Download - Governor-Elect Eddie Lee Visits - ca · PDF fileRoland Dyens Saudade #2, and Joaquin Rodrigo’s Junto al Generalife. CCKC Newsletter Feb. 14, 2011. Recent Speakers. 4 CCKC Newsletter

Page 1: Governor-Elect Eddie Lee Visits - ca · PDF fileRoland Dyens Saudade #2, and Joaquin Rodrigo’s Junto al Generalife. CCKC Newsletter Feb. 14, 2011. Recent Speakers. 4 CCKC Newsletter

1Capital City Kiwanis Club Club #5153, Division 3 Chartered Aug. 31, 1959

Governor-Elect Eddie Lee VisitsOn Thursday, February 10th, Florida District Governor-Elect Eddie Lee met with some of the Tallahassee clubs’ Presidents-Elect at a dinner hosted by Sandra and Jim Wylie to share his vision for the upcoming year. Eddie also relayed his experiences over the past year with his transition from Treasurer to Governor-Elect. Part of his initiatives for his term as Governor will be improving the leadership skills of club Boards of Director, support of Service Leadership Programs (Circle K International, Key Club, Builders Club, and Kiwanis Kids), and reinvigoration

of the Key Leader program in Florida.

Kiwanis International is a global organization of members of every age who are dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. C



sletter Feb. 14, 2011

Golden Corral, Noon on Monday1630 North Monroe StreetTallahassee, Florida 32303

Front Row L-R:Rick Beyer, Nancy Shank, Donna Wells, Bob Henderson Back Row L-R:Tommy Mills, Eddie Lee, Sam Frazier, Jim Wylie, Jim Ledbetter, Danny Dieth

February 7th CCKC Social Hour at Chez Pierre: Kim Ortloff, Jim Ledbetter, Dana Dowling, Bill Rogers, Jim Wylie, Nate Moon, Rick Minor, Ben Graybar

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

Prez SezSince the newsletter is published bi-weekly (which I understand can mean both twice a week & twice a month), this note is intended to cover Presidents’ Day.

What is the origin of Presidents’ Day ... the answer provided by Wiki: The Uniform Monday Holiday Act is an Act of Congress that amended the federal holiday provisions of the United States Code to establish the observance of certain holidays on Mondays. The Act was signed into law on June 28, 1968 and took effect on January 1, 1971.

The Act moved Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day (moved back to November 11, effective 1978) from fixed dates to designated Mondays. The Act was designed to increase the number of three-day weekends for federal employees. Though the holiday was not in existence at the time, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (established 1983) is celebrated on the third Monday in January, instead of King’s actual birth date, January 15.

Contrary to popular perception, the Act did not officially establish “Presidents’ Day”, nor did it combine the observance of Lincoln’s Birthday with Washington’s Birthday. The perception stems from the fact that the act placed Washington’s “birthday” in the week of February 15 to 21 and, since that week always falls between Lincoln’s birthday (February 12) and Washington’s (February 22), but never including either date, popular (but unofficial) references have given rise to the title, which recognizes both Presidents.

Apparently bankers & federal employees have vacation schedules in common (not sure how much else, though).

Happy Presidents’ Day

BenThe February-March 2011 issue of the Florida Kiwanian Magazine will not be printed and is only available online in an electronic format. Go to to check it out!

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January 31st – Fran PybusOutreach Specialist, Area Agency on Aging for North Florida

The Area Agency on Aging for North Florida (AAANF) provides services to seniors through Elder Care Services. Its main goal is to keep seniors in their home as long as possible. AAANF is one of 11 agencies in Florida contracted through the Department of Elder Affairs and disperses funds in 14 area counties. One of AAANF’s programs mentioned is working with Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. to give telephones with amplified speakers, free of charge, to those in need. Another program is the Aging Resource Center, which is accessed through the Elder Helpline (1-800-96-ELDER) and is a starting point for referrals for service to consumers, families, and caregivers.

February 7th – Adam KosslerClassical Guitarist

Adam Kossler’s first guitar teacher was his father, William, who along with Adam’s brother John, perform at the Kossler Guitar Trio. He is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in guitar performance at FSU’s College of Music. He has also participated as a guest artist and teacher at music festivals across the U.S., including several Suzuki schools and conferences. Adam has been named top prizewinner at several major guitar competitions – most recently, the 2010 Appalachian GuitarFest Competition. In addition to answering several questions from the members, Adam played several compositions for the members: Jose Luis Merlin’s Cathedral of the Birds, John Duarte’s Fantasy, Roland Dyens Saudade #2, and Joaquin Rodrigo’s Junto al Generalife.




Feb. 14, 2011Recent Speakers

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

Pantry Stuffing & Cook-InCCKC, in conjunction with area clubs, stuff the pantry and have dinner with the residents of the Southern Scholarship Foundation’s Ralph Davis-Kiwanis House. On January 31st, the tradition was continued, with the Lake Jackson Club’s Keith Roberts supplying some delicious home-made Ranger Stew. Kiwanians again showed their support by donating a huge amount of food and gift cards for the occasion.

All 7 Tallahassee clubs and the Havana Club were represented

Betty Esher, holding a plaque commemorating the contributions of the late Charley Esher (Killearn Club), surrounded by the residents

What a haul!

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

Early Learning Coalition Grand Opening On February 2nd, the Early Learning Coalition hosted a grand opening and open house for their new facility in the Northwood Mall. CCKC members Ben Graybar, Tom Morgan, Jan Morgan and Fred Williams attended the ceremonies. One of the future features of the ELC is a CCKC Teen Activity Room, which will serve as an entertainment/gaming center where older children (10-18) can wait while their parents are having consultations with ELC staff. At the February 7th meeting, President Ben Graybar passed around a photo of the room as it stands now (pictured at left), as well as a proposed budget from ELC for the room. A proposal for a matching grant will be submitted to the Florida Kiwanis Foundation. Ben Graybar, Jan Morgan, and Foundation Trustee Larry Spalding have been discussing the project with ELC Executive Director Lauren Faison for several weeks now, so hopefully, this project can get off the ground soon.

Thanks to Katy Fort, Foundation Liaison, and Mickey Moore, SSF President and CEO we have this picture of the old Kiwanis House on West Pensacola Street circa 1980’s. This house was originally the Business and Professional Women’s Scholarship House and was renamed the Kiwanis House in 1977, but was closed in 1991.

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

Zone 2 Conference & Governor’s VisitOn February 12th, the Kiwanis clubs of Zone 2 (Divisions 3, 4, 5, and 6) met in Lake City for the visit of Governor Tom Ramiccio and an opportunity for educational lectures. The Governor kicked off the day’s activities with a video about the Children’s Movement of Florida, with the message “Invest in Me.” He then reviewed his goals for the year with his overall theme of “Time to Serve” and the message of emphasizing service in our clubs, since Kiwanis is a service organization: Serve More Children (YCPO means prenatal care, nutrition, and education), Support Our Service Leadership Programs (building leaders is Kiwanis’ legacy), Develop Advocacy (be the voice of children), Encourage Club Excellence (invite a prospective member to a service project first), and Provide Club Counselors (tapping former Lt. Governors to re-energize clubs).

Governor Ramiccio then asked each Lt. Governor to give a 2 minute speech about projects being done in their Division. Our Lt. Governor, Scott Whitehead, mentioned a special project from his Havana Club – a children’s hospice, where patients received a gift bag containing books, crayons, and teddy bears in a canvas bag.

Then, the District Chair for YCPO, Celia Earle and members of her committee, gave a presentation, focusing on studies that show that children who experience a nurturing and educational environment are more successful later in life. She also focused on the 4 areas

Here are the attendees from Division 3 at the Awards Lunch. Past Governor Donna Parton is in red and third from the left in the front row; Governor Ramiccio is in a shirt and tie to the left of center.

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

of emphasis for the program: maternal and infant health, childcare and development, parent education and support, and safety and pediatric trauma.

Finally, there was a presentation on the ELIMINATE Project, which is a combined effort of Unicef and Kiwanis International to rid the world of Maternal and Neo-Natal Tetanus, which kills nearly 100,000 annually and affects 129 million people in 40 countries – all for the lack of a $0.60 immunization. The goal is to raise $110 million, and so far, ahead of the official kick-off of the fundraising campaign in May, $100,000 has been raised, with Florida raising nearly 50% of those funds!

The following educational programs began after the Opening Session and were divided into two sessions, which were held in several different rooms: Membership Retention, K-Kids/Builders Club, CKI/Key Club, Kiwanis 101, Town Hall Meeting, Community Service/Youth Services, Achieving Club Excellence, Proton Therapy for Children, and Social Networking.

After the educational programs, attendees were then served a BBQ lunch and the awards for 2009-2010 were handed out by Past Governor Donna Parton. CCKC did quite well in several awards categories: Distinguished Club, Distinguished President for Larry Chambers and Distinguished Secretary for Donna Wells, Caring Corner, Membership Growth +5, and Interclub Round Robin. Past Lt. Governor Donna Wells was also honored for having Kiwanis Foundation donations from every club in the division during her tenure.

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

Run, Mickey, RUN . . .Last year while training to qualify for the Boston Marathon, I dedicated my hours and miles in an effort to bring awareness and support to Rotary Youth Camp – thanks to many I was able to raise some money for this summer camp for physically and developmentally challenged kids.

I am now training to run in the Boston Marathon on April 18, 2011! This year I have partnered with Florida Disabled Outdoors Association to bring awareness to Miracle

Sports. This special program provides a unique, rubberized field upon which kids of all abilities can play baseball, kickball and flag football without limitations.

There are many reasons I have chosen to support this nonprofit and I am asking you to join me!

Of course, my love for baseball (Go Yankees) will always be there and I still enjoy playing the game today in the Tallahassee Baseball League – so bringing scholarship support to cover their costs to join the league is one of my reasons to support Miracle Sports. Many of these families can not afford the registration fee and I don’t want any of them to sit on the bench while others play!

As I run, and run, and run these 50-70 miles a week to prepare for Boston, I continuously focus on the primary reason to help – the sense of accomplishment once I cross the finish line after 26.2 miles! That same sense of accomplishment can be felt by these kids as they get their first hit, round the bases and score a run! We will share this sense of accomplishment, and you can as well by helping us provide player uniforms, equipment, supplies, awards and insurance for every player by donating today.

Please consider visiting and click on the DONATE tab to make a gift. Your contribution is 100% tax deductible, and be sure to mention “Mickey’s Boston Marathon” so we can keep track of the support. Feel free to share this with anyone that would be interested in supporting Miracle Sports!

Thank you in advance for the consideration – let’s Play Ball!

Mickey S. Moore

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sletter Feb. 14, 2011

At a University Club luncheon on February 9th put on by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities and the Florida Disabled Outdoors Association, plans were laid out for the future of William J. “Billy Joe” Rish Recreational Park, located on Cape San Blas near Port St. Joe. CCKC and other clubs in the Big Bend area have a special relationship, through the Miracle Field and Miracle League, with FDOA and APD.

Rish State Park Luncheon

Jim Ledbetter, Ben Graybar, David Jones (FDOA President and Bradfordville member), Jim Wylie, and William “Jay” Rish, Jr. (son of the park’s namesake, William J. “Billy Joe” Rish)

Rish Park is open year round for Florida residents with disabilities and their family members, guardians, and caregivers. It has special ramps that provide access to the beautiful beach on the Gulf of Mexico and newly renovated boardwalks that connect all the cabins to the beach, event hall, and wheelchair-accessible Olympic-size swimming pool.

One of our holiday service projects is staffing the Big Bend Hospice Tree of Remembrance, where donations can be made and bells, bows, or angels with messages can be put on the tree in memory of a loved one. Big Bend Hospice Community Outreach Coordinator Laurie Ward is trying to put together an article for local newspapers about the Tree and would like to include stories that CCKC members may have heard from people during their shifts at the Tree. If you are able to assist in this, or have a personal story of your own that you would like to share, please contact Laurie at (850) 878-5310 x 752 or [email protected].

Tree of Remembrance Stories

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Pop Top Tabs and Hotel Freebies

Place pop top can tabs and any hotel freebees in the container in the storage cabinet or distribution to Ronald McDonald House. POC: Bob Henderson

Meals on Wheels Roster – ROUTE G5

Please place the date of service on your calen-dars. If for some reason you find that you are unable to deliver the route, try to arrange a swap with another club member.

Please be at Elder Care Services, 2518 W. Tennessee St., by no later than 11:00 on your assigned date. Earlier is better! Remember we have to deliver the meals no later than 12:30 to meet Federal guidelines. Call 245-5932 if you have a conflict. For those of you who are new members, please see Fred Williams for information concerning the meals route. Thanks!February 16th – Jack TraylorFebruary 23rd – Nate MoonMarch 2nd – Howard PardueMarch 9th – Dana DowlingMarch 16th – Bob Henderson

Icelandic BonfireFebruary 19th Time 6:00 PM1291 Hayfield SpurLloyd, FL 32337

Roadside Cleanup Feb. 26th 7:00 AM for food; 7:30 AM otherwise Waffle House @ 3090 Walden RoadTallahassee, FL 32317 - (Highway 90 & I-10)

Capital City and Bradfordville Clubs Pancake Breakfast April 9th, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Applebee’s @ 1400 Village Square Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32308

Service & Fundraising InformationBoard Meetings

The CCKC Board of Directors last met on February

7th The next meeting is March 7th. The board meets

on the first Monday of every month, 5:30 P.M. at

Margaret Lynn Duggar’s office, 1018 Thomasville

Road (the rear of the Monticello Office building).

Meeting minutes are posted on the CCKC web site.

Members are encouraged to attend BOD meetings.

CCKC web address:




Feb. 14, 2011

At the January 31st club meeting, Donna Wells presented Joe Sanders a $450 check for the proceeds from the Alternative Christmas Market at Christ Presbyterian Church on December 10th and 11th.

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Kiwanis International, District, Division, CCKC Leadership & Information

2010 — 2011 CCKC Officers and Board of Directors

President: Ben GraybarPresident - Elect: Jim LedbetterVice President: Dana Dowling

Past President: Larry ChambersTreasurer: Joe SandersSecretary: Donna Wells

Board of Directors:2009-2011: Judy Chambers, Mickey Moore,

Janet Morgan, Bill Rogers2010-2012: David Johnson, Kim Ortloff,

Cleve White

2010-2011Division 3

Lt. Governor: K. Scott Whitehead (Havana)Lt. Governor-Elect: Tommy Mills (Killearn)Past Lt. Governor: Donna Wells (CCKC)

Secretary: Donna Wells (CCKC)Treasurer: Bob Henderson (CCKC)

Florida Foundation Trustee: Larry Spalding (CCKC)Division 3 Theme: We Serve Children

2010-2011Florida District

District Governor: Thomas Ramiccio Governor-Elect: Eddie Lee

Past Governor: Donna PartonFlorida District Theme: Time to Serve

2010-2011Kiwanis InternationalPresident: Sylvester Neal

President Elect: A. Alan PennPast President: Paul G. Palazzolo

Kiwanis International Theme: Year of the Fire





CCKC Editor’s Email: [email protected]

Birthdays Members are encouraged to give a gift equal to their age to the CCKC Foundation or service projects.February 23rd – Ed Joyce

Wedding Anniversary None

Kiwanis Membership None

Coming soon . . .

Program Coordinator:February – Tim Atkinson March – Bruce GillanderApril – Fred Williams

Weekly Greeter:February – Jim LedbetterMarch – Kim Ortloff & Dana DowlingApril – Early Harris

Speakers:February 14, Cello Duo,Georgia Sinko and Natalie Shaw

CCKC Datebook C



sletter Feb. 14, 2011

January 31st Meeting Guest– Brad Burns (Ben Graybar)

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Service Projects:

1. Roadside Clean-up/Highway Beautification: Quar-terly, the club goes out for about 2 hours on a weekend to pick up trash along a dedicated two-mile stretch of U.S. 90 about two miles northeast of I-10.

2. Handicap Ramp Building: At the request of and in collaboration with Ability First, the club constructs ramps for disabled or senior clients with limited access to their house.

3. Miracle League: CCKC, with other Kiwanis Clubs in Division 3, Florida Disabled Outdoors Association, local government agencies, business and private organiza-tions and individuals, supports a special athletic field and activities for children and adults with limited abilities at Messer Field.

4. Ronald McDonald House Pop-Top Tabs/Toiletries Soda, beer and juice can pop-tops and hotel freebies such as soap, shampoo, etc. are collected and donated to Ronald McDonald House to help support traveling families of seriously ill or injured children in hospitals.

5. Meals-on-Wheels: Each week a club member(s) deliv-ers meals from Elder Care Services to about 10 clients on Route G5.

6. ECHO Food Drives and Feed-the-Hungry: Annually members donate food products for ECHO and once a quarter members provide meal service to the homeless on weekends at First Presbyterian Church.

7. Bethany Apartments Support: CCKC supports children of homeless families in temporary housing at Bethany Apartments, including funding, clothing, kitchen utensils, furniture, playground cleanup and maintenance.

8. Bethany Kids Christmas/Easter Parties: CCKC, with the Moose Lodge, provides dinner, Christmas stockings and presents with Santa for the kids. CCKC also provides Easter baskets, an egg hunt, and games for the kids at Easter.

9. Kids School Dictionaries: The club annually provides dictionaries to all 3d graders at Ruediger, Pineview, Chaires, and Woodville Elementary Schools.

10. Ruediger Elementary Terrific Kids Program: CCKC sponsors recognition and mentoring of outstanding pupils ages 6-11.

11. Kids Voting: During general elections, CCKC mans a booth at a selected precinct to help educate kids on the election process.

12. SSF College Scholarships: The club provides 60% of its profits from Football Parking proceeds to the Southern Scholarship Foundation (SSF) to help provide college scholarships for needy qualified students and funds one student scholarship directly.

13. Ralph Davis Kiwanis House: CCKC, with other Kiwanis clubs, stocks food shelves in January and cleans/maintains this Southern Scholarship House in September.

14. Turn About: CCKC members serve on the board of this private non-profit, family-centered agency providing Child Victim Rapid Response for children who are victims and/or witnesses to violence, and for drug/alcohol rehab for youth and adolescents.

15. Salvation Army Sharing Tree: CCKC mans the tree at Governor’s Square for a day during Christmas holidays; shoppers pick a name and purchase items needed/wanted by needy children for gifts.

16. Big Bend Hospice Tree of Remembrance: Members staff the tree for a day, and shoppers donate to purchase an ornament to place on the tree in memory or in honor of a deceased loved one.

17. Lifeline: Members volunteer through Tallahassee Memo-rial HealthCare Lifeline Services program to install a button-activated emergency services summoning device so those who live alone or have restricted mobility can feel secure in knowing they can summon help when needed.

18. Soldier Care Packages: CCKC periodically sends several packages/backpacks with personal care items to deployed US combat troops.

19. Apples for Teachers: CCKC, Kiwanis Kids and Key Clubs recognize teachers and staff at Ruediger Elementary for their service with apples once a year.

20. Tales for Tots: CCKC donates new and “gently loved” books to kids, infants to 5 years old, volunteers to read the books to them, and then gives them the books to keep in order to encourage them to read.

21. Diaper Drive: In January and June, CCKC donates dia-pers to Healthy Start for kids ages infant to 5 years.

22. Service Leadership Programs: CCKC sponsors Kiwanis Kids at Ruediger Elementary School, Builders Club at Griffin Middle School, and Key Club at Lincoln and Rickards High Schools.

Fund-raising Projects:

1. Football Parking: Members park cars at the Southern Scholarship Foundation (SSF) parking lot on Stadium Drive during home FSU football games. CCKC splits the proceeds with 60% going to SSF to help provide college scholarships to needy kids and 40% to CCKC to support club projects.

2. Vidalia Onion Sale: An annual fund-raiser in which CCKC members sell Vidalia Onions from Georgia in various pack-age configurations during the spring and summer to support club projects.

3. Gourmet Nut Sale: An annual fund-raiser in which CCKC members sell Gourmet Virginia nuts in a variety of sizes and types of nuts (e.g. peanuts, cashews, chocolate-covered) during Nov-Dec to support club projects.

4. Pancake Breakfast: CCKC volunteers cook eggs and pan-cakes at a local restaurant for breakfast for a modest fee in the first quarter of the year.

5. Alternative Christmas Market: An annual fund-raiser in early December in which the club mans a booth at Christ Presbyterian Church on Bannerman Road providing shoppers with items supporting a selected club project, such as the Miracle League, from which they can choose to purchase as donations. Proceeds are donated to the CCKC Foundation.

Current CCKC Projects