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  • 8/18/2019 Graphical Document of Amendment


    7.0 Conclusion

    The competition experienced in this industry is monopolistic competition. Students themselves

    choose internet service provider which they believe gives them the most satisfaction. Price as a

    factor plays a major role however, which offsets this. As students their access to funds required

    to purchase these internet services is severely limited. So income is another deciding factor in the

    demand for internet services. Taste and preferences play little part when resources i.e. cash is in

    short supply or scarce. Price and ncome are the most important factors affecting demand for

    internet services among lower and upper sixth students in Presentation !ollege, !haguanas

  • 8/18/2019 Graphical Document of Amendment


    Purpose of study

    The areas chosen for the study has a high number of youth among their populations. These youth

    often ta"e part in negative activity such as smo"ing and consumption of alcohol. #rug use and

    violence have become quite common. f this problem is not addressed, a generation may be at

    sta"e and can lead youths towards a life of crime. The researcher has an interest in this topic ashe has experienced the adverse effects of peer pressure in his life. $e is an avid party goer and

    ta"e part in these activities occasionally.

    Price elasticity of demand of %&'()s internet service in was interpreted as *+ by using the

    formula P# - / 0 1uantity demanded2 3 / 0 Price2. The price elasticity of demand can be

    described as inelastic since there is a less than proportionate change in quantity demanded to a

    change in price %   ΔQ  4 %   ΔP¿ .  t was wor"ed out5 *+6/2 3 76/2 - *+

    P..# - ΔQuantitydemanded


     Δ Price=Change∈ Price

    Original Price   X100

    1  =$500

    $5000   X100

    1   = 76/


    OriginalQuantityDemanded   X100

    1   =−2mbps

    10mbps   X100

    1   = -+6/

    P..# -−20

    10   - *+ %  Δ  – percentage change)

  • 8/18/2019 Graphical Document of Amendment



    A 8..# of 9 suggests that %low)s

    internet service is a normal good that isvery elastic. This means that demand

    rises by a greater proportion than

    income when it rises. %low)s internet

    services may be elastic since it has

    many substitutes such as :&;

  • 8/18/2019 Graphical Document of Amendment


    &iscussion – ,/.( *$xpanded on the sources

    'onclusion – (/( *Full mar1s

    imitations – 2 *Remo!ed bullet points

    Rec – *Remo!ed bullet point

    4!erall presentation ./( *$xpanded on presentation

    6ritin7 S1ills – (/3 *Impro!ed 0ritin7 s1ills

    &etailed comments are in the edit column and also chec1

    lin1 for A+A as 0ell as the rubric for mar1in7 0hich is in

    )our s)llabus%