Download - Google+ for-business

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Table of Contents

Why Google plus? .................................................................................................................................... 3

Getting Started With Google plus ........................................................................................................... 6

Setting Up Your Profile .............................................................................................................................. 7

Customizing Your Google plus Account For Maximum Exposure .......................................................... 9

Circles and Streams - Putting It Into Action ........................................................................................... 13

TIPS for marketing with Google plus ...................................................................................................... 25

Hangouts ................................................................................................................................................. 28

Promoting Your Google plus .................................................................................................................. 33

+1 Button - The New SEO Method ........................................................................................................ 34

Social Media ........................................................................................................................................... 38

Business Circles ....................................................................................................................................... 42

5 Ways Google plus Changes Search .................................................................................................. 43

Claim Your Google Authorship .............................................................................................................. 47

Instant Upload ......................................................................................................................................... 50

Advanced Google plus Tips & Tricks ..................................................................................................... 51

The +1 button and Adwords .................................................................................................................. 54

Events ....................................................................................................................................................... 55

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Why Google plus?

Prior to Google plus, businesses relied on a mix of Twitter, Facebook,

LinkedIn and other services to promote their brand and interact with others.

No single service provided such a complete set of tools that allowed

marketers to connect with others in a rich, meaningful way–until now.

Google’s vision for G plus was much greater than just creating yet another

social network. Instead they envisioned Google plus to be the social glue

that ties the entire Internet together. Let’s look at the user numbers of the

various products that make up Google.

Google plus – 400 million (100 million active every month) (September

2012 SOURCE)

Google Search – 65.02% of ALL search online (May 2012 - SOURCE)

Gmail – 425 million users (June 2012 – SOURCE)

Google Apps – 5 million businesses, organizations and government

agencies (June 2012 – SOURCE)

YouTube – 800 million unique visitors a month – 120 billion videos watched

a month (August 2012 –SOURCE)

Android – 1 million plus android devices activated daily (June 2012 –


While Facebook is touting an astonishing 1 billion active users in its network

(Sept 2012), keep in mind that Facebook is a closed network. By that I

mean that all of the information, content and interactions are kept inside

Facebook. This means that your maximum reach on Facebook is limited to

the network itself. Google on the other hand is all about publicly indexing

content so that it is searchable on the Internet. This is an important

distinction between the two networks. After looking at the numbers above

and realizing that Google plans to integrate Google plus into all of its

products, you can start to see the power of Google plus and why you need

to make it part of your regular marketing routine.

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Why Google plus Might Matter to You

One of the most important questions to ask yourself before joining or

focusing on a new online network is: Is it worth your time? When it comes

to Google plus, there are three important answers:

1. The Growing Google+ Community

When Google plus first opened at the end of June in 2011, it quickly gained

millions of users. Between the clean UI (User Interface), excitement of a

new social network and the fact that it is very image friendly it isn’t difficult

to see why. The communities continue to grow, offering some of the most

robust and engaging communities on the Internet.

2. Google Product/Service Integration

As I mentioned above, Google’s vision for G plus is to make it the fabric

that ties the internet together. For Google, this starts with their current

product and service line-up. Imagine the power of integrating just some of

the following:

Google Search, Gmail, Google Apps, YouTube, Android, Google Play

Store, Google Translate, Google Drive (formally Google Docs), Google

Alerts, Google Calendar, Google Analytics, AdWords, Google Maps,

Google Places, Google Latitude, Google Webmaster Tools, Google

News, Google Image Search, Google Offers and much more….

In early 2012, Google simplified access to their product and services by

revamping their internal systems to allow a single GOOGLE ACCOUNT to

access everything they have to offer. This means that if you have a gmail

account, you also have access to Google Drive, a YouTube channel and

yes…a Google plus account. As Google continues to integrate these

products into G plus and G plus into these products, the functionality of

being an active Google plus user will continue to grow. This has already

happened with a few key products, such as Google Calendar.

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On Google plus when you receive an “Event” invite and you accept, that

event will instantly show up in your Google Calendar and subsequently on

your Android phone. Think bigger and more creatively and you get a

glimpse of where G plus is headed.

3. The Changing Rules of Search Engine Optimisation

One of the most important reasons to be active on Google plus is because

your engagement on the network can drastically effect your search engine

results (SER) and the SER of those that connect with you.

What’s interesting is how search results are altered by activity on Google

plus. Google, much like Facebook, is an advertising company at heart. This

means that their main source of income comes from providing targeted ads

to its users, based on a variety of information such as the content you have

published and interacted with in the past. While this has been a solid

model for years, the reality is that both Google and Facebook ultimately

NEED to know more about you in order to continue to provide the best and

most accurate ads.

How does this work? Through the idea of trusted content. In real life, would

you be more likely to listen to restaurant advice from a complete stranger

or a friend that you’ve known for years? For most of us, the answer is our

friend. Why? Because we trust them. Google is attempting to quantify trust

with a mathematical algorithm.

In order for Google to understand the complexities of trust and social

dynamics, they have to apply a value to the way you interact online. On

Google plus this can be done in one of four ways. By clicking on the +1

button, commenting on a post, re-sharing a post and adding someone to

their circles. Each of these interactions hold a different weighted value. The

more you interact with someone on Google plus, the more Google thinks

you trust that person…and vice versa. This allows Google to get a better

idea of not only the kind of content you want to see, but who specifically

you trust, so that Google can show you their content above the content

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from other random Internet users. This gets more interesting when you take

into account that this doesn’t stop at just one degree of connection, but

instead the interactions between two individuals begin to affect

the perceived trust between everyone those individuals have connected

with and so on. When it comes to Google Search, this idea of trusted

content comes into play.

This same principle applies for all content you publish online and on

Google plus itself. If I am connected to you and I search for “Product

Creation Workshop” and you happened to post about your upcoming

workshop…guess whose results will show up over everyone else’s?

YOURS! The ramifications of this are huge when it comes to developing a

strategy to have the most amount of exposure for your business across the

entire Internet and not just a single social network.

In this guide, you’re going to discover exactly how Google plus can benefit

your business. I will also reveal my top 10 tips and tricks to make the most

of Google plus to promote yourself, your business, your website, and your

brand. So let’s begin.

Introduction To Google plus

"If Facebook and Twitter had a baby, they'd call it Google plus" - Olaf


I'm going to take it that you know the basics of SEO (search engine

optimisation) and how to get your pages to #1 in Google. Traditionally this

has been achieved through a mixture of on-page (optimising your site with

relevant keywords) and off-page (backlinks and anchor text) SEO. This

gets more traffic to your pages through organic (free) search. This is all

changing now. On top of the standard SEO stuff (which is still important),

we've now got something else to concentrate on within Google. There's no

time to waste. It’s time to get started!

Getting Started With Google plus

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First I'll show you the basics of Google plus. Then we’ll cover some of the

more advanced features inside the Google plus dashboard, which

effectively provides some new ways of promoting your products.

After that, I'll show you how to get tons of +1 clicks and build your

community and influence.

Accessing Google plus

To access Google plus, visit , or if you are logged

into your gmail account, you will see the option to connect at the top left

corner of your email page.

Top Tip: Make sure you think carefully about which email/Google Account

you use as it will be connected to your emails, YouTube Channel,

analytics, etc

Next we want to set up a keyword rich, informative, compelling profile

with some attractive images.

Setting Up Your Profile

Google actually indexes nearly all of your Google plus profile, making it

searchable based on the keywords you include in your bio as well as

any relevant links you provide. Include “Podiatrist” and “St. Albans” in

your bio and you will show up when anyone searches for local podiatrists.

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Google is also doing some pretty amazing things with location based

search results, so providing information on where you currently live (city is

more than enough), will help others that live in the same city connect with

your posts.

Setting Up Your Profile

Keep in mind that you MUST be signed in with a pre-existing Google

account so it can be 'tied' to Google plus. Once you fill in all of your

information, click Upgrade (it’s free).

You can either start adding your contacts here and following people of

interest or skip this step for now and come back to it later. I recommend

setting up your profile and notifications before connecting with others.

< image >

Whatever you do, MAKE SURE that the 'personalise +1 on non-Google

sites’ button is checked (where the arrow is pointing). Here, you can

enable Google +1 on websites that aren't Google websites.

Once you're at the Home page, hover your mouse over the Home image

and a menu will appear.


#1 Start with settings. This allows you to turn on or off your email

notifications. While you might want to be notified of every activity when

you start out, the torrent of emails can drive you insane so make sure you

know how to control this from day one.

#2 Now go to your profile and update your story, education and

employment history (if relevant). Remember to use compelling copy and

your keywords because everything in your profile is indexed and

searchable. Isn’t that powerful!

See your profile as your personal sales page. If you’re setting up a

business page rather than using your personal brand, you’ll want to focus

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your efforts on the profile in your business page in the same way, using

compelling copy and with your keywords.

Now add links to your websites, squeeze pages and blogs. And, of course

to your social media pages. There are two sections to update: links and

contributor. It's on the right side whenever you're editing your profile. Add

as many as you'd like, but try and get your main website at the top of the

list by adding it first.

Customizing Your Google plus Account For Maximum Exposure

You want to take the time to customize your Google plus account, so that

you are able to tweak your search engine ranking data.

For example, when your Google plus profile becomes visible in the search

engines, it may look something like this:

And, here’s one of mine..


Your Google plus profile is very important as it helps Google identify you

as a content developer, and author, as well as website visitors who view

your profile listing within search results.

The first thing that you want to pay attention to is the actual headline/title

of your profile page, as it becomes a part of your search engine listing.

Consider important keywords that will capture attention and speak directly

to your target audience. Keep in mind that Google plus only displays a

few characters from your link so make sure that you choose keywords

carefully so they aren't truncated.

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Next, let’s look at your streams or “posts” on your Google plus dashboard.


Google plus streams are very similar to Facebook newsfeeds. Here’s

another example:

You’ll find the number of people in your circles at the top right of your

dashboard with the people in their circles below that.

You can decide to allow everyone who visits your profile page to see the

number of people you have in circles, as well as

who has added you – or you can choose to

block visibility for extra privacy.

To customize this option, click on the “Home”

link from your dashboard, then go to “Settings”

and “profile and privacy”.

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You can now decide who can see your profile and who’s in your circles or

choose to allow only people within your circles to see it.

Next, click “View Profile As” at the top right of your profile page. This will

give you the option to view your profile as it’s visible to the public.


Read it over, making sure that it accurately reflects what you are most

interested in, what your business is about and that all included links are

active and in working order and then save your changes.

How to set up Google plus profile and business page

Log into your Google plus account and click on the home arrow and you’ll

see a drop down menu with notifications, circles, updates and pages.

Click on the Pages option to create your new page.

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Select what type of page you would like to create. Enter the desired

information in the screens to follow. You will be able to add information to

your profile once the page is setup

Add About Information

From your Page’s home page. Click on the Profile icon. Click on the About

Tab in your page’s profile area. From your Home Page, post your first

message, announcing your page. You can post the stream to the circles

associated with your personal account.

Whenever you receive a new alert or notification, such as someone adding

you to their circles, or posting an update, the notification box will appear in

red, along with the number of updates. This makes it very easy for you to

stay on top of new alerts and updates, right from your gmail account!

Keep in mind that when creating your Google plus account, you will need

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to use your real name and photo. Google prohibits the use of fictional

names, aliases and images, such as mascots or stock photos. Adding false

information to your Google plus profile may result in your account being

banned, and restricted access to other Google services as well.

Circles and Streams - Putting It Into Action

Now your profile and settings are ready you can start connecting with

others. In Google plus you connect using “circles” based on shared



Google plus was developed on a very simple yet powerful foundation.

Rather than adding friends into one community base or following list, you

can segment your contacts by adding them into what are called "circles".

You can label your circles as anything you wish, such as "Friends",

"Network Partners", or even "Customers". You can also have as many

circles as you like, without limits. It’s a great way to segment your list and

target your communications.

The best thing about your circles is that they are kept private, so that even

when you add someone to your circle, they only see that you've added

them as a connection, not what circle you’ve added them into.

I won't say that Google plus or anything else is a replacement for an email

list like Aweber, but it does have its benefits. People keep in touch with

their friends, associates and business partners via messages, which are

kind of like email. And that's where Circles come into play.


Setting up your circles

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Click on the “people” button that the arrow is pointing to. It looks like a

couple of circles intertwined. You'll be brought to a page that looks like


[image “circles first page”]

You’ll need to add people to your Circles to get started. Then you can

organise your circles as you like. When you're browsing people on Google

Plus, you'll see an 'add to Circles' button. Click that and then they'll show

on your circles page.

When you are just starting out, you will have 4 pre-created circles that you

can edit or delete. Google will also suggest people to add to your circles

based on the contact list from your Gmail, Android and other Google

services and products that you may be a part of.

You will want to edit the titles of your existing circles before adding in

people, so that you can easily categorize your contacts. To edit one of

Google plus’s default circles, double-click on it to open its panel.

A pop up window will appear that contains the circles name, a brief

description about the circle, as well as a snapshot of who you have added

to the circle. Since you are just getting started with Google plus, most of

these areas will be empty for now.

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Take a look at the screenshot below for an example of what a circle looks

like before customization:

[image, new circle]

To rename a default circle, click “rename” at the very top of the table. To

edit the description of your circle, click on “edit description”.

Here’s an example, where one of the default circles has been re-titled to

“Bloggers”, entering in a description that quickly identifies the types of

contacts I will add to this new circle:

Creating clear descriptions for each circle is important as it will help you

better organize your contacts once you start adding people to your circles.

As time goes on and you have multiple circles of contacts, you will be able

to view individual streams and updates from each group of contacts by

clicking “View stream for this circle” at the very bottom of your circle’s

information table as shown below:

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You can also search for specific contacts later on, by opening the

information table for each circle you’ve created, and clicking on “Search”

in the top right corner:

You can have as many circles as you wish, creating new ones by clicking

on the circles icon in the navigation menu.

[image my circles]

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As you can see I've got various contacts in different circles, depending on

interest. Add anyone to any of your circles (or multiple circles) by simply

dragging their name to that particular circle.

On the left side you'll see that inside the Circle it says, 'Drop contacts here

to create circle'. Once you drop the person there, you'll have the chance

to name your Circle. This is simply organizing your list. You can go through

the people you've added and sort them later, or you can add them to the

Circle that you want to upon adding them on their Google Plus page.

What I like to do is create two separate circles by interest level and also for

prospects versus customers. This way, when I send messages, I can target

a specific group. For example, I may want to send all of my customers a

notice about an upgrade to a product or course they’ve purchased. After

I've contacted them I can go back to Google Plus and create a message

that goes only to my list of prospects. Think about what your contacts might

do. They may have an email list they'll promote your product to, also might

send a message to THEIR Google Circle contacts.

Action: Begin by creating a handful of circles, with each one categorized

based on the people you’re in contact with. For example, you might create

a circle for “Family”, “Friends”, “Business Partners” or “Customers”.

By creating individual circles for each group of contacts, you can post

content that goes out only to specific audiences, allowing you to "tailor"

your content and updates so they are shared only with specific groups.

Each time you create content, or post updates to your Google plus profile,

you can choose which circles can view it, making it easier than ever to

create content that is targeted towards specific groups of people.

This is VERY powerful, because instead of posting an update as you would

on Facebook or Twitter to your entire following, you can create content

around specific audiences, which gives you the opportunity to connect in a

very different, and far more personalized way. It’s social segmenting at its


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Google plus Circles are the very fabric for connecting with other users on

the network. Unlike a “Facebook Friend” that forces both parties to

maintain an equal relationship, a Circle works more like a one way street.

By adding you to my circles, I am saying that I am interested in what you

have to say. However by doing this, you will not see anything I publish,

until you add me back. This gives all G plus users much more control over

how they make connections.

Circles also double as content filters, allowing you to filter down the

content you view in your main stream to that that comes from those in a

specified circle. For example, if I want to just see what my “MMSpark”

circle has been sharing, I can simply choose that circle from the top of my

main stream.

[image stream by mmspark]

While this feature might not be of use if you are only connected to 50 other

people, 5000 users is much different. Using the Circle filters allows you to

have better control of the content coming at you and stop it from becoming


Finding Contacts

You can easily find existing Google plus contacts by entering in part of

their name or email address into the search box at the top of your Google

account’s main page, as shown below:

[john search]

If the person you are searching for is already on Google plus, they will

appear within the search results window otherwise you will be given the

option to invite them to Google plus. You can also see if they’re in your

circles and how many circles they belong to.

Google will also suggest users based on your existing gmail contacts, and

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if you click on the blue search button (with the magnifying glass) you’ll be

taken to the search menu:

[search options]

From here you can search for, or within, people, communities, circles. It’s

incredibly powerful and a quick way to build up your connections, but in a

highly targeted manner.

Building Targeted Circles

You can also find Google plus users from within your niche market by

exploring Google plus directory sites, including:

With GGL Pls, you can browse Google plus users by tags, locations and

categories. For example, if you were interested in finding people who

were interested in marketing, you would click “Marketing” from the list of

available tags in the left hand navigation menu as shown below:

You can add your Google plus profile link to this directory and assign tags

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to it to help people find you. You can add up to 3 tags to your

profile, as shown below:

Choose your tags carefully, as they will help other like-minded individuals

find you! In this example, I am focusing on business contacts and people

who are interested in work at home, marketing and blogging.

You can edit your tags at any time by logging into your account

and editing your profile box.

Click “List yourself in the

Google plus directory” link at

the very top of the page to

add your profile into this ever-growing directory.

You can also download a free Google plus widget that lets you add your

Google plus profile box to any website or blog that you own.

In order for your profile to appear within the directory, you will want to

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make sure that you’ve allowed “Anyone on the web” to see your Google

plus profile. To do this, log into your Google plus account and click “Edit


You can assign different viewing permissions to every part of your Google

plus profile, so begin by clicking on each area and making sure that you’ve

selected “Anyone on the web” as shown

Privacy settings works the same way for all of your circles and updates as

well, so once you’ve created a few different circles and you’ve begun to

add contacts, you can assign different settings for each groups of contacts,

such as allowing only those within circles to see specific updates, anyone

on the web, or only you for personal notes that you don’t want to make


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Another way to quickly build targeted circles of contacts is by finding the

Google plus profile of an authority in your niche market, and then browsing

their contacts, adding those that share similar interests and that you feel

you could connect with!

When you find someone that you’d like to connect with, click on “Add to

circles” from their main Google plus profile page. You will be able to

select what circle you’d like to add them to:

Try to keep your contacts organized, so that you can later create content

and updates geared towards specific audiences.

Each time you add someone to your circles,

you can choose to add them to multiple

circles, or you can create a new circle if


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Whenever someone adds you to their Google plus circle, you will receive

an email notification about it, giving you the opportunity to add them to

your own circle.

You can customize what emails you are sent through the Google plus

system by logging into your Google plus account and clicking on “Settings”

from the very left navigation menu from your Google plus profile, as

covered previously.

You’ll also receive notice that new people have added you to their circles,

and are now sharing information with you by browsing the “update

snapshot” that appears in the top right corner

of your Google plus account (as shown).

The status icon will change color whenever a

new update is posted, such as new people who

have added you to their circles, or existing

contacts who have posted updates.

You will also see a snapshot of new people

who are sharing information with you on the

front page of your Google plus profile each

time that you log in:

Google plus will also start recommending people that you should follow as

you begin to add people to your circles.

The recommendations are based on existing

contacts and people that you have in common with

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You can also invite people to Google plus by clicking on the “Invite

Friends” tab that appears in the right hand navigation column of your

Google plus profile page as shown below:

When you click on “Invite Friends”, you’ll be given the option of inviting

people by email, or you can choose to share this link with a group of

people in the event you wish to invite multiple people to Google plus.


Let's talk more about Streams for sending targeted content. A stream is

where you post a message on your page, a bit like posting on your

Facebook wall or making a LinkedIn status update. However, with the

streams feature on Google plus, we can select who gets to see the

messages you're posting on your stream.

For example, you may want to post more of a 'personal' message to your

best customers. To do this, write a message in your stream box at the top of

your page.

[image - streams]

After that, click on the 'Add circles...' button. You can select which group

(or, 'Circle') gets to see your stream message. When you click this you'll be

able to see all of your Circles and you'll be able to select which ones are

able to view your stream message. After that, it's just clicking the 'Share'

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button. That's it, it's pretty simple. Make a few circles to keep in touch with

your customers and your partners, post a message informing them of

whatever you need to and you're set.

Filter your information

You can choose to browse through streams from all of your circles, or by

each circle at a time, filtering your streams to display only content from

specific circles. This makes it easy to discover new content and updates

from segmented groups!

TIPS for marketing with Google plus

Tip #1: Google plus Viral Marketing

One of the most powerful aspects of Google plus is the +1 function. This

allows individuals to “+1” content they like which has the potential to make

your marketing go viral through Google plus users.

You can add a +1 button to your own blogs and websites, and you can

even customize your +1 button. Just visit the following URL to customize

your +1 button.

[image - +1 button]

The +1 button is essentially like the “Like” feature of Facebook. It

promotes the links to your Google plus friends, and the more of your friends

who vote for the link with a +1, the more your link will be promoted. We’ll

cover this powerful tool in more detail shortly.

Tip #2: Getting Google plus Friends

Obviously, getting contacts is paramount. The more friends you have, the

better, but they must also be targeted. It won’t do you a lot of good to

have a million contacts if they aren’t interested in what you’re offering!

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Make sure to use the powerful “people finder” search option in Google

plus. And, also check out various Google plus directories to find people

who are interested in your niche. You will probably also want to add

yourself to the directories, as well. Below you will find a few directories to


With, you can add your Google plus account by copy and

pasting in your Google plus ID, which is a string of numbers associated to

your account. You can find your number sequence by visiting your Google

plus profile account and looking at the top URL, which will look something

like this:

Copy only the number part of your Google plus URL and paste it into the

top text box on as shown below:

Another popular directory is found at:

which has over 950, 000 Google plus users currently indexed within their


With FindPeopleOnPlus, you can search for people based on relationship

status, location, number of followers, gender as well as based on their

Twitter and Facebook accounts.

There are also directory sites that are being created around other Google

plus services, such as a website dedicated to

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listing available hangouts, upcoming scheduled chat sessions, and open


Doing a Google Search for “Google Plus Directory” will yield multiple

results. Most directories where you can add your Google Plus profile will

require your Google Plus ID number. Don’t Forget the Tags.

Tip #3: Moderate your Promotion

One of the biggest mistakes people make with social marketing is

spamming their followers. While social marketing is essentially permission-

based, you can still spam your followers if you post too often.

Because of the potential viral marketing element, it is especially important

to moderate your promotion on Google plus, because you want those

promotions you make to be impactful.

I suggest posting no more than 2-3 links each day at different times so you

cover the various time zones. This will give you the biggest potential to be

respectful to your contacts and not flooding them with promotions.

Don’t forget to mix your promotions with useful content and links. This will

get people to pay attention to everything you post, because they won’t

want to miss anything important. Make sure you get them used to seeing

useful, important links from you!

Tip #4: Streams

As covered above, a stream is a newsfeed that includes your own posts

and updates, as well as those of the contacts in your circles. You can think

of it like Google plus’s own RSS feed.

You can view your stream by logging into your account and visiting the

main page. Don’t neglect to do this, because you can make great use of it.

Watch your stream carefully. Whenever someone posts something related

to your niche, especially if it’s a question, be sure to contribute to the

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discussion. This will help boost your reputation within your niche, because

people will see that you are knowledgeable, and they’ll also see how

helpful and friendly you are.

Remember, the stream isn’t just there for your own updates. Pay attention

to the updates of your circle and you’ll get a lot of great promotional and

branding opportunities out of it.

Tip #5: Hangouts


Hangouts are live, multi-person video conferences between Google plus

users. These are great, because they can be used for webinars, and you

can get a lot of people together at once.

Hangouts are great for making presentations to your audience. Be sure to

put together an outline or script before you begin to eliminate a lot of the

“ums” and “uhs” you might get otherwise, and schedule the webinar a day

or two in advance to give people plenty of time to clear their schedules.

One major reason you should use Hangouts is because you can get live

feedback from the other people who attend the video chat. This allows you

to figure out what people want to know without having to ask them upfront.

Additionally, it allows you to make a physical presentation by showing real

world examples of what you’re talking about. This could be especially

helpful for live how-to demonstrations where you want to demo a product

or share your screen.

Hangouts offer a level of human contact a standard chat never could, and

they can be an excellent marketing tool if used properly.

While in a Hangout you can share your screen, collaborate on a document

or spreadsheet or even watch YouTube movies together as a group.

Nowhere else on the Internet do you have the ability to connect with

people on this personal level for free. Google, in an attempt to promote

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the Hangout feature have had a number of large celebrities host their own

G plus Hangouts, allowing them to directly connect with fans. This includes

Conan, Obama, Dali Lama and David Beckham to name a few.

[image – Jesse J hangout]

The singer Jesse J recently hosted a Google plus Hangout

See how Jesse promoted her hangout – [image jesse j hangout promo]

You can get a funky graphic like this designed on and promote

your hangout with pizzazz!

To make this feature even better, Google recently rolled out the new “On

Air” feature, which allows you to broadcast your hangout live to anyone

on Google plus while it records the Hangout for you. After it’s completed,

the recording is automatically sent to your YouTube channel for some

simple edits and republication to anyone on the Internet. In essence, this

feature allows you to become your very own mini production


Many people have even started their own G plus TV Shows. These

recordings are then posted to their other websites and other networks from

YouTube, allowing them to reach far more than just those on Google plus. I

have also seen musicians hold live concerts, cooks teach cooking classes

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and astronomers look at the night sky together. The possibilities are truly


Starting a Hangout

You can call your Hangout anything you

choose, and allow only certain circles to access

this communication channel.

You will need to install the Google Voice and

Video plugin in order to create or access


Click “Start Hangout” from your profile page to

open up a channel in which those within your circle can communicate with


You can set your status as available or offline, and when you’re active,

people from within your circles are able to connect with you via video live

feed. In fact, you can have as many people within a video channel as you

wish – absolutely free!

Once you select “Create a Hangout”, you will see the load screen. This is

will be covered in more detail in the video training because it’s easier to

demonstrate than to try and explain!

Tip #6: Sparks/What’s Hot

[image sparks]

Sparks is a recommendation based search engine. You can use it to share

interesting content, including your own, and to seek the content shared by

others within your circles.

[sparks page]

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You can subscribe to live feeds and receive instant updates on content

shared around those topics. That also means people will be able to receive

the recommendations you make.

You’ll be able to share pictures, videos, and links to websites, blog posts,

and more with those people who are in your circles, as well as those who

add you to their contact list.

[image – sparks add to circles]

When viewing the What’s hot section, you can click on the Share link to

Share the info with Circles. You can also link to the post, leave a comment,

view the post’s activity and much more.

[image – whats hot]

Play around with this and you’ll find new people to add to your circles,

new communities to join and some interesting information to share with

your followers.

[image – sparks comments]

This makes it easy to get your information in front of people quickly, to

keep them updated in one central location, and to find breaking news and

information in your niche that you can share with others

Tip #7: Google Plus Messenger

With Google Plus Messenger, you can have a chat room on your phone

with multiple contacts at once. You can chat, invite others, share web links,

photos and more. All from your mobile phone’s Google Plus application

If you’ve ever wanted to get into mobile marketing but didn’t know how,

this is the perfect chance for you to give it a try!

You can also sync your Google plus account with almost any mobile

device, allowing you to instantly upload photos, tag locations with your

phone’s GPS, add locations to your updates, and much more.

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And don’t worry about privacy. You can set permissions on things like

photos and locations so only people in specific circles can see them. That

way, if you only want family to see your locations, your other contacts

won’t be able to find out where you are.

This is an extremely important tool, but remember to use it wisely. People

will get upset very quickly if you abuse this feature, especially if they get

charged for the text messages they receive. So don’t overuse it, but use it

for important updates.

Tip #8: Your Profile

When you create your Google plus account, make sure you fill your profile

out completely. One of the biggest mistakes people make in social

marketing is to treat it like a marketing tool and nothing more.

The thing that makes social marketing effective isn’t the “marketing”

aspect. It’s the “social” aspect. You have to treat it just like you would if

you had nothing to market.

The more thorough your profile, the more “real” you become in the eyes of

your contacts. This level of personality is what makes social marketing so

incredibly powerful, so don’t forget to make use of it!

Tip #9: Avoiding a Ban

While using social marketing is essentially permission-based marketing, it

is still possible to get banned if you’re not careful. It’s important to take

precautions to avoid such a fate, because losing your account means

losing all the work you’ve put into building contacts and nurturing them.

The first thing to remember is to be respectful. Don’t spam people with

endless links. Don’t send them marketing through private messages. Don’t

post links to questionable content.

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Most importantly, never use those services that use scripts to trick people

into sharing your content. This will get you banned very quickly from any

service you do it with, including Google plus.

Also, don’t just indiscriminately add thousands of people. The service is

new, but it definitely has the potential to be abused. You will undoubtedly

begin seeing people getting banned for adding too many people too

quickly in the near future under the assumption that only spammers do this,

so be careful! You can always get more contacts by adding your URL to

your forum signatures, email signature, blog posts, your blog sidebar, and

Google plus directories.

Tip #10: Create a memorable Google plus link

In order to make it as easy as possible for people to find you on Google

plus, you might want to use a URL shortening service made specifically for

Google plus. This will make it easy for you to remember your link when you

need to give it out, and it will look much neater when you include it in

forum signatures, emails, blog posts, etc.

There are many Google plus shorting tools available. Currently, the most

popular tool is

This service will shorten your URL to, making it

extremely to remember and share your link. This service is absolutely free.

A word of warning. I read someone recently that vanity url’s might not be

indexed and that Google prefers the long string ID so use the vanity ID on

your business card, for example, but not as part of your online search terms

or keywords.

Promoting Your Google plus

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+1 Button - The New SEO Method

Marketers use seo to get their pages high in Google’s search results. With

Google’s new +1 button there’s a new seo method. By clicking the +1

button you’re making a public recommendation. You’ll find +1 buttons in

two main places:

1. Within the Google organic search results. When people click the +1 it

adds that to their google social plus. When other people in your

network search for something similar, they’ll be able to see who else

in their network searched for a particular ad. This gives people an

idea of how popular a website is and will drive traffic to your site.

Now let’s look at something that's more along the lines of Twitter.

Go to, and instead of clicking a +1 button next to a search

result which will only be shared on your +1 page on your profile, click on a

random page that has some social media icons on it. Of course, here's that

nifty +1 button.

Now when we're in Google, the +1 button next to a search result says,

'You publicly shared this' and it adds to that +1 page of yours. But it's a

little bit different when we're on a web page.

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Let's click this little +1 button and see what happens. Do you see the box

that it gives you? This easily allows you to share this with any of the circles

in your stream as well as showing up on your +1 page.

What happens is that this automatically adds a photo, a snippet of the

page to your stream. That’s pretty cool! So whenever you're promoting a

product page, some copy or a sales letter, or anything that's going to

make you some cash, you can put it in your stream so people will easily

notice it. It's kind of like Twitter. But better since it's more automatic and it

adds a photo.

2. On a webpage

When you’ve clicked on a +1 box and it turns red, you have the option to

share your plus 1 on Google Plus . Clicking on the Share selection will show

you a sharing dialog box.

You will see the item you shared as well as a box for you to enter

comments. You can select specific people to share with by selecting Circles

to share with.

Manage Your +1’s

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To manage all your +1’s in one location, first go to your profile. From the

Home Page, click on your Google Plus Profile, click on the +1’s Tab. This

tab will show all the items you have +1’d as well as shared. To remove

something from this tab, simply click the x to remove it

+1 For Maximum Traffic

Each time someone clicks the “+1” button, it adds weight to the content or

page, essentially helping it gain more exposure, boosting its search engine

ranking. In other words, when you +1 content, you are indicating to those

found within your circles that you have something you’d like them to check

out, or that you believe to be valuable or worthwhile.

Hot Tip: You can “+1” your own websites, blogs and content each time you

post a new feed or update in your Google plus stream!

By doing this, those that are part of your circles will see your

recommendation and in turn, they too may +1 your update. The more +1’s

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that your content receives, the more exposure it will be given!

+1 Wizardry

Alright, so here's what you've been waiting for. In this section we'll be

taking a look at getting a load of +1 clicks in various ways. I'm also going

to show you the simple application for adding a +1 button to your website,

and give you a few ideas on how to encourage people to +1 your page.

The +1 button plays an important role in Google's search engine results

display algorithm. Traditionally as marketers, we spent 90% of our time

optimising our pages and building backlinks to get our pages to #1 in

Google. And this is still important. But since this +1 factor is a part of

Google's new algorithm, marketers need to also spend time getting as

many organic +1 clicks as possible. This will get your pages to #1 quicker

than ever before. So how can we maximize these +1 clicks?

First, add the +1 button to your website using: plus1/button

Add the +1 button right below the article. That's a very effective strategy.

This appears right by some other social media icons so it blends right in. It's

a good idea to have a blog or ezine where you post updates frequently, so

every time you post an update, you'll have a +1 button for people to click.

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For example, let's say that you do video updates for your blog. Every time

you do a video update make sure to ask your viewers at the end, 'If you

liked this video, click the +1 button'. This way you're encouraging people

to take action.

Cool Tip: Come up with a cool photo that instructs readers to click the +1

button at the end of your blog posts. You can have one made on!

Cool Tip For Wordpress Users: Instead of copying the code and manually

pasting it into the html for every page install a Wordpress plugin that adds

the +1 button to your blogs automatically.

So now you're starting to see the big picture. There's potential for content

to go viral very easily with Google plus because of the stream feature

combined with a +1 button on one of your pages. It's like the domino

effect. Take advantage of it, and start doing it NOW. If you do, you'll be

far ahead much of your competitors.

Social Media

You should also customize your Google plus profile to include direct links to

your website or blog.

You can add links to your profile by clicking on “Edit Profile” and clicking

the globe icon as shown below:

One thing to keep in mind that you should create an “About Me” page on

your website or blog that you can then feature inside of your Google plus


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When adding links to your Google plus profile page, you’ll be given the

opportunity to choose a single link that represents who you are, and

provides more information about you.

This link will appear inside of your search engine listing for your Google

profile and again, helps to determine who you are, and what you’re all


Synchronizing Your Social Accounts

Automatically Update Your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest


You can easily update your status on the other social platforms

automatically using a Chrome extension called “Extended Share For

Google Plus”.

To do this, you will need to be using

the Chrome browser, available at

Now, when you post you’ve got the

option of sharing your content with

your other social media platforms.

Time Saver: Importing Facebook Contacts

Starting up a new social account takes a lot of time and energy. You need

to add your contacts all over again, start posting regular updates and

engage your audience.

You now know how to automatically post updates from Google plus to

your Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts. But, is it possible

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to save even more time by importing your Facebook contacts into your new

Google plus account?

You bet!

While it requires a few steps, it’s actually very easy to copy over your

Facebook contacts into your Google plus account. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Create a free Yahoo email address

Step 2: Log into your Yahoo! Email account and choose the “Contacts”

tab from the navigation menu.

Step 3: Click “Contacts” from within your Yahoo! Email account, selecting

“Facebook” from the available menu.

You will now see a menu that offers you the option of importing your

contacts from Facebook, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail and more.

Click on the Facebook icon to begin.

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You will now need to log into Facebook through your Yahoo! Mail to begin

importing your contacts.

The process may take some time, depending on the number of Facebook

contacts that you have.

When complete, you will see a “Congratulations” screen indicating the

number of contacts that have been imported into your Yahoo! Email


Step 4: Log into your Google plus account and click the “Circles” tab.

Step 5: Click “Find & Invite” from your Google plus account, and click the

Yahoo! Button from the options menu.

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Click “Agree” on the pop up window that appears, authorizing Google

plus to import your Yahoo! Email contacts:

Note that if your Yahoo! Email account was just created, you will have to

wait 14 days before you are able to import your contacts.

Search Google Plus for Content

Content curation is another great benefit of Google plus. It’s a great way

to collate and curate information from different sources, and to share highly

targeted and tailored information to your different circles.

From your Google Plus Home Page. Locate the Search Google plus box at

the top, near your Home Page navigation.

[image – google search]

For business pages you can curate different content and share with your

customers, suppliers and partners, as appropriate.

Business Circles

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Notice that your default Circle options are different for a business page.

This makes it easy to post sales information to customers and work

information to Team members.

How To Get Engagement

The main tip is to find the right communities, join them and then post there –

not just on your home page. Join a number of communities and try to visit

them every day to start with. See which ones you feel most at home with

and then get involved. Simples!

5 Ways Google plus Changes Search

Here are a few ways Google plus will influence how you get traffic from

Google’s search engine, whether by boosting your position in search

results, increasing the chances that people will click into your site, or other


1. Improving Google Search

As a result of Google plus, Google will be able to improve its search

engine results pages through the information it collects from your social


Google plus offers a lot of elements that allow Google to understand

trends and what people are interested in faster than ever before. Not only

can they see what you share with your friends or what you’re reading, they

can also see which of your friends are most important to you.

Essentially, Google is getting deeper vision into how individual users share

and discuss things on the internet. When placing recommendations on the

results pages or looking for a certain page to promote, Google will now

know which of your friends you trust and listen to the most.

Also, Google will have better insight into who your favourite authors are on

certain blogs. If a blog has many authors and you tend to prefer a few of

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them or specific topics that the blog covers, Google can better adjust its

rankings to show what you are interested in.

2. Improved Search Results Quality

Another benefit that Google plus brings to search is that results become

much harder to cheat. Google can now more easily police who has a real

profile and who is a spammer, and watch how they try to influence search


It's not for Spammers. So that's a good thing!

Top Tip: For that reason, don’t even think about buying Google plus Like

gigs on sites like Fiverr.

3. Changing How You Get Traffic

The +1 buttons appear in Google’s search results and can be embedded

on other websites as well. They are tied to a destination page address, just

like shares or tweets are.

The +1 count that is displayed on each button is based on the address of

the page where it sits. This detail is really important to be aware of,

because this may influence how you design your website.

If you’re creating landing pages for paid search campaigns, and your

pages have several variations, all of the +1 votes that you earn will be

broken down separately for each page address.

Also, be aware that the number of +1 votes you have for a specific page

can affect its Quality Score, which is critical when working on a budget for

your paid ads. This isn’t a huge problem, but it’s important to be aware of.

Every time you move a page or change the address of something, you’ll be

resetting the +1 count for that page.

4. Improved Click-Through Rates

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The fourth major factor here, which is an often forgotten attribute to SEO

success, is click-through rate, or how often people who see you on their

results page actually click on your page in the results.

One of the powerful ideas behind the +1 votes is that if you can see that

certain results are extremely popular, or that people found a specific

resource particularly helpful, you have that information available without

even clicking into the site.

You can see how many people have already found a certain page useful

before you ever click or read any other details about it. This is similar to

what Twitter and Facebook have given us access to with some of their

customized buttons that reveal numbers of times something has been


Savvy marketers can take advantage of a powerful “first post” effect. In

other words, people might be more willing to share a piece of content if

they have a chance to be one of the first people to spread the word. In any

case, Google plus gives us more opportunities to speculate about social

proof and its effect on social and viral behaviour online.

The access to this insight will strongly encourage searchers to click on

specific “good” pages and ignore ones that are not as popular with their


As you can see, Google plus is not just like any social network out there. It

has the power to affect our search habits, and Google is not afraid to use

that to its advantage to penetrate the social media space.

While here we’ve covered the important ways in which Google plus affects

search results, there is one more element that needs to be discussed. With

Google plus Business Pages, Google also rolled out an interesting new

integration between Google plus and Google search. The name of this

integration is Direct Connect, and in the next section, we will discuss what

it does and how to set it up.

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5. Direct Connect plus

How to Set Up Google plus Direct Connect

Google have added a feature to Google search in which adding a ‘+’

when searching for a brand will bring up their Google plus business profile.

This doesn’t yet work for all pages and so might take a while to become

fully functional.

Users who want to find a company’s Google plus page can now simply

add a “+” in front of the company name in search to go

directly to a company’s Google plus Page and skip over the traditional

search engine results page.

In order to enable this awesome new “ +” search operator to work for

your business, you first need to install the Google plus Direct Connect code

on your business website to help verify that your Google plus page is the

“official” page for your business.

To do this, go to your Google plus page, and click the “connect your

website” link under the “Get Started” section. Once you have done this,

you will be taken to a screen that gives you options for six different Google

plus buttons.

One of your options is to display no button and just install the

Google plus Direct Connect code on your website. That said, don’t you

want people to connect with you on Google plus? So go ahead and use

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one of the buttons to turn website visitors into Google plus Page


Once you add the code to your website, you will be eligible to be included

in Google Direct Connect.

But keep in mind that this doesn’t happen automatically. Google has

stated it will be using an algorithm to determine which companies get


Make sure you are promoting your Google plus Page on your website,

blog, and other properties away from Google plus to help influence the

Direct Connect algorithm and get your business listed.


In the same way you can “+” or “mention” someone, similar to the way

Facebook tags friends as you start typing their name in.

Claim Your Google Authorship

Google Plus is also important in regards to preventing duplicate content

penalties when people copy your content. It basically attributes your

content to your Google Plus author profile, so be sure to fill out all your

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website URL’s on the Google Plus profile and link back to that profile from

your About page.

Once your Google authorship is set up and you’ve got enough connections

you get the added benefit of your picture appearing next to your search


This has been shown to improve your perceived trustworthiness and give

you a higher click through rate. It might even mean you get more clicks and

traffic than a listing higher than yours in the search rankings.

To get your face in the Google search results you need three things:

1. A Google+ account

2. A snippet of code added to your blog/posts that you author.

3. A link on your Google+ profile back to that blog/those posts.

Follow these steps to set up your Google Authorship:

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Firstly, open your Google plus account.

Once you’ve done that go to your blog and open up the code for your

About page. You need to add a special link back to your Google+ profile

from your About page. Actually, it’s just a regular link but with a special


The link should look like this:

<a href=”http://YourGoogle+ProfileAddress” rel=”author”>Google +</a>

It is really important that you include the rel =”author” part of the code as

that is what tells Google that you are the author of that content.

Google will check for a connection between your content pages (websites,

blogs and articles) to an author page (about me) and your Google Profile

as a way of identifying you as a content developer and author.

By placing a link to your Google profile, and by using the “rel=author”

anchor text to hyperlink to your Google plus account, you will simply make

it easier for Google to confirm authorship.

Just make sure that you place a link TO and FROM your Google Profile on

your content pages or About Me page. Google looks for a 2-way link

structure in order to confirm that it’s really you!

Google Authorship Checker

You can check you’ve set this up correctly using the Rich Snippets tool at

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Google plus has recently undergone another upgrade and one of the main

enhancements is in its photo viewing and editing capabilities. Google plus

is a fantastic medium for photographers and others in the visual arts.

Perhaps they’re also trying to incorporate some of the best features of

Pinterest as well as Facebook and Twitter!

Being able to instantly upload new pictures to Google plus is a huge plus,

but make sure you set your settings correctly as you might not want every

picture you take shared publicly on the web.

Instant Upload

There are other features that have been introduced to Google plus users as

well, including plusMobile, allowing you to sync your Google plus account

to any mobile device such as an iPhone.

You can upload photos instantly, and even use your phone’s built-in GPS

to tag places, and allow your contacts to keep up with you’re doing!

You can also optionally add locations to your Google plus updates, so that

your contacts can see where you are at any given time, by adding a

location link to every Google plus post you make!

In addition, you can take advantage of Google plus’s “Instant Upload”

utility, which enables you to upload photos directly from your mobile


You can choose to add your photos to a public or private album, and set

permissions so that only specific circles (or all of your circles) can see them.

Installing Instant Upload

To install Instant Upload, you must first have Google Plus Mobile on your

Android device. Go to the mobile website to get started

Enabling Instant Upload

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When you use Google Plus Mobile for the first time, you will be prompted

to either enable or disable the Instant Upload module of Plus Mobile

Changing Instant Upload Settings

While your Google Plus Mobile Application is open, go to the settings

menu. From here, you can enable or disable the Instant Upload feature

Visit your Google Plus account from a computer, not your phone. View

your photo albums and click on the From your phone album. Click on the

From your phone album to view your Instant Upload content.

Advanced Google plus Tips & Tricks

There are many different options and features available within your

Google plus community that will help you enhance productivity and to

quickly expand your outreach so that you are able to consistently build

contacts and networking opportunities.

One of the ways that you can reach out to existing contacts is by choosing

to notify specific circles or individuals when you post important information

or updates. Keep in mind that you should use this option carefully, so that

you are not flagged by the system as sending spam.

To notify circles of important updates, click “Notify About Post” when you

create a new update within your Google plus account, as shown below:

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Personalizing Your Updates

You can choose to mention people within your content and updates in the

same way that you would twitter, using the @ symbol like this:

"@username is a true inspiration".

You can also mention someone with the plus (+) symbol like this:

" +username is a true inspiration".

In addition, if you find that someone is posting too regularly, or you aren’t

interested in all of his or her updates, you can choose to “Mute” the

conversation so that it no longer appears in your stream.

Track the engagement and popularity of your posts


Replace the xxxxx with your Google ID which is a 21 number string and

looks like this:

To locate your G+ ID number, click on any of the tabs in the Google plus

dashboard. Similar to Edgerank for Facebook, the handy Suomi tool shows

you which of your posts have had the most comments, shares and


Custom Codes

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Here are the custom codes to use when writing new content for your


Bold your text: *word* - wrapping your text in star asterisks will bold that

part of your text. For example, if I enter in *hello*, the word hello will

appear in bold.

_word_ will make your word italic. Just add underscores around the words

that you would like to italicize.

-word- will create a strikethrough, changing this into this.

These are just a few quick ways that you can enhance your content while

making certain words or titles stand out to your readers.

Prevent Email Flooding

By default, everyone who is part of your circles can send you email directly

through gmail. You can disable this by clicking on “Profile & Privacy” – and

“Edit Visibility” on your profile page as shown below:

Direct Permalinks

If you’d like to share a Google plus update with visitors to your website or

blog, you can find the direct permalink by loading the content or update,

and locating the “Link to this post” from the drop down menu of your


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The +1 button and Adwords

This magic +1 button takes only a couple seconds to click, and by people

clicking it, they're recommending you to the world. So where does this +1

button show up? In a few different places actually. Let's take a look at one

standard example:

When people see ads that they like and they click this button, it adds it to

their Google social network, and that's where it's going to pay off. Once

the +1 buttons are clicked and they're saved to someone's social network,

and someone else within their network runs a search on something, they'll

be able to see who in their network liked that particular ad. People are still

in the process of catching onto advertising on FaceBook. They keep a list of

friends to offer their products to, kind of like having a list on Aweber or

GetResponse. Another thing they do with FaceBook is buy advertising via

banner ads, and so on. So if they think FaceBook is the way to go as far as

social media, wait until they discover what Google plus has in store for


This gives the person an idea of how popular the website is and it'll drive

more traffic to your pages. We all know that people are more likely to click

on the first 3 links within a Google search, so this will only add value and

more 'clickability probability' to your pages.

It doesn't stop there though. Let's say that you're a paid advertiser on


Isn't this just the best? If you're an avid user of Adwords (PPC in general),

you'll absolutely love what's going on with Google +1.

Image you've got a PPC campaign running via Adwords. When someone

clicks the +1 button, you will NOT be charged for a click in your Adwords

account. So that's a relief! So by people clicking on the +1 button next to

your ad (or, ANY plus1 button anywhere for that matter), you'll be getting

the golden seal of approval and people will take more well to it.

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Another benefit of the Adwords and +1 deal is that you'll be able to see

which ads are getting the most +1 clicks and you'll be able to decipher

your competition better. That's only just the beginning. There's a lot more

detail coming up, so hang tight.

Also, we are not limited to this displaying in search results, and on the

Google ads that I've just shown you. We can also add this to any page on

your website, like so: ( +1 button page)

Now take a look at this little screen where it's in action: [image]

So this is functioning somewhat as a social media icon, right alongside the

other big names out there.

We will get onto how to add this to your site soon as well as other methods

of implementing Google plus into your daily marketing activities. First we

need to cover the basics and set you up with an account. Let's take a look

at that now.


While Google plus is not the only network to offer Events (Facebook Events

for example), Google plus does it well. Part of this is because of the

growing product integration between all of the products and services

Google has to offer, with G plus being the nucleus. Creating an event is

as simple as a few button clicks from within the network. You can even

invite people to your Event via an email address, aside from just their

Google plus user name. With the Google Calendar integrating with

Google plus, any event you agree to go to will automatically show up in

your calendar and even send you notifications about the event.

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One of the best features of Google Events is the “Party Mode”. If you have

this feature enabled on your mobile device, all images you take while at

the Event in question will be automatically uploaded to the Event page

itself, allowing you to share those images seamlessly with everyone around

you. While this feature might sound gimmicky, as a photo educator, I

create an event for nearly every one of my Photography Workshops. Using

party mode, my clients mobile behind the scenes photos are automatically

being uploaded and showcased to the world about my workshop. Talk

about great marketing!

In Summary

Anyone who is serious about promoting their business should look seriously

at using Google+. Google plus is at the forefront of emerging technology,

and new developments in social networking. This is the perfect time to join

the game!

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Get found online before your competitors even realise the opportunity

they’re missing!

Feel free to add me to your circles!


See you on Google plus!

Cassie Hicks

p.s. The time is now so don’t wait, jump in and start using the power of

Gplus to build your business!

p.p.s Come and find out how you can make a profit on Google+ in just 15

minutes per day!