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  • 8/13/2019 Government War Crimes in Anbar Province: Fallujah as Example


    Conservation Center ofEnvironmental & Reserves in

    Fallujah (CCERF)

    Government War Crimes in Anbar


    Fallujah as Example

    February 2014

    Fallujah - Iraq

  • 8/13/2019 Government War Crimes in Anbar Province: Fallujah as Example


    1. Introduction

    Since the start of the peaceful sit-ins of December 2012, numerous peaceful protestshave sprung up and spread in the Sunni Iraqi provinces against the sectarian political

    system, and the continued violation of human rights by the repressive Maliki forces.

    Instead of negotiating the legal, legitimate demands of the protesters, the Maliki

    regime conducted a brutal crackdown on the protests, the brutality increasing

    gradually with time. The number of arbitrary mass arrests increased with a parallelincrease in killings in an attempt to exterminate the protesters. This was especially

    evident in the three consecutive crimes that took place at the beginning of 2013,

    where protesters were gathered in the cities of al Huwayja, Fallujah, an Mosul.Malikis regime justified its policy with the excuse of fighting terrorism, then

    declared that the demands of the protesters were legitimate, only to go back to declarewar on terrorism, a war that in reality is a war against those who oppose that regime

    and its sectarian government.

    The Kurdish Coalition considered the DAISH (Dawlat al Islam fi al Iraq wal Sham,

    The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) question to be more of a political

    fabrication than a terrorist reason, Mr. Shuwan Muhammad Taha, a representative on

    behalf of the Kurdish Coalition, in an interview with Sumeria News, accusing Iitilaf

    Dawlat al Qanun (Rule of Law Coalition) of calling all of those who oppose it on theDAISH question terrorists (19). The policies of political marginalization and

    persecution have reached the representatives of Maliki MPs, when they accusingtheir colleagues within Parliament of being DAISHIs. A representative for Iitilaf

    Dawlat al Qanun, Mr. Muhammad Sadoun al Seyhud claimed that the political parties

    that refused to be present under the Parliamentary Dome to approve the new budget

    were all DAISHi

    Now, increasingly the fact of genocide plan with increasing such statements that callfor genocide under the pretext of terrorism, according to an Iraqi newspaper term

    lawmakers (Mada) said on the MPs of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, said there wasno part in Anbar valid to be as party in a dialogue with the government, and that raises

    the political initiatives not only serve the terrorists. Mr. Hussein Saffi (MP in Dawaparty) in a statement to this newspaper "pointing out that military effort is the only

    solution to end the crisis in Anbar, rejecting calls for dialogue advocated by some

    political sides, wondering "dialogue with whom?", and added," No political party in

    Anbar even talk with them, they are a group of terrorists, and any trying to confuse it

    supports terrorism"(30).

    Before the military operations in the province of al Anbar began, Maliki declared thatlarge units would be directed to go to Anbar desert, especially the Houran Valley,with a lot of troops from the rest of the provinces, in order to combat terrorism and the

    terrorist groups that he claims have arrived from Syria!!. But, after the operationsbegan in Anbar Desert, he changed the redirected all of his troops to the cities of Al

    Ramadi and Fallujah in a clear act of sectarian-based extermination. Repressive

    policies like these were the main motivation for the uprising in the first place, in

    addition to the general public refusing to ignore the existence the crimes of his

    unconstitutional private forces, SWAT. The military operations began on Malikis

    part when he, with the use of the military, arrested an MP, Mr. Ahmed Al-Alwani and

    assassinated his brother and his sister-in-law. Immediately afterwards, he ordered

    attacks on the protesters in the square in Al Rumadi, in order to make sure that theprotests would not remain peaceful, and that it would turn into a sectarian conflict,

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    one which he could manipulate to his advantage in the election of April 2014. Since

    December 22, the Maliki government has been carrying out an operation in the Anbar

    desert under the banner of fighting the terrorist groups that are hiding there, but it

    soon became clear that it was a widespread, armed attack directed at the residential

    areas in Rumadi and Fallujah, with random bombing of buildings using heavy

    artillery, tanks, and air strikes.

    Unfortunately, the Security Councils declaration of support for the Maliki war onterror has not taken into consideration the deadly attacks carried out against innocent

    Sunnis, and the opposition in general. This grossly inappropriate reaction on the partof the international community is the result of the UNAMI failing to bring accurately

    relate the humanitarian crisis and genocide crimes by the Mailiki regimes

    operations. Evidence of the corruption and deliberate cover-up on the part of the

    UNAMI in favor of the Maliki regime can be seen in its disregard for human rights,

    as shown in the delay in the periodical reports of the human rights situation in Iraq.

    This report originally was released every three months, then every six months, and

    now it is released only once a year, making it not as accurate of an analysis. The

    UNAMI has also failed to take any action by invitation the Special Rapporteurs of

    human rights to Iraqi for investigate the mass crimes and violations of Maliki regime,despite the numerous reports that expose his brutality and repression.

    The continuing genocidal policies against the Sunnis in Iraq motivated a member of

    the European Parliament, Mr. Struan Stevenson, who heads the European Parliament

    Committee on Relations with Iraq, to say that Iraq is regressing quickly to a state of

    civil war and ethnic cleansing. His point is made even clearer through the televised

    speeches by Maliki, in which he threatens the protesters, and, with sectarian language,

    encourages supporters to aid him in his struggle against the residents of Anbar.

    In the midst of this political drama, the residents of Anbar and Fallujah have been

    forced to take action in order to protect themselves from the very real threat that theMaliki forces pose. Self-defense of course, is a right that has been enshrined in all

    Divine and human-made legal codes, and is a necessity for the inhabitants of these

    provinces in the face of the criminal policies of this sectarian government.

    The dangerous situation of systematic targeting against the residents of Anbar,

    especially those in the cities of Al Rumadi, Fallujah, al Karmah, and al Khalidiyah, in

    addition to the governments decision to cut off all humanitarian aid to those cities as

    well as nearby cities which host thousands of refugees, all confirm the policy of

    sectarian extermination which many international politicians and analysts have

    warned of. The inhuman cruelty of the attacks carried out by the Maliki regimedemands the international communitys immediate intervention in order to stop the

    massacres mentioned in this report, keeping in mind that the population of Fallujah

    and its nearby towns adds up to 650,000 civilians.

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    2. Crimes of Genocide and Collective Punishments Against Civilians

    Since the start of the military operations in Fallujah on 22 Dec. 2013, theindiscriminate bombing of the city targeted all aspects of life within it. The residents

    of Fallujah have accused the Maliki government of murdering their children by

    bombing schools and demolishing mosques and homes (22,10,23). The victims of the

    Iraqi forces artillery, which are centered in Mazraa Camp near Fallujah, have

    confirmed that many bombs fell on their houses in the morning, while families werehaving breakfast, injuring numerous women and children in the village of Sbeyhat

    (the city of Karma) near Fallujah (4). An elderly man (living in the area of Jubeil)

    who was injured upon exiting the taxi-cab that had taken him to the city fromBaghdad, claimed that the military had opened fire on him meters after he left the area

    which they controlled. He was transported to the hospital with life-threateningwounds and a critical state of shock (6).

    The family of a young girl who was shot during a battle in the Naimiyah area of the

    city confirmed that the conflict has forced all the residents to flee, and that the

    regimes forces targeted families attempting to return to their homes (7). Eye-

    witnesses and citizens related to victims in the city of Karmah have released a video

    of panicking orphaned children whose orphanage had been bombed and reduced to

    rubble (9). Towards the end of January 2014, Liqaa Wardi, an MP accused the Malikigovernment of failing to fulfill its promise of stopping the bombing of Fallujah and

    other cities in the south of Anbar, claiming that over 15 rockets had been fired in thedifferent areas of city. Wardi said in an interview with Sumeria News that the central

    government has not stood by its promise of ceasing the shelling in Falluja city, where

    15 rockets and mortars were dropped in the areas of Naimiyah, Buwahwy, and

    Jamilah, south of Qadaa, resulting in many casualties, including a female refugee who

    was living in a school (15).

    Another witness was Mr. Hmed al-Isawy, aged 32, who was a assistant in a high

    school in Amriya, Fallujah. He recalled for us that on January 28, 2014, governmentforces bombed the Buwahwy area, near Fallujah, and blew up several houses, and

    killed livestock, as can be seen in the images attached below. This incident has beenconfirmed also by Ms. Aum Jamal, when she was present with her family displaced

    from Fallujah, in a mosque at this area when the shells rained down on as

    indiscriminate shelling on the area, many residents rushed to her children rescued by

    smuggled with the families of the other car out of the danger zone. She has been

    displaced from her house in Fallujah ( neighborhood Ressala) out of Fallujah because

    of the indiscriminate shelling on Fallujah, and fear for her children life (32).

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    2. 1. Statistics Regarding the Victims of Shelling in Residential Areas

    The chief of the Residing Physicians in General Fallujah Hospital, Dr Ahmed Shami

    Jassem, spoke to us about the number of victims as of January 27 th2014, saying there

    were 313 severely wounded civilians (amongst them 31 children, 31 women). The

    number of dead is 59 martyrs (amongst them 10 children and 4 women). He added

    that bullets caused most of the wounds during the first three days of the operation,

    which proves that military tried to force their way into the neighborhoods of the city.This contrasts with the wounds that he treated after January 3 rd 2014, which were

    caused by shrapnel due to the indiscriminate shelling of the city and its homes (2).

    We were able to find an official medical document that confirms that the number of

    civilian casualties in Fallujah since the beginning of the military operation by the

    Maliki Regime on December 30 2013 up until February 5th2014 is 452 victims. Of

    them, 69 have died, and 383 were wounded. Of the wounded, 40 were children and 39

    were women, and amongst the dead 10 were children and 4 were women (12). While

    another medical sources in Fallujah said the number of martyrs reached 85, while the

    wounded had exceeded the 400 injured, mostly children, women and the elderly (30).2.2. Eye-Witness Accounts of the Indiscriminate Shelling

    Many satellite television channels have tried to relay to the public the indiscriminate

    shelling against the civilians in the city of Fallujah (18). Below, we have excerpts of

    some cases and eyewitness accounts of victims and their families as following:

    1) According to documentary films passed on a satellite channel and workers in place

    mortuary in General Hospital, has killed two families of six members were eating

    their dinner during the fall of the shell on them in the house the night of January 23 to

    24, 2014, as the wounded wife one and remained the daughter of one of them the only

    survivor of the accident and the accompanying image her name is Ayat Mohammed

    Fayyad (10 years old) , note that the incident occurred in the neighborhood of Nazzal

    (5) .

    2) Lamiaa (25 year-old) spoke to us about one of her female relatives who lay besideher in the Intensive Care Unit of the Fallujah hospital. She said that her house was

    targeted with mortars and heavy artillery, fired at them from the Naimiya Police

    Station during the government forces attack on the residential neighborhood. Her

    relative said that she was shot in the head, and surgeons had to intervene in order to

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    remove the shrapnel from her head and she currently is bed-ridden and is in critical

    condition (1).

    3) A child young girl (Assile Jaber Hamid Ghatran) (aged 14), she was wounded by

    shrapnel in her neck, the upper right side of her body, and the lower left side of her

    body, as can be seen in the picture below.

    4) The children girl (Adian Omar) from al Dubbat District, aged 4 months, waswounded on the evening of January 24

    th2014 due to a mortar landing on her relatives

    house. A window near her fell upon her, severely wounding her head, as can be seen

    in the images attached below.

    5) The young girl (Fatima Thamir Hamid) (11 years old) was wounded by shrapnel on

    her left hand, as can be seen in the image below.

    6) Documented information has reached us from medical sources regarding the

    civilians who arrived in the Fallujah hospital on January 30 th, 2014. Their images can

    be seen below, and they are:

    1. Iman Muhammad Abdel-Razzaq, 40 years, female, wounded in Karmah,Fallujah

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    2. Ishaaq Saleh Muhammad, 4 years, male, wounded in Karmah, Fallujah3. Abire Saleh Muhammad, 18 years, female, wounded in Karmah, Fallujah4. Shurouq Burhan Ali, 7 years, female, wounded in Resalah, Fallujah5. Ashwaq Muhammad Jassem, 25 years, female, wounded in Resalah, Fallujah6. Sarah Muhammad Awdah, 13 years, wounded in Karma, Fallujah7. Fatima Muhammad Awdah, 15 years, wounded in Karmah, Fallujah8. Saleh Muhammad Abdel-Razzaq, 45 years, wounded in Karmah, Fallujah

    7) Amongst the tragic stories that have been relayed to us is the story of Abu

    Muhammad al Falluji (Ali al Halbusi) who lies today in the Intensive Care Unit inone of Erbils hospitals, capital of the semiautonomous territory of Kurdistan. He

    has been in a situation between life and death for two weeks now, and he does not

    know that he has lost two of his children due to shelling by the military. Thefamily claims that the shelling occurred on the Nazzal neighborhood in the center

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    of Fallujah, and the shell fell upon his house, which he refused to abandon, due to

    his belief that maybe a diplomatic solution would solve the Anbar Crisis. In an

    interview with Mada press, Karim Hassan al Halbousi, the victims relative, said

    Abu Muhammad, who is 53 years old, was an officers assistant in the former

    military. After the dissolution of the military, he worked as a cab driver in a car

    owned by his brother. Al Halbousi added that He provided for three children, two

    of them are boys in middle schools. The lone survivor is a girl whose engagement

    to her cousin was supposed to be announced but had to be postponed due to theconflict. An eyewitness clarified to us that he, on Wednesday morning (January


    2014) issued a warning about the number of casualties due to the density ofthe bombings. One of these stray bombs fell upon Abu Muhammads kitchen

    while the family was having breakfast. He remarks that The mortar resulted in

    the destruction of the entrance of the house and prevented neighbors from saving

    Abu Muhammads family, except after a lengthy struggle which involved not only

    direct neighbors, but people from all over the Nazzal neighborhood. He added

    that the event resulted in the immediate death of Abu Muhammads two sons, and

    in his own injury, in addition to resulting in his wife and daughter suffering from

    minor injuries. He continues: The medical team in the Fallujah hospital

    performed two urgent surgeries on Abu Muhammad, but failed to improve hiscondition or awaken him from the coma. He was placed in a coma due to a pieceof shrapnel that was lodged near his brain, in addition to damage to his liver and

    right kidney, as well as several fractures in his leg. On his part, another relative

    of Abu Muhammads named Ali Muhsin al Halbousi, in an interview with Mada

    Press claimed that The Fallujah hospital suffers from a lack of resources and an

    overcrowding of casualties. Also, it is threatened by shelling as well, for two

    bombs were detonated near the Emergency Room door, which prompted us to

    consider moving Abu Muhammad, but we could not decide where to we were

    constantly concerned with how we could move him within the city and out of it

    throughout his surgeries and despite his critical condition, because of the constant

    fighting and dense shelling between the army and the armed rebels in ourneighborhoods.

    8) On January 26, 2014, Dr. Wissam Jassem al Isawi admitted that the hospital

    had received that morning 35 injured civilians and 7 martyrs, amongst themwomen and children. The Maliki regimes forces had begun to indiscriminately

    shell the residential suburbs in the Naimiya neighborhood, Karma city, and al

    Saqlawiyah city, ensuring that all of the victims were members of peaceful

    families that had stayed in their homes during the shelling (21). While some local

    activists published interviews with the families of the victims of pictorial civilian

    was hit and damaged as a result of indiscriminate shelling by the forces of al-

    Maliki regime (25).

    On January 30th 2014 an MP representing Fallujah (Liqaa Wardi) criticized the

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    Maliki regimes failure to stop the indiscriminate shelling of Fallujah (15). The

    cruelty of the regimes forces against innocent civilians violates article three of the

    Geneva Convention. This article demands that in the case of armed conflict in the

    territory of one of the belligerents, anybody who is not participating must be

    treated with humanity at all times.

    2. 3. The Crimes of Bombing Medical Centers and their Cadres

    Fallujah Hospital was targeted more than three times up till January 27 th by

    government forces. The first time, a mortar was dropped on the hospital, which

    resulted in the injury of civilians who had gone to the hospital for medicine. The

    second shelling damaged the roof of the building, causing major monetary

    damage. The third attack was artillery shelling which heavily damaged the

    hospital, and caused a power outage. The Head of the Doctors Residing in the

    Hospital confirmed that the general state of depression, terror, and fear amongstthe medical cadres was overwhelming, not to mention the dangerous

    psychological effect the shelling has on the patients. In addition, medical staffs

    who works in the hospital was targeted on his way to work. Mr. Muayed Salman

    al Furaji was killed by bullet wounds shot by the Maliki regimes forces onJanuary 28

    th, 2014 as he entered Fallujah, coming from his home in the Bufraj

    area near the town of al Rumadi.

    On the evening of Sunday, February 2nd

    , 2014, the private hospital of Talib

    Hammad was damaged by several shells fired by the Maliki regime, as is depicted

    in the pictures of the journalist Shaker al Muhammadi of the Al-Waleed news

    agency. Other film published of locals documenting this crime (28).

    On February 4, 2014, and citing satellite Fallujah channel, a spokesman for thehospital in Fallujah Dr. Wissam al-Issawi confirmed that fall 3 shells on nearby

    Falluja Medical College Hospital for the educational year, which caused some

    damage of building. This accident news also confirmed by the Al-Waleed news

    agency, Local News, which was published the following photos to the scene :

    Mr. Muayed Salman al FurajiShel in front of the emergency

    department at the hospital

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    2. 4. Probability Use of Shells Carrying Chemical Weapons andFissile Weapons

    Some information from eyewitnesses within Fallujah has confirmed that gasses

    defused from some mortar shells for several hours after they landed. Mahmoud

    Nouri Kamel, one of these eyewitnesses has given us images of these thermal

    shells, which fell on the city yesterday, near ice cream of Fairouza. When theshells fell, a strong flame blazed from it, and a chemical vapor that smelled like

    rotten eggs wafted towards those nearby. Images below depict the occurrence.Other eyewitnesses have sent us videos of the remains of a mortar that exuded anausea-inducing vapor )8( .

    An eyewitness confirmed for Al-Taghier Satellite Channel that the military usedfissile (cluster) weapons targeting markets, homes, and mosques. Medical sources in

    the city hospital of Fallujah have spoken of tens of civilians suffering from injuries

    and deaths due to such gases yesterday as the military tried to regain control of the

    city from the tribesmen who currently lead the resistance and have control of the city


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    3. Forced Displacement of Civilians

    The brutality of the indiscriminate shelling of residential neighborhoods has forced

    tens of thousands of civilians to exuding or escaping from the city. The estimation ofhumanitarian aids workers said about 40% of the original population still resides

    within the city. Most of the citizens who remain depend on daily salaries, meaning

    that they do not have the resources to rent a house outside of the city. Many civilians,

    when interviewed by satellite television channels said that they are forced to remainunder life-threatening shelling due to their inability to leave and find refuge anywhere

    else (17). Others were forced to seek refuge from the fighting in abandoned skeletal

    buildings despite the lack of electricity, water, heat, and cooking utilities (24).

    UN Reports confirmed the displacement of over 65,000 people due to the struggle in

    the towns of Fallujah and al Rumadi, and has left over 140,000 people homeless. The

    violent shelling has damaged numerous schools and hospitals and has thus displacedthose families that were residing in them.

    While children's organization UNICEF pointed that more than 40 000 children have

    been displaced with their families in addition to the killing and wounding many ofthem through indiscriminate shelling of the city and the organization continues its

    attempts with the Maliki regime in order to create safe corridors for the exit of the

    displaced families with kids. While the International Organization for Migration

    (IOM) confirming on the 44 000 families have been displaced from Anbar, because of

    the military campaign of the owners of the cities (30).

    Many civilians moved to the villages surrounding Fallujah, and a large group of themhave moved to the north of Iraq and the other cities of Anbar and nearby Salahul Din.

    Others have resorted to residing in schools, the lack of temporary housing forcing

    them to live in classrooms.

    The Watanya (National) Coalition, which follows the former Prime Minister, IyadAlawi has admitted in a public statement dated on February 1

    st 2014 that The

    residents of the city of Fallujah suffer under deteriorating humanitarian conditions

    which should inspire shame in any Iraqi who seeks the continued unity of the nation,

    and the protection of its future. The Watanya Coalition has also declared thatFallujah is a city in a state of disaster, and promised to send immediate delegations to

    the UNAMI and the Red Crescent to provide the necessary humanitarian aid for thedisplaced families, since the government has failed to do so. This statement confirms

    the sheer size of the government cover-up on this genocidal crime, which is directed

    even towards refugees who fled the city because of the military operation. It also

    confirms the scandalous cover up and complete disregard on the part of international

    humanitarian organizations, not only in providing aid, but also in observing andimplementing the articles of the Geneva Convention in cases of war.

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    President of the Iraqi Parliament Mr. Osama Najafi said that there are 50 000 families

    have been displaced due to military operations in Anbar province, and added that the

    conditions of those displaced so bad to the point of need general alarm !! Iraqi Red

    Crescent Society announced, in (January 30, 2014 ) , for the high number of displaced

    people from Anbar to more than 46 thousand families, emphasizing assistance to

    more than 24 thousand families of it (13) . Which means more than 22 000 displaced

    families stayed without humanitarian aid !!

    We documented in recent days, some of the films that demonstrate the survival of

    many civilians inside Fallujah on 1 - 4February 2014, near the local markets for

    vegetables and food , which forced civilians to come out in these tough times forshopping or livelihood daily (20) . In addition to the deployment of activists inside the

    city for the movies to prove survival of many families that their points of relief in theinner city with more than 100 000 civilians, most of them from poor families and

    earning power per day, or are unable to work (29).

    The greatest proof of the sectarian gov. an is the report by refugees from Anbar, when

    they arrived to the capitol Baghdad, complaining of restrictions placed on them by the

    armed forces, and the continued arrests, as well as the searching of Sunni quarters ofthe city, obstructing the daily lives of the families living in them. Since the arrival of

    fleeing families from Fallujah and al Rumadi to the capitol, the military, under the

    excuse of security reasons, has been conducting raids on these fleeing families.Numerous refugees have been arrested in the Sunni areas of Amriya, Ghazaliya,

    Sayedeya, Yarmouk, and Hittin, which house the families that fled the indiscriminateshelling in their homes. In addition, the local city councils in these areas has also

    expressed a need to review the families which flee to it, in order to keep a record of

    the number of families present in each area and handing them [I dont know if they

    mean the records or the families] over to the government forces. On the other hand,

    the fleeing families were banned by the Maliki forces from entering the cities of

    Samraa except after showing proof of a sponsor-resident from within the city.

    With the promotion of government sources and parliamentary belonging to Maliki's

    bloc, for that there is the risk of the spread of terrorism and spread in the rest of theprovinces after being accused the people of Anbar as they have become an incubator

    for terrorism!!, it is the definitive evidence to planned extermination arguments didnot prove, but in their imaginations criminal diseased (31).

    Now I have ever been trapped in the city of Fallujah, about more than a month did not

    stop the indiscriminate shelling of government or restless. Over the days get

    complicated living situation and deteriorating humanitarian situation, the center of the

    steadfastness of the people and their determination to hold fast to the demands forwhich more than a full year (26). As the cut cellular communications in Anbar

    province has increased the effects of the blockade against civilians and increase the

    suffering in the lack of communication between their children displaced in other areasor with the views that have prevented aid from entering the cities of Fallujah and

    Ramadi, except in limited cases. This prompted Motaheidon block MPs to threat tosue the cellular phone companies because of this non- humanitarian work after

    pressure Maliki regime, in order to tighten the blockade and prevent the dissemination

    of news of crimes and the fact that the humanitarian situation there is frightening (27).On 5 February 2014, the head of the parliamentary Committee on Migration Liqaa

    Wardi announced to Al-Tagheir channel that the 15 thousand displaced people from

    Anbar to Kurdistan scored only three thousand of them!! (27).

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    4. Recommendations

    1. Urgent international action to stop the military operations in the province ofAnbar, which could be considered an operation of mass punishment that reachthe genocide level, in order to protect civilians and to make it possible for the

    knowing the truth, especially the catastrophic humanitarian crisis taking place

    right now.

    2. The creation of an international investigation committee on behalf of the UNSecurity Council or the UN Human Rights Council. Although all of the

    information available indicates an international crime within the jurisdiction of

    the International Criminal Court, which requires the action from the

    Prosecutor to investigate all available information.

    3. A review of the mechanisms used by the UNAMI in Iraq, which have becomea burden on the people, giving these transgressions political legitimacy. And it

    became necessary to return the position of the Special Rapporteur for Human

    Rights in Iraq.

    4. Stopping any military aid to the Maliki regimes government in Iraq until theinvestigations surrounding the crimes that have been committed are done.

    5. The urgent entrance of international aid organizations in order to alleviate thepoor living conditions of the refugees, who number more than 200 thousand

    from the city of Fallujah and its nearby villages, in addition to 100 thousand

    within the city.

    6. The need to adopt solutions based on justice and transparency in knowing thefacts and to hold the perpetrators, whatever their positions, and stay away from

    political solutions that represent the agendas of some political parties,domestic or international , which not only bring us more of the devastation andsuffering over the past ten years.

    7. The need urgent action by the International Red Cross in the verification ofwar crimes in violation of the Geneva Conventions, especially with all the

    evidence documented in this report . And the need to bring the perpetrators of

    the war against international forums as stipulated in their responsibility, which

    gave her the international community.

    8. The need for international pressure to force the Iraqi government to sign andratify the Convention on the International Criminal Court to halt the series ofgenocide in Iraq.

    5. References1. Testimonies of people with indiscriminate bombing of the al-Maliki

    government forces. Arabic speech.

    2. An interview with a chief of doctors residents in Fallujah General Hospital Dr.Ahmed Shami on January 28, 2014.

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    3. Some houses which have long been indiscriminate shelling in the

    neighborhood of Al Askary in Fallujah.


    4. Women injured as a result of indiscriminate shelling on the vine spend east ofFalluja 30/01/2014.

    5. Government bombardment on Fallujah kills entire family in the Nazzalneighborhood. TV Al-Tagheir channel. January 24 January 2014.

    6. Government forces firing on unarmed elderly man at the entrance to Fallujah30/01/2014.


    7. Woman infected as a result of indiscriminate shelling of the government armyforces on civilian homes in the city of Fallujah. Pictures of the remains of the projectile, which took place yesterday in the

    Fallujah mosque near Othman bin Affan in Fallujah.


    9. Home was bombed Bakarmh orphans and children appeal to the world tointervene to save them from government aggression 01/25/2014. residents accuse the prime minister of killing their children and the

    demolition of mosques and homes. TV Al-Tagheir channel. 2 February2014.



    11.Army shells used in the bombing of fissile revive Fallujah after failing tobreak into. TV Al-Tagheir channel. 2 February 2014.




    %D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%82%D8%B5%D9%81-%D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%8A/12.Medical document issued by the hospital in Fallujah on February 2, 2014.13.Najafi : 50 000 families have been displaced from Anbar, and their need to

    declare a state of the horn . Alsumaria TV. 2 February 2014.

  • 8/13/2019 Government War Crimes in Anbar Province: Fallujah as Example




    %D9%88%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%B6/ar14.Chihod describes the blocks impeding the adoption of the budget as

    "DAISHi." Alsumaria TV. 1 February 2014.




    %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B2/ar15.Deputy for Motahedon bloc accuses the government of not fulfill its

    commitments on the stop the bombing of Fallujah. Alsumaria News. January

    30 January 2014.






    16.Witnesses dozens of families migrating from the area east of the city ofFallujah Abadi because of indiscriminate shelling. TV Al-Tagheir channel.

    January 30 January 2014.




    %D9%85%D9%86/17.Fallujah residents declare their stay in their homes in defiance of

    indiscriminate shelling of the city. TV Al-Tagheir channel. January 28 January


    18.Army continues bombing civilians in Fallujah and the succession of deathsand injuries, most of them women and children. TV Al-Tagheir channel. 26

    January 2014. Alliance: Daish issue of fabricating a political rather than a terrorist.

    Alsumaria News. February 1, 2014.

    20.Public life for the people of Fallujah, near the local shopping centers and thedaily work in the sale of vegetables and food.

    21.Fallujah hospital is full of Iraqi Army random shelling victims.

    22.Al-Maliki Air Force bombing on Abu Ayyub al -Ansari mosque in Fallujah.

    23.Massive destruction caused to civilian homes impact of the continuing shellingviolent boiling of Fallujah. TV Al-Tagheir channel.

  • 8/13/2019 Government War Crimes in Anbar Province: Fallujah as Example


    24.Family without a water escape from the bombing of Fallujah to the semi-

    abandoned building outside the city.

    25.Testimonies of families hit and injured her children because of theindiscriminate shelling of the al-Maliki regime forces.


    26.The humanitarian situation is deteriorating dramatically inside Fallujah andthe United Nations criticized the siege of the city. TV Al-Tagheir channel. 4

    February 2014. block: will we prosecute telecommunications companies that cut their services for

    the province of Anbar. 4 February 2014. Alsumaria TV.





    %D9%82%D8%B7%D8%B9%D8%AA/ar28.Maliki's forces bombed a hospital in Fallujah 02/03/2014.

    29.Interviews with many of the families remaining in the city.

    30.The displacement of about 40 thousand Iraqi children with their families. AlJazeera TV.

    31.PM Block (Dahwa party): the storming of Fallujah needs to study the minute.And her families are forced to be an incubator for militants. Mada Newspaper.

    February 5, 2014.




    32. Survivor testimony of Aum Jamal from Ressala neighborhood in Fallujah.
