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  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    Annual MembeGBP 249USD 379EUR 286

    Plus: Asia - opening up?ERC Meeting round-up


    Brazil, Russia


    Euroclear, Northern Trust


    Tony Venditti, Ashley Wilson


    tll ndeege?

    New regulatoy


    SL ISSUE 08 Q2 2010

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    eSecLending Delivers

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    eSecLending provides services only to institutional investors and

    other persons who have professional investment experience.

    Neither the services offered by eSecLending nor this advertisement

    are directed at persons not possessing such experience.

    Securities Finance Trust Company, an eSecLending company,

    and/or eSecLending (Europe Ltd.), authorised and regulated by

    the Financial Services Authority, performs all regulated business

    activities. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Our

    services may not be suitable for all lenders.

    eSecLending (Asia Pacific) - Registered office of Securities

    Finance Trust Company (incorporated in Maryland, U.S.A.), theliability of the members is limited.

    eSecLending deliverstoinstitutional investors

    High-touch client service

    Comprehensive risk management

    Customized programs Optimal risk-adjusted returns

    As a leading securities lending agent, we

    take a consultative, highly customized

    approach when it comes to structuring

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    traditional pooled models, where many

    lenders portfolios are grouped together and

    their securities wait to be borrowed on a best

    efforts basis, we utilize a competitive auction

    to determine the optimal route to market for

    their assets. Based upon results from the

    auction, we manage clients portfolios either

    through agency exclusive lending for specific

    portfolio segments or on a traditional agency

    basis, where securities are lent individually.

    We focus on maximizing intrinsic returns

    in accordance with each clients specific

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  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    2 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    Qick Qrr Vi

    Lend an earIn my last letter I discussed

    regulators research into short

    selling and securities lending

    and I was optimistic that much

    of the resulting output was

    positive news for the industry.

    I also dubbed 2010 The Year of

    Collateral, but now it seems that

    The Year of Regulation deserves

    equal billing. GSL has so far

    hosted four summits in 2010, and

    regulation has been an increasinglyhot topic among panellists and

    audience members alike.

    We have seen a wave of new short

    selling restrictions in developed

    markets, new guidance for benecial

    owners from the UK Pensions

    Regulator and even repo entered the

    mainstream medias parlance with the

    publication of a damning report on

    the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy.

    In this issue GSL looks behind

    the Repo 105 headlines and

    takes an in-depth look at the

    new US short selling restrictions

    as well as discussing how the

    industry can ght back.

    But if developed market news

    has been less than rosy since our

    last issue, various reports from Asia

    have caused many to be optimistic.

    We look at the short selling and

    margin trading trials being set up

    in China and provide a detailedoverview of some of the liberalising

    developments in the Indian market.

    Additionally, some of the

    panellists at the recent PASLA

    conference provide their summary

    on what was deemed by many

    attendees to be a great event.

    Moving to the southern

    hemisphere, we provide a prole

    of the Australian market and

    look into some exciting new

    developments taking place in Brazil.

    Our increasing focus on repo,

    collateral management and liquidity

    continues as Godfried de Vidts

    provides us with a review of the

    recent European Repo Council

    meeting. This is a follow up to

    Godfrieds excellent industry

    summary which appeared in the last

    issue of Investor Services Journal.

    Finally, the magazine features

    two executive proles, with TonyVenditti of BMO Capital Markets

    talking about his career in securities

    lending and his outlook for the

    future, and Ashley Wilson of

    Barclays Capital outlining his plans

    for growing the prime services

    division at the British bank.


    Roy Zimmerhansl, Editor-in-Chief

    Asian promise

    Godfried de Vidts

    Tony Venditti

    Chris Poikonenon Brazil

    Repo 105

    Ashley WilsonIgor Marichon Russian repo

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    Have a safe journey.

    ooking or liquidity? Dont take the wrong turning. The route to our Liquidity Hub

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    or more directions, call our Global Securities Financing team at +352-243-36868

    r visit

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    4 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010



    Roy Zimmerhansl

    [email protected]

    Deputy Editor

    Craig McGlashan

    [email protected]


    Anthony Harrington

    Cherry ReynardLeanne Wang

    Business Development Manager

    Richard Marshall

    [email protected]

    Front Cover

    Morgan Miller

    2i UK, 16-17 Little Portland Street,

    London W1W 8BP, UKT: +44 (0) 20 7299 7700

    F: +44 (0) 20 7636 6044

    2i USA, 410 Park Avenue,

    15th Floor, New York, NY 10022

    T: +1 212 231 8421

    F: +1 212 231 8121

    2010 2i Media

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be

    reproduced, in whole or in part,

    without prior written permission from

    the publishers.

    ISSN 1759-0728 Printed in the UK


    6 | News

    Top industry stories.

    10 | xeutve pofile

    Tony Venditti,

    BMO Capital Markets

    12 | cong up shot

    US short selling restrictions

    16 | in ehan's tes

    Investigation into Repo 105

    18 | fghtng ba

    The industry's response

    22 | eung the utue

    Ashley Wilson,

    Barclays Capital

    26 | azl shapes up

    The Brazilian market

    32 | estng te n chna

    Margin trading, short selling

    trials in China

    34 | indan outlne

    Description of the Indian


    36 | & rm

    Panel summaries from the




    asten ose

    tll nde ege

    It's like stopping a soldier fromshooting when the general has giventhe command to go to war. Theregulators are reacting to the publicperception, but this did not happenbecause people were shorting stocks"

    Who said this?

    Find out, page 13

    futue Vew


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    uex repo 57uolea 48

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    Head of Sales

    Patricia De La Grange

    Account Managers

    Cicely Lewis

    Eradat Munshi

    Chief Technology Ofcer

    Peter Ainsworth

    Operations Manager

    Nicolette Whittaker

    Managing Director

    Jon Hewson


    Mark Latham

    GSL is part of


    44 | ost-rc eetng

    with Godfried de Vidts,

    ERC chairman

    48 | Natual ollateal

    with Olivier Grimonpont,

    director, head of collateral

    services at Euroclear

    50 | russan epoluton

    The post-crisis Russian

    repo environment

    54 | uts

    report on the GSL Nordic

    and London Summits

    56 | lobal eutes

    fnanng ut

    58 | enefial wnes

    intenatonal eutes

    endng & repo ut

    60 | etoy

    64 | Nothen ust

    repo & collateal



    ende pofile

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    6 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    SunGard appointed Chris

    Clark as European senior

    vice president for its

    Astec Analytics business

    unit, which specialises in

    trading, perfomrmance and

    programme management

    for the global securities

    nancing industry.

    eSecLending, the securitieslending agent, appointed

    Ross Bowman as senior

    vice president of client

    relationship management,

    servicing the rms UK

    and European based


    Bowman moved from

    BNY Mellon, where he

    was responsible for the

    management of existing

    client relationships and

    business development

    for the securities lending

    business across theEuropean, Middle Eastern

    and African regions.

    Pat Cestaro leftJ.P.

    Morgan, following a

    30-year career in the

    securities lending business.

    Cestaro was responsible

    for building up the prime

    brokerage business at Bear

    Stearns before the rm was

    bought up by J.P. Morganin 2008.

    Hector Sants, CEO of UK

    regulator the Financial

    Services Authority (FSA),

    is to leave his post in the

    summer after three years in

    charge of the organisation.

    The European Central

    Bank (ECB) made a new

    appointment as it seeks todeal with system risk in

    the nancial sector, with

    Mauro Grande taking up

    the role of director general

    of the Directorate General

    Financial Stability.

    Sun Microsystems

    veteran Masood Jabbar

    has become the fth

    independent director

    appointed to the board

    ofCalypso Technology, a

    provider of trading, risk

    and processing platforms.

    Jabbar spent 16 years

    at Sun Microsystems,

    reaching the level of

    executive vice president

    of global sales operations

    before leaving the rm in


    The Risk Management

    Association (RMA)

    appointed Christopher

    R Kunkle to the role ofdirector for securities

    lending and market risk,

    replacing the retiring

    Curtis Knight.

    Merlin Securities co-

    founder Andy Lando has

    returned to the rm in a

    senior partner role which

    will see him head up

    the rms new securities

    lending group. Lando, aformer managing director

    and global head of

    securities lending at Banc

    of America Securities, was

    one of the ve founding

    members of prime

    brokerage services and

    technology provider Merlin

    in 2004.

    LCH.Clearnet Group

    appointed a new non-

    executive chairman,

    Jacques Aigrain. Aigrain

    replaces Chris Tupker, who

    announced his intention

    to step down in September


    Brown Brothers Harriman

    (BBH) upped its presence

    in Asia following the

    appointment ofRobert

    Lees and Richard Meek

    respectively as head of

    securities lending trading

    and head of securities

    lending relationship

    management for the Asia

    Pacic region. Both men

    will move to BBHs Hong

    Kong ofce, with Lees

    reporting to Jeff ONeill,

    global head of securities

    lending trading, and Meek

    to Elizabeth Seidel, global

    head of securities lending

    relationship management,

    business development

    strategy and marketing.

    Business and IT

    consultancy Rule Financial

    appointed Dr Chris Potts

    as CEO, a move which the

    rm said was part of its

    plan for global expansion.

    Potts moves from 3i

    Infotech, where he was

    president and CEO of the

    rms Western Europe

    division. He has also heldhigh-level roles at Cap

    Gemini, Cap Consulting

    and Misys Asset


    Amaces appointed former

    State Street and Aegon

    Asset Management client

    managerTom Robertson

    as a director. Robertsons

    most recent role was

    at Legal and General

    Investment Management,

    where he was a client

    account manager.

    Joe Cassidy will take up

    the role of head of prime

    brokerage and derivatives

    clearing for global rates at

    Deutsche Bank in May.

    He will report to Fredrik

    Gentzel, head of credit

    portfolio management and

    prime brokerage for global

    rates and commodities.

    Cassidy moves from

    Nomura where he has

    held a number of roles,

    including global co-head

    of prime services, global

    COO of prime services,

    head of equity strategy

    and head of European

    corporate strategy


    News Round-up Top industry stories at deadline.For daily updates go to

    People Moves

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    8 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    Richard Newman will join

    Deutsche Bank as a senior

    risk manager for global

    prime nance within the

    global markets division,

    the bank announced

    today. Formerly head of

    European prime brokeragerisk management at J.P.

    Morgan, Newman who

    takes up his new role

    on 4th May will be

    responsible for providing

    risk management solutions

    to hedge fund clients with

    a European focus.

    The Chinese regulatorapproved a short selling

    and margin trading trial.

    British MP Frank Field

    criticised custodians over

    their securities lending

    programmes, after a

    pension fund told him

    it had been entered into

    a programme without


    At the same time, the UK

    Pensions Regulator issued

    guidance for benecial


    ISLA approved

    amendments to the Global

    Master Securities Lending

    Agreement 2009.

    A Bank of England deputy

    governor called securities

    lending "absolutely vital"but called for reforms.

    German regulator BaFin

    lifted its uncovered short

    selling ban.

    Northern Trust was sued

    by the Public School

    Teachers Pension &

    Retirement Fund of

    Chicago and the City

    of Atlanta Fireghters

    Pension Plan, over claims

    that the bank broke its cash

    collateral reinvestment


    The National Stock

    Exchange of India (NSE)

    held a special live tradingsession on 6th February

    2010 for its securities

    lending and borrowing


    The US Securities and

    Exchange Commission

    introduced new short

    selling restrictions.

    Former Morgan Stanley

    and Banc of America

    stock loan trader Salvatore

    Zangari was charged by

    the US Securities and

    Exchange Commission

    (SEC) over alleged

    kickbacks from Clinton

    Management, a Brooklyn-

    based loan nder.

    State Street succeeded in

    dismissing a complaint

    from a law rm over

    an alleged breach of

    prudence and loyalty

    within its securities lending


    The City of St Petersburg

    suedWachovia Global

    Securities Lending,

    claiming that the bank

    broke the terms of its

    securities lending contract

    by investing cash collateral

    in Lehman Brothers bondsand failed to act when

    the now-defunct bank

    appeared to be in trouble.

    Citigroup was ned

    USD650,000 by the

    US Financial Industry

    Regulatory Authority

    (FINRA) for violations in

    its Direct Borrow Program


    The Investment Industry

    Association of Canada

    (IIAC) selected the

    Canadian Derivatives

    Clearing Corporation

    (CDCC) to develop acentral counterparty for

    the Canadian repo market,

    in a move welcomed by

    the countrys central bank.

    Bank of Canada governor

    Mark Carney described

    the move as a critical rst

    step and cited the effect

    of an efcient repo market

    in helping the countrys

    core markets function


    A loophole in the UK

    Corporation Tax Act 2009

    which could allow rms

    to avoid paying tax on

    manufactured payments

    in repo transactions

    was closed by the UK


    The long-awaited

    report into the collapse

    ofLehman Brothers

    has criticised senior

    executives at the rm and

    highlighted the large role

    of an accounting practice

    known at the bank as

    Repo 105. The report,

    written by lawyer Anton

    Valukas, outlined how the

    bank used Repo 105 to

    give its balance sheet a far

    healthier appearance than

    it warranted, in the run up

    to its bankruptcy in 2008.

    There was a strong

    recovery in the European

    repo market, the latest

    survey from the European

    Repo Council (ERC) of

    the International Capital

    Market Association

    found, although the study

    included pessimistic news

    for the UK economy.

    Investment bank BOCI,

    a subsidiary ofBank of

    China, implemented

    SunGards Global One

    securities nance solution

    to help boost its recently

    launched securities lending

    business. BOCI will use

    the Global One Lender

    module to support its

    lending business, which

    lends Hong Kong and

    Chinese stocks listed on

    the Hong Kong Stock


    Syncova and RiskMetrics

    Group announced plans to

    launch a risk-based margin

    management solution via

    the OPTIMA platform for

    hedge funds and prime

    brokers. The integrated

    solution will include

    features such as VaR

    and client-specic stress

    scenario based margining,

    what-if scenarios and

    combined risk and margin

    rule-based portfolio alerts.

    LocateStocks real-time

    stock locate platform

    Matador was launched on

    ConvergEx Groups order

    management system, the

    Eze OMSTM.

    BNY Mellon enhancedits Workbench reporting

    platform with a new

    securities lending

    dashboard, aimed at asset

    owners and managers.

    Clients will now be able

    to access data including

    earnings, loan values and

    credit quality from both

    an executive summary and

    detailed view point. Z



    Securities Lending


  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    LCH.Clearnet: the essential link in the chain

    In the event of member default, LCH.Clearnet guarantees the management of positions thereby protecting thenancial community against the risk of contagion.

    LCH.Clearnet is the leading independent central counterparty group (CCP) in Europe, serving major internationaexchanges and platforms. It clears a broad range of asset classes including: securities, exchange traded deriva-tives, energy, freight, interbank interest rate swaps and euro and sterling denominated bonds and repos.

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    10 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    ciV rfi

    The beginning to Tony Vendittis

    securities lending career may

    have been a case of right place,

    right time, but his rise through

    the industry was anything but. A

    securities lending operations position

    opened up when he was applying for

    a job at Mabon Nugent Securities

    and, despite having never heard of

    the business before, he thoroughly

    enjoyed his new position.

    He explains: Six months later I

    approached one of the partners at

    the rm about a front ofce move.

    He said, Id much rather youd be

    a bond sales assistant, youll have a

    great career this stock loan thing

    will be automated in two years and

    everyone will be out of a job. That

    was 1985.

    Rolling on 25 years, manual

    securities lending is still here and

    so is Venditti, by way of two stints at

    Paloma Securities, with a number of

    years at Nomura in between. Now he

    is at BMO Capital Markets, after the

    bank took over Paloma Securities in

    November 2009.

    So what has changed during his

    time in the industry?

    When I started, it

    was interesting how

    many people said

    securities lending was

    hard to understand I

    thought it was one

    of those things that

    if you understood

    stocks, pricing and

    interest rates, it all

    made sense, so I

    was fascinated how

    the smartest people

    would always say, I

    dont understand that

    part of the business.

    Back in the 1980s it

    probably was true,

    but now when you look at pricing

    and liquidity, it shows probably

    the biggest change of the past 25

    years - how integral it is to so many

    platforms and companies.

    Venditti is keen to talk about this

    history of the industry in terms of

    phases, marked by major events.

    I think the Asian crisis, where

    liquidity really dried up, was the

    rst elevation of the business, with

    securities lending and repo being

    used to protect liquidity. It was no

    longer just an operational business

    but a funding business. I also think

    that, with the growth of hedge funds

    in the 1990s, stable access to supply

    and pricing became much more


    Now were into the transparency

    phase. I think the credit crisis of

    last year will bring much more

    transparency what people are

    doing, how they are doing it, how

    they book it. However, Ive never

    been one to say that the business

    is that opaque, its like any other

    market, its about how active you


    Venditti counts his achievements

    during his second stint at Paloma as

    among his best. When I went back

    to Paloma it had just lost a lot of its

    front ofce employees. My challenge

    was to take a strong securities

    lending platform, with a fair amount

    of counterparties, and expand the


    We used the existing counterparty

    base, the existing operations and

    brought in strong front ofce people

    not only focused on securities

    lending, but also nance, delta one

    trading and later government bond

    repo. We turned it from just a global

    Tony Venditti,

    BMO Capital MarketsCraig McGlashan talks to themanaging director of BMO CapitalMarket's securities lending team,about his past and future

    "Our securities lendingbusiness was really ableto self nance itself and

    it proved that securitieslending can helpproprietary trading andindex arbitrage"

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    2010 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 11

    ciV rfi

    We felt, given the relative strength of theCanadianbanks through the crisis period, that we had

    an opportunity to look for growth and the ability to

    expand. It gave us an opportunity to consider areas

    where credit rating, stability and so on were important

    for businesses and their success.

    The securities lending business is one where we

    saw an opportunity to look for growth and the ability

    to expand. So thats what led us to spend time with

    Paloma and investigate the opportunities around the


    At this point we are focusing on operating in all

    the jurisdictions thatPaloma was operating in before we expand into any new

    jurisdictions. We are three months into the acquisition

    now and from our perspective things are going very

    well, its been a very smooth integration process, and

    we are very impressed and very happy with how the

    business had been run and continues to be run.

    That said we constantly keep an eye on where

    market growth is occurring and are always interested in

    extending core businesses and as opportunities present

    themselves we make sure that we are in a position to

    take advantage of them.Z

    securities lending shop to trading

    nance repo. Our business really

    grew in the three years I was there,

    we had a great run and that led us to


    He says his time at Nomura

    helped pave a lot of my success.

    Specically, during the Asiannancial crisis when the bank

    was downgraded, our securities

    lending business was really able

    to self nance itself and it really

    proved that securities lending can

    help proprietary trading and index


    But the move to Paloma allowed

    Venditti freedom to take what he had

    learned and use it in an environment

    where he was able to exert greater

    change.I touched a lot of businesses at

    Nomura. Nomura was very equity-

    nance driven and we used all our

    collateral quite effectively, and at a

    smaller player like Paloma that model

    tted perfectly, he says. Also, at

    Nomura, I was only on the equity

    side so I couldnt intertwine with

    xed-income products or repo, but

    when youre at a smaller shop you

    have more control so its easier to

    bring on businesses not really byproduct but how you can integrate

    them with your client base and


    So now

    that Paloma

    is operating

    under the BMO

    name and

    stable, what are

    Vendittis plans

    for the business?Paloma was

    never a rated


    even though we

    had the benet

    of long-term relationships and

    transparency in our nancials, and

    a credit department that discussed

    our structure and capital effectively -

    because of this we were lucky enough

    to have many counterparties treat us

    as an investment-grade counterparty.That being said we always were

    looking to do more business - in turn

    eventually we needed more credit

    which led us to BMO. BMO has a

    very sound name. The institution has

    been around for a long time and has

    a solid reputation. We look forward to

    using BMO as our credit instead of

    Paloma as a hedge fund in hopes of

    continuing to expand our business.

    However, Venditti feels that the

    acquisition will also boost BMOsother offerings. The one thing that

    were really hoping is that our global

    platforms could help propel some

    of BMOs existing sales and trading

    businesses, he says.

    So aside from Vendittis plans for

    BMO, what of the industry as a

    whole? I think the industry has a lot

    more room to grow and the market

    making side of securities lending -

    where its much more active - willbecome more electronic, he says. I

    think one of the stumbling blocks as

    always is about where the credit will

    go CCP will have a role, Im not

    sure how it will play out, but I think

    you will see change there.

    Venditti bet against

    automation at the beginning of his

    career and it proved fruitful if he

    is right this time, it certainly proves

    how much the industry has moved on

    since 1985. Z

    Luke Seabrook, executive managing director &head of nancial products at BMO Capital Markets,outlines the reasons behind the Paloma purchaseand BMO's current plans for the business

    Factle: BMO Capital Markets

    Employees: 2,200

    Clients: Nearly 8 million

    Total Assets: USD373 billion

    2009 Revenue: USD9.6 billion

    Tier 1 Capital Ratio: 12.24%

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    12 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    tll nde ege?2010 has seen oe egulatons, lawsuts andnegatve pess o the seutes lendng ndusty

    n the next ew

    pages we exploe

    soe o the ajo

    developents and

    how the ndusty

    an fight ba

    Coming up shortNew US rules on short selling have been poorly thought out - and couldspread across the Atlantic, ndsCherry Reynard

    The Securities and Exchange

    Commission (SEC) has been under

    pressure to introduce new rules

    on short-selling for some time.

    Approximately 4,400 companies

    have petitioned the SEC to clamp

    down, with industry heavyweights

    such as John Mack, chairman of

    Morgan Stanley, blaming short-sellers for perilously driving down

    company share prices in 2008. The

    new rules have nally emerged. What

    impact are they likely to have?

    The SECs new rules aim to

    promote market stability and

    preserve investor condence by

    placing restrictions on selling stock

    short if a company is experiencing

    signicant downward price pressure

    on their share price. The alternative

    uptick rule will restrict short-sellers

    from driving down the price of a

    stock that has dropped more than

    10% in one day. Once this circuit

    breaker is triggered, holders of the

    stock will be rst in line and can sell

    their shares before any short sellers.

    Once the circuit breaker has

    been triggered, the rule applies toshort sale orders for the remainder

    of the days trading, plus that of

    the following day. It applies to

    all equities listed on a national

    securities exchange, whether they

    are traded on an exchange or over-

    the-counter. Importantly, it offers

    no exemption for market-makers.

    Also, companies will be required to

    have written procedures in place to

    prevent the execution or display of

    prohibited short-selling transactions.

    Robert Colby, deputy director of

    trading and markets division at law

    rm Davis Polk and Wardwell says:

    It is not a complete prohibition.

    It means that a short-seller cant

    execute at the bid price. This means

    they cant chip away at the price

    people are willing to buy. If, forexample, a stock is trading at 105-110

    and a trader was trying to short-sell

    and it triggered the circuit breaker,

    they could no longer sell at 105.

    They could only say that they were

    willing to sell at 106 up to 110 and

    wait for people to come to them.

    The SEC is clear in its intent. SEC

    Chairman Mary L Schapiro says

    that the ruling recognises that short-

    selling can have both a benecial

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    2010 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 13

    r iN

    and a harmful impact on the market.

    She continues: It is important for

    the Commission and the markets

    to have in place a measure that

    creates certainty about how trading

    restrictions will operate during

    periods of stress and volatility.

    There has been considerabledebate as to whether the new rule

    will achieve its goal of greater

    stability. The Securities Traders

    Association issued a lengthy response

    to the SECs regulations, suggesting

    that they were based on inadequate

    analysis, a lack of empirical data, and

    questionable rationale by the SEC.

    It also accuses the SEC of not

    being consistent. It says in its letter

    to the SEC: This inadequacy

    was noted by SEC CommissionerParedes in his opening statement...

    there is an insubstantial empirical

    basis to support the commission in

    adopting the rule, especially in light

    of the rigorous economic analysis

    that led the SEC to repeal the

    original uptick rule in 2007 after

    years of study. The commission bears

    the burden to justify its rules. It has

    not done so in this instance. The

    regulations were voted through the

    SEC on a paper-thin 3-2 majority.The STA suggests that the new

    regulation will not resolve the issue

    of manipulative short-selling that it

    was designed to address. As such,

    it cannot bring about the investor

    trust as intended. It will also

    have signicant implementation

    costs. Many broker dealers, for

    example, will need to upgrade

    their computer systems to ensure

    that they can distinguish between

    short-sellers and those investorswho hold stock and wish to sell.

    In particular, the STA requested

    that the regulator make an exemption

    for options market makers, saying:

    The nature of the derivatives market

    is such that market makers must

    be able to hedge their positions

    easily and cheaply to reduce trading

    costs. Failure to do so would

    cause a decoupling of prices in the

    options markets from the prices

    of the underlying instruments.

    This would result in reduced

    liquidity and wider spreads to the

    detriment of individual investors.

    The group believes that the

    regulations may be counter-

    productive, resulting in less liquidity,

    greater volatility, and wider bid-ask spreads, none of which is

    conducive to boosting investor

    condence. Furthermore, a short

    sale restriction that makes it more

    costly for investors to manage their

    risk by hedging can hinder the ability

    of companies to raise capital.

    With the two sides clearly

    delineated, what do industry

    participants believe will be the

    likely outcome of the regulations?

    Jerome Lussan, managing director

    of hedge fund consultancy Laven

    Partners, says: This will impact all

    international hedgers operating in

    US markets. It will limit their abilityto make prots in falling stocks.

    That said, it doesnt kick in until

    there has been a 10% drop, which is

    relatively rare, but if you sell stock

    with small volumes it could happen

    a lot faster. Therefore mid and small

    cap managers may nd themselves

    disproportionately affected.

    It has been suggested that

    the decision could have a

    disproportionate impact in the

    equity options world, as market

    makers will not be able to hedge

    their risk without an exemption.

    Lussan believes the market-maker

    restrictions could result in a loss

    of liquidity. Market-makers receive

    no help in trying to hedge their

    positions and will therefore be lessinclined to make a market in certain

    stocks. Plus, a perfect hedge becomes

    more difcult because it cannot be

    predicted whether the stock will

    be hit by the new regulations.

    Edward Black, special counsel at

    law rm Katten Muchin Rosenman

    Cornish, explained that in the UK,

    the disclosure obligations apply

    to short sales whether of a stock

    or a derivative on it. The new US

    restrictions only apply to short salesof the actual security. The impact of

    the restrictions will depend on the

    nature of future market movements.

    The SEC has said that its approach

    establishes a narrowly-tailored rule

    that will target only those securities

    that are experiencing signicant

    intra-day price declines and that

    it believes that addressing short

    selling in connection with such

    declines in individual securities will

    help address erosion of investorcondence in our markets generally.

    There is still debate on the likely

    impact of the new regulations on

    trading. The SEC has suggested that

    on an average day approximately 4%

    of the market would be hit by the

    circuit breaker. This gure would

    rise during a more volatile period.

    Colby says: It is difcult to predict

    how it is going to affect trading. It

    means some people are in some

    cases - not going to be able to hedgeby selling short and it may be at a

    time when they most want to hedge.

    Overall, it is likely that if someone

    thinks the market is falling, they

    will have to act immediately. As

    such, it will make hedging more

    unpredictable. Lussan agrees that it

    will become more difcult to predict

    how a stock will fall, adding: It may

    fall 5-6% and then fall very hard.

    Larry Harris, professor of nance

    It's like stopping asoldier from shootingwhen the general hasgiven the command togo to war. The regulatorsare reacting to the publicperception, but this did

    not happen becausepeople were shortingstocks"

    Jerome Lussan,Laven Partners

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    14 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    r iN

    something must be done mentality

    in reimposing a new price-based test.

    The European exchanges have

    similar, though less onerous, trading

    restrictions in place. The London

    Stock Exchange, for example, has

    an automatic suspension period in

    place to provide a pause in trading

    when stock prices move severely.It can suspend any stock at its own

    discretion if it believes that market

    manipulation is taking place.

    However, Black says that for the

    most part, the US and Europe are

    pursuing different regulatory models.

    CESR and the FSA are focusing on

    public disclosure and the ability to

    intervene in an emergency rather

    than any generalised restrictions. In

    the US FINRA regulated broker-

    dealers are obliged to report toFINRA twice each month all short

    interest positions in all customer

    and proprietary accounts in NYSE

    and other listed securities as well

    as OTC securities. That reporting

    is on a combined basis and only

    global short positions in issuers are

    published, not individual positions

    held by any broker or customer.

    The goal of strengthening public

    condence is sufciently nebulous

    to make any real judgement on thesuccess of the rules difcult. With a

    relatively small majority in favour of

    the new regulations at the SEC, there

    may be room for a re-examination

    of the rules on market-makers and

    possibly for a full change of heart

    if the rules are found to create

    additional volatility. Lussan sums up

    the view of many when he concludes:

    This is the least bad alternative.

    The market was expecting something

    and was afraid it could be worse.Z

    but the crash happened because

    there was insufcient regulation of

    banks. Its like stopping a soldier

    from shooting when the general has

    given the command to go to war. The

    regulators are reacting to the public

    perception, but this did not happen

    because people were shorting stocks.It is difcult to see how the new

    regulations will act to stop additional

    market abuse. The SEC had already

    introduced changes to tackle

    manipulative and naked short selling.

    In normal circumstances, if RBS

    looks over-valued, the short-sellers

    move in and create a temporary fall

    in the share price, but then the shorts

    go too far and the long investors

    come in and scoop up value. Black

    suggests that much of the criticismof short selling should properly

    be directed at market abuse; for

    example the spreading of negative

    rumours to articially depress prices

    accompanied by short selling.

    There has often been a creep

    in US legislation across to the

    UK. Clearly the new regulations

    will affect all European traders

    operating in US markets, but could

    its impact be more widespread than

    that? Lussan says: The EuropeanCommission has recognised that

    hedge funds are not responsible. But

    it may creep in because everyone

    trades in US markets. America likes

    to be the worlds policeman and

    tends to take a populist approach.

    Black says: Different regulators

    have come at regulating short selling

    in different ways. Some regulators

    appear to be more suspicious of the

    potential for short-selling to be used

    for market abuse, while others believeit is a legitimate technique. The FSA,

    for example, takes the latter view. It

    has said that while it reserves the right

    to introduce emergency short-selling

    rules if market conditions warrant

    it, the focus of its regulation of short

    selling is to require more disclosure

    of short-selling positions. CESR

    has similarly proposed enhanced

    disclosure of short positions. The US

    appears to have displayed more of a

    at the USC Marshall School

    of Business, has suggested that

    the new rules may prevent the

    efcient functioning of markets.

    Without short sellers, prices of

    deteriorating stocks may be kept

    articially high, leaving investors

    potentially paying too high a price.The SECs focus on equities leaves

    a huge amount of hedge fund trading

    out of scope. Although there has

    been pressure to limit the activities of

    hedge funds in the market generally,

    the SEC seems primarily concerned

    with the proper functioning of equity

    markets. This is also where much

    of the pressure has been coming

    from USA plc has put pressure

    on the US government to stop it

    shorting its stock. Other hedge fundactivities simply do not generate

    the same amount of pressure.

    This supports the view of Lussan

    and others that the measure is

    populist rather than necessarily to

    ensure proper control of markets.

    Erik Sirri, who ran the SECs

    division of trading and markets

    during the credit crisis that began

    in 2007, has gone on record to

    say that commissioners who voted

    for curbs when a given stock falls

    10% from the prior days closing

    price did so without proof that

    it would improve markets.

    Lussan agrees: What are the rules

    trying to achieve? The uptick rule

    was rescinded in 2007 and is now

    being reintroduced. The SEC has

    said that its aim is to protect markets,

    The US appears tohave displayed moreof a 'something mustbe done mentality' inreimposing a newprice-based test"

    Edward Black,Katten Muchin

    Rosenman Cornish

    The commission bearsthe burden to justify itsrules. It has not done soin this instance"

    Securities Traders'Association response tothe SEC

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


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    In Lehman's terms

    When is a repo not a repo? The answer, if you

    are Lehman Brothers, is any time you provide 105%

    more collateral by way of value than the cash you

    are borrowing! Called a Repo 105 transaction, the

    deal can legally be classied as a sale rather than as

    a straightforward repo arrangement at least in the

    opinion of law rm Linklaters, who advised Lehman.

    But let us back up a few steps for the sake of any

    readers out there who have not yet digested an article

    or two on the subject of the Court Examiners 2,200

    page report into the Lehman failure. It is important to

    bear in mind that Anton Valukas, the Court Examiner,and chairman of the US law rm Jenner & Block, was

    not asked to nd guilt, but to explore whether there

    were colourable claims (actions that might constitute

    grounds for litigation) against Lehman ofcers or

    third parties. Whether or not those colourable

    claims actually result in actions and in parties being

    found guilty or liable is a matter for another day and

    a different forum, as far as Valukas was concerned.

    To the casual observer, which translates roughly

    to anyone not involved in day-to-day repo activity,

    the truly astonishing thing about this accounting

    gimmick (the term used by some senior Lehman staffto describe the Repo 105 transactions), is the idea that

    any serious minded person could simply pretend that

    one half of a repo transaction isnt there. Consider

    the following instance. I give you cash. You give me

    collateral. I expect to get my cash back. You expect

    to get your collateral back. This is not the same thing

    as: I give you cash, you give me assets. In the latter

    instance, we have a sale, in the former, a repo deal.

    Linklaters has come under tremendous re for

    being so obliging in its opinion. As Valukas pointed

    out: Lehmans conducted its Repo 105 programme

    under the aegis of an opinion letter the Linklaterslaw rm in London wrote for Lehman Brothers

    in Europe, Lehmans European broker-dealer in

    London, under English law. The UKs legal regulation

    body, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is

    reported to be considering the Valukas Report and

    Linklaters role, which of course, does not mean that

    Linklaters was wrong. We are aware of the report

    and we are currently reading it. After, we will decide

    whether or not any regulatory action should be

    taken, it said. (See


    The law rm itself has issued a statement to the

    The fallout from the discovery of "Repo 105" transactions on the books ofLehman Brothers may have a long way to run, ndsAnthony Harrington

    following effect: The Examiner who did not

    contact the rm during his investigations does

    not criticise those opinions or say or suggest that

    they were wrong or improper. We have reviewed

    the opinions and are not aware of any facts or

    circumstances which would justify any criticism.

    To understand Linklaters condence in this

    matter, one needs a little inside knowledge of exactly

    how Repo 105 has played on the street, as it were.

    A securities lending source told GSL: Basically,

    Im sick of all the blather over Repo 105. Everyone

    post-Valukas pretends they didnt do it, but it wasa widespread and commonplace practice and it

    had a benecial impact in that it enabled broker

    dealers to address risk on their balance sheets

    and to provide more liquidity to the market.

    What Linklaters is probably relying on is the concept

    of true sale as set out in FAS 140. In brief, a true

    sale rather than a collateralised loan can be deemed

    to have occurred where the borrower can be said to

    have lost control of their collateral. The question

    then is, what constitutes loss of control? The answer

    comes down to the way in which normal collateralised

    deals are marked to market. If you collateralise aloan in the normal way with 100% collateral, and the

    value of your collateral shrinks or grows, the collateral

    pool is adjusted to compensate for the movement.

    In a Repo 105 transaction mark to market is

    suspended until the market movement is violent

    enough to move beyond some hurdle, such as 112%.

    For the period where mark to market is suspended,

    the collateral provider is deemed to have lost

    control of their collateral, and this transaction in

    jurisdictions that accept this rule can be deemed

    a true sale. The other proviso is that it cannot be

    an overnight loan. However, three days or more areconsidered safe. What was possibly unusual about

    Lehmans case is simply the scale involved and the

    fact that the transaction, in the words of some senior

    Lehman nancial people, had no substantive basis

    other than to shift debt off the balance sheet.

    For the fourth quarter 2007, Lehman deployed

    Repo 105 to shift USD38.6 billion of assets off its

    books. In Q1 2008 it upped that to USD49.1 billion

    and in Q2 2008 it upped it again to USD50.38

    billion. In each instance it was good quality assets that

    Lehman provided as collateral against the loan and

    r 105

    16 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

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    fiiN ck

    in each instance it treated this as a sale, increasing

    the amount of cash on its books and decreasing its

    leverage by 1.7 percentage points, 1.9 percentage

    points and 1.8 percentage points respectively.

    To put this in context, in its own internal risk

    management, Lehman regarded a movement of 0.2%

    of leverage as signicant. In other words, this was

    window dressing on a grand scale, unless Lehmansnance team can show that the Repo 105 device actually

    served some solid purpose other than to window

    dress the quarterly accounts. So far, to my knowledge,

    no such alternative purpose has materialised.

    Of course, it is not only Linklaters who are under

    scrutiny in the aftermath of this wheeze. Valukas also

    agged up Lehman auditors Ernst & Young, and was

    less than happy with the audit rms decision to allow

    Lehmans use of the Repo 105 device to pass without

    comment. However, Ernst & Young too, are taking the

    view that they stand by their 2008 audit and since they

    had not yet done the 2009 audit, wheres the problem?

    One outcome from all of this, some way down

    the line, is likely to be yet another blitz on window

    dressing. However, looked at purely from the

    standpoint of a potential case for the defence,both Linklaters and Ernst & Young would seem to

    have quite a bit of solid ground to work with. Repo

    105 was widely used and the securities lending rms

    who provided it took detailed legal opinion - not

    just from Linklaters - and they were relying on a

    well-publicised Financial Accounting Standard. It

    will be interesting to see how this one runs.Z

    Fighting backCraig McGlashan gauges opinion on what the industry can do to improve itsimage and help ensure regulators are on side

    The hits that the securities

    lending industry has taken and

    continues to take since the onset of

    the nancial crisis are too numerous

    to list here few jurisdictions have

    not felt some sort of pain. But what

    can the industry do to ght back?

    Curtis Knight, former director for

    securities lending and market risk at

    the Risk Management Association

    (RMA), believes that a global

    industry needs global harmonisation

    to deal with its problems and this

    includes making sure that regulators

    thinking is in tune with the industrys


    Global harmonisation will be

    extremely important in making sure

    that the correct risk management

    tools are being used, that regulators

    are working together - and in

    conjunction with industry players -

    to make sure that the best possible

    regulation is being enacted, he says.

    I cant see another more

    important issue right now. We can't

    have situations where one rule in

    one jurisdiction conicts with one in

    another jurisdiction.

    This potential disconnect between

    the rules governing different regions

    can perhaps be most felt by the many

    businesses in the industry which run

    a global offering, not least in terms of

    the technology they deploy, he adds.

    Jane Milner, a market specialist

    at SunGard Securities Finance,

    describes disparate regulations

    as a challenge for the business.

    She adds: The US is by far the

    most regulated market, with 15c3-

    3, RegSHO, Rule 402, Agency

    Lending Disclosure and the more

    recently introduced short sale circuit

    breaker. In the rest of the world

    the problem is in some ways more

    complex in that regulations vary by

    jurisdiction. The recent attempt by

    CESR to set standard guidelines for

    new post-crisis regulation seemed

    somewhat undermined by the

    German regulators variation from

    the standards.

    Interestingly, this problem can be

    exacerbated by impacts from other

    markets too. Integration issues

    may occur when the regulatory

    requirement is not exclusive to the

    securities nance market, and data

    from a securities nance solution

    needs to be consolidated with data

    from other systems, she says. To

    handle this it is important that a

    solution has the exibility to export

    data on demand, in a user-denable

    format with as little need for IT

    development as possible.

    Milner does feel that current

    technology standards are able to

    meet this challenge. Typically when

    functionality is potentially re-usable,

    it would be built in a exible way to

    allow it to be adapted as necessary

    to a similar, but somewhat different


    However, even if technology will

    be able to meet the challenge, the

    problem still exists for the industry

    of rules being created on an ad hoc

    basis, with each country causing

    problems for another.

    So what of Knights call for

    harmonisation among the various

    industry bodies? Chris Kunkle, who

    took on Knights role at the RMA,

    explains that this process is already

    taking place.

    My personal key effort just now

    is two-fold; its to improve the global

    coordination and communication of

    the industry associations and their

    sub operations, and by that I mean

    working with the other bodies.

    18 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


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    20 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    fiiN ck

    The regulators and IOSCO are

    coordinating very well across borders

    just now and before they make snap

    decisions without a lot of expertise or

    a view from the industry, I want us

    all to be able to communicate both

    the positive and the negative issues.

    ISLA, PASLA and ASLA hadtheir rst joint operations meeting

    last December and those things will

    go a huge way to helping. RMA is

    coming into that now.

    Indeed, an Industry Leaders panel

    took place at the recent PASLA

    conference, featuring gures from

    some of the major institutions (read

    the summary on page 42).

    However, this effort to work

    together is only one half of the

    puzzle, according to Kunkle: Wehave a major effort to improve

    education for regulators, academics,

    benecial owners and eventually

    for the press. We are going through

    a serious time and the RMA,

    during my last executive committee

    participation term, started meeting

    with the Fed, the SEC and the OCC

    on a periodic basis, and we have a

    quarterly meeting with the Federal

    Reserve Bank of New York.

    The RMA has developed a series ofmodules to help with this education

    process and Kunkle believes the

    education policy can benet from the

    harmonisation policy: What Id like

    is to broaden our education modules

    so other associations can use these


    Knight concurs: An educated

    lender is an important piece of the

    puzzle. Education means that, going

    forward, some of the situations that

    have now developed into lawsuits canbe nipped in the bud early.

    However, no one can doubt that

    a lawsuit is always bad press for

    any industry. But has the securities

    lending industry been particularly

    poor at presenting itself in the

    mainstream media, especially during

    the nancial crisis? Jessica Johnson,

    managing director of New Approach

    PR, a specialist communications

    agency for the securities nance,

    asset management and hedge fund

    industry, believes so.

    She says: The error was that

    there was no real PR whatsoever!

    We are now nearly two years down

    the line and just starting to realise

    that this industry really needs to

    promote what it does and implementa proper defence mechanism that can

    promote proper understanding. For

    this reason it would be wrong to say

    that the industry was too reactive

    because it did not really react.

    So how would Johnson combat the

    negative press that the industry has

    received? I want to implement a PR

    effort that represents and defends all

    aspects of the industry so that the

    wider world sees it in a more positive

    light. Regulation is also a key aspect

    of anything to do with nancialinstitutions, and it is also on the

    agenda of every nancial journalists

    mind this year. I think the securities

    nance world does want to work

    within a regulated environment, both

    at individual and corporate level. If I

    am so permitted, Id like to ensure all

    relevant bodies are effectively covered

    with regards to how regulatory stories

    are handled in the press. I think

    that everyone in the industry has a

    common goal; to project the businesspositively and as a professional and

    well regulated environment. I hope

    my company can help do that.

    However, Knight is unsure about

    how such an operation would work

    in practice. How do we manage

    PR? Do we need a face, if you will,

    for securities lending? I havent

    developed a conscious decision on

    it either way. You have the RMA,

    ISLA, PASLA and so on my

    concern has always been over who

    the industry spokesperson takes

    the lead from. And how does that

    directive get translated to this single

    rm or individual so they are saying

    something that most people in the

    industry will agree with?

    Individually, at times theinstitutions involved in the product

    have not wanted to promote their

    product when things were going

    good, because its just something they

    do as an organisation.

    But then when some negativity

    hits, someone feels that there is

    a need to manage that ow of

    information to the various sources

    and thats where you get this

    concern. I personally dont think

    the industry needs a face, and if itdoes choose a face then it has to be

    pretty well set up as to how that rm

    or person gets their cues. If Im the

    RMA, I would want to make sure

    that our committee has a strong voice

    in whatever edicts come out; my

    concern is that if I dont agree, does

    that mean the RMA has to put out a

    counter piece?

    Instead, Knight believes good

    PR begins at home. Internally,

    the industry players need to makesure that they have good robust risk

    management systems, and for the

    most part they do. They need to

    make sure that theyre being adhered

    to and on the agent lender side

    that their clients are educated and

    understand the product.

    While various suggestions will

    continue to be put forward and

    different opinions raised, the need to

    work together seems to be the one

    area that most participants agree on.The next opportunity to do that will

    be the ISLA conference in Berlin on

    22nd to 24th June. GSL will see you

    there. Z

    Watch Jessica Johnson debate with

    Richard Thompson of ISLA and

    Northern Trust at the Februarys

    GSL London Summit at



    It would be wrong tosay that the industry wastoo reactive - because itdid not really react."

    Jessica Johnson,New Approach PR

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008



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  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    22 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    criN fr

    Barclays Capital has had perhaps

    more good headlines than most of its

    peers of late, with its acquisition of

    Lehman Brothers US business and

    its move into the European equities

    space. Another headline has been

    the appointment of Ashley Wilson as

    head of prime services for EMEA.Did all the positive news around

    Barclays attract Wilson to the job?

    Right now there is a huge amount

    of energy, growth and focus within

    BarCap. There is a lot of talent

    joining the rm, especially because

    of the Equity division growth across

    EMEA and Asia Pacic and in prime

    services. To give you an example the

    equity division has hired 750 people

    front to-back, across EMEA and Asia

    Pacic, over the last 12 to 18 months.BarCap is attractive to our clients

    - it is a very high credit quality

    bank, a UK-centred bank with a

    full prime services offering that did

    not take any direct bailout funds.

    However, other aspects of the

    Barclays offering helped to entice

    Wilson. Historically Barclays was

    very strong with xed-income hedge

    funds, due to the xed-income

    nature of the rm. Additionally,

    we gained a lot of multi-strategyfunds and this was primarily due

    to our cross-asset class margining

    capabilities. We were also strong in

    the quant space, where participants

    look for low-latency direct market

    access, i.e. using the banks pipes

    to access directly to market.

    These were the three areas that we

    were always very strong in. Now with

    the equity build-out we are seeing a

    lot of growth in the equity business

    and as a result

    we are nancing

    all asset classes.

    This rare

    situation is one

    of the main

    attractions for

    Wilson. It is adifferent model,

    you have xed-

    income, futures

    and equities all

    within prime

    brokerage, and

    that is rare

    because most

    prime brokers

    only concentrate

    purely on

    equities andmy background

    has always

    been equities,

    so the move allowed me to gain

    exposure to the other asset classes.

    He continues: Our global repo

    book is over USD500 billion so that

    gives you substantial purchasing

    power when speaking to agents

    from whom you want to source

    securities and so on. Of the 310

    Eurex members active in interestrate derivatives, we are ranked

    number 2 for traded volume.

    We have a very strong xed-

    income and futures activity, so we

    are now very focused on the growth

    of the equity platform. It was a

    challenge to grow something again

    but also to have this one balance

    sheet where you have the chance

    to control three different products

    which I thought was unique.

    Since moving to Barclays Capital

    from Merrill Lynch in September

    2009, Wilson has been quick tooutline his intentions, including

    using his 11 years experience on

    a Morgan Stanley trading desk to

    introduce a more trading-focused

    Ashley Wilson, the new head of

    prime services for EMEA at BarclaysCapital, talks to Craig McGlashanabout his plans for growing thebusiness

    This renewed focus on risk has meantthat we have had to develop different assetprotection models and as a result of that,the old adage that prime brokerage is a

    commoditised business is denitely broken"

    Securing the uture

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    24 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010

    criN fr

    approach to the British bank.

    There is term specials trading

    for instance, where you go long

    stock and short futures to create

    inventory because of the miss-

    pricing between the future and the

    stock-borrow value, he explains.

    However, this is not the onlychange he hopes to instigate.

    Id like to have a trading focus,

    but I also think you need to build

    out the product offering, he says.

    Weve just introduced swap-

    backed ETFs and we are on the

    ETF exchange platform. We are

    developing a GCM business.

    Currently, our DMA pipes take a

    lot of business from non-exchange

    members but if we start looking

    at clearing the exchange memberbusiness, we need to do GC.

    Wilsons vision of change is

    in keeping with a general trend

    being seen in the prime brokerage

    industry. Numerous reports have

    surfaced of late suggesting that prime

    brokerage clients are looking at risk

    management and transparency at a

    much greater level than in the past,

    with terms like multi-prime being

    used with increasing frequency.

    Hedge funds are denitelylooking at multi-prime, they are

    also assessing their current prime

    provider in terms of credit quality

    and the asset protection solutions

    that are on offer, he says. This

    renewed focus on risk has meant

    that we have had to develop different

    asset protection models and as a

    result of that, the old adage that

    prime brokerage is a commoditised

    business is denitely broken.

    For instance, at BarCap wehave introduced a US broker/

    dealer so our clients can trade

    international securities. There

    is demand for this because US

    investors want SIPC [Securities

    Investor Protection Corporation]

    protection, which they gain through

    exposure to a US broker/dealer.

    Additionally, we are launching

    Bank Prime, which allows

    clients to transact and face

    Barclays Bank plc, so it is not an

    international offshoot of a big US

    parent you are facing the main

    parent entity, the rated entity.

    Other projects in the pipeline for

    Barclays prime brokerage offering

    include gaining a SAS 70 (an

    independent audited statement on

    the controls within the business)

    and an asset sweep solution which

    allows clients assets to be held

    at a third-party custodian.In terms of sourcing securities

    Barclays Capital has an extensive

    network of exclusives. We have

    eight centres where we have staff

    dedicated to sourcing securities:

    London, New York, Hong Kong,

    Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt and

    Milan, Wilson explains. We have

    a very large exclusive pool of assets

    that we go out and bid for. We go

    to the underlying benecial owner

    and enter into an exclusive securitieslending contract with them.

    Despite BarCaps network of

    exclusives sourcing centres, Wilson

    does appreciate the importance of

    agency lenders to the process.

    It is critical. We pride ourselves

    on not recalling hedge funds on a

    hard-to-borrow name and to be

    able to do that you need a wide

    supply of securities and you need

    to mix it up - you need to have

    some exclusives and have verygood relationships with the agency

    lenders. So securities lending is key

    to the prime brokerage business.

    Some commentators have

    suggested that fewer assets have come

    on to the market in the exclusives

    model in the wake of the Lehman

    default, citing a perceived higher risk

    from a benecial owners point of

    view, given the lack of diversication.

    Is this a trend that Wilson has seen?

    There are two models the

    exclusive model, where you know

    the counterparty you are dealing

    with, you know its rating, so as an

    AA-rated entity we are not seeing

    an impact. Then there is the agency

    lender route where you diversify

    your pool of borrowers, where within

    that pool you might have some AA-

    rated counterparties but you might

    have some single A or some BBB

    companies. Its a securities lendingfunction, you are lending out equities

    versus collateral, and if the borrower

    goes into default the equities tend to

    fall in value so you unwind the trade.

    We are not seeing a lack of assets

    coming due to credit constraints, I

    think people pull out of the exclusive

    arrangement when the returns are

    not high enough and dividends

    are being cancelled so they put

    it through an agency lender.

    However, what of the future forBarclays prime services offering?

    We mentioned the strong hiring

    plan in the equities division; we also

    have a very aggressive hiring plan

    for prime services in Europe. We

    are seeing a lot of talent coming in

    and a lot of big names are speaking

    to us, explains Wilson. In the

    European role there are about 150

    under me, with around 20 people

    hired across sales and traders since

    I joined. There is probably aroundanother 10 people on route.

    He continues: From the

    beginning of the year to now our

    European equity balances are up

    just under 50%, we have aspirations

    of continuing that so we end the

    year more than double where we

    started, so its all positive.

    It seems that, if all goes to plan,

    there may yet be more good headlines

    for Barclays Capital this year. Z

    "We are not seeing a lack of assets coming dueto credit constraints, I think people pull out of theexclusive arrangement when the returns are nothigh enough and dividends are being cancelled

    so they put it through an agency lender"

  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


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  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    26 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010




    These have been strange times for Brazils broker dealers, traders and

    securities lending specialists. The market has been on a tear for months and

    at the time of writing was still climbing, but the volumes have been thinning

    out. As Andre Suaid, managing director at Deutsche Banks New York ofce

    explains, investors have grown accustomed to seeing a lot of volume and a

    market that was gaining anything from one to three percentage points a day.

    Now the upward movement has slowed to 30 to 50 basis points. While Iwouldnt classify volumes in Brazil as light they have normalized to lower

    levels than what we saw at the peak, and it may be some time until we see

    the hype and the continuous inows we enjoyed in recent years. In London,

    dealers would shrug and say: Sell in May and go away, but there is no such

    tradition in Brazil.

    On the plus side, and it is a very big plus, Suaid points out that this is the

    rst presidential election (set for October) where politics has not yet inspired

    any real market volatility. One of President Lulas great achievements is that

    his government has created a strong sense that after being spoken of for

    decades as a coming country Brazil has now well and truly arrived on the

    world stage, irrespective of the complexion of the next government. Even

    the idea that Lulas nominated successor, Cabinet chief Dilma Rousseff - astrongly left-leaning candidate with a known penchant for interventionist

    policies might win the elections is not overly distressing the market.

    Of course, Brazil cant make the running on its own. Like any country it

    needs a favourable global economy, particularly since commodity-related

    stocks make up anything from 47% to 60% of the countrys index, depending

    on how one measures such things. There have been so many hard-to-read

    factors swirling around, including the latest bout of jitters over sovereign debt

    fears in Europe, that the risk appetite of market participants is having a hard

    time getting up a consistent head of steam. As Andre Suaid observes: If the

    market can continue to rally there is a tremendous amount of money in the

    money markets right now that would move across into global equities.

    All of this makes for a tremendous desire in the market to engage insecurities lending. Suaid points out that there has been tremendous growth in

    the last two years in the local hedge fund community and in the multi market

    funds and long/short funds in Brazil. Plus, of course, the high frequency

    algorithmic trading funds are now global in their outlook and they all want to

    get involved in securities lending in Brazil.

    However, and it is a big however, Brazil is a regulated market and all

    securities lending has to go through the CBLC [Brazilian Clearing and

    Depository Corporation]. The CBLC has been managing securities lending

    for the last 10 to fteen years and it has a very sophisticated approach. They

    look at underlying market risk from a total portfolio level. If you are using the

    CBLC for different strategies they will cross margin the risk, but there is no

    doubt that it is an approach that works for local players but not for offshoreborrowers, explains Paul Busby, also a managing director at Deutsche Bank.

    For would-be offshore players the fact that the CBLC stands squarely in

    the middle of the trade makes it extremely difcult to relate the Brazilian

    securities lending model back to the familiar world of securities lending that

    benecial owners and borrowers are comfortable with in Europe and the US.

    Basically, to be active in securities lending in Brazil you need to be a broker

    and a member of the CBLC. For a US benecial owner, for example, there is

    just no easy way to lend stock in Brazil.

    What you will nd is that right now a lot of the natural hedges and

    proprietary assets are coming from the domestic market and not the broker

    dealers themselves, Busby says.

    Anthony Harringtoninvestigates thecomplexities andpeculiarities of the

    Brazilian industryand nds a 'watchthis space' market

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  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    28 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010


    However, things are on the move. Busby points out that the CBLC has

    acknowledged that it wants and needs more foreign participation in Brazils

    equity markets. It also understands very clearly that a vibrant securities

    lending environment would bring a substantial amount of very welcome

    liquidity to the market. This is a culture and a climate that is looking

    to adapt to change, and the CBLC is the hub that will shape the future

    development of the market. It is far more ready to talk to market participantsand to listen to what is said to it than central depositories in almost all other

    emerging markets, he says.

    Suaid says that he was in a meeting recently with ofcials from the CBLC

    where market participants told the CBLC about their concerns over high

    exchange fees and high costs. As a result, at the time of writing, the exchange

    (BVM &F) was holding a meeting to talk about lowering exchange fees for

    high frequency trades. It is very clear that both the CBLC and the Brazilian

    Exchange are willing to be more exible to attract foreign capital. They are

    very responsive to the fact that we and others have a vast array of clients who

    in some capacity or another are either actively trading Brazilian equities or

    who are looking to get more exposure to Latin America in general and Brazil

    in particular. And securities lending has a big role to play in this, he says.Chris Poikonen, executive managing director at eSecLending argues that

    the role of the CBLC in securities lending in Brazil can be viewed either as

    a tremendous risk mitigator, by offering a sophisticated centrally cleared

    platform, or as a signicant hurdle to having offshore investors participate in

    the market. The clear issue right now is the lack of offshore lending supply

    in the Brazilian securities lending market. The activity that is currently taking

    place is largely between local market participants, he says.

    Brazil has the second largest exchange in the Americas, and that makes it a

    very big market for overseas borrowers and benecial owners to nd difcult

    to access. The CBLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of BOVESPA. It offers

    cash, futures and options trading and has all the securities that are eligible for

    securities lending transactions. Both BOVESPA and the CBLC are regulatedby the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (the CVM) and the

    National Monetary Council (CMN).

    They are responsible for setting the maximum limits for securities lending

    open positions and they regulate the CBLC by ensuring that it is always

    in a comfortable position with respect to any exposure it is taking on.

    The regulators also dene the parameters for what constitutes acceptable

    collateral for securities lending, typically FRB bonds, and Poikonen points

    out that they have a fairly sophisticated algorithm which is used to determine

    the creditworthiness of parties and limits maximum loan balances as a

    percentage of the free oat in the system. Poikonen too, says that a robust

    securities lending system that appeals to offshore participants will help

    increase the overall liquidity in the market. BOVESPA has a deep marketand many offshore benecial owners have substantial allocations to the major

    index constituents within their emerging markets portfolios. Having them

    participate in lending will be key to further progression.

    However, Poikonen argues that the central counterparty model should not

    be viewed as a bad thing, in and of itself. If you look around the world there

    are central counterparty (CCP) models in many markets, so the fact that

    Brazil has a CCP model should be viewed positively, he says.

    Of course, it is a different transaction, in securities lending terms, for a

    benecial owner, since their exposure lies with an exchange, rather than with

    a broker-dealer. This means that benecial owners have to get comfortable

    with the exchange as counterparty, and they need to clearly understand how

    The clear issueright now is thelack of offshore

    lending supply in theBrazilian securitieslending market.The activity thatis currently takingplace is largelybetween localmarket participants"

    Chris Poikonen,


  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


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  • 8/9/2019 GSL 008


    30 | Global Securities LendingMagazine | 2010


    the exchange model works and what it offers in terms of security. Some

    benecial owners are not yet that comfortable with taking exposure to an

    exchange. However, we believe that the way to promote liquidity in this

    market, at least in the short to medium term, is to educate the lenders in the

    considerable merits offered by this model, he says. On the subject of CCPs,

    when one looks around, there are considerable efforts going on to set up CCP

    models in markets that are currently OTC and bi-lateral, the credit defaultswap (CDS) market being an obvious case in point. The whole derivatives

    space is under tremendous pressure at present to shift across to a CCP


    At the same time both in the US and in Europe there are initiatives

    underway to set up CCP models for securities lending, at exactly the same

    time as a number of parties are trying to persuade the Brazilian regulators and

    the ofcials of the CBLC to initiate a more standard approach to securities

    lending. It may well be the case that if the CCP approach to securities lending

    got off the ground in Europe and the US, it would really help the growth of

    securities lending in Brazil. The point, of course, is that there are very different

    kinds of CCP models, with very different rules, and what is needed is a model

    that will inspire the right degree of condence in benecial owners.The model in Brazil contrasts sharply with the model in Mexico, where

    there is an active securities lending market run along US lines, and which

    benecial owners can access via bilateral deals in the usual way. Latin America

    is clearly an area of focus for many organisations right now, and Brazil is

    undoubtedly the largest and the most interesting. However, it is very much

    still a developing market and there is a real buzz in the air right now about

    securities lending in Brazil.

    One of the big concerns that offshore benecial owners have about the

    Brazilian CCP model is their direct exposure and the fact that collateral is not

    held in their own name within the CBLC, If either the CBLC or BOVESPA

    went down, benecial owners need to understand what the unwind position

    would be. This is a pretty obvious question for a benecial owner. They needclarity on the issue of how loan transactions would be unwound if the CBLC

    was, for some reason, to become insolvent, Poikonen says.

    However, common sense tells you that when you are talking about one

    of the largest e