Download - Google App Engine for PHP

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<?php echo "Google App Engine For PHP";?>


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A quick slide about SDPHPSocial and Communications: ● MeetUp:● Facebook:● Github:● Twitter: @sdphp● IRC: #sdphp

Website: ● Mentoring Program -● PHP Resources -● Job Listing -

Two Monthly Group Meetings (held on different days)● Downtown San Diego● North County - Carlsbad

Speakers welcome and get a cool

SDPHP pint glass.

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A quick slide about Me

Eric Van Johnson PHP Developer and Architect and an Organizer of SDPHP

● Github:● LinkedIn:● Twitter: @shocm● IRC: @shocm● Website:

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What is Google App EngineGoogle App Engine (GAE) is Google Platform As A Service (PaaS).

PaaS solutions are designed to supply a full solution stacks "as a service".

Pros include no server administration, no patching, very low-maintenance, and auto scaling. Cons are that these solutions can be pretty restrictive environments to work in.

Other PHP PaaS Solution include Engine Yard, Red Hat OpenShift, Zend PHPCloud, and Appfog

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History of GAE

April 7, 2008 - Google announces Google App Engine, their new PaaS solution with support for the Python Programming language.

April 8, 2008 - Feature request #13 was opened up asking for PHP support

2009 - Google adds Support for Java to GAE. This, by extension, opened the door to running other JVM languages such as Groovy, JRuby, Scala, Clojure and Jython.

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More History of GAE

May 2011 (Google I/O 2011) Experimental Support for the Google Language Go is announced on GAE.

May 2013 (Google I/O 2013) Experimental Support for PHP is announced on GAE. Over 3300 people had starred the original Issue #13.

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GAE (currently version 1.8.0) runs a harden version of the Open Source PHP 5.4 interpreter

Extensions loaded in GAE Core, GAE Runtime Module, OAuth, PDO, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, apc, bcmath, calendar, ctype, date, dom, ereg, filter, gd, google_cloud_sql_mysqlnd_plugin, hash, iconv, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, memcache, memcached, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, session, shmop, soap, standard, tokenizer, urlfetch_stream_wrapper_plugin, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, zlib

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GAE PHP ToolsGUI Version

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GAE PHP ToolsGAE PHP uses PHP-CGI so you need to define the path to you PHP-CGI in your configuration

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GAE PHP ToolsGAE PHP also can be used from the command line

dev_appserver is a complete complete simulation of the GAE production environment. GAE services such as Memcache, Task Queue, and Cron Job

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App.yamlGAE uses a YAML file to define a lot of the aspects of your application.

Things that can be defined in the app.yaml file include;● What programing engine to use● The version of the application● Url mapping (using regular

expression)● Url level security (Both "login" and

"admin" roles)● Static Directories● Cache times of static resources● Require HTTPS● Libraries (Python)

● Resource Files (Java)

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GAE Environment GAE differs from your typical LAMP Stack. On the plus side, services like Memcache are automagically enabled and configured for your application. However there are also negative issues, sort of, like the fact that you do not have access to the local file system so you are unable to write to any local file system.

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Google Cloud SQL

● A fully managed, MySQL 5.5 compatible database service.

● Highly durable, highly available● Automatically backed up.● One Click restores

Google Cloud SQL propagates writes out to multiple datacenters.

PricingInteresting pricing models. You can pay for Cloud SQL on a per hour usage. You can also pay for the service in the increments of time you are actually doing reads and writes to the database. This comes in handy for QA and Staging environments where you may only use the database for very small amounts of time. The Database can sit there, not being used, and you would not pay for it.

Pricing ranges from $0.10 for a million I/O to $1.46 a day up to $46.84 a day.

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Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud Service supports 3 major ways to connect to your SQL Instance. PDO, mysql_connect, and mysqli.

* deprecated

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Google Cloud SQL

Once connected, MySQL works pretty much as expected in PHP. The only difference is instead of connecting to a IP address or Host, you connect to your project_name:instance_name

Example of a MySQL Query.

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Google Cloud Storage● Fast, reliable, and durable● Fine grained access control (you can

control exactly who can read and write to each file)

● Can be used to publish public web content● Access your files from GAE, RESTful

APIs, or Web Based GUI

The simplest way to write data to Google Cloud Storage from your app is to use file_put_contents as follows:

$options = [ "gs" => [ "Content-Type" => "text/plain" ]];$ctx = stream_context_create($options);file_put_contents("gs://my_bucket/hello.txt", "Hello", 0, $ctx);

Alternatively, you could use fopen/fwrite to write data in a streaming fashion instead

$fp = fopen("gs://my_bucket/some_file.txt", "w");fwrite($fp, "Hello");fclose($fp);

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Memcache GAE has zero-configuration of the memcache service out of the box in both your local development environment as well as in the GAE Cloud environment. This means data you need to access frequently and quickly, or data that may be process intensive and timely to create, can be stored in memcache.

$memcache = new Memcache;$memcache->set('foo', 'bar');print $memcache->get('foo'); //prints 'bar'

You can use the Memcache Library

$memcached = new Memcached;$memcached->set('foo', 'bar');print $memcached->get('foo'); //prints 'bar'

Alternatively you can use the Memcached Library

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Task QueueThe Task Queue PHP API allows you to run long processes outside the scope of a user request. For example you can schedule an email campaign as a task.

Mail PHP APIApplications hosted on App Engine do have the ability to send emails on behalf of the applications administrators or any user of the application with a Google Account. Emails can have attachments.

Applications can also receive emails.

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You do have access to your applications logs and you can even write to your logs by invoking the syslog() call from you application.

if (authorized_user()) { // Some success code} else { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Unauthorized access attempted");}

The first 100 megabytes of logs data retrieved per day via the Logs API calls are free.

Customizing your PHP.ini fileYou can include a php.ini file with your App Engine application and override any PHP directive that has one of the following changeable mode values:


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Cron Jobs

You do have the ability to define scheduled cron jobs within your application.

cron:- description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hours- description: monday morning mailout url: /mail/weekly schedule: every monday 09:00 timezone: Australia/NSW

DoS Protection Service for PHPThe App Engine Denial of Service (DoS) Protection Service enables you to protect your application from running out of quota when subjected to denial of service attacks by allowing you to blacklist IP addresses or subnets

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App Engine DashboardsCloud Development

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Deploying your application

<side note>You can also use Git to Push and Deploy

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Running Multiple EnvironmentsYou can run multiple environments in one App Engine Application. You control this by defining the correct "version" you wish to deploy to.

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What can you do with PHP and Google App Engine?

Custom Application? Yes provided you are willing to work within the limitations of the environment and extensions.

Wordpress? Yep, this is one of their "sample apps". There are some limitations and a couple really simple customizations that need to be done. Full steps are on their web site

Drupal?Yes according to the one of the presenters and early testers at Google I/O who spoke about using GAE PHP

Frameworks? Uncertain. Not tested.

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TIME ...

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Drawbacks ... ● Very limited "Free Tier" to use. ● Lack of support for many established and popular PHP

solutions such as CMS and eCommerce Solutions.


Customize established and popular PHP solutions such as CMS and eCommerce solutions to run on Google App Engine

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THANK YOU!Eric Van Johnson

● Twitter: @shocm● IRC: @shocm● Website: