Download - Google on Website Security and Manual Actions




• Webmaster Relations • Website security, manual actions,

Search • Google


Eric Kuan

1) Prioritize web security

1) Follow Webmaster Guidelines

1) If you don’t get a manual action, don’t worry about it

3 Takeaways


Types of website compromises

• Spam (most common) • Malware • Credit card skimming

(Affects e-commerce platforms)

• Botnet Difficult to detect


Make web security a priority

• Hackers are constantly attacking your site

• One weak link can break the entire chain

• No one is immune, even big brands get affected


Poll Question

Has your site ever been hacked?a) Yes

a) No


Why should you care?• Prevents users from accessing

your site • Compromises you and your

user’s data • Affects your brand’s reputation • Fixing a hacked site is difficult

• fixing the hack • finding the vulnerability • re-securing lost data


What can I do?

• Sign up for Search Console • Keep security at the forefront of

your strategy • Back up your site regularly • Keep software updated - easiest

thing you can do • Consider investing in security



A quick word about HTTPS• HTTPS is good practice that can help

keep user data secure

• This is related but different from securing your website from intrusion

• Use HTTPS everywhere • If you have limitations, then use it

on any sensitive data that gets passed like passwords or credit cards

• Chrome will now notify if sensitive info is being passed on non-HTTPS



What is a manual action?• An adjustment of a site that is

manipulating Google Search • Manipulative behavior is

• Anything done to trick search engines

• Deceptive behavior like: cloaking, unnatural links, scraping content

• Isn’t limited to a specific set of rules


Poll Question

Have you ever had to help resolve a manual action?

a) Yes

a) No


What should you do?• Check Webmaster Guidelines • Don’t be overly concerned with

manual actions • Improve ranking by:

Focusing on your user’s needs Technical SEO


Reconsideration requests• Manually reviewed by our team • A good reconsideration request:

• demonstrates understanding of the problem

• details how the problem was solved • A bad reconsideration request:

• Submits a blank site • Doesn’t detail what was changed • Completely tears down a site

• If you’re not aware of the problem get help: • Webmaster Help Forums • G+ / Twitter • Webmaster Blog




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1) Prioritize web security

1) Follow Webmaster Guidelines

1) Don’t worry unnecessarily about manual actions

3 Takeaways

