Download - Girls State Concludes With Elections, Awards · as party chair. Megan Ford of Yankton was recipient of the

Page 1: Girls State Concludes With Elections, Awards · as party chair. Megan Ford of Yankton was recipient of the

T H E P R E S S & D A K O T A N W E A T H E R C E N T E R



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Your expressions of confidence and votes in the County Commission race are very much appreciated.

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S . D. G A S P R I C E S

POUND COUNTSeveral animals are available at the

Yankton Animal Shelter. For more infor-mation call the Yankton Police Depart-mentʼs Animal Control Officer, from 8a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday at 661-9494, or 668-5210. A $5 fee is requiredto adopt an animal.

DAILY RECORD POLICYThe Press & Dakotan publishes

police and sheriff reports as a publicservice to its readers. It is important toremember that an arrest should notimply guilt and that every person is pre-sumed innocent until proven otherwise.When juveniles are released from jail,it is into the care of a parent orguardian.

It is the policy of the Press &Dakotan to publish all names madeavailable in the police and court re-ports. There are no exceptions.

ARRESTS• Dallas Rittel, 24, Yankton, was ar-

rested Thursday on a warrant for pos-session of marijuana and ingestingmarijuana.

• Loren Warmbrod, 40, Wolfpoint,Mont., was arrested Thursday on awarrant.

• Maria Milda, 18, Sioux City, Iowa,was arrested Thursday on a parolehold.

• Kipton Johnson, 46, Yankton, wasarrested Thursday on a warrant forunauthorized tampering with a motorvehicle and third-degree intentionaldamage to property.

• John Winer, 26, Sioux Falls, wasarrested Thursday for driving under theinfluence, open container in a motor ve-hicle, failure to maintain financial re-sponsibility, possession of drugparaphernalia and possession ofmarijuana.

• Logan Todd, 19, Yankton, was ar-rested Friday for reckless discharge ofa firearm or bow and arrow; and dis-charge of weapons.

• Toby Hoffman, 40, Yankton, wasarrested Friday for driving under the in-fluence (fourth or more) and a proba-tion detainer.

• John Sage, 37, Crofton, Neb., was

arrested Friday for driving under the in-fluence (third).

ACCIDENTS• A report was received at 7:15 p.m.

Thursday that an unknown vehicle hadcollided with a vehicle in the 500 blockof Summit St.

INCIDENTS• A report was received at 2:54 p.m.

Thursday that a black bicycle wasstolen in the 1800 block of Summit St.

• A report was received at 3:25 p.m.Thursday that ketchup and salad dress-ing was squirted on a car in the 1500block of Broadway.

• A report was received at 5:05 p.m.Thursday that a valve stem was cut ona pickup while parked in the 2300 blockof Broadway.

• A report was received at 5:52 p.m.Thursday of an abandoned black bicy-cle in the 2900 block of Francis St.

• A report was received at 7:16 p.m.Thursday that ketchup was squirted in-side a vehicle parked in the 2100 blockof Broadway.

• A report was received at 9:44 p.m.Thursday that two GPS units were lo-cated in a vehicle in the 1300 block ofNational St. The owner was unknown.

• A man was arrested on weaponscharges around 12:13 a.m. Friday afterreportedly shooting at a fox within thecity limits near the 2900 block ofBroadway.

• A report was received at 11:14a.m. Friday that items believed to bestolen from a Niobrara, Neb., residencewere located at a local pawn shop. Thematter is under investigation.

• A report was received at 1:45 p.m.Friday that a vehicle was keyed in the200 block of West Third St.

• A sheriffʼs office report was re-ceived at 4:45 a.m. Friday of cigarettesstolen from an apartment complex inGayville.

CRIME STOPPERSAnyone wishing to report anony-

mous information on unlawful activity inthe City of Yankton or in YanktonCounty is encouraged to contact theCrime Stoppers tip line at 665-4440.

CHICAGO (AP) — Grains futurestraded mixed Friday on the ChicagoBoard of Trade.

Wheat for July delivery fell 11.50cents to $6.3025 a bushel; July cornrose 4 cents to $5.98 a bushel; Julyoats rose 3.25 cents to $3.0325 abushel; while July soybeans fell 1.75cent to $14.2625 a bushel.

Beef futures rose while pork futuresfell on the Chicago Mercantile Ex-change.

August live cattle rose 0.40 cent to$1.2082 a pound; August feeder cattlerose 0.27 cent to $1.5937 a pound;while July lean hogs fell 0.40 cent to92.92 cents a pound.

75 YEARS AGO Wednesday, June 9, 1937

• According to word received byMayor Ernest A. Crockett, a large dele-gation of residents of Ponca, Neb., willbe in the city tomorrow afternoon for thepurpose of boosting the annual Poncacelebration which will be held there thisyear on June 25 and 26.

• A hearing was being held thisforenoon before Judge C. C. Puckett incircuit court in the matter of the petitionof Yankton college for abatement oftaxes for the year 1924 upon lot 12 andthe south half of lot 11, block 7, of Tripp& Harrisʼ addition to the city of Yankton.

50 YEARS AGOSaturday, June 9, 1962

• The Madison fire departmentseven-man team won the evolutionscompetition early Friday afternoon asthe 1962 South Dakota Fire Schoolwound up here. The Madison team had

35 points in the five prescribed evolu-tions.

• Crew 2 of Explorer Post 300,Yankton was leading in the SiouxCouncil Missouri river canoe derby Fri-day night after completing two days ofcanoeing froom Pickstown to GavinsPoint dam. The leading canoe had anelapsed time of four hours, 22 minutesand 30 seconds in its two days of actualcanoeing.

25 YEARS AGOTuesday, June 9, 1987

• The Yankton City Commission ap-proved two ordinances Monday thatmay lead to a target shooting coursealongside the Missouri River for shot-gun enthusiasts.

• The talk turned from sun tans andbeachwear to basketballs and play-books this week as the Bob WinterBasketball Camps got underway withthe first of two girlsʼ camps.

FRIDAY’S RESULTS2 BY 2: Red Balls: 17-20, White

Balls: 19-21PICK 3: 9-4-8

MYDAY: Month: 9, Day: 24, Year:67

PICK 5: 01-15-29-31-37. Estimatedjackpot: $90,000

Average South Dakota gas pricesfor June 8, 2012:Mitchell......................................$3.543Yankton .....................................$3.379

Sioux Falls ................................$3.440Rapid City .................................$3.576State .........................................$3.531National.....................................$3.555

VERMILLION — The 66th an-nual South Dakota American Le-gion Auxiliary’s Girls Stateconcluded recently at the Univer-sity of South Dakota with the tra-ditional election of officers andpresentation of awards.

Under the direction of CherylHovorka of the W.O. Farber Cen-ter at USD, 2012 Girls State fea-tured 400 girls who will entertheir senior year of high schoolthis fall. Participants were se-lected from across the statebased on scholastic achievement,leadership skills and interest ingovernment.

Molly Hermann of Sturgis waselected Girls State Governor andCharley Gross of Huron waselected Lt. Governor. Additionalelections included KayDe Roth ofSturgis, Attorney General;Rachelle Moore of Artesian, Sec-retary of State; Morgan Pageler ofSisseton, State Auditor; RebeccaBuechler of Chancellor, StateTreasurer; Shantiel Kaiser ofRapid City, Commissioner ofSchool and Public Lands. Electedto the Public Utilities Commis-sion were Caitlyn Bagley ofCuster, and Audrey Gall and Lind-sey Raker of Scotland.

In non-political elections, GirlsState delegates elected MaryGinsbach of Hot Springs, MaeMeierhenry of Sioux Falls,Camille Maciejewski of HotSprings, Kassandra Friese ofSioux Falls, Caitlyn Schwebach ofTea, Kaylynn Noethlich of Dolandas six justices to serve on theSupreme Court. Katelyn Johnsonof Sioux Falls was elected asChief Justice of the SupremeCourt. Leslie Cope of Rapid Citywas chosen as the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives whileLaura Alexander of Henry was se-lected as the Nationalist Party

Chair and Elizabeth Renner ofCrooks as the Nationalist PartyKeynote Speaker. The FederalistParty elected Jenna Croymans ofAberdeen as keynote speaker andthe Federalist Party electedAmanda Wagemann of Aberdeenas party chair. Megan Ford ofYankton was recipient of the out-standing journalist award andKirstyn Fiala of Miller receivedthe highest exam score. JusticeMack of Spearfish captured out-standing speaker honors andLaura Alexander of Henry was se-lected as the Outstanding GirlsState Citizen.

Awards were also presentedto Alecia VanTassel of Wolsey,Best Circuit Court Judge; AnnShoemaker of Rapid City, BestProsecuting Attorney; MikaylaGallagher of Spearfish, Best De-fense Attorney; Elizabeth Magnu-son of Sioux Falls, Best AppellateAttorney; KayDe Roth of Sturgis,Best Appellee Attorney; RachelNevin of Sioux Falls, OutstandingForensic Investigator; MikalaHora of Yankton, President of Cit-izens Forum; and Tiara Gibson ofClear Lake received the VicePresident Citizens Forum award.

Dana Kaufman of Freemanand Kayla Sylvester of Yanktonwere chosen as delegates to rep-resent South Dakota at The Amer-ican Legion Auxiliary Girls Nationin Washington, D.C. (Cara Beck ofMitchell and Sarah Larson of Wa-tertown are alternates) whileJenna Brende of Renner was se-lected as the 2012 recipient of a$1,000 Samsung American LegionScholarship. Kyla Melchizedek ofLesterville was awarded the Bon-nie Slade Memorial Scholarshipand Olivia Christopher of Yank-ton received the Travis MemorialScholarship.


Girls State Concludes WithElections, Awards Presentation