
TriMark Publications

August 2009 Volume: TMRBEV09-0801


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Global Beverages Markets August 2009

© 2009 TriMark Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 21 1.1 Objectives 21 1.2 Scope 21 1.3 Methodology 21 1.4 Executive Summary 22 2. Global Outlook 23 2.1 Soft Drinks 23 2.2 Bottled Water 24 2.3 Carbonates 24 2.4 Fruit Juices 25 2.5 Alcoholic 26 2.6 Brewed 30 3. Market for Beverages in Selected Countries 34 3.1 Beverage Market in the U.S. 34 3.1.1 U.S. Emerging Beverages 35 3.1.2 U.S. Kid’s Beverages 36 3.1.3 U.S. Organic Beverages Market 37 3.2 Beverage Market in Canada 38 3.3 Beverages Market in the E.U. 41 3.4 Beverages Market in France 42 3.5 Beverage Market in Italy 47 3.6 Beverage Market in China 47 3.7 Beverages Market in India 49 3.8 Beverages Market in Mexico 49 3.9 The Health-related Problems of Calories-rich Beverages 50 4. Tea 52 4.1 Antioxidants in Tea 52 4.2 Composition of Tea 52 4.3 Types of Tea 53 4.4 The Three Major Varietals of Tea 54 4.4.1 White Tea 54 4.4.2 Green Tea 54 4.4.3 Oolong Tea 55 4.4.4 Black Tea 55 4.4.5 Chai Tea 56 4.4.6 Scented Tea 56 4.5 Grading of Tea 56 4.6 Tea Production and Processing 57 4.6.1 Plucking 57 4.7 Black Tea Manufacture 58 4.7.1 Withering 58 4.7.2 Rolling 58 4.7.3 Oxidization 58 4.7.4 Drying 59 4.8 Green Tea Manufacture 59 4.9 Tasting and Blending 59 4.10 Sorting and Packaging 60 4.11 Herbal Teas 60 4.11.1 Rooibos 60 4.11.2 Yerba Mate 61


Global Beverages Markets August 2009

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4.11.3 Peppermint Tea 62 4.11.4 Polyphenol Contents in Herbal Tea 62 4.12 Global Production of Tea 63 4.13 Black Tea’s Popularity 64 4.14 Tea in India 65 4.14.1 Tea Export from India 66 4.15 Tea in Sri Lanka 67 4.15.1 Tea Export from Sri Lanka 68 4.16 Tea in Kenya 69 4.17 Tea in Turkey 70 4.17.1 Specialty Tea Market in Turkey 70 4.18 Tea in Indonesia 71 4.18.1 Indonesian Tea Export 71 4.19 U.S. Tea Market 72 4.19.1 U.S. Ready-To-Drink (RTD) Tea Market 73 4.19.2 The Popularity of Tea in the U.S 74 4.20 Canadian Tea and Coffee Markets 75 4.20.1 Tea Consumption in Canada in 2008 75 5. Coffee 78 5.1 Caffeine 78 5.2 Physiological Effects of Coffee 78 5.3 Decaffeination 79 5.4 Field Processing of Coffee 79 5.5 Dry Method of Coffee Processing 79 5.6 Wet Method of Coffee Processing 80 5.7 Roasting of Coffee 80 5.8 Coffee Drinks—Types 81 5.8.1 Arab or Turkish coffee 81 5.8.2 The Filter Method 81 5.8.3 The Plunger/Cafetiere 82 5.8.4 The Jug Coffee 82 5.8.5 Espresso and Cappuccino Coffee 83 5.8.6 The Moka-Nepoletana Coffee 83 5.8.7 The Percolator Coffee 84 5.8.8 Instant Coffee 84 5.8.9 Flavored Coffees 84 5.9 World Coffee Market in 2008 85 5.10 Global Coffee Production 85 5.11 Global Coffee Market: Overview 89 5.12 Coffee in India 95 5.12.1 Coffee Production in India 95 5.12.2 Coffee Consumption in India 99 5.12.3 Coffee Exports from India 100 5.13 Coffee in Brazil 103 5.13.1 Coffee Production in Brazil 103 5.12.2 Coffee Consumption in Brazil 103 5.13.3 Coffee Export from Brazil 105 5.14 Coffee in Colombia 110 5.14.1 Colombian Coffee Production 110 5.14.2 Colombian Coffee Export 111 5.15 Coffee in Indonesia 112 5.15.1 Coffee Production in Indonesia 112 5.15.2 Coffee Consumption in Indonesia 112 5.15.3 Coffee Export from Indonesia 113


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5.16 Coffee in Ethiopia 113 5.16.1 Coffee Export from Ethiopia 113 5.16.2 Coffee Production in Ethiopia 114 5.17 Coffee in Vietnam 115 5.17.1 Coffee Production in Vietnam 115 5.17.2 Coffee Export from Vietnam 115 5.18 Coffee in Venezuela 117 5.19 Coffee in Rwanda 117 5.20 Coffee in Philippines 118 5.21 Coffee in Angola 118 5.22 Coffee in Bolivia 119 5.23 Coffee in Burundi 119 5.24 Coffee in Cameroon 120 5.25 Coffee in Congo 120 5.26 Coffee in Costa Rica 121 5.27 Coffee in Cuba 121 5.28 Coffee in Dominican Republic 122 5.29 Coffee in Ecuador 122 5.30 Coffee in El Salvador 123 5.31 Coffee in Guatemala 124 5.32 Coffee in Honduras 124 5.33 Coffee in Jamaica 125 5.34 Coffee in Madagascar 125 5.35 Coffee in Mexico 126 5.35.1 Coffee Trade in Mexico 127 5.36 Coffee in Nicaragua 127 5.37 Coffee in Peru 128 5.38 Coffee in Tanzania 129 5.39 Coffee in Uganda 130 5.40 Global Coffee Production Time Table 130 5.41 Coffee in Japan 132 5.42 Coffee in the U.S. 135 5.43 Coffee Market in the E.U. 140 5.43.1 Coffee Market in Austria 146 5.43.2 Coffee Market in Denmark 147 5.43.3 Coffee Market in Finland 148 5.43.4 Coffee Market in France 149 5.43.5 Coffee Market in Germany 151 5.43.6 Coffee Market in Greece 154 5.43.7 Coffee Market in Ireland 155 5.43.8 Coffee Market in Italy 156 5.43.9 Coffee Market in Netherlands 158 5.43.10 Coffee Market in Portugal 159 5.43.11 Coffee Market in Spain 160 5.43.12 Coffee Market in Sweden 162 5.43.13 Coffee Market in Switzerland 163 5.43.14 Coffee Market in U.K. 164 5.43.15 Coffee Market in Russia 166 6. Cocoa 167 6.1 Nutritive Value of Cocoa 167 6.2 Manufacturing of Cocoa 168 6.3 Cocoa Facts 169 6.4 Cocoa Production in 2007 169 6.5 Cocoa Supply, Demand and Stocks 171


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6.6 Trends in Cocoa Production 171 6.7 Cocoa and Chocolate Consumption 175 6.8 Global Cocoa Market 175 6.9 Global Cocoa Consumption 177 6.10 Global Cocoa Trade 178 7. Milk and Milk Beverages 180 7.1 Global Milk Production 181 7.2 Global Milk Trade 184 7.3 U.S. Fluid Milk Market 186 7.4 U.S. Milk and Dairy Alternative Beverages 187 7.5 Milk Beverages Market in the E.U. 187 7.6 Milk in China 188 7.6.1 Opportunities for Foreign Companies 188 7.6.2 Milk Imports in China 189 8. Bottled Water 190 8.1 Role of Water in the Body 190 8.2 Need for Bottled Water 190 8.3 Arguments in Support of Bottled Water 190 8.4 Arguments against Bottled Water 191 8.5 Tips for Buying and Storing Bottled Water 191 8.6 Types of Bottled Water 192 8.7 Afterlife for Empty Water Bottles 193 8.8 The Hot Market in China for Empty Water Bottles 193 8.9 Global Bottled Water Market 193 8.10 Future of Bottled Water 195 8.11 Global Bottled Water Companies 196 8.12 Leading Global Brands of Bottled Water 196 8.13 U.S. Bottled Water Market 197 8.14 Canadian Bottled Water Industry 201 8.14.1 Canadian Domestic Market 202 8.14.2 Canadian Exports and Imports 202 8.15 Bottled Water in Asia and Middle East 203 8.16 Bottled Water Market in U.K. 203 9. Fruit Juices 205 9.1 Classification of Fruit Juices 205 9.2 Global Fruit Juice Consumption 205 9.3 Global Fruit Juices Market 207 9.4 Global Market for Orange Juice 208 9.4.1 Global Orange Juice Production 208 9.4.2 Orange Juice in Brazil 209 9.4.3 Orange Juice in the U.S. 210 9.4.4 Orange Juice in Costa Rica 211 9.4.5 Orange Juice in Australia 212 9.5 Apple Juice 212 9.6 Fruit Juice Industry in the E.U. 215 9.7 U.S. Market for Fruit Beverages 217 9.7.1 U.S. Sparkling Juice Market 217 9.8 U.K. Market for Fruit Juices 218 9.9 Fruit Juice Market in Germany 220 9.10 Nigerian Fruit Juice Concentrate Market 221 9.10.1 Nigerian Imports of Fruit Juices 222 9.11 Chinese Fruit Juice Market 224


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9.12 Fruit Juices and Concentrates in Turkey 225 9.12.1 Turkish Export of Fruit Juice 226 10. Sports Drinks and Energy Drinks 228 10.1 Sports Drinks 228 10.1.1 Carbohydrates in Sports Drinks 228 10.1.2 Electrolytes in Sports Drinks 228 10.1.3 Flavors in Sports Drinks 228 10.1.4 Other Ingredients in Sports Drinks 228 10.2 Energy Drinks 228 10.2.1 Energy Drinks and the Way they Work 231 10.2.2 Global Energy Drinks Market 232 10.3 Energy Drinks Market in the U.S. 233 10.4 U.S. Market for Sports Beverages 234 10.5 The Canadian Energy Drinks Market 235 10.6 Sports and Energy Drinks Market in U.K. 236 10.7 Sports and Energy Drinks Market in South Africa 239 10.7.1 Pack Trends in South African Market 240 11. Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSDs) 244 11.1 Some Key Findings of Soft Drink Market 245 11.2 U.S. Carbonated Soft Drinks Market 246 11.2.1 Next Generation Carbonated Soft Drinks Market in the U.S. 247 11.3 U.K. Soft Drinks Market 248 11.3.1 U.K.’s New Product Developments in CSDs 254 11.3.2 U.K. Soft Drinks Forecast 255 11.4 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Austria 256 11.5 Soft Drinks in Bulgaria 256 11.6 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Czech Republic 257 11.7 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Denmark 258 11.8 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Estonia 259 11.9 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Finland 259 11.10 Carbonated Soft Drinks in France 260 11.11 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Germany 260 11.12 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Greece 261 11.13 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Hungary 261 11.14 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Ireland 262 11.15 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Italy 263 11.16 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Latvia 264 11.17 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Lithuania 264 11.18 Carbonated Soft Drinks in the Netherlands 265 11.19 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Poland 265 11.20 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Portugal 266 11.21 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Romania 266 11.22 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Slovakia 267 11.23 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Slovenia 267 11.24 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Spain 268 11.25 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Sweden 269 11.26 Carbonated Soft Drinks in Canada 270 11.27 Carbonated Soft Drinks in China 272 12. Wine 274 12.1 World Wine Production 275 12.2 Current Events in the World of Wines 276 12.3 Northern Hemisphere Wine Production 276


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12.4 Southern Hemisphere Wine Production 277 12.5 Global Wine Market 278 12.6 Wine: Global Trend 281 12.6.1 E.U. Domination in Wine Production 282 12.6.2 Australian Exports of Wine 282 12.6.3 The Steady Chilean Wine Market 282 12.6.4 Robust Argentine Exports 282 12.6.5 Flat South African Market 283 12.6.6 Growing New Zealand Market 283 12.6.7 Competitive Japanese Market 283 12.6.8 Surging Chinese Market 284 12.7 The U.S. Wine Market 285 12.8 E.U. Wine Market 298 12.8.1 E.U. Wine Trade 299 12.8.2 Wine Market in Italy 300 12.8.3 Wine Market in France 301 12.8.4 Wine Market in Spain and Portugal 301 12.8.5 Wine Market in Germany 302 12.8.6 Wine Market in U.K. 302 Wine Poll in the U.K. 303 Wine: U.K.’s Favorite Drink 304 12.9 Wine Market in Argentina 305 12.9.1 Wine Consumption in Argentina 306 12.9.2 Wine Export from Argentina 306 12.9.3 Wine Imports in Argentina 308 12.10 Wine Market in Australia 308 12.11 Wine Market in New Zealand 312 12.12 Wine Market in South Africa 315 12.13 Wine Market in Peru 316 12.14 Wine Market in Chile 318 12.15 Wine Market in Brazil 319 12.15.1 Wine Imports by Brazil 320 12.16 Wine Market in Dominican Republic 320 12.17 Wine Market in Serbia 322 12.18 Wine Market in China 324 12.18.1 Chinese Wine Production 325 12.18.2 Wine in Hong Kong 325 12.19 Wine Market in Japan 327 12.20 Champagne 329 13. Beer 335 13.1 Global Beer Industry 335 13.2 Global Beer Consumption 337 13.3 Beer in China 342 13.3.1 Beer Industry in China 342 13.3.2 China Resources Snow Breweries 344 13.3.3 Tsingtao Brewery Pty. Ltd. 346 13.3.4 Beijing Yanjing Beer Group Company 347 13.3.5 Beer Consumption in China 347 13.3.6 Beer Production in China 349 13.3.7 Imports and Exports 349 13.4 Beer in the U.S. 350 13.4.1 U.S. National Brewers 352 13.4.2 Specialty Craft Brewers in the U.S. 353 13.4.3 U.S. Beer Sales: Domestic and Imported 355


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13.4.4 The Top Beer Brands in the U.S. 356 13.4.5 U.S. Beer Segments 357 13.4.6 U.S. Beer Imports 358 13.4.7 U.S. Beer Demographics 359 13.4.8 Domestic Beer Sales in the U.S. 359 13.4.9 Per Capita Consumption of Beer in the U.S. 361 13.5 Beer in the E.U. Countries 364 13.5.1 Beer in U.K. 365 13.5.2 Beer in Italy 367 13.5.3 Beer in Bulgaria 372 13.5.4 Alcoholic Beverages in Belarus 374 Trends in Alcoholic Beverages Consumption in Belarus 375 13.5.5 Beer in Sweden 376 14. Spirits 378 14.1 Global Spirit Consumption 378 14.2 Global Spirits Market 380 14.3 China’s Spirits Market 383 14.4 U.K. Spirits Market 383 14.5 U.S. Spirits Market 384 14.5.1 Whiskey Market in the U.S. 388 14.5.2 Gin Market in the U.S. 388 14.5.3 Rum Market in the U.S. 389 14.5.4 Scotch Market in the U.S. 390 14.5.5 Tequila Market in the U.S. 391 14.5.6 Vodka Market in the U.S. 392 14.6 Alcohol Market in Norway 393 14.7 Alcoholic Beverages in Turkey 394 14.8 Gin 395 14.8.1 The Leading Gin Producing Countries 399 14.9 Whisky 399 14.9.1 Opportunities in Whisky Market 400 14.9.2 Whisky in Canada 400 14.10 Vodka 400 14.10.1 Vodka Market in Russia 403 14.11 Rum 404 14.12 International Travel-retail Liquor Sales 404 14.13 Elite Brands List by International Wine and Spirit Record (IWSR) 405 15. Beverages—Company Profiles 408 15.1 Starbucks Corporation 408 15.1.1 Starbucks’ Specialty Operations 409 15.1.2 Starbucks’ Licensing—Retail Stores 409 15.1.3 Licensing—Packaged Coffee and Tea 411 15.1.4 Licensing—Branded Products 411 15.1.5 Starbucks’ R&D 411 15.1.6 Starbucks’ Non-Branded Stores Experiment 413 15.2 Tata Coffee Ltd. 413 15.3 PepsiCo, Inc. 415 15.4 The Coca-Cola Company 418 15.4.1 Coca-Cola’s Operating Segments 419 15.5 Groupe Danone 420 15.6 Nestle S.A. 421 15.7 Kirin Holdings Company Ltd. 422 15.7.1 Alcoholic Beverages from Kirin 423


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15.7.2 Soft Drinks from Kirin 424 15.8 Cadbury Schweppes 424 15.9 SABMiller plc 425 15.10 Anheuser Busch InBev 429 15.10.1 AB InBev’s Brands 429 15.11 Heineken 432 15.12 Carlsberg 433 15.12.1 Carlsberg in Western Europe 437 15.12.2 Carlsberg in Russia 437 15.12.3 Carlsberg in Eastern Europe 438 15.12.4 Carlsberg in Asia 439 15.13 The Asahi Breweries Group 439 15.14 Unilever plc 441 15.14.1 Unilever’s Brands in Beverages and Ice Cream 442 15.15 Diageo plc 443 15.16 Pernod Ricard 445 15.17 Fortune Brands, Inc. 447 INDEX OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Estimated Global Soft Drinks Market, 2009-2014 23 Figure 2.2: Soft Drinks Consumption Per Capita by Country, 2007 24 Figure 2.3: Bottled Water Consumption Per Capita by Country, 2007 24 Figure 2.4: Carbonate Consumption Per Capita by Country, 2007 25 Figure 2.5: Fruit Juice/Nectars Consumption per Person by Country, 2007 25 Figure 2.6: Global Juices Market Share by Region, 2007 26 Figure 2.7: Global Market for Spirits, 2007 26 Figure 2.8: Global Beer Production by Region, 2007 27 Figure 2.9: The Top Five Wine Producers, 2008 29 Figure 2.10: U.S. Exports of Wine to the E.U., 2007 29 Figure 2.11: Global Production of Coffee, 2003-2008 30 Figure 2.12: Top Six Coffee Exporters, 2008 31 Figure 2.13: Global Tea Production, 2008 31 Figure 2.14: Consumption of Cocoa in Selected Region/Country, 2010 32 Figure 3.1: U.S. Share of Beverages by Segment, 2007 34 Figure 3.2: Percentage Market Share of Spirits in Canada, 2002 and 2007 39 Figure 3.3: Percentage Market Share of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada, 2007 40 Figure 3.4: Market Share Comparison of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada, 1997 and 2007 40 Figure 3.5: Estimated Growth for Energy Drinks in Canada, 2006 and 2011 41 Figure 3.6: E.U. Market for Beverages, 2007 and 2008 42 Figure 3.7: Sales of Non-alcoholic Beverages in France by Volume, 2003-2007 42 Figure 3.8: Sales of Non-alcoholic Beverages in France by Value, 2003-2007 43 Figure 3.9: Off-Trade Sales of Non-alcoholic Beverages in France, 2007 43 Figure 3.10: French Imports of Fruit and Vegetable Juice from the U.S., 2007 44 Figure 3.11: French Imports of Non-alcoholic Beverages Excluding Fruit and Vegetable Juices, 2007 44 Figure 3.12: Percentage of Off-Trade Soft Drinks Sales in France by Distribution Channel, 2007 45 Figure 3.13: French Imports of Non-alcoholic Beverages Excluding Juices from Poland, 2004-2007 46 Figure 3.14: French Imports of Non-alcoholic Beverages Excluding Juices from the U.S., 2004-2007 46 Figure 3.15: Beverages Market in Italy, 2007 47 Figure 3.16: Soft Drinks Market in China, 2003-2007 48 Figure 3.17: Beverages Market in China, 2007 48 Figure 3.18: Mexican Beverages Market: Share of Volume by Category, 2007 50 Figure 4.1: Antioxidant Content in Beverages 52 Figure 4.2: Total Polyphenol Content of Herbal Tea Extracts 63


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Figure 4.3: Global Tea Production as of September 2008 63 Figure 4.4: Top Four Exporters of Tea by Volume, 2007 64 Figure 4.5: Top Selling Tea Type, 2008 64 Figure 4.6: Destinations of Sri Lankan Tea, 2008 68 Figure 4.7: Indonesian Tea Export, 2003 and 2007 71 Figure 4.8: Top Five Indonesian Tea Export Destinations, 2007 72 Figure 4.9: Top Five Exporters of Tea to the U.S., 2007 73 Figure 4.10: U.S. Tea Market: Volume Share by Segment, 2007 74 Figure 4.11: Estimated Value of U.S. Tea Industry, 2007 75 Figure 4.12: Provincial Breakdowns of Canadian Tea Market, 2008 76 Figure 4.13: Coffee Consumption in Canada, 2003-2007 76 Figure 5.1: Total Coffee Production in Africa, 2004-2008 86 Figure 5.2: Total Coffee Production in Asia/Oceania, 2004-2008 86 Figure 5.3: Total Coffee Production in Mexico and Central America, 2004-2008 87 Figure 5.4: Total Coffee Production in South America, 2004-2008 87 Figure 5.5: Total Exports of Coffee by Value, 2004-2008 88 Figure 5.6: Domestic Consumption of Coffee in Coffee Producing Countries, 2007 88 Figure 5.7: Leading Coffee Exporters, 2008 89 Figure 5.8: Total Global Production of Coffee, 2004-2008 90 Figure 5.9: World Consumption, 2003-2007 90 Figure 5.10: Percentage Consumption by the Top Five Countries, 2007 94 Figure 5.11: Top Five Per Capita Consumers, 2007 94 Figure 5.12: Value of Coffee Exports, 2004-2007 95 Figure 5.13: Coffee Bearing Area in India, 2008 96 Figure 5.14: Domestic Consumption of Coffee in India, 2003-2007 99 Figure 5.15: Leading Importers of Coffee from India, 2007/2008 100 Figure 5.16: Indian Coffee Production and Export, 2003-2007 100 Figure 5.17: Indian Coffee Export by Type, 2008 101 Figure 5.18: Coffee Consumption in Brazil, 2003-2007 104 Figure 5.19: Brazilian Domestic Consumption of Roast/Ground Coffee, 2003-2008 104 Figure 5.20: Brazilian Domestic Consumption of Soluble Coffee, 2004-2007 105 Figure 5.21: Brazilian Coffee Production, 2003-2011 109 Figure 5.22: Coffee Exports from Brazil, 2003-2011 109 Figure 5.23: Colombian Coffee Exports, 2007-2009 111 Figure 5.24: Indonesian Export of Arabica Coffee, 2007 113 Figure 5.25: Coffee Export from Ethiopia, 2007-2008 114 Figure 5.26: Ecuador’s Exports of Coffee, 2007 122 Figure 5.27: Coffee Consumption in Japan, 2003-2007 134 Figure 5.28: Japanese Import of Coffee, 2004-2007 134 Figure 5.29: Principal Exporters of Coffee to Japan, 2007 135 Figure 5.30: Coffee Consumption in the U.S., 2003-2007 135 Figure 5.31: U.S. Coffee Imports, 2007 137 Figure 5.32: U.S. Imports of Coffee from Brazil, 2003-2007 138 Figure 5.33: U.S. Imports of Coffee from Colombia, 2003-2007 138 Figure 5.34: U.S. Imports of Coffee from Vietnam, 2003-2007 138 Figure 5.35: U.S. Imports of Coffee from Indonesia, 2003-2007 139 Figure 5.36: U.S. Coffee Imports from Guatemala, 2003-2007 139 Figure 5.37: Top Five E.U. Green Coffee Suppliers, 2007 143 Figure 5.38: Denmark: Imports of Non-Decaffeinated Green Coffee, 2005-2007 147 Figure 5.39: Coffee Consumption in France, 2003-2007 150 Figure 5.40: Coffee Consumption in Germany, 2003-2007 151 Figure 5.41: Percentage Consumption of Coffee Types in Italy, 2008 156 Figure 5.42: Switzerland: Domestic Consumption of Coffee, 2006 and 2007 164 Figure 5.43: Coffee Consumption in Russia, 2003-2007 166 Figure 6.1: Cocoa Processing and Chocolate Manufacturing Chain 168


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Figure 6.2: Global Cocoa Production, 2003-2007 169 Figure 6.3: Cocoa Production by Region, 2008 170 Figure 6.4: Leading Cocoa Producers in Africa, 2007 171 Figure 6.5: World Cocoa Production, 2005-2010 172 Figure 6.6: Top Five Cocoa Exporters, 2007 172 Figure 6.7: Major World Cocoa Production, 2007 173 Figure 6.8: Global Trend in Cocoa Processing, 2008 175 Figure 6.9: Share of Global Cocoa Production by Region, 2010 175 Figure 6.10: Production of Cocoa in Key Cocoa Growing Countries, 2010 176 Figure 6.11: Global Cocoa Consumption, 2006-2010 177 Figure 6.12: Consumption of Cocoa in Selected Region/Country, 2010 178 Figure 6.13: Exports from Chief Cocoa Exporting Region/Country, 2010 178 Figure 7.1: Constituents and Products from Milk 180 Figure 7.2: U.S. Milk Production, 2007 and 2008 181 Figure 7.3: E.U. Milk Production, 2007-2008 182 Figure 7.4: Changing Export Shares in Milk Equivalent for 2000 and 2008 183 Figure 7.5: U.S. Exports of Skim Milk Powder (SMP), 2002-2008 184 Figure 7.6: New Zealand Exports of Skim Milk Powder (SMP), 2002-2008 185 Figure 7.7: Share of Milk Production in the U.S. by Region, 2007 187 Figure 7.8: Share of Milk and Milk Products Production among the E.U. Countries, 2008 187 Figure 8.1: U.S. Rate of Recycling Plastic Water Bottles, 1995-2008 193 Figure 8.2: Top Five Global Water Brands, 2007 194 Figure 8.3: Top Five Global Bottled Water Companies, 2007 196 Figure 8.4: U.S. Bottled Water Market, 1997-2012 200 Figure 8.5: U.S. Retail Pet Bottled Water Volume by Source, 2000-2007 200 Figure 8.6: U.K. Bottled Water Consumption Per Capita in Comparison with its Neighbors, 2007 203 Figure 8.7: U.K. Bottled Water Consumption, 2001-2007 204 Figure 9.1: Top Five Per Capita Consumption of Fruit Juices and Nectars in Europe and U.S., 2007 205 Figure 9.2: Top Five Global Fruit Juice and Nectar Companies, 2007 206 Figure 9.3: Top Five Global Fruit Juices and Nectar Brands, 2007 207 Figure 9.4: Growth of Global Fruit Juice Market, 2008-2013 207 Figure 9.5: Total Global Imports of Orange Juice from All Sources, 2002-2007 209 Figure 9.6: Florida—Frozen-Concentrated Orange Juice Yield, 2003-2007 210 Figure 9.7: Top Two Destinations of Costa Rican Orange Juice, 2007 211 Figure 9.8: Global Apple Juice Production, 2002-2006 213 Figure 9.9: E.U. Flavor Segmentation, 2007 215 Figure 9.10: U.K. Fruit Juice Flavors, 2007 219 Figure 9.11: U.K. Fruit Juice Consumption, 2001-2007 219 Figure 9.12: The Most Popular Fruit Juices in Germany, 2007 220 Figure 9.13: Per Capita Consumption of Fruit Juices in Germany, 2003-2007 221 Figure 9.14: Suppliers of Fruit Juice Concentrates to Nigeria, 2007 222 Figure 9.15: Nigeria’s Demand for Fruit Juice Concentrates, 2006-2011 223 Figure 9.16: Types of Juice Consumed in Nigeria, 2007 223 Figure 9.17: Chinese Imports of Orange Juice from Major Exporters, 2007 224 Figure 9.18: Chinese Imports of Juices from all Sources by Value, 2002-2007 225 Figure 9.19: Chinese Fruit Juice and Fruit Concentrates Production, 2004-2007 225 Figure 10.1: Global Energy Drink Market, 2007-2010 233 Figure 10.2: U.S. Market Share for Energy Drinks, 2007 233 Figure 10.3: U.S. Energy Drinks Market, 2006-2011 234 Figure 10.4: Share of Sports Beverages in the U.S., by Segment, 2007 234 Figure 10.5: U.S. Sports Drinks Market: Share of Volume by Flavor, 2007 235 Figure 10.6: Market Growth for Energy Drinks in Canada, 2006-2011 236 Figure 10.7: U.K. Sports and Energy Drinks Consumption, 2001-2007 237 Figure 10.8: U.K. Sports and Energy Drinks Share, 2007 238 Figure 10.9: U.K. Sports Drink Types, 2007 238


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Figure 10.10: U.K. Energy Drink Types, 2007 238 Figure 10.11: Growth Forecast for Sports Drink in South Africa, 2005-2010 240 Figure 10.12: Forecast for Energy Drinks Consumption in South Africa, 2003-2010 241 Figure 11.1: Global Soft Drinks Incremental Growth, 2002-2007 244 Figure 11.2: Top Five Global Soft Drinks Companies and Market Share, 2007 244 Figure 11.3: Global Top Five Soft Drinks Brands, 2007 245 Figure 11.4: Global Soft Drinks Incremental Growth by Region, 2002-2007 246 Figure 11.5: U.S. Soft Drinks Market: Packaged and Fountain Volume Shares, 2007 247 Figure 11.6: U.K. Soft Drinks Consumption, 2001-2007 248 Figure 11.7: U.K. Soft Drinks, Low Calorie and No Added Sugar vs. Regular, 2007 249 Figure 11.8: U.K. Soft Drinks Sectors, 2007 250 Figure 11.9: U.K. Carbonate Flavors, 2007 250 Figure 11.10: U.K. Carbonate Consumption, 2001-2007 251 Figure 11.11: U.K. Dilutables Consumption, 2001-2007 252 Figure 11.12: U.K. Dilutables Flavors, 2007 253 Figure 11.13: U.K. Smoothies Consumption, 2007 253 Figure 11.14: U.K. Soft Drinks Forecast, 2007-2012 255 Figure 11.15: Soft Drinks Consumption in Bulgaria, 2007 257 Figure 11.16: Canadian Export of Soft Drinks, 2003-2007 270 Figure 11.17: Canadian Import of Soft Drinks, 2003-2007 271 Figure 11.18: Soft Drinks Manufacturers’ Market Share in China, 2007 273 Figure 12.1: Top Five Wine Producers, 2008 275 Figure 12.2: The Smaller Global Wine Producers, 2008 277 Figure 12.3: Top Seven Exporters of Wine, 2007 278 Figure 12.4: Windows on Wine, 2007 279 Figure 12.5: Global Consumption of Wine by Region, 2007 279 Figure 12.6: Global Wine Consumption by Volume, 2001-2010 280 Figure 12.7: Global Wine Consumption by Value, 2001-2010 280 Figure 12.8: Global Wine Consumption, 2004-2008 281 Figure 12.9: E.U. Domination in World Wine Exports, 2007 282 Figure 12.10: Japan’s Wine Imports, 2007 283 Figure 12.11: Per Capita Wine Consumption in the U.S., France and Italy, 1970-2008 284 Figure 12.12: Total Consumption of Wine in the U.S. France and Italy, 1970-2008 285 Figure 12.13: U.S. Total Wine Consumption, 2003-2007 286 Figure 12.14: Red vs. White Wine consumption in the U.S., 1980-2007 287 Figure 12.15: U.S. Wine Bar Patronage, 2008 288 Figure 12.16: U.S. Direct Wine Purchases, 2008 288 Figure 12.17: U.S. Adult Per Capita Table Wine Consumption, 1970-2007 289 Figure 12.18: U.S. Appellation Mix of Wine Consumed, 2008 289 Figure 12.19: U.S. Wine Color Mix Preference, 2008 290 Figure 12.20: U.S. Younger Generation’s Role in Wine Market Growth, 2008 291 Figure 12.21: U.S. Table Wine Drinking Frequency, 2008 291 Figure 12.22: U.S. Consumer Segments, 2008 292 Figure 12.23: U.S. Percent Growth in Total Wine Consumption, 2003-2007 293 Figure 12.24: Percentage Share Exports of U.S. Wine by Country, 2007 295 Figure 12.25: U.S. Wine Imports, 2007 295 Figure 12.26: Wine Color Preference in U.K., 2009 303 Figure 12.27: Preferred Wine to Celebrate Christmas in U.K., 2008 304 Figure 12.28: Preferred Wines in U.K. by Country of Origin, 2008 304 Figure 12.29: Argentine Domestic Wine Consumption per Capita, 2007-2010 306 Figure 12.30: Argentine Wine Exports by Volume, 2007-2010 307 Figure 12.31: Argentine Wine Exports by Value, 2007-2010 307 Figure 12.32: Major Suppliers of Sparkling Wine to Argentina, 2008 308 Figure 12.33: Top Six Destinations of Australian Wines by Value, 2008 310 Figure 12.34: Australian Production of Wines, 2004-2008 311


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Figure 12.35: Australian Exports of Wines, 2004-2008 311 Figure 12.36: Australian Wine Export by Percentage, 2007 312 Figure 12.37: Total Production of Wines in New Zealand, 2004-2008 313 Figure 12.38: Domestic Consumption of Wines in New Zealand, 2004-2008 313 Figure 12.39: Wine Export from New Zealand, 2004-2008 314 Figure 12.40: Top Five Importers of South African Wine, 2007 316 Figure 12.41: Peru’s Wine Imports, 2008 317 Figure 12.42: Wine Production in Brazil, 2003-2007 320 Figure 12.43: Wine Imports by Dominican Republic from the U.S., 2004-2008 321 Figure 12.44: Wine Imports by Dominican Republic, 2004-2008 321 Figure 12.45: Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Dominican Republic, 2008 322 Figure 12.46: Exporters of Wine to Dominican Republic, 2008 322 Figure 12.47: Serbian Wine Production, 2003-2007 323 Figure 12.48: Serbian Wine Consumption Per Capita, 2003-2007 324 Figure 12.49: Wine Sales in China, 2004-2008 324 Figure 12.50: Wine Production Forecast in China, 2006-2010 325 Figure 12.51: Japanese Domestic Wine: Market Share, 2008 329 Figure 13.1: World’s Top Five Beer Brands by Volume Sales, 2007 335 Figure 13.2: Global Beer Production by Region, 2007 336 Figure 13.3: Global Beer Consumption, 2004-2015 337 Figure 13.4: Top Five Beer Consuming Countries by Per Capita, 2007 338 Figure 13.5: Percent Share of Global Beer Consumption by Country, 2007 338 Figure 13.6: Top Five Beer Markets, 2007 339 Figure 13.7: Per Capita Beer Consumption in Major Nations, 2007 340 Figure 13.8: The Top Five Beer Consumers in Europe, 2008 341 Figure 13.9: Global Sales of Top Two Beer Brands, Bud Light and Snow in Unit Volume, 2000-2007 341 Figure 13.10: Chinese Beer Products and Service Segmentation, 2007 343 Figure 13.11: Major Beer Market Segments in China, 2007 343 Figure 13.12: Market Share of Top Ten Manufacturers in Chinese Beer Industry, 2003-2007 344 Figure 13.13: Market Share of Major Domestic Players, 2007 345 Figure 13.14: Performance of China Resources Snow Breweries, 2004-2008 345 Figure 13.15: Tsingtao Brewery’s Performance, 2004-2008 346 Figure 13.16: Yanjing Group’s Performance, 2004-2008 347 Figure 13.17: Per Capita Consumption of Beer in China, 2004-2007 348 Figure 13.18: Total Beer Consumption in China, 2003-2007 348 Figure 13.19: Beer Production in China, 2003-2007 349 Figure 13.20: Performance of Chinese Beer Industry, 2008-2013 350 Figure 13.21: U.S. Domestic Beer Sales, 2006-2008 351 Figure 13.22: U.S. Imports of Malt Beverages, 2006-2008 351 Figure 13.23: U.S. Exports of Malt Beverages, 2006-2008 352 Figure 13.24: U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Malt Beverages, 1981-2007 353 Figure 13.25: Growth Rates of U.S. Brewing Segments, 2007 353 Figure 13.26: Specialty Beer and Microbrewery Market in the U.S. by Region, 2007 354 Figure 13.27: Market Share of Light Beer in the U.S., 2006 355 Figure 13.28: U.S. On-Premise Beer Consumption by Day of Week 358 Figure 13.29: Major Sources of U.S. Beer Imports, 2007 358 Figure 13.30: Average Production Percentage of Beer in Selected E.U. Countries, 2007 365 Figure 13.31: Leading E.U. Brands of Beer by Volume, 2007 365 Figure 13.32: Raw Materials in Italian Beer Production, 2007 368 Figure 13.33: Per Capita Consumption of Beer in Italy, 2003-2007 369 Figure 13.34: Average Production of Beer in E.U. Countries, 2007 369 Figure 13.35: Beer Output in Bulgaria in the First Six Months, 2007 373 Figure 13.36: Bulgarian Imports of Beer, 2006 374 Figure 14.1: Global Spirits Consumption by Volume, 2001-2010 380 Figure 14.2: Top Three World Leaders in Spirits Market, 2007 380


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Figure 14.3: Global Spirits Consumption by Value, 2001-2010 381 Figure 14.4: Growth of Global Spirits Market, 2007-2012 381 Figure 14.5: Global Spirits Market by Segment, 2007 382 Figure 14.6: Global Market for Spirits by Segment, 2012 382 Figure 14.7: U.K. Spirits Market by Volume, 2007 384 Figure 14.8: Market Share for Spirits in the U.S., 2008 385 Figure 14.9: U.S. Spirits: Market Revenue, 2004-2008 386 Figure 14.10: U.S. Spirits Exports: Gains, 2004-2008 386 Figure 14.11: U.S. Imports of Spirits, 2008 387 Figure 14.12: U.S. Bourbon Volume, 2003-2007 388 Figure 14.13: U.S. Gin Volume by Price Category, 2007 389 Figure 14.14: U.S. Rum Volumes, 2003-2007 390 Figure 14.15: U.S. Single Malt Scotch Volumes, 2000 vs. 2007 391 Figure 14.16: U.S. Tequila Growth by Price Segment, 2006-2007 392 Figure 14.17: U.S. Vodka Volumes, 2003-2007 393 Figure 14.18: Sale of Wine and Spirits in Norway, 2007 394 Figure 14.19: Global Trend in Gin Consumption, 2003-2007 396 Figure 14.20: The Top Five Gin Markets, 2007 396 Figure 14.21: Top Five Growing Gin Brands, 2007 397 Figure 14.22: Gin Consumption by Region, 2007 397 Figure 14.23: Duty-Free Spirits and Wine Sales by Region, 2007 405 Figure 15.1: Growth of Starbucks Stores, 1992-2008 408 Figure 15.2: Starbucks’ R&D Expenditure, 2006-2008 411 Figure 15.3: Starbucks’ Performance, 2008 412 Figure 15.4: Starbucks’ Performance in U.S. Operating Segment, 2008 412 Figure 15.5: Starbucks’ Performance in its International Operating Segment, 2008 413 Figure 15.6: Tata Coffee’s Performance, 2003-2007 414 Figure 15.7: PepsiCo’s Performance, 2005-2007 416 Figure 15.8: Frito-Lay’s Performance in North America, 2005-2007 416 Figure 15.9: Performance of PepsiCo Beverages North America, 2005-2007 417 Figure 15.10: Performance of PepsiCo International, 2005-2007 417 Figure 15.11: Performance of Quaker Foods North America, 2005-2007 418 Figure 15.12: Coca-Cola’s Operating Performance, 2004-2007 418 Figure 15.13: Coca-Cola’s Performance by Operating Segments, 2007 419 Figure 15.14: Nestle’s Revenue by Segments and Geography, 2007 421 Figure 15.15: Kirin’s Performance, 2003-2007 422 Figure 15.16: Kirin’s Operating Income by Business Segment, 2007 423 Figure 15.17: Kirin’s Performance in Alcoholic Beverages, 2003-2007 423 Figure 15.18: Kirin’s Performance in Soft Drinks, 2003-2007 424 Figure 15.19: Cadbury’s Performance by Geography, 2007 425 Figure 15.20: Market Share in the Global Confectionery Market by Dollar Value, 2007 425 Figure 15.21: SABMiller’s Performance, 2004-2008 426 Figure 15.22: SABMiller’s Sales Performance in Latin America, 2008 426 Figure 15.23: SABMiller’s Sales Performance in Europe, 2008 427 Figure 15.24: SABMiller’s Sales Performance in North America, 2008 427 Figure 15.25: SABMiller’s Sales Performance in Africa and Asia, 2008 428 Figure 15.26: SABMiller’s Sales Performance in South Africa, 2008 428 Figure 15.27: AB InBev’s Global Performance, 2003-2007 429 Figure 15.28: AB InBev’s Global Volume Sales, 2003-2007 429 Figure 15.29: AB InBev’s Volume Sales Percentage by Geographical Segments, 2007 430 Figure 15.30: AB InBev’s Volume Sales in North America by Country, 2007 430 Figure 15.31: Heinneken’s Volume Sales of Beer, 2003-2007 432 Figure 15.32: Heineken’s Volume Sales of Beer by Geographical Segment, 2007 432 Figure 15.33: Carlsberg’s Volume Sales of Beer, 2003-2007 433 Figure 15.34: Carlsberg’s Volume Sales of Soft Drinks, 2003-2007 434


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Figure 15.35: Carlsberg’s Revenue, 2003-2007 434 Figure 15.36: Carlsberg’s Volume Beer Sales Percentage by Geographical Segment, 2007 436 Figure 15.37: Carlsberg’s Volume Sales and Revenue from Western Europe, 2005-2007 437 Figure 15.38: Carlsberg’s Volume Sales and Revenue from Russia, 2005-2007 438 Figure 15.39: Carlsberg’s Volume Sales and Revenue from Eastern Europe, 2005-2007 438 Figure 15.40: Carlsberg’s Volume Sales and Revenue from Asia, 2005-2007 439 Figure 15.41: Asahi’s Revenue from Tea-Based Drinks, 2003-2007 440 Figure 15.42: Asahi’s Beer Sales, 2003-2007 440 Figure 15.43: Asahi’s Performance in Alcoholic Beverages, 2005-2007 441 Figure 15.44: Asahi’s Performance in Soft Drinks, 2005-2007 441 Figure 15.45: Unilever’s Performance, 2005-2007 442 Figure 15.46: Unilever’s Performance by Geographical Segments, 2007 443 Figure 15.47: Global Market Shares in Premium Spirits, 2008 443 Figure 15.48: Diageo’s Net Sales by Region, 2008 444 Figure 15.49: Diageo’s Net Sales by Category, 2008 444 Figure 15.50: Diageo’s Performance, 2005-2008 445 Figure 15.51: Ricard’s Performance by Region, 2008 445 Figure 15.52: Net Sales of Top Five Brands, 2008 446 Figure 15.53: Pernod Ricard’s Sales Revenue, 2005-2008 446 Figure 15.54: Fortune Brands’ Net Sales by Product Types, 2007 447 Figure 15.55: Fortune Brands’ Performance, 2004-2007 448 INDEX OF TABLES Table 2.1: Estimated Sales of Whiskey in Top Ten Countries, 2007-2012 27 Table 2.2: Share of European Beer Production by Country, 2003-2007 28 Table 2.3: Global Production of Cocoa Beans, 2006-2008 32 Table 3.1: U.S. Single-Serve Beverages Market: Growth by Distribution Channel, 2003-2007 34 Table 3.2: U.S. Fruit Beverage Market: Share of Volume by Distribution Channel, 2002-2007 35 Table 3.3: Emerging Beverages and Regional Markets: Share of Wholesale Dollars by Segments, 2002-2007 36 Table 3.4: U.S. Kids’ Beverage Market: Share of Wholesale Dollar Sales by Brand, 2006 and 2007 37 Table 3.5: U.S. Organic Beverage Market: Change in Volume by Category, 2003-2007 37 Table 3.6: Estimated U.S. Sales of Beer, Wine and Spirits, 2005-2010 38 Table 3.7: Canadian Beverage Market: Share of Volume by Category, 2002-2007 39 Table 3.8: French Imports of Fruit and Vegetable Juices from the U.S, 2007 45 Table 3.9: Estimated Market for Spirits in China, 2007-2011 47 Table 3.10: Indian Beverages Market: Share of Volume by Category, 2002-2007 49 Table 3.11: Mexican Beverages Market: Share of Volume by Category, 2002-2007 49 Table 3.12: Beverages and Calories 51 Table 4.1: Chemical Composition of Fresh Tea Shoot 53 Table 4.2: Production of Tea in India, 2002-2007 65 Table 4.3: Exports of Tea from India by Volume, 2004-2007 65 Table 4.4: Exports of Tea from India by Value, 2006-2008 66 Table 4.5: Estimated Internal Consumption of Tea in India, 2000-2010 66 Table 4.6: Major Country wise Exports of Tea from India, 2005-2007 67 Table 4.7: Sri Lankan Tea Production by Categories, 2007 and 2008 68 Table 4.8: Sri Lankan Tea Exports, 2007 and 2008 69 Table 4.9: Kenyan Tea Export, 2008 69 Table 4.10: Production of Black Tea in Turkey, 1993-2007 70 Table 4.11: Tea Export from Turkey, 2000-2007 71 Table 4.12: U.S. Imports of Tea, 2000-2007 72 Table 4.13: U.S. RTD Tea Distribution Channels: Change in Case Volume, 2003-2007 73 Table 5.1: Ranges of Caffeine Content 78


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Table 5.2: International Coffee Organization (ICO) on Market Prices of Coffee, 2003-2008 85 Table 5.3: Total Coffee Production in Crop Years, 2004/2005-2007/2008 85 Table 5.4: Coffee Exports by Coffee Growing Countries, 2007 and 2008 91 Table 5.5: Production in Selected Exporting Countries, 2004-2008 92 Table 5.6: World Consumption of Coffee, 2003-2007 93 Table 5.7: Production of Coffee in India, 2000-2009 96 Table 5.8: Planted Area of Coffee in India, 2000-2008 97 Table 5.9: Production of Coffee in India by States, 2008 97 Table 5.10: Production of Coffee in Major States/Districts of India, 2008 and 2009 98 Table 5.11: Planted Area of Coffee in India, 2008 98 Table 5.12: Coffee Production and Exports: India vs. World, 2000-2007 99 Table 5.13: Coffee Exports from India, 2000-2008 101 Table 5.14: Coffee Exports from India by Country, 2007 102 Table 5.15: Brazilian Coffee Production, 2004-2009 103 Table 5.16: Brazilian Coffee Exports by Country of Destination, 2008 105 Table 5.17: Brazilian Coffee Production, 2001-2008 106 Table 5.18: Domestic Consumption of Coffee in Brazil, 1998-2008 106 Table 5.19: Brazilian Coffee Exports by Country of Destination, 2007-2009 107 Table 5.20: Brazilian Roasted Coffee Exports by Country of Destination, 2007-2009 107 Table 5.21: Brazilian Soluble Coffee Exports by Country of Destination, 2007-2009 108 Table 5.22: Colombian Coffee Profile, 2007-2009 110 Table 5.23: Colombian Exports of Coffee, 2006 and 2007 112 Table 5.24: Coffee Growing Regions and Coffee Types in Indonesia, 2008 112 Table 5.25: Indonesian Coffee Profile, 2006 and 2007 113 Table 5.26: Coffee Production in Ethiopia, 2000-2008 114 Table 5.27: Vietnam’s Exports of Coffee, 2006 and 2007 115 Table 5.28: Vietnam’s Imports of Coffee, 2007 and 2008 116 Table 5.29: Top Ten Markets for Vietnamese Green Coffee Exports, 2006 and 2007 116 Table 5.30: Rwandan Coffee Market, 2003-2007 117 Table 5.31: Coffee Production in Angola, 2000-2008 118 Table 5.32: Coffee Production in Bolivia, 2000-2008 119 Table 5.33: Coffee Production in Burundi, 2000-2008 119 Table 5.34: Coffee Production in Cameroon, 2000-2008 120 Table 5.35: Coffee Production in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2000-2008 120 Table 5.36: Coffee Production in Costa Rica, 2000-2008 121 Table 5.37: Coffee Production in Cuba, 2000-2008 121 Table 5.38: Coffee Production in Dominican Republic, 2000-2008 122 Table 5.39: Coffee Production in Ecuador, 2000-2008 123 Table 5.40: Coffee Production in El Salvador, 2000-2008 123 Table 5.41: Coffee Production in Guatemala, 2000-2008 124 Table 5.42: Coffee Production in Honduras, 2000-2008 124 Table 5.43: Coffee Production in Jamaica, 2000-2008 125 Table 5.44: Coffee Production in Madagascar, 2000-2008 125 Table 5.45: Coffee Production in Mexico, 2000-2008 126 Table 5.46: Mexican Coffee Profile, 2006-2008 126 Table 5.47: Coffee Trade in Mexico, 2007 127 Table 5.48: Coffee Production in Nicaragua, 2000-2008 127 Table 5.49: Peruvian Coffee Profile, 2006-2008 128 Table 5.50: Coffee Production in Peru, 2000-2008 128 Table 5.51: Peruvian Coffee Export, 2007 129 Table 5.52: Coffee Production in Tanzania, 2000-2008 129 Table 5.53: Coffee Production in Uganda, 2000-2008 130 Table 5.54: Global Coffee Production Time Table 131 Table 5.55: Japanese Imports of Green Beans by Country, 2000-2007 132 Table 5.56: Japanese Imports of Roasted Coffee by Country, 2000-2007 132


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Table 5.57: Japanese Import of Instant Coffee, 2000-2007 133 Table 5.58: Japanese Coffee Consumption by Volume and Value, 2003-2007 133 Table 5.59: U.S. Imports of Coffee, 2000-2007 136 Table 5.60: Top Five Exporters of Coffee to the U.S., 2007 136 Table 5.61: U.S. Coffee Market: Compound Annual Volume Growth, 2000-2007 137 Table 5.62: Imports of Green Coffee into European Countries, 2005-2007 141 Table 5.63: Imports of Green Coffee into the E.U. by Main Origins, 2005-2007 142 Table 5.64: E.U. Imports and Exports of Coffee to Non-E.U. Destinations, 2005-2007 143 Table 5.65: E.U. Exports of Roasted Coffee to Non-E.U. Destinations, 2005-2007 144 Table 5.66: E.U. Exports of Soluble Coffee to Non-E.U. Destinations, 2005-2007 145 Table 5.67: E.U. Imports of Soluble Coffee from Non-E.U. Origins, 2005-2007 145 Table 5.68: Value of E.U. Imports and Exports of Green, Roasted and Soluble Coffee, 2006 and 2007 146 Table 5.69: Austria: Imports of Non-Decaffeinated Green Coffee, 2005-2007 146 Table 5.70: Per Capita Consumption of Green Coffee in Austria, 1950-2007 147 Table 5.71: Denmark: Imports of Non-Decaffeinated Green Coffee by Country, 2004-2007 148 Table 5.72: Finland: Imports of Green Coffee, 1996-2007 148 Table 5.73: Finland: Imports of Green Coffee by Country of Origin, 2005-2007 149 Table 5.74: France: Imports of Coffee by Type, 2005-2007 150 Table 5.75: France: Imports of Green Non-Decaffeinated Coffee by Origin, 2005-2007 151 Table 5.76: Germany: Imports of Green Coffee by Country, 2006 and 2007 152 Table 5.77: Germany: Imports and Exports of Coffee in All Forms, 2007 153 Table 5.78: Germany: Green Coffee Usage and Per Capita Consumption, 1953-2007 153 Table 5.79: Greece: Imports of Non-Decaffeinated Coffee by Country of Origin, 2005-2007 154 Table 5.80: Per Capita Consumption in Greece, 2000-2007 154 Table 5.81: Ireland: Imports of Green Coffee by Country of Origin, 2005-2007 155 Table 5.82: Ireland: Foreign Trade in Coffee Including Intra-E.U. Trade, 2006 and 2007 155 Table 5.83: Italian Per Capita Consumption of Coffee, 2000-2007 156 Table 5.84: Italy: Imports of Green Coffee, 2001-2007 157 Table 5.85: Italian Foreign Trade in Coffee, 2004-2007 158 Table 5.86: Netherlands: Imports of Green Coffee, 2006 and 2007 158 Table 5.87: Netherlands: Foreign Trade in Coffee in all Forms, 2006 and 2007 159 Table 5.88: Portugal: Imports of Green Coffee by Country of Origin, 2005-2007 159 Table 5.89: Portugal: Foreign Trade in Coffee Including Intra-E.U. Trade, 2006 and 2007 160 Table 5.90: Portugal: Per Capita Consumption of Coffee, 1998-2007 160 Table 5.91: Spain: Imports of Green Coffee, 1996-2007 161 Table 5.92: Spain: Imports of Green Coffee by Country of Origin, 2006 and 2007 161 Table 5.93: Spain: Foreign Trade of Coffee in all Forms, 2006 and 2007 162 Table 5.94: Sweden: Imports of Green Coffee by Country of Origin, 2005-2007 162 Table 5.95: Sweden: Foreign Trade in all forms of Coffee, 2005-2007 163 Table 5.96: Switzerland: Green Coffee Imports by Country of Origin, 2006 and 2007 163 Table 5.97: Switzerland’s Foreign Trade in Coffee, 2006 and 2007 164 Table 5.98: U.K. Imports of Green Coffee by Country of Origin, 2006 and 2007 165 Table 5.99: U.K. Foreign Trade in Coffee, 2006 and 2007 165 Table 6.1: Nutrient Value of Cocoa 167 Table 6.2: Cocoa Bean Production by Country, 2003-2007 170 Table 6.3: E.U. Imports of Cocoa Beans by Selected Country, 2003-2006 173 Table 6.4: Ingredients of Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate 174 Table 6.5: Cocoa Production by Country, 2008 174 Table 7.1: World Dairy Market at a Glance, 2006-2008 182 Table 7.2: Top Five Dairy Countries by Milk Volume, 2007 183 Table 7.3: Major Exporters of Dairy Products, 2006-2008 186 Table 7.4: U.S. Fluid Milk Market: Share of Volume by Milk Fat Type, 2000-2007 186 Table 7.5: China’s Imports of Milk Products, 2005-2007 189 Table 8.1: Comparison of Selected Brands of Bottled Water 192 Table 8.2: Global Bottled Water Market, 2003 and 2008 194


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Table 8.3: Global Bottled Water Market: Per Capita Consumption by Leading Countries, 2003 and 2008 195 Table 8.4: Global Bottled Water Market in Top Ten Countries, 2002 and 2007 196 Table 8.5: U.S. Bottled Water Market: Volume and Producer Revenues, 2000-2008 197 Table 8.6: U.S. Bottled Water Market: Per Capita Consumption, 1997-2008 197 Table 8.7: U.S. Bottled Water Market: Volume and Growth by Segment, 2000-2008 198 Table 8.8: U.S. Bottled Water Market, 2000-2008 199 Table 8.9: Most used Flavors in New Bottled Water Products Launched Worldwide, 2007-2008 199 Table 8.10: U.S. Bottled Water Market: Per Capita Consumption, 1997-2007 201 Table 8.11: Canadian Imports and Exports of Bottled Water, 1997-2007 201 Table 8.12: Canada’s Bottled Water Trade with the U.S., 1997-2007 201 Table 8.13: Major Sources of Imports of Bottled Water for Canada, 1997-2007 202 Table 8.14: Major Destinations of Canadian Bottled Water Exports, 1997-2007 202 Table 8.15: Asian Bottled Water Market: Change in Consumption by Country, 2003-2007 203 Table 8.16: U.K. Bottled Water Consumption, 2001-2007 204 Table 9.1: Top Ten Flavors in New Product Introductions, 2005-2008 206 Table 9.2: World Orange Juice Consumption, 2000-2008 208 Table 9.3: Brazil’s Orange Juice Production, 1997-2007 209 Table 9.4: Orange Juice Exports by Brazil, 2007 and 2008 210 Table 9.5: U.S. Orange Juice Imports, 2007 and 2008 211 Table 9.6: U.S. Orange Juice Exports, 2007 and 2008 211 Table 9.7: Australian Orange Juice Profile, 2006-2008 212 Table 9.8: Apple Juice Production in Selected Countries, 2006-2008 213 Table 9.9: Nutritive Value of Apple 214 Table 9.10: E.U. Fruit Juice Industry, 2007 215 Table 9.11: Growth of Juice Market by Category in Europe and the U.S., 2007-2011 216 Table 9.12: Consumption of Fruit Juices and Nectars in the EU-24, 2007 216 Table 9.13: U.S. Fruit Beverages Market Segments, 2000-2007 217 Table 9.14: U.S. Sparkling Juice Market: Change in Volume by Brand, 2004-2006 218 Table 9.15: U.K. Fruit Juice Consumption, 2001-2007 220 Table 9.16: The German Fruit Juice Industry 221 Table 9.17: Turkish Fruit Juice and Concentrate Exports, 2006-2008 226 Table 9.18: Turkish Fruit Juice Export Destinations, 2006-2008 227 Table 10.1: Caffeine and Sugar Content of Energy Drinks 229 Table 10.2: Ingredients in Energy Drinks and Their Functional Claims 230 Table 10.3: Scientific Evidence for the Claims on the Effect of Ingredients 230 Table 10.4: Electrolyte Drink Ingredient Comparison 231 Table 10.5: Caffeine and Sugar Content of Energy Drinks 231 Table 10.6: U.S. Regional Sports Beverages Markets: Change in Wholesale Dollars, 2000-2007 235 Table 10.7: U.K. Sports and Energy Drinks Consumption, 2001-2007 237 Table 10.8: Manufacturers of Sports Drinks in South Africa 240 Table 10.9: Caffeine Levels in Energy Drinks, Carbonated Soda and Other Beverages 242 Table 10.10: Major Players in Manufacturing and Distribution of Energy Drinks 243 Table 11.1: U.S. Soft Drinks Market: Regular vs. Diet Growth, 2000-2007 246 Table 11.2: Share of Packaged and Fountain in Casual and Quick Serving Restaurants, 2000-2007 247 Table 11.3: U.K. Soft Drinks Consumption, 2001-2007 249 Table 11.4: U.K. Carbonate Consumption, 2001-2007 251 Table 11.5: U.K. Dilutables Consumption, 2001-2007 252 Table 11.6: U.K. Smoothies Consumption, 2001-2007 254 Table 11.7: U.K. Soft Drinks New Product Development, 2007 254 Table 11.8: U.K. Soft Drinks Forecast 2007-2012 255 Table 11.9: European Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 256 Table 11.10: Austrian Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 256 Table 11.11: Bulgarian Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 257 Table 11.12: Czech Republic Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 258 Table 11.13: Denmark Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 258


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Table 11.14: Estonian Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 259 Table 11.15: Finland Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 260 Table 11.16: France Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 260 Table 11.17: German Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2009 261 Table 11.18: Greece Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 261 Table 11.19: Hungarian Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 262 Table 11.20: Ireland Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 263 Table 11.21: Italian Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 263 Table 11.22: Latvian Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 264 Table 11.23: Lithuania Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 265 Table 11.24: The Netherlands Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 265 Table 11.25: Poland Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 266 Table 11.26: Portugal Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 266 Table 11.27: Romania Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 267 Table 11.28: Slovakia Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 267 Table 11.29: Slovenia Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 268 Table 11.30: Spain Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 268 Table 11.31: Sweden Market for Regular and Low Calorie Beverages, 2004-2007 269 Table 11.32: Consumption of Soft Drinks in Sweden, 2000-2007 269 Table 11.33: Canada’s Commercial Beverages Market, 2000-2006 271 Table 12.1: Alcoholic Drinks Overall Market Value, 2004-2008 274 Table 12.2: Top Ten Producers of Wine in the World, 2007 274 Table 12.3: Well-known Wine Companies and Their Wineries, 2007 275 Table 12.4: Wine Production in the Northern Hemisphere, 2000-2008 276 Table 12.5: Wine Production in the Southern Hemisphere, 2000-2008 277 Table 12.6: Forecast of Wine Consumption by Region, 2001-2010 281 Table 12.7: World’s Top Five Per Capita Wine-Consuming Countries, 2007 284 Table 12.8: Top Five Wines Sold in U.S. Restaurants, 2007 290 Table 12.9: Top Ten Imported Wine Brands in the U.S., 2007 292 Table 12.10: U.S. Wine Exports by Country, 2007-2008 293 Table 12.11: U.S. Wine Export, 1994-2008 294 Table 12.12: Top Five Chilean Wine Brands in the U.S., 2007 294 Table 12.13: California Winery Shipments, 1997-2007 296 Table 12.14: U.S./California Wine Production, 1997-2007 296 Table 12.15: Number of Californian Wineries, 1997-2007 297 Table 12.16: Wine Sales in the U.S. by Types, 1997-2007 297 Table 12.17: Reported Wine Consumption in the U.S., 1997-2007 298 Table 12.18: Table Wine Volume Share by Color, 1991-2007 298 Table 12.19: Wine Production Trends in Selected E.U. Countries, 2002-2008 299 Table 12.20: EU-27 Wine Exports, 2006-2008 299 Table 12.21: EU-27 Wine Imports, 2006-2008 300 Table 12.22: Italian Wine Exports, 2006-2008 300 Table 12.23: French Wine Exports, 2006-2008 301 Table 12.24: Spanish Wine Export, 2006-2008 301 Table 12.25: German Wine Imports, 2006-2008 302 Table 12.26: U.K.’s Wine Imports, 2006-2008 303 Table 12.27: Favorite Drinks of Europe and U.S., 2008 305 Table 12.28: Argentine Wine Production, 2006-2010 306 Table 12.29: Argentina’s Primary Wine Export Destinations, 2008 308 Table 12.30: Australian Wine Sector at a Glance, 2004-2008 309 Table 12.31: Australian Vine Bearing Areas, Wine Grape Crush and Distillation, 2001-2008 309 Table 12.32: Australian Exports and Domestic Sales of Wine, 2004-2008 310 Table 12.33: Snapshot of New Zealand Wine, 2000-2008 312 Table 12.34: New Zealand’s Wine Export by Market, 2004-2008 314 Table 12.35: Wine Imports into New Zealand, 2004-2008 315


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Table 12.36: Growth in Wineries in South Africa, 1991-2007 315 Table 12.37: Wine Production in South Africa, 2003-2008 315 Table 12.38: Peruvian Wine Imports, 2004-2008 316 Table 12.39: Peruvian Wine Exports Percentage by Country, 2007 317 Table 12.40: Chilean Table-Wine Production, Consumption and Export, 1982-2008 318 Table 12.41: Chilean Export of Table-Wine, 2006-2008 319 Table 12.42: Chilean Wine Exports by Country of Destination, 2006-2008 319 Table 12.43: Top Exporters of Wine to Brazil by Value, 2006 and 2007 320 Table 12.44: Serbian Exports and Imports of Wine, 2006 and 2007 323 Table 12.45: Imports of Wine by Hong Kong, 2004-2007 326 Table 12.46: Japanese Wine Imports by Type, 2006-2008 327 Table 12.47: Japanese Bottled Wine Imports by Volume and Value, 2006-2008 328 Table 12.48: Japanese Sparkling Wine Imports by Volume and Value, 2006-2008 328 Table 12.49: Japanese Bulk Wine Imports by Volume and Value, 2006-2008 329 Table 12.50: Champagne Shipments to the U.S. in Bottles, 1997-2007 330 Table 12.51: Shipments of Vintage and Non-Vintage Champagne to the U.S., 2000-2007 331 Table 12.52: Shipments of Rose and Prestige Cuvees to the U.S., 2000-2007 331 Table 12.53: Champagne Bottle Sizes 332 Table 12.54: U.S. Shipments of Champagne by Bottle Size, 2000-2007 332 Table 12.55: Champagne Production, Domestic Consumption and Export, 2008 333 Table 12.56: Worldwide Sales and Per Capita Consumption of Champagne, 2008 333 Table 13.1: European Beer Market: Share of Production by Country, 2001-2007 336 Table 13.2: Top Ten Countries in Beer Consumption, 2000-2007 339 Table 13.3: Top 20 Beer Brands of the World, 2008 340 Table 13.4: Key Statistics on Chinese Beer Industry, 2003-2007 342 Table 13.5: Major U.S., Brewers and Importers: Total Shipments 2006 and 2007 350 Table 13.6: Advertising Expenditures by the Top Beer Brands, 2006 and 2007 356 Table 13.7: Top 30 Beer Brands in the U.S., 2007 357 Table 13.8: U.S. Imported Beer Market: Share of Volume by Country, 2002-2007 359 Table 13.9: Domestic Beer Sales in the U.S., 2006-2008 359 Table 13.10: The Top 45 U.S. Brewers Based on 2007 Sales 360 Table 13.11: Shipment of Malt Beverages and Per Capita Consumption by State in the U.S., 2007 361 Table 13.12: U.S. Beer Exports by Country of Destination, 2007 and 2008 362 Table 13.13: Per Capita Consumption of Beer in E.U. Countries, 2006 and 2007 364 Table 13.14: U.K. Quarterly Beer Barometer, 1997-2008 366 Table 13.15: U.K. Market Size by Volume for Beer Brands, 2002-2007 367 Table 13.16: Italian Beer Market, 1997-2007 368 Table 13.17: Beer Production in E.U. Countries, 2002-2007 370 Table 13.18: Italian Imports of Beer by Country of Origin, 2003-2007 371 Table 13.19: Italian Beer Exports by Country, 2003-2007 372 Table 13.20: Beer Output in Bulgaria, 2007 373 Table 13.21: Bulgarian Beer Imports, 2004-2006 373 Table 13.22: Beer Consumption in Sweden, 2000-2007 376 Table 13.23: Consumption of Beer Per Capita in Sweden, 2000-2007 376 Table 13.24: Consumption of Beer Types in Sweden, 2000-2007 377 Table 14.1: Volume of Spirit Consumption by Country, 2000-2007 378 Table 14.2: U.S. Spirits Exports to China—Market Shares by Type, 2002-2007 383 Table 14.3: U.S. Spirits Market—Gross Revenue by Price Category, 2008 384 Table 14.4: U.S. Spirits Market—Nine-Liter Cases by Price Category, 2008 385 Table 14.5: Top Ten U.S. Spirits Export Markets, 2008 387 Table 14.6: U.S. Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey Market, 2002-2007 388 Table 14.7: U.S. Gin Market: Volume by Year and Price Category, 2002-2007 389 Table 14.8: U.S. Rum Volumes by Price Category, 2002-2007 390 Table 14.9: U.S. Scotch Volumes by Price Category, 2002-2007 391 Table 14.10: U.S. Tequila Market, 2000-2007 392


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Table 14.11: U.S. Vodka Market, 2002-2007 393 Table 14.12: Turkish Exports of Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Beverages, 2005-2007 395 Table 14.13: Imports of Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic Beverages by Turkey, 2005-2007 395 Table 14.14: Main Gin Markets, 2003-2007 398 Table 14.15: Main Gin Brands, 2003-2007 398 Table 14.16: Main Gin Companies, 2003-2007 399 Table 14.17: Additional Whisky Sales Volume by Country (Top Ten), 2007 and 2012 400 Table 14.18: Leading Regional Vodka Brands, 2003 and 2007 401 Table 14.19: Market for Selected International Vodka Brands, 2003 and 2007 402 Table 14.20: Top Ten Vodka Producers in Russia, 2007 and 2008 404 Table 14.21: The IWSR’s Elite Brands List, 2007 406 Table 15.1: Company-Operated Retail Stores, 2007 and 2008 409 Table 15.2: Starbucks’ Retail Sales Mix by Product Type for Company-Operated Stores, 2006-2008 409 Table 15.3: Starbucks’ Licensed Retail Stores in Asia Pacific, 2008 410 Table 15.4: Starbucks’ Licensed Retail Stores in Europe/Middle East/Africa, 2008 410 Table 15.5: Starbucks’ Licensed Retail Stores in Americas, 2008 410 Table 15.6: Tata Coffee’s Production of Beverages and Spices, 2000-2007 414 Table 15.7: Acreage of Beverages and Spices in Tata Estates, 2003-2007 415 Table 15.8: Danone’s Sales by Business Line, 2007 and 2008 420 Table 15.9: Danone’s Business by Geographical Area, 2007 and 2008 420 Table 15.10: Nestle’s Sales by Principal Market, 2007 422 Table 15.11: AB InBev’s Volume Sales by Country, 2007 431 Table 15.12: Heineken’s Sales of Beer in Selected Countries, 2007 433 Table 15.13: Carlsberg’s Market, 2007 435 Table 15.14: Carlsberg’s Brands and Sales, 2007 436


Global Beverages Markets August 2009

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1. Introduction Until recently, the beverages market was divided simply between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. As consumers’ tastes grew more sophisticated and demand surged for a variety of beverage options catering to lifestyle changes and health concerns, the beverages industry has responded with a dizzying array of options to choose from. This report focuses on the U.S. and world markets for beverages across several broad categories. For the purposes of this study, TriMark Publications has divided the global beverages markets into the following product segments include:

Alcoholic beverages such as wines, beers and spirits. Non-alcoholic beverages such as bottled water and milk. Brewed beverages such as coffees and teas. Carbonated beverages such as sodas and soft drinks. Non-carbonated juice products both fresh and pre-packaged. Energy drinks which are generally caffeinated beverages in both carbonated and non-carbonated forms.

For each market segment, this study presents the latest information on size, growth rates, sales projections and factors influencing growth in the U.S. and internationally. 1.1 Objectives The main objectives of this study are to describe the structure of global beverages markets, provide information on the current size and projected growth of the global market and identify market opportunities for beverages manufacturers across various product categories. The report covers extensive details on the consumer demand for different types of beverages across several international markets. 1.2 Scope This study provides a comprehensive examination of the various product categories of beverages around the world. Analysis includes sales data, growth rates and market share statistics for the major manufacturers serving international markets. The reader should consult other TriMark Publications reports at for details on individual market segments. 1.3 Methodology The author holds a PhD and is a retired college professor with three decades of experience in teaching biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, environmental biology and horticulture. Company-specific information is obtained mainly from industry trade publications, academic journals, news and research articles, press releases and corporate websites, as well as annual reports for publicly-held firms. Additionally, sources of information include the Beverage Marketing Corporation, data published by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Services, publications from Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), World Trade Atlas and other regional publications. Where possible and practicable, the most recent data available have been used. Some of the statistical information was taken from Biotechnology Associates’ databases and from TriMark’s private data stores. The information in this study was obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information or omission or for the results obtained by the use of such information. Key information from the business literature was used as a basis to conduct dialogue with and obtain expert opinion from market professionals regarding commercial potential and market sizes. Senior managers from major company players were interviewed for part of the information in this report. Primary Sources TriMark collects information from hundreds of Database Tables and many comprehensive multi-client research projects, as well as Sector Snapshots that we publish annually. We extract relevant data and analytics from TriMark’s research as part of this data collection.


Global Beverages Markets August 2009

© 2009 TriMark Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. 22

Secondary Sources TriMark uses research publications, journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, industry reports, investment research reports, trade and industry association reports, government-affiliated trade releases and other published information as part of its secondary research materials. The information is then analyzed and translated by the Industry Research Group into a TriMark study. The Editorial Group reviews the complete package with product and market forecasts, critical industry trends, threats and opportunities, competitive strategies and market share determinations. TriMark Publications Report, Research and Data Acquisition Structure The general sequence of research and analysis activity prior to the publication of every report in TriMark Publications includes the following items:

Completing an extensive secondary research effort on an important market sector, including gathering all relevant information from corporate reporting, publicly-available data and proprietary databases.

Formulating a study outline with the assigned writer, including important items, as follows:

Market and product segment grouping, and evaluating their relative significance. Key competitors’ evaluations, including their relative positions in the business and other relevant facts

to prioritize diligence levels and assist in designing a primary research strategy. End-user research to evaluate analytical significance in market estimation. Supply chain research and analysis to identify any factors affecting the market. New technology platforms and cutting-edge applications.

Identifying the key technology and market trends that drive or affect these markets.

Assessing the regional significance for each product and market segment for proper emphasis of further

regional/national primary and secondary research.

Completing a confirmatory primary research assessment of the report’s findings with the assistance of expert panel partners from the industry being analyzed.

1.4 Executive Summary The lifestyle and functional associations connected with beverage products seem to lend them universal appeal. Overall, consumers seem to be looking for “value-added” beverages—whether they be energy drinks, chilled tea-flavored brews, vitamin-infused bottled water, etc.—that offer something more than refreshment. At the same time, all commercial beverages have tremendous growth potential on a global basis. According to Beverage Marketing Corporation, in the U.S. 93% of beverage consumption is accounted for by branded products; in the rest of the world, only about 25% of liquid consumption comes from commercial products. As markets such as China, India and Indonesia become more urbanized, there is a tremendous opportunity for volume growth for all beverage categories. However, with the current global economic slowdown, the outlook for some drinks categories may not be as bright. Value-added drinks are some of the first to feel the squeeze during this downturn as their phenomenal growth over 2007 witnessed a slowdown in 2008. The “health and wellness” craze that prompted this growth may encourage consumers to accommodate these purchases or search for less expensive alternatives. Despite the global economic downturn, the Asian beverage market remains strong, and will continue its impressive growth. According to Reuters and Euromonitor, the Asian beer market is the most robust, with average growth of about 8%. Leading the way is China, with per capita consumption expected to rise from 37.8 liters to 53.4 liters by 2013. Overall, the global alcoholic drinks market grew by 2.6% in 2007 to reach a value of $846.5 billion. In 2012, the market is forecast to have a value of $967.4 billion, an increase of 14.3% since 2007. The market grew by 2% in 2007 to reach a volume of 166.3 billion liters. In 2012, the market is forecast to have a volume of 183.8 billion liters, an increase of 10.5% since 2007. Sales of beers, cider and fermented alcoholic beverages (FABs) account for 49.5% of the global market’s value.


Global Beverages Markets August 2009

© 2009 TriMark Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. 23

2. Global Outlook 2.1 Soft Drinks Soft drinks worldwide continue to forge new growth opportunities. Bottled water, dilutables/concentrates, carbonates, fruit juice/nectars, and still drinks have had mixed fortunes across the globe. However, as a combined category, soft drinks overall do remain a sustainable growth proposition, achieving a 3.9% volume growth to reach nearly 552 billion liters in 2007. This is translated into global soft drinks consumption of 82.5 liters per person. The global soft drinks market is estimated to reach a value of around $393.1 billion by the end of 2009. By 2014, it is forecast to be at least $483.8 billion. Between 2009 and 2014, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of global five soft drinks (FSD) value sales will increase from 5.07% (2001-2008) to 5.84% (2009-2014). By 2014, the global value of FSDs will be $49.9 billion. Figure 2.1: Estimated Global Soft Drinks Market, 2009-2014












2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

$ Billions

Source: British Soft Drinks Association

Globally, still drinks, the beverages with less than 25% juice content, were the fastest growing soft drinks sector up 6.4% in 2007. Bottled water also continued to record good volume increases, with consumption rising by 6.1% in 2007. Fruit juice/nectars advanced by 3.8%, followed by carbonates and dilutables achieving 1.4% growth. At 234 liters per head in 2007, the U.K. was ranked 11th globally in terms of soft drinks consumption per person. The U.S. remains the world’s largest per capita consumer of soft drinks, with 397 liters. The U.A.E., boosted by scorching summer temperatures and an influx of tourism is the world’s largest per capita consumer of bottled water at 235 liters.

The U.K is ranked 42nd globally in terms of bottled water consumption per capita. With around 190 liters per person, the U.S. is the world’s largest consumer of carbonates followed by

Mexico. The U.K. is ranked 15th with 97 liters, down from the No. 10 position held in 2006 but still ahead of the

European average of 74 liters per head. At 55 liters per head of consumed dilutables volume, the U.K. is significantly larger than the European

average of 16 liters. 100% juice has been combined with 25% to 99% juice drinks and nectars for a global comparison of fruit

juice and nectars. Here, the U.K. was placed 14th. To synchronize global comparisons, 25% to 99% juice drinks and nectars have been excluded from the still

drinks total. In this category, Japan, the Czech Republic and the U.S. claim the top three positions. The U.K. is ranked 18th.


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© 2009 TriMark Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. 24

Figure 2.2: Soft Drinks Consumption Per Capita by Country, 2007










U.K. Spain France Germany Italy Russia U.S.

Liters Per Person

Source: British Soft Drinks Association

2.2 Bottled Water Worldwide bottled water consumption increased by 6% to 206 billion liters in 2007. In fact, between 2002 and 2007, the bottled water industry sector enjoyed a CAGR of 7.9%. The 2008 global bottled water market recorded select trends. For example, in Africa and Eastern Europe, consumption increased by 14% and 10%, respectively. Bottled water market in Asia and Australia increased by 10% and the European market showed a slight decline of 0.2%. Figure 2.3: Bottled Water Consumption Per Capita by Country, 2007











U.K. Spain France Germany Italy Russia U.S.

Liters Per Person

Source: British Soft Drinks Association

2.3 Carbonates It is predicted that there will be a volume growth of between 1% and 2% for the global carbonates category despite the worsening economic climate. The deterioration in financial conditions has inevitably prompted most analysts to downgrade earlier projections by around 1% and the global beverage experts expected the market to reach 208 billion liters by 2008, a figure that equates to 31 liters per year for every global consumer. The year 2009 will see a


Global Beverages Markets August 2009

© 2009 TriMark Publications, LLC. All rights reserved. 25

similar growth rate to 2008, before the green shoots of recovery are expected to become evident in 2010 with a slight acceleration in growth to a little over 2%. Figure 2.4: Carbonate Consumption Per Capita by Country, 2007












U.K. Spain France Germany Italy Russia U.S.

Liters Per Person

Source: British Soft Drinks Association

2.4 Fruit Juices The global fruit juice/nectar market is dominated by six multinational companies; PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Cadbury Schweppes plc, Del Monte Food, Inc., Nestle SA and Kraft Foods, Inc. Their marketing strategies appear to be influenced by growing consumer demand for healthy juices, with the majority of recent product launches focusing primarily on being healthy, low calorie and fortified with vitamins. The juices market consists of 100% fruit juice (from concentrate), 100% fruit juice (not from concentrate), nectar (30% to 99% juice), fruit drink (0% to 29% juice) and vegetable juice. Figure 2.5: Fruit Juice/Nectars Consumption per Person by Country, 2007










U.K. Spain France Germany Italy Russia U.S.

Liters Per Person

Source: British Soft Drinks Association