Download - Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

Page 1: Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

Global Earth Observation System of Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)Systems (GEOSS)

Reinaldo SilveiraReinaldo Silveira

Instituto Nacional de MeteorologiaInstituto Nacional de Meteorologia


ad-hoc ad-hoc for SGDU offor SGDU ofGroup on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

Page 2: Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

Is it possible ?Is it possible ?

A system of systems:

That use ongoing initiatives of modeling/observing earth systems.

Allow archiving/access & exchange of information Consider user requirements. Envisage socio-economic benefits. Designed on international basis and open for all.

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

Page 3: Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)

Depends on …Depends on …

Commitment of governments Efficiency on coordinating different

interests Respecting national data policies Adequate implementation of such system

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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Earth Observation ElementsEarth Observation Elements x x

Socio-Economic Benefits Socio-Economic Benefits

OceanOcean HealthHealthLandLand




Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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The Earth Observation The Earth Observation SummitSummit

Washington DC, July 31, 2003Washington DC, July 31, 2003The Summit represented a high level governmental/political

commitment to move toward a comprehensive, coordinated, global network:

• Issued declaration to support this concept

• Launched development of 10-year implementation plan

• Established the ad hoc intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) with 4 Co-Chairs:1) U.S. – Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher Jr.,

AdministratorNational Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA)2) EC – Director General Achilleas Mitsos

Directorate General for Research 3) Japan – Mr. Akio Yuki, Deputy Minister, Ministry of

Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT)

4) South Africa – Dr. Rob Adam, Director-General, Department of Science and Technology

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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EO Summit DeclarationEO Summit Declaration

Affirmed need for timely, quality, long-term, global information as a basis for sound decision making.

Recognized need to support:

1) Comprehensive, coordinated, sustained Earth observation system of systems;

2) Coordinated effort to address capacity-building needs related to Earth obs;

3) Exchange of observations in a full and open manner with minimum time delay and minimum cost; and

4) Preparation of a 10-year Implementation Plan, building on existing systems and initiatives

1) Framework for Tokyo ministerial, April or May 2004

2) 10-year plan for Brussels ministerial in late 2004.

Established ad hoc Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to develop Plan

Invited governments to join.

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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Member GovernmentsMember Governments Argentina Australia Belize Brazil Canada China Denmark Egypt European Commission France Gabon Germany India Ireland Israel Italy Japan

Kazakhstan Mexico Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Republic of Congo Republic of Korea Russian Federation South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Ukraine United Kingdom United States

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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Participating International OrganizationsParticipating International Organizations Central American Commission for the Environment and Development (SICA/CCAD) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) European Space Agency (ESA) European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partnership (IGOS-P) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) International Agency for the Development of Environmental Information (ADIE) International Council for Science (ICSU) International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research (IGFA) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) World Bank (IBRD) World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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GEO StructureGEO Structure

GEO US, EC, Japan, South Africa (Co-Chairs)

GEO Secretariat

Capacity Building Subgroup

Architecture Subgroup

Data Utilization Subgroup

International Cooperation Subgroup

User Requirements and Outreach Subgroup

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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GEO Subgroup Co-ChairsGEO Subgroup Co-Chairs

GEO Architecture Subgroup Brazil (Gilberto Camara – INPE), France, Japan, United States,


GEO Capacity Building Subgroup Argentina, Belize/CCAD, Brazil (J. Vianei- INPE), Israel, Republic of

Congo, United States

GEO Data Utilization Subgroup Brazil (Reinaldo Silveira – INMET), Canada, United States, ECMWF

GEO User Requirements Subgroup Canada, Italy, United Kingdom

GEO International Cooperation Subgroup Australia, United States, IOC

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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review- ITALY -






Subgroups & Secretariat composeDraft 10-year Plan

Subgroups & Secretariat compose Draft Framework Document

Earth Obs Summit III

GEO delivers Draft 10-year Plan


Draft Framework Document components for GEO II

Implementation Plan Implementation Plan DevelopmentDevelopment


Data UtilizationSubgroup

Capacity BuildingSubgroup

User Requirements &


Int’l CooperationSubgroup

Earth Obs Summit I and GEO I


Earth ObsSummit II

and GEOGEO Delivers Draft

Framework Document for

approval- JAPAN -

GEO Sub-Group Chairs

Working Meeting- SOUTH AFRICA -

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

GEO approvesDraft 10-year



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Earth Observation Summit-1 July 31United States

2003 2004 2005

Initial GEO Meeting—August 1-2

= Document Milestones

= GEO Secretariat Meetings

= GEO Meetings planned

= GEO Meetings notional

= Significant Events

Complete Framework Document

Complete10-Year Implementation Plan

Earth Observation Summit-2Japan

Earth Observation Summit-3Europe

GEO-2 Italy November 28-29

G - 8

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

GEO-3 Cape Town February 25-27

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Summary of Post GEO-1, GEO-2 and Summary of Post GEO-1, GEO-2 and GEO-3 ActivityGEO-3 Activity

Accomplishments to February, 2004

• Subgroups formed.

• Subgroup Terms of Reference established and distributed.

• GEO-2 planning begun.

• Annotated draft Framework outline issued, including Subgroup assignments.

• Subgroups began work by October 1, 2003.

• Website and draft GEO briefing package developed.

• Secretariat completed a draft introduction and purpose sections of Framework on October 31, 2003.

• Secretariat compiled and distributed to members and participants the chapters of first draft framework document on November 14, 2003.

• GEO-2 meeting in Italy, November 28-29, 2003.

• Updating the Framework Document.

• Finalize Sub-Group reports and GEO report.

• GEO-3 meeting in Cape Town, February 25-27, 2004.

• Preparation for Summit-2

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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Sketching a GOESS Implementation Sketching a GOESS Implementation PlanPlan

upon data utilization perspectiveupon data utilization perspective

It will take time to build the Capacity to deliver each Socio-economic benefit, at National level, at Regional level, at Global level

Each GEOSS Societal Benefit requires a specific configuration of Observations, Data Utilisation capabilities, Architectural capabilities.

All the Socio-economic benefits require a shared, and inter-operable, infrastructure of thematic implementations.

The initial implementations (and the build-up phases) for the GEOSS Themes are driven by the

– schedules for data availability

– schedules for development of data utilisation

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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Sketch plan for GEOSS Initial Sketch plan for GEOSS Initial Implementations and Build-upsImplementations and Build-ups

(elaborated upon IGOS-P, GMES and GCOS (elaborated upon IGOS-P, GMES and GCOS initiatives)initiatives)


GEO Socio-EconomicBenefits

1 Disasters2 Health3 Energy4 Climate5 Water resourc6 Weather Fcst7 Ecosystems8 Agriculture9 Biodiversity

World Weather Watch

  GEO Theme GEO Socio-Economic benefits

 Target   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2003 Ocean * * * * * * * * *

2005-6 Water Cycle * * * * * * * * *

2007-8 Carbon       * * *        

2007-8 Atmos Chem * *   *   *  *  

2007-8 Land *   * * * *  * * *

2007-8 Water Resour. * * * * * *   * * *

2007-8 Hazards * * * * * *    * *  

2007-8 Coastal * * * * *  * *  

TBD Health   *    *    *        

TBD Biodiversity    *    *  *   *  *  *

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations

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The Way ForwardThe Way Forward

Finalize Sub-Groups reports, which is the technical support for GEOS.

Preparation for GEO-4 Summit-2, Tokyo, April 2004.

Writing up the 10-year Implementation Plan, which will bring the concepts and mechanisms (from technology to political guidance) of GEOSS.

Presenting the Implementation Plan as the main deliverable of GEO, GEO-4 Summit-3.

Group on Earth bservationsGroup on Earth bservations