Download - Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

Page 1: Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

August 20, 2017

Great Swamp Baptist Church


1st Day of Chapel


Page 2: Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

Great Swamp Baptist Church

August 20, 2017

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM


The Welcome

Announcements Pastor Ralph Lee, Jr.

Call to Worship

Hymn # 7 “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”

Invocation Duane Armstrong

Selections of Praise & Worship

“We Believe”

We Pray for Special Needs

Pastoral & Offertory Prayer Pastor Ralph Lee, Jr.


Special Music Saylor Moser

“Once and for All”

Message Pastor Ralph Lee, Jr.



Page 3: Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

Nursery Workers


Vicky Roberts

Emma Grace

Next Week:

Diane Thames


Today: Duane Armstrong




CALL THE CHURCH @ 726-3631


Today: Cassandra Bradley Krey Lowther Next Week: Dorthie Armstrong Krey Lowther

Next Week: Wilbur Daley


Toll Committee For August

Helen Malphrus and Anita Blanton

Page 4: Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

From Pastor Ralph’s Desk:

Focusing On The Harvest

(Psalm 126:1-6)

Intro: In this chapter, Israel is returning after several years in

captivity. As they do, they carry on with great celebrations. They

describe it like being in a dream. They express their great joy with

hilarious laughter and exuberant singing of songs of joy.

However, once they arrived at the Promise Land their

celebrations gave way to a new focus. That new focus was to pro-

duce a harvest. That harvest was necessary for them to survive

now that they are back. So, now that they are back, they ask the

Lord to bless their property by blessing their harvest.

However, they recognize that for there to be a harvest,

they must do their part. The Psalmist reveals what they must do in

order to have a productive harvest.

Now today I want us as we honor our teachers at the be-

ginning of the school year, to see how this chapter is much like

what we are dealing with. Like the Israelites, we too have been

miraculously delivered from captivity by the grace of our blessed

Lord. Our captivity was sin and Jesus came and paid the price to

set us free with His very life by going to the cross of Calvary in

our place. Like the Israelites, we rejoice with great exuberance

and joy through laughter and singing.

Now, however, like the Israelites now that we have entered

the Promise Land of Jesus’ salvation, we too must focus on the

harvest. If there is to be success and continued life, then we must

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produce a harvest. As a matter of fact, god has called us to be

farmers in a spiritual sense. This Psalm reveals in the last three

verses how we go about focusing and producing a harvest. Of

course, we should explain that the harvest is in the hearts, souls

and minds of the people God puts before us.

I. First, we sill focus on the harvest by going, vs 6.

Now the going part is obvious. By this I mean you can’t

produce a harvest until you get out into the field where the harvest

is produced. That is the starting point of producing a harvest. In

other words, you can’t store the seed permanently and grow crops

at the same time. You have got to eventually get them to the field

and that means going.

Evangelistically, this is an easy point. If we are going to

reach the lost and see a harvest, we must go out to where the lost

are. Obviously, this is a great part of what we must do to focus on

the harvest.

However, there is another aspect of going and that is that

we make a purposeful, conscious choice that we are going to do

what is necessary to be a part of helping to produce a harvest. In

other words, we are not going to sit around and hope for a harvest

or depend on others to affect the lives of others. No, we are going

to get up and get going to do our part in harvesting the hearts and

souls and minds of the people God puts before us. Are you going

or just sitting?

II. Second, we will focus on the harvest by weeping, vs 5-6.

Verse five mentions tears and verse six mentions weeping.

These tears and weeping is the signs of someone who is whole

heartedly devoted to the harvest. They so long for the harvest that

they weep over it. It also can be the sign of a person who so ago-

nizes over the harvest that they are pouring their heart out to God

for the harvest.

Another thing that the tears represent is toil, sweat and

labor that one puts into producing a harvest. They work so hard

for it that at the end of the day, it just makes them feel like crying.

These pictures are very applicable to our present situation.

As Christians, we should be so devoted to the harvest that we are

driven to tears as we contemplate our concerns over them and

their needs.

Also as Christians, we should weep to the point that we cry

out to God over the concerns of the harvest and how we can affect

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it for the glory of Christ and the good of the harvest.

Another way we are driven to weep is by the sheer labor,

toil and sweat we exert as we work with the harvest.

It is the picture of a weeping farmer who drops a seed

and then a tear, a seed and a tear, a seed and a tear. In the Bi-

ble, Moses wept, Jeremiah wept, Paul wept and Jesus wept. Je-

sus wept over Lazarus. He wept over Jerusalem and He wept in

the Garden the night before He was crucified. He most likely

wept on the Cross. We weep over many insignificant matters but

may the Lord lead us to weep over the production of the harvest.

May this matter to us more than anything else.

III. Third, we will focus on the harvest by sowing, vs 5-6.

Now obviously you can’t have a harvest without sowing.

The seed must be put into the ground before it can produce a

crop, and the crop that is produced depends on the kind of seed

you plant.

Well, if we are going to harvest the souls, hearts and

minds of people for the cause of Christ, there is only on kind of

seed that will work. That seed Jesus tells us is His precious

Word. In the Gospels, Jesus tells the parable of the farmer who

went out to sow his seed. Some of the seed fell on the path; some

fell on rocky soil; some fell among the thorns and some fell on

good soil and produced an abundant harvest. When Jesus ex-

plained the parable, He said that the seed was the Word of God.

In the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus reveals all

things concerning Himself to His disciples from the Word of

God. He did not say you remember this and that. No, He said to

them I did this and that because the Word of God said it had to

be fulfilled. Peter tells us that we are born again by the incor-

ruptible Word of God (I Peter 1:23).

There is power in the Word of God. Sow it in the lives of

the people God puts before us and it will find good soil and pro-

duce an abundant harvest. When they opened King Tut’s tomb

they found seed that had been placed there. They were 3,000

years old. However, when they were planted, the sprouted like

they were brand new. So, if a 3,000 year old seed can produce a

harvest, just imagine what the eternal Word of God can do.

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Concl. When under the leadership of our Lord we are going,

weeping and sowing then we can expect to start reaping and re-

joicing. The third stanza of the hymn, “Bringing in the Sheaves”,

describes it well. “going forth with weeping, sowing, for the Mas-

ter, though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves; When our

weepings over, He will bid us welcome, we shall come rejoicing

bringing in the sheaves.” May the Lord lead us to focus on the


Jesus Loves You

Ralph Lee, Jr.




Friday, September 8th (More Details coming soon!)

Step of Faith



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Operation Christmas Child Collection Totals for July

41 and over:

Wash Cloths: 216 Soaps: 115

40 and under:

Wash Cloths: 174 Soaps: 133

Let’s see if we can beat those totals for August

Collection Items


August 6th—13th—20th—27th




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Step Of Faith

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Friday, September 1st

5-7pm Eat In Or

Take out at school dismissal $7 per plate

(Dessert at an additional cost)

Donations Needed: Boxes of Spaghetti

Noodles Ragu Traditional Sauce

Desserts Contact for more info:

Amanda Bowen


Or SFCA Office


Silent Auction Starts @ 2pm

Ends @ 7pm sharp

If you would like to do-nate an item or service

for the auction Contact

Amanda Bowen 843-227-8566

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Cooking Teams



Wednesday Night Suppers Please


Ann Malphrus

If you are able to serve in this ministry

Thank You

Sunday Morning Breakfast

will resume in


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+ F I R S T R E S P O N D E R S S U N D A Y +

“Calling All First Responders”

We would like to honor you

Sunday, September 10th at 11am

at Great Swamp Baptist Church

Please come join us as we thank you

for what you do for our communities.

Great Swamp Baptist Church

9009 Tarboro Rd., Building #4


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Senior Adult News

Trip Balance Payment is due August 28th

Bus Fees are due October 4th

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Calling All Ladies!!!!! We need to update our telephone tree

with names & telephone numbers.

This list is for providing food for funerals

within our church.

For more info

Contact Dorthie Armstrong @ 843-726-67945


Church Office @ 843-726-3631

Sign-Up Today

Page 14: Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

August 20th Reed Smith August 22nd Ralph Lee Charles Malphrus Mike Mingledorff August 23rd Wofford Malphrus Billy Fennel August 26th Faye Lowther A gift of $50.00 was given to the SFCA Garden in Memory of Dorothy Tuten Malphrus by Ronald K. and Marie Malphrus. A gift of $200.00 was given to the Lane Malphrus Memorial Fund by Deborah Sharp. A gift of $50.00 was given to the SFCA Garden in Memory of Dorothy Tuten Malphrus by Brent & Diane Cooper. From: The Stanley Family We would like to thank the church for all they have done through the fire with our house. We would also like to give a special thank you to the Grandmother’s Group, Pas-tor Ralph, Freddie Malphrus, Bjo Mills and Ron & Carol Davis for going the extra mile in all they have done to help us. With all our love, Fredrick, Pam, Olivia and Lula Floyd

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Church Needs

Sunday School

Small Groups

SFCA-Donna Carter


Outreach Ministry

Nominating Committee

Deacon Selection

Ralph Lee, Jr. - Pastor

Richard Waitt- Music Director


Child Dev. Ministries


President Donald Trump

United States of America

Cancer / Treatments

Barry Jones (8/10)

Mitzi Cramer (8/10)

Wallace Roberts (7/27)

Diane Thames (7/27)

Maxie Mason (7/27)

Mack Pope, Sr (8/3)

Called to Ministry

Chris Carter & Family

GSBC Prayer Pages August 20, 2017

Lloyd Freeman (8/10)

William Burke (7/20)

Gail Malphrus (7/20)

KayCee Goethe (7/27)

Robert Sauls (7/27)

Lucille Degler (8/3)

Mike Hodge (8/3)

Shelby Greene (8/10)

Lula Floyd (8/10)

Expecting / Births

Victoria Keiffer

Other Health Needs

Nursing Centers

Elaine Degler-RNC

Wofford Malphrus-Effingham

County Rehab. Center

Doris Blackmon-Morningside

Thelma Ashing-RNC

Bereavement Family Of

Becky Floyd

Hospitals Peggy Fludd-BMH

Ron Davis (8/10)

Bonnie Pope (7/27)

Ladonna Stonerock (7/27)

Kimberlyn Malphrus (7/27)

Ruth Guillory (8/3)

Irwin Malphrus (8/10)

Reed Smith (8/10)

Ryder Smith (8/10)

Dot Tindal (8/17)

Joe Pace (8/17)

Surgery / Recovery

Duane Armstrong (8/10)

Olivia Stanley (8/3)

Sadie O’Connor (8/3)


Tim Cramer Family

Margaret & Keith Floyd & Family

David Sauls (7/20)

Michael Fitzhugh (8/3)

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Cancer / Treatments

Barry Jones (8/10)

Mitzi Cramer (8/10)

Wallace Roberts (7/27)

Diane Thames (7/27)

Maxie Mason (7/27)

Mack Pope, Sr (8/3)

Bobby Emerson- Fort Hood-Army

Jared Blanton-Fort Benning

Matthew Mills-Va-US Marines

Jericho Malphrus-Air Force

If you have someone who needs listing, call either the

church office a@726-3631 or E.L. Ambrose @ 726-5479.

Thank You

Pray For Our Military

Today’s Prayer Team

Group I Patricia Malphrus-Leader

Truett Vaigneur Shirley Malphrus

Vera Miles

Watchman Prayer Service

Saturdays @ 8:00am

Prayer Note For emergencies

a prayer chain

is available for needs.

You may access

by calling the

church @ 726-3631


E.L. Ambrose @ 726-5479

Please Continue To Remember

Ricky Cleland

Mike Hodge

Shirley Malphrus

Rose Boyles

Lula Floyd

Mary Cope

Judy Smith

Jeffrey Stanley

Joyce Sutler

Dot Nettles

Betty Nettles

Tom Hinely

Olivia Stanley

Lois Bootle

Grace Boyles

Patricia Malphrus

Scott Boyles

Gary Way

Christy Gagel

Vera Miles

Mary Daley

Leonard Steedly

Barbara Mills

Rodney Malphrus, Sr.

Lanell Smith

Brian Freeman

Susan L. Vaigneur

GSBC Prayer Pages August 20, 2017

The filling of the Holy Spirit is a part of God’s plan of salvation. To be saved and not be filled is impossible. In the filling is empow-erment for living out his filling by his control. The abundant life is the result. Prayer is the medium God fives us to bring us to such maturity.

E.L. Ambrose

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SFCA Dismiss Early

Monday, August 21st, 11:30am

The Quilting Club is meeting in the

Old Parsonage

Thursday, August 24th@ 10:00am

Watchman Prayer Group

Saturday, August 26th @ 8:00 am


Saturday, August 26th @ 8:00 am

Starting in September, the ages for children’s Church will

be K-4 thru 5th grade.


The S.O.F.F.E. Group has changed their meeting date to

August to the 28th instead of the 21st at 7:00pm.

The WMU Fall Meeting is Tuesday, August 29th At 6pm at

Ridgeland Baptist Church.

The Grandmother’s Group for September 5th will be held

at the home of Pam Stanley.

Page 19: Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, · Great Swamp Baptist Church August 20, 2017 Sunday Morning Worship

Budget Offerings This Week

Weekly Budget Surplus/Deficit

+ / -

Tithes & Offerings $2,784.00 $ 4,943.56 -$2,159.56

Designated Funds This Week ********* Acct. Balances

Lane Malphrus Memorial $200.00 ********** $640.00

Gleaner’s SS Class $58.01 ********** $217.11

SFCA Repairs (Grayco) $367.42 ********** $267.42

SFCA Trash Security $123.14 ********** -$68.74

SFCA Exterminator $147.50 ********** $0.00

SFCA Electric $2,207.60 ********** $0.00

OCC $5.00 ********** $737.07

Great Swamp Baptist Church

9009 Tarboro Road, Ridgeland, SC Office - 726-3631 Fax – 726-3294

Email: [email protected]


Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Ralph Lee, Jr………………………………………………………………………[email protected]

Music Director: Richard Waitt………………………………………………………[email protected]

Sunday School Director: Wallace Malphrus……………………………………………[email protected] Pianist: Michelle Waitt…………………………………………………………………[email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Sybil Reynolds……………………………………………[email protected]

School Administrator: Donna Carter…………………………………………………………[email protected] Custodian: Ann Malphrus………………………………………………………………[email protected]

Landscaper: Wallace Malphrus…………………………………………………………[email protected]

Calendar of Events

Sunday Morning Breakfast (September thru May Only)........................................................................ 8:30AM

Sunday School………….….…………………............................................................................................ 9:45AM

Morning Worship…….….…...…………………........................................................................……….....11:00AM Evening Worship…….…….……………………..........................................................................................6:00PM

Wednesday Night Supper (September thru May Only)........................................................................... 6:00PM

Wednesday Night Service………………………………...............................................................................7:00PM Saturday Watchman Prayer…………….………….……….........................................................................8:00AM


A Special Called Business Meeting

is set for Wednesday, August 23rd

to vote on 2017-2018 Leadership positions.

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