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How to wake up beautifullyHow you wake up sets you up for the day ahead. It can impact on your mood, your energy levels and your wellbeing for the day. It can even affect your look. If you want to get more energy and vibrancy in the morning and throughout the day - try these helpful hints.1. Breathe DeeplyWhile youre still in bed and opening your eyes, take ten deep breaths. Inhale slowly for the count of ten, and then exhale to the same count. This will help oxygenate your body and start to wake you up naturally.2. Salute the sunTake ten minutes or so to do some yoga stretches. It will get your blood flowing and start to move the synovial fluid that lubricates your joints. It will also massage your muscles and limber them up for the day ahead. Check out our YOGA BLOG to find some beautiful stretches that will fit in with your morning.3. MeditateSet yourself up for the day ahead, both mentally and physically, by practicing some meditative thoughts. You can do them after your yoga stretching. Simply sit cross-legged on the floor and breathe deeply, focusing on emptying your mind of thoughts. Dont plan the day ahead, dont start a to-do list, rather, concentrate on one beautiful thought for up to ten minutes. I like to imagine with each inhalation I am breathing in pure, white light and with each exhalation I am breathing out any toxic thoughts or emotions.4. Drink a large mug of water with lemonThis will help kick-start your metabolism, hydrate your body and detoxify your system, which all results in clear skin and sparkling eyes. Try to drink a few throughout the day, too.5. Jump on a mini tramp or skipAgain, its all about getting your lymphatic system pumping, which will energise you, flush away toxins and give you a light feeling for the day ahead. Even just a few minutes helps!6. Apply cleanser to faceNo matter how slack I am with everything else, this is a beauty trick I employ every morning, without fail. I use a cleanser that has many active ingredients and I apply a thick layer about 10 minutes before my shower, so it can work its magic as a mask. It leaves my skin bright and clarified and ready for the rest of my skin care and make-up application.7. Finish your shower with cold waterA warm to cold shower is toning on the skin, and helps to keep your blood and lymph circulating. Turn the shower to cold just before the end of your wash, and stand under it for as long as you can bear! Treat your feet Whether you've trudged home on a rainy day in cold, sodden shoes, or you've shopped 'til you've dropped, or you're running in a new pair of joggers or just want to unwind a bit, getting your feet into warm water works wonders.

It doesn't have to be a fancy concoction. Just a handful of salt in the water helps ease aches and soreness but if you put just a little more thought into it, amazing things can happen.RejuvenateVinegar (white or apple cider are preferable) is reputedly a panacea for all sorts of foot problems, from swollen feet to smelly feet, fungal toenails and tinea. Some people even claim you can detox your whole body just by soaking your feet in it.

What I do know is that a warm bath with vinegar (add about one cup to a small foot bath) does get rid of soreness and reduces swelling. Add a handful of salt for a double whammy of relaxation and rejuvenation.ExfoliateMilk contains lactic acid, a natural exfoliator that can help to soften feet. One of the easiest ways to use it in a bath is by adding dried milk, not fresh. It's more economical and you don't have to heat it just add to the hot water. Use half a cup for a small foot bath. You can sweeten the milky bath with three tablespoons of honey and a dessertspoon of vanilla essence.RelaxEpsom salts also help increase circulation to reduce minor swelling and ease muscle soreness. Make an easy and fragrant foot bath with half a cup of the salts and three drops of essential oil. Rose oil is beautiful to use before bed and promotes sleep. Lavender, which is also antibacterial, is similarly calming.SootheOatmeal in water helps to soften your feet and will help to soothe irritations. The easiest way to use it is to place two tablespoons of oatmeal into the toe of a stocking and tie it so the oats won't escape. Put it in hot water and knead. A white starchy substance will come out keep kneading until the water looks milky. You can add lavender oil or honey if you wish. The lavender helps kill germs and the honey helps moisturise.RevitaliseIf you are planning to go out but feel you have completely had it, a foot bath may be the answer. Some essential oils are stimulating and increase blood circulation to help you feel refreshed. They include peppermint, pine, eucalyptus and rosemary. Three drops in total added to the bath can help to put the spring back in your step.

NoWords/PhrasesPronunciationMeaning in EnglishMeaning in VietnameseExample

1Inhale (v)inhlBreathe inHt vo They were taken to the hospital after inhaling fumes

2Muscle (n)/msl /

- A band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body.- Physical power; strength.Bp tht, sc mnh. - The calf muscle

- He had muscle but no brains

3exhalation (n)/ eks(h)lSHn /The process or action of exhaling.Xng ln, hi bc lnIt maintains the process of inhalation and exhalation as well as sensual acuity.

4Meditate (v)/ medtt /

Think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.Suy ngh As Howard meditated in silence, his mind cleared and his self-centered thoughts faded away.

5lymphatic (n)/ limfatik /

A veinlike vessel conveying lymph in the body.Mch bch huyt In addition, cancers can metastasize by penetrating into blood vessels, lymphatics , and body cavities

6Vinegar (n)/ vingr /

A sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling.Gim In southern Europe wine vinegar is the norm, for example, while in northern Europe malt, cider, and distilled vinegars predominate, and in the Far East rice vinegar is most usual.

7Rejuvenate (v)/ rijoovnt /

Make (someone or something) look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively.Lm tr li A bid to rejuvenate the town center

8Soothe (v)/ sooTH /

Gently calm (a person or their feelings).Lm du liA shot of brandy might soothe his nerves

9eucalyptus (n)/ yooklipts /

A fast-growing evergreen Australasian tree that has been widely introduced elsewhere. It is valued for its timber, oil, gum, and resin, and as an ornamental tree.Cy du gi Quick-growing wattles and eucalypts (gum trees) spread through the country for a multitude of uses on farms, mines, and railways and became a mark of habitation.

10panacea (n)/ pans /A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.Thuc tr b bnhThe panacea for all corporate ills

Beauty Tips: Get Rid of Acne for Smooth Skin1. Slather on the sunscreen.We know, we knowyou've heard it a million times, but wearing sunscreen is the single easiest way to look younger for life. "Ninety percent of wrinkles are from sun exposure," says Day. "It's so much easier to prevent the damage than it is to fix it afterwards." That means no slacking during winter months either, when rays are just as strong and can reflect off of buildings and sidewalks. Look for a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection to guard against UVA rays (the ones that cause premature aging) and UVB rays (one of the main causes of skin cancer)2. Clean your makeup brushes.A British study found that 72% of women never wash their brushes or sponges, even though they harbor dirt and bacteria which can cause breakouts. "You should wash loose powder brushes every two to three weeks, and those used to apply foundation once a week," says Jessica Wu, an LA-based dermatologist and author of Feed Your Face. Mix a couple of drops of gentle facial cleanser or shampoo and lukewarm water in a cup, swish your brushes around, rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry, and lay flat to air dry.3. Start using serum."It's much more concentrated than cream or lotion, so you tend to only need a small amount daily to see results," says Fran Cook-Bolden, Director of New York's Skin Specialty Dermatology. Look for one with antioxidants, the skin's major defense against free radicals and stress, and pentapeptides, which are a must-have when it comes to boosting collagen, the support structure that gives skin a firm, youthful appearance. For best results, apply to freshly washed skin; follow with sunscreen or moisturizer to lock in hydration.4. Sanitize your Smartphone.According to a Stanford University study, that iPhone you can't keep your hands off of can get more germ-infested than a toilet in a subway bathroom. In fact, the glass touchscreens on mobile devices are so good at spreading viruses that sharing them may be almost as bad as sneezing in someone's face. Here's a scary thought: All those germs land right on your cheek and jawline every time you chat away, causing pimples and irritation. To keep your phone (and face) bacteria-free, wipe it down with an antibacterial wipe a few times a day.5. Drop dairy from your diet (even that little bit in your latte)."Dairy productseven those that are organiccontain cow hormones that stimulate your oil glands and your pores, leading to acne," explains Wu. Beware of hidden dairy in foods like salad dressing, protein bars, and shakes6. Start using retinol."Everyone should use retinol," says New York dermatologist Doris Day. "It has decades of clinical data to support its efficacy, helps skin cell turnover, and boosts collagen production to keep skin firm and youthful." Most dermatologists agree that if you're only going to use one anti-aging product, prescription Retin-A is the magic bullet, and can even reverse abnormal and cancerous growth, among other forms of sun damage. "It has great anti-inflammatory effects, which is why it's as effective at treating acne as it is at treating wrinkles and other signs of aging," adds Amiry.7. Hit the sack early.We know, you've heard it all before, but it's called beauty sleep for a reason. "Sleep deprivation lowers circulation, which is why you look pale and washed out if you only get a few hours," says Amy Wechsler, one of only two U.S. physicians board-certified in both dermatology and psychiatry. It's also the best time to rejuvenate your skin. 8. Exfoliate for smaller-looking pores.It's amazing how something so tiny can feel so huge, but enlarged pores are one of the most common beauty complaints. "Pores appear larger when they're filled with dirt, oil, dead skin cells, and keratin, a protein that lives on the surface of skin," explains Amiry. "Remove those plugs, and they seem to shrink." To clear out the gunk, start exfoliating regularly with daily applications of salicylic and glycolic acid. To keep pores from getting even bigger as you age, practice safe sun. "Sun damage breaks down collagen, which can affect pore size as well."9. Remove your makeup before bed.Leaving makeup and dirt on skin doesn't just clog pores; it can cause excessive dryness and even skin dandruff. "Most makeup contains a sugar-type molecule that can grow yeast overnight," says Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine10. Stay out of hot water.A steamy shower may feel great, but it's one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Not only does the heat strip essential oils, but it creates a mild burn. 11. Drink an extra glass of water."Water helps clear the toxins that cause inflammation and blemishes," explains Eliaz. "It also assists in transporting nutrients and oxygen to skin cells, and preventing dehydration, which can cause premature aging." It can even make skin appear fuller since the hyaluronic acid that naturally exists in skin will pull in and hold the water for a wrinkle-plumping effect, according to Day. Both recommend at least 8 glasses of water each day, more if you're active or live in a warm climate. To add a little flavor, try a skin-soothing tea like chamomile or mint.12. Be patient with your products.We're all in a hurry to see results, but putting on the brakes can ensure that the results you get are positive. When you're starting a new product, use it every other day, and never try a few new buys at once. "Even if you just got a new skincare system, introduce one product every three to four days at the least," says Cook-Bolden. "You'll rarely experience dryness, irritation, and burning. And if you do, you'll know right away who the culprit is." Give any new potion at least 12 weeks (and up to 6 months) to see if it's really improving your skin before calling it quits.13. Put down the fries.Research shows that a diet high in fats and carbohydrates causes more wrinkles. "Creamy cheeses and red meats are actually known as aging fats because of what they do to our skin," says Wechsler. To keep your cells rejuvenated, stick to lean protein like fish, white meat poultry, tofu, beans, and lentils.28. Keep your hands off your face."Pickingeven lightlycan permanently damage skin," says Amiry. "I actually have patients whose skin cleared up with no medications, just because they stopped touching it." Every time you press against a pimple, it causes inflammation and distress to the skin. At the same time, bacteria is pushed deep inside the pore, and the oil glands burst, causing even more trauma. The result? More acne, plus discoloration and scarring. If you're really hooked on popping, leave it to the pros and schedule regular monthly extractions with an aesthetician who knows how to do them safely and gently.

Words/PhrasesPronunciationMeaning in EnglishMeaning in VietnameseExample

Slather (v)/sla/Spread orsmear(a substance)thicklyorliberally Dng/Tiu xi vi s lng lnSlather on some tanning lotion

Sanitize (v)/santz/Make clean and hygienicSt trngnewchemicals for sanitizing a pool

Jawline (n)/dln/Thecontourof the loweredgeof a personsjawng vin ca hm diHe had a dark,unshaven jawline.

Hit the sack(informal) Go to bedi ngHit the sack early

Deprivation (n)/dprve()n/Thelackordenialof something considered to be anecessityS thiu ht/mtSleep deprivation causes many bad effects.

Circulation (n)/skjle()n/Thecontinuous motion by which the blood travelsthrough all parts of the body under the action of theheartS lu thng/tun honThe circulation of the blood

Psychiatry (n)/sktri/The study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance, and abnormal behavior.Tm thn hc

Shrink (n)/rk/Becomeor make smallerinsizeor amount Co li, rt li, b liThesunhad shrunk anddriedthe wood.

Inflammation (n)/nflme()n/A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infectionS t chy/s bc chy, chng sng, vimchronicinflammation of the nasalcavities

1. (I've)got to go home and get my beauty sleep. Aphraseannouncingone'sneedtodepartbecauseitislate. 2. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.Beautifulthingsgivepleasurethatlastsevenlongerthanthebeautifulthingsthemselves3. age before beautyAjocularandslightlyrudewayofencouragingsomeonetogoaheadofoneself;acomical,teasing,andslightlygrudgingwayofindicatingthatsomeoneelseshouldorcango first.4. Beauty is only skin-deep.Apersonwholooksbeautifulmaynothaveapleasingpersonality;aperson'sgoodlooksmaynotlast.5. the beauty ofsomethingAqualitythatmakessomethinggood,easy,orofvalue