Download - God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

Page 1: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

God’s Approach to The

Supernatural Creative PowerScript :

JOHN 9vs.1-11John 5:19

30th July 2013 Brother Archie Harold-Brown

Page 2: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-8 And there's a way to approach all things. And there's a way to approach God. And if we don't know the approach to God, we'll never be able to get an audience with God. See? You have to know...In a court, if... You just don't walk up, and the judge is on the stand, and say, "Hey judge. I want to talk to you a little bit." Somebody'd throw you out of the court room, lock you up (See?), for disorderly conduct. See?


Page 3: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

There's a way you have to approach the judge.And we must find the--a way of approach to the great, Divine Judge, God Himself.


Page 4: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-20 And God provided an approach there for Adam in the garden of Eden, that through the shedding of the blood of the innocent to appropriate an approach to Him. Then Adam could once more come through the shed blood of the lamb, to the approach, and talk face to face, again, with God through the Blood, through the approach, that God provided for him.


Page 5: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

Now, that was God's first method of approach to Himself for the people, through the shed Blood. It has been from that day till this day the same thing. Through the shedding of Blood brings the approach to God.


Page 6: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-52 "That's My approach," He said, "that's the way I'm asking You to approach Me. I--I am your Satisfier. Do you believe it?" He said. Amen. "I am the One that'll satisfy you as you draw from Me, life. Abraham, you're a hundred years old, but you're just a baby to Me." See?


Page 7: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-84 So the little boy--man picked up the little boy in his arms, excitable, and run him over to me. Watch how I move there. See? I didn't come the provided approach. See? I said, "Bring him here." And I got in myself, because I seen the vision was going to make him well. But you have to come God's approach. See? And they brought him over there.


Page 8: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

I just laid my hands on him. I said, "God, I pray that You'll make this little fellow well. You said that You'd do it." And the little fellow gasped three or four times and passed completely out. I looked at him. And his mother begin to scream, "Oh, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead."And I thought, "Well, what's happened? Oh," I thought, "my, there it is.


Page 9: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

Oh, here's Graham Snelling standing here; he's the blond head that is supposed to be setting over there with the curly hair. But there's supposed to be an old woman setting in this chair here." There was the furniture and everything, but it wasn't right. I didn't come the right approach.


Page 10: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-14 Many things that I've noticed along the journey... I remember one thing, especially, when I was having a meeting. I'd just started off in my services. And I never will forget... My wife's not here this afternoon, so I can tell this all right. And we went down... I went to St. Louis first, where little Betty Daugherty was healed, where all the doctors of St. Louis had give her up.


Page 11: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

And I went there and prayed. And Mr. Daugherty, a very well known minister in the city, had just been re--revealed to me about two weeks before that. I didn't have money to go over on the train, and my congregation took up eleven dollars to buy my ticket over there and back. And I didn't have a coat, so one of my brothers let me have his coat to wear. And I went over on a chair car and got there the next morning.


Page 12: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

Mr. Daugherty standing out there, he was--he was expecting something. He said, "Brother Branham, I have heard that the Lord Jesus has visit you to show visions."And I said, "That is right."Said, "Do you know anything about my daughter?"I said, "No, sir, I do not."


Page 13: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

We went up to their house and the little thing laying there screaming and going on. She weighed a... Just a little curly-headed girl, just in a terrible condition... And I said, "What does the doctor say?“ Said, "Oh, Brother Branham, I've spent money after money and none of them even can tell what it is." Said, "They think it's--it's Saint Vitus' dance but they're not too sure."


Page 14: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

And said, "She's laid like this for weeks, and the churches has fasted and prayed, and we don't know what to do. And someone told me about..." How, I don't know who...


Page 15: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-15 And so, I went in and prayed for the little girl. All groups of people were in praying. We went down through the--from the parsonage to the church and prayed down there. And I went back. Nothing had happened. …And I went on out in the yard and I walked up and down. I didn't know too much about St. Louis. I walked down the street a little ways and back.


Page 16: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

Hours passed, and I'd been there about eight hours then, and I was setting in Mr. Daugherty's car, and right out across the car a vision begin to move. Then I knew what would take place.


Page 17: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-16 Then Mr. Daugherty, the old father of Reverend Daugherty, come to the door, and he said, "Brother Branham, have you heard anything yet?" And young Mr. Daugherty was coming around the house.I said, "Yes, I have THUS SAITH THE LORD." He begin screaming and throwing up his hands…He said, "What must I do?"


Page 18: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

I said, "Now, first go in and take everybody out of the house but your wife--all the people."He said, "All right."I said, "Don't doubt nothing now." And we went in, and we walked into the room, and there was the little girl lying there. I said to mother; I said, "Now, don't doubt anything. You go to your kitchen." I never seen where her kitchen was; it was a large house.


Page 19: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

And I said, "Down in the bottom of a drawer you'll find a little pan, like that, that you just bought about two days ago: blue granite. It's never had nothing in it."She said, "Yes, sir, that's right."I said, "Fill that about half full of clear water right out of the faucet and bring me a white handkerchief."


Page 20: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

And she said, "All right."She went and got it, and I said, "Now, Reverend Daugherty, you kneel down here on my right hand side at the foot of the bed, and father--the father, I said, "You, kneel down here," (the father of the Reverend Daugherty, the grandfather of the child); He did.


Page 21: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

I said, "Now, Mrs. Daugherty, while I am repeating the Lord's Prayer, when I say, 'Our Father Who art in heaven,' you take that rag out of the pan, squeeze it out, and wipe it over her face. And then, about middle of the prayer, you wipe it across her hands. And then, at the end of the prayer, you wipe it across her feet, for THUS SAITH THE LORD, the devil that's got that child bound will leave when the last water's put on her feet." I said, "Don't doubt."


Page 22: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

And she... Why, her little tongue was all eat up and her lips and everything, her eyes sunk back... Weeks and weeks, and I think she'd been bedfast...


Page 23: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

E-17 ... The little thing been there, I think, three months like that. Nothing could stop it; just screaming and clawing its little hair like that, and the streaks on its face and screaming; its mother all worn out.So we knelt down. I said, "Our Father Who art in heaven..." Mrs. Daugherty rubbed the little rag across her face.


Page 24: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

On down when I said--at the end of the prayer, to "Amen," when I said, "Amen," the little child was still screaming. Then I raised up, and I said, "Lord God, Who created heavens and earth, Who hath sent to pray for this child, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask the spirit of sickness that's on the child to leave."


Page 25: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

The little girl looked around, said, "Mommy, where are you?" And her mother begin screaming, dropped the pan, fell back in the floor like that. The father begin screaming and laid down in the floor. You'd have though he was a holy roller then (Uh-huh.), so then, the way he was carrying on. And that old dad, the grandfather, fell across the bed and begin to praising God. All formality had left then.


Page 26: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

The little girl got up. I took her by the hand. I said, "Honey, what would you like to have?"She said, "Who are you?"I said, "I'm Brother Branham."And she said, "I would like to have a--one of these milk shakes, you know."


Page 27: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

19 ¶ And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren.20 And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him.

II KINGS 2:19-22

Page 28: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. 22 So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.

II KINGS 2:19-22

Page 29: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

9 ¶ So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. 10 And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.


Page 30: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)


Page 31: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:


Page 32: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

69c … "Keep holding on." Don't worry. God is waiting, and trying, and pressing to get at the mystery of God revealed to His Church. That's what's a-holding back the coming of Christ now and the great Millennium, is this great supernatural power that really lays dormant in the Church.


Page 33: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

476 He just don't change. It's God in man. That's His manifestation. That's what He's revealing. That's what He's trying to do, and God's Own Word revealing It. Shows that man cannot create; God is the Creator. And it ain't man no more; it's God the Creator, in man, which is His Church now. Amen!


JEFF.IN V-3 N-7 SUNDAY_ 63-0728

Page 34: God’s Approach to The Supernatural Creative Power Script : JOHN 9vs.1-11 John 5:19 30 th July 2013Brother Archie Harold-Brown.

49 Just as we know now, as a man asked me a few moments ago, about the Coming and the Rapture. We know. We've lived the time out, at the time of the Rapture is at hand, and we're looking for a rapturing faith that can pull the Church together and give it some supernatural strength, that can change these bodies that we live in.