Download - Goals 1. What were Washington’s strategies at Trenton and Princeton? 2. Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the war? 3. How did foreign nations.




1. What were Washington’s strategies at Trenton and Princeton?

2. Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the war?

3. How did foreign nations and individuals aid the Patriots?

4. How did the Patriots carry out the naval war?

VICTORY IN NEW JERSEY British General William Howe sent

troops to take New Jersey in Nov. 1776 – he thought the war would be over soon.

NJ was left in the hands of Hessians, German mercenaries hired to fight for the British.

Washington decided to attack the Hessians at Trenton, New Jersey.

He believed he could take them by surprise while they celebrated the holiday.

On Christmas Night, Washington and 2,400 soldiers crossed the Delaware to attack.

The Battle of Trenton – Dec. 26th, 1776 lasted less than 1 hour.

Patriots captured more than 900 Hessians with just 5 American casualties.Victory boosted Patriots’ spirits!

Washington marched his troops to Princeton, New Jersey for another surprise attack.

The Battle of Princeton – Jan. 1777, another victory for Patriots!!

TURNING POINT AT SARATOGA British planned to cut New England off

from the rest of the colonies.Called for British troops under General John

Burgoyne in Canada to march South to take back Fort Ticonderoga.

A second force would march east from Lake Ontario.

General Howe’s troops would march north from NYC.

All 3 groups would meet in Albany, NY.

General Howe decided to attack Philadelphia before going to Albany.Battle of Brandywine Creek – Sept. 11, 1777, Howe

crushed Patriots’ forces. General Burgoyne didn’t know both Howe and

British forces from the east were late! Burgoyne and the British were badly

outnumbered. Battle of Saratoga – Sept.-Oct. 1777,

Burgoyne suffered a major defeat.Victory at Saratoga was the greatest win yet for

the American Forces. It greatly boosted morale and led to increased

foreign support.

FOREIGN ALLIES France and Spain had been secretly

aiding the Patriots. The victory at Saratoga convinced

France that America could win. May 1778- Continental Congress

approved an alliance with France. Spain joined in 1779 and provided

support to the Patriots on the western front.

Key allies: Bernardo de Galvez- governor of Spanish

Louisiana. Marquis de Lafayette- young Frenchman who

contributed $200,000 of his own money to the Revolution!

Tadeusz Kosciuszko & Kazimierz Pulaski – from Poland.Brought army engineering skills.Helped train cavalry units

WINTER AT VALLEY FORGE Dec. 1777- Washington settled his

troops at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.Army running low on supplies- no food, little

clothing.Winter of 1777-78… 1/5 of the soldiers died

of disease and malnutrition.By the end of winter, troops were

frustrated. Friedrich von Steuban- Prussian army

officer.Taught troops basic military skills.

THE WAR AT SEA 1775- Continental Congress created the

Continental Navy and marines.By 1776- the navy only had 8 fighting ships.

Instead of fighting large battles, Patriots tried to attack individual British ships.

Also attacked British supply ports and merchant ships.

John Paul Jones- one of the most successful American captains.Captured many British supply ships.