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Global  Engagement  Survey:  Assessing  Intercultural  Competence,  Civic  

Engagement,  and  Critical  Re8lection  Eric  Hartman,  Execu(ve  Director,  Center  for  Peace  and  Global  Ci(zenship―Haverford  College  Maureen  Vandermaas-­‐Peeler,  Director  of  the  Center  for  Research  on  Global  Engagement  and  

Professor  of  Psychology—Elon  University    Angie  Edwards,  Director,  Myrta  Pulliam  Center  for  Interna(onal  Educa(on—Queens  University  

of  CharloGe  hGps://­‐sl/ges/    




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Today’s  Plan  GES  Origins,  Purposes,  and  Overview  Specific  ins(tu(ons,  program  factors,  and  some  findings      

•  Haverford  College    •  Queens  University    •  Elon  College  

Discussion    Ongoing  use,  next  steps,  and  opportuni(es  for  involvement  hGps://­‐sl/ges/    

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Global learning

Intercultural learning

Civic learning

Critical thinking

AACU  Global  learning    

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Origins  and  Purposes    •  Integrates  measures  of  intercultural  competence,  civic  development,  and  cri(cal  thinking    •  Lough  (IVIS),  Morais  &  Ogden,  IDI,  GPI,  BEVI,  AAC&U  

•  Serves  ar(culated  concerns  of  first  genera(on  ins(tu(ons    •  &  helps  us  beGer  understand  popula(onßàtreatment  

•  Adds  space  for  qualita(ve  response  in  a  large-­‐scale,  mul(-­‐ins(tu(onal  design    

•  Created  for  end-­‐users  and  program  design/improvement  

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Global  Engagement  


 Mul7-­‐ins7tu7onal  assessment  tool  that  employs  quan7ta7ve  and  qualita7ve  methods  to  beGer  understand  rela(onships  among  program  variables  and  student  learning,  specifically  in  respect  to  global  learning  goals  iden(fied  by  the  Associa(on  

of  American  Colleges  and  Universi(es  (AAC&U,  2014)  

Intercultural  Competence  –  Communica7on   ICC  

Intercultural  Competence  –  Self-­‐awareness   ICSA  

Civic  Engagement  –  Efficacy   CEE  Civic  Engagement  –  Poli(cal  Voice   CEPV  

Civic  Engagement  –  Conscious  Consump(on   CECC  

Civic  Engagement  –  Values   CEV  Cri(cal  Reflec(on   CR  

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Mixed  Methods  Survey  Structure  




Global  Learning  Outcome   Closed  items    

Closed  items  (post-­‐only)  

Open  items   Open  items  (post-­‐only)  

Intercultural  competence          

         Communication  (ICC)   8     3   1  

         Self-­‐awareness  (ICSA)   7     6    

Civic  Engagement          

         Values  (CEV)   8        

         Efficacy  (CEE)   9       1  

         Political  voice  (CEPV)   8       2  

         Advocacy  &  activism     3     2  

         Conscious  consumption  (CECC)   10     1    

Critical  reflection  (CR)   8     3    


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Clarifying  questions  in  survey  intercultural  learning  I  have  a  hard  (me  understanding  the  feelings  of  people  from  other  cultures  well.    •  If  strongly  agree  or  agree,  Could  you  describe  a  point  at  which  you  have  had  a  hard  (me  understanding  different  cultures  well?    

•  If  strongly  disagree  or  disagree,  Can  you  indicate  how  you  have  become  aware  that  you  understand  the  feelings  of  people  from  other  cultures  well?  



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Clarifying  questions  in  survey  global  civic  engagement    •  I  plan  to  engage  in  advocacy  about  the  same  as  I  did  before  my  summer  experiences.  

•  I  plan  to  engage  in  advocacy  more  than  I  did  before  my  summer  experiences.    •  If  SA  or  A  to  either  above,  Around  what  primary  issue  do  you  plan  to  engage  in  advocacy  in  the  future?    

•  If  SA  or  A  to  either  above,  How  do  your  plans  to  engage  in  advocacy  in  the  future  compare  to  your  advocacy  ac(vi(es  prior  to  your  summer  experiences?  



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Participants,  Program,  Data  Overview  

•  Institutional  diversity  à  small,  faith-­‐based,  liberal  arts,  large,  state  8lagship,  Ivies,  and  predominantly  8irst  generation  serving  institutions  

•  Location  diversity  à  US,  Nicaragua,  South  Africa,  etc.  •  Program  diversity  à  high  impact  summer  programming,  primarily  immersive  SL  (international  &  domestic)  and  other  student  abroad  programming  

•  Data  à  Program  factors,  closed  questions,  open-­‐ended  questions,  &  background  information  

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Program  Factors   Options  -­‐  examples  

Students   All  undergrad  |  undergrad  &  grad  |  3rd  &  4th  year      

Credits   1  –  6  credits  

Required/  elective   Required  |  Not  req.  but  highly  encouraged  |  Several  req.  at  least  ½  |  Elective  |  To  complete  minor    

Language   On-­‐campus  program  |  English  |  Not  English,  req.  local  language/  advanced/  intermediate  /  rudimentary  language  skills  

SES   Higher  SES  than  comm.  |  Some  overlap,  mostly  higher  than  comm.  |  same  SES  |  Some  overlap,  mostly  lower  than  comm.  

Leader   From  host  comm.  &  ongoing  relationships  |  Same  as  comm.  |  Relationships  over  years  |  visited  at  least  2X  |  once  before  |  First  time  to  host  comm.  

Location   US/  home  comm.  |  US/  extended  stay  away  from  campus  |  Pre  &  post  in  US/  immersion  outside  US  |  Int’l  students  come  to  US  |  entire  exp.  outside  US    

Selection   Apply,  but  rarely  rejected  |  less  than  75%  |  less  than  50%  |  Admitted  if  good  academic  standing  

Duration   1  -­‐10  weeks  

Intervention   Summer  |  Summer,  coursework  before  &  after  |  Summer,  coursework  before  |  one  course  during  semester  

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Y1   Y2   Y3  

Ins(tu(ons   10   9   8  

Programs   30+   45   Data  incoming  

Pre-­‐Survey   226   379   441  

Post-­‐Survey   157   287   Data  incoming    

Matched  Cases   109   177   ≈140  


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GES  2017  (Y3)  Preliminary  Data    

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Y2  Multi-­‐institutional  comparison:  Ins7tu7on  A   Ins7tu7on  B  






2.31  2.21  


2.17  2.07  



2.44  2.52  

ICC-­‐C   ICC-­‐SA   CE-­‐E   CE-­‐PV   CE-­‐CC   CE-­‐V   CR  Pre   Post  


2.17  2.28  



2.51  2.61  


1.83  1.94  


1.84  2.05  


ICC-­‐C   ICC-­‐SA   CE-­‐E   CE-­‐PV   CE-­‐CC   CE-­‐V   CR  

Pre   Post  

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Qualitative  Insights  •  Program  or  ins(tu(onal  culture,  as  well  as  explicit  learning  goals,  influenced  students’  reflec(ons  and  insights    

•  For  example,  one  cohort  of  students  focused  explicitly  on  concepts  and  prac(ces  of  interna(onal  development  in  their  coursework  


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Development  cohort  •  In  global  development,  the  difference  between  a  deficit-­‐based  approach  or  an  asset-­‐based  approach  lies  in  the  cultural  assump:ons  that  are  made.  Aide  organiza:ons,  if  they  are  ac:ng  upon  the  community  instead  of  from  the  inside  out,  will  assume  who  deserves  to  be  worked  with  and  what  that  popula:on  needs.  

•  While  I  was  in  India,  I  saw  this  phenomena  at  work  with  regards  to  the  caste  system.  Even  well-­‐inten:oned  high-­‐caste  Indians  –  even  those  working  with  development  organiza:ons  –  some:mes  have  detrimental  views  about  people  in  the  lower  castes  being  “backwards”  or  undeserving  of  the  government  posi:ons  they  receive  through  India’s  “reserva:on  system”  (kind  of  like  affirma:ve  ac:on  for  caste).  

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Institution / Program Theme Example / Emblematic Data

Private institution with 14% acceptance rate; academic program focusing on

international development

Development thinking Two quotations shared above

Public institution with 96% acceptance rate; long-standing integration of

international service and leadership development

Within-team reflection and

group dynamic analysis

“I have not only learned to structure my language differently, but the past few months this group has

made me want to question EVERYTHING.”

Private, faith-based institution with 61% acceptance rate, long-standing

commitment to international service

Faith-fueled approach to


Nearly half of the open-ended reflections about summer learning involved God, Grace, or Christ

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Example:  Campus  Application  







$   Gov't   On-­‐campus  


Faith-­‐based  liberal  arts  

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ELON  UNIVERSITY,  Elon  NC:    6,000  undergraduates    

Private,  comprehensive;  Approximately  80%  of  students  study  away    

Two  required  experien7al  learning  opportuni7es  

Faculty-­‐led  January  term  courses  include  fall  preparatory  seminar  

Global  engagement  is  top  strategic  priority  and  infused  throughout  campus  programs  


CRGE  Mission:  To  foster  innova7ve,  mul7disciplinary,  inter-­‐ins7tu7onal  collabora7on  and  research  on  global  engagement  (interna7onal  and  domes7c).      


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Elon  University  Project  Using  GES    

DIS  Child  Development  and  Diversity  Program    

(Semester  in  Denmark  including  prac(cum  and  study  tours;  n  =  52  pre-­‐test,  36  pre-­‐post)  


“I have learned to be silent. Language by speech is not always the correct form of communication. I worked with young children and language can work in a variety of ways. Through pictures, music, art, your hands, body language etc. It is not easy, but everyone should try to step away from their mother tongue.” “Through my field study tours, I had the opportunity to meet with several students who were Middle Eastern refugees. Our discussion allowed me to gain a better understanding of how they were affected by anti-Islamic rhetoric both in Denmark, and from the States. Most importantly, though, I was able to see the students as individuals who were dedicated to performing well in school and were interested in speaking to me.”

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Elon  University  Addi7onal  Projects  in  progress:    Project  Pericles  (One  cohort  with  courses  and  a  global  civic  engagement  project  over  2  year)  

Elon  in  New  York  (Summer  and  fall  semesters)  India  Public  Health  Prac(cum  (J  term  with  fall  prep  course)  Global  Learning  Opportuni(es  in  Physical  Therapy  and  Physician  Assistant  Programs  (Prac(cum  experiences  in  mul(ple  loca(ons)  

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Private,  comprehensive  ~2,300  students  •  37%  students  of  color  •  7%  interna(onal  •  30%  Pell  recipients    •  33%  are  first  genera(on    Majority  of  study  abroad  costs  covered  for  tradi(onal  undergraduates  

• ~70%  of  students  study  abroad,  most  on  faculty-­‐led  programs  • Juniors  and  Seniors  • Spring  prep  course  followed  by  10-­‐20  day  interna(onal  experiences  

               Study  abroad  program-­‐wide  learning  outcomes  

• Map  to  ins(tu(onal  and  gen  ed  learning  outcomes  • Draw  on  AAC&U  VALUE  Rubrics  • GES  good  fit  


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GES  administered  to  5  faculty-­‐led  programs  All  had  spring  prep  course  and  travel  in  May/June    Japan  (History,  Art)        2  weeks  South  Africa(Communica(on)      10  days  Yap,  Micronesia(Env.  Science)      3  weeks  Paris/Amsterdam(Nurs.,  Health)    2  weeks  London(Psychology)        2  weeks

   Resulted  in  29  total  matched  cases  

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2017  ini(al  data-­‐  29  matched  cases  Current  comparison  is  with  2016  total  data  set    


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Thanks  for  joining  us!  

Eric  Hartman,  [email protected]    Maureen  Vandermaas-­‐Peeler,  [email protected]        

Angie  Edwards,  [email protected]            



