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  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin



    Electrical & Computer Engineering Department

    Digital Image Processing

    GUI-Face Recognition using PCA on MATLAB

    Report Prepared by:




  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    1. Summary

    This is the summary of the basic idea about PCA and the papers about the face

    recognition using PCA.

    The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most successful techniques

    that have been used in image recognition and compression. PCA is a statistical

    method under the broad title of factor analysis. The purpose of PCA is to reduce the

    large dimensionality of the data space (observed variables) to the smaller intrinsic

    dimensionality of feature space (independent variables), which are needed to describe

    the data economically. This is the case when there is a strong correlation between

    observed variables.The jobs which PCA can do are prediction, redundancy removal, feature extraction,

    data compression, etc.

    Because PCA is a classical technique which can do something in the linear domain,

    applications having linear models are suitable, such as signal processing, image

    processing, system and control theory, communications, etc.

    Face recognition has many applicable areas. Moreover, it can be categorized into face

    identication, face classication, or sex determination. The most useful applications

    contain crowd surveillance, video content indexing, personal id entication (ex.

    drivers license), mug shots matching, entrance security, etc.

    The main idea of using PCA for face recognition is to express the large 1-D vector of

    pixels constructed from 2-D facial image into the compact principal components of

    the feature space. This can be called eigenspace projection.

    Eigenspace is calculated by identifying the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix

    derived from a set of facial images(vectors).

    The details are described in the following section.

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    2. Block diagram of the process

    Face Input(Get from Face Database orFace Capture using Camera)

    Face Verification (matching) Module

    - Calculate PCA features of Database imageand Input image (using covariance matrix andeigenfaces)

    - Database images resizing for matching withinput image

    - Find correlation between two feature vectorsusing standard formula (norm)

    Matching test withusing above correlation

    Output:1. Read & output face image

    from databse2. Green signal show

    Output:- No face in

    database- Red signal show



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    3. Implementation

    This projects is organized into 5 modules

    3.1 Function to Load image from computer (Module1)

    - MATLAB Codefunction pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

    % function to Load Image from computer option

    [filename, user_canceled] = imgetfile; % ask user to select image

    if user_canceledmsgbox( 'File not selected' , 'Error' ,'error' )


    test_image=imread(filename); % read and load the selected image in matlab


    imshow(test_image) % display the test image

    cla(handles.axes2); % clear previously opened images on GUI


    set(handles.text6, 'string' ,'') % display on GUI


    - Function analysis in this module

    Table 1. Module1 function description

    Function name Descriptionimgetfile Open Image dialog boxmsgbox Create and open message box

    imread Read image from graphics file

    imshow Display image

    cla Clear current axe

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    set Set Handle Graphics object properties

    rgb2gray Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscalesize Image resize (Array Dimensions)

    3.2 function for matching algorithm (Module2)

    - MATLAB Codeglobal sze I_test % global variables

    A=PCA_features(I_test, 2); % calculate PCA features

    A=A(:); % Make it feature array

    database_images = 41; % number of images in database images

    % loop based procedure to load each image from database sequentially (Broad Design Steps 1b)

    for k=1:database_images

    Imd=imread(strcat( 'Database_large\' ,num2str(k), '.jpg' )); % read database image

    Im=rgb2gray(Imd); % RGB to gray conversion

    I1=double(imresize(Im, sze));

    % resizing database image same as test image (Broad Design Steps 2)

    % matching stage

    B=PCA_features(I1, 2);

    B=B(:); % Feature array

    % Find correlation between two feature vectors using

    % standard formula, (Broad Design Steps 3)

    corr(k) = sum(A.*B)/(norm(A)*norm(B));

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    Max_Match=max(corr); % find maximum correlation

    % Check if correlation >0.60 then match successful

    if Max_Match>0.80


    Match_image=imread(strcat( 'Database_large\' ,num2str(ind), '.jpg' )); % read database


    axes(handles.axes2); % axes handle for GUI

    imshow(Match_image) % displaying the matched image

    axes(handles.axes3); % 3rd axes control for displaying red/green LED

    % display circle with green color in case we find a match

    rectangle( 'Position' ,[1,2,0.5,1], 'Curvature' ,[1,1], 'FaceColor' ,'g')

    % calculate confidence value with correlation 0.60 = 50% criterea


    set(handles.text6, 'string' ,num2str(round(conf_value))); % display on GUI



    % display red LED in case no match is found

    rectangle( 'Position' ,[1,2,0.5,1], 'Curvature' ,[1,1], 'FaceColor' ,'r')

    set(handles.text6, 'string' ,'--' ); % display on GUI


    - Function analysis in this module

  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    Table 2. Module2 function descriptionFunction name Description

    PCA_features This function extracts the PCA Features of the Input Image with 'k' newdimensionsk= eigen values reduction parameter

    Corr Linear or tank correlation

    Sum Sum of array elementsnorm Vector and matrix normsmax Largest elements in arrayFind Find indics and values of nonzero elementsaxes Create axes graphics objectRectangle Create 2-D rectangle object and showSet Set Handle Graphics properties

    3.3 Function for camera set and control (Module 3)

    - MATLAB Codeglobal c



    % figure,

    vidObj = videoinput( 'winvideo' ,1); % For windows users, videoinput

    % vidObj = videoinput('macvideo',1); % For Mac users, videoinput

    set(vidObj, 'ReturnedColorSpace' , 'RGB' ); % set returned frame in RGB format

    videoRes = get(vidObj, 'VideoResolution' );

    numberOfBands = get(vidObj, 'NumberOfBands' );

    handleToImage = image( zeros([videoRes(2), videoRes(1), numberOfBands], 'uint8' ) );

    preview(vidObj, handleToImage);

    handles.vidObj = vidObj; % add the video data to GUI handle


    - Function analysis in this module

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    Table 3. Module1 function description

    Function name DescriptionVideoinput Create video input object

    Get Query Handle Graphics object propertiesImage Display image objectPreview Preview of live video dataGuidata Store or retrieve GUI data

    3.4 Function for Face snapshot on camera video (Module4)

    - MATLAB Code

    global sze I_test c

    if c==1

    sze=[512 512]; % set default size for image captured by webcam

    frame = getsnapshot(handles.vidObj); % get snapshot from video

    [H, W, a]=size(frame);

    c1=0.2; % top and bottom clipping of snaphot image to get face area

    c2=0.3; % left and right clipping of snaphot image to get face area



    f1=frame(clip_H:H-clip_H, clip_W:W-clip_W,:); % clip the frame



    f1=rgb2gray(f1); % convert RGB image to gray scale image


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    % clear all previously opened data/images on GUI

    cla(handles.axes2); % clear previously opened images on GUI


    set(handles.text6, 'string' ,'') % display on GUI


    else end

    - Function analysis in this module

    Table 4. Module4 function descriptionFunction name Description

    getsnapshot Immediately return single image frameframe(clip_H:H-clip_H, clip_W:W-clip_W,:)

    Clip the frame

    3.5 Calculate PCA features of the Input Image & Test Image with k newdimensions (Module5)

    - MATLAB codefunction features=PCA_features(I, k)

    if numel(size(I))==3 I = rgb2gray(I);

    end Id = im2double(I);

    meen = mean(Id); [a ~] = size(Id); I_Adjust = Id - repmat(meen,a,1); % mean subtraction

    cov_data = cov(I_Adjust); % covariance matrix

    [feature_vector,~] = eigs(cov_data,k); % eigen values of covariance matrix

    features=feature_vector'*I_Adjust'; % Final Data

    - Function analysis

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  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    4. Test and validation

    Fig 1. Face Recognition Initial GUI

    Case 1: Loading image from Computer

    Fig 2. Load Image from Computer

    The GUI will appear and looklike this

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    The selected image will be displayed on the left panel as shown below.

    Fig 3. Loaded image show on the left panel

    The selected image will be displayed on the left panel as shown below. Now click on ExecuteMatching Algorithm.

    Fig 4. Excute Face Matching Algorithm Button Click

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    If the test image is in the database, itll be displayed in the next pane and green LED will bedisplayed. Match confidence will also be displayed.

    Shown below is the case when a match is found and green LED is ON.

    Fig 5. Matching result show (green: matching success!)

    Shown below is the case when no match is found and red LED is ON.

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    Fig 6. Matching result show (red: matching failed!)

    Case 2: Capture image from webcam

    To match a particular face, its similar image must be in database folder else it may not berecognized. For example, I put my photos in the database for its testing. The images weretaken and cropped so that only face area is included only.

    Fig 7. Standard Captured Face Image from camera

    To test the matching algorithm for input image taken by webcam.

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    Fig 8. Capture Image from Camera button click for using Camera Capture

    By pressing the button Capture Image from Camera, the webcam will be enabled anditll show video in the test image pane on the left. See figure below.

    Fig 9. Camera video showing

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    Capture button takes the snapshot and after cropping, takes the middle portion.

    Fig 10. Face Capture from Camera by Capture button click

    Now run the Execute Face Matching Algorithm and see the result as shown below.

    Fig 11. Matching result show using Camera (green: matching success!)

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    Note: For good matching results, you are required to pose your face in the mid-section of thevideo. The snapshot is cropped and only middle section is used for matching purpose. Do not take

    snapshot while the face is not in middle portion. Please see the following example.

    Fig 12. Face Capture guide where using camera

    After capturing, the test image will not contain full face.

    Fig. 13. Face Capture failed show(because you didnt face capture in capture windows middle)

    Face not inmiddle

  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    5. Discussion and conclusions

    In this paper we researched Face Recognition using PCA and implemented it in MATLAB.

    We considered this program in image get from local computer and using camera capture.

    The test result images show advantage and disadvantage of this algorithm.

    In the future, we will good methods for Face Recognition.


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    [1] M.A. Turk and A.P. Pentland, Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces, IEEE Conf. on

    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 586-591, 1991.

    [2] K. I. Diamantaras and S. Y. Kung, Principal Component Neural Networks: Theory andApplications, John Wiley & Sons,Inc., 1996.

    [3] Alex Pentland, Baback Moghaddam, and Thad Starner, View -Based and Modular

    Eigenspaces for Face Recognition, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,

    MITMedia Laboratory Tech. Report No. 245 1994

  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    Appendix- Face_Match.m

    function varargout = Face_Match(varargin) % FACE_MATCH MATLAB code for Face_Match.fig % FACE_MATCH, by itself, creates a new FACE_MATCH or raises the existing % singleton*. %

    % H = FACE_MATCH returns the handle to a new FACE_MATCH or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % FACE_MATCH('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in FACE_MATCH.M with the given input arguments. % % FACE_MATCH('Property','Value',...) creates a new FACE_MATCH or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before Face_Match_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to Face_Match_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES

    % Edit the above text to modify the response to help Face_Match

    % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 12-Apr-2014 13:44:56

    % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct( 'gui_Name' , mfilename, ...

    'gui_Singleton' , gui_Singleton, ...

    'gui_OpeningFcn' , @Face_Match_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn' , @Face_Match_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn' , [] , ... 'gui_Callback' , []);

    if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});


    if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

    else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

    end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT

    % --- Executes just before Face_Match is made visible. function Face_Match_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to Face_Match (see VARARGIN)

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    % Choose default command line output for Face_Match handles.output = hObject;

    % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); global c c=0; clc

    % UIWAIT makes Face_Match wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1);

    % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = Face_Match_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)

    % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output;

    % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

    % function to Load Image from computer option

    [filename, user_canceled] = imgetfile; % ask user to select image

    if user_canceled

    msgbox( 'File not selected' , 'Error' ,'error' ) else test_image=imread(filename); % read and load the selected image in matlab axes(handles.axes1); imshow(test_image) % display the test image

    cla(handles.axes2); % clear previously opened images on GUI cla(handles.axes3); set(handles.text6, 'string' ,'') % display on GUI


    global sze I_test c I_test=double(rgb2gray(test_image)); % convert RGB image to gray scale image sze=size(I_test); % size of test image c=0;

    % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % function for matching algorithm button

    global sze I_test % global variables

  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    A=PCA_features(I_test, 2); % calculate PCA features A=A(:); % Make it feature array

    database_images = 41; % number of images in database images

    % loop based procedure to load each image from database sequentially (Broad Design Steps 1b) for k=1:database_images

    Imd=imread(strcat( 'Database_large\' ,num2str(k), '.jpg' )); % read database image

    Im=rgb2gray(Imd); % RGB to gray conversion

    I1=double(imresize(Im, sze)); % resizing database image same as test image (Broad Design Steps 2)

    % matching stage

    B=PCA_features(I1, 2); B=B(:); % Feature array

    % Find correlation between two feature vectors using % standard formula, (Broad Design Steps 3)

    corr(k) = sum(A.*B)/(norm(A)*norm(B));


    Max_Match=max(corr); % find maximum correlation % Check if correlation >0.60 then match successful

    if Max_Match>0.80 ind=find(corr==Max_Match); Match_image=imread(strcat( 'Database_large\' ,num2str(ind), '.jpg' )); % read database image axes(handles.axes2); % axes handle for GUI imshow(Match_image) % displaying the matched image

    axes(handles.axes3); % 3rd axes control for displaying red/green LED

    % display circle with green color in case we find a match rectangle( 'Position' ,[1,2,0.5,1], 'Curvature' ,[1,1], 'FaceColor' ,'g')

    % calculate confidence value with correlation 0.60 = 50% criterea conf_value=abs((Max_Match-0.60))*60/50*100+50;

    set(handles.text6, 'string' ,num2str(round(conf_value))); % display on GUI

    else axes(handles.axes3);

    % display red LED in case no match is found rectangle( 'Position' ,[1,2,0.5,1], 'Curvature' ,[1,1], 'FaceColor' ,'r')

    set(handles.text6, 'string' ,'--'); % display on GUI end

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    % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton3. function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Function for camera button global c c=1; axes(handles.axes1); % figure, vidObj = videoinput( 'winvideo' ,1); % For windows users, videoinput % vidObj = videoinput('macvideo',1); % For Mac users, videoinput

    set(vidObj, 'ReturnedColorSpace' , 'RGB' ); % set returned frame in RGB format

    videoRes = get(vidObj, 'VideoResolution' ); numberOfBands = get(vidObj, 'NumberOfBands' );

    handleToImage = image( zeros([videoRes(2), videoRes(1), numberOfBands], 'uint8' ) );

    preview(vidObj, handleToImage);

    handles.vidObj = vidObj; % add the video data to GUI handle guidata(hObject,handles)

    % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton5. function pushbutton5_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)

    global sze I_test c if c==1

    sze=[512 512]; % set default size for image captured by webcam frame = getsnapshot(handles.vidObj); % get snapshot from video

    [H, W, a]=size(frame); c1=0.2; % top and bottom clipping of snaphot image to get face area c2=0.3; % left and right clipping of snaphot image to get face area clip_H=round(c1*H); clip_W=round(c2*W);

    f1=frame(clip_H:H-clip_H, clip_W:W-clip_W,:); % clip the frame axes=handles.axes1; imshow(f1);

    f1=rgb2gray(f1); % convert RGB image to gray scale image


    % clear all previously opened data/images on GUI cla(handles.axes2); % clear previously opened images on GUI cla(handles.axes3); set(handles.text6, 'string' ,'') % display on GUI

    c=0; else end

  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    - PCA_features.m

    %% This function extracts the PCA Features of the Input Image with 'k' new dimensions % k=eigen values reduction parameter

    function features=PCA_features(I, k)

    if numel(size(I))==3 I = rgb2gray(I);

    end Id = im2double(I);

    meen = mean(Id); [a ~] = size(Id); I_Adjust = Id - repmat(meen,a,1); % mean subtraction

    cov_data = cov(I_Adjust); % covariance matrix

    [feature_vector,~] = eigs(cov_data,k); % eigen values of covariance matrix

    features=feature_vector'*I_Adjust'; % Final Data

  • 8/10/2019 GUI-FaceRecognition Using Matlab Report-JinJin


    - Face_Match.fig (Our Face Recognition Proejcts GUI)