value of the dollar drops by half, that would mean, all things being equal, the prices you pay for oil derived items you buy would double tomorrow. Your gas prices will double too. Many oil rich Middle Eastern countries prefer to be paid in Kuwaiti dinars for oil and other things while you are visiting. Government agencies, airlines and cruise ships will pay very good money to get cheap dinars. From this a market developed to remonetize certain interesting dinars that pop up for sale at a value as much as 30 percent discount. These interesting Kuwaiti Dinars (KWDs) are sold on the secondary market to benefit a number of entities and even individuals who are in the know. This type of secondary market exists for many currencies. This is not the primary market where you can have one type of currency readily changed to another at par. At Par means it will be roughly exchanged for equal value of a different currency. Very educated people in the primary market and even professors may not know very much or understand about this secondary private single currency exchange market.

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I once had a big time banker to call me from the UK and said, “I only want to know one thing, why would a person do one of these transactions instead of coming to the bank?” As soon as I begin to talk about repatriated money and taxes, he interrupted me and said, “I got it!” You hear on TV how that each day trillions are exchanged in the Forex market. But few understand the private single exchange transaction market. This includes the numerous brokers involved Who are more often than not, the causes of a lot of wasted time. In this introduction, I tried to very simply and for the least acquainted, give an understandable conceptual look at currency and exchanges. If need be look through it again, for though it be but little, it be mighty! All concepts having to do with currencies are briefly and somewhat humorously depicted in my simplistic annunciations above. The Money to be made If you made an agreement with Bill Gates That you would get 2.5% of the total amount of every sell he made, and he sold 100 billion dollars worth of software, how much money would you have made? Now that is simple, 2 point five billion dollars. If he sold one thousand times less, 100 million dollars, you would make 2 point 5 million dollars ($2.5, 000,000.00) That is in reality the type of money available for you, if you happen to be one of the lucky and or skillful ones. Lucky and skillful with a lot of patience because it could happen immediately and you think you are the greatest salesman in the world. Or it could take years. Whatever you do, if you have a day job, you had better think twice before giving it up. Learning who, what, when

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and how is fraught with all sorts of misinformation. 99% of it will come from the brokers dealing within this market. That said, the money is real and the contracts are sometimes as large as MTN transactions. One of the keys to making much money is to make sure you are not in a broker chain a mile long. Buyers and sellers and their immediate Representatives sometimes crop off the chain to include only those people who have done work. Yet if the brokers who all worked together keep the chain length hid by only using a single or two paymasters and making sub fee agreements, every one can still make substantial money. An example would be a broker chain of 20 people that it took to get a buyer and seller together on the 100 million transaction. At 2.5%, there would be 2.5 million dollars to split between the 20. That equals $125.000 dollars a piece. If you ever ventured into this arena, you know that 98% of the time, human nature will not allow that to happen. Too many variables, having to do with each individual’s value in getting the transaction done are involved. Greed is also a main Issue. The whole atmosphere of this business is a little like gambling in a casino to earn the right to play in a King Kong movie, only to find out that the monkey is real and then to consider maybe he’s not. In the next section, we will have a short look at many of the crazy things you have to deal with while learning the right way to get things done in this market. I have found that the people who are not involved in single private currency exchanges can understand common sense business faster and easier than the ones who have been indoctrinated by other brokers and the generally promoted unfortunate practices.

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Pitfalls falsehoods and stupidity Here I will deal with some of the main problems one deals with when they enter this arena. These things alone can make impossible any transaction while recruiting the newbie or ill-informed oldie as a tool of misinformation to get to a desired end that the perpetrator has calculated. To make matters worse many of the things done are so prevalent that those in the market short or long do not know that they have been co-opted into someone elses scheme. In this business, the truth shall set you free but let’s examine some lies that bind.

1. Many will tell you that you must send intimate details such as color passport, CIS (client information sheet), history of funds, NCND (non-circumvention non-disclosure agreement), IMFPA (Irrevocable master fee protection agreement), non-solicitation, POF (proof of funds), bank account number and other documents to an entity you do not know. Not only do you not know them but you will find that the brokers who claim to be the closest point to the seller, often does not know him either. They mask their ignorance by claiming importance and the exaltedness in powerful circles, governments or governmental and nongovernmental institutions.

2. Sell side claiming that the Federal Government gets involved in private transactions to effect compliance or otherwise approve of a currency transaction between providers.

3. Getting bank endorsement of transactions and or IMFPAs

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4. Signing of IMFPAs that relates to a nonexistent transactional agreement.

5. Requiring some sort of guarantee from buyer before it is known that what one wants to purchase actually exists.

6. Not understanding swifts and how they are used. 7. The asking of up front payment to qualify to do the

transaction. 8. Brokers (They can’t make but they can break) 9. Power, greed and arrogance 10. False black lists 11. Internet shopping of offers 12. Fake documentation

Yes, there are crooks who know that they are crooks. What I find most disconcerting is that the preponderance of crookedness is done by those that just learned the wrong things. I Brokers Speaking of learning the wrong facts, chief among that group are our necessary friends, the broker. When he gets involved in this market, he takes it to be like most markets and logically thinks that the best things to do is listen to the brokers that came before him. Most all brokers that I have known involved in currency exchange show themselves to be so indoctrinated with falsehoods that a year of schooling does not seem to help them, they almost always revert back to what most others are doing. It may be that deep down most of us cannot believe that the majority of us can be wrong. It’s safer to stay with the crowd, right. Not in this business. Now taking 1 through 12 of the pitfalls, Falsehoods and Stupidity problems above, let set the record straight.

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Number one should be easy. It is easy for the un-programmed. You simply don’t send anything to anyone, you don’t know, that you would not give to your neighbor down the street whom you know a little more about. Yet, you will find 95 to 98% of brokers who asks buyer or in some cases seller to do exactly that without a second thought. Instead, there is always a way to start an introduction. We will talk about that later. Number two above: The Federal Reserve and US Treasury normally cannot get involved in regular business transactions. The Treasury will only get involved if an ongoing transaction violate the law or something is reported that they must by law look into. The Federal Reserve and the Treasury do not have programs for ordinary business folk to do exchanges. And if the Feds wanted to do some sort of exchange with another government, IMF (international monetary fund) or World Bank, why pray tell would they need brokers? They don’t! Most brokers won’t believe that. Number Three; Most brokers cannot seem to grasp that banks cannot endorse contracts and IMFPAs. A bank will not take up the obligation of its client. It is against the law for a bank to be the conduit of the transaction and take part personally in the transaction. That would be a little like having Judges in court that get paid for making a particular decision. You destroy the integrity of the system. Number 4: IMFPAs that do not refer to an existing agreement are worthless. Yet brokers seek to hold providers to an agreement that has not been agreed to yet. So Mr. Broker, I sign an Imfpa for a future unidentified agreement to a seller you don’t know. When I am passed along, we just make

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a real agreement that cannot benefit you the way you wanted, if at all. Since you do not know the seller, you have nothing! There is a way to fix that. Although, these things are bad enough, brokers should go to and learn the difference between swift types and in which way they are they are most often used in various countries. Brokers would you buy a car sight unseen? Stop asking buyers to put up money in any conditional fashion in order to do a transaction. You will have just eliminated 90% of your potential buyers. The best ones will not do this, they know better. Don’t follow your friends to the internet to shop offers. That is a red flag to most buyers. Understand that there are those that can make some of the most beautiful fake documents. You have to verify them. There are no ICC black lists and anyone can start a list that circulates around the internet. Do real due diligence. Have the Wal-Mart mentality of being fine with being the biggest while at the same time not married to the idea of making all your money from one transaction. Greed is the death nil of too many transactions. II Fake provider scams Oh, I could quote you chapter and verse concerning this matter. These people seem to be very persuasive. They can through manipulation and greed of those with whom they engage, talk them into spending 10s or thousands of dollars up front to supposedly initiate a transaction. Never ever do this or ask anyone on behalf of any so called provider to do so. Nuff said.

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In addition to the above scam some so-called providers, again, generally these are sellers because for any given discounted sale, you have no shortages of buyers chasing it. This gives the scam artist seller and his co-opted minions multiple more opportunities to go after the innocent. Then, there is the so-called seller, who for ulterior motives either directs his brokers or allows them to collect information and never pays them. This is how it works. Someone who may or may not personally know the seller-scammer is supposedly put into a fake privileged position. This may be as a mandate or something else. This person then goes out and recruits brokers to collect information from potential buyers. He is never allowed to reveal who the seller is. This is supposed to protect brokers from a buyer who may try to cut them out of fees later. That means that supposedly giving no information about the seller to the buyer will protect the brokers from the buyer who has revealed himself. You see, the hiding seller whom they don’t know is somehow considered to be the broker’s friend. Many potential buyers have been conditioned to send certain information to these individuals. How, you may ask? It is because the Idea is every where. Tell the buyer nothing until he gives you his information or you have no protection at all. For 95 plus percent of these brokers the thought never seems to come to mind that they know something about the buyer but they know little or nothing about the seller. The fact is generally that once the information collected is sent up stream to the seller, they will almost never get correct information about this seller. In fact many real buyer mandates and buyers receive direct calls from seller and their mandates and cannot tell where they remember the caller from. Neither will the caller always mention

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that there are brokers to be paid. It is often impossible to get the brokers to deal in a way that is good for both themselves and all real buyers and sellers. That way of dealing would be the way of openness and disclosure. This method of deception can be used to acquire information which may be used to secure a Table Top Meeting (TTM) The Table Top Meeting Scammer realizes that if you make a trip for a TTM, the further you travel and the more it costs, the better off he is. Not many a buyer would want to take off from Montreal to arrive in South Africa only to find out that he must pay an attorney group some type of fee. Just the fact that the trip is made and the cost was calculated to be worth the opportunity to buy becomes a way to coerce more out of the buyer than would be usually possible. Some people are so good at this that you may find them traveling around the world on these up front funds which makes them look like men or women of means. That enhances their look of success and makes buyers feel comfortable. After all they would never make these trips if they were fakes, right? Wrong! It is not their dime that they are spending. In currency single privacy exchanges the seller should offer his discounted currency via Mt103/23 conditional swift and if his offered currency meets contractual swift condition, then the buyer should respond unconditionally with a unconditional MT103 swift. Many scammers use the desire of so many buyers chasing a single contract to nefariously alter what should be. After all before you ask for some one to pay you conditionally, you should show that you actually have something for which there is a condition made for payment. When dealing with KWD, YUAN or any currency coming from a part of the world or country where the swift might

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be sent and you get nothing back, you had better be the one holding the condition. That way the other currency is sent first and confirmed by your bank before your counter swift is sent. Too many fake USD providers make like they are working directly at the direction of the Federal Reserve or Treasury. It is all a lie as stated above neither of these Fed agencies will get involved normally with a private exchange transaction. Something must go wrong, be reported or be in the normal course of government safety precautions for money laundering and terrorism, then your transaction is flagged. No approval or compliance is done by these agencies in private transactions. Compliance and Due diligence is done by banks or other entity officials hired by the bank or firms for their own good and safety. Generally scammers collect information by claiming that the seller has the responsibility for compliance and due diligence. The truth is that if you violate some SEC rules, you will not be able to claim innocence by saying that it was the seller’s or USD provider in most cases did the due diligence. BOTH SIDES are responsible to try as much as is reasonable to make sure they are dealing with a person obeying all necessary laws and customs needed to do a legal transaction. III Not so common sense The things that I have written about so far might seem to be just common sense. Well, that may be the case now but if you get involved in this market, over a couple years or so of 98% stupidity, you can easily begin to say, I know you are right, but that is the way it is. Or you may find yourself saying but this is a seller’s market so you have to cater to the seller or he will choose some other of the multiple buyers who will. There is some truth in this

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saying, however to follow the illogical will cause you to place yourself, your firm, and associates into the path of fraud, scams and a lot of wasted time. Never, ever, cater to someone asking you to do any of the illogical things mentioned in this book. Never be involved with asking anyone to send intimate information to someone they do not know and never do so yourself. If you wouldn’t send information, then you certainly would not send any kind of money or conditional payment to those that are hiding. Never take a broker’s word in the place of the direct statement of the seller or buyer. Always get any agreements, wither preliminary or final in signed official writings of some sort, MOU, LOI, RWA or other method of verifying that the seller and buyer were the ones communicating. Brokers are good for getting people together and killing deals. They cannot make a deal, Do whatever it takes that you are comfortable with legally to make them feel comfortable so that buyer and seller can get together the soonest possible. Explain in money amounts when talking to brokers about what they will make and not percentages. Telling brokers that they will make 0.002 percent may drive them nuts, but making them understand that in your contract this will bring them 20 million dollars could be very positive.

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One of the craziest things you will find in this market is that unlike other business operations many intermediaries believe that the buyer should share the profits equally with them. The buyer’s Purchase is essential and makes the transaction. However, they will think they are being cheated if he doesn’t share a three way split with buy and sell side brokers. Don’t waste your time arguing with brokers or principles. Set the parameters within which you will operate from the very first. Never jockey for power. Once you make some one nervous, it becomes darn near impossible to get any thing done. BE PATIENT. When it is seen that there is something that you will not do, quickly move on. This is a numbers game. There is someone who has what you want and you have what they want. Understanding the nature of the beast Many cities have all but banned certain types of animals from the city limits without special provisions being made. This would be because city officials understand the nature of the beast. No matter how domesticated the tiger may appear, it still has an innate nature that makes him dangerous. The same is true about this secondary market niche. It will rip you apart from your family, friends and reality. It will pound you with highest highs and lowest lows. It will leave you without food or a car to live in. Remember the movie, “The pursuit of happiness” starring Will Smith? It can be that dramatic, if you ever begin to depend on any given transaction to close and make you rich. Keep your day job.

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However, as in the movie, this is a pursuit not a certainty and you better be ready to put up with all sorts of trouble and lack until it is a fait accompli. Understanding human nature Understand your self. Not as you want to see your self but as the fact shows you to be. Believe it or not, you are not so different from all the people that you have known generally as a whole. You may see folks that you think are gullible, desperate, or ignorant and think to yourself that you are glad you are not them. The truth is everyone suffers from all these things. If anyone is approached in such a way that his or her desires and wishes would logically seem to be fulfilled, it becomes a no brainer. I tell you this, of all the people who read this book and go into this market, I would bet that at least 80% will end up believing the lies and stupidity that they will encounter, over and over and over again. This is likely you! In fact, if you frequent the casinos, you are like a candidate for addiction to this business. Even if you have high aspirations and you see the potential in this market you maybe afflicted with the same condition of hitting the big one. Accept these statements as fact! That way you may be partially mentally prepared for what could happen to you if you pursue this with an intention of not being denied. If you are incapable of this type of honest determination, don’t get in this business. You have been warned.

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Governments’ real roll A couple of years ago we were involved with a KWD, USD transaction with an eastern national government. That government has a central bank and any entity or person seeking to do a currency exchange must get approval by its central bank. It therefore required from us that we provide a letter from our government here in the good ole USA. It could come from the Treasury or the Federal Reserve. We informed them that such was not a requirement by our government. In which case we were asked no longer for a letter of approval but that the government send a letter saying that we did not need approval. You will have to understand that we have friends in high places. Some of these people sit and talk with the highest officials in the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department and we found that would not be sufficient to acquire such a simple letter. We tried Senators and Representatives in Washington who sent the request through their compliance committees to make sure that they would not run afoul of the law. This took us weeks only to be refused relief. Seemed so simple, we thought, so I began to contact the Federal Reserve personally. I found that these agencies are so aware of the federal protocol of not mixing with private currency exchanges that they seems down right paranoid.

Finally a Senator came up with a rather brilliant idea. He inquired in his capacity as a senator on behalf of a named constituent and basically got a letter back mentioning me and my operation as if I was one in millions. In short it says that no American need get approval for any legal exchange with any person, party or nation as long as the USD had diplomatic relations and or has imposed no restrictions on dealing with that person, entity or nation.

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I have mentioned the above so that you may consider deeply what I have just exposed to the light. You will meet people that will tell you that they are working with these very entities and are being authorized by them to do certain things like collect information for people you will supposedly not be introduced to until you pass compliance. Lies! Lies! Lies! Due diligence is something both sides are reasonably responsible to do. You will not be able to argue that the Dollar provider was the one doing due diligence when you find that you are dealing in some way that violates the law. Find out who you are dealing with before you give all your intimate details. If they refuse, run like crazy away from those characters. Americans are, as I am sure of other nationalities, conditioned to believe government authorities. This therefore is a staple of a scammer. Don’t fall for it. Greed, fear and misinformation cause many more failed attempts than it does successes ones. Probably in a ratio of 100 to 1 or more these negative factors and conditions are spread by the broker against common sense. Please never think you can get in a conference and tell the lead broker off. That just makes him more suspicious of your motives. At the least, be careful to explain your way of operating as just a matter of fact until you feel your way through how much you can say. This assumes that you believe you are onto a good lead. What to do about brokers Once you are in the market for a short time, you will get many offers directly from other brokers. Try to make friends with mandates and direct representatives. The closer you are to the provider; the better off you are exponentially. This is particularly

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true if it happens to be the seller. He is always the one that is offering his currency at a discount. You will find the above statement important and it takes some time and effort and or luck to attach yourself to the right people. This book can help you get ahead of 99% of those who have come before you because these people still believe the lies and the wrong ways of doing this business. Since everyone runs into so many know it alls in this currency arena, who believe they know what the 99% say that they know, even normally sensible people will fall for it. Also, sometimes doing things the less than common sense way does not mean that it will not end up being done. If this happens of course, it just assures the brokers involved that they were doing logical business. Next, you will find that in this business the person that would have given the shirt of his back to you feels a lot different when it is millions. Many will collect information just to use it to back stab or sanitize or whatever that person thinks will insure that no one back stabs him or her. Just think there are innocent lambs in the midst of all this. Some are destined to become grumpy and hard to deal with because they feel that they have been robbed and cheated. Signatories, particularly those for the buyers will tell you that they often have people to come to them who cannot or will not tell them from whence they got their contact information. I deal with this all the time. Just yesterday I received a Kuwaiti dinar contract signed by the seller. It had most of the prerequisites That I had demanded. I immediately deleted it because I knew with whom I had spoken and where it came from. These people were trying to go around him. Since it was hard to tell who the originator of the cheating attempt was, I did not respond at all. One of the names in the email belonged to someone that I trust. It was probably brought to him for that reason.

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Of course some other buyers and signatories for buyers may have been just happy to cut out a lot of brokers and deal with only a couple people rather than a broker chain. That would be fewer people that he has to satisfy before they introduce him to their seller. Sometimes these brokers meet someone who knows someone who also knows someone et nauseum, who knows a seller. Somewhere down the other end of this broker chain is a buyer. To a broker who may have worked many months or years to close one of these transactions this potential scenario is the very epitome of a situation where he may always lose. This giddiness, need and sometimes greed cause some of them to do the very things that work against themselves. Being so concerned about self in the tidal waves of highs and lows that accompany laboring in this business, makes many think illogically. It looked like everything was perfectly ready to close, the broker may say to himself. Were the people I worked with trustworthy? Did this really fail or did they go around me? Did they argue and jockey for fees too much? There were so many brokers that the buyer and seller may have been happy to cut us all out. He may think that they could have said that the deal failed and now that both peoviders have all of each other’s information, come back and do the transaction without paying any brokers. These are legitimate concerns. Unfortunately for the broker they generally do exactly what makes those concerns more likely to happen. To many times to avoid losing in this way, the broker knowing that his only power is to control access of the providers to each other,

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takes it all too seriously. After all, nothing can happen until the two principals come to an agreement. You will find that there are sometimes fee fights and power struggles between brokers and providers alike. Brokers often try to get both sides to agree to fees that are normally equal in amount to what the buyer himself will earn from the exchange. This can be a big problem. Let’s walk through what I call a comedy of errors. I have often explained or reasoned with acquaintances about these errors in letters. Below I share one of the letters that I wrote to a friend. “It is unbelievable my friend what brokers in the gold, platinum, silver, diamonds, oil and currency secondary markets are doing to themselves. Some of these people have labored for years and have learned little. Every transaction is between two principals. Smart brokers, understanding this and will quickly get out of the way. Young apprentices in this business need to know that people work all their lives to make a couple million dollars. In this business, however, many of these people hardly are conversant with buyer or his representative. Many never negotiate or document anything. They are just part of a group that has made a pact to include each other if a transaction is done. While there may be some advantages in this pooling of talent and willingness to share the profits, there are huge disadvantages. Large groups often require a large split of fees to make everyone happy. This never rubs the gentlemen or ladies coming from the other side in a good way. This person may have done all the work him or herself and is expecting a big payday just to find out that they must share the pie with 10 people they don’t know and whom could not possibly have done anything real to make the transaction viable. More importantly they are generally unrealistic about fee amounts. They literally think they deserve to make as much money as the principals. They honestly do. So they divide up the fees and even have a set template that they say MUST be followed.

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A transaction does not work that way. Whatever pleases both buyer and seller will make the transaction. Not demands from brokers. So they end up with nothing, because they think as a collective, if the buyer makes ½ billion, they darn well better also. SO SILLY! Tell me what other business does the broker; his friends and family make as much money as the principals? Some Corporations have set up a protocol that allows REAL major fees to brokers. They can make it happen by doing many transactions and not by just one big one, where all brokers get paid as much as the principles involved. Do they indeed know that is why many buyers and sellers end up chucking a contract and starting over without so many brokers? They do not understand that their methods do not work. An NCND is good but it doesn't help if no transaction is done or you don't know if one has been done. NO principal can be held to an IMFPA where there is NO CONTRACT to which it references. And guess what, the reason there is no contract, are misguided brokers, who thinking they are protecting themselves, refuse to immediately get an agreement signed by both sides. They think they are securing their pay by hiding their seller or in fewer cases buyer. The truth is they are letting the principals off the hook. RELATIONSHIP Among the brokers their must be someone with a real relationship with their buyer or seller. Not just email address or phone number. Otherwise, it is difficult to do a REAL professional transaction. A buyer or seller who is a professional wants to know with whom they are dealing. To whom shall I issue the LOI? To whom shall I issue the FCO? RIGHT THERE! If you cannot do this, you likely have moved away from the professional to the unprofessional side and you are not going to close a transaction.

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Understanding that the brokers are caught in this MATRIX-LIKE catch 22, here are the first things I try to do: 1. Have the brokers give me the seller’s name with a seller's code, if LOI is needed. I supply FREELY all information needed to issue the FCO. 2. FOR any FCO or different offer. I ask them to add an IMFPA along with seller’s code, transaction no. and hopefully signature of seller. That way, at least they would have the name of seller (better to have his signature) but the brokers send sanitized documents. (A mistake) The IMFPA is meaningless without a signed contract. There is no protection. Sanitized documents, without the name of seller (or his signatory representative) and his signature does not constitute a legal offer. It is therefore unenforceable. But I will sign off on a document with seller's name and especially signature. Add my buyer's code and all of a sudden a meaningful and enforceable document emerges. Since brokers have often worked hard to find a partner for their buyer or seller, why is it that the brokers for the seller so often refuse to show that the seller actually have what the buyer is looking for? Many times they will ask the buyer to show his money first. Yea, you walk into a Mercedes dealership to buy that new car and the salesman walks over to you and kindly tells you that in order for him to show you a car you must first prove you actually have money. Got to make you feel warm and fuzzy, right? You most likely will go elsewhere! FEAR is the broker's "World War Three" and the broke rs are suffering too many casualties.” This simple type of a letter has been the beginnings of common sense for many a broker.

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Don’t waste your time When you introduce yourself to a principal’s Rep or another broker, be kind and establish good report but be a professional with goals in mind. Make sure the person you must deal with finds you pleasant enough or even likeable. After this, make sure that you get to the point. Cause the rep to understand very simply what it is that your provider is willing to do and how he is willing to do it. If he cannot answer you directly, require him to get you an answer, preferably in writing. Some of these people live in a dream world and are willing to always take a shot in the dark. They will tell you to go ahead and do it your way, when they have no idea what response you would really get back. You will have to be intuitive to surmise if it is worth it to move forward. Even if you move forward, let it be only to confirm that this is reasonable. For instance; you might send a standardized MOU addressed to the seller or his authorized rep. If the broker is afraid to give you a name to which to address it, you have already found nothing but trouble. If you feel positive about it you may address it to the broker to whom you are speaking, along with his complete details in PDF, that way if he shops it around you are likely to know it was he who did it. You must also expect a countersigned response before you move forward. If you cannot get a countersign, you might as well drop it. In addition to this information, if other brokers are involved, when you are satisfied that you have a workable situation, it is time to come to agreement with the brokers. Make sure that at least the basic total payout to brokers is included in the MOU.

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This is the only stage where brokers have power and they will not allow buyer and seller to converse until they feel safe. On the other hand if the brokers are unreasonable, forget it. Nothing will happen but a waste of time. Brokers can only put principals together or kill deals. Important but not all important as many of them seem to think it is. Because this stage is important, never insult brokers. Never try to down play their legitimate work and importance. In short don’t be the causes of wasted time yourself. Everyone in the transaction who is not a principal is a broker, no matter how close they are to their provider. If they don’t think so, it’s ok. The more important you make them feel the better it may work out for you to a point. Use what I call the Kenny Rogers rule: You got to know when to hold them; know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to run.” Don’t waste your time. Wither it is the first brokers in a chain, the direct Rep, the authorized mandate or the Principal him or herself, why argue? Keep them doggies moving. It truly is a numbers game. Big numbers!

WINNING! ( Knowledge) If you go to the INDEX, beginning at page 3 for another 20 to 30 pages is an example of what a private single currency contract often looks like. Keep in mind there can be as many variations in length and wording as the principals decide. However, what it will show is what is considered standard.

INDEX, page 2 is a copy of a real MOU /RWA that I sometimes use to start a transaction. You may use the Idea as a template but understand that the idea template is malleable to fit all situations.

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The important things are that it causes the potential partner to put his signature in agreement as to what will be paid brokers. This should make them happy if you made plain to them what you do and what you pay from the beginning. It indicates agreement that the procedures are ones accepted on both sides. It’s penalty clause, if any is included, can be used to chase away the unsure. Take a look and see if you can find all those things in the MOU /LOI. Now beginning at the 4th index page let’s look at a contract and go down the list of things that you must understand. We will consider what is called Euro / USD contract. The usual convention is to name the stronger currency first. These will be the sort of things that I do. I will not try to tell you all the variations possible just the principles that I use. When you notice the top of the contract you will see part of the codes that I used. This was an actual contract that has been redacted. I do this not only to identify the document but to force the seller to do the same. * Be careful to make sure that even in the codes are certain things that tell you things that is known and unknown. There are things that everyone can see like the dates, the name of individuals involved and other things that only you would know. This could help you trace this document and use it in other secretive ways. * Notice also that I set an ending date when the document will no longer be valid. In this business this is darn near indispensible. In addition certain things may be specified to have happened by a certain time or the document will become invalid and must be destroyed, if you like.

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• Next comes the two providers. The seller should be first because is in effect offering his currency for sale. The buyer is always the ones receiving the net amount called a bonus after the exchange.

• After this there is generally a description of the currencies to

be exchanged and as in this case a general description of the transaction itself. As you can see on page 2 of this contract, you know from which countries the currencies come.

• The size of the contract 50 billion, with rollovers and

extensions (R&E). This means that once a contract is done the buyer and seller can continue to plan and make additional contracts or just extend the size of the first contract more than once. This is important to all especially the broker because he knows that usually it calls for all involved to be paid during all rollovers and extensions.

• You see the discount rate: 15 gross, 10 net (15/10). The net

going to the buyer. This is usually the one with the stronger currency. Particularly if the question is between Euro and USD. However to know for sure who is the buyer, just look and see which side is getting the net. In this case as is the fact 99% of the time it is the euro provider. You also see from where the exchange rate is determined, the LONDON MORNING FIXING INTER-BANK EXCHANGE RATE.

• Very importantly you see how the difference between the

gross and net is split between seller and buyer and their brokers. It says 50/50. That is 2.5% TO SELL SIDE AND 2.5% TO BUY SIDE. This is almost totally ignored to the point that it is religiously ignored. The seller’s rep 99% of the time wants half the buy side and or the brokers want half. More times than not the buyer’s side is expected to split their

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2.50% as 0.83% for seller mandate. 0.83% for buyer side brokers and 0.84% for buyer mandate. Roughly speaking on a 50 billion dollar contract all three of these entities make over 400 million dollars. If a seller wants to exchange his currency at a discount of 15%, why would a buyer pay 2/3rds of what he is to receive to brokers? Well he doesn’t want to do that and all this is a little deceptive. Since the seller is getting 2.5% back and usually will not share as the contract calls for with his sell side brokers. That will be documented as SELL SIDE (CLOSED) in only small minorities of cases will the seller pay the brokers working on his behalf.

This means that the seller is actually selling at a 12.5% discount. It also means that the Buyer who makes it all possible will end up getting the net 10% and only 1/3rd of the commission fees. Sounds wonderful for the buyer right? Well tell me what he will do with all those rubles, Kuwaiti Dinars and yen that he is buying? Will he go down to the nearest 711? No way. Without giving away to many trade secrets, what we do, for instance, is buy Kuwaiti Dinars at a discount and resell them. All the people who understand this type secondary private market single exchange transaction knows whatever net the major constant buyer receives he is likely to pass most if not all on to the clients for which he is buying. Who in turn may pass it on again. The end buyer who, may buy only once in his life, may only get a small discount on the Kuwaiti Dinars. This discounted KWD saves travelers of all types millions of dollars over the space of a year. Hint: It has a lot to do with oil. The point I am making can be made for other currencies that are bought. If I buy USD with Euro at 15/10 and resell at 10/9, as a reseller, I may find it necessary to pay 0.75% to an

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insurer, in case something goes wrong. I may have to pay 0.25% or more to individuals who may travel the world to make sure that our clients are there to whom we resell. In some cases the bank fees can be major. A quarter point or more is typical. If it is a cash to cash transaction it could be as much as a point. If it’s KWD, particularly if it is in boxes, the banks could charge 10 to 15% or more depending on perceived risk. Now, when you go back to the 2.5% buy side split from which every one wants to be paid, can you see the problem? The problem is that brokers buy and sell side, think that 2.5% is owed to them. In spite of what the contract says the seller mandate thinks he is owed by the buyer. Now get this, he is working his hardest for a person that will not likely pay him a dime. One of the first things I do is explain the business to brokers who have learned it from other brokers who have learned from some other broker who did not understand. If I cannot win them over so I can get to the seller, I drop it right there. Once he understands that we do not actually keep the net and realizes the other costs involved, I ask in a nice way, is it reasonable for a broker or brokers who may have passed along a lead to expect to be paid as much as the insurer? Or is what he did worth more than the 0.25% individuals may receive for traveling the world to set up the exit buyers? Some will understand. Others, believe it or not, will think you are trying to cheat them. I tell the seller Mandate that it is the seller’s responsibility to pay him for working on the seller’s behalf but OH YES, if he

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will not pay you; you are now working for yourself on my behalf. I will pay you but as another of the intermediaries. Some will get angry and the potential ends, so be nice. You may have just demoted him in his mind. I explain, that my cost could be 1% to 1.25% and that it is closed for that reason. I will usually split the other 1.25% equally for my company and for all the brokers. On a 50 billion contract with 10 brokers they will each average 31 million, 200 thousand dollars. Many times this explanation and fee amount will fail to get an agreement because of the broker perception that you are cheating them. Run! As you move down the contractual document you will find:

• Statements of facts about both providers’ currencies • Volume of the transactional obligation • Exchange rate , consultancy fees, delivery time • Terms of the agreement, which you may take your time and

read if you need further understanding of what that means. • Codes, cost and banking statements. • PROCEDURES

I capitalized procedures because this is one of the most important areas that you will have to deal with. You will find that failure to come to a procedural agreement can kill every potential deal. Remember I said that agreement on procedures should be asked for in any MOU /LOI because you cannot depend on brokers to get it right, particularly if there is any broker chain at all. You will find brokers will try to get buyer and seller together after they feel

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secure, regardless of wither there is a snow balls chance of a deal being done or not. Or they will tell you that there is no possibility of compromise when there actually is. The fact is that the seller or buyer knows that it is useless to hear the opinion of intermediaries passed through a chain. Send in a signed document and receive in a countersigned document even any proposed changes that may be put in red or some other color. The procedure that you see in the contract in the index are for what is called B2B, meaning Bank to Bank via MT103. The problem arises when the seller wants the buyer to send his money first via MT102 /23, which is a conditional swift. Then and only then, will the seller’s bank send the currency to be bought to the buyer’s bank. Buyers, including myself, consider this to be hind part backwards. If you want to sell something, let me see what you want me to buy and then I will show you that I have money to buy. This includes just showing proof of funds and counter showing proof of funds. It likewise follows that the currency being offered for discount is actually offered via MT103 /23. Upon the buyer’s bank response that it is ready, willing and able to send the contracted amount according to the day’s exchange rate, the condition is satisfied. Then the actual seller’s funds are released and the exchange takes place. This is the logical way to do B2B currency exchange. You will find that many sellers and their reps want to flip this script around or try a little trick. The trick is that they will have in big bold letters that the USD MOVES FIRST WITH MT103. The fact is often this means that the seller expect the buyer to prove that he has money before he proves that he has something to sell.

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While there may be anxieties by the seller to make sure he is dealing with someone who can actually purchase currency, this really means that the buyer is moving first. Remember you will actually have to look at the procedures before you know if any statement about who moves first is corroborated. You cannot tell by any statement like the above put boldly on the document. This argument about who moves first is a killer. The fact is the buyer has a right to see and know that there is something real to buy. On the other hand because there are so many buyers who will gladly take the buyer’s place to purchase discounted currency, the seller will likely try to wait to find a desperate buyer. The contract plagued by this type, who moves first, disagreement will almost surely die on the vine. LEDGER TO LEDGER PROCEDURE

A ledger process is done as below: 1. A contract is signed, maybe with penalty clause. 2. Both sides choose the same bank and banker if possible. This bank officer, having access to both accounts, can frankly tell both side the capability of the other to do the transaction, without either side digging into the other’s intimate details. 3. They set tranche amounts and frequency. 4. TRANCHE on a set schedule or communication. This is the simple and easy way to make an exchange. What I like to do is eliminate the B2B problem all together. Since we have accounts in 7 or 8 of the top banks in the world, it is likely that we will have an account in the bank of the seller about half the time. Or it will likely be a correspondent bank that uses the same clearing facilities. For instance Standard Chartered in Hong Kong and HSBC, though they are different banks will be using the same (clearing facilities) group of people to execute the ledger process.

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Since the moving of funds is done theoretically simultaneously, at least in the mind of the banker, no one moves first. So, if you are seemingly caught in a catch 22 between providers as to who moves first, a ledger exchange may be the way to go. In a Ledger exchange the banker simply, as if in an old accountant ledger book, debits and credits the accounts daily to fulfill the contract and thereby make the fees available for payment. As we travel down our example contract in the index resources, you will see statements on various ways to amend this contract. You will see the statement of Nondisclosure and No circumvention (NCND). An interesting side light to the NCND is that it is likely that many brokers will require that you sign one of these before you are allowed to contact the seller or buyer. Many don’t consider that whatever little cute things they come up with for self protection is superseded by the ncnd and fee agreement OF THE CONTRACT. Next you see something called the Force Majeure. It’s French for “greater force” and spells out what and where, it can be found the unforeseen things, which could cause either party from performing according to their contractual agreement and not be held at fault. Next we have the declaration concerning bank contact, legal authorizations and legal executors. A short reading of that section will be quite explanatory to anyone who may not know what it is. It may be different in various documents but it must be known who all have the power to execute the contractual obligations and call for the same from the other provider. OTHER TYPE EXCHANGES

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I think since we are talking about procedures that I should mention in passing that there are other kinds of transactions called: Cash to Cash (C2C), Cash to Swift (C2S) Cash to Check or Draft C2CK) or (C2D) and others. They are basically the same idea but usually the principals will want to meet physically in what is called a Table Top Meeting (TTM) work out all the details mentioned here, including signing of the contract. Then upon execution and carrying out of the exchange, both pay in cash or any mixture of ways. A broker has little protection here if he has no relationship with his provider. He is almost totally dependant upon the honorable nature of the participants unless they send a trusted person to look out for their interests. An attorney ready to sue might be an idea. It must be one with integrity. They are likely able to pay him more than you can. ADDENDUMS Addendums are pretty much what they sound like; adding on to the basic contract. These are particularly useful because you can have the basic contract agreed to but other items that need to be added can be referred to regardless if they are added as on the contiguous document or not. In our example contract, the addendums are the seller and buyer banking and the Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (IMFPA). Other documents may be added this way also. It is sometimes used to add color passports and certain specific things needed to be revealed before or after the contract is signed. The IMFPA is of particular importance to everyone. It will reflect on the profit of everyone involved and not just the brokers as sometimes they may not consider. I mentioned above that the

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brokers seem to think that the 2.5% is exclusively theirs at least 2 /3rds which can be hundreds of millions of dollars. It is very important that, if not in the contract, at least in the minds Of the brokers they know how much money total they will be splitting. Otherwise when they see smaller fractions of the 2.5% actually going to them they almost always think you are playing them for fools. In the IMFPA, you don’t want a lot of brokers and their names included. If there are any brokers, they would all do well to choose one or 2 paymasters. These are usually Attorneys with trust accounts and experience. Or the buyer may appoint a single Master paymaster whom he trusts will keep him safe from being involved with those receiving fees that may be bad news. This single Master Paymaster will then make sub fee agreements with lower or Sub paymasters who will distribute to the various brokers and the buyer need not ever know them. All information is collected by the master pay master and sub paymasters as due diligence needed to meet all legal obligations. If sub paymasters are added to the contract, you will often find that the broker will at the least want their names added as beneficiaries in the sub paymaster trust accounts documentation. This could be a problem, if there are many brokers. Not many principals want to deal with a lot of brokers. Remember to liaise a buyer and seller they may have gone through 5, 7 or 10 brokers or more whom all must be paid. Certainly only a few of these people are essential to being on the contract, if you must. Have them calm down and reach agreement with their fellow brokers to use a sub fee agreement. CHARACTER

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The last statement in the knowledge section will work because the nonessential brokers, even though they may have been essential at one time, realize that they can no longer hold up the transaction. However, it is also because of this known fact; you must deal wisely and with kindness and trustworthiness. These people often work hard for little and deserve considerable respect. Of course, at this point the buyer and seller after agreeing to all, will both sign the contract, realizing that it may call for execution within a certain amount of time. They and or their attorneys will have hopefully thought of all things, crossing every “t” and dotting every “I”. That’s not always the case. Expect a few adjustments. Do not; use this as an opportunity to squeeze out more than was originally agreed just because you may find advantage. Some principals that may be in desperate straights may withdraw on the principle of the matter. Decide who will handle the brokers, because you will likely be inundated by them contacting you about the transaction. Imagine 10 people calling you several times a day. You certainly don’t want to be rude. Some of these people have a lot riding on the completion of this transaction. You might even have someone, the master pay master for instance, who has all their information send an up date on a regular basis with the intent to minimize all unnecessary contact. Do not, as almost everyone have seen or believes he or she has seen, eliminate brokers needlessly. Burn no bridges as the person coming behind you may need to cross and you never know where you may end up.

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If you are a broker, you need to know that the person you knew who would have giving you their shirt of their back may have done so because it is not worth that much after all. When faced with millions, he or she may choose to take it all and not tell you anything so know with whom you are dealing and document everything. If they will bring forth a paymaster to whom you must have a sub fee agreement and if you are an intermediary with no relation to buyer or seller, it is even more important to do so. Be realistic, if it comes to an argument about fees and you only passed on a phone number, should you be getting an equal split of his 20 million that he may have worked weeks for? Or would a million be fairer? If you are new to this business, you may think the last point is a no brainer. If that was your thought, I would say, stay in the business only a short while and think that again. Literally everyone must show some moderation, particularly when working out verbal and written agreements between themselves to get the buyer and seller together. Even the buyer and seller must show some moderation. I can remember many years ago. I was brokering a transaction between two principals. I had cut through all the clutter of brokers but stilled carried the weight of their hopes on my shoulders. I had gained their trust. Both principals knew me by name. After coming to what looked like a successful resolution on all matters, we all expected the transaction to commence within 5 days. A week passed, 2 weeks, 3 weeks. I finally got a call out of France, I think. The voice called the name of the principals that were involved and the exact contract. It said that the principals had gotten together in London AND CARRIED OUT THE DEAL.

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Without connections, which I didn’t really have at that time, it is almost impossible to prove that there was any truth in the allegation or not. So, I picked up the phone and called one of the principals, the one which knew me less, maybe. I said something like this. “I got another contract here similar to the one that you did in London with “name of other principal”. You had no problems with that one right?” “Which one, he asked. I told him and he said, “No we did that one 2 weeks ago, NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.” Then he began to sound as though something came to his mind. Maybe the fact that he was not suppose to mention it to any one, he paused and said, “Look, who is this again? What do you want?” I noticed that he started off laughing and talking and his demeanor changed swiftly. He remembered me and now had told me that a deal that I brokered was transacted. We in fact, in the various commodities we deal with find people trying to skip brokers and come to us directly. We try to get to the origination on all transactions and will refuse to deal with a cheating principal. So brokers, get something signed by both sides in a similar manner as I have described earlier in the portion about what to do about brokers. ACCOMPLISHMENT

If you accomplish anything worthwhile that you have put a serious effort into, you feel good or you should. If you complete one of

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these transactions and all goes well, you will likely make a good living and very possibly be very wealthy. It could happen early almost by accident. Maybe you just happen upon people who know what they are doing and you never complete another one because you now think you know it all. You got paid when other have not. It could happen much later when you have had to learn and become the one with knowledge. Maybe you will bring someone along who thinks he or she now knows it all. However it may happen, it is very likely not to happen soon for most people. You will need to count the cost of wither you can have the stamina to persevere. I hope this book helps to move that day of accomplishment forward considerably. SATISFACTION Every person must find a place where enough is enough. Some people will be happy to do a medium transaction and make a couple million dollars. That is not as much as that used to be. The average person will make about 2 million over a life time. You might want to stick around in a more moderate way. Help out some of the learners in this business and make a few more millions in some leisure. I am convinced, it is true, money will not make you happy but neither does poverty. I believe man was put on earth for nobler things. It is only in those more noble things that we find men so secure and satisfied with their actions that they will sometimes give their lives for them. These are the type people that inspire others around the world. You may say, “Yea, but what good does that do them? They are dead!” Well, there is something to come. I

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believe there is. Even if there wasn’t they will have died with satisfaction that they have done something worth their lives. Is there anything so satisfying that it is worth your life? A NOTE TO THE MILLIONAIRE Whenever you shall have found riches, then find something to spend it on other than yourself. Something good that is worth your life’s efforts. Something sweet that makes you feel and think about continually happy things. Life is too short to be miserable. By Bill Sullivan

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INDEX OF RESOURCES INDEX PAGE 1 The following pages in this index will make available certain documents that are used in private single currency exchanges. Index Page 2 contains an example of the variable type of document I use to introduce myself to another provider and to make sure that provider is willing to do good business. It also assures the broker that he and his or her fees are not forgotten Index Page 4 and a couple dozen more contain a typical currency exchange contract.

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Transaction Code : BS/AD/MARCIA-06-16-2011 BUYER code : BS/AD/MM-16-062011 SELLER Code:

Signatory Mandate for

64__________________. Vancouver, British Columbia Phone: 501-


To: USD principal ____________VIA Manissi Pacific Banking Corp. We are ready willing and able to exchange EURO, for USD but only under the circumstances below.

1. USD 50 billion with rolls and extensions. We would prefer to do L2L if we are in the same bank, Standard Chartered or Bank of China.

2. At a 15 / 10 gross net discount, commissions must be split 50 /

50 and half the buy side is closed and not shared with sell side. There is 0.65% up to 1% to be paid to all eligible intermediaries. SIMPLE PROCEDURES:

(A) Sign a contract detailing the basic things in this LOI / RWA which contains a penalty clause for non performance.

(B) Choose the same banker who can tell both sides the capability of the other provider to do the transaction.

(C) Set tranche date, amount and schedule.

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(D) Begin tranching according to contract.

3. This LOI / RWA must be returned countersigned by the 18th of

JUNE 2011 PM. The contract should be finished and ready to begin first tranche before or about the 20TH of JUNE 2011.

4. Once Contract is signed and countersigned either side refusing

to move forward to tranche within 48 hours, agrees to plead no contest and will owe 3% of total contract to the other provider and intermediaries. 2% to that provider and 1% (1/2% each to buy and sell side intermediaries).

Signature was here

: (buyer Signatory) Date: 06 -16 -2011 USD Provider:



US Dollars (USD) FOR EURO (EURO) This contract will remain valid without countersign ONLY until September 26th, 2009 Banking details, passport, CIS and or other intimate details will be passed between buyer and seller only. We MUST know who we are dealing with. This private foreign exchange transaction agreement and the four (4)

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attached Addendums are entered on this 9th Day of September, 2009 by and between: EURO PROVIDER: …………………. Address : BC Canada. Telephone : ………………………………… Facsimile : Represented by: : signatory mandate Telephone : Facsimile : E-mail : (Hereinafter referred to as EURO Provider-BUYER) AND USD PROVIDER : Address : Telephone : Facsimile : E-mail : (Hereinafter referred to as USD Provider-SELLER) 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD) CURRENCY:














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WHEREAS, the USD Provider presents the legal tender United States Dollars (USD) available and warrants that they are good, clean, clear, of non-criminal origin, free from any liens and taxes, freely transferable to be exchanged for EURO. WHEREAS, the EURO-provider presents the legal tender EURO(s) available and warrants that they are good, clean, clear, of non-criminal origin, free from any liens and taxes, freely transferable to be exchange for United States Dollars (USD). WHEREAS, the Parties wish to enter into this agreement for the exchange of United States Dollars (USD) for EURO(s) under the following terms and conditions: A. STATEMENT: Both undersigned Parties, with full personal and corporate responsibility, under penalty of perjury, do hereby confirm that they are ready, willing and able to exchange good, clean, clear, legally owned and of non criminal origin United States Dollars (USD), against good, clean, clear, legally owned and of non criminal origin EURO(s). This currency exchange transaction is a SWIFT-to-SWIFT process, according to an agreed Bank-to-Bank procedure, in EURO’S, at the USD/EURO exchange rate on the day of the exchange, as per the following conditions and procedures: 1. VOLUME OF TRANSACTION.

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1.1- United States Dollars (USD) in the amount of USD: 50 BILLION (Fifty billion) with a possibility of extensions and rollovers to exhaustion, by mutual consent of the parties. 1.2- Extensions to be agreed upon in writing at least five-banking days prior to the supposed exchange. 2. EXCHANGE RATE. 2.1-Exchange rate is agreed as the official interbank exchange rate as of the date of exchange. The day when the EURO funds are deposited for the transaction is considered as Exchange date. The discount shall be Gross 15% and net 10 % to the benefit of the EURO Provider. 3. CONSULTANCY FEE: 2.5% to Seller's Side and 2.5% Buyer’s Side, payable by the Buyer. 4. TIME OF DELIVERY Tranches are to be made according to the Procedure as prescribed in Article 9 of this Agreement and in Addendum 3. The first tranche will amount to USD 49.5 million and subsequent tranches will be mutually agreed by the Parties. 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement remains in full force and effect until completion of the transaction and is considered as legally binding upon the Parties, their heirs, successors and assigns, agents, principals, attorneys and all associated Parties involved in the transaction. 6. CODES OF IDENTIFICATION Both Parties agree that all documents related to this transaction bear the codes listed on page 01 of this Agreement and that the said codes remain unchangeable within this Agreement duration, including all rollovers, extensions and additions. 7. COSTS 7.1. Each Party, individually and separately, accepts liabilities on their taxes; impost, levies, duties or charges that may be applicable while the execution of their institutional role. 7.2. Each Party individually and separately, is liable for their institutional costs, fees etc.

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8. BANKING 8.1. The USD Provider’s bank coordinates are shown in Addendum 1 8.2. The EURO Provider’s coordinates are shown in Addendum 2 8.3. Both Parties confirm that their respective bank officers are fully aware of the referenced transaction, and are ready to adhere to and proceed within terms and conditions of this Agreement. 9. PROCEDURES 9.1. The EURO Provider completes his part of the draft contract and the associated MFPA, including banking details, signs and seals both the contract/CEA and sends it to the USD Provider, subject to right to reject any changes made by Seller within 48 hours after receiving the contract signed by the Seller. 9.2. The USD Provider completes his part of the draft contract/CEA and the associated MFPA including banking details, amends it, if necessary, signs it and sends it back. 9.3. Both parties instruct their respective banks accordingly. 9.4. Immediately following the signature of the contract by both Providers, WE, the EURO Provider will call the USD Provider and confirm our readiness to proceed and will ask the USD Provider to indicate when he is ready to proceed. Having received his answer, we will ask him to confirm his readiness to us by fax and we will acknowledge his fax by our return fax 9.5. At the agreed window time the USD Provider’s bank shall issue the Conditional SWIFT [MT103-Field23] transfer of USD to the EURO Provider’s bank. 9.6. The EURO Provider’s bank after verification and authentication of received SWIFT shall immediately perform Unconditional SWIFT [MT103] transfer of EURO funds to the account stipulated by the USD Provider. 9.7. The USD provider’s bank immediately, upon receiving and confirming EURO transfer notice, should release USD funds to the EURO nominated bank. 9.8. The EURO Provider’s bank will automatically pay all commissions as per Fee Protection Agreement, immediately upon completion of each tranche 9.9. Subsequent tranches follow as per Agreement until the funds are exhausted.

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10. AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS Amendments or supplements to this Agreement are valid only when made in writing and duly signed by both Parties. 11. NON -CIRCUMVENTION AND NON -DISCLOSURE The Parties to this contract, as well as, Parties listed in the associated MFPA, are bound by the Non-Circumvention and Non-Disclosure provisions, as established by the last publication issued by the ICC, PARIS in question. 12. FORCE MAJEURE The Parties hereto shall not be liable for any failure to perform under the “FORCE MAJEURE” Provisions of the ICC, Paris. 13. COMMUNICATION 13.1. Communication with banks will be limited to those between the USD Provider’s bank and the EURO Provider’s bank and only by SWIFT between authorized bank officers in the course of completion of this transaction. No communication by any other Party is permitted without prior written consent of the named account holders. All other communication by telephone, fax, or telex to the Provider’s banks is unauthorized and will lead to cancellation of this transaction immediately making this Agreement null and void. 13.2. Any notice to be given hereunder from either Party to the other shall be in writing and shall be delivered by registered mail to the mail address or by fax to the telefax number of the respective Party as provided herein. The Parties agree that acknowledged telefax copies are treated as legally binding original documents. 14. JURISDICTIONS AND ARBITRATION

This document is a full recourse commercial contract concluded under the laws of the United States and the UK, and which UK jurisdiction shall govern the construction, interpretation, execution, validity, enforceability, performance and any other matters of this Contract, including breach or claim of breach thereof. The Parties agree to have any such matter arbitrated under the rules of the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce, London in accordance with the rules and procedure of the said court. Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 15. FULL UNDERSTANDING 15.1. The latest edition/signature of this Agreement, executed by both Parties in originals, represents the full understanding between the Parties

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and supersedes all other understandings, whether verbal or written. All statements and representations are made without any omission of material fact and with full corporate and legal responsibility under penalty of perjury. 15.2. The Parties hereto accept that should the present Agreement partially or in full be found invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree or by virtue of any international regulations related to bank confirmation of USD/EURO validity, this Agreement shall be reconstructed upon mutual consent and agreement of both Parties to this commercial Agreement. 15.3. Until the physical exchange of original hard copies, the acknowledged fax/email copies of this Agreement shall be deemed original (Article 13). 15.4. The commission payable under this Contract is to be distributed in accordance with the Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement and respective Pay Orders lodged with the Bank. A signed copy of this contract, including the IMFPA, will be sent to each Paymaster listed in the IMFPA. 16. LEGAL AUTHORIZATION Both Parties confirm that each of them is fully empowered, legally qualified and duly authorized by resolution of their respective managerial bodies to instruct their respective banks and to execute and deliver this Agreement, as well as to be bound by its terms and conditions. 17. LEGAL EXECUTORS OF THE PARTY

FOR THE EURO PROVIDER: NAME: SIGNATORY MANDATE) Fed ID Company: Address: FOR THE USD PROVIDER : Passport No. : Nationality : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have agreed to all the terms and conditions contained herein, including the four (4) Addendums that follow this signature page, as evidenced by their authorized signatures below.

For the USD Provider: For the EURO Provider:

Signature was here

____________________ ____________________

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(Signature, Name, Title) Signatory Mandate 19th Day of May, 2009

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ADDENDUM 1 USD PROVIDER’S BANK COORDINATES 1. USD PROVIDER’S BANK TO SWIFT USD: Bank Name : Street : City : Country : Account number : Account holder : Bank officer : SWIFT : Telephone : Fax : ABA : 2. USD PROVIDER’S BANK TO RECEIVE EURO:

Bank Name : Street : City : Country : Account number : Account holder : Bank officer : SWIFT : Telephone : Fax : ABA :


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ADDENDUM 3 THE SCHEDULE OF TRANCHES The total amount of the Agreement shall be equal to 50 Billion United States USD (USD 50,000,000,000.00) with extensions and rollovers to exhaustion, as per mutual agreement. Any changes hereto must be agreed upon mutually in writing and lodged with the banks and the Intermediaries’ Paymasters at least five (5) banking days in advance of the proposed date of exchange. The first tranche will be USD 49.5 million (United States USD Forty nine point five million); the subsequent tranches will be mutually agreed by both Parties. The first tranche should be realized by the Seller by the the 21st day of May 2009. Additional tranche amounts and dates are to be mutually agreed. If a tranche day is a national holiday, the exchange is to be executed the next subsequent banking day. All other terms and conditions will be in accordance with this Contract.



Date: 19th of May, 2009 Transaction Description : USD PROVIDED with a BONUS OF 15% GROSS AND 10% NET IN EXCHANGE FOR EURO. Contract Amount : ¥…FIFTY BILLION ( 50,000,000,000 USD )…………………………This MFPA is for a five Percent (5%) Consultant’s F ee for full face value of each tranche, including all rolls and extensions. WIRE INSTRUCTIONS TO READ: “URGENT SWIFT WIRE-IMMEDIATE CREDIT-SAME DAY VALUE” S ENDS PRE-ADVICE PRIOR TO TRANSFERRING FUNDS UPON EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT AND PRIOR TO, OR SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH , THE

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FIRST TRANCHE. WE GUARANTEE THAT THIS MASTER FEE PR OTECTION AGREEMENT AND IRREVOCABLE CORPORATE PAYMENT ORDER W ILL BE LODGED WITH THE OWNER’S BANK AND/OR PAYING BANK. IN THE EVENT THAT BUYER FAILS TO LODGE THIS MFPA WITH HIS BANK, WE FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE SELLER’S MANDATE TO LODGE TH IS MFPA WITH THE BUYER’S BANK AND SUCH LODGING SHALL BE WIT H THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS IF THE BUYER HAD DONE SO. BUYER WAIVES ALL DEFENSES. ____________________________________________________ 1. Now, therefore, I, __________, hereinafter known as Signatory Mandate to Payer/Buyer, acting with full corporate and lega l authority and responsibility under PENALTY OF PERJURY of Law, do issue this Irrevocable Master Fee protection Agreement/Disburs ement Instrument to provide consultancy Fee/Pay protection of five Perc ent (5%) of the face value, of the Private Foreign Exchange Currency(s), and of each and every tranche of the transaction described above, includi ng all rolls and extensions thereof, payable to the beneficiaries na med herein for a period of five (5) years. 2. Without protest or delay, such payment, for each and every tranche until the total contract amount has been satisfied in ful l, including subsequent extensions, additions, rollovers, modifications or renewals thereof, shall be made to herein named beneficiaries by SWIFT or FED Wire Transfer. The fees will be free of legal impediments and free of any deductions, excluding bank transfer fees and routine banking delays, for this and all subsequent transactions with this Payer/Buyer. 3. This payment order is irrevocable, unchangeable, unconditional, divisible and transferable. This instruction is va lid for all rollovers, extensions, renewals or additions to the above refe renced transaction, and any new contracts or transactions between Buyer (in cluding any affiliate) and Seller, for a period of five years. Payer’s ba nk will be instructed to SWIFT or FED Wire Transfer accrued sums for each tr ansaction immediately, within ONE banking day, to the bank ac counts nominated herein or otherwise provided by the beneficiary. I n the event that a death occurs of any intermediary, consultant, and/or indi vidual being compensated in this agreement, compensation will be designated to their beneficiaries. 4. If Payer/Buyer does not provide evidence to each Intermediary Group by the end of the business day EST, that the first tra nche is completed and that he has lodged this irrevocable MFPA with his B ank, then any intermediary group may do so with the same force an d effect as if the Buyer had done so.

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5. The transaction code may be amended only by agre ement between all the parties, hereto signed and notarized by each int ermediary group. 6. This transmission via facsimile or e-mail will b e accepted as an original and the PAYER/BUYER will confirm that he has the po wer to execute this pay order. 7. All Parties agree not to circumvent, avoid, bypa ss or obviate each other directly or indirectly to avoid payment of commissi ons or fees in any transaction pending, or in the future, for as long as a contract shall remain in force between two principals, or, for a period o f five (5) years from the date of execution of this agreement should no contr act result. At no time shall either party disclose or otherwise reveal to any third party any confidential information, code or reference and or any such information advised to the other party as being confidential or privileged without the formal written permission of the other party. 8. This agreement includes by reference and incorpo rates the Standard International Non-Circumvention Agreement and condi tions as set forth by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Publicat ion 400/500, revised 1994). 9. This payment order is to be considered valid, ev en if any of the codes are changed by the bank(s), Seller or Buyer at any point in the transaction, even though it is not the intention of the parties to change the codes. The Intermediaries reserve the right to change their ba nk instructions with certified written notice to the Buyer. This agreeme nt applies to any and all extensions, rollovers and / or increases of / or wi thin this transaction. ICC rule 100 and all its latest versions apply to this transaction. 10. This document does not constitute an offer or s olicitation of any offer. The receipt of this document constitutes this ackno wledgement on the part of the recipients hereof that the transactions here in are not to be in violation of existing regulations and law and all p arties herein are bound to obey and be in compliance with all regulations and law as related to this private placement transaction herein. 11. The Buyer also reserves the right to change ban ks at any stage during any given transaction but such change will have NO bearing on the contents of this agreement and would instruct such new bank to issue new pay orders to the parties concerned. 12. BENEFICIARIES The Total of Five Percent (5%) of the face value of the Currency(s), in this transaction and every following tranche, including all rolls and extensions,

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is to be paid as follows to the following paymaster s for all beneficiaries involved: 2.5% TO SELL SIDE –2.5% TO BUY SIDE AS LISTED: THE FEES SHALL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE FOLLOWING ACCO UNTS: USD SIDE [2.5%] : CLOSED [TBP] NAME : AMOUNT : PHONE : EMAIL ADDRESS : BANK NAME : ACCOUNT HOLDER : ACCOUNT NUMBER : SWIFT-CODE : IBAN NUMBER : Half the buyer’s side is for all intermediaries as administered by________________ Paymaster: ___________ will distribute (1.25%) of total contra ct amount according to sub fee agreement

Bank Name : Bank Address : Bank Officer : Bank Officer Telephone : Bank Officer Fax : Bank Officer Email : Account Name : Phone Number : Account Number : Swift Code : Routing/ABA Number : EURO SIDE: 1.25% OF 2.5 % OF TCV EURO SIDE AND USD SIDE CONSULTANTS AS FOLLOWS;

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The paymaster and fee determinations are preliminar y and completely negotiable. Banking must be added or a sub fee agreement with p aymaster.

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THE FEES SHALL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE ABOVE ACCOUNTS This Payment Order is valid upon commencement of th e transaction, and shall remain valid and enforceable for the full ter m of this transaction and shall apply to any and all renewals, extensions, ro llovers, or any new Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller, their s hareholders and/or assignees. It is unconditional, assignable and divi sible to beneficiaries, heirs and assignees upon written notices to all par ties concerned. Facsimile copy of this Agreement/Payment Order shal l be deemed as Original and shall have full legal effect in force. For and on Behalf of (BUYER) Signature was here 05 -19 -2009 ___________________________ Signature NAME : PASSPORT NO : NATIONALITY : For and on Behalf of (USDPV/Seller) ___________________________ Signature (seal) Signatory’s Full Legal Name: Passport No. & Issuing Country: Bank Endorsement We hereby acknowledge and confirm this document is pledged to our bank and it shall be executed upon commencement of the t ransaction above. __________________________ _____________________________

Bank Officer No. 1 Bank Officer No. 2 Title: Title:

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Phone No.: Fax No.: Bank Name: Bank Address: For and on Behalf of (Bank Name) For and on Behalf of (BUYER) Signature was here: 05-19-2009 ___________________________ Signature NAME : PASSPORT NO : NATIONALITY : For and on Behalf of (USDPV/Seller) ___________________________ Signature (seal) Signatory’s Full Legal Name: Passport No. & Issuing Country:

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Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure and Working Agreement Whereas the Undersigned Parties wish to enter into this agreement to define certain parameters of their future legal obligations, and considering their mutual promise herein and other good and valuable considerations the receipt of which is acknowledged hereby, the Parties here to mutually and voluntarily agree as follows: 1. The parties hereto and/or their affiliates of what-so-ever nature shall not, in any manner solicit and/or accept any business from sources that have been made available by and through the parties hereto, nor in any manner shall access, contact solicit and/or conduct any transaction with such said sources, without the expressed and specific permission of the party who made such said sources available. The Parties shall maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other's business and/or their affiliates and shall only disclose knowledge pertaining to these specifically named Parties as permitted by the concerned Party, unless agreed and granted an expressed written permission of and by the Party whom made the source available. 2. The Parties shall not in any way whatsoever circumvent each other and/or attempt such circumvention of each other and/or any of the parties involved in any of the transactions the Parties wish to enter and to the best of their abilities shall ensure that the original transaction codes, data and proprietary information established are not altered. 3. The Parties shall not disclose any contact revealed by either Party to any third Parties as they fully recognized such information and contract(s) of the respective Party, and shall not enter into direct and/or indirect offers, negotiations and/or transaction with such contacts revealed by the other Party who made the contact(s) available. 4. In the event of circumvention by any of the undersigned Parties, whether direct and/or indirect, the circumvented Party shall be entitled to a legal monetary compensation equal to the maximum service it should realize from such a

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transaction, plus any and all expenses, including any and all legal fees incurred in lieu of the recovery of such compensation. 5. All considerations, benefits, bonuses, participation, fees, and/or commissions received as a result of the contributions of the Parties to this agreement, relating to any and all transactions shall be allocated and distributed as mutually agreed. Specific arrangements, for each transaction shall be made available and/or submitted to the recipient on the very day due and payable as per each and every transaction, unless otherwise agreed. 6. This agreement is valid for five (5) years from the date of signature, for any and all transactions between the Parties therein, with renewal to be agreed upon between the signatories. 7. It is further agreed that any controversy, claims, and or dispute arising out of and/or relating to any part of the whole of this agreement or breach thereof and which is not settled between the signatories themselves, shall be settled and binding by and through arbitration in accordance with the rules and through the institution of the International Chamber of Commerce. Any decision and/or award made by the arbitrators shall be final, conclusive and binding for the Parties and enforceable in the Court of Law in the Country of choice of an award by the arbitrators.

page 2 of 4 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and in the case of individual parties, their respective heirs, administrators and executors and in the case of all corporate Parties, their successors and assigns a) The non-circumvention damages, i.e., the total commissions, fees, or profits which would have been due, and; b) All loss sustained by the non defaulting party by reason of such breach, and; c) All expenses incurred in enforcing any legal remedy rights based upon or arising out of this Agreement.

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9. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and in the case of individual parties, their respective heirs, administrators, and executors, and in the case of all corporate parties, their successors and assigns. 10. Signature of this agreement shall be deemed to be an executed agreement enforceable and admissible for all purposes as may be necessary under the terms of this agreement. 11. All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read and each Party fully understands the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and by their initials and signature hereby unconditionally agree to its terms as of the date noted herein. 12. The purpose of this instrument is to establish an internationally recognized Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure, and Working Agreement between the participating Parties. This and future transactions shall be conducted under the guidelines of the International Chamber of Commerce. This agreement may be signed in one or more counterparts and the Parties agree that facsimile copies, Mail and/or Email of this Agreement to be considered as a legal original and signatures thereon shall be legal and binding. Between EURO PROVIDER: 6.................. Address : Suite ... , Canada NAME: (SIGNATORY MANDATE FOR ...............) Fed ID ……….. Company: Address: …………… Telephone: ……………. Telefax: SKYPE: ......... E-mail: Signature: Seal: Accepted and Agreed: December 20, 2007

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page 3 of 4 Party 2. …………………. NAME ………………… Passport Company: Address: Telephone: SKYPE: ....... E-mail: Signature: Seal: Accepted and Agreed: Party 3. NAME: Passport Company: Address: Telephone: Telefax: SKYPE: E-mail: Signature:

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Seal: Accepted and Agreed:

page 4 of 4 Party 4. NAME:

Passport: Company: Address: Company No. Telephone: Telefax: E-mail: Signature: Seal: Accepted and Agreed: Saturday 05 August 2006

Party 5.

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Passport: Company: Address: Telephone: Telefax: Mobile: E-mail: Signature: Seal: Accepted and Agreed:

page 4 of 4 Party 6. NAME:

Passport: Company: Address: Telephone: Telefax: Mobile: E-mail: Signature:

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Seal: Accepted and Agreed: