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Goal Setting for Fitnessby Greg Marshall

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Understanding your "why"You must figure out what drives you internally before you can decide to change your external situation. For example you must know if you are motivated by reaching a goal everyone says you "cannot reach" to say you did it? Why are these goals important to you? Most people try the next diet or workout before they figure out their why and then end up failing. The problem is not that you do not have willpower but that you do not know your key motivators. Most common "why" - recognition, goal attainment, to feel more attractive, to date again, and to be a better parent.

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Define your goalsWhat do you want to look like 12 months from now? Exactly how much do you want to weigh? What size pants do you want to fit in? What will be your rewards for hitting those goals? What are your benchmarks? How do you want to feel in 12 months?

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Emotional Goals Your eating habits have a lot to do with your success in your fitness journey. When do you eat the most? (stressed, celebrating, when your self esteem is low) What is your plan for working on your self image/body image? How will you manage your stress? (find a new hobby, spend time with family, exercise) What behaviors will you no longer accept? (self hate, negative talk, abuse from other people)

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Support System Who will be your support system? Find at least one or two people who you trust who will not judge you but still hold you accountable to your fitness goals. The benefit of having a support system is when you want to quit they are their to keep pushing you to reach your goals. Signs of a positive support system- you can open up to them about your struggles and not feel bad, you feel motivated by your meetings, they give you hope that you can go on.

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Reward System Choose rewards that really get you excited such as a new wardrobe. Set up mini rewards instead of one big reward to keep the positive self reinforcement in place. Every benchmark you achieve you should celebrate with your support system to gain momentum. Actually reward yourself when you hit your goals. Avoid the temptation to delay your reward.