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Page 1: Growing debate over whales and dolphins in debate over whales and dolphins in captivity In this April 10, 2014,

Growing debate over whales anddolphins in captivity

In this April 10, 2014, photo, SeaWorld trainer Michelle Shoemaker hugs killer whale Kayla as she works on a routine

before a show, in Orlando, Florida. SeaWorld Entertainment has faced criticism over its treatment of its captive killer

whales since the release of the highly critical documentary film "Blackfish" last year. Photo: AP Photo/John Raoux

ORLANDO, Fla. — For some time now, the belief that it is wrong to keep large marine

mammals in aquariums has been growing. In response, some marine parks are eliminating

or having fewer dolphin shows. Some also are facing pressure from the government to

stop breeding whales.

The long-running debate over confining marine mammals was brought into the spotlight

after last year’s documentary film “Blackfish”. It was harsh on the marine park SeaWorld.

SeaWorld is a park that features marine animals like dolphins and whales. The animals do

tricks, though many people think it is cruel to keep the huge sea creatures in tanks much

smaller than the vast ocean.

Orlando-based SeaWorld is planning to build bigger tanks for its orcas, also known as

killer whales. It currently has no plans to stop shows or breeding at its three theme parks.

SeaWorld says its whales and dolphins are healthy and happy. Letting people see them up

close, it says, gives visitors an emotional bond with the animals, inspiring them to care

more about marine life.

By Orlando Sentinel, adapted by Newsela staff on 10.16.14

Word Count 849

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“We still have millions of guests coming through our parks wanting to see shows, wanting

to connect with animals,” said Chris Dold of SeaWorld. “That doesn’t seem to be changing

at all.”

Some Parks Shift Their Focus

Other marine parks are making or seeing changes. Among them:

— A city park board this summer voted to end most whale and dolphin breeding at the

Vancouver Aquarium. The aquarium is going to court to object to the decision.

— Baltimore’s National Aquarium stopped using its dolphins in shows in 2012. It

announced earlier this year that it is considering creating an ocean retreat for the animals.

— After being criticized for keeping a killer whale without a companion, Six Flags

Discovery Kingdom in California backed down. It sent the animal to SeaWorld, to live with

other whales.

— Concerns were raised that the Clearwater Marine Aquarium intended to have dolphins

perform in a planned 2,000-seat theater. The aquarium said the seating was meant to let

people see staff and dolphins interact, not to watch stunts. However, it recently eliminated

the theater, saying it needed to cut costs.

In general, “what we certainly have seen is that operators are moving away from shows, or

doing more modest … kinds of educational programs,” said Thomas Martin, a

Massachusetts expert on aquariums.

They are doing more low-key "kinds of things to show various behavior patterns and things

like that,” he said.

More Natural Presentations

Many aquariums still keep whales and dolphins. The Georgia Aquarium, for example, still

has dolphin shows and is trying to import more beluga whales from Russia.

Some aquariums are moving toward more natural presentations. It’s difficult these days for

animal shows to provide the flashier entertainment people want, said aquarium expert

William Hurley.

“I don’t think it’s an abandoning of the show because the show is bad. I think it’s a change

in the business model,” he said.

Kelly Flaherty Clark, head of animal training at SeaWorld, said the changes concern her.

She and Dold say training for shows keeps whales and dolphins mentally and physically


“I’ve seen the effect it has on people who come to the park expecting to have a good

time," Flaherty Clark said. Visitors who see the shows "leave the park being inspired and


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New Spaces, New Shows

SeaWorld recently announced plans to expand the space devoted to orcas and to create a

beachlike environment.

Shows featuring orcas at the Shamu Stadium are a major draw. One of the highlights used

to be “rocket hops,” in which whales propel trainers out of the water.

Those came to an end after an orca named Tilikum killed trainer Dawn Brancheau at

SeaWorld Orlando in 2010. This year, SeaWorld gave up fighting a rule that stops trainers

from performing in the water with killer whales.

After Brancheau’s death, SeaWorld launched a new orca show. As trainers dance on

platforms to upbeat music, the whales leap out of the water, bob their heads and raise their


Nearby at a smaller stadium, the “Blue Horizons” show features both human acrobats and


SeaWorld’s renovations of its whale tanks will feature 40-foot glass windows through which

guests can watch the orcas swimming. SeaWorld said it also plans changes to the dolphin


The changes are not meant to be a substitute for the shows, SeaWorld said.

“It doesn’t at all take the focus off the effect the show performances have on our guests,”

Flaherty Clark said.

People React To Whale Debate

SeaWorld revealed the whale-tank plans two days after a disappointing company earnings

report. SeaWorld said its California park’s attendance was affected by the debate over

keeping whales in confinement.

In California, a bill in the legislature was proposed this year that would stop killer whale

shows and breeding. The bill was delayed and is being studied further.

The bill's creator, Assemblyman Richard Bloom, said the issues are complicated. It will

take time, he said, to convince lawmakers to act. Nonetheless, "science, public opinion

and common sense" all support ending orca breeding and confinement "once and for all."

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1 According to the article, which of the following sentences about SeaWorld is CORRECT?

(A) It is planning to open a new theme park.

(B) It has proposed building larger tanks for its dolphins.

(C) It has a 2,000-seat theater that allows people to see staff and dolphins


(D) Post the earnings report, it is making changes to the space devoted to its


2 Select the section subhead that gives the MOST information about the changes being made to

the environments that orcas live in.

(A) Some Parks Shift Their Focus

(B) More Natural Presentations

(C) New Spaces, New Shows

(D) People React To Whale Debate

3 Select the sentence that DOES NOT support the central idea of the article.

(A) For some time now, the belief that it is wrong to keep large marine mammals

in aquariums has been growing.

(B) A city park board this summer voted to end most whale and dolphin

breeding at the Vancouver Aquarium.

(C) In general, "what we certainly have seen is that operators are moving away

from shows, or doing more modest ... kinds of educational programs," said

Thomas Martin, a Massachusetts expert on aquariums.

(D) The Georgia Aquarium, for example, still has dolphin shows and is trying to

import more beluga whales from Russia.

4 Select the paragraph from the section "New Spaces, New Shows" that describes the show

itself that led to the death of a whale trainer.