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, , ,47 vt.act. increase, , ,33, vt.act. increase,226, irr, bring good luck, , 35, exult/, /, /,73, vi.act.mid.ppp. be indignant, angry, exasperated, /, , 53, ,33, vt.act. reconcile, vi.act.mid. become reconciled/, ,, , ,58,59, vt. love, , , 17,18, vt. impose a task on, , , ,irr, vt. announce/, , , ,23,24, vt. touch, offend, hurt, approach, '!, /, , ,35,36, vt. sanctify, , ,55, vt.act. engage, book reserve, , , ,35,36, vt. embrace, hug, , , , 3,4/,58, vi. pant, be in the throes of death, , , ,3,4, vt. prick, sting/, , ,58,73, vi. anchor, , , , 35,36,vt. adorn, ,17, vt.act. to see from afar, , , ,73,74, vt. ignore,, be ignored, , , ,35,36, vt. buy,, be bought, /,19, vi. speak in public, , , ,17,18, vt. make wild or fierce, scare,, vi.mid. become scared,vt. scowl at/, , ,58,59, hear, understand/, , ,58, vi.act.mid.ppp. stay awake, keep watch, , , ,3,4, vt. put under stress,, vi.mid. be under stress/, ,135,136, irr, lead, bring, ,34, vi.dep. struggle, contend, ,60, vi.act.mid.def. to be death agony, ,35, vt.act. empty, have time to spage, discharge gun/, /, /, /,3,4, vt. reconcile, fraternize, ,73, vi.act.mid. be anxiously impatient, ,73, vi.act.mid. be unwell, menstruate, ,73, vt.act. to neglect, vi.act.mid. be uninterested, , , ,73,74, vt. wrong, do wrong,, vi.mid. be wronged, , , ,73,74,75, vt. inactivate, ,73, vi.act.mid. be inactive, idle, ,29, vt.act.act. seize, grasp, , ,33, vt. weaken, make thin, vi.act.mid.ppp. lose weight, ,73, vi.act.mid. be unable,sing, , , ,33,34, vt. fan, ventilate,73, vi.act.mid. be in the clouds, dreaming,chatter, ,73, vi. talk nonsense, , ,35, vt.act. to disgust, vi.act.mid.ppp. feel disgust, , , ,73,74, vt. break word, ,74, vi.dep. exercise, , , ,33,34, vt. assemble, add up, , , ,3,4, vt. acquit, , ,bleed, , , , ,80,81, irr, vt. raise, lift, ,82, vt.dep. feel (the cold), vi.mid.dep. feel (well), sense,vi.dep. feel ashamed,vt.dep. blame,,vt. request/beg something, , , ,33,34, vt. take prisoner, capture, captivate,swing, waver/, , , ,73,74,75, vt. immobilize, vi.dep. assume coquettish airs, vi. flourish, prosper/, , ,73,74,58,59, vt. follow, , , ,33,34, vt. sharpen, whet/, , ,58, vi.act.mid.ppp. lean, rest/, , , ,83,84, irr, vt. hear, listen, obey, ,47, vt. raise price of, pass.mid. become more expensive, ,36, vt.dep. listen to, auscultate, dep. listen to, give audience, auscultate, vt. mutilate, amputate, vt. x-ray/, , , ,3,4, vt. nullify, clear, ,23, vi. cry, shout in joy, , ,35, vt.act. daze, stupefy, vi. be dazed, , , ,33,34, vt. salt, ... 35,36, vi. be startled, ,55, vt.act. liven up, , , ,37,38, vt. mill, grind corn/, , , ,13,14,7,8, vt. rub, smear, spread, coat, vi. come true, be right, , /, ,19,20, fish for/, , , ,23,24, vt. change, , 73, vi. correspond, vi. conflict, vi.dep. squabble with each other, vi. squint, vt. alter, falsify, deteriorate/, , ,104,50, irr, vi. commit a sin, , , vt. reward, recompense, , , ,55,54, put in a package, ,146, irr, vi. doubt, , , (),146,147, irr, vt. postpone, anabolic steroids, vi. revive, , ,9, vt. look up, recover one's sight/, , , ,33, vt. well up, , , ,7,8, vt. light, ignite, turn on, , , 35, vi. exult, /, , ,85,86, irr, vt. announce, vt. read, , , ,35,36, vt. force, , , ,33,34, vt. recognize, , /, ,19,20, vt. proclaim (ruler), , /, ,13,122, vt. inscribe, , ( ),135,136, irr, vt. raise, reduce, trace back, vi. relate to, date from/, /, /, ,29,30,87,88, vt. set/show off, select,, vi.mid. distinguish oneself, , , 17,18, stir, move, vt. understand, sponsor, support,186, irr, vt. emit, give forth, ,131, irr, give off steam, smell, ,60, vt.act. search through, scrutinize, /,6, vi.dep. emerge, break surface/, , ,58,73,74, vt. look up, search high and low for, vt. revivify, vt. rekindle/, /, /,17,73, vi.act.mid.ppp. take fresh courage, , , ,33,34, vt. interdict, curse, /,, /, ,137,138, irr, vt. charge, entrust, present offering, vi. rise (of smoke), be kindled (of hope), , , ,76,77, vt. refute, revoke, , , ,73,74,75, vt. anaesthetize, , , ,33,34, vt. renovate, renew, , /, ,11,12, vt. discover, find out, , , ,76,163, irr, vt. recall, revoke, countermand, , , ,17,18, vt. mix up, stir, involve, confuse, shake,, vi.mid. get involved, interfere, feel sick, , , ,-> , , , ,73,74, vt. stir up, revive, ,, , ,71,72, vt. reflect/, , , ,3,4, vt. announce, ,, , ,60,61, vt. regain/, /, , ,165,166, irr, vt. assume, recover, take over, undertake, /, , ,5,6, vt. analyse, melt/, /, /, /,87,88, irr, vt. mix together,, vi.mid. get involved, interfere, , , ,3,4, vt. renew, replace, reform/, , /, , ,158,133,104,89, irr, vt. reconstruct, represent, depict, portray, /,42, vi. breathe, /, , ,27,28, vt. unfold, develop, expound, evolve, deploy (troops), increase (speed), ,, /, ,11,90, irr, vt. dig, excavate, , , ,35,36, vt. refute, , , ,50,51, vt. resurrect, , , ,3,4, vt. disrupt, disturb, mess up, ,, (-),85,91, irr, vt. check, stay, inhibit, suspend, stop, ,23, vi. sigh, , , , 3,4, , , , 73,74,5,6, vt. reconnect, /, ,138,139, irr,, /, , ,28, reply, regroup, rewrite, /,85, irr, vi. rise, appear, dawn, ,35, vi. shiver, /, ,217,218, irr, vt. mention,, vi.mid refer to, ,73, vi. depart, go away, leave/, , (), ,35, vt.act.ppp. raise, carry/lift/put up/, , /, (, ), ,92, irr, vt.act.semi.ppp. ascend, climbpassive of: , /,32, vt.dep. tolerate, bear, (imperf. ),93, irr, vt.def. belong, ,73, vi. be worried, , !don't worry; be happy!, , 33, , ,33, vi.act.mid.ppp. flower, blossom, thrive, /,159,133, irr, vi.dep.def.pres. resist, , , ,73,74, select the best specimens, anthology, 73, ,17, civilize, improve, become civilized, , ,73, vi. blossom, flourish, , , ,73,74, recollect, relate, decorate, , /, ,19,20, vt. track, derect, ,1, vt. open and close, , , ,21,22, vt. open, , , ,73,74, vt. rebuild, , , , 3,4, vt. stand upright, raise, restore, , 73, , , , 73,74,75, , 34, vt.dep. rival, conflict with/, , /, ,27,23,24,95, vt. exchange, antiallazo, , /,7,8, vt. reward, , , , 3,4, meet, , , , 71,72, reflect, , 73, , 60, /, , ,186,187, irr, vt. render, return, give back, , 2, , , 35, , 17, , be contradicted, , 214, irr, vi.dep. face, , 138, counter-attack, , 60, , 151, /,31, vt.act. resist, endure, hold firm, vi. tolerate, withstand, , /, ,13,122, vt. copy/, ,71,68, vi. react, be opposed to, ,, /,137,138, irr, vt. set against, oppose, vi. be opposed, ,166, irr, vt.dep. understand, perceive, notice, ,94, irr, vt.act. contradict, vi.act. disagree, object, retort, say the opposite, , ,33,34, vt. resist, confront, face, brave, , /, ,19,20, vt. represent, , /,27,28, array, ,172, irr, vi. object to proposal, ,138, vi.dep. be opposed, , , ,73,74, vt. draw (conclusion), find (information), pump (liquid), 33, vi.def. be worth, cost, deserve, , , ,73,74, distinguish, noteworthy, , , ,73,74,75, vt. develop, exploit, , ,3,4, vt. judge worthy,, vi.mid. manage, contrive, /, , , , , , /, /, ,19,17,20, vt. ban, forbid, prohibit, , - ,135,136, irr, vt. abduct, carry off, , ,73,74, vt. demand, claim, require, ,, /, /, ,27,95, irr, vt. exempt, deliver, release, absolve, relieve (of duties)/, ,/, , ,58,59,61, vt. to answer/, , , ,58,59,61, vt. cheat, deceive,/, vi.mid. be mistaken, misstep, , , ,73,74,59, vt. threaten, /, ,96,97, irr, vt. deport, /, ,48,49, vt. deliver,, vi.mid, address, appeal, apply to,82, vi.dep.def. loathe, ,190, irr, vi. be far from, 73, , , , 3,4, , , ,73,74,75, vt. simplify, /, /, ,19,17,20, vt. simplify, , , ,3,4, spread, stretch out, hang,, vi.mid. extend one's activities, , ( - ), 145, , , ,146,147, irr, vt. cast off, dismiss, lose, vi. miscarry, /,121 irr,/, /, /, /,29,30,87,88, prove, demonstrate, /, , /,186,187, irr, vt. give back, return, attribute, credit with, render, , , ,48,49, vt. discourage, demoralize, /,, ,137,138, irr, vt. put down, deposit, confide,, store, /, /, ,19,17,20, vt. store, , /,11,12, vt. uncover, reveal/, /, ,164, irr, vt.act. finish off, vi.act.mid.ppp. get tired, get weary, /, , ,40,41, vt. close off,!ausgeschloen, out of the question!, , 2, /, ,40,41, vt. refute, reject, repel, repulse//, /,/, /, ,58,59,61, vt. acquire, obtain, !get it today!/, /, , ,98, irr, vt.act. gain, get, enjoy, relish, vi.gen. enjoy, experience, , , , 33,34, 21, def., , , , 3,4/, ,74,59, vi.dep. defend onself, apologize, , , ,44,46, vt. decontaminate, disinfect, fumigate, /, , ,5,6, vt. release, dismiss, let loose, (absolve -> ), , , ,48,49, move away, entfernen, /, 178,remain, , , ,3,4, vt. insulate, isolate, separate,, vi.mid. withdraw from, , 185, irr., ,99, irr, vi.dep. attempt, , , 9,10, , , , 3,4, , , , 60,61, , 42, 42, , 74,75, , , , 33,34, 42, vi.def. flow (from), /, /, 11,12, vt. refuse, ,miscarry, , ,73, vi.act.mid.ppp. be astonished, surprised, wonder/, , , , 71,72,68, vt. detach, /, /, 23, ppp, , ,52, vi.ppp. be tired, , , 74,75, , 73, , , , 3,4, , -, , 85,91, irr,, , , /,5,6, vt. disconnect, , ,138, irr, vi.dep. decompose, rot, , , ,217,218, irr, vt. withdraw, retract, take away, , , ,76,78, vt. to be, make up, form, constitute,, vi.mid.def. consist of/, , ,5,6, pay/, /, ,148, irr, vi.act.mid.ppp. fail, be unsuccesful, , , ,33,34, vt. decide on, ,217, irr, vi. produce, /,, ,228,100, irr, vt. avoid, escape, , , , 3,4, , 60, , , , 33,34, /, /, 23,24, , , , 33,34//, , , 33,34,173,,,, , , ,33,34, vt. separate,, vi.mid. part from, ,73, vi. withdraw, resign,,,,, , ,23, moor, tie up, come to rest, , , ,3,4, thin or spread out, dilute, make or become fewer, , , ,35,36, vt. tan, ,73, vt.act. delay, make late, hold up, vi.act.mid be late, !, ,101, irr, vi. be pleasing to, , she likes me., /, /,76,78, irr, vt. suffice, ,vi.impers. fit, be suitable/, ,74,59 vt.dep. deny, refuse, negate, , , ,23,24, vt. snatch, catch, seize, steal, grab,, vi.mid. come to blows, lose one's temper, , , ,35,36, vt. betroth,, vi.mid. get engaged, , ,50, vt.act. make sick/ill, vi.act.mid.ppp. get sick, , , /,102,103, irr, vt. spice,, 33, , ,33, vt.act. begin, start/, , ,58, vt. begin, , , , 33,34,, , , , 3,4, , 73, , 73, , , , 3,4, , 73,44, vi.def. pant, be out of breath, , 17, , , ,73,74, vt. exercise, practise,, vi.mid. exercise oneself, , the exercize, , 36, , , , 33,34, ,18, vi.dep. be joking, , , , 73,74,75, , 73, ,15, vi. flash, lighten, shine, sparkle,, vi.impers. it's lightening, , 19,20, , , , 33,34, , , , 3,4, 60, , 47, , 33, 73/, ,74,59, vi.dep.mid. engage in, keep busy, occupy myself, , 33, , , , 35,36, , 73, , 73, , , , 3,4, ,73, vi.act.mid. be unlucky, , , 7, , 35, , 73, , 147,, , , , 3,4,, , 34,/, , , ,104,105, irr, vt. increase, , , 3,4,, , 73,, , 74, ,73, vi. commit suicide, kill oneself, , , ,73,74,75, vt. automate, , 73, , , 74, 61, , 35, , , ,76,77,63, vt. abstract, cut, remove, steal, distract, , , ,33,34, vt. annihilate, harass,vi.mid. vanish, be destroyed, ,74, vt.dep. narrate, /, , ,106,107, irr, vt. let, leave,73, vi.def. abound, , , ,3,4, vt. dedicate, devote, , vi.mid. devote oneself to sth, , , , 33,34, ,dep. to differ, hold aloof, , , ,3,4, vt. assimilate, , , , 33,34-, imperf. -,vt.impers. relate to, concern, , , , 33,34, , ,4, vi.dep.mid. to devote oneself, , 36, , , 33, , 73, , , , 33,34, , 33, 21,/, , 58, /, , 17,19,20/, ,58, vt. brave, narguer, mpriser, neglect, forget, defy,73, vi.def. skirmish

, , 33, vi. bark, cry, scream, , 33, vi. walk, march, move/, , , ,108,182, irr, vt. lay, place, wear, put /down/in/on,~ //../, , 47, vt.act. make deeper, vi. get deeper, grow hollow, widen, , , , 73,74, vt. note, grade, , , 3, vt.act. sculpt, empty, hollow out, vi. become hollow, ,come, venir, go, , , 3, vi.ppp. be tired, exhausted, , /, ,146,147, irr, vt. to throw, , , , 3,4, vt. embalm, stuff, , , 3, vi.ppp. stagnate, sink, become a marsh, , , , 3,4, vt. throw over a precepice, destroy, ruin, ,47, vt. be a burden on, vi. weigh, become heavy/, , ,62, vt. bang, beat, kick, do, hit, shoot, vi. be hurt, 83, vi.def. be hard on the ears, , 23, vi. sigh, shiver/, , 58, vi. become very sick, , (),63, vt.dep. be bored with, vi.dep. be bored, , , 58, vi.ppp. have enough, be bored-, 225, irr, vi.def.impers. displease/, , 58, , -, ,48,49, vt. weigh down,, vi.mid.def. be laid to one's charge, , , 35, vi.ppp. have indigestion, stomach ache, , , ,33,34, vt. torment, torture,, vi.mid. struggle, torture oneself, , , , 33,34, vt. base, , vi.mid. rely, , 17, vi. reign, set (sun), , , ,44,45, vt. cast evil eye upon, , , , 23,24, vt. carry, support/, /, /, /,64,65,66,67, vt. hold, contain, support, carry, keep,, vi.mid. control oneself, , , , 17,18, vt. cover an animal, , , , 33,34, vt. rock/lull to sleep/, , , ,33,34, vt. baptize, name, call, christen, , , , , /, ,13,122, irr, vt. paint, , , ,108, irr, vt. take out/off, get off, remove, extract, , , (/, ), ,109, irr, vi.ppp.semi. come/go out, exit, , , ,3,4, vt. affirm, assure,, vi.mid. make sure, , , , 3,4, vt. desecrate, , 23, vi. bleat, , , , 35,36, vt. thread, stitch, prick, , , ,3,4, vt. improve, enhance,, vi.mid. get/become better, , improvement, , , , 3,4, vt. varnish, ,33, vi. walk, pace, ,31, vi.act. cough, /, , ,35,36, vt. force, urge, rape,vi.mid, be in a hurry, , 73, vi. act with violence, , , , 73,74, vt. bind a book, , 33, vt.act. keep a look-out (for), vi. keep guard,, , , , 3,4, vt. screw, , , , 73,74, vt. video-record, , , , 73,74,75, industrialize, , 55, vi. weigh anchor, , , , 3,4, vt. live, experience, participate/, , , ,11,12,15,16, vt. harm, damage//, ,50, vi. sprout, grow shoots/, , 58, curse, blaspheme, , 73,58, vt. ? vignard, , 73, blaspheme, , (, , ...), (, /),, , , ,110,111, irr, vt. to see, look, watch, be seen/, , , , 58,59, vt. bless, ,//, ,66, vi. groan, moan/, /, , ,58,59, vt. help-, , impers., , , , 17,18, vt. fit in, cope with, manage, , vi.mid. be comfortable, , , , 73,74, vt. sound, fathom, , 120, irr, vi. break soil, struggle, wrestle, /, 53, vi. go for a walk, , , ,33,34, vt. bomb////, , , ,58,59,112,151, irr, vt. graze, browse, wander, , , , 33,34, vt. weed the garden, , , , 44,45, vt. make dumb, , 23, vi. buzz, hum, roar, make a confused noise, , ,23, vt.act. ruin, collapse, vi.ppp. sink, ,151, irr, vt.dep. wish, want, , , 3, vt.act. seal, stop up, block, close, vi.ppp. become stopped up, , , 3, vi.ppp. brim with tears, threaten rain, get muddy, , , , 33,34, vt. drive mad, , vi.mid. become furious, desire madly, , , , 33,34, vt. brush, , , ,66,67, vt. dip, grab, snatch, steal, vi. jump,, vi.mid. fight, , , , 3,4, vt. butter, , /, , 19,20, vt. reward, give prize to, , 35, vi.impers. evening falls, , 48, vi. be slow or late, 73, vi.def. go slowly, lag, , , ,35,36, vt. boil, seethe, ferment, , , 35, vt.act. make, vi.ppp. become hoarse, , , , 3,4, vt. short-circuit, , , /,31,113, irr, vt. wet, moisten,, vi.mid. get wet,, impers. it is raining, , , ,33,34, vt. abuse, revile, swear at-, -,vi.def.third. (+gen) teem with, be full of,, , ,35, vi.ppp. become a vampire, /, (, ..), (, ), , ,114,115, irr, vt.semi. find//, , 58, vi. stink, smell, , , , 33,34, vt. make/get dirty, vi. irritate, annoy, pollute/, , 58, vi. stink/, /,66,58, vt.act. slam, bang on, vi. boom,, impers. thunder/, , 58, vi. bang, thump, , 23, vi. yell, scream/, ,59,61, vi.dep. roar, , , ,116,117, irr, vt. suckle, breastfeed, , , ,33,34, vt. immerse, plunge, sink, sank, sunk/, , 73,58, vi. test the depth, , 73, vi. machinate, intrigue (against)

, , , ,56,57, vt. garnish, , , ,118,119, irr, vt. skin, scratch, scuff, , , ,1,2, vt. undress,, vi.mid. get undressed, ,17, be in the neighborhood of/, , , ,68,69, vi. (with ) to laugh at,, vi.mid. be deceived or mistaken, , ,33, vt.act. fill, stuff, vi. be full/, , , ,58,59, vt. bear,, vi.mid. be born/, , ,68, vt.act. make old, vi.act.mid.ppp. get old, , ,120, irr, vt.act. tip, dip, bend, bow, vi.ppp. middle?, ,18, vt.dep. taste, try, , , , ,17,18, vt. cure, heal, /, /, ,121, irr, vi.dep.semi. become, get,, happen, occur,, event, fact, , , ,35,36, vt. to celebrate, , , ,3,4, vt. make pregnant, keep waiting, pester, , , ,33,34, vt. demolish,, vi.mid. collapse, be destroyed, ,23, vt.act. nag, vi. moan, grumble/, ,58, vi. amuse oneself/, ,58, vi. slip/, /, ,3, vt.act. to save, rescue, vi.act.mid.ppp. escape, survive, get away with sthg, have a close shave, ,13, vt.act. nod/wave to, wink at, vi. signal, , ,33,34, vt. know, introduce,, vi.mid. be/get acquainted, meet/know each other, , ,33, vt.act. make kneel, weigh down, , , ,73,74,75, fertilize, /,53, vt.act. like, want, please, , taste, , /, ,13,122, irr, vt. write, 73, def. watch, be vigilant/, ,58,59, hear/, /, /, 36,4, vi. have a cold/, , , , 58,59, vt. fist-fight, , 23, vi. grogner, gronder, groan, complain, , 17, vt. bring bad luck, , 33, vi. grogner, grincer, , , ,33,34, vt. polish, shine, , , , 35,36, vt. exercize, , , , 3,4, vt. undress, make nude, 74, vi.dep. be dominated by women, effeminize, 226, vi. act like a woman, , 17, look, search for//, ,, , ,70,33,34, vt. to turn, return, go around, , 226, vi. parade, , , , 3,4, vt. plaster, , , , 35,36, vt. make square

/, , , ,3,4, vt. bite, , , , 33,34, , ,33, vi.act.mid.ppp. shed tears, cry,, , , ,73,74, vt. type, , , ,35,36, vt. tame, , , ,33,34, vt. lend,, vt.mid. borrow,, adj. borrowed, , , , 73,74, accord loans, lend///, , , ,58,59,61, vt. spend, , , , 17,18, vt. teach, give lessons to, instruct, , , , 73,74, vt. impose import duties, 49 vt.dep.def. mettre l'esprit rude? , , 35, vi. be afraid, lack courage, , 73, vi. be sick, suffer, , 73, vi. dine, eat/, , , ,29,30, vt. show, point out, , , , 35,36, , , , 35,36, , , ,35,36, vt. allure, tempt, , , , ,1,2, vt. tie, bind, , 4, vt.dep. receive, welcome, entertain, ,151, vi.dep. pray, supplicate, beg, , , ,120,119, irr, vt. beat,, vi.mid. wail, mourn, , /, , 19,20, vt. bind, 35, def. vi. reign, dominate, , 73, vi. reply, respond, /(/), (),32, vt.dep. accept, receive, , , ,35,36, vt. poison, , , ,3,4, vt. declare, , , ,73,74, vt. create, , , , 73,74, vt. auction, , /, ,19,20, vt. publish, , 73, vi. be a journalist, journalize, report, , , ,35,36, vt. read, study, , ,92, irr, vt.semi. cross, pass by, , , 146,147, irr, defame, calumniate, curse, accuse, , , , 3,4, vt. assure, affirn, confirm, certify, swear, , , , 35,36, vt. transmit, send, /,123, vt.act. discern, , /, ,13,122, delete, erase, ,, , ,137,138, irr, vt. have at one's disposal, bequeath,, last will and testament,, disposition, (), (),71,72, vt. refract, , , ,76,77, vt. divide, , 82, vt. see in advance, sense, prescient, , , ,33,34, vt. perpetuate, , , , 33,34, organize, regiment/, 190,191, irr, vt.act.def.def, inhabit, motivate, animate, , 158, vi.dep.def. de disposed/inclined to, , /, , 27,28, vt. proclaim, /, 19,17, vt.act. risk, bet, compromise, expose oneself, gamble, play, , , 73,74, vt. distribute, transport/, /, /, 34,4, vi.dep. branch, , , , 33,34, vt. transport (the sick or injured), , 17, ,, , ,11,124, irr, vt. interrupt, disrupt, cut off, , , ,73,74, vt. decorate, , , ,172,2, irr, distinguish, differentiate, vi.mid. be outstanding, , , ,21,22, vt. choose, pick out, select, /, , ,5,6, vt. dissolve, dismantle, wear out, ,151, irr, vi.dep. ( ) protest, , , ,73,74, vt. protest (bill),, vi.mid. protest, , , ,125,126, irr, vt. distribute, ,42,43, vi. flow (through),, def. ?, ,87,88, irr, vt. tear, burst, break, burgle, , , ,35,36, vt. entertain sbdy, vi. amuse/enjoy myself, have fun,, vt.dep. resolve, remove, , , ,35,36, vt. arrange, adapt (a book)/, , , ,71,72,68, vt. split, , /,23,24, vt. command, order, vi. give orders, , /, /,27,28, vt. arrange, order, position, , arrangement, , , ,73,74, vt. conserve, keep, maintain, , , ,3,4, vt. express, declare, ask, formulate, word, , expression, statement, phrasing, style, , (),225, irr, vi.dep.mid. show through, , , (), 17,18, ,217, irr, vi.act.mid. be different, ,228, irr, vt.act. escape, vi. leak, , , ,33,34, vt. advertise, promote, , advertisement, publicity, , , ,217,229, irr, corrupt, seduce, , 73, , , , 73,74,75, , /, , 27,28, ,73, vt.act. disagree, , , , 33,34, vt. solve, clear up, enlighten, , 35, vi. winter, ,34, vt.dep. manage, handle, administer/, , ,5,127, irr, vt. spread, give off,, , , ,33,34, partition, split, sort out, , , ,128,129, irr, vt. prove false, deny, , /, ,25,26, vt. teach, /, , ,143,144, irr, excite, arouse, stimulate ( ), (ag.aor. ), 71, , , , 73,74,75, , 5, , , 73,74, , , , 3,4, , , 73,74, /, , 73,74, , , 135,136/,9,10, vt.dep.dep. govern, determine, ,, ,60,61, vt. investigate, , , ,73,74, vt. arrange, settle, /, (def. ),48,49, vt. manage, direct,, vi.mid. head for, , ,48,49, vt. facilitate, make easy, , , ,33,34, vt. clarify, , , ,48,49, vt. widen/, ,74,59, vt.dep. relate, tell, , , ,35,36, vt. judge, try, , , ,73,74, vt. excuse, justify,130, irr, vi.dep.def. be entitled to, , , ,3,4, vt. justify,, vi.mid. be vindicated/, , /, /,131,132, irr, vt. give, , , ,3,4, vt. correct, , , ,33,34, vt. appoint, , , ,35,36, vt. double, , , ,3,4, vt. fold, wrap, vi. double up,, vi.mid, curl up, ,35, vi. hesitate/, , ,68, vi.act.mid.ppp. be thirsty, , , ,29,30, vt. send away, dismiss, , , ,35,36, vt. try out/on, , , ,73,74, vt. murder, , , , 3,4,, , , , 73,74, , , 73,74, , , , 35,36, , 73, , , ,17,18, vt. work, kid, joke, , , , 73,74,75, dramatize, , 19, vi. escape, , 33, stride, , , , 73,74,75, vt. activate, vi.mid. take action, () , , 9, , , , 73,74, schedule, route, , , ,33,34, vt. make cool, refresh,, impers. it's getting cool, ,71, vi.act.mid. act, be active, ,159, irr, vi.dep.mid.def.pres. be able, can,possibility, capability, , , 33,34, , ,3, vi. boost, pump up the volume, , /, , 19,20, ,73, vi.act.mid. be indignant, , , , 73,74, , ,17,18, vt. hamper, impede, make difficult/hard,, vi.mid. have difficulty, hesitate, 73, , ,73, vi.act.mid.ppp. be unfortunate, unhappy, in distress/, /, /, /,73,74,33,34, defame, vilify, slander, ,73, vi. be displeased, have a malaise, , 44,46, ,5, vi.act.mid. set, decline, be on the wane, , , ,33,34, vt. give as a present, , , ,73,74, vt. bribe

, , , ,13,122, vt. enroll, register, , ,61, vt.dep. guarantee, , , ,143, irr, vt.act.def. raise, erect, waken, rouse,, vi.mid. get up/, , , /,158,133, irr, vt. install, vi. settle, establish oneself, , , ,35,36, inaugurate, , , /,9,10, vt. abandon, desert, , , ,73,74,75, vt. nationalize, ,, /, ,19,20, vt. specify, vi.mid. (with ) specialize in, , , ,73,74,75, vt. notify, inform, ,134, irr, vi.def. to be, /,19,17, vi. pacify, calm, make peace, live in peace, /,20, vi.dep. speak ironically, mock, , () - , (),135,136, irr, vt. insert, put in, introduce, import, , , ,27,28, cash, collect, receive, , , ,3,4, vt. show, manifest, , ,186,187, irr, vt. issue, publish, ,, , ,137,138, irr, vt. expose, put out in the open, vi. be exposed/compromised, , (-),165,166, irr, vt. take, interpret, construe, , , /, ,139,140, irr, vt. elect, /,9, vi. vanish, be hidden, , eclipse, /,20, vt.dep. exploit, operate, take advantage of, /,20, vt.dep. confide in, , , ,33,34, vt. irritate, annoy, , ,9,10, vt. emit, broadcast, ,141, irr, vi. decline in value/, , , (, ),27,198, irr, vt. astonish, surprise,adj.,n., ,42, vi. expire, die, , ,73,74, vt. sell, dispose of, , ,142, irr, vi.dep. explode, , n. explosion, , , ,188, vt. stretch, vi. extend, last, , , ,76,78, vt. execute, carry out, operate, perform, , , ,33,34, vt. clear through customs/, ,, , ,58,61, appreciate, estimate, esteem/, ,5,6, serve sentence, pay penalty, /, , 35,36, vt. express,, vi.mid. express onself, , , ,3,4, reduce, decrease,, vi.mid. diminish, , , /, /,31,32, vt. check, control, , , ,3,4, vt. (set) free,, vi.mid. give birth, , freedom, liberty, , , ,5,41, vt. attract, charm, /,33, vt.act. hope (for), expect vi., ,178, irr, vt. abide by, adhere to, /,20, vt.dep. trust, have confidence in, , -,25,212, irr, involve,, , , , 33,34, , , ,42,43, vt. inflate, inspire,, vi.mid. draw inspiration, conceive idea of, , , ,33,34, vt. impede, prevent, hinder, obstruct, prohibit, vt. cause, inspire, /, 20, , , ,33,34, vt. impregnate, imbue, , , ,33,34, vt. present, show, reveal,, vi.mid. appear, show up, emerge, come into view, manifest itself/, ,vi.impers. it is likely/possible, , , (),217,218, irr, vt.def. interest,(), vi.mid. be interested (in), , , ,73,74,75, vt. activate, /, ,73,74, vi.act. take steps, vi.mid. take place, , , ,3,4, vt. inform, update, , ,48,49, vt. encourage, , , ,35,36, vt. fill with enthusiasm,, vi.mid. am/become enthusiastic, , ,73,74, vt. mean, intend, expect, understand, , , , 35,36, for rent, , , ,73,74,75, vt. unify, , , ,73,74, vt. annoy, trouble, molest, pester, bother, , , ,73,74,75, vt. incriminate, , /, ,27,28, vt. place,, vi.mid. fit into, , , ,3,4, vt. remember, take note, , , ,35,36, vt. impress, , , ,3,4, vt. outrage,, vi.mid. go wild, , () - , (),135,136, irr, vt. export, smuggle out, extract, , () , (),80,81, stress, praise, , ,76,77, vt. except, exempt, exclude, leave off, ,73, vi. continue, , , ,3,4, vt. verify, ascertain, check up, find out, -,159, irr, vi.dep. revolt, protest, , , ,73,74, vt. use up, exhaust,, vi.mid. run out/, , , ,58,61, cheat, deceive,, , , ,3,4, vt. cash, , , ,60,61,59, vt. make dependent,, vi.mid. be dependent () upon, , , ,33,34, vt. secure, , , ,33,34, vt. obliterate, hide, spirit away, get rid of, wipe out, eliminate, kill off,, vi.mid. disappear, become extinct, , , ,3,4, vt. corrupt, deprave, /, , ,143,144, irr, vt. rouse,, vi.mid. revolt, be indignant, /, ,28, vi.dep. evolve, develop, unfold, , n. evolution, development, , , ,35,36, vt. examine, , , ,73,74, vt. explain, /, /, /,19,17,20, vt. destroy utterly, exterminate, wipe out, , , ,33,34, vt. banish, exile, ,35,36, vt. rule, master, , be one's own master,, vi.mid. be in charge, , , ,3,4, vt. exalt, extoll, elevate, raise, , , ,76,77, vt. praise, , , ,165,166, irr, vt. repeat, , ,73, vi. rebel, revolt, , revolution, , , ,172,188, irr, vt. extend, spread, /,145, irr, vt.act.semi. intervene, interfere, , ,36, vt.dep. process, work on,impers. it follows,, adj. next, , , ,35,36, vt. influence, , , ,146,147, irr, vt. impose, enforce/, , /,87,88, display, exhibit, show off, , , ,3,4, vt. make worse, , , 1,2,32, vt.dep.def. admit of, put up with, , ,186,187, irr, vt. hand over, present,, vi.mid. apply oneself, , , ,35,36, vt. (law) award, , , ,3,4, vt. repair, /,25, vt. seek, be ambitious of, aim at,, , , ,35,36, vt. approve of, , , ,73,74, subsidize/, ,71,68, vi. influence, have an effect on, ,73, vi. survive, /,vt. place/apply on top of, , epithet, adjective, /,73, vt. desire, wish for, , he missed her, , 160, irr,, ,78, vt.dep. invoke, appeal to, , , , 3,4,, ,vi.impers be imminent, , , ,3,4, vt. focus,, vi.mid. be focused ()on, , /, ,27,28, vt. reward, put a price on the head of, ,73, vi. () communicate, , , , ,60,61, vt. stick on, paste, ,73, vi. (+ gen) prevail agaonst, predominate, ,vi.dep.impers. threaten, be imminent, , ,172,2, irr, vt. criticize, censure, , ,73,74, vt. approve, applaud, , , ,3,4, vt. ratify, confirm, ,166, irr, vi.dep. (+ gen) broach (subject), address oneself to (task), , /, ,139,140, irr, vt. choose, select, , ,5,6, vt. resolve, , ,74, vt.dep. look after, care for, ,178, irr, vi. (+ ) insist, /,12, vt.dep. visit, , the visit, , , ,35,36, vt. repair, , ,13,210, irr, vt. return something, vi. return, , , ,172,188, irr, vt. intensify, , , ,76,78,, adv. finally, at last,20, vi.dep.def.mid. feign, affect, be skilled in, , ,73,74, vt. supervise, keep watch on, ,138, vt.dep. attack, assault, , attack, , , , ,60,61, vt. reprimand, , , (),9,180, irr, vt. permit/, /, , ,148,149, irr, vt. attain, achieve, manage, succeed, , (),36, vt.dep. work, function, , , ,33,34, vt. excite, inflame, irritate, stimulate, , , ,3,4, vt. demolish, destroy, ruin//, , ,58,61, research, , /, ,19,20, vt. explain, expound, interpret, play, sing,9, vi.def. crawl, /, /, (, ),150, irr, vi.dep. come, , ,18, vt.dep. fall in love (with), vi.dep.mid. fall in love, /, /,60,61, vt. ask, , , ,35,36, vt. focus, , , ,35,36, vt. prepare,, vi.mid. get ready, prepare oneself, , , ,73,74,75, vt. make aware, , sensitivity, , 73, vi. be gay, a litle drunk,49, vi.dep.def. be responsable, , 73, vi. have free time, , , 48,49, vt. simplify, make easy, facilitate/, , , , 73,74,58, vt. bless, consecrate, , , , 33,34, vt. emasculate, castrate, , , , 73,74, vt. favor, priviledge, encourage, , 4, dep. succeed, acomplish, 73, def. be rich, prosper, , , , 33,34, vt. make presentable, , , find, , , , 48,49, vt. enlarge-, -, vi.impers. hold, be valid, , ,73, vi.act.mid.ppp. prosper, be happy, , , 44,46, enjoy oneself, relax, , , ,73,74,59, vt. thank you,/, vi.mid. be pleased/content/happy, ,151, irr, vt.dep. wish, vi. be in common use, , , ,35,36, vt. fit, apply, put into effect, , the (software) application, /, , (),152,153, irr, vt. invent, contrive,19, vi.def. be on call, , ,35, vi.ppp. () rely (on), ,158, irr, vt.act. draw attention [to], , , ,35,36, vt. supply, ,18, vt.dep. hate, , enemy, ,154, irr, vt.def. have, possess

, , , ,33,34, vt. make dizzy,, vi.mid. feel dizzy, , , ,44,45, vt. heat, make hot, warm up,, vi.mid. i am hot, , , ,17,18, vt. yoke, harness, , ,17, vt.act. envy, be jealous of, , , ,3,4, vt. damage,, vi.mid. be harmed, take a loss/, , , (),58,59,73,74, vt. ask, seek, look for, search, , 35, vt. defeat, acclaim, , , , 33,34, vt. force, push, become difficult, , , ,66,67, vt. squeeze, , , , 66,67, vt. squeeze, , , , 44,45, vt. drive crazy, annoy, , , , 35,36, vt. annoy, drive crazy, , , ,35,35, vt. weigh, balance, , , ,33,34, vt. weigh,, vi.mid. fall in rank, , , ,3,4, vt. knead (dough),, vi.mid. ferment, ,73, vt.act. experience, do, vi. live, be alive, exist, , , ,33,34, to paint, draw

, ,19, vi. rule, prince, /,74, vi.gen. lead, be in command, , 34, dep. pleasure,73, vi. moralize, , , ,33,34, electrify, rouse to enthusiasm, , , ,17, vt. tame, cultivate, civilize, ,73, vt.act. calm down, vi.act.mid. be calm,!, calme-toi!, , ,35, vt.act. make quiet, calm, vi.act.mid.ppp. be/come calm, quiet, /, ,61, vi. be defeated, , , ,73,74, vt. record on disc or tape, ,73, vi. sound, ring, echo

, ,, /, ,7,155, ?, , , ,3,4, vt. amaze, blur, dazzle, dim, ,156, irr, vt. think, believe, , ,35,36, vt. admire, marvel, wonder, , ,157, irr, vt. want, wish, , , ,33,34, vt. harvest, , , ,44,46, vt. warm up, ,, , (),137,138, irr, vt. put, set, impose, submit, , , ,73,74, vt. consider, , /, ,21,22, vt. touch upon, offend/, ,79, vt.dep. remember, recall, , ,33, vt.act.ppp. remind, recall, , ,3, vt.act. make angry, vi.act.mid.ppp. be/become/get angry, , , ,35,36, vt. sacrifice

, , , ,5,6, vt. found, establish, , ,3, vi.act.mid.ppp. sweat, perspire, , , ,73,74,75, vt. satisfy, /,17,19, vt.act. beg, implore, supplicate, , , ,33,34, vt. balance an account, /,vi. stand, ,5, vt.act. have effect on, vi.act.mid. be valid

, , , ,33,34, vt. clean, , ,33, vt.act. seat, place, strand (ship), ,, - , ,158,159, irr, vt. make, appoint, set up, render, /, ,160, irr, vi.dep. be seated, sit down,!, , , ,33,34, vt. define, determine, set, fix, state precisely, , , ,33,34, vt. mirror, reflect,, vi.mid. look in the mirror, mirror oneself, , ,73, vt.act. delay, make late, vi.act.mid. be late, ,, , ,161,162, irr, vt. burn, shrivel, , , ,73,74,75, vt. ill-treat, rape, , , ,73,74, vt. farm, grow, cultivate, , /, ,11,12, vt. conceal, cover, , , ,76,78,163, irr, vt. call, summon, ,33, vt.act. welcome, , , ,33,34, vt. regulate, arrange, adjust/, /, - , ,164, irr, vt.act. do, make, , ,33, vt.act. smoke/, ,62,73, vi. wait patiently, , 3, vt.act. strangle, /, /, , 19,17,20, vt. season, spice, , , , 3,4, pingler, , , ,3,4, vt. nail, plunge, stab,, vi.mid. stick, , , /,146,147, irr, vt. exhaust, lay low, , , , 3,4, , , /, ,31,32,113, vt. spray, sprinkle, water the gardin, , , 33,34, vt. devour, , , , 33,34, vt. sink (in liquid), /, , ,85,85, irr, vt. charge, denounce, 121, vi.dep.mid.def. be busy, , ,vt. win,, 136, irr, vi.dep.mid. be descended from/, , /, 87,29,88,30, irr, vt. prove, demonstrate, , 32, vt. deign to accept, take notice of/, /, ,186,131,187,132, irr, vt. betray, , , ,35,36, vt. condemn, sentence, , /, , 25,26, vt. pursue, chase, persecute, /, /, , 19,17,20, vt. oppress, , 6, vi.dep. dive, ,73,74, vt.def. search for, hunt, want (for crime), /,, , , ,137,138, irr, vt. deposit, testify, ,33,160, vi. sink,, 160, irr, vi.dep., /, , , 161,162, irr,, vi.dep. lie down, , , , 33,34, vt. inundate, flood, vt. cut deeply or in many places vi.mid. get exhausted, make great efforts,, , , , 73,74, vt. withhold unlawfully, , , , 73,73, vt. butcher, vt. hurl down, demolish, /, ,172,2, irr, vt. censure, blame///, /, , ,58,59,61, vt. conquer, gain, win, , , , 3,4,vt. award, ,176, irr, vt. understand, ,35, vi.calm down, , , ,165,166, irr, vt. occupy, take, hijack, seize, ,21, vi. lead () to, end, conclude, , ending, conclusion, , , , 33,34, vt. impute, charge up, , , 5,6, abolish, be billeted, vt. wear out, use up, digest, vt. apportion, , , , 73,74, vt. measure, count, survey, , , , 35,36,/, , , ,3,4, vt. consume, spend, use up, , , ,125,126, irr, vt. divide up, allot, assign, vi. nod assent, , , , 60,61,, , ,73,74, vi.vt. fully understand/, 58, vi.act.mid. be reduced to, end up as, , , , 3,4, , , 17,18/, , , , 73,74,58, vt. trample on, violate, trespass, , 193, irr,, , 39, dep. start work on, take up, , , ,35,36, vt. oppress, , , ,167,2, irr, vt. swallow (up), , 141, irr, vi. fall, collapse, subside, decline, , , , 3,4, vt. flatten, squash, , 42, sail in, down (a river), , ,27,198, vt.irr. amaze, , , 21,199, irr, vt. stifle, suppress/, , , 58,61,59, vt. combat, , , 34, sink, founder, , , , 73,74, vt. tire out, exhaust, vi.mid. get exhausted, , , , 48,49,, , , , 73,74,, /, , , 73,74, vt. abolish, abrogate, , ,69, vt.dep. curse,, curse, , , , 3,4, vt. tear/wear to shreds, , 42, vi. crumble, collapse, , , 11,12, vt. fell, shoot down, demolish, beat record, , , , 33,34, vt. form, put together, prepare, , , ,35,36, vt. make, build, construct, vt. beat unmercifully, vi.mid. get tired, vt. tear to pieces, , , , vi. (sediment) settles, reach a decision, vt. repress, curb, vt. get around the law, /, , /13,210, irr, vt. destroy, ruin,, , , , ,168,169, irr, vt. sequestrate, confiscate, vt. classify, vi.mid. enlist, vt. direct, , vi. get one's bearings, vt. persecute, vt. wear down, vi.mid. waste one's time, vt. rout, vt. torment,vi. bivouac, ,226, irr, vt.act. accomplish, manage, persuade, beat, succeed, , ,218, irr, vt. inflict, land/deal/strike a blow,, vi.mid. speak against, attack, ,228, irr, vi. take refuge in, ,1, vi. arrive unexpectedly, catch up with, , , /,73,74, vt. disdain, scorn, ,33, vt. smack, ,72, vt.dep. abuse, embezzle, , , ,35,36, vt. swallow up, hide away/, , , ,33,34, vt. enter, , , ,33,34, vt. vote against, /, , /,31,32, vt. refrigerate, , ,35, bring/carry/take/let down, , /, (, ), ,92, irr, vt.semi. descend, go down, , , ,33,34, vt. demolish building, , ,36, vt.dep. work, fashion, plot, ,irr, vt.dep.log. descend, come down, , 3, /, ,48,49, vt. direct, turn, orient, point, lead, vi. turn, go, head for, , , ,35,36, vt. appease, calm, assuage, ,154, irr, vt. have, hold, occupy, know,, possession, , , ,73,74,58, vt. accuse, blame, ,33, vi. go downhill, , , ,73,74, vt. catechize, initiate, admonish, , , ,73,74, vt. dwell, live,, catacombs, We live (underground), , /, , , ,58,59, vt. embroider, , , ,33,232, irr, vt. win/, , , ,68,69, vt.acc.acc. offer, invite, treat, stand, buy/, /, //, /,27,28, vt. preach, herald, proclaim, announce, ,17, vt.act. endanger, risk, (vi.act.mid. be in danger, threatened - no mp), , , ,73,74, vt. film, , , ,73,74,75 vt. mobilize,mobility/, , ,73,58,74, vt. move,movement, , ,33, vi.act.mid.ppp. turn yellow, , , ,17,18, vt. prune, cut back, ,, , ,161,170, irr, vi.ppp. cry, weep, vi.mid. grumble, mumble, moan, complain, /, ,53, vi.act.mid.ppp. burst, give way/, , /, /,7,8,171, irr, vt. steal, , , ,3,4, vt. lock, vi. lock,, vi.mid. lock oneslf away/, , , /,1,39, vt. shut, close/, , , ,73,74,58,59, vt. inherit, , , ,3,4, draw, choose by lot,, vi.mid. be drawn, , , ,172,2, irr, vi. vt. lean, decline//, /,58, vt.act. kick, vi.act. recoil (of a gun), , , ,7,171, irr, vt. cut/, , ,79, vi.dep. sleep, , ,33, vt.act.ppp. put someone to sleep, , , ,73,74,75, vt. communicate, present, notify/, , 58, , , , 73,74,75//, , , ,23,24,64,65, vi. look at/, , , ,58,59, vt. glue, stick together/, ,58, vi. swim, ,17, vi. draw near, approach, /,53, vi. honk (my horn), ,17, vt.act. mock, make fun of, /,53, vt.act. court, flirt with, ,4, vi.dep. reach culmination, ,3, vt.act. heat, inflame, vi.act.mid. get hot, inflamed, , , ,33,34, vt. sift, ,73, vt.act. decorate, adorn, ,33, vi. cost/, , , ,58,59, vt. carry, bring,, vi.mid. turn up uninvited, , , ,35,36, talk, , , ,3,4, vt. button,, vi.mid. be stand-offish/, , , ,58,59, vt. displace, move, set in motion, stir,, vi.mid. hurry up, , , ,35,36, vt. tire,, vi.mid. get tired/, /, /, /,33,34, vt. wind up, tune/, ,, , ,58,59, vt. hold, tener//, , , ,68,69, vt. hang, suspend,, vi.mid. hang on ( to), hang ( from), hang oneself,, 2, vi.dep.def. be hanging, , , ,172,2, irr, vt. judge, , ,55,54, vt. criticize, judge, , , ,40,41, vt. strike, knock on, ring bell, play instrument, , , ,7,8, vt. hide,, vi.mid. hide myself, , ,73, vi.act.mid. catch a cold, , ,3, vt.act. chill, cool, vi.act.mid.ppp. be cold, mir ist kalt/, , , ,58,59, govern, rule/, ,, , ,58,173, irr, roll over/along, ,46, vi.dep. fluctuate, vary,33, vt.def. wave, flap, vi.def. fly, , wave, , wavelength,/, heat wave/, , , ,58,59, vt. chase, hunt, ,, ,73,74, vt. dominate, /, /, ,19,17,20, conquer, seize

/, , (-), (),165,166,176, irr, vt. take, receive, get, accept,1, vi.def. to row, ,9, vi. glitter, shine, , ,176, irr, vi.ppp. be latent, vi.ppp be mistaken, , , ,17,18, vt. adore, worship, love, ,176, irr, vt. meet by chance, vi. befall, , ,35, vi. gasp, pant, ,vi.dep.mid. be insufficent, lacking, /,9, vi.(+gen) lack, be absent, miss/, , , ,58,59,73,74, vt. function, work,/, vi.mid. go to church, ,47, vi. lose weight, become thin/, , , (, /),, , ,174,175, irr, vt. say, tell, ,21, vi. terminate, expire, end/, , , ,73,74,58,59, vt. forget,, vi.mid. be forgetful, , n. forgetfulness/, , ,58, vi.ppp. faint, , ,1, vi.act.mid.ppp. melt, , , ,35,36, vt. count, calculate, , ,18, vi.dep. think sensibly, become sensible, come to one's senses, (reason), , , ,35,36, vt. wash, ablute, bathe, give a bath,, vi.mid. bathe, take a bath/, ,, ,33,70,173, irr, bend,, vi.mid.def. sway, , , ,1,2, vt. solve, untie, ,/, , ,73,79, vt. sadden, distress, vi.mid. be sorry

, , , ,33,34, vt. pollute, make dirty, , , ,17,18, vt. cook, plot, , , ,17,18, vt. bewitch, fascinate, , , , 3,4, , , ,33,34, vt. magnetize, , , , 73,74,, , , , 73,74/, , , ,58,59, pluck, moult, shed hair, , , ,17,18, vt. gather, collect, , , ,29,30, vt. gather, collect, , (), -, ,176,18, irr, vt.act. teach, learn, /,17,19, vi. be a learner or apprentice,33, vi. ape, imitate, , 55, ,46, vi.dep. rage, ,33, vt. envy, ,47, vt.act. lengthen, make longer, vi.act.mid. grow, get longer, drag on, , ,3, vt.act. soften, , ,3, vt.act. quarrel, reprimand, vi., ,17, vt.act. guess, divine, prophesy, predict, vi.act.mid. guess/, , - ,58,73, vt.act. bear witness to, betray/, , , ,58,59, vt. chew/, , ,3, vt.act, stain with blood, vi. bleed, , ,33, vt.act. blacken, tan, vi.ppp. get dark,32, vt.dep.def. fight, struggle, , , ,73,74,75, vt. exaggerate, , ,3, vt.act. increase, raise (a child), vi.mid. grow up, become taller (bigger, greater)/, , ,177, irr, vt.act. make drunk, vi.ppp. become drunk,mix, , , ,3,4, vt. cut, reduce, lower, diminish, decrease///, , , ,58,59,61, vt. study, investigate-,def.impers. be about/destined to, have the intention, want,, , ,178, irr, vi.act.mid. stay, remain, vi. go, proceed, , ,146,147, irr, vt. change, alter, , /, ,13,122, irr, vt. transcribe, /, , ,186,187, irr, vt. transmit, , , ,137,138, irr, vt. shift, transfer, postpone, , , ,73,74, vt. move, transfer, ,33, vt.act. transport, vi.act.mid. change one's residence/, ,200, vi. receive holy communion, , 19, carry the torch of, diffuse, , , 74, vi.dep.mid. be repentant, , , , 3,4, vt. transform, , /, , 19,20, vt. transplant, , , , 35,36, vt. disguise, vi. disguise oneself, /,19,17, vi. emigrate, migrate, , ,3, vi. change one's mind (about sth), , ,73, vi.act.mid. change one's mind, repent, , , ,73,74,75, vt. refashion, change style or shape of, /, , ,217,218, irr, vt. transport, transfer, translate, adapt, transpose, carry, send, /, , ,35,36, vt. translate, , ,34, use, treat, behave to, (),190, irr, vi. + take part in, partake of, participate/, , , ,58,59, vt. count, measure, , , , 35,36, vt. temper, correct, moderate, attenuate, become mild, , , , 33,34, vt. complete, zero, annul/, ,177, irr, vi. send a message, inform, , /,5,6, vt. lodge a complaint against, summons, , 35, vt. cows ruminate, chew?, , 18, vt.dep. machinate, intrigue, , , , 73,74, , 73, vt.def. automate, computerize, manage, , , , 44,46, vt. make dirty/, , 47, vt. rejuvinate, diminish, vi. get shorter, , , ,58,59, vt. speak, talk, ,74, vt.dep. imitate, copy, , , ,73,74, vt. hate, ,35, vt.act. resemble, look alike, , , ,35,36, vt. divide, distribute, give, hand out,, vt.mid. share, split, be torn between ( ), , , ,48,49, vt. contaminate, defile, infect, pollute, taint, , , ,3,4, vt. educate,, vi.mid. get an education/, ,33,70, vt.act. murmur, vi. murmur, , ,35, vt.act. put in, take in, , , , (/, ), ,179, irr, vi. come/go in, enter, , , ,17,18, vt. confuse, entangle, mix up, perplex, tangle,, vi.mid. get caught, involved, , , ,25,26, vt. tangle, confuse, vi.act. get involved,, vi.mid. be crossed, get involved, get caught, , ,76, vi. be able, can, , , , 55,54, /, , ,3, vt. stuff, take, fill up, vi. be full, be blocked, stall, , ,35, vt. shoot sb, v.impers. it's thundering,, , , , 3,4, , 58, no -, , , 33, vi.act.mid.ppp. be full, be fed up with, 36, , , ,33,34, vt. smell,, vi.mid. smell, , , , 3,4, , , , 73,74, , , 44,45, 33

, , ,73, vi. become shipwrecked, , ,35, vt.act. make or become exasperated. neurotic/, ,, , ,58,59, vt. defeat, win,, , veni, vidi, vici/, ,37, vt.act. feel, sense, be aware of, realize, understand, sympathize with, , ,36, vi.impers. look after, care about, !, i don't mind,, vi.mid. be concerned, , , ,35,36, vt. let, rent, hire, ,33, vt.act. think, consider, opinion, , , ,73,74,75, vt. legalize, legitimize, , understand, think, ,180, irr, vi.dep. be ashamed, be bashful, , , ,35,36, vt. humiliate, dishonor, , , ,1,2, vt. dress,, vi.mid. get dressed, , ,23, vi.act.mid.ppp. feel sleepy

, , , ,44,181, irr, comb (wool), braide (hair), //,110,111, irr, vt.act. see again,vi.mid.def. see each other again, , , ,21,22, vt. make/become lighter/brighter,, vi.mid. go out on a limb, put out to sea, , , ,3,4, vt. lie (something) down, spread out, stretch,, vi.mid. lie (oneself) down, , , ,208, irr, dispatch, send packing, , , ,35,36, take by surprise, scare, startle,, vi.mid. be surprised, , , ,13,14, vi. discolor,, vi.mid. remove one's make-up, , , ,108,182, irr, rinse, get rid off, , , ,3,4, vt. unfold, unfurl, reveal/, , ,58, vi. set off, start out, vt.act. start, , , 35,35, rest., vi.mid. relax, ,178, irr, vi. be stranded, ,25, vi.act. untangle/, , ,35, vi.mid.ppp. become free from care, , , ,1,2, vt. undress,, vi.mid. get undressed/, , ,58, vt.act. keep awake (vi. stay awake) all night, , , ,195,196, irr, vt. rinse,, vi.mid. wash onself down, , , ,3,4, vt. repay, pay off/, , (, ), 68,(69) vt.vt. vomit, , 31, vi. dry cough, , 167, vi. swallow one's saliva, , 35, vi. poireauter, , , , 1,2, vt. cook well done, imperf. , (),217, irr, vt.def. know, be acquainted with, , , ,21,22, vt. unfold, unroll, unwind, unwrap, ,228, vi. escape/, , , ,68,69, vt. forget, , , ,3,4, pay off debt, complete payment/, ,2, vi. pour forth, overflow, , , ,33,34, vt. separate, distinguish, differentiate, vi.act. be visible, , , ,33,34, vt. research, investigate/, , ,58, vi. feel ardent desire, , , ,3,4, take apart, unmake, , ,vi.impers. day breaks,, 4, vi.mid. be late, stay up till morning, , , ,17,18, vt. spend, consume, , /, 1,39,2, vt. scratch, scrape, sharpen/, , (, -, -),58, vi. wake up, rouse, ,183, irr, dep. barefoot?, , , ,33,34, vt. shave,, vi.mid. get a shave, have a shave

, , , 4, dep., ,19, vi. go, proceed/, , , ,58,73,74, vt. guide, lead, drive, 73, vi.def. journey,144, irr, vi.dep.def. lament, wail, ,74,75, vt.dep. appropriate, , , , 73,74, vt. build/, , , , 58,59, vt. save, husband, find, get hold of, make ends meet, 143, pity/, /, /, /, 35,36, , 73, , 50, vi. slip, , , ,3,4, vt. complete, finish, consummate, integrate (math)/,73,74, vi.def. speak, , , ,73,74, confess, admit, ,47, vt. embellish, make vi. become beautiful, , , , 33,34, , ,18, vt.dep. dream of, vi.dep. dream, ,73, vt. dream of, vi. daydream, , , ,35,36, vt. name, call, , 33, , , , 3,4, oxydize, , , 4, vt.dep. oxygenate, , , ,3,4, vt. organize,, vi.mid. get organized, become a signed-up member, , , ,33,34, vt. limit, define, , , ,33,34, vt. put under oath, swear in,, vi.mid. swear, promise/, /,58,66, vi. dash, rush, , ,184, irr, vt.def. owe, vi. must, be due/owed, , , ,3,4, vt. fortify,, vi.mid. occupy strong defensive position, arm oneself with excuse or pretext

, /, , ,17,19,18, entrap, trap, , ,3, vt.act. freeze, vi.act.mid.ppp. be frozen, ,176, irr, vt.act. suffer, sustain, vi.act.mid. be moved, , , , ,23,24, vt. play, , , , , ,185,119, irr, take, carry off, get, receive, accept, ,17, vi. wrestle, struggle with,233,234, irr, vt.def.def. vibrate,, , , ,17,18, vt. marry, match,, vi.mid. get married, , ,145, irr, vt.act. break, disobey, infringe, transgress, violate/, /, , ,85,86,208, irr, order, command, , , become to excess, go too far, , ,135,136, irr, vt. yield, produce,, vi. be derived, , , ,33,34,, ,120, def., /, (),32, vt.dep. acknowledge, admit/, /, , ,186,187,131,132, irr, vt. surrender, give up, hand over, ,be exceedingly, too much, , 33,, , ,137,138, irr, juxtapose, compare, cite, quote, offer, serve, , , 74,/, ,76,78,62, vt.act. ask, request, je vous prie, ..., , , 11,12, , 164, irr, , , , 73,74,, /, ,35, vi.act.mid.ppp. decline, , ,73,74,58,59, vt. watch, surveille, follow, attend, vi., ,83, vt.act. vi. misunderstand, disobey/, , , , 58,73,74,, , , 5,6/, , ,165,166, irr, vt. receive, , /,9,10, omit, leave out, neglect, /, ,5, vt. paralyse, vi.ppp. become shaky, profligate, ,178, irr, vi. linger, remain, stay, , ,73,74, vt. misinterpet/, ,58, vi. stagger, totter, take a false step, , , , 73,74,75, vt. distort/, , ,63,77, vi.dep. complain, , , ,35,36, vt. prepare, /, , , ,58,59, vt. abandon, stop, quit, drop, dump, , , ,172,188, irr, vt. prolong, extend, , , ,73,74, vt. observe, remark, ,189, irr, vi.act. intrude oneself, /,96, irr, vi. march past, parade, pass through, , ,214, irr, vi. pass, , past, , , , , ,190,191, irr, vt. afford, provide, occasion, cause, , ,159, irr, vi. be present, attend, assist, participate,, def./, /, ,104,89,50, irr, vt. represent, depict, perform, pretend to be, /, ,53, vt.act. park, , , ,35,36, vt. present, display, exhibit,, vi.mid. appear, make an appearance, present myself, (),31, vi.act.def.mid. stand, tolerate, bear, (suffer)/, , , ,58,59, tread on, set foot, /, /,17,19,20, vt. pause, stop, relieve someone of one's duties, fire, vi. stop, , , , (, ),192, irr, vi. go/, vt., , ,44, vi.ppp. die, vt.act. kill, , , ,37,38, persuade/, , ,68, vi.act.mid.ppp. be hungry, , , ,23,24, vt. vex,, impers. to matter,, vi.mid. be irritated, , , send, vt. finish, vi.dep. fart, break wind, vt. pour liquid over, drench, , vt. seize, abuse, vi. brag, , , /,146,147, irr, vt. surround, clothe, , environment, , attire, dress, vt. mock, cheat, , /, ,13,122, irr, vt. describe, vi. stroll, vt. scrutinize, ,214, irr, vi.dep. travel through, , ,190,191, irr, vt.def.def. include, contain, region, area, district, contents, vt.dep. travel through, tour, vt. tend, care for, vt. enclose, contain, vt. curtail, vt. encircle/, /, /,165,166,200, irr, vt. contain, hold, include, , , ,35,36, vt. shower, , ,17,18, vt. pick up, (),178, irr, vt. await, , 19,vi. tour, , , ,33,34, vt. confine, restrict, ,23, vt.act. mock, dupe,vt. fall into hands, , case, circumstance//, , ,59,61, vi.dep. wander, roam, , /, , 25,26,212, vt. interlace, entangle, complicate, , 42, vt. sail/, , ,75, vt.dep. look after, ich kmmere mich um ..., ,, ,72, vt.dep. distract (attention), ,17, vi. be left over,, vt. restrict, check, curb, vt. surround, , , ,13,210, irr, vt. rotate, vt. pick up, harbor, rescue, vt. preserve, rescue, vt. build a wall around, vt. encircle, go around, court/, , , , 21,22,, , 217,218, (def. ), , , ,23,24, vt. periprhase, summarize, , , ,73,74,59, vt. despise, disdain, , , ,1,2, vt. splash, pour over/, , , ,68,69, vt. pierce, thread, cross, go through, vi. blow over, pass through, drop by, vt. pierce/, , ,58, vi.mid.ppp. walk/, , , /,64,65,22. vt. throw, let drop, toss, waste, vi. fly,/, vi.mid. hurry, vt. petrify, , ,193, irr, vi.ppp. fall, , i dropped the book, ,35, vi. rise, spring, stem from/, /, ,58,66,67, jump, leap, vt. curdle, thicken, vi. run, , , 1,39, vt. catch, clutch, grasp, seize, take hold of,, vi.mid. catch on, get the idea, get caught, get stiff, hold on, quarrel with, , , /,35,36, vt. press, squeeze, make or become bitter, , vi.mid. be grieved, vi. taste bitter, , , ,194,2, irr, drink,, def., ,17,18, vt.act. believe, think,, impers. man glaubt, it is believed, , , ,37,38, vt. shape, form, create//, ,59,61, vt. mislead, vi.mid. wander, be mistaken, , , ,25,26, vt. knit/, , , ,195,196, irr, vt. wash,, vi.mid. wash (oneself), , ,42, vi. float, sail, , , ,3,4, vt. wound, hurt, offend, ,47, vt.act. multiply, vi.act. increase, , , ,73,74, vt. inform, ,197,130, irr, vt.def. fill, fulfil, , , ,3,4, vt. pay for, ,35, vt.act. approach, vi. get near,, vi.mid. approach, , ,27,198, irr, vt. strike, wound, afflict,, vi.mid. be bored, ,42, vt.act. blow, vi.mid. breathe one's last, , , ,21,199, irr, vt. drown, suffocate, choke, strangle, , ,233, irr, vt.act. vary, vi.act.mid.ppp. be diverse, varied, , diversity, assortment/, , , make, do/, , ,58,59, vt. fight, , , ,73,74, vt. besiege, , , ,35,36, vt. multiply, , , ,3,4, vt. polarize/, , , ,62, vt.act. hurt smbdy, be attracted to, care for, vi.act.mid.ppp.mid. hurt, feel pain, , , ,33,34, vt. water, irrigate, vi. steep in water, saturate/, ,, , ,58,59, vt. sell, , , ,73,74,75, vt. realize, carry out, fulfill, , , ,27, vt.act. do,thing,deed, ,irr, vi.impers.def. it is necessary, must, , , ,23,34, irr, vt. swell, inflate,, vi.mid. pester, , , , 73,74, vt. subsidize, favor, , , ,33,34, vt. cut with a saw ( ), , (), , 135,136, irr, vt. advance, promote, facilitate, , 82, irr, vt.dep. know in advance, 14, vi.dep.def.pres. + prepare oneself for, /, , , 85,86, irr, vt. announce in advance, predict, /, /, 217,218, irr, vt. mention in advance, , 33, vt. defend, (-), ( ),145, irr, vi. advance, /, , ,146,147, irr, vt. stick out, highlight, project, extend, cast (shadow), offer (resistance), show (film), raise (objection), vi. appear,, vi.mid. sell oneself, /,53, vt.act. try on clothes, rehearse, , , , 33,34, , /, , /, , , ,137,138, irr,/, , , ,186,187,131,132, irr, vt. betray, , betrayal, , , ,73,74,75, vt. forewarn, notify in advance, ,74, vi.dep.gen. precede, come first,adj. previous, , vi.gen.dep. be at the head of, , ,73,163, irr, vt. challenge, provoke, , ,166, irr, vt.act. occupy in advance, prepare, bias, spin, ,vi.impers. it is a matter of, has to do with/, , ,165,166,200, irr, vt. avert, prevent, anticipate, forestall, wait (for the bus), , before he could ask, /, ,19,17, vi.ppp. progress, , , ,35,36, vt. fit, fix, adapt, adjust, , , ,60,61, vt. annex, , , ,104,105, irr, vt. increase even more, /, , /,146,147, irr, vt. insult, offend, affront, attack, , insult, attack, ,9, vt.act, expect, count on, , , ,3,4, vt. land (a plane), , , /,1,2, vt. attach, , ,186,187, irr, vt. lend, impart, , , ,33,34, vt. determine, fix, ascertain, ,60,61, vt.def.def. hope for, expect, , ,33,34, vt. bring near, approach, draw near, approximate, vi. approach, , ,5,41, vt. attract attention, ,214, irr, vi.dep. present oneself, ,34, vt.dep. join forces, associate, ,151, vt. pray, , ,31, vt.act. observe, pay attention to, mind, care for, look after, vi.act.mid.ppp. be careful, , , ,33,34, vt. proselytize, convert, , , ,3,4, vt. nail, fix, , , , 3,4, ,, ,137,138, irr, vt. add, , (process of) addition, , thing added, , , /,76,163, vt. invite, call, summon, cause, effect,159, vi.dep.def.log. be near, sympathize with,, adjacent, , ,61, vt.dep. adhere, be fixed/attached, , ,33,34, vt. bring forward, produce, ,40, vi. collide/, , ,58, vt.act. worship, pay respects to, , ,165,166, irr, vt. employ, engage, assume, (impf. ),178, irr, vt.act.def. wait/hope for, , ,33,34, vi. put into port, ,73, vt.act. make an attempt, vi. try,/, ,68, vt.act. overtake, overcome, out distance, pass, , , ,17,18, vt. protect, ,vt. make vulgar, vi. become vulgar, , /, ,13,122, vt. countersign, approve, /, /,217,218, irr, vt. offer,, vi.mid. offer one's services, be suitable for, ,228, irr, vi. (+), resort to, ,73, vt. address, salute, , , ,35,36, draft, plan, prepare in advance, ,73, vi. (+) adhere to, , , ,73,74,75, vt. personify, /, /,27,28, put ahead, preceed, appose, , , ,172,188, irr, vt. propose, suggest/, , ,58,59,61, vt. prefer-, -, def., , , ,52, vt.act. anticipate, forestall, catch up with, vi. be or act in time/, ,/, /, ,27,231,28,22, irr, protect (oneself)/, , ,58,73, vi.act.mid.ppp. proceed, progress, move forward, , , ,3,4, vt. make red hot or warm, , ,73,74, vt. sell,, for sale

, , 33, vt.act. beat with a stick, , , ,7,8, vt. sew/, /, /, 33, crack, , 73, vi. intrigue against, , 44, vt.act. sprinkle, , 33, vt.act. peck, , , , 33,34, vt. sprinkle, shower, , 33, vt.act. slap the face of, , , , 55,54, vt. refine/, /, 7, vi. decay, melt, , , 55, vt. regulate, , , , 17,18, vt. ridicule, humiliate, , , , 35,36, hem (a dress), , 35,, 9, vt. incline, , , 55, vt. retouch (a photo), ,18, vi. burp. belch, , , , 73,74,75, vt. liquify (a gas), , 55, vi. (se) refaire, remake, catch up (in a game), ,42, vi. flow, , current, , ,23, vt.act. ruin, devastate, vi.act.mid.ppp. fall into ruin, neglect/, ,58, vt.act. rule, make lines, , ,3, vt.act. rule, make lines, , , ,3, vt. root, fix, ,55, vt.act. risk, , , ,29,30, vt. throw, cast, drop, pour, sprinkle, knock/pull down, cheat, post a letter, /,17,19, vt.act. risk, vi.act. take risks/, , , ,66,67, vt. sip, suck, gulp, slurp, swallow, absorb, kiss passionately, ,33, vi. snore, , , ,33,34, vt. regulate, arrange, configure, set up, , , , 73,74, vt. tow, lead by the nose, , , 44,46, vt. make dirty/, ,, ,58,59, vt. ask

, , ,33, vi.act.mid.ppp. rot, spoil, , , ,33,34, vt. soap, , , ,33,34, vt. satirize, , , ,1,39, vi.vt. extinguish, quench, put out, ,201, irr, vt.dep. respect, , ,40,41,202,203, irr, vt. shake,/, vi.mid. sway//, /, , ,56,57,34, vt. serve, , , ,204,205, irr, vt. draw, pull, drag, , , ,3,4, vt. stand/stood up, lift up,, vi.mid. get up,!, stand up!, , ,44, vt. mean, signify, vi.act.mid.ppp. matter, be important, , , ,3,4, vt. mark, note,, -, impers. there is/are, , , ,3,4, vt. iron, , ,45, vt.dep.mid.ppp. hate, be sick of, ,60, vi.act.mid. be/remain silent, , , ,7,8, vt. dig, carve, hollow out/, , , ,35,206, irr, vt.act. burst, vex, exasperate, be the death of, vi.act.mid.ppp. be chapped, burst open,!shut up!, , , ,35,36, vt. cover, protect, roof, screen/, //, (),16,12, vt.dep. think, vi.dep., , , ,73,74, vt. stage, , , ,73,74, vt. sketch, , , ,35,36, vt. shade, cast a shadow over, , , ,23,24, vt. frighten,, vi.mid. be scared/frightened, 73, def./, /, /, /,33,34, vt. tear/, ,47, vt.act. harden, ,19, vt.act. vi. aim, intend/, , , ,33,34,70,173, vt. scatter,/, , , ,33,34, vt. darken, , , 3,4, vt. kill,, vi.pass. be killed, vi.mid. kill oneself, suicide, ,23, vi. howl, , , 35/, /, (), (),58,66,(67), vt. prod, push, shove, , 58, , , 35, , , ,33,34, vt. sweep, vacum, clean, wipe, dry, , broom, , ,7, vi.ppp. bend down, stoop over, /, , , 53,54, /, , , 53,54, /, 53, , 55//, , , , ,35,36,206, irr, vt. break, smash, rack, pain-in-the-ass, (adj. -, -), handicapped, spastic, spasmodic/, , , ,58,59, vt. waste/, , , ,120,119, irr, vt. sow, , 55, , ,128, irr, vi. hasten, hurry, rush into, ,23, vt.act. drip, leak/, , ,58, vt.act. stop, , ,3, vt.act. dry, vi.act.mid.ppp. dry oneself/, ,207, irr, vi.dep.semi. stand up/still,station,!stand still! stop! detente!, , , , 3,4, executive/, , , ,208,209, irr, vt. send, ,23, vi. lament, sigh, groan, , ,17, vt. take in, be too tight for, vi. be narrow//, //, //, /,73,76,62,59,63,74, vt. upset,, vi.mid. be upset, get upset, , 21, , , , 73,74,75, make firm, , 17, vt. dry (up), , , ,3,4, vt. fasten, make firm, make stable, fix, prop up, cement, , , 3, , , ,73,74, vt. deprive sb of sth,, vi.mid. miss, lack, want for, do without, , , ,3,4, vt. crown, vi. be the best man,, vi.mid. get married, , , , 13,14, , /, 19,20, pillar, , , ,1,2, vt. stand/set upright, , /, ,23,24, vt. prop, support, vi. lean for support, be based or grounded on,, vi.mid. rely on, , , ,33,34, spot, condemn, mark, tarnish, , , , 3,4, , 73, versify, , , ,23,24, to pile up, put in a pile,, vi.mid. cram, ,33, vt.act. bet, vi. bet, , bet, ,33, vt.act. cost, upset, line up, , line, vi. cost (alot),, vi.mid. get in line, , , ,33,34, vt. adorn, embellish, trim,, vi.mid. dress up, , , ,13,210, irr, vt. turn, vi.mid. turn oneself around, do an about face, , , ,7,8, turn, twist, twirl, spin,..., , , ,squeeze, squash in crowd, press hard, , , ,3,4, vt. spread, cover, tile, pave, tidy, vi. fit, lie flat, settle down, run smoothly,, vi.mid. install oneself, , , ,7,8, vt. squeeze, press, wring, drain, bleed dry, , , ,13,122, irr, vt. write, author, , , ,11,12, vt. conceal, hush up, , , ,172,2, irr, vt. compare, ,211, irr, vt.semi. congratulate, , , ,5,6, vt.dep.dep.* confound, confuse/, /, /, /,73,58,76,62,74,59,77,63, vt. forgive/, ,/, , ,58,59,74, discuss, talk about,73, vi.def. live together,, spouse, , , ,73,74, vt. calumniate, slander, , , ,33,34, vt. spell, read with difficulty, , (-),165,166, irr, vt. catch, seize, apprehend, arrest, capture, conceive a child, , /, ,139,140, irr, collect, gather, pick/, , , 34,173, irr, vt. think about, consider, vi. think, , 74, send condolence, , , , 73,74, ,33, vt. keep up with- , -/-, ,145, irr, vi.semi.impers. happen, occur, , , ,146,147, irr, vt. contribute to, , , ,35,36, vt. reconcile,, vi.mid. compromise, be reconciled with, ,3, coexist, , , ,33,34, vt. symbolize, , ,17,18, vt. advise,, vt.mid. consult, , , ,17,18, vt. pick up, get together, tidy up, put in order, restrain, curb, vi., ,73, ally, ,34, vt.dep. sympathize with, share, (), ( ),190, irr, vi. + participate, take part, join in, , , ,3,4, vt. bring into line, improve, knock into shape, smarten up,, vi.mid. tidy oneself up, comply with, ,73, like, feel for, ,207, irr, vt.dep. support, assist,, , 217, irr, , 31, , 35, ,44, vt. conclude, infer, suppose,, impers., , ,165,166, irr, vt. include, ,218, irr, vi. behave, , , ,35,36, vt. compress, ,141, irr, vi. coincide, converge, befall, so happen, , coincidence, , (/) - , (),25,212, irr, vt. assemble, combine, interlace, , clutch, , assembly,, vi.mid. clash, come to blows, , affray, clash, ,42, sail together, , , ,3,4, vt. complete, finish off, complement, , , ,27,28, vt. shorten, abbreviate, vi. fall back (of troops), ,vi.impers. it is to ones advantage, it pays, , , ,3,4, vt. reconcile,, vi.mid. become reconciled with, , , ,73,74, vt. agree, ,34, vt.dep.def. fight together, compete with/, ,/, ,58,59,61, vt. to meet, vi. be found (of quotations), /, /, ,213,12, irr, vt. append, contract, conclude, join (hands, battle), /, , /,5,6, vt. connect,, vi.mid. have a relation, , , ,35,36, vt. join, match, combine, , , ,73,74,75, vt. realize, become aware of, , contribute, , vt. carry away, overwhelm, ,214, irr, vi.dep. come together, reunite, recover, come to one's senses, ,226, irr, vt. revive, bring to, vi.act.mid. come to, , ,33,34, continue, , ,33, vt.act. get used to, be in the habit of, vi.act.mid.ppp. become accustomed, /, ,137,138, irr, vt. compose,vi.mid. be the synthesis, , composition, , treaty, , 73, vi. capitulate, surrender, , , /, 7,216, irr, vt. crush, destroy, ,133, irr, vi.dep.def. (+) consist of, be composed of, , the mixture consists of three elements/, /,, /, ,158,61,133, irr, vt. constitute, establish, institute, set up, found, , to establish a company, introduce, advise, recommend, , , ,17,18, vt. accompany, escort, , /, /,27,28, vt. write up, draft, line up, arrange, constitution, editorial staff, , , ,33,34, vt. to tune together, coordinate, /, (aor.subj. ),215, irr, vt.act. aid, meet, contribute, lat. concurro, , , ,7,216, irr, vt. crush, smash, ,73, vi. plot, conspire, , against the state, ,42, vi. throng, flock, , , ,217,218, irr, vt. draw, pull, drag, , , ,35,36, vt. pack, box, put up/away, , , , vt. accumulate, , , ,85,91, contract, feel hesitant or shy, , , ,1,2, vt. introduce -> ,35, vi.def. (+ ) frequent, be a regular (customer) of, , , ,23,24, vt. slaughter, , ,233, irr, vi.act.mid.ppp. be mistaken, make a misake, , mistake, ,34, vt.dep. embezzle, , , ,3,4, vt. wedge, vi. be jammed, stuck,, vi.mid. get stuck, , , ,21,22, vt. squeeze, tighten, pinch, vi., vi.mid. strain, try hard, , , ,33,34, vt. wipe/, , ,23,24,70, vt. whistle, whisper, hiss (at), vi., , , ,35,36, draw, sketch, design, , plan, drawing, , , ,33,34, connect, associate, compare, relate,, vi.mid. be or get acquainted, , , ,33,34, vt. form, shape, , design, figure, , , ,73,74,75, formalize, design//, /,68, vi. not be at work, be on vacation, stop work, vi. let out of school, dismiss from job, fire, , , ,35,36, vt. comment on, criticize, annotate, edit/, , , ,3,4, vt. save,, vi.mid. escape, save myself, survive, , , /,3,4, vt. save, preserve, be enough, reach (with hands),, vi.mid. use up, run out, ,52, vi.act.mid. be silent, quiet,!, , /, , 19,20,, , , ,35,36, vi. collapse, , , ,33,34, vt. bring to reason, correct, reform

, , ,33, vi.act.mid.ppp. rot, go rancid, ,23, vt. vow, promise, vi.act.mid. make a vow, , , ,33,34, vt. feed, , ,17, vt.act. transport, vi.act.mid.ppp. travel, ,, //, /,28, vt. place, marshall, array, , , ,172, irr, vt. stretch, strain, vi. tend, lead to, be aimed at, /, ,3, vt.act. end, give up, finish, vi.act.mid.ppp. exhaust, use up, , /, ,76,78, vt. do, make, perform, celebrate, hold,, vi.mid. be, exist, take place,, -, -, adj. perfect,, adv. perfectly,, adv. completely,, adv. finally, , , ,1,2, vt.def. cut, pass through (a road), , , (), , , ,3,4, vt. stretch, tighten, tone,, vi.mid. stretch, strain, , , ,33,34, vt. conclude, end, terminate, wind up, ,9,10, vt. give pleasure to, , , ,33,34, vt. fry, , ,vt. melt,, vi.mid. pine, languish, ,73, vt. cable, send a telegraph/, , ,73,58,59, vt. call, telephone,, vi.mid. speak on the phone, , , ,73,74, vt. uphold, honor, adhere to, abide by, keep, preserve, observe, , , vt. give birth, bring forth/, , , ,58,61, vt. honor, pay tribute to, recognize, be a credit to, do justice to, , , ,73,74, vt. punish, , , ,23,24, vt. toss, shake, beat, hurl, fling,, vi.mid. jump up, start, brush something off one's clothes/, ,58, vt.act. dare, vi.act.mid, take risks, , , ,33,34, vt. stress, highlight, accent, accentuate, , , ,73,74,59, vt. put, place, plant,, vi.mid. position oneself, take a stand/, ,, , ,66,67, vt. draw, pull, drag/, , , ,58,59, vt. sing/, /,53, vt.act. offer, pay for, , , ,33,34, vt. wound, injure, , injury, , ,48,49, vt. roughen, worsen, , , ,44,45, vt. drive someone insane,, vi.mid. go mad, ;, (),1, vi.def. shake, shiver, tremble, /,53, vi. delay, drag on, , , ,9,180, irr, turn, convert, divert, change, , /, ,219,220, irr, vt. feed, foster, nourish, provide for,, vi.mid. feed on, be raised on, be healed, ,31, vi.act. run, , , ,7,8, vt. scrub, rub, sand, grate, grind,, vi.mid. crumble, show signs of wear, , 23, vi. creak, squeak, grind teeth, , ,23, vt.act. frighten, , , ,73,74, vt. terrorize, , , ,73,74,75, vt. modify, , , ,73,74, vt. supply, fuel, feed, provide/, , , ,58,59, make a hole in, pierce, puncture, punch, vi. have a puncture, be full of holes,, vi.mid. shoot onself up (with drugs), , , ,3,4, vt. hide//, , (/), (/, ),, , ,221,222, irr, vt. eat/, ,, , ,58,59, vt. prick, pinch, nip, bite, peck, eat lightly, , , ,21,22, vt. coil, wind, roll up, wrap, , , ,73,74,75, vt. standardize, , , ,3,4, vt. print, publish/, , , ,58,59, be a tyrant, torment, harass, , , ,3,4, vt. make blind,, vi.mid. go blind- , - ,148, irr, vi.act.mid.(+gen.) be lucky, happen to be, impers.

,44, vi.act.mid. be in good health, , ,44,46, vt. moisten,, vi.mid. grow moist, get damp, , , ,73,74,75, vt. liquefy, /, (),20, vi.dep.mid. be supplied with water, , , ,73,74, vt. adopt, , , ,73,74,75, vt. materialize,, vi.mid. appear, become materialized, , , ,73,74, celebrate, /, /, ,19,17,20, vt. dictate, ,vt. place under, vi. go, , go in peace,, vi.mid. be classified as, be answerable to, ,28, vt.dep. hint at, ,83, vt.act. obey sbdy, vi. obey, ,73, vi. withdraw discretly, , ,223, irr, vi. exist,, ., , , ,33,34, vi.vt. defend, - , ,145, irr, vi. go beyond, overstep, surpass, top, transgress, ,146, irr, vt.act. exaggerate, exceed, /, /, /13,122, irr, vt. sign (on the dotted line), sign up (subscribe), ,, ,137, irr, vt.impers. suppose, presume,, mortgage,, hypothesis, matter, affair, business, , ,11,224, irr, vt. steal craftily, , 2, vi.dep. bow, curtsey, ,2, vt.dep. pretend, play,hypocrisy, insincere, feigned, , , 11,12,11, vi. bend, give way, succomb,10, vi.dep.def. to be left over/behind, inferior, 12, , , ,33,34, vt. calculate, ,178, irr, vt.act. endure, vi.act. be patient, , , 33,34, remind, , /, , 19,20, vt. undermine, dig a tunnel in, (, ),73, vt.def. imply, hint at, insinuate,, impers. it is understood, ,141, irr, vi + , fall into (error), /, 20, vt.dep. suspect, , , , 33,34, , /, 11,90, , , , 33,34, vt. supplant, thwart, , /, ,23,24, vt. defend, support, , defense, , , , 3,4, , (),169, irr, vt.dep. promise, , /, ,27,28, vt. bring into submission, vi. submit, /,217, vt.act. stand, tolerate, bear, endure, suffer, feel pain,, impers. be tolerated, , , ,3,4, oblige, ,73, vi. retreat, give way, abate, subside, , ,36, vi.dep. suspect, ,73, vi. lag behind, be lacking in, not have (with gen. or ), , , ,44,46, vt. weave, , ,159, irr, vi.dep. exist, undergo, , , ,3,4, vt. raise, elevate,vi.mid. climb

, ,225, irr, vi.dep. appear, , , ,3,4, vt. show, reveal, express, uncover,, vi.mid. appear, , ,36, vt.dep. imagine, think, ,23, vi. make an effect, look glamorous, ,47, widen, vi. be semi-transparent, , vi. shine, , vi.gen. spare, abstain from hurting, , , ,226,227, irr, vt. bring, brought, introduce, import, lead, conduct, go, call, produce, cause, raise, look like/resemble somebody,, vi.mid. behave, conduct myself, , ,217,218, irr, vt. carry, bear, have, wear, behave, act like, ,228, irr, vi. flee, leave, depart, go (away), , /, ,217,229, irr, vt. erode, ruin, waste, damage, spoil, impair, corrupt, perish, vi. wear out,172, irr, vi.def. decline, wane, , ,73,74, vt. envy, ,55, vi. appear/, , , ,58,59, kiss, , ,17, vt. give, , , 3, ,73, vt. aspire to,ambition, ,73, vi. argue, , , ,73,74, put up, take in, accomodate, host, publish, , , 73, , , , 73,74, friend of the arts/, , 74,59, pride, conscientiousness, /, , ,53,54, vt. filter/, , ,79, vt. fear, be afraid, ,33, vt.act. threaten, , ,33, vt.act.ppp. frighten, threaten, scare, , /, ,19,20, kill, murder/, , , , ,62,63, vt. wear, , , ,3,4, vt. load, take on cargo, , ,3, vi.act.mid.ppp. grow tufty, larger, , , ,23,24, vt. enclose, fence, /, , ,53,54, freshen, , ,33, vi.ppp. (with ) look after, mind, take care of, 73, vt.act.def. think, judge, , , , 73,74, vt. guard, surveille, , , , 33,34, vt. grill, fry, ,230, irr, vi.act.mid. blame/, , ,1, vt.act. reach, catch up with, vi.act.mid.ppp. be enough, arrive/, /,34, vi.dep. sneeze//, , 33,70, vi. flutter, , 47, make/become cheaper, , , 4/, , , ,29,30, vt. arrange, 58, no -, vi. go a long way, be economical, , 33, , , ,1,39, vt. spit on, vi., , 47, make or become poor, /, /, , 19,17,20, vt. help to escape, , 73, , , ,33,34, vt. imprison/, , , ,231,22, irr, vt. guard,, vi.mid. be careful, take precaution, beware of/, ,58, vt. leaf through (a book), ,73, vi. shed leaves,6, vi.dep.def.pres. grow, be fond of (plants), ,44, vi. shrink, lose weight/, ,66, vt. blow out, vi. puff, blow/,58, vi.def. rage, , , ,17,18, vt. plant, implant, bury, 73, vi. live penuriously, barely exist, , , 3, vi, grow, come up (plants), , , 35, vi. nestle, ,23, vt.act. shout to/at, call, vi. shout, 73, vi. bawl, 33, , , , 73,74, vt. illuminate, , 33, shine on, give light to, enlighten, , , ,33,232, irr, vt. photograph, , , , 73,74

, ,17, vi. be stupid, gape, idle away one's time/, , 58,, , , ,17,18, vt. stroke, cuddle, caress, touch, pamper,, vi.mid. desire caresses/, ,58, vt. caress repeatedly,44, vi. gape/, , ,58,59, vt. greet, salute, , ,33,34, vt. greet, salute/, ,225, irr, vi.dep. be glad, happy, enjoy, ich freue mich, , ,3,4, vt. loosen, relax//, , ,68, vt.act. break, put out of order, vi.act. deteriorate, spoil, , , ,73,74, vt. lead by bridle, /, /, ,19,17,20, vt. make out of copper, , , ,3,4, vt. steel-plate, , ,3, vt. lower, bring down/, ,68, vi. smile/, /,33,35, vt. take notice of, , , ,3,4, vt. ruin (effect of), , , ,1,2, vt. lose, lost, miss, !, don't miss it!/, , , ,23,24, vt. carve, engrave, scratch, rule (lines), vi. cut,.impers. day breaks, , , ,33,34, vt. characterize, , , ,3,4, vt. rule (lines), vi. take shelter, , , ,33,34, vt. waste, spend in vain, , , ,3,4, vt. (fam) extract contribution from, ,34, vi. be in flirtatious mood, turn on the charm, , , ,33,34, vt. make a present, vi. treat with favor or indulgence, ,73, vi. say witty things, , 35, , 17, , 73, vt. make happy, , , , , , , 23, def., , , , 44,46/, 68, def.,152, irr, vi.def. be wide open, gape/, 59, vi. yawn/, ,58, vt. waste time, loiter, , 33/, ,15,7, vt. gulp down, swallow, , 33, , , ,35,36, vt. (fam) defecate (on), vi. be in a funky mood, ,36, vi.dep. suffer hardships of winter, ,v.imper winter comes on, , , ,73,74, vt. lead by the hand/, , ,74, vt.dep. emancipate, ,34, vt. handle, manage, operate, , 73///, , ,58,59,73,74, vt. applaud, clap, 73, def., ,17, vt. make or become worse, , , , 73,74,, , , ,73,74, vt. operate, ,17, vi.act.mid. be widowed, , 35,/, , 66,, ,vi.impers. it snows, , , ,35,36, vt. mock, deride, ,33, vi. neigh, whinney, ,35, vi. grow pale, , 35,, , ,35, vt. annoy, vi. get annoyed,206, irr, vt. upset, vi. get upset, , , , 3,4,, ,47, vt. make thicker or fatter, vi. become thicker, ,17,18, vt.act. dance, vi. dance,, impers. es wird getanzt, (now) we will dance, , , ,73,74, vt. provide, grant/, /,58,66, vi. gambol, jump about, , 73, , ,52, vt.act. satisfy the hunger of; vi.act.mid.ppp. be satiated, , , 35, vi. get covered with grass, , vt. drive flocks by shooing, shout at, 23,, , 17,, ,3, vt. grab, ,36, vt. need, require; vi. be necessary, ,33, vi. neigh, whinny, , ,73, vi. go bankrupt, , , ,3,4, vt. debit, vi. incur debts-, , ,33,34, vi. he served as mayor, take bribes, ,17, vi. be of use, serve, , , ,73,74,75, vt. use, utilize, ,73, vt. finance/, , , ,33,34, vt. anoint, ,33, vi. take a long time, drag on, ,73, vi. cronicle, , , , 73,74/, , , , 58,59,73,74,73, vi.def. waste time, dawdle,33, vi. shine like gold, , , ,3,4, vt. gild, , , ,33,34, vt. color, paint, dye, tint/, ,58, vt.def. be in debt, owe, , , ,33,34, vt. comb, dress hair, , , ,33,34, vt. build, found city, wall in, , , 35, ppp/, , , ,58,59, vt. knock, tap, beat, strike,, vi.mid. fight, struggle, shout, beat one's chest, , ,3, vi. form creamy consistency, ,vi. rush, swoop, , , ,1,2, vt. pour, shed, spill, flow, spread, melt,44, vi. be lame, limp, make slow progress, , , /,17,18, vi.vt. digest, smelt, be half spent or decomposed, , , ,3,4, vt. thrust, stuff, stick, force,, vi.mid. butt in, meddle, , 17/, ,62, vt.act.act. hold, contain, have room for, , , ,33,34, vt. separate, part, divide, divorce,, vi.mid. break up, part ways

, , , ,33,34, vt. cut, clip, , , ,233,234, irr, vt. sing, chant,vi. turn grey, , ,17,18, vt. fish (for), vi. fish, ,19, vt. touch, feel, , , ,29,30, vt. search (for), vi. search one's pockets, ,17, search, grope,vt. find fault with, ,21, vt. blame, reprehend, , ,35, vi.act.mid.ppp. become lousy, ,33, vt. get rid of lice, , , ,35,36, vt. spray, ,33, vt. stammer, , , ,235,209, irr, vt. sing, ,33, vi. lisp,vi. tell lies, ,129, irr, vi.dep.def. lie, , ,33, vt. lower quality of (goods)/,vi. scrape a living, , 33,,vt. feel, finger, grope, ,3, vt. make or grow higher or taller, , , ,1,2, vt. bake, roast, cook, torment, vi.mid. mature, ripen, get very hot/, ,58, vt. heed respect, , , ,33,34, vt. vote (for), vi. vote,vi. solicit votes, ,33, vi. murmur, whisper,vt. make thinner, impers., , , 7,, , , , 33,34/, ,58,73, vt. examine minutely,vt. ask someone many details,vt. parrot,v.imper it drizzles,vt. examine minutely/, ,vi. die (of animals),vi. sleep (pej), , ,36, vt.dep. make suspicious, vi.dep.mid. become suspicious, , , , 73,74, ,5, vt.act. psychoanalyse, , 34, , ,73, vt. read the mind of/,73, vi.mid.def. be in the throws of death, , /, ,44,45,46, vt. make cold,, vi.mid. get cold, cool off, , ,31,32, vt. freeze, cool, make cold,vi. eke out one's existence,vi. develop well, fill out, , ,33,34, vt. buy, vi. go shopping, queer or crazy,, vi.mid. (of prostitutes) go looking for a client, , ,35, vi.act.mid.ppp. become mangy,vi.mid. have scabies or mange

, , ,73,74, vt. push, impell,vi.part. being, , 35, vi.act.mid.ppp. ripen, mature,6, vi.dep.def. howl,vi. eavesdrop, , , ,73,74, vt. benefit,, vi.mid. benefit, profit, ,71, vi.act.mid. become pale