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Golgi Positioning

Smita Yadav and Adam D. Linstedt

Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

Correspondence: [email protected]

The Golgi apparatus in mammalian cells is positioned near the centrosome-based micro-tubule-organizing center (Fig. 1). Secretory cargo moves inward in membrane carriers fordelivery to Golgi membranes in which it is processed and packaged for transport outwardto the plasma membrane. Cytoplasmic dynein motor proteins (herein termed dynein) primar-ily mediate inward cargo carrier movement and Golgi positioning. These motors move alongmicrotubules toward microtubule minus-ends embedded in centrosomes. Centripetal motil-ity is controlled by a host of regulators whose precise functions remain to be determined.Significantly, a specific Golgi receptor for dynein has not been identified. This has impairedprogress toward elucidation of membrane-motor-microtubule attachment in the peripheryand, after inward movement, recycling of the motor for another round. Pericentrosomal posi-tioning of the Golgi apparatus is dynamic. It is regulated during critical cellular processessuch as mitosis, differentiation, cell polarization, and cell migration. Positioning is alsoimportant as it aligns the Golgi along an axis of cell polarity. In certain cell types, this pro-motes secretion directed to the proximal plasma membrane domain thereby maintainingspecializations critical for diverse processes including wound healing, immunologicalsynapse formation, and axon determination.


Newly synthesized proteins and lipids of thesecretory pathway are packaged into mem-

brane carriers that bud from the endoplasmicreticulum (ER). These membranes fuse witheach other and/or preexisting ER-Golgi inter-mediate compartment membranes (ERGIC)and are ultimately transported along microtu-bules toward the centrosome by the dyneinmotor protein complex. There are two note-worthy models regarding the next step. By thecisternal progression model, the membranesgenerate new cis-Golgi cisternae as they nearthe centrosome because of fusion with recycling

vesicles bearing cis-Golgi components includ-ing processing enzymes. By the stable com-partments model, the membranes fuse withpreexisting cis-Golgi cisternae thereby deliver-ing their content for processing. By eithermodel, the continuous inward movement ofmembrane carriers will contribute to thesteady state localization of Golgi membranesnear the centrosome principally because themembranes bear active dynein at the time oftheir delivery. In addition, dynein is likelyrecruited directly from the cytoplasm ontoGolgi membranes further contributing to Golgipericentrosomal positioning. This section cov-ers mechanistic details of dynein-based Golgi

Editors: Graham Warren and James Rothman

Additional Perspectives on The Golgi available at

Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

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membrane movement (1.1) and also support-ing roles in Golgi positioning of: anchoringconnections between Golgi membranes andcentrosomes (1.2), Golgi-nucleated microtu-bules (1.3), and bidirectional motility (1.4).

Moving in: Membrane Capture by Motorsand Loading onto Microtubules

Motor proteins use the cytoskeleton network ashighways for all membrane transport activities.Centripetal membrane movement is driven byforces generated mainly by the minus-enddirected motor protein cytoplasmic dynein, amember of the Dynein superfamily (Schroeret al. 1989; Kardon and Vale 2009). Dyneinmoves along microtubules carrying boundcargo, such as Golgi membranes, using confor-mational changes driven by a cycle of ATPbinding, hydrolysis and release. Dynein is amultimeric protein complex composed ofcatalytic heavy chains and noncatalytic inter-mediate, intermediate light, and light chains(Fig. 2A). Dynein heavy chain (DHC) exists inthree isoforms. One of these isoforms, DHC1,

assembles to form the dynein-1 motor complex,which is the major mediator of microtubuledependent minus-end directed movement inmammalian cells (Vaisberg et al. 1996). Inhibi-tion of dynein-1 causes the Golgi apparatus tofragment into stacks that are dispersed andimmotile, suggesting that continuous dyneindriven membrane transport is essential for cen-trosomal localization of the Golgi apparatus.DHC1 localizes both to Golgi membranes andthose of the intermediate compartment (Roghiand Allan 1999) and cultured cells from DHC1knockout mice have a fragmented Golgi appara-tus (Harada et al. 1998). This is furtherstrengthened by RNAi studies in which knock-down of components of the dynein-1 motorcause loss of Golgi positioning (Palmer et al.2009). There is conflicting data about the rolein Golgi positioning of dynein-2, which con-tains the DHC2 isoform. DHC2 is localized pri-marily to Golgi membranes and its inhibition byisoform specific antibodies causes loss of Golgipositioning (Vaisberg et al. 1996). However,siRNA mediated depletion of DHC2 fails toshow any Golgi phenotype or loss of ER-Golgi

Figure 1. The mammalian pericentrosomal Golgi ribbon. Fluorescent micrograph of cultured HeLa cells stainedusing antibodies against tubulin (green) and the Golgi marker protein giantin (red) shows relative positions ofextensive microtubule network and the Golgi membrane network.

S. Yadav and A.D. Linstedt

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transport (Palmer et al. 2009). Indeed, otherstudies show a role for DHC2 in primary ciliabiogenesis (Pazour et al. 1999). Althoughdynein-1 is the primary motor implicated inGolgi positioning, a minus-end directed mem-ber of the kinesin motor family, KIFC-3, canalso contribute, at least under the condition ofcholesterol depletion. Adrenocortical cells cul-tured from Kifc3-/- mice show a fragmentedGolgi and absence of inward Golgi motility butonly after cholesterol depletion (Xu et al. 2002).Whether dynein somehow depends on choles-terol for its activity remains to be tested.

Each dynein molecule contains dimerizedheavy chains. The carboxyl terminal region ofeach heavy chain comprises the motor domainand contains six triple-A ATPase domains anda microtubule binding stalk region. The aminoterminal region acts as a scaffold that, in thedimer, binds two dynein intermediate chains(DIC) and two light intermediate chains(DLIC) (King et al. 2002). Light chains LC-7(roadblock), LC-8, and Tctex-1 can formhomo- or hetero-dimers and assemble directlyon DIC (Nikulina et al. 2004; Kardon and Vale2009). Although the dynein heavy chain con-taining the ATPase domains at its carboxylterminus is sufficient for imparting motilityin in-vitro conditions, the assembly of the

noncatalytic subunits at the amino terminus isrequired to mediate specific cargo-adaptor-motor linkages that couple motor movementto cargo movement on microtubules. For exam-ple, Tctex-1 binds the integral membraneprotein rhodopsin to mediate transport of rho-dopsin-bearing vesicles in photoreceptor cells(Tai et al. 1999). Tctex-1 is also important forGolgi positioning because siRNA depletion ofTctex-1 blocks ER-Golgi traffic and fragmentsthe Golgi apparatus. Indeed, all of the core sub-units appear to comprise a functional unit forGolgi positioning as individual suppression bysiRNA of DHC1, DIC-2, LIC1, Tctex-1, Road-block, and LC-8 blocks ER-to-Golgi traffic andfragments the Golgi (Palmer et al. 2009).

DIC not only acts as a scaffold for assemblyof the light chain subunits of dynein but it alsolinks the motor protein to dynactin a large reg-ulatory complex (Vaughan and Vallee 1995).Remarkably, dynactin consists of 11 differentpolypeptides that assemble forming two mor-phologically distinct domains: the actin relatedprotein 1 (Arp1) rod and the p150 project-ing-arm (Fig. 2B). In actin-like fashion, Arp1assembles into a 40 nm filament and this as-sociates with six other subunits forming thecentral rod-shape of dynactin. Near one end ofthe Arp1 rod, the carboxyl terminus of the




Dynein light chains







Arp1 filament

Spectrin binding domain

Dynein Intermediate chainDynein light Intermediate chain

Linkercoiled coils





Microtubulebinding domain

Figure 2. Dynein and dynactin schematic diagrams. The dynein motor protein complex is assembled on twocatalytic heavy chains each containing a microtubule-binding domain, a motor domain consisting of sixAAA ATPase modules, and a coiled-coil linker region (A). The linker region binds to intermediate chains andlight intermediate chains and the assembled intermediate chains bind light chains. The multisubunit dynactincomplex has a projecting arm comprised of dimeric p150 that binds dynein intermediate chains and micro-tubules and a rod-shaped core comprised of an Arp1 filament that can bind spectrin on membranes (B).

Golgi Positioning

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elongated p150 subunit binds forming theprojecting-arm onto which, at its amino termi-nus, are bound two other subunits, p50 (dyna-mitin) and p24 (Schroer 2004). The Arp1 rod isthought to mediate interaction of dynactin withmembranes because Arp1 is known to interactwith b3-spectrin, which is a peripheral mem-brane protein (Holleran et al. 2001). At itsamino terminus, p150 has a microtubule-bind-ing motif, the cytoskeleton-associated proteinglycine-rich (Cap-Gly) motif (Waterman-Storer et al. 1995). P150 also interacts withmicrotubule plus tip proteins EB-1 and Clip-170 (Askham et al. 2002) and binds to DIC(King et al. 2002). Therefore, via its Arp1domain, dynactin binds membranes rich inspectrin and via the p150 arm; it connects themotor to microtubules. These interactions aresufficient for motility in vitro as spectrin-coatedliposomes move on microtubules in the pres-ence of the purified dynein-dynactin complex(Muresan et al. 2001). Although it is clear thatdynactin is involved in dynein-based motilitythere are several schools of thought regardingits exact role. These are: it confers dyneinlocalization to microtubule plus tips (Vaughanet al. 2002; Watson and Stephens 2006), it acti-vates dynein motor activity (King and Schroer2000), it tethers dynein to microtubules to pro-mote motor processivity (Waterman-Storeret al. 1995), it is an adaptor linking cargo todynein (Holleran et al. 2001; Muresan et al.2001), and it regulates bidirectional movementof membranes (Deacon et al. 2003). Signifi-cantly, loss of dynactin from Golgi membranesin Arp1 mutant Drosophila larvae or siRNAdepleted cultured cells does not inhibit motorattachment to membranes but does inhibitboth plus- and minus-end membrane motility(Haghnia et al. 2007). Further investigation isrequired to clearly decipher the role dynactinplays in carrier motility and its bidirectionalregulation.

RZZ (Rod-ZW10-Zwilch) is another com-plex that binds DIC and is implicated in Golgipositioning; however, its binding to DIC viaZW10 occurs primarily in mitosis for the pur-poseofspindle assembly, whereas its role inmem-brane motility probably involves interaction

with the dynactin subunit dynamitin (Starr et al.1998). During interphase, ZW10 is ER asso-ciated (Hirose et al. 2004) through the peri-pheral ER protein RINT-1 that binds the ERSNARE protein syntaxin-18 (Arasaki et al.2006). Interestingly, the ZW10 amino-terminaldomain binds RINT-1 and dynamitin in amutually exclusive manner (Inoue et al. 2008).This could be the basis of cycling between ERand Golgi membranes. In any case, dominantnegative, knockdown, and antibody inhibitionexperiments all show loss of Golgi position-ing and decreased minus-end Golgi motility(Varma et al. 2006).

Initiation of inward movement of ER-derived transport carriers by dynein can occurthrough direct recruitment of dynein from thecytosol (Fig. 3A), through binding of dyneinpreloaded on plus-end tips of microtubules tomembranes (Fig. 3B), or through delivery ofdynein via recycling vesicles (Fig. 3C). Thesemodes are not necessarily exclusive. Blockingpreloading by knockdown of EB1, which isrequired for dynactin association with the plustips of microtubules, has no apparent effect onER to Golgi motility suggesting that althoughpreloading takes place it is not required (Watsonand Stephens 2006). Recycling of dynein fromthe Golgi to the ERGIC on membranes hasnot been observed but it is an interesting possi-bility suggested by the general finding thatmembranes show bidirectional motility. Incontrast to the other modes, recycling wouldplace a premium on regulating motor activityas opposed to motor recruitment.

In principle, recruitment on membranes canoccur by direct binding of the motor to mem-brane lipids, binding of the motor to peripheralcomponents that bind lipids, or binding to acompartment-specific protein receptor. Directmembrane binding is observed in protease-treated synaptic membranes (Lacey and Haimo1994). Synthetic acidic phospholipid vesiclesbind dynein and binding increases dyneinATPase activity (Ferro and Collins 1995), butthe physiological relevance of direct lipid bind-ing by the motor remains unclear. Changes inlipid composition seem unlikely to account forthe specificityof dynein membrane interactions.

S. Yadav and A.D. Linstedt

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Further, motility of these vesicles is poor andis markedly improved by cytosol addition sug-gesting the participation of additional factors(Muresan et al. 2001). A key cytosolic compo-nent may be b-spectrin acting to bind lipidsand recruit the motor (Fig. 4A). b-spectrinbinds both acidic phospholipids and dynactinand is sufficient to substitute for cytosol inconferring full motility in vitro (Muresan et al.

2001). However, b-spectrin is localized tomany types of membranes again raising thequestion of how specificity of motor recruit-ment is obtained (De Matteis and Morrow2000). A more specifically localized candidateis the peripheral COPII vesicle coat complexcomponent sec23, which interacts directlywith the p150 subunit of dynactin (Watsonet al. 2005). The sec23/motor connection also

Hypothetical receptorcomplex



Figure 4. Membrane recruitment of dynein. Golgi membranes are moved inward by dynein moving on micro-tubules and one possibility is that dynactin links dynein to Golgi membranes by binding spectrin (A). In light ofdynactin-independent dynein membrane association and the nonspecific localization of spectrin, another pos-sibility is a yet-to-be-identified receptor complex for dynein that is Golgi-specific (B).





Dynein Transport carriermembranes




ER membranes

Microtubuleplus tips


Figure 3. Inward membrane movement. A pericentrosomal Golgi ribbon network is depicted (A). Minus-ends ofmicrotubules converge at the centrosome and support inward movement by dynein of secretory and Golgi mem-branes derived from the ER. Also shown are three modes of initiating membrane motility. The motor can berecruited directly from the cytosol onto membranes, which then load onto a microtubule (B). The motor can bepreloaded on microtubule plus tips, which then probe the cytoplasm and capture membranes (C). The motorcan be carried to the cell periphery via recycling vesicles bearing active kinesin and then, on fusion with ERGICmembranes, becomes activated for inward motility (D).

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has problems because the coat is only transientlypresent on the membrane and although disrup-tion of dynactin binding to sec23 lowers kineticsof ER to Golgi transport, membrane transportvelocities on microtubules are unaffected (Wat-son et al. 2005; Fromme et al. 2008).

The final category, a compartment specificreceptor (Fig. 4B), is appealing but the currentcandidates each have limitations in explaininghow dynein is membrane recruited for ER-to-Golgi transport and Golgi positioning. Thereare a few convincing cases of membrane pro-teins that bind dynein directly but these areunlikely to be generally involved in eitherER-to-Golgi traffic or Golgi positioning. Oneis rhodopsin, for which the interaction servesto confer dynein-based motility of rhodopsin-containing vesicles, but rhodopsin is onlyexpressed in photoreceptor cells (Tai et al.1999). Another is Drosophila bicaudal-D andits mammalian homolog BICD2, which lo-calizes to Golgi membranes, microtubule plustips, and centrosomes (Hoogenraad et al. 2001;Fumoto et al. 2006). Via its amino terminus,BICD-2 binds dynein-dynactin and via its car-boxyl terminus, it binds the GTPase rab6thereby recruiting dynein to rab6 positive mem-branes (Matanis et al. 2002). Induced targetingof BICD-2 to mitochondria or peroxisomescauses pericentrosomal clustering of the mem-branes and enhances recruitment of dynein onthese membranes (Hoogenraad et al. 2003).Nevertheless, BICD-2 localizes to the TGN,and is involved in COPI independent Golgi toER transport (Matanis et al. 2002). Further,BICD-2 knockdown does not alter Golgipositioning (Fumoto et al. 2006), hence itsinvolvement in ER-to-Golgi transport andGolgi positioning is unlikely. Golgin-160 andGMAP210 are much better candidates in termsof localization and phenotype. Each is a cis-Golgi protein required for minus-end move-ment of Golgi membrane (Rios et al. 2004;Yadav et al. 2009) and GMAP210 targeted tomitochondria induces their clustering. Never-theless, whether either protein participates inmotor recruitment is unknown. Lava lamp is aperipheral Golgi-associated golgin required forcellularization in the Drosophila embryo (Sisson

et al. 2000; Papoulas et al. 2005). Lava lampprovides a link for the motor through associa-tions with spectrin, the dynein complex andCLIP-190 and inhibition of lava lamp blocksdynein-dependent clustering of Golgi mem-branes. There are no studies of lava lamp outsideDrosophila and a mammalian homolog for lavalamp has not yet been identified.

As should be evident, the frequently citedcandidates for receptor complexes mediatingmembrane association of dynein each haveshortcomings. For example, dynactin knock-down leaves dynein on the Golgi, BICD-2 isnot required for Golgi positioning and lavalamp and others appear to have restrictedexpression. Further, as noted previously (Lin-stedt 2004), it is confounding that inhibitionor depletion of a multitude of componentsperturbs Golgi positioning (Table 1). Presum-ably, this reflects both the dynamic nature ofthe Golgi apparatus and the dependence of itsintegrity on many pathways. Thus, the follow-ing straightforward criteria for a bona fidereceptor complex can be proposed.

a. Knockdown or inhibition must block bothdynein localization and Golgi motility.

b. Localization must coincide with dynein onGolgi membranes.

c. Two domains should be evident, one thatdirectly binds a dynein component andone that mediates Golgi localization.

d. Reconstitution in artificial membranesshould confer dynein recruitment andmotility.

e. Because dynein dissociates from Golgimembranes during mitosis (see below),interaction of dynein with the receptor, orinteraction of the receptor with the mem-brane should be regulated.

Direct Binding to Microtubules andCentrosomes

Dynein moves Golgi membranes inward butonce there, active anchoring or tethering tothe centrosome may further maintain pericen-trosomal positioning (Fig. 5A). GMAP210 is a

S. Yadav and A.D. Linstedt

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Table 1. Select proteins showing Golgi phenotypes following knockdown.

Proteins Localization

Golgi knockdown






References for


Lava lamp Drosophila Golgi Immotile (noapicalmovement)

Dynein, dynactin,Clip190,a-spectrin

Motor adaptor Papalous et al.2004

Golgin-160 cis-Golgi Immotiledispersed stacks

Unknown Cargo receptor,motor adaptor?

Yadav et al. 2009

GMAP210 cis-Golgi Immotiledispersed stacks


Tether Rios et al. 2004

Golgin-245 trans-Golgi Immotiledispersed stacks

Unknown(dynein notdetected)

Tether, endosome-TGN traffic

Yoshino et al.2005

Dynein Endomembranes Immotiledispersed stacks


Motor Harada et al.1998 Palmeret al. 2009

Dynactin Centrosome,þtips

Immotiledispersed stacks


Motor adaptor/activator

King andSchroer 2000

Huntingtin trans-Golgi,endosomes

Dispersed stacks(partial)


Motor adaptor(endosome)

Caviston et al.2007

BICD1/2 trans-Golginetwork

Dispersed stacks(mild)

Dynein, Rab6 Motor adaptor,Golgi-ER traffic

Fumoto et al.2006

Golgin-97 trans-Golgi Dispersed stacks Unknown Tether, endosome-TGN traffic

Lu et al. 2004

Golgin-84 trans-Golgi Dispersed stacks Unknown Tether, intra-Golgiretrograde traffic

Diao et al. 2003

GCC185 trans-Golgi Dispersed stacks CLASP1/2 Microtubuleanchor, tether

Derby et al.2007

MyosinVI Golgi Dispersed stacks Optineurin Motor Warner et al.2003

Optineurin Golgi Dispersed stacks MysoinVI Motor adaptor Sahlender et al.2005

ZW-10 ER, Golgi Dispersed stacks Dynein, dynactin Tether, motoradaptor atkinetochore

Hirose et al.2004

Rab2 cis-Golgi, ERGIC Dispersed stacks Dynein,microtubules


Tisdale et al.1999

Rab18 cis-Golgi Dispersed stacks Unknown GTPase,ER-to-Golgi

Dejgaard et al.2008

Rab43 cis-Golgi Dispersed stacks Unknown GTPase,ER-to-Golgi

Dejgaard et al.2008

Rab6 trans-Golgi Dispersed stacks Dynein GTPase,Golgi-to-ER

Young et al.2005

Hook3 Centrosome Dispersed stacks(onoverexpression)

PCM1 Centrosomeanchor

Walenta et al.2001

CLASP1/2 Golgi, þtips Unlinkedclustered stacks

CLIP, EB1, þtipproteins

Microtubuleanchor (Golgi)& regulator

MimoriKiyosue et al.2005


Golgi Positioning

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candidate as it not only binds the Golgi but alsobinds directly to g-tubulin at the minus-ends ofmicrotubules (Infante et al. 1999). Its carboxylterminus, when exogenously expressed, local-izes to centrosomes (Cardenas et al. 2009).However, GMAP210 has also been implicatedin motility (see above) and in vesicle tethering

(Drin et al. 2007; Drin et al. 2008). Anotherprotein that may link the Golgi to centrosomesis Hook3 because it binds Golgi membranes viaits amino-terminal domain and binds centro-somes and microtubules via its carboxy-termi-nal domain. Further, Hook3 overexpressionfragments the Golgi (Walenta et al. 2001).

Table 1. Continued

Proteins Localization

Golgi knockdown






References for


GRASP55 Medial Golgi Unlinkedclustered stacks

Unknown Stacking, linking,cargo receptor

Feinstein andLinstedt 2007

GRASP65 cis-Golgi Unlinkedclustered stacks

Unknown Stacking, linking,cargo receptor

Puthenveeduet al. 2006

GM130 cis-Golgi Unlinkedclustered stacks

Unknown Stacking, linking,cargo receptor,scaffold

Puthenveeduet al. 2006

Golgin-45 Medial Golgi Unlinkedclustered stacks

Unknown Stacking, linking,cargo receptor,scaffold

Short et al. 2001

p115 ERGIC, cis-Golgi DispersedvesiculatedGolgi

Unknown Tether Puthenveeduand Linstedt2004

Rab1 ERGIC DispersedvesiculatedGolgi

Unknown GTPase,ER-to-Golgi

Wilson et al.1994

Spectrin Endomembranes Unknown Arp1 Scaffold, motoradaptor

Holleran et al.2001

Proteins are grouped according to phenotype. Listed interactions are only those most closely related to the cytoskeleton and

motility. Possible functions are noted but most are beyond the scope of this review and not discussed. Citations are restricted to

those initially describing the knockdown phenotypes.

Linker molecule



Golgi microtubules

Centrosomal microtubules

Figure 5. Additional Golgi positioning mechanisms. Golgi membranes may be anchored directly to the centro-some and/or minus-ends of microtubules (A). Golgi microtubules contribute to Golgi structure and mainte-nance of Golgi positioning once the membranes have moved inward (B).

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Cytoskeleton-Mediated Golgi Stabilization

Recently, a distinct subset of microtubules thatare nucleated at the Golgi apparatus ratherthan the centrosome (Fig. 5B) was characterized,and these are required for integrity of the Golgiribbon (Miller et al. 2009). Golgi-nucleatedmicrotubules are readily apparent during micro-tubule repolymerization after nocodazole wash-out of cells with ablated centrosomes (Efimovet al. 2007). These microtubules cluster Golgistacks but centrosomal microtubules are re-quired for pericentrosomal positioning of Golgimembranes indicating that Golgi microtubulesplay a more direct role in maintenance of Golgistructure than in positioning (Miller et al.2009). Nevertheless, Golgi positioning is main-tained on centrosome ablation indicating thatGolgi microtubules stabilize Golgi positioningafter dynein-mediated inward movement oncentrosomal microtubules (Efimov et al. 2007).

Actin filaments are also present on Golgimembranes and implicated in Golgi integrity.Interestingly, myosin VI a minus-end actinmotor binds to the Golgi through a Rab8mediated interaction with optineurin andknockdown of optineurin fragments the Golgi(Sahlender et al. 2005).

Multiple Motor Regulation and BidirectionalMovement

Increasing evidence indicates that most motilemembranes are simultaneously associated withplus- and minus-end directed motors anddirectionality of membrane movement is notdetermined by a ‘tug-of-war’ between theopposing motors but rather by specific regula-tion of either motor activity (Vale 2003; Welte2004). Further, inhibition of either dynein orkinesin blocks both plus- and minus-enddirected movement, indicating that motors ofopposite polarity are somehow interdependentfor activity (Brady et al. 1990; Martin et al.1999; Deacon et al. 2003). The presence ofboth motors on Golgi membranes is likelyadvantageous for membrane remodeling in-volving bidirectional movements, whether themovements are different Golgi domains mov-ing simultaneously in opposite directions or

one domain switching from one direction toanother. It also allows obstacles to be bypassedby backtracking before further forward move-ment (Welte 2004). Interestingly, the p150 subu-nit of dynactin not only binds dynein but alsobinds the KAP subunit of kinesin-II and theseinteractions are competitive (Deacon et al.2003). Dynactin binding to the two motors isprobably not for their recruitment because, asmentioned above, the motors remain on Golgimembranes after dynactin depletion (Haghniaet al. 2007). Rather, dynactin could alternatebinding between the motors regulating theiractivity to confer directionality (Gross 2003).


The characteristic positioning of the Golgi rib-bon in interphase mammalian cells is dynamicand dramatically changes during several cellularprocesses (Fig. 6). This section covers the cur-rent understanding of how Golgi membranepositioning is subject to regulation. Structuralchanges vary from complete fragmentationand loss of motility of the Golgi apparatus dur-ing mitosis and apoptosis, to comparativelysubtle remodeling and repositioning of theGolgi membranes during cell migration anddifferentiation.

Golgi Fragmentation and Loss of Positioning


The Golgi apparatus in mammalian cells under-goes stepwise fragmentation during mitosis.During this period, microtubules are rearrangedto form the mitotic spindle and the fragmentedGolgi membranes become dispersed through-out the dividing cell. Although the mechanismof Golgi fragmentation during mitosis hasbeen extensively studied, less is known aboutmitotic regulation of Golgi motility. Becausemitotic Golgi membranes disperse rather thanaccumulate at spindle poles, it is clear thatinward Golgi membrane motility is inhibitedduring mitosis. Indeed, in vitro experimentsusing Xenopus egg extracts from mitotic andinterphase cells reveal that the minus-end move-ment of membranes in severely inhibited at

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M-phase (Allan and Vale 1991). This is theconsequence of motor dissociation from themembranes rather than inhibition of the motoritself (Niclas et al. 1996). A possible mecha-nism is the phosphorylation of DLIC by thekey mitotic kinase, cyclin-dependent kinase 1(CDK1). ACDK1 site in DLIC has been mapped(Dell et al. 2000) and, in another study, CDK1caused dissociation of DLIC from isolated Golgimembranes (Addinall et al. 2001). Whethermutation of the phosphorylation site actuallyblocks dynein disassociation in mitotic cells stillneeds to be tested. DIC is also mitotically phos-phorylated (Vaughan et al. 2001) and, underthis condition, it switches from binding dynac-tin to binding the kinetochore-localized RZZcomplex (Whyte et al. 2008). In anaphase,DIC is dephosphorylated and rebinds dynactinbut this initiates chromosome separation ratherthan inward Golgi membrane movement. Golgimembranes begin to accumulate at microtubuleminus-ends in late anaphase and telophase indi-cating that the motor rebinds Golgi membranes

at these stages but the control mechanismactivating recruitment is not known. The signif-icance of Golgi dispersal at M-phase is likelymultifold. In late G2 phase, the Golgi ribbonunlinks and this may remove steric hindranceto allow centrosome separation. Because inhib-ition of Golgi unlinking delays onset of mitosis,it is also possible that the degree of Golgi frag-mentation provides feedback control imping-ing on cell cycle regulators (Colanzi et al.2007; Feinstein and Linstedt 2007). Finally,and perhaps most importantly, uniform dis-persal of Golgi-derived vesicles at the beginningof anaphase provides a simple way to ensureequal partitioning of Golgi membranes intodaughter cells.


The Golgi ribbon in mammalian cells under-goes fragmentation during apoptosis but,unlike mitotic disassembly, apoptotic disassem-bly is irreversible. Apoptosis can be caused by

A Interphase fibroblast

D Myotube E Pyramidal neuron

B Mitotic cell C Apoptotic cell

Figure 6. Dynamic changes in Golgi positioning. Golgi membranes are positioned adjacent the centrosome inmany mammalian cell types during interphase (A) and fragment and disperse during mitosis (B) and apoptosis(C). The pericentrosomal Golgi ribbon in myoblasts is converted to dispersed Golgi ministacks in myotubes(D). Pyramidal neurons have both a somatic Golgi and dispersed Golgi-outposts, which localize to dendriticbranchpoints (E).

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internal stress or extrinsic factors and involves aproteolytic cascade of caspases leading toorganelle and cytoskeleton disassembly as wellas membrane blebbing and ultimately celldeath. Caspases cleave several proteins impor-tant for Golgi structure including golgin-160(Mancini et al. 2000), GRASP65 (Lane et al.2002), p115 (Chiu et al. 2002), GM130 (Nozawaet al. 2002), and giantin (Lowe et al. 2004).Interestingly, Golgi fragmentation precedes ac-tin and microtubule disassembly (Mukherjeeet al. 2007) implying that dispersal of Golgimembranes is because of loss of dynein recruit-ment or activity. In this regard, it is noteworthythat golgin-160, which is required for Golgimotility, is cleaved (Mancini et al. 2000) andalso that both DIC and the dynactin compo-nent p150 undergo caspase-dependent cleavage(Lane et al. 2001). Intriguingly, for several of theGolgi-localized proteins, including golgin-160,preventing their cleavage slows or blocks apop-tosis. Although this hampers a definitive test ofthe role of golgin-160 cleavage in Golgi disper-sal, experiments show that golgin-160 cleavage,as well as p115 cleavage, actually contributes tospecific aspects of apoptotic signaling (Maaget al. 2005; Mukherjee and Shields 2009). Thislikely has more to do with roles of the cleavedproducts, for example in possibly activatingtranscriptional changes, than in causing Golgidispersal (Maag et al. 2005).

Golgi Membrane Remodeling andReorientation

Cell Differentiation

Golgi positioning is dramatically altered duringdifferentiation of myoblasts into myotubes(Ralston 1993). In about 1–2 h the pericentro-somal Golgi ribbon becomes fragmented intoisolated Golgi stacks encircling the nuclei ofthe fused cells of a myotube. The mechanismof the change is unclear, but centrosomal pro-teins and ER exit sites are also reorganized,each also encircling the nuclei. Microtubulesare also reorganized and at least part of the Golgichange may be because of uncoupling Golgipositioning from its inward motility (Lu et al.

2001). Interestingly, these changes are early stepsprior to cell fusion and could be an obligate partof the differentiation pathway (Lu et al. 2001).

Differentiation of uroepithelial cells to formuraplakin-positive uroepithelial cells is alsomarked by fragmentation of the pericentroso-mal Golgi ribbon present in the undifferenti-ated cells. Golgi dispersal appears to promoteuniform delivery of uroplakins over the apicalplasma membrane, which is critical to the for-mation and maintenance of the blood-urinebarrier (Kreft et al. 2010).

Golgi membranes during meiotic matura-tion and fertilization in mammalian oocytesundergo interesting dynamics. In nonrodentmammalian oocyte development, includinghuman, the maturing gamete lacks a centro-some until the sperm introduces it during fertil-ization (Schatten 1994). As might be expectedfor cells lacking a centrosome the Golgi ispresent as dispersed fragments in the cytoplasm(Moreno et al. 2002). As the oocyte matures andis arrested at metaphase II of meiosis the Golgibreaks down further yielding punctae coinci-dent with ER exit sites, presumably akin tomitotic breakdown. Following fertilization, theGolgi membranes coalesce near the nucleus ofthe zygote but do not form intact ribbon net-works until the two-cell stage is reached (Payneand Schatten 2003). Although it remains tobe tested, these rearrangements could largelyreflect normal zygotic control of Golgi position-ing through microtubule organization and cell-cycle dependent motor recruitment. In supportof this, Golgi function may be unnecessaryduring oocyte maturation because a brefeldinA-induced block of secretion has no apparenteffect on maturation of the oocyte.

Cell Polarization and Migration

In response to certain external cues, cells reor-ganize their cytoskeleton and thereby theirsecretory system to achieve polarization thatpromotes directional migration toward thecue (Kupfer et al. 1982). Primary polarizationcues initiated at the cell’s leading edge activatethe GTPase Cdc42, which establishes thePar6-Par3-PKC polarity complex. This complex

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recruits and anchors dynein, which pulls onastral microtubules to reorient the centrosometoward the leading edge (Palazzo et al. 2001).This, in turn, aligns the Golgi toward the lead-ing edge. Interestingly, unlinking of the Golgiribbon appears to be required for Golgi reori-entation. The Golgi linking protein GRASP65is phosphorylated during reorientation andexpression of a nonphosphorylatable form ofGRASP65 blocks centrosome reorientation(Bisel et al. 2008). Significantly, this block isneutralized if the Golgi is fragmented by othermeans. The GRASP65 binding partner GM130is also involved but in a distinct manner.GM130 recruits and activates the kinase YSK1,which phosphorylates downstream targetsinvolved in cell polarity. Expression of dominantnegative YSK1 blocks reorientation of both thecentrosome and the Golgi apparatus (Preisingeret al. 2004) indicating the involvement ofGM130 and YSK1 in polarization signaling.


Why do mammalian cells have a pericentroso-mal Golgi apparatus when dispersed stacks arefully functional in core processing and sort-ing reactions? Cell types with dispersed Golgi,such as in plants and yeast, use other mecha-nisms to direct secretion to a plasma membranesubdomain (Preuss et al. 1992; Stanley et al.1997; Nebenfuhr et al. 2000; Herpers andRabouille 2004). Recent work indicates thatGolgi positioning in mammalian cells haslargely to do with maintenance of the polarizedstate such that secretion is more readily directedto a specialized cellular domain. Distinct celltypes use this polarity to different ends andexamples of this are provided below.

Polarized Secretion, Cell Polarity,and Migration

Migrating fibroblasts respond to wounding,electric fields or to chemotactic gradients, suchthat the Golgi apparatus (Kupfer et al. 1982)and the centrosome are repositioned to facethe direction of the stimuli, which then defines

the cell’s leading edge (Fig. 7A). Secretion isrequired for maintaining cell polarity (Ber-shadsky and Futerman 1994; Prigozhina andWaterman-Storer 2004) and secretion becomesdirected to the leading edge during the polarityresponse (Schmoranzer et al. 2003). As a con-sequence the Golgi provides membrane andsecreted products directly to the site of stimulus.In principle, targeted delivery could occur with-out a reoriented Golgi. For example, it could beachieved solely by polarizing the cytoskeleton orby restricting vesicle-docking sites to the leadingedge. However, this is not how it works becausespecific disruption of Golgi orientation blocksdirected secretion (Yadav et al. 2009). In theseexperiments, Golgi positioning was disruptedby knockdown of either golgin-160 orGMAP210 yielding dispersed ministacks butleaving the cytoskeleton intact. The cells contin-ued to secrete but failed to target the leadingedge and as a consequence the polarized statewas not achieved and the cells failed to migratein response to wounding. An interesting possi-bility is that polarity is initiated at the leadingedge but its maintenance depends on directeddelivery from the Golgi of polarity-sustainingcomponents (Fig. 7B).

Furrow Formation During Cellularization

Cellularization of the Drosophila melanogastersyncytial embryo requires secretion from areoriented Golgi to build the membrane fur-rows that encapsulate the nuclei (Sisson et al.2000). In the syncytial embryo, Golgi mem-branes are dispersed stacks and their dynein-dependent movement and coalescence at theapical side of the nucleus marks cellularization.Blocking the Golgi membrane movementblocks cellularization presumably because Golgipositioning focuses secretion on the growingfurrows (Papoulas et al. 2005).

Immunological Synapse

Natural killer cells and cytotoxic T cells form animmunological synapse with target cells inwhich they release lytic factors that kill the tar-get cell. During this process Golgi membranesand the centrosome are repositioned to face

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the area of cell–cell contact (Kupfer et al. 1983;Stinchcombe et al. 2006). This reorientationlikely provides a mechanism for vectorial secre-tion of effector molecules at the immunologicalsynapse. Interestingly, there is a specialized casein which not only the T cell Golgi reorients butalso the Golgi in the target cell. During cellularinjury or viral invasion, T cells form contactswith brain astrocytes, which normally havemultiple plasma membrane extensions. Follow-ing contact, the astrocytes reorganize, extendinga single protrusion terminated by the immuno-logical synapse. The centrosome and Golgi arepositioned in the protrusion and targeted secre-tion to the synapse by the astrocyte may deter-mine whether or not the astrocyte is killed orwithstands the T cell attack (Barcia et al. 2008).

Axon Specification and DendriticArborization

Axon specification is a fundamental processduring neuronal development that dependson a polarized cytoskeleton and secretory

machinery (Bradke and Dotti 1997). Axon for-mation in hippocampal cells occurs oppositethe plane of mitotic division at a site faced bythe Golgi apparatus and centrosome (de Andaet al. 2005). Interestingly, in the presence oftwo centrosomes and Golgi, two separate axonsform. In fact, in cerebellar granule neurons, bi-polar morphology is achieved in a two-step pro-cess. The initial extension of a single neuronalprocess at a site aligned with the Golgi is fol-lowed by repositioning of the Golgi to the otherside of the nucleus and the formation there of asecond axon (Zmuda and Rivas 1998).

Golgi orientation has also been linked todendrites. Indeed, one study noted that the cellbody-localized, or somatic, Golgi was alwaysoriented toward dendrites and knockdown ofGRASP65 to fragment the Golgi altered den-dritic rather than axonal outgrowth (Hortonet al. 2005). Further, Golgi elements are notexclusively somatic but also present in dendritesas multiple Golgi “outposts.” Golgi outpostslocalize selectively to dendritic branchpointsand are typically present in only one long

Direction of migration


Extracellular signal


Cdc42 activation

Centrosome, actin &MT polarization

Golgi positioning

Polarized secretionActin network

Secretory vesicles


Golgi microtubules


Polarized secretionat the leading edge

Cell polarity


Figure 7. Golgi positioning directs secretion to cell leading edge. Extracellular signals, such as wounding, triggeractin assembly and reorientation of the centrosome, the Golgi apparatus, and the microtubule array (A). As aconsequence, secretion is directed to the leading edge. Once initiated, maintenance of polarity requires directedsecretion toward the leading edge by the pericentrosomally positioned Golgi apparatus (B).

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dendrite (Horton and Ehlers 2003). Golgi out-posts depend on dynein-based movement forthis positioning and in Drosophila neurons,knockdown of lava lamp, the golgin that medi-ates motor attachment to Golgi membranes inthese cells, causes loss of dendritic branchpoints. Further, the lava lamp knockdowncauses Golgi outposts to appear in axons andthese axons start branching. Therefore, posi-tioning of Golgi outposts is critical in confer-ring dendritic arborization (Ye et al. 2007).


Golgi pericentrosomal positioning is a strikingfeature of mammalian cells. It is largely theresult of secretory and Golgi membrane move-ment toward the minus-ends of microtubulesby the dynein motor complex. An excitingarea of research continues to be the functionalcharacterization of both the core and the regu-latory subunits of dynein and how they conferfunctional diversity to the motor. Further, it iscritical that the identity of the membrane recep-tor complex for dynein on the Golgi becomesmore clearly elucidated if we are to understandhow Golgi positioning is regulated. Membraneassociation of the motor is regulated duringmitosis. It is likely also regulated during cyclesof membrane capture and release for inwardsecretory and Golgi movements. Significantly,Golgi-nucleated microtubules provide a newperspective on how Golgi positioning may bemaintained after inward movement. It will beinteresting to see how and when Golgi microtu-bules are regulated and to determine their prev-alence in different organisms and cell types. It isarguable that most changes in Golgi positioningare either the result of uncoupling Golgi mem-branes from the motor or a consequence of arearranged centrosome-meditated microtubulearray. The latter appears to be used to greateffect in cells that orient their Golgi to performdirected secretion toward sites of rapid or spe-cialized growth. Nevertheless, Golgi positioningis one of many changes occurring in these cells.Tests that specifically change Golgi positioningare needed to confirm its importance in thesediverse processes. Although it is difficult to

imagine how an intact Golgi ribbon networkcould be experimentally moved to new cellularlocation, it is clear that increased understandingof the machinery controlling motor membraneattachment will allow development of reagentsthat specifically block Golgi fragmentation, coa-lescence or reorientation. Such reagents will notonly be instrumental as further tests of the phys-iological importance of Golgi positioning, butalso will undoubtedly reveal new insights intospecial functions conferred by a positionedGolgi.


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Golgi Positioning

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published online April 6, 2011Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Smita Yadav and Adam D. Linstedt Golgi Positioning

Subject Collection The Golgi

Structure of Golgi Transport ProteinsDaniel Kümmel and Karin M. Reinisch Identify

Golgi and Related Vesicle Proteomics: Simplify to

NilssonJoan Gannon, John J.M. Bergeron and Tommy

Golgi BiogenesisYanzhuang Wang and Joachim Seemann

Organization of SNAREs within the Golgi StackJörg Malsam and Thomas H. Söllner

DiseasesGolgi Glycosylation and Human Inherited

Hudson H. Freeze and Bobby G. Ng

Golgi during DevelopmentWeimin Zhong

Models for Golgi Traffic: A Critical AssessmentBenjamin S. Glick and Alberto Luini Golgi Complex

-Face of thecisEntry and Exit Mechanisms at the

Andrés Lorente-Rodríguez and Charles BarloweArchitecture of the Mammalian Golgi

Judith KlumpermanCOPI Budding within the Golgi Stack

Vincent Popoff, Frank Adolf, Britta Brügger, et al.Evolution and Diversity of the Golgi

Mary J. Klute, Paul Melançon and Joel B. DacksMechanisms of Protein Retention in the Golgi

David K. Banfield

Glycans Are Universal to Living CellsGlycosylation Machinery: Why Cell Surface Evolutionary Forces Shaping the Golgi

Ajit Varki

ApparatusThe Golgin Coiled-Coil Proteins of the Golgi

Sean Munro

Golgi PositioningSmita Yadav and Adam D. Linstedt

Signaling at the GolgiPeter Mayinger For additional articles in this collection, see

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