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GIS CritiqueGIS CritiqueJohn StudleyNov 2004It has been suggested, however that a dichotomy exists whereby GIS can act to both empower and marginalise communities simultaneously and that it is contradictory when used for grassroots or community forms of development Yapa 1991, Harris et al 1995, Weiner et al 1995, Rundstrum 1995 In spite of concerns raised by some social theorists Harris and Weiner 1996, 1998 about the negative impacts of GIS on society, others see liberating elements in indigenous societies.Representatives of indigenous and local communities are using GIS as a means of advocacy, inclusion, participation and recognition Jarvis and Stearman 1995, Nietschmann 1995 through:-incorporating local knowledge into participatory land reform Harris et al 1995 its use in collaborative forest management Kyem 1997 assisting communities to redefine themselves and territories Beltgens 1995 its use in codifying knowledge about land rights and resources Forbes 1995 raising the profile of IK so it is used in decision-making Bird 1995 Fisher 1994 To these GIS exponents the technology provides a critical complement to efforts being made to empower group struggles to impact politics and effect a meaningful change in their lives.On the other hand the involvement of local community groups with a complex technology such as GIS has been viewed with apprehension and concern and a contradiction Taylor 1991, Yapa 1991 because of its high cost, level of expertise and its failings as an AT Yapa 1991 it is founded on the concept of absolute space Also known as Cartesian or Newtonian space and an instrumentalist mode of reasoning Peuquet 1994, Yapa 1998 of the perceived positivism and hegemonic power relations embedded within GISof its claimed value-neutral and objective nature Openshaw 1991, 1992 of the privileging and inequalities of data and facts Goodchild 1991 of undemocratic and differential access to data and technology Pickles 1991 of its surveillant capabilities in terms of knowledge engineering and control Pickles 1991 of the commodification and bureaucratization of data Crampton 1995 of the intrusive role of geodemographics Curry 1994 of structural knowledge distortion Taylor 1991 of concerns over the ethical and responsible use of GIS Wright et al 1997 of the limitations of digital representations of the world/map as a metaphorof the failures of GIS epistemologies to represent multiples realities of spaceof the cultural bias of the technology Rundstrum 1995 of its failure to represent alternative forms of knowledge and qualitative dataof the pre-eminence of boolean logic in GIS applications Sheppard 1995 of the danger that IK will be transformed by the logic of the technology which will further disenfranchise indigenous peopleof rhetorical claims that GIS will foster grassroots participation and empowerment when in reality it may serve to legitimize policies and projects that will have the opposite effect Harris and Weiner ndSome have suggested a number of approaches to reduce the negative and contradictory nature of GIS including:- Improved Community integration, more appropriate software technologies, and the inclusion of a post-structural object-orientated approach and some features of IT theoryIn order to improve community-integration GIS mustrecognize expert and indigenous understandings of local landscapefacilitate socially appropriate land userecognize the contradictory condition of the technology and the political economy of data, hardware and expertise accessrealistically attempt to conceptualise the struggles and aspiration of indigenous communitiesrecognize that communities are socially differentiatedrecognize that community-integrated GIS is conflictual as hegemonic interpretations of landscapes are challengedrecognize that the GIS-empowerment-marginalization nexus can only be understood within the political context of spatial decision-making in a particular placeIn order to make the technology more appropriate and available there is a need torelax the proprietary rights over existing GIS softwaredevelop public domain GISdevelop low-cost software for GIS such as IDRISI and MAP develop software that takes advantage of the existing software infrastructure in the developing worldestablish a strong local information system where peoples participation, IK and GIS function in mutually complementary waysIn order to adopt a post-structuralist object-orientated and IT approach Yapa 1998 Sarup 1988 to IK, GIS exponents need to:-recognize that objects of study are discursively constructed and the need to dissolve the authority of subject/object dualism. gain emancipation from Cartesian space, past technology, past disciplinary affiliations and methodology Pickes 1991, Yapa 1998 embrace post-structuralist views of objects, social theory and embeddednessengage more rigorously with geographical method, epistemology and ontology, social theories of mapping and the substantive content and contexts of spatial objectsformulate a logic of relational space GIS is founded on a logic of Cartesian space, but for it to produce useful indigenous knowledge we need to formulate a logic of relational space. Object-orientated GIS appears promising in this respect (See Peuquet 1994). It is based on context dependency where the distance between two points may have different metrics for different users. Representations of time and space can be absolute or relative. In the absolute view space is composed of points, time is composed of instants and both exist independent of the objects that occupy time-space. In the relative view of time-space, both space and time are positional qualities that are attached to each object. The absolute view focuses on space-time as the subject matter, in contrast, the relative view focuses on objects with space and time measured as relationships between these objects (Yapa 1998) and a logic of process Peuquet 1994 examine IK in greater substantive detail on the basis of an IT conceptual system that is web-like, non-hierarchical, multilinear, hypertextual, decentered and contextual Landow 1992 Yapa 1998