Download - Grace Church February 2015

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february 2015newsletter

Page 2: Grace Church February 2015

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands,from east and west, from north and south.

Psalm 107:1-2

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Easter 2012, I remember sitting back stage at Grace Church listening to my voice play back on the screens in the auditorium. A video of how I came to Christ while I was in college and the events leading up to that decision was playing for 1700+ people. Moments I wasn’t proud of and memories best left in the past were shared for all.

Why even share a story like that? The creative team and I wanted people to understand that the Easter nar-rative was personal and for them. God has the power to transform and change lives. If we could show that God could take someone far from him, broken and hurting and heal, restore and call her that maybe it would reach someone.

Sharing my story made me feel vulnerable but I saw how God could use my past and pain to give new life to others. People came up to me and shared their story with me. It is my hope that God used my story to pave a way for others to have a deeper understanding of Him and his great love for us all. I hope that through sharing my story others have found heal-ing and restoration.

Over the past ten years, I have told my story to many people. The power of Christ has transformed my life. My testimony of what Christ has done in my life con-tinues to grow and develop. He continues to do amaz-ing things.

Last Easter our technical director, Michael Crandall, and worship team volunteer Tracie Hoffman shared their stories. God radically healed Michael. God transformed Tracie’s life. A few years ago Ed Berg-

strom shared his story of coming out of addiction. Re-cently, we heard from Tony Looney and Tony Myers about their adoption stories.

Over the years at Grace Church many have shared their stories and yet I know that there are many more stories. God is powerful and He is doing great things in all of us. I know miracles are happening. I know that prayers are being answered. Sometimes as a church staff we hear these praise reports or testimonies and we would love to hear more of them!

Testimonies give witness to God’s power in those seeking Christ and they encourage believers. Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him [satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

We will overcome the enemy with the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. What great power we have in something as simple as sharing our story. Our stories are valuable and important.

So, what is your story? What is God doing in your life right now? How can you use what God has done to benefit others? Be brave. Share with the world what God is doing.

they overcame him by the

blood of the Lamb and by the word of

their testimony

by Gwyneth Lang

Gwyneth LangCommunications

+ First Impressions Pastor

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TELL YOUR STORYDon’t diminish the importance of your story!Your story has value. Your testimony doesn’t need to be a roller coaster of ups and downs and it doesn’t need to have everything perfected and worked out. Some people are insecure of the fact that their testimony is that they have loved and served the Lord all their lives. Others are insecure because they have lived out some embarrassing history. The reality is that God can and wants to use your testimony.

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 NIV

Who needs to hear your story?There are people in your circle of influence that need to know what God is doing in your life. There are people who need to know your salvation story or about your decision to be baptized. They need to know how God has healed you or from what God has delivered you. Maybe your family needs to hear your story. Maybe your children or friends. Maybe your Coworker.

Pray boldly. Ask God who needs to hear your story. Be attentive and obedient to the prompt-ing of Holy Spirit. Your experience with God might be the encouragement someone desperately needs to hear.

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith.” 1 Thessalonians 3:7

Tell us your story!The Grace Church team wants to know your story! We want to know what God is doing in your life. Here are a few easy ways to share with us.

1) Contact a pastor or staff member.

2) Fill out our praise report link.

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Christmas 2014

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Girls Night Out is a night for ladies to come together to worship, be encouraged and meet new friends. Kim Telegin will be speaking and sharing about God’s great love story. There will be sweet and salty snacks and desserts. February 6, 6:30pm

Grace Kids World is our ministry for children from birth to 5th grade. Our kids have their own special worship experience on Sunday mornings. Get involved with GKW worship! February 7, 8:30am-1:00pm

Camas Christian Academy provides quality Christian education from preschool through middle school. The CCA annual auction helps provide funds for programs and students. March 7, 5:00pm

We want to help you to discover, develop, and deploy the spiritual gifts that God has given you. Serving opportunities are available in every ministry of the church. Whether you play an instrument, enjoy working with children, love to do yardwork, enjoy greeting people, or want to reach out into our community, there are many of opportunities for involvement. Pick up an involvement application at the Welcome Center.

Girls Night Out

GKW Worship Workshop

Camas Christian AcademyAuction

Serving at Grace

more information at

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LOOKING AHEA DFEBRUARY 6 / 6:30PM Girls Night Out FEBRUARY 7 / 8:30AM-1:00PM GKW Worship WorkshopFEBRUARY 8 GSPN Flag Football StartsFEBRUARY 16 / 7:00PM Bulgaria Mission Interest MeetingFEBRUARY 17 / 7:00PM Alaska Mission Interest MeetingFEBRUARY 24 / 7:00PM Guatemala Mission Interest MeetingFEBRUARY 27 / 5:00PM Camas Christian Academy Sneak PeakFEBRUARY 28 / 6:30PM G2 TribesMARCH 7 / 5:00PM Camas Christian Academy AuctionMARCH 14 / 5:00PM GKW Volunteer Appreciation DinnerMARCH 22 Grace Group Winter Season EndsMARCH 25 / 7:00PM Unite the NightAPRIL 3 / 7:00PM Good Friday ServiceAPRIL 4 + 5 Easter ServicesAPRIL 19 / 4:00PM Newcomers DessertAPRIL 24 + 25 Grace Ladies ConferenceAPRIL 26 Grace Group Spring Season StartsAPRIL 26 GSPN Basketball starts

Camp and VBS dates will be posted at the end of February!

more information at

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