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  • 8/12/2019 Glossary y5


    Glossary Sains



    1 Mould kulat

    2 Quarantine Diasingkan

    3 Biodegradation Biodegradasi / boleh diuraikan

    4 Compost Kompos

    5 Contagious Berjangkit

    6 Humus Humus

    7 Fair test jian sah

    ! Intraspeciescompetiton

    "ersaingan antara spesis

    # Extinction Kepupusan

    1$ Shortage Kekurangan

    11 Consumer "engguna

    12 Food chain %antai makanan

    13 Producer "engeluar

    14 Represented Di&akili

    15 Food web 'iratan makanan


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    1 Biodegradation (he pro)ess &here a substan)e )an be )hanged ba)k to aharmless natural state b* the rea)tion o+ ba)teria and&ill not damage the en,ironment

    2 Compost - mi.ture o+ de)a*ed plants +ood that )an be added tosoil to help plants gro&

    3 Contagious Diseases that )an be spread easil* +rom one person toanother

    4 Humus - substan)e made +rom dead lea,es and plants added tothe soil to help plants gro&

    5 Microscopic 0.tremel* small and di++i)ult or impossible to see&ithout a mi)ros)ope

    6 Mould - t*pe o+ +ungi that gro& on bread ri)e and +ruits

    7 Quarantine solated +rom other people

    ! Endangered (hreaten

    # Extinct o longer

    1$ Fair test anipulating one ,ariable at a time

    11 Intraspeciescompetition

    ompetition among the same spe)ies

    12 Surial (he state o+ )ontinuing to li,e or

    13 Food chain 'ho&s the +ood relationship among plants and animals

    14 Food web onsists o+ +ood )hains that are linked together

    15 Primar! consumer irst animal in the +ood )hain

    16 Producers "lants the* make their o&n +ood

    17 Secondar! consumer 'e)ond animal in the +ood )hain



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    1 Bonding katan

    2 Captured Dipernagkap

    3 Curiosit! aluri ingin tahu

    4 Exploitation 0ksploitasi penggunaan

    5 Forces Da*a

    6 Harness eman+aatkan

    7 Imagination maginasi

    ! Installed Dipasang

    # "aundr! Dobi

    1$ Re#iner! "enapis

    11 Substance Bahan

    12 $urbines (urbin

    13 ltimate tama asas

    14 %ppliances "eralatan

    15 Catapult astik

    16 Constant (etap

    17 Powered Digerakkan

    1! Stretch (arik regang

    1# $rans#ormed Diubah

    2$ %dminister (adbir

    21 &istribute engagihkan

    22 Elicit en)ungkil

    23 "and#ills (apak pelupusan


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    24 match 'epadan

    25 'dourless (idak berbau

    26 Readil! aailable udah diperolehi

    27 Renewable Diperbaharui

    2! Replenished Diganti semula

    2# Residues Hasil buangan

    3$ Shu##le Ko)ok men*elerakkan

    31 $erm stilah

    32 (astage "emba8iran

    33 (isel! 'e)ara bijaksana

    34 %ppreciable 9elas ketara

    35 %rra!s embariskan susunan

    36 Conenient udah digunakan

    37 Fraction 'egelintir pe)ahan

    3! %rrangements 'usunan

    3# Interrupt emotong men)elah

    4$ Pathwa!s 9alan ke)il lorong

    41 Receier "enerima

    42 Represent e&akili

    43 )arious -neka pelbagai

    44 &eices "eranti alat

    45 Extensie ebar

    46 Indicate enandakan menunjukkan

    47 "ethal emba&a maut


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    4! Muscles :tot urat

    4# *ere 'ara+

    5$ Resistance "enentangan

    51 Beam -lur )aha*a

    52 "ight source 'umber )aha*a

    53 "uminous Berkilau

    54 'pa+ue egap

    55 *on luminous (idak berkilau

    56 Penumbra "enumbra

    57 Phenomenon enomena/ kejadian

    5! Shadow Ba*ang;ba*ang

    5# Straight line

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    72 &r!ing clothes enjemur pakaian

    73 Food industr! ndustri pembuatan makanan

    74 Heat Haba

    75 Indicator "etunjuk

    76 "aunderette industr! ndustri pen)u)ian pakaian

    77 Manu#acturingindustr!

    ndustri pembuatan

    7! Concrete slabs Kepingan konkrit

    7# Contract enge)ut

    !$ &ent Kemek

    !1 Expand engembang

    !2 Mercur! %aksa

    !3 Paement aluan pejalan kaki

    !4 Railwa! trac- andasan keretapi

    !5 Snap "utus

    !6 Solidi#ies embeku

    !7 Steam pipe "aip air panas

    !! Mercur! %aksa merkuri

    !# Phenomenon enemena kejadian

    #$ $emperature 'uhu

    #1 $hermometer (hermometer

    #2 (eather #orecaster "en*ampai ramalan kaji )ua)a


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    1 %ppliances - home de,i)e or e>uipment &hi)h per+orms a )ertaintask or +un)tion

    2 %tmospheric pressure (he +or)e per unit area e.erted against a sur+a)e b* the

    &eight o+ the air mole)ules abo,e the sur+a)e

    3 Chemical energ! 0nerg* +rom the )hemi)als present in things su)h abatteries +ood or +uels

    4 &ecomposing (o break do&n or break up into parts as in rotting

    5 Electrical energ! 0nerg* obtained +rom sour)es su)h as batteriesd*namos and a))umulators

    6 Heat energ! 0nerg* that )auses a )hange in temperature or a )hangein state

    7 H!droelectric power 0le)tri)it* produ)ed b* using +lo&ing &ater +rom a damto turn a turbine

    ! .inetic energ! 0nerg* present in a mo,ing obje)t

    # "ight energ! 0nerg* produ)ed b* light

    1$ Metabolism -ll o+ the energeti) rea)tions that take pla)e ia a )ell ororganism

    11 *on/renewableenerg! 0nerg* that )annot be replenished &hen used up

    12 Photos!nthesis - pro)ess in &hi)h plants algae and some ba)teriaharness light +rom the 'un to produ)e +ood

    13 Potential energ! 0nerg* in obje)t due to its position or height

    14 Renewable energ! 0nerg* that )an be replenished &hen used up

    15 Respiration (he pro)ess o+ inhaling o.*gen and e.haling )arbondio.ide and &ater

    16 Solar energ! 0nerg* +rom the 'un

    17 Sound energ! 0nerg* )aused b* ,ibrations

    1! $urbine - &heel &ith blades that are rotated b* a +lo& air or&ater

    1# %ccumulator - de,i)e &hi)h )an generate ele)tri) )urrent


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    2$ Circuit diagram - diagram that represents the )ir)uit

    21 Current %ate o+ ele)tri) )harges that +lo& +rom one another inan ele)tri) )ir)uit

    22 &!namo - de,i)e that )hanges energ* +rom the mo,ement o+

    &ind or &ater into ele)tri)it*

    23 &r! cell - de,i)e &hi)h )an generate ele)tri) )urrent

    24 Electric shoc- - sudden response o+ the bod* &hen ele)tri)it* passes orenters the bod*

    25 Electrocution - sudden death )aused b* ele)tri)it*

    26 H!droelectric power sing the po&er o+ &ater to produ)e ele)tri)it*

    27 Parallel circuit -n ele)tri) )ir)uit in &hi)h the )omponents are)onne)ted separatel*

    2! Series circuit -n ele)tri) )ir)uit in &hi)h the ele)tri)al sour)e andother )omponents are )onne)ted one a+ter another

    2# Solar cell sing the 'un?s energ* to turn into ele)tri)it*

    3$ Beam - +e& lines o+ light ra*s that go out +rom a light sour)e

    31 Image - pi)ture that looks ,er* similar to something

    32 "ight ra! - small beam o+ light that goes out +rom a light sour)e

    33 "ight sourcr 'omething that produ)es or emit light

    34 'pa+ue Does not allo& light to pass through

    35 Re#lection Does not pass through but boun)es ba)k

    36 Shadow - dark image +ormed &hen light is blo)ked b* an opa>ueor translu)ent obje)t

    37 $ranslucent -llo&s a small amount o+ light to pass through

    3! Contract Be)omes smaller/ de)rease in si8e

    3# Expand Be)omes bigger / in)reases in si8e

    4$ Heat - +orm energ* &hi)h makes things hot


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    41 Sag - line or string that hangs or bends do&n in the middleeither be)ause o+ &eight or length

    42 $emperature - measure o+ ho& hot or )old a substan)e is

    43 $hermometer -n instrument used +or measuring temperature


    ENERGYis the abilit* to do &ork@ (he energ* that &e use )an in di++erent +orms@

    .I*E$IC E*ER01 s related to motion o+ &a,es ele)trons atoms mole)ulessubstan)es and obje)ts

    E"EC$RIC%" E*ER01 s the mo,ement o+ ele)tri) )harges@ 0le)tri) )harges thatmo,e through a &ire is )alled ele)tri)it*@ ightning isanother e.ample o+ ele)tri)al energ*

    $HERM%" E*ER01 s the internal energ* in substan)es due to the ,ibration andmo,ement o+ the atoms and mole)ules &ithin substan)es@

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    +ission that releases energ*

    0R%)I$I'*%" E*ER01 s the energ* o+ position or pla)e@ - ro)k at the top o+ a hill)ontains gra,itational potential energ*@ H*dropo&er su)has &ater in a reser,oir behind a dam is an e.ample o+gra,itational potential energ*

    Transformation of energyal&a*s +ollo& the a& o+ onser,ation o+ 0nerg* &hi)hstates that

    Energ! cannot be created or destro!ed

    Energ! can be changed #rom one #orm to another

    (hen energ! changes its #orm2 the total amount o# energ! isconstant3

    Examples of the transformation of energy found around us :


    (he )hemi)al energ* stored in petrol is )on,erted into heatin a )ar engine@ (his heat energ* is used to mo,e theme)hani)al parts o+ the )ar so it )an mo,e@ (hus )hemi)alenerg* is )on,erted into kineti) energ*


    0le)tri)al energ* is trans+ormed into kineti) energ* to turn

    the blades o+ the +an


    'tored energ* in a +lashlight?s batter* be)omes light energ*&hen the +lashlight is turned on


    0le)tri)al energ* is used to heat a )oil and trans+orms into

    heat energ*


    0le)tri)al energ* is trans+ormed into sound energ* throughthe speakers


    hemi)al energ* heat energ* kineti) energ*

    hemi)al energ* kineti) energ*

    hemi)al energ* light energ*

    0le)tri)al energ* heat energ*

    0le)tri)al energ* sound energ*

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    Ahen *ou talk on the phone *our ,oi)e is trans+ormed intoele)tri)al energ* &hi)h passes o,er &ires@ (he phone on theother end )hanges the ele)tri)al energ* into sound through

    the speaker


    - tele,ision )hanges ele)tri)al energ* into light and soundenerg*


    - toaster )hanges ele)tri)al energ* into heat and lightenerg*



    0le)tri)al energ* sound energ*

    0le)tri)al energ* light energ* C sound energ*

    0le)tri)al energ* heat energ* C light energ*

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    Glossary Sains

    25 Properties 'i+at

    26 Sour asam

    27 Strong acid -sid kuat

    2! (ea- acid -sid lemah


    1 Condensation (he pro)ess &hen gas )hanges to li>uid

    2 Eaporation (he pro)ess &hen li>uid )hanges to gas

    3 Free4ing (he pro)ess &hen li>uid )hanges to solid

    4 Ion -n atom that )arries an ele)tri)al )harge

    5 Melting (he pro)ess &hen solid )hanges to li>uid

    6 (ater c!cle ontinuous mo,ement o+ &ater +rom the 0arth?s sur+a)einto the air and ba)k to the 0arth?s sur+a)e again

    7 %cidic (he )hara)teristi)s o+ a substan)es that tastes sour and)hanges the )olour o+ blue litmus paper to red

    ! %l-aline (he )hara)teristi)s o+ a substan)e that tastes bitter and)hanges the )olour o+ red litmus paper to blue

    # Bitter (he taste o+ substan)e that are alkaline

    1$ "itmus paper - t*pe o+ paper used to test &hether a substan)e isa)idi) or alkaline

    11 *eutral (he )hara)teristi)s o+ a substan)e that does not )hangethe )olour o+ litmus papers neither a)idi) nor alkaline

    12 Properties hara)teristi)s o+ substan)es +or e.ample a)idi)alkaline or neutral

    13 Sour (he taste o+ substan)e that are a)idi)



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    1 Big &ipper Buruj Biduk

    2 Brilliant (erang

    3 Canister Bekas

    4 Constellations Buruj

    5 'rion Buruj Belantik

    6 Po-e (ebuk

    7 Re#erred to Dirujuk sebagai

    ! Resemble en*erupai

    # Scorpion Buruj 'korpio

    1$ Southern Cross Buruj "ari

    11 )isible Kelihatan

    12 Imaginar! Ba*angan

    13 %xis "aksi

    14 Countercloc-wise -rah la&an jam

    15 Simulation 'imulasi

    16 Illuminated Diterangi

    17 Reolution Berputar mengelilingi

    1! Phases asa

    1# Illuminated Diterangi

    2$ Reolution Berputar mengelilingi



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    1 Big &ipper - group o+ se,en bright stars that +orms a bo&l andhandle

    2 Constellations - group o+ stars +orms a )ertain pattern in the sk*

    3 'rion - group o+ stars that +orms a pattern o+ a hunter

    4 Pattern - regular or re)ogni8able +orm ir order in &hi)h a serieso+ things o))ur

    5 Scorpion - group o+ stars that +orm a pattern o+ a s)orpion

    6 Southern Cross - group o+ +our stars that +orms a pattern o+ a )ross

    7 Emit (o gi,e o++ light

    ! Illuminate (o shine light on something

    # 'ccurrence -n in)ident or e,ent that is happening or taking pla)e

    1$ Phase a stage o+ period o+ a )*)le

    11 Rotate (o mo,e in a )ir)le round an or a )entre


    PHASES O THE MOON is the re,olution o+ the oon around the 0arth makes the oonseems to )hange its shape in the night sk*@ (his is )aused b* the di++erent angles &e

    see +rom the bright part o+ the oon?s sur+a)e )alled phases?@ (he oon goes through+our major shapes during )*)le that repeats itsel+ e,er* 2! da*s@ (hese phases +ollo&

    the se>uen)e o+ their o))urren)e@

    *E( M''*

    "art o+ the oon &hi)h is not illuminated +a)es the 0arth@T!e Moon is not "isi#$e@ (he lighted side o+ the oon +a)esa&a* +rom the 0arth@ (his means that the 'un the 0arthand the oon are almost in a straight line &ith the oon inbet&een the 'un and the 0arth@

    CRESCE*$ M''*

    (he moon is less than hal+ illuminated b* the 'un@ the+ra)tion o+ the oon?s dis) that is illuminated in)reases@(his oon )an be seen a+ter the ne& oon but be+ore the+irst >uarter oon@ (he )res)ent &ill gro& larger and largere,er*da* until it looks like the +irst >uarter oon@

    H%"F M''*

    Hal+ o+ the illuminated side o+ the oon is ,isible@ (he+ra)tion o+ the oon?s dis) that is illuminated in)reases@ (heright hal+ o+ the oon appears lighted and the le+t side o+


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    the oon appears dark@ During the time bet&een the ne&oon and the +irst >uarter oon the part o+ the oon thatappears lighted gets larger and larger e,er*da* and)ontinues to gro& until it rea)hes the +ull oon@

    F,"" M''*

    (he oon?s illuminated side is ,isible@ (he lighted side o+

    the oon +a)es the 0arth@ (his means that the 0arth the'un and the oon are nearl* in a straight line &ith the0arth in the middle@ (he oon that &e see is ,er* brightbe)ause it re+le)ts sunlight@



    1 &esign %eka bentuk

    2 Identi#! Kenal pasti

    3 )arieties "elbagai

    4 Balance Keseimbangan

    5 Combination

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    16 Support en*okong

    17 $opple (umbang

    1! $ripod stand (ungku kaki tiga

    1# ,pright (egak

    2$ (ithstand enahan

    21 Stabilit! Kestabilan

    22 Structure Binaan

    23 $urbulence Bergolak

    24 )ibration ual s>uare sides

    5 Cuboid - solid or hollo& obje)t &hi)h has si. re)tangular +a)es atright angles to ea)h other

    6 C!linder - solid or hollo& obje)t &ith straight parallel sides and a

    )ir)ular or o,al base

    7 Energ! (he abilit* to do &ork

    ! Hemisphere - hal+ o+ sphere

    # P!ramid - hollo& or solid obje)t &ith a s>uare or triangular +lat base


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    and sides that slope up to point

    1$ Sphere - round solid +igure in &hi)h e,er* point on the sur+a)e iso+ e>ual distan)e +rom the )entre

    11 Stabilit! t is )on)erned &ith an obje)t?s abilit* to return to the &a*

    it &as be+ore i+ disturbed

    12 Strength (he abilit* to support mass

    13 Structure - building or an*thing that is )onstru)ted +rom se,eral parts


    STABILITY )an be de+ined as the abilit* o+ obje)ts to return to its original state i+disturbed@ + an obje)ts is more stable it )an be able to resist larger +or)es@ :bje)tsthat are stable &ill not topple o,er be)ause the* ha,e their &eight )on)entrated lo&

    do&n@ (his point )alled the )entre o+ gra,it* and the lo&er it is the more stable is theobje)t@

    STRENGTH O STRUCTURES is the abilit* to resists stress and strength put on thestru)ture@ Bending )ompression tension ,ibration and turbulen)e are some o+ thestressed that stru)tures &ithstand@ a)tors that a++e)t the strength o+ a stru)ture

    in)lude the t*pes o+ materials used its length the )ross se)tional area or shape ho&the stru)ture is pla)ed &eathering en,ironment su)h as high or lo& temperature

    humidit* and others@

    0.amples o+ e,er*da* li+e situations used to e.plain ho& base areaand height e++e)t the stabilit* o+ a stru)ture

    Base %rea

    - hea,*&eight li+ter spreads his legs to add stabilit*

    (he &ide distan)e bet&een the &heels o+ a ra)ing )ar isto in)rease the base area o+ the )ar in order to maintainits stabilit* &hen it is mo,ing +ast

    aborator* apparatus su)h as )oni)al +lask and tripodstand has a &ide base +or the purpose o+ stabilit*

    - ra+t is more stable than a ka*ak be)ause a ka*ak has

    less base area


    Big animals su)h as elephant and rhino)eros ha,e shortlegs to lo&er the )entre o+ gra,it* +or stabilit*

    %a)ing )ars are designed &ith lo& bodies to lo&er the)entre o+ gra,it*

    Boat passengers are ad,ised to sit &hen the boat mo,es


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    +or stabilit*
