Download - GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People

Page 1: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People
Page 2: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People


Monday, September 24 5:30 p.m. Word and Communion Tuesday, September 25 8:00 a.m. Living/Deceased of Ladies Auxiliary Wednesday, September 26 - Sts. Cosmos and Damian 5:30 p.m. Mu Ja Cho ( Maria) + Thurs., Sept. 27- St. Vincent de Paul 8:00 a.m. Paula Coomes Yarbrough + Friday, Sept. 28- Sts. Wenceslaus and Lawrence Ruiz 12:00 Noon Lloyd Mahoney + Saturday, September 29 – Sts. Michael and Gabriel 5:00 p.m. Michael and Elsie Thornsberry+ Sun., Sept. 30– Twenty Sixth Sun. Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. Janie Smith + 4:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish


Monday Prv 3:27-34; Lk 8:16-18

Tuesday Prv 21:1-6, 10-13;Lk 8:19-21

Wednesday Prv 30:5-9; Lk 9:1-6

Thursday Eccl 1:2-11; Lk 9:7-9

Friday Eccl 3:1-11; Lk 9:18-22

Saturday Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Jn 1:47-51

Sunday Nm 11:25-29; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Offertory Budget 2018-2019 $850,000 Weekly Needed to Run the Parish FY 18-19 $16,346

Debt Balance $ 3,033,645 Sept. 15/16 Cumulative

Offertory Collection 10,153 129,394 EFT - Weekly 1,347 18,987 EFT - Monthly ______ 26,250 Total Offertory 11,500 174,631 Offertory Budget 16,346 196,152 _____ _______ Variance Actual vs Budget (4,846) (21,521) Reduce, Renew, Reach Out 2,607 1,063,730 RRR EFT 294,467 Total RRR 2,607 1,358,197

IN SYMPATHY: Please pray for the soul of Edward Dixon who died in Norfolk, VA. He was the father of Jon Dixon of Good Shepherd. May God the Father welcome Edward into his heavenly kingdom and grant peace to his family.

FLOWERS: The flowers in the sanctuary were donated by Ed and Hey Parsons in memory of Hey’s mother, Mu Ja Cho ( Maria) . Thank you for your kind donation as we give thanks to God for the gift of life and the promise of the resurrections.

PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING IN OUR MILITARY: Tom Falconer, Kenny Collins, Mac Priest, Aaron Holder, Chris Nelson, Travis Clark, Donnie Brewer, Nick Wolford, Travis Pell, Brian Sheets, David Spahn, Aurora Herrera, C.J. Roberts, Zack Bauer, Brad Keough, Hunter Otten, David Nesselrode, Becky Schneider, Brandon Price, James White, Jessica Crum, Jordan Swatzyna, Michael Lona, Jr., Nicholas Marshall. KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Evelyn Howell, Gary Hoagland, The Wood Family, Margie Moore, Carrie Arnette, Ira Blakeman, Rhonda McGrath, Anita Harrod, Theresa Williams, Mary Mahoney, Charles Mitchell, Alice Wickman, Vic Evins, Charles Spaulding, Lauren Hladney, Katie Hines, Michael McCarty, Hannah Broughton, Jude Mattingly, Judith Bowen, Kelly Noel, Larry Flick, Anna Morici, Paul Smith, Paul Douglas Harrod III, Barbara Yancey, Angela Todd, Ann Stribling, Elder Weimer, Judy Pack, Amos Book , Doris Versey, Teresa Elliott, Davey Fallis, Collins Family, Jeff Darsie, Tim Lucas, Mary Anne Hockensmith, Janice Richards, Margo Cotton, Mary Peters, Nita Nalley, Ruth Ann Cole, Tony Versey, Dottie Slone, Jerry Morgan, Larry Lynn, David Patrick Bryan, Sarah Weaver, David Pettus, Liz Beckley, Jackie Stockton, Michael McClain, Larry Waters, Taylor Banta, Mary Simpson, Nancy Smith, Joyce Quire, Patrick Garrity, Don Williams, Judy Spaulding, Barbara Brown, Joyce Barlow, Eugene Edge, Clinton Tupts, Jacob Carta, Betty Mitchell, Houston Antle, Karen Howser Judy, Mary Mitchell, Gerald Sims, Becky Coffey, Dominic Morici, David Wood, Donna Schartung

Embrace Stewardship.

Give Generously because God Gives Generously. This week’s scripture readings teach us that living as Christian stewards requires us to swim against the tide of our “me-first” culture and stake out a path for our lives that may be different from that of our neighbors, friends or co-workers. This week, ask the Lord for the wisdom to see the "little ones" -- the vulnerable-- in your community and to show you concretely how you can reach out to them. (Catholic Stewardship Consultants) DID YOU KNOW?? … that Council and Committee meetings of the parish are generally open to all parishioners? If you would like to attend a meeting to find out more about what's going on or to possibly join the committee in its work, check your parish ministry directory for meeting times and contacts. Ministry Directories are available on the welcome/info wall in the gathering area.

Page 3: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People

Open Letter to Parishioners,

For the past several months, members of our parish leadership – committee/council

chairs, deacons, GSC staff, and school representatives – have been meeting and

identifying priorities and actions to address the financial and spiritual needs of

Good Shepherd Church and School.

Our ‘Stop/Start/Continue’ initiative began in June, at which time the top priorities

were identified. In July, all committees and councils met – and all parishioners

were invited to attend any of these meetings to suggest action steps for each

priority. The core leadership again met in August to review action steps and to

assign responsible entities and timetables for accomplishment. To this end, we

established an Implementation Team that will track and communicate progress on

tasks assigned.

A full listing of priorities and action steps may be found on the Good Shepherd


I am personally heartened by the dedication shown by our leadership to proactively

address the challenges we face as a parish. But leadership cannot carry out our

mission alone. I am, therefore, asking all parishioners to take the time to read the

report and participate in the many activities you will hear about via the bulletin or

other announcements. Ask questions! Attend council and committee meetings

when you can! Volunteer!

The current priorities and action steps are only the beginning of what will be a

continuous process for leadership to identify issues and actions that will strengthen

the financial and spiritual well being of Good Shepherd Parish.

I ask all of you to be a part of this challenging and uplifting experience.

Gratefully in Christ,

Fr. Charles

Page 4: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People


Saturday, September 29, 2018 2 – 4 P.M.

Scavenger Hunt and Prizes

West 6th Farm

4495 Shadrick Ferry Road Frankfort, KY

All Youth and Families Invited!

Contact Katharine Coleman for Information [email protected]

SUPPORT GROUP: Diabetes Support Group meets every Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 at the Capital City Activity Center. Come join with others who have an interest in Diabetes for good discussions about dealing with diabetes. ST. FRANCIS CELEBRATION : Clare Francis Fraternity is having a celebration of the Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi on Wednesday, October 3rd, at 7:30 pm. The Transitus is a celebration of the death of St. Francis of Assisi. We would like to invite all Franciscans and people who love St. Francis. It will be held at Pax Christi Catholic Church, 4001 Victoria Way in Lexington. We hope to see you there. Interpreters for the deaf will be provided upon request. Please let us know by September 25th. Contact Mary Petry at maryl.petry@



Starting in October , a section on the back of the bulletin

will be available to list a deceased loved one’s name.

The cost is $ 100 per name and their name will remain

on the bulletin for a year. This will help defray the cost

of printing our bulletin for the entire year. If interested,

please clip and fill out the slip below and put it in the

collection basket or Return to Kevin in the Parish Office.

Loved Ones Name___________________________ Your Name__________________________________ Billing Address______________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone Number______________________________ Email Address_______________________________ (Or enclose check payable to Diocesan)

Page 5: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People

Is your heart searching?Is your heart searching?Is your heart searching?Is your heart searching? What are you yearning to offer?What are you yearning to offer?What are you yearning to offer?What are you yearning to offer?

What could baptism have to offer? Are you baptized in a Christian faith and want

to journey with the Catholic Church? who who who who and what and what and what and what are you wanting are you wanting are you wanting are you wanting

to serve?to serve?to serve?to serve? Are you baptized Catholic, but need First Reconciliation, First Holy Eucharist,

and Confirmation? Is your Catholic faith fully alive, or Is your Catholic faith fully alive, or Is your Catholic faith fully alive, or Is your Catholic faith fully alive, or is the Light of Christis the Light of Christis the Light of Christis the Light of Christ

in your heart maybe needing to be stoked? in your heart maybe needing to be stoked? in your heart maybe needing to be stoked? in your heart maybe needing to be stoked?

The perfect condition for a RCIA SponsorThe perfect condition for a RCIA SponsorThe perfect condition for a RCIA SponsorThe perfect condition for a RCIA Sponsor!!!!

RCIA is for you! Please contact Laura for more information, [email protected], 502-227-4511

Adult Adult Adult Adult Faith FormationFaith FormationFaith FormationFaith Formation

Contact Laura Hack [email protected] - 227-4511 x 2006

MARRIAGE: Small Steps,Big Rewards By Dr. Ray Guarendi

BEGINS SUN., SEPT 16TH! 10:45-Noon, PLC, in the downstairs

kitchenette area.

Contact Nancy or Lou at

[email protected]



How can we responsibly serve without being prepared?

How can our children and youth participate in the life of the Church without adults who are willing to

become Safe Environment Certified?

GSC School parents MUST be certified to volunteer for fieldtrips or at the school! Are you certified?

Contact Laura, [email protected] or 502-227-4511 x2006

Safe Environment Certification

Young Adult Bible Study OpportunityYoung Adult Bible Study OpportunityYoung Adult Bible Study OpportunityYoung Adult Bible Study Opportunity From Dynamic Catholic!

The Turning PointThe Turning PointThe Turning PointThe Turning Point ---- A Gospel of John Bible StudyA Gospel of John Bible StudyA Gospel of John Bible StudyA Gospel of John Bible Study

Nine sessions and Eight Encounters with Jesus That Will Change Your Life!

Begins Thurs., September 13th, 6-7:30, Church Conference Room

$20 participant fee

Register with Samara, [email protected], or

Text or call at 270-230-7211

Faith Formation Council

Tuesday, October 16th, and additional members are needed!

Please contact Laura if you are committed in serving

our parish through this vital group! [email protected], 502-227-4511, ext. 2006

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

needs to begin!

We need 2-3 more volunteers to engage our children 3-6 years old in the

Word of God during 9:30 Mass! Please contact Laura ASAP!

Page 6: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People

2018-19 Sacramental Preparation Dates & Children’s Formation

REP Register ASAP!

Wednesday’s 6:15-7:30 in the school building.

Confirmation 2018-19

Register ASAP! October 11th DEADLINE!

1st Reconciliation & Eucharist Preparation BEGAN Last Week! Register ASAP! Wednesday’s 6:15-7:30 in the school building.

September 26th DEADLINE!

REP still needs someone to monitor the halls each

Wednesday night! Safe Environment Certification is

mandatory! Please contact Laura, [email protected], 502-227-4511

Catholic Way Bible Study: Genesis Begins September 17

th, Monday evenings,

7:00-9:00pm, in the Church Conference Room.

“Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin, salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chosen People against a fascinating human backdrop. The first eleven chapters deal with God and humanity at large. The

remaining ones address the special role of the people called to be His very own. Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Joseph are the unforgettable characters that anchor the very first story told about God and

His creation.” For more information contact Bob Oerther, 502-695-4435, [email protected]

Catholic Way Bible Study: The Acts of the Apostles Begins September 11

th, Tuesday mornings,

10:00-Noon, in the Church Conference Room.

“Also known as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit, Acts is the exciting adventure of the birth of the Church. Meet Peter, John, and

Paul, apostles used by the Lord to spread the faith from Jerusalem through Samaria, Antioch, Asia, and finally to Rome and

the ends of the earth.” For more information contact Kitty Haley at 223-1209 or Dana Biscontini at 875-3327.

CATHOLICISM Series, with Bishop Robert Barron Begins Monday, September 3

rd , and meets bi-weekly.

Contact Eleanor for the time and location, (502) 695-1426

“Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith in all its richness, history, beauty, goodness, and truth

in breathtaking, high-definition cinematography. Travel with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Bishop Robert

Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. You'll be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of

this global culture, claiming more than one billion of Earth’s people. From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart

of Uganda; from the glorious shrines of Italy, France, and Spain to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City; the

fullness of CATHOLICISM is revealed.”




Page 7: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People


22nd KofC Annual Golf Scramble Juniper Hills Golf Course

Sunday Sept 30th 12 Lunch - 1p Shot Gun Start

$60 a player. Contact Dan Bruning

[email protected] 502-545-3131

RESPECT FOR LIFE MASS : The Diocesan Respect for Life Mass with Bishop John Stowe, OFM, Cap will be celebrated this year at Good Shepherd Catholic Church on Tuesday, October 2, 2018. Mass will begin at 6:30 p.m. A light reception will follow after Mass. Everyone is most welcome. For more information, contact Peggy Sheiko, Diocesan Respect for Life Coordinator at 859-253-1993.

DIOCESAN MASS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Saturday, November 3, at 5 pm, at Pax Christi, Address: 4001 Victoria Way, Lexington, KY 40515 EXERCISE CLASS: The Active Living Movement exercise class has a time change. This free class meets on Monday and Fridays at 9:30 to 10:30 in the Good Shepherd School Gym. Come and check this out.We doing stretching, flexibility exercises, walking and weight lifting. We have all the equipment.

BISHOP’S WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: October 6, 2018: For all couples celebrating their 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th or 50th plus wedding anniversary in 2018. Held at the Cathedral of Christ the King on Saturday, October 6th. The celebration begins with Mass at 5:00 PM with Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv. presiding, followed by a reception in Hehman Hall. Please contact Maria Cambray at the Catholic Center at (859) 253-1993, ext. 210 to make reservations by September 28. Please give your name, parish, mailing address, phone number, and original wedding date.

PARKIKNG: Just a reminder that the concrete area between the church and Parish Life Center is a NO PARKING zone, at all times, with the exception of during school dismissal. This is required by the Frankfort Fire Departmen .


AVE MARIA ROSARY CLUB: For young ladies in fifth grade through high school. Each meeting will include food, fun, prayer and fellowship, with emphasis on the Rosary. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 25 from 5:30 -7:30pm in Room #5, PLC and will meet once a month through May. Suggested donation $20. (Financial Assistance available) Contact Maria Bryan (502) 682-3138 or Wanda Laslie (502) 330-7357 for information.

BE ONE OF THE 72! Efforts to have 72 (or more) people at Good Shepherd to pray an hour a week in Church are off to a wonderful start! We had 52 people sign up last weekend. Details and sign up forms are in Gathering Space. Come any time the church is open--no need to come the same time each week. Church will be open additional hours to accommodate people who cannot come during the day during the week. Pray weekly until New Year's Day, 2019. Pray for spiritual renewal in yourself, your family, our parish, and the whole Church. Sign in each time you complete your hour. This is called the Prayer of the 72 because, when Jesus wanted to spread the Kingdom, he sent 72 ordinary people (like us!) out to do great things. When people of faith join together, great things happen! FLOWER DONATIONS: We still have several weekends this year that do not have flowers donated for use in the sanctuary. Please consider remembering a loved one or a special occasion with a special tribute of flowers. Please call Kevin in the Parish Office if you are able to help.


Page 8: GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 · 2019-09-19 · Genesis explores the great themes of creation, sin , salvation, covenant, and the calling of the Chose n People


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