Download - Goal Setting Workshop 2016


Goal Setting Workshop 2016

Why you need to set goals

Why most people fail.

How to choose the right goals

Define your goals

Make your plan

Follow through with your goal

Why you need to set goals

Goals give you long-term vision and short-term motivation . It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of

your life.

Tell You What You Truly Want

Propel You Forward

Keeps you focused

Help you Live Life To The Fullest

Goals Transform big problems into small obstacles

Makes it easier to make decisions

Goals Hold You Accountable For Failure

This is why most people fail.

Bad goal definition

Fail to choose the right goals

Not important enough

They leave it to chance (don’t plan)

They don’t share their goals

They don’t set milestones

They don’t think of the work

They are unrealistic

How to choose the right goals

First Step: Take an A4 blank page / notepad.

Don’t use your computer

Second Step:Create a table with 2-3 categories *

*You can use one of two methods: 1. 2 categories:

1. Personal 2. Work

2. 3 categories: 1. What do you want to own 2. What do you want to be 3. What you want to do

Third Step: create a list of everything you think

you want to do / achieve in 2016. No Filters.

Choose only 3 goals for each category

Tips on how to choose your goals:

1. What do you really want to achieve

2. Choose a goal to create a journey *

3. Make sure your goal excites you

4. Performance vs. outcome goals:

5. Select them for the right reasons

* Additional Guiding questions: 1. How do I want to spend my time? 2. What daily activities make me want to leap out of bed? 3. What do I want to learn? 4. Who do I want to hang out with? Talk with? Collaborate with?

Define your goals

Make your goals SMART

Specific - Measurable - Attainable - Relevant - Time Bound:


Specific: A specific goal will usually answer the five Ws (What, Why, Who, Where, and Which). Writing specific objectives fleshes out your goal so you can easily identify what you want to accomplish.

Measurable: If your goal isn’t measurable, there will be no way to know if you’re making progress. You need to address the question, “How will I know when this is accomplished?”

Attainable: Your goal must be something that you can realistically attain. I would love to fly like a bird by jumping off a cliff with no parachute, but gravity would have the last word in that interaction. However, learning to jump off a cliff with a hang glider is more realistic.

Relevant: If your goal doesn’t mean anything to you, then it isn’t worth pursuing. Tie your goals to your deeper values to give them more meaning. Make sure you are behind the goal 100% so you stay motivated to achieve it.

Time Bound: You need to have a deadline. Otherwise it’s just a dream that never becomes reality. Putting down a deadline makes you more committed to bringing it to fruition.

Use positive language in your goals

Write them in a way there is only one meaning to it.

Spend more time with my family: 1. Coming back home at 18:30 at least 3 times a week 2. Don’t work on Weekends 3. Not check my emails on family time

A well set goal:

A well set goal:Learn new things: 1. Watch a TED talk everyday 2. Do one Udemy course a month 3. Read

Make a plan

If you don’t plan, you won’t follow through

Planning your way towards the goals: Break it down into little bits

Make an actual actionable plan to get it

Share to be held accountable

Set milestones

Set checkpoints

Add stakes

If the goal doesn’t work - change it

Follow through with your goal




Pair up

Tools | Way Of Life


A friend |

RemindersSet calendar reminders to check your progress

Pair up

Find a friend you can talk weekly and follow up on each other’s progress

Every second is unique and holds the potential to be everything and nothing at the same time.

The fact that you are one thing at this second, doesn’t mean you have to be consistent in the next second.

Every second, you get the chance to reinvent yourself

Good Luck!