Download - grays art school visual communication catalogue 09

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John Hall:Subject Leader, Visual Communication, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen.

‘Visual Communication’ is an all-encompassing term and one which perfectly reflects the eclectic range of directions, working methods and passions evident in this year’s graduating students showcased within this publication.

Design and art are given equal relevance and have been encouraged as essential territory for self initiated exploration and future career directions.

The range of work evident spans a wide and sometimes private horizon, but the overall vision, which emerges, is evidence that no specific methodology is sufficient to successfully communicate a message. Traditional stands alongside digital and often the two are invisibly fused with unique results.

These fifteen young visual communicators are clearly informed and have something to say. They comment on phenomena and issues, which deserve our attention and in doing so trigger our awareness of the diversity of society and its rich complexity.

This process is achieved through animation, illustration, photography, printmaking, typography, film and any other method, which effectively squares the circle, and creatively communicates the message to a relevant audience.

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[email protected]

In my studio work I have worked with such themes as, mans relationship with the planet, the fragility of human existence and the science and theory behind the lives we live, the way we are and why. We were thrown into existence alone and alone we will be taken away from it. Through drawing, collage and large-scale paintings I have investigated and questioned the vastness of life and space while maintaining a universal sensibility.

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[email protected]


‘Sugar Coated’ is an exhibit about our nation’s unhealthy obsession with gossip, tabloids, celebrity scandal and the 24-hour media machine that we so heavily rely on. It is about taking something that’s real and unpleasant and making it appear comfortable and normal. I want my work to entertain as much as communicate, utilizing irony in combinations of word and image to take the piss out of the British public without them being too aware of it. I don’t want to dictate what people should think, I just want them to think. All of my work has been designed as a metaphor for cant-escape-it-media-sensationalism.

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[email protected]

During my final year I have combined drawing and illustrative techniques to produce traditionally inspired designs to answer modern briefs. The briefs have varied from relatively open illustration briefs to book cover design and graphic design. My work focuses predominantly on a mix of illustration and design and I hope to work freelance in both fields after university.

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[email protected]

“I’m interested in music, and our relationship with sound. In our everyday lives, we are surrounded. Its something everyone can relate to: be it hearing music over the radio at a shopping centre, or main stage at a music festival. I’ve been looking at how these experiences are shared; sensations such as Synaesthesia, in which sound can createa colour experience, and musical phenomenon, such as the proliferation of the Amen break in popular music; a simple six-second drum break,which was instrumental in creating an entire culture. I’ve also been considering the dimension of silence, of what we hear when we step back from the constant surge of sound.

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[email protected]

We live in a fast paced technological age. The speed and accessibility of modern digital working methods means that professional looking visual solutions are readily available to all. As a consequence, communication professionals must do more to set themselves apart amidst a sea of increasingly homogenous design. As a visual communicator I aim to tackle this issue by developing unique aesthetics that digital media cannot reproduce. Through reveling in the rich variety of handmade techniques at my disposal and filtering them through digital design software I aim to provide solutions that communicate in a clear, vivid manner while retaining strong elements of surface, texture and craftsmanship.

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[email protected]

Ones environment consists of the particular surroundings in which you live or exist, considered in relation to their physical characteristics. Environment has been the focus of my work this year. Natural, man made, virtual or mythical all shaping our views and influences our decisions and opinions. I have explored Leisure Centres that recreate natural environments to mythical environments that are constructed with in our minds to the virtual environments. I’ve tackled this subject with a broad spread of work from a documentary style of photography to illustrations in narrative.

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[email protected]

As a visual communication student I have picked illustration and photography to work with during the 4th year. In my work I am looking at different illustration methods and techniques based on classic drawing, which is my main field of interest. Consequently I have been involved in working with mixed media collage.Since last year I have been fascinated by the motif of a flâneur, which is an activity of strolling and looking around a city, which inspired me to use it as a method of artistic exploration of the notions of the Everyday, the Modernity and the City and how they all relate to the Individual.

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[email protected]

For my final year I have used a variety of design styles ranging from photography, illustration and various computer programs like Photoshop, In Design, Flash, Final Cut Pro and Dreamweaver. For all of my projects I have worked towards a predominantly professional standard of work, by achieving freelance editorial and video animation/visual work for snafu magazine/ club snafu and bar five. Also, designing a website for Aberdeen University. My main passion behind my work is to let the image speak for itself by using a no copy design style.


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[email protected]

The addition of imagery to all manner of printed ephemera creates something with increased longevity and substance. My work is based on illustrative briefs concerned with editorials, publications and poster campaigns and also competition briefs. This was in order to work to deadlines whilst also exploring a vast range of artistic mediums, ranging from the hand drawn to various computer programs, which could then be translated for mass production.

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[email protected]

Throughout my final year, I have been investigating the visual aspect of storytelling. I commenced with a period of research, where I explored the traditional types of illustration that accompany children’s stories and contemporary adaptations of traditional tales. I also began looking at folk tales and local stories, and seek to tell the story of mythical sites that carry particular local prominence; for example the Clootie Well in Munlochy. My ultimate aim is to provide a fresh angle for the storytelling tradition, one for those of the digital age.

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[email protected]

My interests centre around urban life and ideas on the way in which the city molds and shapes the lives of its inhabitants. Normative behaviours dominate and soically constructed space delineates where we should or should not go. The social construction of space discourages subervsion. Certain urban spaces, as can be seen by observing patterns of perdestrain traffic,attract us, while others create a sense of foreboding. My aim is to capture these fragments and represent them visually.

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[email protected]

Inspired by my interests and surroundings, my work is based around the things that are personal to me: today’s obsession with the perfect body image, the idiosyncrasies of my part time job in a cinema and my unfortunate case of bad luck. I have used a range of media, from stop frame animation, photography and illustration to communicate my ideas.


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My interests lie in hard hitting advertising and graphic design, dealing with issues such as Loving Your Body, Self Harm and Knife Crime. Using photography and typography as the main base of my work, I hope to create controversial and appealing adverts that pushes the boundaries of advertising. [email protected]

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[email protected]


Homonym noun a word pronounced and spelt the same as another, but having a different meaning.As the main body of my work its is this confusing aspect of the English language that I have been exploring through a variety of tactile handmade and computer based illustrative methods.

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[email protected]


“In 1995 there were 300 people ages 100+ in the UK. By 2031, it is estimated that the figure could boom to 36,000”

Although this is something to be celebrated, it is none the less the case that more and more people will live alone. This will lead to social isolation amongst the elderly becoming the biggest issue facing Britain. My forth year study focuses on the beauty of getting old, I am not only making people aware of the rising issue, we as a society are facing but encouraging a positive take on age concern and reminding people that one day we hope to grow old.

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with thanks to .....

-The Visual Communication Course Staff at Grays School of Art. John Hall, Stuart Johnstone and Ruth Maxwel

-Everyone in Vis. Com. 4th Year

-Project Slogan For providing us with the use of their venue for fundraising purposes

-Kyle Mckenzie Overall concept and design.

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