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June, 2011 Adventures in the Pseudo-Sciences by Gonzo

Conspiracy Theory and Criminality People believe in what they need to believe in order to satiate

their own particular conception of the world, the meaning of life

and their role in the living and dying process. And, that’s okay, so

long as beliefs do no harm to the freedom, evolving individual

nature and liberation of another’s spiritual journey. We’re all on a

mission to become a better more evolved version of our previous

self. So, without constraint or compromise, so long as actions do

not injure, we should be left alone. Meanwhile, some choose to

change, while others do not. We need to accept that.

Conspiratorial activities, regardless of whether they fall

within the rubric of the Gonzo Theory of the Planetary, the

Political and the Paranormal, should be regarded as willful

personal insights and quests to find answers. Of which, some may

be sinister, illegal and outright perpetrations that may be anti-

socially dangerous, skillful scams and frauds, as well as credible

threats to national security. Not to mentions of course organized

criminal collusions, which can be quite convincing, articulate and

well-financed for illicit gain at another’s expense.

When law enforcement intervention addresses suspected

conspiratorial criminal activity, individuals or groups can be very

resilient, legally insulated and adapt as needed to enforcement

efforts. They will adapt as necessary to assert their dogma and

actions unique to their organizational structure and belief system.

Whether religious or other philosophical doctrine, a group’s sense

of themselves reflects a complicity of divergent orthodoxy which

may perpetrate all manner of illegality. We should be prepared to

address the collective intent once they have coalesced within a

particular “mindset” of social collectivism. An individual’s

personal testimony of his or her own ideation is a matter of

personal consciousness in the choices one makes, which later

becomes group consensus or “group think”.

Gonzo-Theory in CryptoCriminology Conspiracy Theory

(In the nature of Criminality) Truth might be easier to comprehend once you find it.

For the criminal, nothing is sacred or off limits.

Conspiratorial fraud and related illicit activities, are

perpetrated from the guise of an “alien autopsy” video

(the Planetary); to the “9/11 inside job” cover-up (the

political), as well as the “laying on of hands” in godly

healing of the scheming televangelist (the paranormal).

Nothing is suggested here to question the authentic

viewpoints of anyone who devoutly subscribes to

supernatural or metaphysical belief systems. That is a

matter of personal ideology with respect to a multi-

dimensional complexly layered world in which we live. It

is one that often defies the imagination. What is relevant

here is the criminal who takes advantage of our beliefs

and exploits our thinking processes for personal gain.

In a culture of growing self-centeredness, anyone and

everything is fair game for the predator looking for a

victim. As such, law enforcement has a huge

responsibility to be the protectors of the public in general.

But, the public has to become better educated in their own

good judgment of communal self-defense. Con artists use

subterfuge as a tricky stratagem by which their criminal

collusions endeavors to deceive others.

People must learn to apply common sense to the

misleading notions projected in interpersonal

communications. Double-speak, rhetorical hyperbole, and

clever fallacies of inference maneuver the deception away

from the factual evidence. And likewise, an investigator

must guard against his or her own susceptibility. In an

investigative posture, one strives to determine the nature

of the criminality as reflected in criminal law statutes.

The investigator must know the significance and

specificity of statutory violations, possible civil litigation

or regulatory procedures that may be alternatives.