Download - GoToMeeting- an Introduction to the MSL Pilot Project


Presenter: Jo FlickMontana State Library


Advance public service goals of libraries

Librarians share expertise Libraries gain efficiencies Librarians collaborate & assist each other

Benefits to Federations Expand public attendance at meetings

• New service models

• New audiences• Efficiencies gained

Set-up licenses Best practices

Learning Portal Intro training Twice per month drop-in clinic MLA session Best Practices Manual

Harvesting data from Citrix Formative Evaluation

Tech support Basic training on how to use GoToMeeting

Organizational issues Best practices tips Share ideas

Organizers vs. Managers Meeting – Training - Webinar

Library Staff & Trustees ONLY Do not share login information…but,

Okay to host for others

Library sets policy: Similar to meeting policy

Scheduling procedure

Observe OPEN MEETING laws


GoTo client viewer View online

Organizer must enable Attendee must have Flash & updated browser

Can’t screen share Can’t use computer mic – must use phone

Organizer & presenters must download application

• Each presenter on a separate computer in a separate room

• Practice in advance

• Presenters check in early

Content Context Engagement Follow-up

Settings Right click the yellow daisy> “preferences” > “Recording”

Citrix codec Encode using GoTo Windows encoder: Windows Media - .wmv

Drop-in Help Clinics

Citrix MSL staff

Pam, Lauren, Suzanne

Jo Sarah

Learning Portal