Download - Glyph #22 - Cucumber Beetle - Jazz Up Your Life … Empowerment Listing Franklin, NC • USA Glyph #22 - Cucumber Beetle The


◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #22 - Cucumber Beetle

The glyph is designed to eradicate both types of cucumber beetles, the striped and spotted, which are invading food crops.

This glyph incorporates gratitude, honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Eradicate all existing cucumber beetles, both spotted and striped, their eggs and their existing offspring, within a sixty foot radius of this glyph. Repel any further infestation in this area.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #22 and is located within the black circle. The user of this glyph is blessed.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Glyph #22 - Cucumber Beetle07 June 2012 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #42 - Restore Energetic Balance

This intention of this glyph is to restore balance of energy and provide grounding after etheric work.

This glyph incorporates the intention of gratitude, honor, love and respect for the Prime Creator.

Resolve all energetic releases or imbalance as a direct result of energy clearings, transformations and etheric patterning. Restore balance and grounding as needed. Balance the energies of the right and left hemisphere of the brain. Incorporate all intrinsic cellular systems to adjust to new frequencies. Establish a self renewing protective shield around the individual to prevent damage from electronic frequencies or any harmful emissions from the earth.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #42 and is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Glyph #42 - Restore Energetic Balance 25 April 2010 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #53 - Hemlock (adelges tsugae) Preservation

This intention of this glyph is to stop the spread of the wooly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) that is destroying the hemlocks and restore the health of the trees.

This glyph incorporates the intention of honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Create and enforce stringent directional frequencies that will transition all wooly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) and stop the migration of these insects from one area to another. Transition any wooly adelgid that are on this hemlock tree or the hemlock tree/s on this photograh and halt any further spread of this infestation. Stimulate the regeneration and restoration of these or this tree, granting immunity to prevent further infestation, increase its vitality and return to health. We call on the violet flame of transformtion of St Germain to assist with this work.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #53 is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph and the tree/s are blessed.

Place this glyph on the Hemlock (adelges tsugae).

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: With the power of God within me, I witness to the rapid healing of the forests.

Glyph #53 - Hemlock (adelges tsugae) Preservation 31 January 2012 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.)

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10/6/2013 - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

Suggested Affirmation: With the power of God within me, I witness to the rapid healing of the forests.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #59 - Healing of the Bats

The purpose of this glyph is to resolve any illness that is causing the death of bats.

This glyph incorporates gratitude, honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Resolve any viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic illness that is afflicting the bat population on the earth. Modify the DNA of all bats to create an immunity within the bat population to any further infestation.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #59 and is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: It is my intention that the frequency of this glyph go out around the world to resolve the disease that is killing the bats and provide an immunity to any further reinfestation.

Glyph #59 - Healing of the Bats20 April 2012 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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Suggested Affirmation: It is my intention that the frequency of this glyph go out around the world to resolve the disease that is killing the bats and provide an immunity to any further reinfestation.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #68 - Brain and Nervous System

The purpose of this glyph is to resolve any malformation, underdevelopment, injury or degeneration of the brain and/or nervous system that is not karmic related or part of selected chosen path of the individual.

This glyph incorporates gratitude, honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator and for the experience as a teacher.

On an as needed basis, resolve and rebuild brain and nervous system deficiencies from malnutrition, birth defects, injuries, age related problems such as nervous tremors, Alzheimer's and other memory related symptoms, restoring the body to the original blueprint without interfering with accrued memory and skills as follows: First, transition to Light all existing toxins and emotional blockages from the cerebellum. Connect all energy points in and around the cerebellum. Energy, circulate freely around this area. Restore the cerebellum to the original blueprint of health through molecular transformation and regeneration as needed. Continue to pulse energy to rebuild the body part and utilize osmosis of energy through the cell structure to replace existing cells until transition is complete.

Second, in the same manner duplicating the procedure for the cerebellum, detoxify, restore and regenerate the entire cerebrum including the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, temporal lobe, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, and limbic system when needed. Third, in the same manner as the cerebellum, detoxify, build or restore and regenerate the diencephalon. Fourth, in the same manner as the cerebellum, detoxify, build or restore and regenerate the brainstem. Fifth, in the same manner as the cerebellum, detoxify, rebuild and regenerate the spinal cord to include the spinal nerves, reflex arcs, cerebrospinal fluid and meninges. Transition to Light any congestion in the area of the spine. Sixth, in the same manner as the cerebellum, detoxify, rebuild and regenerate the peripheral nervous system, to include the sensory neurons, motor neurons, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Establish a balance between the right and left hemisphere of the brain. Incorporate all intrinsic cellular systems to adjust to new frequencies. Make these changes incorporate the entire aura and reach out to all directions and all dimensions of time.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #68 and located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

Put glyph on crown and forehead chakra.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: Creator, with the power of you within me, I renew myself so that I may continue in my work within the Divine Plan. I am grateful for all my blessings.

Glyph #68 - Brain and Nervous System 28 October 2012 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.)

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10/6/2013 - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

Suggested Affirmation: Creator, with the power of you within me, I renew myself so that I may continue in my work within the Divine Plan. I am grateful for all my blessings.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #75 - Resolve Light Imbalances

This glyph is intended to recognize Light imbalances in the cells of the body and resolve the same.

This glyph incorporates gratitude and the intention of honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Resolve any imbalance due to light emissions from individual cells to coincide with their original blueprint so that the user is in complete balance and harmony. Remove electromagnetic frequencies that are designed to impede the user in any way. Resolve all damage within the body that is due to electromagnetic frequencies invading the human energy field. Remove stagnant energy causing any imbalances. Remove any chakra linking with any living or disincarnate soul that is not for the highest good of the individual. Remove any negative extraterrestrial influences and restore resonance with Earth. Repair and reprogram the astral body if needed and restore any soul fragments to reunite with user. Resolve and remove any enemy labels. Resolve any energy clusters that hold a negative charge On a continuing basis, employ energy into the body that will heal, energize, balance and align. Transfer all energy matter into Light that is not in harmony with health and healing.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #75 and is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

This glyph can be placed on the solar plexus, heart chakra or any major chakra.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: I see myself as standing in the Light, loving unconditionally without judgement. I am whole and complete, perfect the way I am.

Glyph #75 - Resolve Light Imbalances) 08 June 2012 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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Suggested Affirmation: I see myself as standing in the Light, loving unconditionally without judgement. I am whole and complete, perfect the way I am.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #80 - Soul Rescue

The purpose of this glyph is to assist souls who have lost their way, often ending in suicide or other tragic deaths.

This glyph incorporates gratitude along with the intention of honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Free this soul of torment. Establish a connective link for this soul to receive Light within and around their present space. Give it rest and reassurance. Cleanse it of the various afflictions or attachments that keep it in a cycle that holds it back from achieving its highest purpose. Let it be free of guilt that prevents it from moving forward. Hold it in a space of love. Give it peace and understanding and freedom too accelerate its position in celestial accord. Delegate a celestial team of Light beings to assist this soul in a selection of choices in moving forward in order to achieve its highest purpose. Cleanse the Earth of any negative energy caused by the actions or death of this person.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #80 and is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

Place on a picture or the name of the person in their most recent past life.

Recite the following prayer.

I pray for this soul and I intend that this glyph will assist this soul in finding peace and its’ true purpose. I send my love to this soul and intend for its highest good. I pray and intend the earth will be cleansed of any

negative impact left by the death of the person.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: Place on a picture or the name of the person in their most recent past life. Recite the following prayer. I pray for this soul and I intend that this glyph will assist this soul in finding peace and its' true purpose. I send my love to this soul and intend for its highest good. I pray and intend the earth will be cleansed of any negative impact left by the death of the person.

Glyph #80 - Soul Rescue06 November 2009 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.)

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10/6/2013 - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

Suggested Affirmation: Place on a picture or the name of the person in their most recent past life. Recite the following prayer. I pray for this soul and I intend that this glyph will assist this soul in finding peace and its' true purpose. I send my love to this soul and intend for its highest good. I pray and intend the earth will be cleansed of any negative impact left by the death of the person.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #83 - Remove Diabetic Markers

The purpose of this glyph is to remove markers that make a person prone to diabetes.

This glyph incorporates gratitude, honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Remove markers that make this person a candidate or have an inclination toward diabetes. Resolve all identies from past lifetimes that include a lifetime with diabetes. Make these modifications to the DNA to include the etheric blueprint, the emotional body, the mental body, and out into the astral level, the etheric template body, the celestial body, the ketheric template and the eighth and ninth level on the cosmic plane.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #83 and is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Glyph #83 - Remove Diabetic Markers26 May 2013 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #84 - Wet Cell Battery

This glyph is designed to perform the function of a Wet Cell Battery as promoted by Edgar Cayce.

This glyph incorporates gratitude and the intention of honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Resolve any and all disease or imbalances using the protocol of the Baar Wet Cell appliance including any and all the solutions. Align user with their higher self. Incorporate all intrinsic cellular systems to adjust to new frequencies. Align the body with celestial encounterments that are in keeping with the movement of the earth. Collapse any unneeded or outdated soul program.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #84 and is located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

This glyph should be placed on the solar plexus, heart chakra or any major chakra.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: I know I am an extension of Source Energy and I am ready to understand who I am. Thank you Creator for all the blessings and assistance that I receive.

Glyph #84 - Wet Cell Battery28 October 2012 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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Suggested Affirmation: I know I am an extension of Source Energy and I am ready to understand who I am. Thank you Creator for all the blessings and assistance that I receive.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #92 - Accessing Eighth Chakra

This glyph is designed to access stored memory or data from the eighth chakra to be restored to the present memory to assist the user with present mission.

This glyph incorporates gratitude and the intention of honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

With expediency, access the knowledge base of the eighth chakra, and pulsing any frequencies or harmonics as necessary, bring into present accessible memory the knowledge of who that person is and why they are here. Bring into present memory any and all knowledge of languages to include comprehension, spoken and written. manner, access knowledge of any skills acquired in a past life and incorporate them into accessible present memory. With like expediency remove and transition to Light anything that may be blocking the user from receiving and utilizing this information.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #92 and located within the black wavy border. The user of this glyph is blessed.

This glyph should be placed on the solar plexus, heart chakra or any major chakra.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: Recognizing the power within me as an extension of Source Energy, I move forward with my life. Thank you Creator for all the blessing and assistance that I receive.

Glyph #92 - Accessing Eighth Chakra13 October 2007 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.)

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10/6/2013 - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

Suggested Affirmation: Recognizing the power within me as an extension of Source Energy, I move forward with my life. Thank you Creator for all the blessing and assistance that I receive.

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◊ Glyph Empowerment Listing ◊ Franklin, NC • USA

Glyph #104 - Eliminate Genetically Modified Plants

This glyph is intended to eliminate all genetically modified plants that are harmful to human beings and animals.

This glyph incorporates gratitude and the intention of honor, love and respect for the Energy of the Prime Creator.

Rapidly reduce energetic forces within any plant that does not conform to natural law. This includes all genetically modified plants that are destructive to human or animal health. Completely eradicate these plants on any area covered by these glyphs over the sector, plat or area location or photograph. Resolve toxic matter in the earth. Restore energetic balance in the area. Facilitate the action of glyph #70, Expansion of Consciousness, in the Holy Ground Farm Glyph Gallery for all people in the given area.

This glyph is identified as Glyph #104 and is located within the black circle. The user of this glyph is blessed.

This glyph can be placed in a glass or plastic jar and put in the garden or lawn or placed on a plat of land or picture of the land.

(The above image may not be to scale.)

Affirmation: I see myself as a powerful being filled with the Light of God. I am unlimited.

Glyph #104 - Eliminate Genetically Modified Plants 14 July 2013 - © 2013 Holy Ground Farm, Inc.

(Please Note: This document should be printed on a color printer to be fully effective.) - Unlocking the Power of Glyphs/Sacred Symbols of Light

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Suggested Affirmation: I see myself as a powerful being filled with the Light of God. I am unlimited.

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