Download - Goal Setting 2015. Step by step goal setting Achieving long-term goals requires achieving short-term goals first. It is a good idea rite one of your long.


Goal Setting2015

Step by step goal setting

Achieving long-term goals requires achieving short-term goals first. It is a

good idea rite one of your long term goals, Then

break it down into several short-term goals.


• A goal of graduating from high school is too general. Specify how this will be accomplished.


• Establish criteria for how a goal is to be achieved.

• Measurable does not refer to a timeline; it means determining a way to measure your success in completing the goal.

• Study more often – Study 3 days per week for 1 hour

Action-oriented & Attainable

• Be proactive in taking action that will result in reaching the desired goal

• Goals should be something you can actually achieve.

Realistic (realavent)

• Strive for attainable goals, considering the resources and constraints relative to the situation.

Timely (time-bound)

• Allow reasonable time to complete each goal, but not so much time you lose focus or motivation.


• Specific or Significant

• Measurable or Meaningful

• Attainable or Action-Oriented

• Relevant or Rewarding

• Timely or Trackable

Unit Project

• Choose 2 long term goals regarding your personal nutrition and fitness. (1 each)

• List a minimum of 3 short-term goals you will accomplish in order to reach your long-term goals.

• Track your first short-term goal on the Project Page for 18 days

• Reflect on your experience. ½ page minimum.

• 30 pts.