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Background of Study

According to Roach (2006), global warming is the

situation whereby the sustained average temperature of

the earth atmosphere increases, human activities

contributes to this change through the build up of heat

trapping, green house gases overtime. This increase

may be sufficient to cause climatic changes, including

rising sea levels, altering precipitation patterns and

changing water supplies and crop yields. Markham

(2006), contributed that global warming occurs when

the earth heats up and temperature rises, this takes

place when the green house gases such as

carbon(iv)Oxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide and

methane traps the heat and light coming from the sun

in the earth’s atmosphere which in turn increases the


The green house effect is as a result of the

temperature rising when the heat and light from the sun

gets trapped within the earth’s atmosphere. It is similar


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to the heat that gets trapped inside a parked car.

Markham (2006) gave illustration that a family that has

a large number of children in the house intend to emit

carbon (iv) oxide in the atmosphere thereby resulting to

global warming.

This brought about what is called green house

effect. The carbon (iv) oxide released cannot escape

freely, thereby increasing the risk of conducive

atmosphere and high temperature.

In a hot afternoon a car parked out will get hotter

as it stays our in the parking lots, it’s rise in

temperature brings about the heat and light coming

from the sun which gets into the car through the

windows, it enters and cannot escape from it, and so

the temperature rises.

According to Burke (2008), global warming will

affect people’s supply of food, (food insecurity) and it

has effects on important areas of our lives, our families,

children, economy, communities and health.

In our families and children: food insecurity can be

very stressful, parents especially, can be anxious about


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having enough food for their children and being able to

give them food so they can grow up strong and healthy,

some families can become preoccupied with food;

worrying about whether there is enough food for the

next day, this kind of stress can be bad for our health,

stressed and insecure can lead to depression, anger,

diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also make it

hard for people to fight off infections like cold and flu.

Poor nutrition in childhood can affect the

development of both the body and mind. Food insecurity

leads to poverty, inequality and unemployment in our

communities, and leads to its breakdown. Also in our

environment, global warming affects the methods used

for growing and gathering food due to climate changes

and this affects the environment in so many ways, there

is loss of natural vegetation some kinds of plants are

being wiped out, the quality and amount of land

available for growing food is declining. Topsoil, the

living fertile part of the soil is blowing and washing

away pesticides and bacterial (for example E.coIi) are



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Global warming also affects water supplies, changes in

climatic pattern particularly precipitation, it will affect

basic aspects of every one’s way of living such as power

supply, Agriculture and body change.

Stow (2007), commented that agriculture is

dependent on the climate, so global wa impacts the

food and water supply, heat waves, droughts and

flooding, It presents barriers to effective agricultural


Consequently farmers may have to relocate to

geographic location that have more agreeable climate

conditions for the types of crops they are farming,

which can affect the types of crops available through

various seasons, with rising temperatures, certain crops

that do well in the heat will have a longer production

season, while other crops may have a very short season

which will lead to shortage of certain corps source

according to Mora (2006), the increase in ocean water

temperature will affect the fishing industry, harsh

weather conditions will have threatening effects on

overall health and safety.


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Also according to (Barnette 2007) family planning

should be imposed on various families to improve good

family life, so as to avoid over population. It is know

that the concept of family planning and global warming

is not new in many advanced countries of the world

especially Nigeria, this concept and it’s practice is not

yet widely accepted mostly in the Northern parts of

Nigeria like Kaduna, Kano, Borno etc. According to

Barnette, investment in family planning for families

globally could prove one useful wedge among many in

any overall strategies to slow global warming In family


surveys demonstrates that there is a large unmet needs

for family planning in both developed and developing


Averting a birth by improved access to

contraception and safe abortion would significantly

reduce carbondioxide emission.

According to Deweerd. S (2007) over population is

one factor that influences the family negatively, by

definition, over population is the condition whereby the


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number of organism exceeds the carrying capacity of

their habitat. We are facing the effects of

overpopulation in our daily lives. It implies scarcity of

resources and economic inflation, these are the

monsters that can make life miserable. Living through

the negative effects of overpopulation, have made

people realize serious problems associated with it.

Anyone with commitment to human right will

recognize that population growth is one factor linked to

environmental changes. Meanwhile, family living has to

do with the way different people reason to live their life.

It involves their life cycles and stages, and also how

they meet and contributes to their various needs and

comforts, family living deals with the activities of

humans, their survival and involvement in improving

the advancement of the nation. The earth may suffer

form heat and cold waves while natural calamities such

as storms and tornadoes can destroy people’s homes

and can cause heavy human casualties, diseases and

infections will rise as disease carry insects will adapt to

the hot or wet conditions.


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According to West (1998). Diseases are likely to

spread more rapidly due to global warming. These

diseases that are carried by certain insects or vectors

can survive most effectively in warmer climate and are

inhibited by very cold weather, they are more likely to

flourish in a warmer world. The diseases are malaria,

yellow fever, Dengue fever; Westside virus, skin cancer,

meningitis and soon. These are diseases that are

caused due to global warming, global warming affects

the number of mosquitoes at higher elevations, this is

because the tops of mountains are cooler than the base

of mountains. As the world warms, the warmer

temperature will creep up the sides of the mountains

and that would allow mosquitoes and other insects that

want the warmer weather to crawl up to higher

elevations and this leads to the increase of malaria.

Also people may die from malnutrition as the

production of food decreases due to flood or drought,

when there is changes in climate it affects people and

animals. According to Galley (2004), Global warming

expedite the extinction of animal life on the planet,


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because most animals and plants are adapted to live in

the climate in which they evolved, and it’s certain that

we are losing a lot of species due to global warming.

Gore (2006) emphasized that global warming effects are

real, global and measurable.

The causes are mainly from climates and humans.

The human races and the effect on us will be severe.

Global warming has various causes and effects on

human life and living it causes deforestation especially

tropical forest, for wood, pulp and farmland also

increase in the usage of chemical fertilizers on crop

lands. It has effect on the rise of sea levels worldwide,

due to melting of two massive ice sheets

in Autarcia and green land, especially on the east o of

he United Stat.

According to McCarthy (2007), many nations round

the world will experience the effect of rising of sea

levels, which could displace millions of families. Also

families due to global warming could be affected

because of massive crop failures. 90% chance three

billion people world wide will have to choose between


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leaving their families to milder climes and go hungry

due to climate change within 100 years.

Climate change is expected to have the most

severe impact on water supplies shortage in future,

which is likely to threaten food production, reduce

sanitation, hinder economic development and damage

ecosystems. It causes more violent swings between

floods and drought. In order to live a healthy family life,

there is a lot to put into consideration for instance,

some appliances people use for comfort in their homes,

leads to carbon foot print which leads to the inhibition

of carbon (iv) oxide.

According to Doughman (2007), carbon foot print is

a measure of the amount of green house gases that we

put up by the car people drive, the home we heat, the

air conditioning we use and the generator we use when

there is no light also the appliances we plug in.

In Nigeria most electricity is produced by burning

fossils, that is (i.e) coal or natural gas.

Our carbon foot print measures how much the

electricity we use in our home causes carbon moon


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oxide in a power plant to go up into the atmosphere,

our carbon foot print measures the amount of influence

we have on carbon (iv) oxide (co through our air travel.

Brigham (2006), opined that through a carbon foot

print one can get the cumulative picture of the affects

of global warming and how to reduce it. Recent

research has demonstrated that among the strategies

that needs to be brought to reduce global warming,

there is another basically free way one can do to stop or

reduce green house emissions and lower our carbon

foot print in a big way, it is simply the avoidance of beef

in homes. It’s consumption increases one’s carbon foot

print. It is known that constant belching and flatulence

from cattle produces enormous quantities of methane, a

green house gas which is 23 times more potent than

carbon (iv) oxide therefore it is advised to quit or eat

less of saturated fat.

The future is not somewhere we are going it is

something we are creating. Everyday we do things that

makes some future more probable and others less likely

Bogdonoff (2004). Global warming already disrupts


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millions of lives daily in the form of destructive weather

pattern and loss of habitat.

What is already happening is only the tip of an

iceberg. If

nothing is done it’s our children that will suffer the

effects. Gelspan (2007) made known that hundreds of

millions of people may be exposed to famine, water

shortages, extreme weather conditions and 20-30% loss

of animals and plant species. If we do not reduce green

house gas (GHG) emission.

Reducing our carbon and green house gas emission

will not only make our personal and family living space

more sustainable, but it will also save us money in both

the short and the long term, and make our environment

a nice place to live. Global warming is occurring more

rapidly than it was originally expected forty years ago,

the big worry was global cooling. If we remain a cynic

however and disagree with the consensus of scientist,

we will benefit from reduce pollution, a more healthy

life style and increased savings.


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Statement of Problem

The issue of global warming in Nigeria has to be

put into consideration due to the fact it has brought

many problems in families and societies. Global

warming affects human, if proper solution is not applied.

If the problem of population, food supply,

agriculture, water pollution diseases etc. are not fully

addressed it would lead to acute poverty in a state or

country, the rate of diseases will increase since

sickness are easily gotten.

Death rate will increase at a geometric rate and

almost everything will go wrong. Meanwhile the heat in

Lagos is so suffocating now that when you go out during

the day it seems one would just melt let alone the

northern part of Nigeria.

This is because when sunlight reaches the earth’s

surface some are absorbed and warms the earth.

Adeyemi (2011) in a keynote address said that Nigeria

has the least capacity of technology to effectively tackle

an emergence response incase of any great quake.

Speaking further he said that ignorance is the main


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problem of climate changes, and that should be the

focal point of awareness, as people in the rural areas

still see the obvious effect of climate changes.

Despite the fact that Nigeria is signatory to the

1992 protocol and the creation of the special climate

unit in 2006, under the federal ministry of environment,

much has not been done and no concrete step has been

taken on our vulnerability to climate change induced


The question now is: “What adaptive measures do we

have on ground as we all know that climate changes is

here and lives with Nigerians”? Also how do we manage

it?. The rescue terms of lands and properties were lost,

leaving a sore taste at the throat of those left behind to


Nigeria needs to strategize even on how to grasp

this opportunity of the green climate fund established

to address the impact of climate change, which could

affect many things that are vital to human lives. So it

would be best to focus on the solution and prevention of

global warming and it effects.


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Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is the influence of global

warming on family living.

Specific purposes are

1) Influence of global warming on food security in


2) Influence of global warming on over population in


3) Influence of global warming on family health

4) Ascertaining ways of reducing global warming in our


.Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of most value to

families government, society, plants and animals. This

will help families in avoiding some practices like

overpopulation which leads to food insecurity in the

society and it also implies scarcity of our resources due

to global warming. Also it will be of more benefit

purposes to humans, this will guide them in dictating

places to reside in. Places like the north could just be


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avoided because of the harsh weather, mean while cold

weather does not only cause sinusitis and pneumonia,

however it forces people to spend more time indoors,

enclose contact with other people and with limited

ventilation. This is an ideal environment for diseases to

spread from one person to another, with these

knowledge families are prepared to give up things that

would affect them.

The finding will equally be of important value to

the society and the government. This will help the

society to have increase in water and food supply.

Alarmist will tell you that global warming endangers the

world’s food supply. This is because they do not have a

basic understanding of the a agronomic production,

there are three things that crops need more than any

thing else to grow and produce high yields, heat, co2

and moisture in most cases, the increase in water could

end drought in developing countries and alleviate water

restrictions at our various homes. Increase temperature

will increase yields, with these, starvation will be

reduced automatically, there will be less net global


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energy requirement for humans. This result will aid the

government because, it will help in improving energy

efficiency in the society and also reducing of gasoline

consumption for transportation for people.

Finally this findings will also help our plants and

animals, they may not need to migrate so far for water,

there will be longer growing seasons for all plant life.

Also increase in carbondioxide absorption rate for plants

and more bountiful food for animal life.

Research Questions

1. What are the influences of global warming on food

insecurity in the family?

2. What are the influences of global warming on

overpopulation in families?

3. What are the influences of global warming on family


4. What are the possible ways of reducing global

warming in our various homes?


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Scope of the Study

The study is entitled to the influence of

overpopulation and food insecurity on family living as a

result of global warming, disease that are likely to

spread more rapidly and ways of reducing global

warming in various homes for people in Nigeria,

specifically Lagos state. From observation from

researcher, states are suffering from the effect of global

warming. Such as, diseases like meningitis and heat

rashes mostly in the north. Droughts or flooding which

has damaged people’s home in the west, lack of some

food products mostly in the east and finally in the south

where there is oil spillage which affects people’s plants

and water.


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This chapter on review of related literature is

organized under the following sub headings.

i.) The meaning of global warming

ii.) Causes and effects of global warming

iii.) Diseases gotten through global warming

iv.) Global warming in Nigeria and government solution

towards it.

v.) Ways of preventing global warming in our various


While many organizations and governments use

the term global warming, there is no universal definition

for general understanding of what the term references.

According to the natural resource defense council

(2010) global warming is any increase in the average

temperature of the earth’s surface. This increase may

be caused by natural occurrences within the earth s

atmosphere or by man made influences. According to

(Hafsa 2010). Global warming is.. an increase in global


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average surface temperature due to natural or

anthropogenic climate change. Global warming is

closely linked to the enhanced green house effect which

is an increase in the concentration of green house gases

in the atmosphere leading to an increase in the amount

of thermal radiation of the earth’s surface.

Most scientist agree that the enhanced green

house effect is leading to rising temperatures referred

to as global warming and other changes in the

atmospheric environment known as climate change. The

encyclopedia of American history have made known that

gases created through human industrial and agricultural

practices (primarily carbon(iv)oxide from burning fossil

fuels and wood, as well as methane, nitrous oxide and

chlorofluorocarbons). Increase the heat reflecting

potential of the atmosphere thereby raising the planet’s

average temperature. According to Spencer (2006),

global warming is caused by an increase in green house

gases which occurs within the atmosphere at levels that

are not detrimental to the environment. The earth does

an outstanding job of balancing each of its processes. In


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order to keep everything in check. However, when

mankind’s effort to improve life interfere, the balance is

interrupted. The environmental protection agency

(2005) reports that intergovernmental panel on climate

change (IPCC), predicts that global temperatures will

rise as well as sea levels, with the increase in green

house gas emissions. Additionally, precipitation

patterns are predicted to change. What is not known

however, is the extent to which the earth will warm.

How fast this will occur, and how the earth will be

affected, including climate systems and storms

according to Weir (2002). One thing is definite, the level

of carbon(iv) oxide (C0 , it’s build up and other green

house gases (GHG) is the result of human efforts to

better life by burning fossil fuels and industrializing


From 1906-2005, It’s documented that the earth

warmed 1-17 degree Fahrenheit (1-17°f). The green

house gases in the atmosphere right now are predicted

to remain there for decades to centuries. This will cause


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the potential build up of more gases over time, causing

even more global warming efforts.

Causes of Global Warming

According to Pidwirny (2007). There are different

causes of global warming which are split into two


Natural causes and man-made or anthropogenic


These natural causes are created by nature which

may take the form of the release of methane gas form

the arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is a green

house gas which traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere

another major natural cause, is the effect of the earth

going through a cycle of climate change lasing about

forty thousand years. (40,000). Another cause is Radon,

which is a colourless, tasteless and odourless gas, is by

far the main source of naturally occurring ionizing

radiation. It comes form the decay of uranium found in

nearly all soils. Anabela (2007) made known that radon

gas usually moves from the ground up into dwellings

where it tends to become trapped unless the house is


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well ventilated. The other source of natural occurring

cause of global warming is the aspect of ionizing

radiation which includes the radioactive element with

the earth’s crust. (Thorium and potassium) and even

radiation form the outer space. Man-made causes of

global warming in Nigeria probably causes more

damage than it’s natural cause. There are list of man

made or anthropogenic causes of global warming. And

they include;

Pollution: Pollution which is one of the biggest man-

made problems, comes into so many shapes and sizes.

Burning of fossil fuels is one major causes of pollution in

our homes and environment, these fossil fuels

composes of organic matters or materials such as coal

or oil when burnt, they give off a green house gas called

carbondioxide responsible for global warming.

Population: The rate of increase of population or rather

population growth constitute a bulk of leading causes of

global warming. According to Amjad (2009). Population

growth means more food, more methods of

transportation, meaning more methane production more


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burning of fossil fuel and more agricultural practices. A

major source of methane is our agricultural manure, due

to population growth more foods are required, and

expected manure is limited and utilized in our modern

days agricultural practices. Other associated factors like

transportation, plays the role in increasing population,

more cars are produced and these cars play roles in

polluting our environment. Since carbon(iv)oxide (CO 2)

contributes to global warming, the increase in

population makes the problem worse because we

breathe out carbon dioxide. According to Boykoff (2006)

he made known that plants and trees that converts

carbon (iv) oxide (C02) are being demolished because,

the lands are used for our homes and buildings, the

trees are not replaced and this has an effect in our


Hence, constantly our natural resources are taken

for granted and nothing is given back in return however,

certain industries might expose people to high

concentration of radiation either occupationally or as a

result of accidents. The activities include mining, the


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use of materials with high national level of radioactivity

such as (phosphate fertilizers).

Nuclear power generator, weapons nuclear

medicine. Fitz (2004) said that the most notable

exposure to radiation. Man-madely are the atomic

bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki, in 1945 and recently, the nuclear accident

Chernobyl in the Ukraine. It has been made know that

Nigeria is also exposed to such radiation due to the

bomb dropped on the police headquarters in Abuja

According to NTA news (2011).

Global warming is affecting seasons this is because

the very timing of the seasons are changing such that

the food sources for some insects and birds are not in

the places they are supposed to be and so the very

timing to nature and the season is being upset by global

warming. Brown (2011) said that places in the desert

like fringes will go into extinction due to warming

because of the harsh. weather, thereby making it

difficult for plants to grow. Also the use of forest for fuel

(both wood and for charcoal). Leads to deforestation.


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But in the first world, our appetite for wood and paper

products were high. People’s consumption of livestock

grazed on former forestland, and the use of tropical

forest lands for commodities like, palm oil plantation,

contributes to the mass deforestation of our world.

Forest removes and stores carbon (iv) oxide from the

atmosphere and this deforestation releases large

amounts of carbon as well as reducing the amount of

carbon captured on the planet. Another cause of global

warming according to in Weart (2006), is the increase in

usage of chemical fertilizer (as opposed to the historical

use of animal manure). Has risen drastically. The high

rate of application of nitrogen rich fertilizers has effects

on the heat storage of crop land and the run-off of

excess fertilizers creates dead zones in our oceans

which is harmful to human health.

In conclusion, efforts are needed reduce to global

warming. What can practical be done is just efforts to

reduce it as it can not be completely eliminated. If all

countries join their hands together for the betterment of

the mother planet, it is possible that these diseases and


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environmental changes can be brought to a

considerable control.

Effects of Global Warming

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(2008). There are two major effects of global warming,

which are the increase of temperature on the earth at

about three percent (30%) to 5°C (celicius) then 5-4°f —

9°f (Fahrenheit). by the year 2100. also the rise of sea

levels by at least 25m (metres) 82 feets by there year


Broad changes of sea levels caused by increased

global temperature are rising due to thermal expansion

of the ocean. In addition to melting of land ice amounts

and patterns of precipitations are changing. According

to Hilson (2002). changes in temperature and

precipitation patterns increases the frequency, duration

and intensity of other extreme weather events such as

floods, droughts, heath waves and tornadoes. Other

effects of global warming includes higher or lower

agricultural yields and also diseases like malaria are,


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returning into areas where they have been extinguished


Although global warming is affecting the number

and magnitude of these events, it is difficult to connect

specific events to global warming. According to

Satterthwatt (2009). He opined that continue shifting of

the climate has a number of impending effects that are

dangerous towards humans, animals and our


Rising temperature: The average temperature are

rising as a result of global warming.

According to Langer (2006), more heat waves and

fewer cold spells are predicted to occur for instance, in

the united state, Chicago Illinois will see a 25% increase

in heat waves by the end of the century. Such extreme

temperatures can have an impact on human health and

may become dangerous to those who are vulnerable like

the elderly ones, young children and individuals with

health conditions. Global warming affects our families

by decreasing the shortage supply of water. Bodies of

water around the world are negatively impacted by


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global warming the planet may experience a reduction

in available water resources, since hot temperature will

increase the evaporation cycle, thereby creating a loss

in water supply. Areas of the world that experience

average amounts or less of precipitation will not be able

to make up for the water resources that are loss.

Ecosystems: They are impacted by global warming.

Many species are valuable to dying off due to arid

climates, lack of water and reduction of organisms.

Ecosystem rely on everything within the system to

survive, so if a particular animal or plant becomes

extincted, it can have lasting effects on the members of

the ecosystem. Easterling (1989), commented that one

of the biggest issues facing us is the effect of global

warning effects on animals, humans and agriculture,

and its effect on human population are even scarier,

meanwhile it is known that poor families can improve

their livelihood by increasing their numbers and this

brings about the emission of carbon (iv) oxide. The

effect of global warming has caused a widespread on


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the extinction of species, thereby exposing humans and

animals to hunger.

Diseases gotten through Global Warming

During global warming there are disease that are

likely to spread more rapidly.

According to Zell (2008). Diseases are carried by

certain insects or vectors. They can survive most, in

warmer climates and are inhibited by very cold weather

they are more likely to flourish in a warmer world. Some

of the diseases gotten through global warming are

malaria, yellow fever, skin cancer, meningitis, hanta

virus, and so on, all these are serious health risk of

global warming.

Malaria: Malaria is a disease that will increase during

global warming it is one of the earliest recorded human

diseases and is spread by the bite of a female mosquito.

The top of the mountains are cooler than it’s base

as the world warms, the warmer temperatures will creep

up the sides of the mountains and that would allow

mosquitoes and other insects that heeds the warmer

weather to crawl up to higher elevations. Mosquitoes


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breed in warm, wet place with the increase of rain and

warmth. During global warming, the population of

mosquitoes will increase making the risk of getting this

disease to increase also.

According to Epstein (1998) Malaria means bad air

in Italian referring to the time when people thought it

was caused by gases around the areas, where

mosquitoes thrive. When an individual is bitten by an

infected mosquito, it sends parasites into the person’s

blood stream. These parasites keeps reproducing,

making the disease more devastating. It’s symptoms

are fever that comes and goes, headache, weakness

and enlarged spleen. An enlarged spleen could rupture

or require surgery to remove people can live without a

spleen not

having one, increases the risk of infections or other


Hanta virus: is a deadly respiratory disease carried by


rodents, with global warming the population of rodents,

will soar, because there will be long- periods of


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droughts followed by warm, rainy season, and rodents

thrive in these climate condition.

Epstein (2008), opined that if any individual comes

in contact with a rodent or if an individual breathes

anything that contains their waste, could get the virus.

Dogs and cats are not known to carry the hanta virus,

people most likely get it, and it is those people that

work in the fields or install, or fix things in basements

where rodents can nest.

Some symptoms may be flu like symptoms with

fever and chills. One may have dry cough, nausea,

vomiting diarrhea, the person experiences fatigue and

have a hard time breathing because the person’s lungs

is filled with fluid. Garry (2006) there is it’s cure in Asia

for that type of virus. In Nigeria it’s more devastating

and we have treatments that enables survival, but if

only the victim seeks immediate treatment.

Skin cancer: Skin cancer is one of the main cancer as

far as the world is concern when global warming hits.

The skin cancer people get most is melanoma.

Though melanoma is the most common, it is also the


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most curable and can even be prevented. Earlier

discovery is very important. If one has moles that is

bothering the person, the person experience weird

things like change of size, shape and colour, or they

bleed constantly, a doctor needs to be consulted as

soon as it’s discovered. To prevent skin cancer the

persons should wear sunscreen and stay in the shade,

one should wear light colour clothing and so that their

head and body can stay safe.

Meningitis: This deals with climate change, especially

when the weather is so hot, it happens mostly in the

northern part of Nigeria. It’s a condition in which

organisms such as fungi bacteria and virus are inflated.

It causes fever intense headache, intolerance to light

and with rigidity of muscles.

Bird flu: As the earth warms up it speeds easily, the

United Nations study (2010) found that global warming

in concert with excessive development is contributing to

an increased loss of wetlands, around the world. This

trend is already forcing disease, carrying migrating

birds to land and animals farm where they mingle with


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domestic poultry, rising the spread of disease from

animals to humans temperatures could lead to the

extinction of more than million species and because we

can’t exist without a diverse population of species on


Climate change now represents at least a great threat

to the number of species surviving on earth as habitat

destruction and modification.

For a long time it has been believed that the effect

of global warming on Agriculture and food supply is

going to be a positive one, this is because the rising

level of carbon dioxide resulted for global warming will

help the greenies for photosynthesis. Thus; there will be

a rise of agricultural production -and food supply.

Report on global warming has predicted that Nigeria is

going to have more drought, floods and storms.

Agriculture is dependent on the climate, so global

warming impacts the food supply, heat waves, droughts

and flooding presents barriers to effective agricultural

production. Consequently, farmers may have to relocate

to geographic locations that have more agreeable


Page 35: Global Warming

climate conditions for the types of crop they are

farming which can affect the types of crops available

throughout various seasons with rising temperatures.

Certain crops that do well, the heat will have a longer

production season, while other crops may have very

short season which will lead to a shortage of certain

crops a new government report says global warming

could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental

illness world wide, and it calls for federally funded

research to determine how that might happen.

Cancer: High ambient temperatures caused by global

warming will have an effect on cancer rates, probably

pushing them higher. There are potential impacts on

cancers both directly from climate change mitigation

strategies. The reporter said that this increase exposure

to toxic chemicals, caused by global warming

connection with heavy ranging and by increased

volatilization of chemicals under conditions of increased

temperatures. Another way that global warning will

cause more cancer is through increased exposure to


Page 36: Global Warming

ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is known to cause skin


Another direct effect of climate change is the

depletion of stratospheric ozone, which will result in

increased ultra violent radiation exposure. It increases

the risk of skin cancers and cataracts.

Mental health: It is caused by natural disasters, which

already occurs but will be more catastrophic as the

earth warms, it causes stress and anxiety which can

lead to mental illness. The people are likely to be

affected by global warming mental illness are those

already susceptible to it; especially stress induced

mental illness. The report states that extreme weather

events such as flooding wildfires and hurricanes can

create increased anxiety and emotional stress about the

future, as well as create added stress to vulnerable

communities already experiencing social, economic, and

environment disruption. Individuals are already

vulnerable to mental health disease and stress related

disorders are likely to be at increased risk of

exacerbated effects following extreme weather events.


Page 37: Global Warming

Other public health effects of global warming includes

respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, heat-

related check-disease deaths, human developmental

efforts, neurological diseases, water borne diseases,

weather related deaths, and infectious disease.

Global Warming in Nigeria and Government Solution

Towards it

According to Akpati (2008), Nigerians ecosystems

are bartered by global warming, this is because Nigeria

has a variety of ecosystems from mangroves and

rainforest on the Atlantic coast in the south, to the

savannah in the North, bordering the Sahara, whether

dry or wet. Those ecosystems are being battered by

global warming. While excessive flooding during the

decades has hurt farming in coastal communities,

desertification is ravaging the sahel. Rainfall in the

sahel has been declining steadily since the 1960’s the

result has been the loss of farm lands and conflicts

between farmers and herd men over decreasing land,

many differ communities, including, fishermen, farmers

and herdsmen are now confronted with difficulties


Page 38: Global Warming

arising from climatic change. People’s livelihoods are

being harmed, and people who are already poor are

becoming even more impoverished. Climate refugees

are being created as dangers which makes some land

unlivable and affects water supplies which is

uncondusive for family life and living.

Nigeria is not a major contributor of green house

gas emissions when compared with industrialized

countries. But it is a major supplier of oil and gas to

countries with high green house gas emissions. The

exploitation of gas and oil for export, from the Niger

delta contributes to global warming and it damages the

environment and hurts communities living near these

projects. According to Bola (2010). Oil fields in Nigeria’s

Niger delta contains crude oil mixed with very large

amounts of gas, major oil companies operating there,

separates the oil from it’s associated gas at flow

stations, where the gas is simply burned off serving no

useful purpose and contaminating the air and lands of

local communities. Nigeria’s coastline is besieged by

global warming currents. New research is sounding the


Page 39: Global Warming

alarm. Predicting that climate related sea level rise is

likely to put 80% of Nigeria’s coastline at risk of being

swept away by the surging waves of the atlantics ocean.

In a research study entitled “perception and

reality”. By Akpati (2008). Assessing priorities for

sustainable development in the Niger delta.”

Two European scientist, D& Moffat and Cl linden

wrote that the coastline is in danger of being washed

away because of it’ low elevations. It was also made

known that the most threatened coastline in Nigeria is

on the victory Island off Lagos coast, where many of the

country’s wealthiest people lives. Coastal erosion has

been a perennial problem for the island, which only

became habitable after it’s marshland was drained in

the 1930’s and 1940’s. It has assumed or worrisome

dimension in times. As the Atlantic ocean rises between

600,000 and I .5million people on the Island and

adjourning areas could be displaced. Some bridges in

the areas are already in danger of collapsing due to

erosion. The effect of global warming has lead many

families to loss.


Page 40: Global Warming

The recent Tsunami in Japan is a great lesson for

our country Nigeria to learn. As the world’s third largest

economy, Japan. struggles to overcome a disaster of

great magnitude with more than 10,000 (ten thousand)

people dead. The question is: How is Nigeria prepared

for such an emergency? The fact is that global warming

affects all parts of the world, likewise Nigeria and other

African nations, which are the most vulnerable countries

of the world. Developed countries of the world, have

witnessed the consequences of climate change in

monumental proportion and frequency of disaster

around the globe have been increasing in an

unprecedented manner.

Banire (2010) said that at independence Nigeria’s

forest reserve stood at 30% today. It has been depleted

to a paltry 4% (four percent) due to the advent of oil

boom in 1970 which resulted in construction frenzy.

Today Nigeria is known to be one of the vulnerable

country to climate change disaster, like states in the

north namely, Kano, bomb kastina, Kebbi, Adamawa,

Zamfara, Sokoto Bauchi, Gombe, Kaduna and Gigawa


Page 41: Global Warming

states are increasing in loss of vegetation which has

brought about intense heat resulting to meningitis, heat

rashes and heat waves.

States in the west are inundated by flooding while

those around the Atlantic ocean like Lagos, Osun, Edo,

Ondo, Delta, rivers, Cross river and Akwa ibom states,

have been grappling with coastal erosion and flooding.

Soil erosion occasioned by heavy rainfall is terribly

degrading lands in the south-east, causing gullies and


lives and properties.

According to Aminuh (2011). It was be recalled that

in the year 2010 the ancient city of Sokoto was engulfed

in a devastating flooding of the year, which claimed

lives and properties of many people, while many houses

and villages submerged according to eyewitnesses in

Goronyo village, dead bodies of both humans and

animals littered the town exposing the lives of the

citizens, explaining the cause of the flood in sokoto

state, According to Dalami (2011). The climate change

phenomena caused the increasing water levels in the


Page 42: Global Warming

dam in the recent time. The flood was not an annual

ritual, rather the dam has a capacity of 942 million

cubic metres during the rainy season, where there is

incoming water from upstream, gradually the capacity

of the dam gets filled spilling out and there is a

schedule for the release of water from time to time.

Government Solutions to Global Warming

(Zango 2010). Government can take several steps to

reduce the threat of global warming.

First and foremost: Nigeria and other industrial

nations must use less of the fossil fuels, especially coal,

oil and gasoline that produces carbondioxide, the most

significant heat-trapping gas. (co2). Industrial countries

are responsible for the largest share of world wide

emissions of heat trapping gases, but these nation also

have a great ability to switch to cutting edge energy

technologies that produce fewer of these emissions.

Secondly: the nations of the world must negotiate a

climate change threat with legally binding limits on

emissions of heat-trapping gases.


Page 43: Global Warming

According to Ukali (2005). Nigeria can reduce it’s

carbon dioxide emission through four (4) principle

strategies. Making use of new energy technology

Improving energy efficiency) Developing renewable

energy resources such as, solar and wind power,

reducing gasoline consumption for transportation and

switch from coal and oil to natural gas.

Improvement of energy efficiency: The less energy we

use, the less carbondioxide we will produce. Over the

past twenty years Nigeria’s industry and consumers

have begun to switch to more efficient motors, vehicles,

appliances, windows and manufacturing processes. This

switch save considerable energy and money, but much

greater efficiency is possible. Developing renewable

energy: clean, safe renewable sources such as solar,

wind and sustainable grown biomass (plant matter) can

provide us with energy. But do not contribute to global

warming these technologies are ready to be deployed

much more widely, but Nigerian government policies

must encourage their use.


Page 44: Global Warming

Reduction of gasoline consumption for transportation:

Cars and buses consume over half of the oil used in

Nigeria, highly efficient gasoline, powered cars and

alternatively fueled vehicles such as fuel cell cars and

buses, can reduce carbondioxide emissions, by using

less, and to use alternatives to single passengers

automobile trips, such as bicycles, and public


Switching form coal and oil to natural gas:

Although natural gas is a fossil fuel, it produces

less carbon (iv) oxide than either coal or oil, changing

from coal to natural gas for generating electricity and

from oil to natural as a quick fix, even these switches

alone cannot reduce carbon dioxide emissions nearly as

much as necessary. Reducing Nigeria use of oil and

gasoline would start to address the global warming

threat, but other steps such as transferring technology

to developing countries, preserving forests, decreasing

atmospheric methane, continuing to phase our

chlorofluorocarbon and slowing down population growth

are also important. They can provide benefits in


Page 45: Global Warming

addition to reducing global warming, forest preservation

for example would protect endangered species. It

makes it easier to supply adequate food for the entire

world’s people.

Transferring technology to developing countries.

African businesses like that of Nigerians, the

government and international transition need to find

ways to transfer advanced energy technologies to

developing countries, so that those nations can build

their economies without having to use the older

polluting fossil fuel technologies that the Industrial

countries are now trying.

The preservation of plants and forest: Trees takes

in carbon dioxide and use it to grow. Deforestation

especially in the tropic where many of the largest most

important forest are located, Contributes significantly to

global warming. Efforts to preserve forests and to plant

trees on deforested land are essential not only for

preventing global warming but also for preserving

biodiversity decrease of methane in the atmosphere.

Although methane contributes much less to global


Page 46: Global Warming

warming than carbon dioxide, it is still responsible for

about 15% of the problem, amongst other steps to

decrease methane emissions, the nations of the world

can prevent leaks form natural gas pipelines, cut

methane emissions from land fills ad reduce beef.

Phasing out CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons)

Because CFc’s (chlorofluorocarbons), are

responsible for depleting the protective ozone layer, the

nations of the world have agreed to stop using them.

These chemicals also trap heat, so vigilance in

enforcing the international agreements to phase out

their use will help slow down global warming and as well

slow down population growth:

Technological and economic changes can reduce

per capital emissions of heat trapping gases, continued

large population will make it hard to dramatically

reduce total emissions. Reduction in population growth

rates will make the task of slowing global warming

easier. There are different causes of over population

which is now a threat to our family life and living, and

also increases the rate of global warming.


Page 47: Global Warming

Rise in birth rate.

Migration: Immigration is a problem in some parts of

the world, if the inhabitants of various countries

migrates to a particu!ar part of the world and settle

over there. The area is bound to suffer form the ill

effects of overpopulation. The country becomes over

populated, crowding of immigrants in certain parts of

the world, results in the density imbalance of


Lack of education: This is another cause of

overpopulation. Those lacking education fail to

understand the need to prevent excessive growth of

population. They are unable to understand the harmful

effects that overpopulation has. They are unaware of

the easy to control population. Lack of family planning

is commonly seen amongst the illiterates, this is one

major factors leading to overpopulation, due to

ignorance, they do not take to family measures, thus

contributing to a rise in population. Great number of

people requires greater number of resources, mean

while not every nation is capable of providing it’s


Page 48: Global Warming

people with the adequate amount of resources. The

over increasing population will eventually leave no

nation capable of providing its people with the

resources they need to thrive. When the environment

fails to accommodate the living beings that inhabit it,

over population becomes a disaster. In Kenya according

to Malcom (2009) as a result of diminished focus on

family planning the projected population in 2050 has an

increase form fifty four (54) to 83 million. An increase of

this magnitude may lead to food scarcity and crumbling

infrastructure and potentially to violent conflicts.

According to Micheal (1996), over population is one

of the most serious threat to mankind, it’s high time

people identify and under stand the effect of over

population and take good steps toward it’s prevention.

Population influence our family lives negatively, this is

because it increases.

Food shortage: If there is not enough food, diseases

are easily spread, there will be increase of malnutrition

and hunger, under nourished children are more likely to

get sick, and this leads to death.


Page 49: Global Warming

Water shortage: When overpopulation increases,

farmers needs more water to irrigate their fields so that

they can produce more crops. If there is no water for

the masses and for the manufacturing of goods, it leads

people to untimely death and poor untimely death and

poor production of goods in the society. Overpopulation

in a community can also limit space for housing.

Health problems: Food shortage, overcrowding, poor

water supplies and environmental pollution affects the

health of the people, particularly the children. Poor

environmental sanitation is a major cause of diseases

such as diarrhea, typhoid and cholera. Dirty insects

such as flies and cockroaches contaminate food with

disease causing germs. Many children who play barefoot

in dirty areas and do not wash their hands before eating

become infected with worms. Some respiratory diseases

such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis are

worsened by pollution due to over crowding. However,

communicable diseases can easily be transferred form

one person to another in an overpopulated area .


Page 50: Global Warming

Environmental Degradation: More people generate

more waste, solid wastes such as plastics, on cans and

bottles, when not properly disposed of, became

eyesores. Garbage and sewage, if left untreated can

pollute the water supply. Global warming will affect our

food security if proper care is not taken. Government

should aid in the security of food supply. This is

because food insecurity has effect on our lives, families,

environment and health.

In our environment, some kinds of plants are being

wiped out. Fish stocks begins to run out, there is a loss

of natural vegetation.The quality and amount of land

available for growing crops declines due to global

warming. According to Ukali (2008). Several things can

be done by Nigerian governments to deal with global

warming. One answer is to stop making carbon

dioxide ,it can be done by switching from oil, coal and

gas to renewable energy. The second solution is to plant

more trees. Trees absorb carbondioxide and produces

oxygen (o2) which is not a green house gas. Third idea

is to use less energy, and recycle more products. If we


Page 51: Global Warming

use less energy and are- more environmental friendly,

the earth temperature may not rise so much.

In conclusion, making small changes now in the

way we live, means avoiding huge changes in the future

both individuals, governments and scientist must work

together to overcome this serious threat according to

Adeneiyi (2009), he emphasized on the need for strict

penalties measures and environmental laws to be taken

against the common practice or habit of bush burning

deforestation and desertification. Many of which are e to

human due activities in many parts of the country.

Speaking recently at Ibadan Prof Ukali (2010) frowned

seriously on those who takes delight in setting bush and

forest ablaze, just because they want to kill bush

animals for their own commercial purpose, and also

warned people who invade game reserves and forest to

fall tress and for some other reasons, adding that such

people are not only enemy of progress, they are also

saboteurs and catalyst of global warming.

Prevent of global warming in our homes


Page 52: Global Warming

According to Brown (2011). Learning how to prevent

global warming in our various families or home is

simple. He opined that the first thing to do is to

understand which area to focus on. The gases in most

homes comes form heating, cooling, recycling, driving

and electrically, use of appliances and lighting.

Therefore the preventive ways of reducing global

warming is by reducing heating and cooling;

Preventing global warming in our homes requires

using less energy to stay warm in the winter and cool in

the summer, (rainy, dry and harmattan seasons). Which

means the individuals needs to find the place that leaks

air and plug those holes in his/her home places that one

would find leaks around windows and doors, which can

easily be fixed with a little bit of weather stripping

making this the easiest way to help prevent global

warming in our various homes. The windows causes a

lot of heat loss and cooling loss because windows are

less insulated than the walls, and this could be

remedied with thermal curtains. This helps in keeping

temperatures mode rate at all times.


Page 53: Global Warming

The recommendations above will help reduce our

various home contribution to global warming a little bit.

But if someone wants to make a big dent on his carbon

foot print then he or she should consider doing more

significant modeling on his or her home to increase the

situation in the walls and roofs, and to incorporate

passive heating and cooling using the earth and the


By using less electricity:

Using less electricity is simple if we are willing to

adjust some changes in our daily life. The first thing to

understand is that anything that heats up by using

electricity requires a lot of energy and its best to find

alternatives. Some examples of the kinds of appliances

that should be avoided are toasters, irons, oven dryers,

dishwashers, hair curlers etc, most of these kinds of

technologies are easy enough to do without for instance

you can hang your clothing’s as soon as you are done

washing it, and you will eliminate your need to use a

dryer. Turning of and appliances when they are not in

use is also a very simple and basic act that helps


Page 54: Global Warming

prevent global warming. It is advice able to put up signs

around the house to enable people to turn things off

when they are not in use. Also many appliances like

DVD players still draw electricity even after it has been

turned off, because of the light on or some sort of

digital display. To deal with this, you can get power

strips, then its assured that power is going, to light a

digital display.

Also the use of compact fluorescents bulbs. They

use a fraction of the electricity of a regular bulb. It

eliminates pounds of green house gases and they will

save us money over the long term.

Buy energy-efficient products: home appliances now

come in a range of energy-efficient models, and

compact florescent bulbs, avoid products that comes

with excess packaging especially molded plastics and

other packaging that can’t be recycled, if we can reduce

our household garbage by percent 10%, we can save

1,200 pounds of CO (carbon dioxide) annually. Planting

of frees: During photosynthesis, trees and other plants

absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. They are an


Page 55: Global Warming

integral part of the natural atmospheric exchange cycle

here on earth, but are few of them to fully counter the

increase in co caused by automobile traffic,

manufacturing and other human activities. A single tree

will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide

during its lifetime encouraging others to conserve”, it’s

wise to share information about recycling and energy

conservation with friends, workers ad neighbours and

also take opportunities to encourage public officials to

establish programs and policies that are good for the

environment. With all these mentioned above it will

take an individual a long way towards reducing energy

use and monthly budget, and less energy use means

less dependence on the fossil fuels that creates green

house gases and contributes to global warming.

It is also the best option for Families, to have a good

and wise family planning this will help reduce the threat

of global warming on over population.


Page 56: Global Warming



This chapter discussed the procedure used in

carrying out this study, it is discussed under the

following subheading.

Research design

Area of study

Population of the study

Sample/sampling techniques

Instrument for data collection

Validation of instrument

Method of data collection

Method of data analysis

Design of the Study

The design of the study was descriptive survey

according to Abonyi, Okereke, Omebe and Anugwo

(2006), viewed descriptive survey as a design that

consist of those studies in which the data is collected

from a small sample of large population to enable the

researcher describe in a systematic manner and

interpret things that exist. The design was used at


Page 57: Global Warming

investigating the influence of global warming on family

living in Victoria island, Eti Osa local government area,

Lagos state Nigeria.

Area of the Study

This was carried out in Eti-Osa Local Government

Area in Victoria Island of Lagos State.

Population of Study

The population of the study is centered on families

in Victoria Island of Lagos state, the population chosen

for this study is four thousand five hundred out of the

population of Eti osa local government area which is

two hundred and seventeen thousand three hundred

and sixty two people (217, 362) according to the

National Population Commission (2006). Lagos state.

Sample and Sampling Technique

Simple random sampling technique was used to

draw four hundred fifty respondents of which all of them

are residents in Victoria island. Mean while the sampling

was gotten from ten percent (10%) out of the

population according to Uzuagulu (2007), the targeted

population was draw from different areas in Victoria


Page 58: Global Warming

Island Lagos of which they are randomly selected for

the study, the areas selected Adeola odeku Saka tinubu,

Adeola hope well, Ozumba Mbadiwe, Awoloroad Road,

Kofo Aboyomi, Akin Adeola, falomo bridge. Sand field


Instrument of Data Collection

The instrument used for the data collection in this

study was structured questionnaire designed by the

researcher. It was based on research question to

request from the respondents in relation to the topic of

the study. The questionnaire developed, consist of

section A and B. section A was used for personal data of

the respondent while section B which consist of four sub

sections were used for the main questionnaire

instrument. Each sub-section of the questionnaire

instrument consist of ten questions to form a total of 40

questions that dealt with the research questions

formulated for that purpose

Therefore the number of response category used


Strongly agreed - SA


Page 59: Global Warming

Undecided - U

Agree - A

Disagreed - D

Strongly disagreed - SD


Page 60: Global Warming

Validation of Instrument

Three experts in the department validated the

instrument to ensure face and content validity. Their

corrections were reflected by the researcher before the

final draft of the questionnaire.

Method of Data Collection

The questionnaire was administered to the

respondents by the researcher who equally explained

and also gave the respondents sufficient time for filling

the questionnaire, four hundred and fifty questionnaire

were x distributed to these area’s mentioned above.

Method of Data Analysis

The data collected was analyzed using frequency

and mean to answer the research questions.

Any item with a mean of 3.0 and above is regarded

as accepted while those with less than 3.0 were



Page 61: Global Warming



This chapter deals with the presentation and

analysis of data collected for the purpose of answering

research questions used in the study. The analysis is

presented based on the research questions.

Research Question 1:

What are the influences of global warming on food

insecurity in families?

Data needed to answer these research questions are

presented in table 1.


Page 62: Global Warming

Table 1: Responses on the influence of global warming on food insecurity in families.


1 It leads to malnutrition 100 150


20 30 450 1620 3.6 Accepted

2 Food insecurity increases poverty both in families and in the society

150 200

20 80 - 450 1770 3.9 Accepted

3 It reduces food supplies 200 100

50 50 50 450 1700 3.7 Accepted

4 It leads to inequality and unemployment in our communities.

- 200

- 150


450 1200 2.6 Rejected

5 Easy access to disease contamination

156 124

30 120

20 450 1626 3.6 Accepted

6 Non-availability of certain crops due to its extinction

250 100

- 20 80 450 1870 4.1 Accepted

7 low production of crops for consumption.

320 40 1 10 79 450 1862 4.1 Accepted

8 Disease circulation due to food poisoning

48 52 250

50 50 450 1348 2.9 rejected

9 Reduction in exportation and importation of food items.

300 150

- - - 450 2100 4.6 Accepted

10 It hinders food selection - 180

- 20 250

450 1010 2.2 Rejected

The analysis presented in Table 1 indicates that items

1,2,3,5,6,7,and 9 whose mean where

3.6,3.9,3.7,3.6,4.1,4.1 and 4.6 respectively, indicated

that global warming leads to food insecurity on families

thereby increasing malnutrition, poverty, low production

of crops for consumption and shortage of food supplies

for families and also it encourages the extinction of

certain crops and reduces importation and exportation

of food items. While items 4,8 and 10 whose mean were


Page 63: Global Warming

2.6, 2.9 and 2.2 respectively indicates that global

warming does not lead to food insecurity in families.

Research question 2: What are the influences of

global warming on over population in families?

Table 2: mean responses on the influence of global warming on over population in families.


11 Lack of family planning 200 150

- 80 20 450 1860 4.1 Accepted

12 Illiteracy 55 65 100

80 150

450 1045 2.3 Rejected

13 People’s condition due to poverty

50 100

50 100


450 1150 2.5 Rejected

14 Shortage of water supply. 200 120

30 50 50 450 1720 3.8 Accepted

15 There will be shortage of food supply

48 52 250

50 50 450 1348 2.9 Rejected

16 discomfort of people due to over population

250 100

- 85 15 450 1835 4.0 Accepted

17 Effect of heat due to inadequate ventilation

150 200

50 20 30 450 1770 Accepted

18 Scarcity of resources 300 120

30 -- - 450 2070 4.6 Accepted

19 Conflict among people 60 40 100



450 1210 2.6 Rejected

20 Easily spread of diseases from one person to another

450 - - - - 450 2250 5.0


Page 64: Global Warming

From the presentation in Table II it was observed that

items 11,14,16,17,18 and 20 whose mean were

4.1,3.8,4.0,4.6 and 5.0 respectively indicated that

global warming influences overpopulation in families

due to lack of family planning, it hinders some

resources thereby making it scarce, also there will be

crowdedness in the home and this could lead to

discomfort, bad ventilation and also easily spread of

diseases from one person to another.

While item 12, 13, 15 and 19 whose mean were

2.3, 2.5, 2.9 and 2.6 respectively disagreed that global

warming influence overpopulation in families. Illiteracy

and conflict among people cannot influence global

warming on families.


Page 65: Global Warming

Research question 3: what are the influences of

global warming on family health?

Table 3: mean responses on the influence of global warming on family health.



21 The threat range from emerging tropical diseases to life-threatening temperatures to an increase in allergies and asthma

- 200

- 150


450 1200



22 As temperature rise, higher elevations become more hospitable for mosquitoes, and more risky for local inhabitants



- 35 15 450 2085



23 Due to harsh weather, family members suffer from heat rashes




50 -- 450 1840



24 There is increase in malaria 200



50 50 450 1720



25 Devastating heat waves increases meningitis on people’s health



- -- - 450 2100



26 Skin cancer affects people 200




- 450 1750



27 When there is sea level rise it causes flooding that kills people




20 30 450 1770



28 Increase of pollution from vehicles and power plants





50 450 1610



29 Easily spread of cancer due to heat



- 30 70 450 1750




Page 66: Global Warming

30 Concentration on the green house effect

75 25 - 50 300

450 875 1.9


In Table III, its presentation noted that items

22,23,24,25,26,27,28 and 29 with mean scores of

4.6,4.0,3.8,4.6,,3.8,3.9,3.5 and 3.8 respectively agreed

that global warming affects the family health of people

thereby increasing the spread of different diseases like

heat rashes, skin cancer, meningitis and malaria, also it

affects people’s health because it can lead to death due

to flooding. While items 21 and 30, disagrees

respectively that global warming cannot affect family

health through the contamination of asthma and

concentration on the green house effect.

Research Question 4: What are the ways of

reducing global warming in our homes?

Table 4: Means responses on ways of reducing global warming in our home.


31 Taking progressive action now, to cut global warming pollution

200 100

50 50 50 450 1700

3.7 Accepted

32 Health care system participation for families and communities protection as temperatures rise

220 130

- 30 70 450 1750

3.8 Accepted

33 reduction of green house gases and toxic pollution

250 100

- 85 15 450 1835

4.0 Accepted


Page 67: Global Warming

34 Conservation of energy by using a compact fluorescent light bulb over an incandescent bulb

250 100

- 85 15 450 1835

4.0 Accepted

35 Use of less electricity 310 60 40 40 - 450 1990

4.4 Accepted

36 Reduction of heating and cooling by using less energy in our homes

296 75 75 - 4 450 2009

4.5 Accepted

37 Being informed and understanding the areas to be focused on

100 300

30 20 - 450 1830

4.0 Accepted

38 Encouraging conservation 305 95 40 5 5 450 2040

4.5 Accepted

39 Participation in recycling 450 - -- - - 450 2250

5.0 Accepted

40 Planting of trees 200 150

- 80 20 450 1860

4.1 Accepted

From the analysis in Table iv we will notice that all

the respondents from table 31-40 whose mean were 3.7,

3.8, 4.0, 4.0, 4.4, 4.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 4.1 respectively

accepts that the following ways are the solution in

reducing global warming in families, with all the items

stated it is believed that necessary precaution should be

made by each family to reduce global warming in our


Major Findings

The following are the findings arising from the analysis

of data.

1. It revealed that global warming can affect families

income and food supply through food insecurity.


Page 68: Global Warming

2. Global warming influences overpopulation in scarcity

of resources and loss of biodiversity ad ecological


3. Diseases are likely to spread more rapidly due to

global warming and its major effect of global warming

on family health.

4. Participation in recycling and encouragement of

conservation by people can help in reducing global

warming effects.

Discussion of findings

The findings of this study were analyzed using mean

to answer the questions, the questions have been

organized and discussed according to the four

research questions. They were discussed as follows.

1. The findings of this study revealed that global

warming has great influence on food insecurity in

families, according to Burke (2008). Food insecurity

affects people’s supply of food, thereby leading to

its shortage and also have effect on important areas

of our lives. This is because food insecurity leads to

malnutrition and extinction of certain crops which


Page 69: Global Warming

could leave a family to starvation, it is independent

of the climate so when global warming occurs it

presents barriers to effective food production. Burke

emphasized that poor nutrition due to global

warming can affect both the body and mind thereby

leading to poverty inequality and unemployment in

our communities also in our environment global

warming affects the means of growing and gathering

food due to climate changes and this affects the

environment in so many ways, there is loss of

natural vegetation some plants are being wiped out

and the quality and amount of land available for

growing food is declining. With all these global

warming will affect basically every one’s way of

living disease contamination can easily spread and it

device the means of exportation.

2. The finding of this study is that global warming

influences over population in families through many

ways, for instance a family that lacks family

planning due to illiteracy can give birth to many

children and this involves the excess use of


Page 70: Global Warming

electricity, scarcity of resources which could lead to

death, also crowdedness of people whereby they

emit carbon dioxide due to inadequate ventilation

and it also leads to their discomfort. It increases

expenses made by parents on heat rashes and

insufficient food supply due to poverty. According to

Micheal (1996) he opined that the best option for

families is to have a good and wise family planning

because it will help reduce the threat of global

warming on over population. Meanwhile population

influences our family lives negatively thereby

increasing food and water shortage this is because if

there is no enough food, diseases are easily are

easily spread and there is increase of malnutrition

and hunger and it leads to death, when

overpopulation increases families needs more water

to irrigate their fields so they can produce more

crops. If there is no water for the masses it leads

untimely death and poor production of goods in the

society. Micheal also commented that

overpopulation can lead to food shortage,


Page 71: Global Warming

overcrowding, poor water supplies and

environmental population and all these affects the

health of people and also increases the spread of


3. This study also revealed that global warming has

influences on family health, global warming means

guarantees easy access to disease. Diseases are

likely to spread more rapidly and it increases

rapidly. Such diseases are malaria, fever, skin

cancers, meningitis and so on, this is because as

the temperature rises, higher elevations becomes

more hospitable for mosquitoes and more risky for

local inhabitants and due to harsh weather family

members suffer from heat rashes and devastating

heat waves increases meningitis on people’s health.

According to Zell (2008), diseases are carried by

certain insects or vectors, they flourish more in a

warmer world, and this increases the spread of

diseases like malaria, which is how killing millions of

people. Malaria won’t be abolished easily because

global warming increases it’s reproduction and


Page 72: Global Warming

thereby making disease more devastating according

to Epstein (1998). There are other public health

effect of global warming they include respiratory

diseases, weather related diseases, cardiovascular

diseases and soon. When there is overpopulation in

a community it leads to scarcity of resources

therefore increasing the rate of hunger and different


4. In addition, the finding of the study confirmed that

participation in recycling and encouraging of

conservation by families can assist in reducing

global warming threat. Also there are other ways of

preventing global warming in our homes, such as

cutting down pollution and also health care system

participation of families and communities protection

as the temperature rises, use of less electricity is

very vital for all family members this will help in the

reduction of heating and cooling. Meanwhile

according to Brown (2011) there are ways of

reducing or preventing global warming in our various

families, the first thing to do is to understand which


Page 73: Global Warming

area to focuson. Brown opined that the gases in

most homes comes from heating, cooling, driving

and so on, therefore prevention of global warming in

our homes requires using less energy to stay warm.

By using less electricity, also the use of compact

fluorescent bulb because, they save us money over

long term (they last longer) and the eliminate

pounds of green house gases. Planting of trees is

very vital in reducing global warming because they

are the integral part of the natural atmospheric

exchange cycle here on earth.


Page 74: Global Warming



This chapter deals with the summary of research

problem, purpose of the study, its methodology. The

principal findings, conclusions, recommendations, and

suggestions for further reference are also presented.

Restatement of the Problem

The issue of global warming in Nigeria has to be

put into consideration due to the fact that it has

brought many problems in families and societies. Global

warming affects human if proper solution is not applied.

If the problem of population, food supply agriculture,

water pollution and diseases are not fully addressed it

would lead to acute poverty in a state or country. The

rate of diseases will increases, sickness are easily

gotten. Death rate will increase at a geometric rate and

almost everything will go wrong meanwhile the heat in

Lagos is so suffocating now that when you go out during

the day it seems one would just melt like alone the

northern part of Nigeria. This is because when the


Page 75: Global Warming

sunlight reaches the earths surface some are absorbed

and warms the earth.

According to Akpati (2008), in a keynote address

said that Nigeria has the least capacity of technology to

effectively tackle an emergence response in case of any

great quake. Speaking further, he said that ignorance is

the main problem of climate changes that should be the

focal point of awareness, as people in the rural areas

still see the obvious effect of climate changes. Despite

the fact that Nigeria is signatory to the 1992 Tokyo

protocol and the creation of the special climate unit in

2006, under the federal ministry of environment, yet

much has not been done and no concrete step has been

taken on our vulnerability to climate change induced

diseases.The question now is “what adaptive measures

do we have on ground as we all know that climate

changes is here and lives with Nigerians? And also how

do we manage it? the rescue terms of lands and

properties were lost, leaving a sore taste at the throat

of those left behind to mourn. Nigeria needs to

strategize on how to grasp this opportunity of the green


Page 76: Global Warming

climate fund established to address the impact of

climate change which could effect many things that are

vital to human lives. So it would be best to focus on the

solution and prevention of global warming and it’s


Purpose of the study: The main purpose of this

study includes the following:

1. Assessing the influence of global warming on food

insecurity in families.

2. Assessing the influence of global warming due to over

population in families.

3. Ascertaining the influence of global warming on

family health.

4. Ascertaining ways of reducing global warming in our


Principal Findings

On the basis of the data collected and analyzed,

the following findings were made.

1. The respondents indicated that due to the influence

of global warming on food insecurity there will be


Page 77: Global Warming

shortage of food supply and the income of the family

will be affected which causes poverty.

2. It was observed that the influence of global warming

on overpopulation in family leads to scarcity of

resources, loss of biodiversity and ecological


3. Respondents indicated that diseases spread more

rapidly due to global warming and it destroys human


4. Respondents revealed that non participation in

recycling and encouragement of conservation by

people increases global warming effects,

Implication of the Study

The findings of the study will be useful to the

community or area in respect to population size, food

supply and also the government is taking steps to

prepare the public health system and promote solutions

that will offer added health benefits by reducing both

green house gases and toxic pollution. The health care

system is active and the communities are protected as

temperature rises.


Page 78: Global Warming

The findings of the study will also be useful to

families because it prepares them to give up things that

would affect them. Like places to reside due to climate

change. Finally it will help our species like plants and

animals not to migrate far and also carbondioxide

absorption rate for plants and bountiful food for animal

life which will be safer for man.


The study was aimed at finding out the influence of

global warming on family living in Eti-Osa local

government area, Lagos state.

It was found out that people that live in Lagos

specifically Eti-Osa local government area can create

awareness on the risk of global warming on family living

by encouraging conservation and planting of trees.

Government should give laws for participation in

recycling and in taking progressive action to cut global

warming pollution. Government can achieve this

principles by awareness creation and working hand in

hand with the community and ministers in charge of

environment so as to reduce green house gases and


Page 79: Global Warming

toxic pollution. People are meant to be informed

because some of them don’t know what global warming

is all about, therefore there is need for it’s broadcast

which is very vital.


The following recommendations were made based

on the finding of the study.

1. Government should increase the capacity of media

art to correspond adequately to global warming

prevention and control not only in Lagos but entire


2. Demolishment of chlorofluorocarbons(CFC),

because they are responsible for the depletion of

the protective ozone layer, the nations of the

world have to stop using them, and vigilance in

enforcing the international agreements to phase

out their use will help slow down global warming.

3. In Lagos cars and buses consume a lot if oil,

therefore reduction of gasoline consumption for

transportation is advisable and also the

improvement of energy efficiency for homes.


Page 80: Global Warming

4. Government should set up regulations for every

family to attend family planning in order to control

population growth and also setting up good health

care centers for people’s health.

Limitation of the Study

The research work was carried out appropriately by

the researcher through the researcher encountered

many problems which limited effective development of

the research.

Secondly the researcher encountered the problem

of time and financial instability which also hindered the

research development.

Suggestion for Further Research

The following areas are recommended for further

investigation and research.

1. Effects of global warming on the economy.

2. Global warming and the government issues and


3. The resultant effect of overpopulation on the nation’s

economy due to global warming.


Page 81: Global Warming


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