Download - Googles New Mobile Algorithm is Upon Us

Page 1: Googles New Mobile Algorithm is Upon Us

Google’s New Algorithm Call Marc Horne @ (404) 314-9273 for a quote.

Google’s New “Mobile” Search Algorithm

Here is what you need to know.

Google recently started sending out millions of emails to webmasters across the globe.

What they are doing is about to entirely change the way that your website ranks on all

Smartphone devices and tablets. Google is completely redefining the search algorithm

that is used for mobile devices.

Google initially made mention that this change might be coming back in November of

2014, but the recent notifications are a tell-tale sign that the algorithm update is


This will either be a blessing or a curse for your business and now is the time to

act before the new algorithm is launched.

Your website will either immediately rank higher in smart phone SERPs OR your

ranking will immediately fall lower; all dependent upon the mobile optimization of your


If your website is fully mobile optimized, you will only notice positive changes to your

rankings on smart phones over the coming months. If your competitors do not yet have

fully mobile optimized websites, you will suddenly and without warning be ahead of

them in the SERPs, specifically on smart phone and tablet Google searches.

If your website is not currently optimized fully for all mobile devices, you will lose

rankings. Google does not want to show your website to users on their smart phones if

it’s not mobile optimized, so it is of the utmost importance to make the

necessary/recommended changes.

As of writing this, more than 50% of all online web traffic is coming

from users on their smart phones or tablets. The mobile Google

algorithm update is a major deal for every website owner.

Needless to say, this is a major change that is occurring and one that webmasters in

every country and industry must not ignore.

If you are in fact reading this, you most likely received a notification that looks like this:

Page 2: Googles New Mobile Algorithm is Upon Us

Google’s New Algorithm Call Marc Horne @ (404) 314-9273 for a quote.

Subject: "regarding the mobile usability issues Google found on {domain-name}"

Fix mobile usability issues found on “yourdomainname}

Google systems have tested {XX} pages from your site and found that 100% of them have critical

mobile usability errors. The errors on these XX pages severely affect how mobile users are able

to experience your website. These pages will not be seen as mobile-friendly by Google Search,

and will therefore be displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users.

Find problematic pages

View a report of the non-mobile-friendly pages found on your site, and the issues discovered.

Learn about mobile-friendly design

There are a variety of techniques you can use to make your site mobile-friendly. Specifically, look

for information about the issues brought up in Webmaster Tools.

Fix mobile usability issues on your site

On one hand, this is a great thing for the end user because, let's be honest, how often

do you visit a site on your mobile device and find that it looks terrible, doesn’t function

properly, and just doesn’t work?

Immediately after the algorithm update happens, you will hop on your smart phone or

tablet, perform a Google search and find entirely different results than you would if you

were searching from your desktop or laptop computer.

Sites that are not 100% optimized for all mobile devices will be penalized in

smart phone SERPs immediately after Google puts the algorithm update

into effect.

So what do you do in preparation for the update?

Well, the primary recommendation is to follow the provided instructions, figure out how

many pages on your site need updating, and if you have the ability yourself or an in-

house web development team you should immediately have them redesign your

website so that you meet the Google standards for mobile users.

Once your site has been redesigned and is smartphone and tablet responsive, you will

need to resubmit your site map to Google through your Webmasters Account. Google

will then re-crawl your website and let you know if you have any additional pages in

need of updating.

Page 3: Googles New Mobile Algorithm is Upon Us

Google’s New Algorithm Call Marc Horne @ (404) 314-9273 for a quote.

Your rankings in the SERPs will fall if no action is taken on your part.

My promise to you is two-fold.

1. Your site will perform like a champion on all mobile devices (and not be

penalized by Google’s upcoming algorithm change).

2. Your site will look, feel, and function much better than it currently does.

Click the button above for a free quote on making your site mobile ready.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you,

Marc Horne

Co-Founder, HC Consulting Group

Direct: (404) 314-9273