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  • 1.SWOT Analysis for E-Commerce Business Submitted by : Name : Passakorn Hanchavee

2. Content Definition of e-commerce Advantages of e-commerce What does SWOT stand for? Definition of SWOT analysis Types of SWOT analysis Definition of SWOT profile Strengths of analysis for e-commerce business 3. Content Weaknesses of analysis for e-commerce business Opportunity of analysis for e-commerce business Threats of analysis for e-commerce business How to start e-commerce business in Thailand Conclusion 4. Definition of E- commerce E-commerce is a short form of electronic commerce. Basically, it is a business transaction that occurs over online electronic networks such as the internet and World Wide Web. 5. Advantages of E- commerce Use for retail, finance, traveling, entertainment, and health Share business information, maintain business relationships and conduct business transactions by telecommunication networks Deduce the distances between people Vendors can increase competitive advantage Increases the confidence level of vendors 6. What does SWOT stand for? SWOT stands for - Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats 7. Definition of SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a simple framework for generating strategic alternatives from a situation analysis. It is applicable to either the corporate level or the business unit level. 8. Types of SWOT Analysis Internal analysis - It is about evaluation of the internal environment's potential strength and weakness. - Both of strength and weakness can be control. External analysis - It includes opportunity and threat. 9. Definition of SWOT Profile SWOT profile is the lists of SWOT that are generated after the company analyses the SWOT e-commerce for its business. 10. Strengths of Analysis for E-Commerce Business Global location or the boundary less Time saving No time constraints The customers can compare price and product Reduction of logistical problems The vendors can communicate with consumers directly Customer interaction can be improved Target market segmentation is flexible 11. Strengths of Analysis for E-Commerce Business The information is simple and easier exchange The transaction cost is lower Buying procedure is fast and quick No physical company set up Financial transactions are very fast and can be done from any part of the world The investment and operating cost are low 12. Weaknesses of Analysis for E-Commerce Business Security matter confuses customers especially about the payment process Fake websites bring bad name to e- commerce Fraud There are a few discounts and bargaining Delivery timing is long Customers do not have any idea about quality and physical condition of the 13. Weaknesses of Analysis for E-Commerce Business Limitation of products Lack of personal services The shipping cost is high Limited exposure Limited advertising Some customers prefer to purchase product reaching personally to the market 14. Opportunities of Analysis for E-Commerce Business Customers comfort to purchase products through the internet E-commerce can be operated any where any time without any interruption The e-commerce companies are available 24 hours everyday Cut down on local competition Advertising is cost effective as compare to conventional offline system. 15. Threats of Analysis for E-Commerce Business Competitors are increasing day by day The trends, fashion, law, and regulations may change The company's products might not be innovative products The information can be misused lead to spam e-mail or identity fraud 16. Threats of Analysis for E-Commerce Business No direct interaction of customers and vendors Fraud The customers face the risk when they make transactions E-business has wide scope and broader vision to grow 17. How to Start E- commerce Business in Thailand Survey the product or service which is trendy and popular in that time Select the type of product or service that you want to sell Select website or web page that you want to introduce your product or service Frequent update your website or web page Always take care of customers even they already purchase the product or service 18. Conclusion When you start to do e-commerce business, you have to analyze the SWOT for e- commerce business because you will know the ways to maintain the strengths and reduce the weaknesses. Furthermore, you will not miss any opportunities that you have and you will know how to eliminate the threats of e- commerce business. Therefore, your company will be able to use this SWOT profile to make your company to succeed in this business. 19. References (2002-2010). SWOT Analysis. Retrieved June 11, 2014, from NetMBA Business Knowledge Center: Samin, M. A. (2012, March 2). Advanced SWOT Analysis of E-Commerce . Retrieved June 11, 2014, from IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues: