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1 What was an immediate effect of the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825?

A Prices increase for food products along the Atlantic Coast

B Farmers could more easily ship grain to eastern markets

C A territorial conflict began with Canada over the Great Lakes

D Railroads were forced to reduce their shipping rates

Use the image below to answer question 2

2 Which type of business organization is being criticized in this cartoon?

A MonopolyB Multinational corporationsC PartnershipsD Proprietorships

3 The Louisiana Purchase (1803) was a foreign policy success for the United States primarily because it

A secured full control of Florida and Spain

B ended French control of the Mississippi river

C ended British occupation of forts on American soil

D eliminated Russian influence in North America

4 Which of the following describes the British colonial policy of mercantilism?

A Encouraging colonists to sell manufactured goods to European countries

B Sending raw materials from Britain to the colonies

C Exercising British control over economic activities in the colonies

D Attempting to make the colonies economically self-sufficient

5 Which action is most closely associated with the term Manifest Destiny?

A declaring independence from Great Britain

B deciding to end the War of 1812C acquiring territory from Mexico in 1848D annexing Hawaii and the Philippines

6 Most Southern political leaders praised the Supreme Court decision in Dredd Scott v. Sanford because it

A granted citizenship to all enslaved persons

B upheld the principle of popular sovereignty

C supported the right of a state to secede from the Union

D protected the property rights of slave owners in the territories

7 George Washington was an effective military commander because he

A won more battles that he lost using well-trained troops

B preserved the army through his leadership skills

C negotiated alliances with the leaders of other nations

D prevented attacks against major population centers

8 How does the popular election of the House of Representatives reflect the principle of popular sovereignty?

A provided for the consent of the governed

B divides power between the House and Senate

C limits the power of the government through popular vote

D allows for the House to exercise control over the other two branches of government


9 The journeys of Vasco de Gama and Christopher Columbus became possible in the late 1400s because of the

A support of exploration by the English government

B trade connections established by Ibn Battua

C effects of the Atlantic slave tradeD development of new technology

10 The phrase “Harlem Renaissance” refers toA African-American political gains during

the Reconstruction periodB Africa-American achievements in art,

literature, and music during the 1920sC a religious revival that swept African-

American communities in the 1950sD a series of urban renewal projects that

were part of the Great Society programs of the 1960s

11 Why did the number of votes cast in the U.S. Presidential election rise by 8.2 million from 1916 to 1920?

A The people were excited about voting on the issue of Prohibition

B Demobilization of the military released millions of men for voting

C Warren G. Harding’s calls for “normalcy” energized the voters

D The Nineteenth Amendment gave millions of women the right to vote

12 The Marshall Plan was an attempt by the United States to combat Communism by using

A military strength to control war-ravaged Europe

B economic sanctions against communist countries in Eastern Europe

C economic aid to countries in Europe to make Communism less attractive

D diplomatic sanctions against the Soviet Union

13 Which of the following Constitutional amendments addresses the issue of limiting the authority of the federal government?

A Amendment 7—Trial by JuryB Amendment 10—Powers of the States

and PeopleC Amendment 14—Civil RightsD Amendment 21—Repeal of Prohibition

14 Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” policy in Latin America was best characterized by his

A repudiation of the Monroe DoctrineB belief that European nations had the

right to protect their economic interests in any remaining colonies throughout the region

C recognition of the sovereignty of newly independent nations in the Western hemisphere

D belief that the United States had an obligation to protect security and stability by assuming the role of an international police force in the Western hemisphere

15 What best accounts for the sharp increase of immigrants during the period of 1880-1910?

A Many southern and eastern Europeans turned to America for financial gain and political freedom

B Irish farmers were forced to leave their homes due to agricultural disasters

C The United States welcomed immigrants by providing housing and employment

D Missionary societies encouraged immigration from all over the world

16 In which area did good harbors, abundant forests, rocky soil, and a short growing season most influence the colonial economy?

A Southern coloniesB Middle Atlantic regionC Northwest TerritoryD New England Colonies

17 A primary goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to

A prevent European intervention in Latin America

B create an opportunity for the annexation of Canada

C protect the site of a canal cross in Central America

D help European nations establish new colonial empires


18 During the late 1800s, presidents and governors most often used military force during labor-management conflict as a way to

A support industrialists and end strikesB make employers sign collective

bargaining agreementsC protect workers from the private armies

of employersD replace striking factory workers with


19 A major purpose of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points (1918) was to

A ask Congress to enter World War IB set goals for achieving peace after

World War IC provide an aid program for rebuilding

war-torn nationsD retaliate for the sinking of the Lusitania

20 During the debate over the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, Federalists and anti-Federalists disagreed MOST OFTEN over

A provisions for admitting new states to the union

B distribution of power between the President and the Supreme Court

C use of an electoral college system to choose the President

D divisions of power between individual rights and federal power

Use the statement below to answer question 21

“Therefore those preachers of indulgences are in error, who says that by the pope’s indulgences a man is freed from every penalty, and saved…”

--Martin Luther

21 Which period in European history is most directly related to this statement?

A Age of ExplorationB Scientific RevolutionC CrusadesD Protestant Reformation

22 The Declaration of Independence is BEST described as

A a description of a new institutional framework for democratic government

B a formal announcement of war between the colonies and Great Britain

C an explanation of why the colonies were ending political connections to Britain

D a statement that the United States would not become involved in foreign affairs

23 Which statement about the making of United States foreign policy is accurate?

A State governments, through their ability to negotiate independent trade agreements, have preeminent authority in making foreign policy

B The Senate, because of its power of treaty ratification, has more power in setting foreign policy than does the President

C The Supreme Court, because it can rule on the constitutionality of executive actions, dominates foreign policy

D Congress and the courts have some authority over foreign policy, but the President and the state department have the greatest authority

24 How does granting or denial of bail maintain the balance between individual liberties and the public interests?

A granting bail can prevent a person from getting harmed in jail

B a person who is denied bail can better oversee his or her defense

C denying bail to a person considered dangerous protects the public

D granting bail allows a person to convince others of his or her innocence

25 A major purpose of the Progressive movement was to

A stimulate the economyB support government control of factory

productionC encourage immigration from southern

and eastern EuropeD correct the economic and social abuses

of industrial society


26 What effect did the end of World War II have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?

A They were invited to join labor unionsB Their jobs were taken by returning

servicemenC Women’s wages were increased to

match those of male workersD The government recognized their

service during wartime

27 In his farewell address, George Washington warned against

A deficit spending by the government and the national bank

B foreign entanglements and the formation of political parties

C excessive use of Executive powerD Government reliance on excise taxes

“If I could save the Union by freeing all the slaves, I would do it… What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because it helps to save the Union”

28 The above statement was made by which of the following people?

A Stephen DouglasB Abraham LincolnC Jefferson DavisD Ulysses S. Grant

29 Which of the following regulatory laws was passed as a result of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle?

A Sherman Antitrust ActB Pure Food and Drug ActC Forest Reserve ActD Hepburn Act

30 The success of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 hinged on compromises over which of the following issues?

A Slavery and representation in CongressB Taxation and term limitsC The number of branches to effectively

enact checks and balancesD Universal manhood suffrage

31 By the first decade of the nineteenth century, American manufacturing had been revolutionized by the advent of

A interchangeable machine partsB the electric engineC transcontinental railroadsD labor unions

32 Which of the following describes the situation in Kansas during the 1850s?

A As a result of the policy of popular sovereignty Kansas became a site of bloodshed and violence

B The people of Kansas were overwhelmingly abolitionists

C Kansas was permitted to enter as a slave state in order to maintain the balance of power in the Senate

D Kansas was one of the few states that refused to participate in the slave trade

33 Congress brought impeachment proceedings against Andrew Johnson primarily because

A Johnson sought to block the punitive aspects of Congressional Reconstruction

B Johnson’s Republican policies had fallen out of favor with the Democratic majority

C Johnson’s pro-North bias was delaying the readmission of Southern states to the Union

D Many Congressmen disliked Johnson, although they agreed with his policies

34 The French Revolution and the American Revolution were similar in that both

A involved a violent reign of terror against members of the upper class

B started because of anger over taxationC changed religious structures of the

countryD supported the concept of one person,

one vote

35 The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was a significant achievement because it

A laid claim to all of North America east of the Mississippi River

B represented successful diplomatic negotiations between the United States and Native Americans

C was the only piece of legislation to pass under the Articles of Confederation

D defined the process by which territories could become states


36 The election of 1828 marked a turning point in presidential politics because, for the first time,

A the presidency was won by someone who was not a member of the Federalist Party

B a presidential candidate and vice-presidential candidate ran together on one ticket

C political parties officially participated in the election

D all the candidates campaigned widely throughout the states

37 The nullification crisis in South Carolina ultimately ended when

A Andrew Jackson used military force to crush the nullifiers

B South Carolinian’s loyal to Jackson seized control of the state and repealed nullification

C Henry Clay pushed through a compromise that allowed South Carolina to save face

D new election brought in leadership sympathetic to Jackson

38 The United States took control of the Philippines in 1898

A by purchasing it from ChinaB after the unsuccessful Sino-American

WarC after toppling the previous Pilipino

governmentD as a result of the Spanish-American


39 Thousands of immigrants entered though Ellis Island in the early 1900s. Many settled with friends or family already living in the US. Ellis Island served as the

A place for organizing labor unionsB military installation for future anarchistsC welcome center for wealthy immigrants

from EuropeD reception center to screen unfit

immigrants from the physically fit

40 The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prohibited immigration of any Chinese person for 10 years. This was in response to

A a request from China, so it would have enough farm workers.

B Chinese immigrants outnumbering immigrants from Europe.

C fear of a Chinese company taking over the Southern Pacific Railroad.

D people believing the Chinese immigrants were keeping wages down.

41 By proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899, the United States was attempting to

A keep Japan from attacking and colonizing China

B ensure equal trading opportunities in China

C increase trade between Russia and the United States

D prevent European countries from colonizing the Western Hemisphere

42 In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, while incarcerated in a Birmingham, Alabama, jail for civil disobedience, “A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had not part in enacting or devising the law. Who can say that the legislature of Alabama which set up that state’s segregation laws was democratically elected”? King was referring to the gross violation ofA Jim Crow LawsB the First AmendmentC local segregation ordinancesD the civil rights of African Americans

43 Isolationists in the Senate objected to the United States joining the League of Nations because they opposed

A creation of the Security CouncilB colonialism in Africa and AsiaC membership in the League by GermanyD involvement in future foreign wars

44 The contributions of Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington illustrate the importance of the Harlem Renaissance to

A economic growthB educational reformC the creative arts D political leadership


45 The amendment process was included in the Constitution to

A allow for change over timeB expand the powers of the presidentC increase citizen participation in

governmentD limit the authority of the United States

Supreme court

46 A major purpose of the president’s cabinet is to

A offer advice on important issuesB nominate ambassadorsC conduct impeachment trialsD regulate the amount of money in


47 “Tin Pan Alley” refers to A American architectural styles of the

1920s B a literature movement in the 1930s

American southC the state of urban decay during the

Great DepressionD the major popular music industry

centered in New York City

48 In the publication Common Sense, Thomas Paine argued that the American colonies should

A approve the Treaty of Paris (1763)B ratify the Constitution of the United

StatesC end their political relationship with

Great BritainD support the policies of King George III

49 President Woodrow Wilson’s policy of strict neutrality during the early years of World War I was challenged by

A German violations of freedom of the seas

B British disrespect for the Roosevelt corollary

C attacks by Mexicans on United States border towns

D the refusal of the League of Nations to supply peacekeepers

50 The D-Day invasion in June 1944 was important to the outcome of World War II because it

A opened a new Allied front in EuropeB avoided use of the atomic bomb against

civilian targetsC forced Italy to surrenderD stopped Soviet advances in eastern


51 Which pair of Supreme Court cases demonstrates that the Supreme Court can change an earlier decision?

A Schenck v. United States and United States v. Nixon

B Korematsu v. United States and Miranda v. Arizona

C Gideon v. Wainwright and Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States

D Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

52 The above photo shows a Ford assembly plant. Ford’s business model using mass production A proved to be an unsuccessful factory systemB spurred legislation friendly to labor unionsC revolutionized American manufacturingD helped integrate the defense industry

53 Efforts to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment and wartime employment were examples of what change in society during the early 1900s?

A the rights of women B growth of labor unionsC civil rights legislationD urban reform movements


54 What was a common purpose of the three amendments added to the United States Constitution between 1865 and 1870?

A extending suffrage to Southern women B reforming the sharecropping systemC granting rights to African AmericansD protecting rights of Southerners accused

of treason

55 Which of the following thinkers would have articulated these ideas: sovereignty resides in the people, government is a social contract between rulers and the ruled, and individuals have their personal rights to life, liberty, and property?

A John LockeB VoltaireC Jean-Jacques Rousseau D Montesquieu

56 The Trail of Tears and the Battle of Wounded Knee are significant because they

A demonstrate the technological superiority of United States troops over Native Americans

B typify the harsh treatment of native peoples at the hands of the United States government

C clarify the United States government’s position on slavery

D added large portions of land to the United States which had been controlled by European nations

57 According to some historians, Europe’s system of alliances prior to 1914 increased the likelihood that

A democratic ideals would spread throughout the continent.

B nations would be protected from economic exploitation.

C colonization of undeveloped nations would cease.

D small disputes would develop into large-scale wars.

58 Which leader was inspired by the ideas of the American Revolution and the Enlightenment to lead the liberation of much of South America from Spain?

A Jose MartiB Simon BolivarC Padre Miguel HidalgoD Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

59 This geographic feature runs through the western regions of both the United States and Canada:

A Ohio River ValleyB Mississippi RiverC Rocky MountainsD Appalachian Mountains

60 The decision made by the Allies with the Treaty of Versailles, requiring Germany to pay war reparations led to the

A creation of the League of NationsB economic depression in GermanyC end of the Ottoman EmpireD mandate system

61 Major oil-producing nations joined together to form the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as a means of

A increasing their control of markets and prices for their product.

B limiting the access of other nations to solar power.

C promoting the production of high-quality fossil fuels.

D improving communication and transportation among developing nations.

62 Lobbyist groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the National Education Association (NEA) and others can influence government decisions because they

A directly choose the leaders of Congress. B pay the salaries of elected officials.C work to elect legislators who support

their views.D become members of third political


63 Which statement about the Missouri Compromise (1820) is most accurate?

A Slavery was banned west of the Mississippi River.

B Unorganized territories would be governed by the United States and Great Britain.

C The balance between free and slave states was maintained.

D The 36°30' line formed a new boundary between the United States and Canada.


64 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's goal in supporting the Lend-Lease Act of 1941 was to

A encourage Japanese Americans to relocate voluntarily.

B use foreign investment as a way of stimulating the American economy.

C maintain an isolationist stance by providing only limited aid to both sides in the European conflict.

D assist Britain's war effort without violating United States neutrality laws.

Use the image below to answer question 65

65 What is the main idea of this cartoon from the Reconstruction Era?

A Southern society was oppressed by Radical Republican policies.

B Military force was necessary to stop Southern secession.

C United States soldiers forced women in the South to work in factories.

D Sharecropping was an economic burden for women after the Civil War.

66 Which provision was written into the Constitution because of the fear that the general public would not make wise choices for president?

A Impeachment processB Federal systemC Electoral CollegeD Executive Branch

67 The Social Security Act (1935) is considered an important program because it

A brought about a quick end to the Great Depression

B provided employment for those in need of a job

C established a progressive income taxD extended support to elderly citizens

Use the image below to answer question 68

68 The photograph above shows a breadline in New York City during the Great Depression. Such breadlines were common during this period because

A many people had little money to buy food.

B dust bowls in the West caused a shortage of wheat.

C most food went to feed soldiers fighting in the Second World War.

D a majority of farmers left their farms for jobs in the cities.

69 The “Red Scare” in the United States immediately following World War I was a reaction to


A President Wilson’s attempts to include the U.S. in the League of Nations.

B the perceived growth of organized crime in major urban areas.

C a rise in the number of immigrants from Germany.

D a perceived threat of communist revolution in the United States.

70 Passing marriage and divorce laws, creating vehicle and traffic regulations, and setting high school graduation requirements are examples of powers traditionally

A exercised solely by local governmentsB reserved to the state governmentsC delegated entirely to the federal

governmentD shared by the national and local


“Jackie Robinson Breaks Color Barrier in Major League Baseball”

“President Truman issues Executive Order Desegregating Armed Forces”

“NAACP Challenges School Segregation”

71 These headlines are most closely associated with

A a decline in African-American participation in political activities

B the beginning of the modern civil rights movement

C Southern resistance to the Civil Rights act of 1964

D the effects of affirmative action programs

72 In the early 1900s President Theodore Roosevelt promoted the expansion of the National Park System, which had all of these responsibilities EXCEPT –

A managing the development of federal lands

B promoting the conservation of natural resources

C providing recreational areas for the public

D promoting the economic prosperity of the timber industry

73 The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution gave citizens the right to vote regardless of race, color, or former status as a slave. Later

methods of depriving citizens of their 15th Amendment rights included —

A poll taxes and literacy testsB requiring landownershipC church membership requirementsD requiring a high school education

Use the image above to answer question 74

74 Which constitutional principle is illustrated in this cartoon?

A FederalismB Checks and balancesC States’ rightsD Executive privilege

75 The Civil War has been referred to by many as the first “Total War”, why was it categorized as such?

A The entire male population was involved in fighting the war

B It was fought throughout every part of the country

C Every available means was used to destroy the Confederate capacity to make war

D Its parties were both of one country

76 Which series of events leading to World War II is in the correct chronological order?


A Neutrality Acts → Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor → Lend-Lease Act → United States declaration of war on Japan

B Lend-Lease Act → Neutrality Acts → United States declaration of war on Japan → Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

C United States declaration of war on Japan → Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor →Lend-Lease Act → Neutrality Acts

D Neutrality Acts → Lend-Lease Act → Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor → United States declaration of war on Japan

77 The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, is considered pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War because it

A represented the Union’s deepest thrust into southern territory

B forestalled the possibility of European intervention

C marked the first use of Black troops by the Union army

D resulted in bordering states joining the Confederacy

78 Andrew Jackson’s appeal to the common people arose partly because

A Americans finally understood the ideals of the Declaration of Independence

B many citizens were tired of the partisan politics between Democrats and Federalists

C he had risen from the masses and reflected many of their prejudices in his personal attitudes and outlook

D farmers and labor organizers aroused populist opposition to elitist policies

79 A scientist working in Los Alamos, New Mexico in 1945 most likely worked on the

A War Production BoardB Manhattan ProjectC V-E ProjectD Operation Overlord

80 Before September 1939, the European response to Hitler’s actions included

A following a policy of appeasement

B blockading the coast of GermanyC forcing Germany to sign the Versailles

TreatyD creating alliances

“. . . (It) brought the potato, the pineapple, the turkey, dahlias, sunflowers, magnolias, maize, chilies and chocolate across the Atlantic. On the other hand, tens of millions died in the pandemics of the 16th century, victims of smallpox, measles and the other diseases brought by Europeans (and don’t forget that the African slave trade was begun by the Europeans, to replace the work force they had decimated).”. . .

— Michael Wood, BBC History

81 Which historical development is being described in this quotation?

A establishment of the line of Demarcation

B creation of the Hanseatic LeagueC Columbian exchangeD Glorious Revolution

82 Which individual’s work had the greatest impact on the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas?

A Galileo GalileiB Niccolò MachiavelliC William ShakespeareD Johannes Gutenberg

“A Jewish State Is Created” “Six-Day War Results in Major Arab Losses” “Withdrawal Begins from West Bank”

83 Which situation is referred to in these headlines?

A Persian Gulf WarB Scramble for AfricaC conflict between Israelis and

PalestiniansD collapse of the Ottoman Empire

84 One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simón Bolívar, and José de San Martín are similar is that they

A supported the ReconquistaB led independence movementsC fought for Native American suffrageD defended the encomienda system

85 The 1930s depression in Germany contributed to the rise of the Nazi Party because


A economic hardships increased political instability

B five-year plans of the communists failedC the Reichstag nationalized private

propertyD the Weimar Republic imposed


86 The PRIMARY reason behind the Wagner Act of 1935 was toA protect worker’s rights to form unions and

bargain collectivelyB prevent public employee unions from going

on strikeC provide federal pensions for retired workersD forbid racial discrimination in employment

87 Which factor does a geographer most commonly study to learn about the culture of a nation?

A Political borders of a nationB Geographical size of a nationC Religious practices of a nation’s

populationD Technological abilities of a nation’s


Use the quote below to answer question 88

“We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said, that the only way to have a friend is to be one. We can gain no lasting peace if we approach it with suspicion or mistrust or with fear.”

88 Which of the motivations below is being likely referred to by President Roosevelt?

A Discouragement of a return to isolationB Support for the Neutrality ActsC Defense of the German-Russian non-

aggression pactD His plan to reshape the Supreme Court

89 Which event in 1957 changed the focus of American education forever?

A Sputnik B End of the Korean WarC G.I. Bill of RightsD Eisenhower Math and Science Doctrine

90 Which factor has had the greatest influence on shaping human culture in the shaded region on the map?

A religion B agriculture C urbanizationD democratization