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Page 1: ggsb mba network news

This brief contact with you is the first MBA NeTwork News, distributed to all GGSB MBA Alumni and current students from the Program Direc-tor, Phil Eyre and the onsite Program Coordinator Alice Retaggi Agui-lar. There are now over 1000 MBA Alumni and this communication, the first of its kind, is aimed at encouraging exchanges between the network members. The three aims are as follows :

To provide a communication channel focused on MBAs past and present

To promote the network as a career-development tool

To give updates on the current MBA Programs in Grenoble and with Offsite partners.

Happy Reading!

Phil & Alice

GGSB MBA Network News





Grenoble Chisinau

This is where you came from

Tell us where you are now!


Alumni & Student


A job thanks to an alum-nus!

In the press…

Some other Alumni sto-ries...

Program News

Grenoble Programs

In brief

The MBA team

GGSB Community

FT MBA Ranking

Forthcoming events

Our visibility

Alumni services

Page 2: ggsb mba network news

In his own words :

“With an IT consulting experience in Asia Pa-

cific and America regions, I wanted to pursue a

European MBA. GGSB was a natural choice

owing to its unique one year-program with a

Technology & Innovation Management option

taught in truly multicultural context at their

base camp in the French Alps.

During the year I came across a job opening

through a GGSB alumnus working in Ac-centure Netherlands. After several e-mails and

multiple visits to Holland, I am joining Accen-

ture Consulting in a managerial role.”

Program Director comment:

„Through a GGSB Alumnus’ needs a little

more explanation. Mukund‟s application was

spotted by Janne RIIHINEN from Finland, a

member of the FT6 intake (2005-2007). Janne

is a data management specialist who joined

Accenture in 2007. After four years with them

he was appointed to the position of Senior

Management in Amsterdam just one month

ago, according to one of his web pages, so…congratulations! And good luck to Mukund as

he makes a start with Accenture during

the project phase of his MBA.

What does a Cambridge-educated engineering PhD with cut-

ting edge high tech experience need? An MBA from Grenoble

Graduate School of Business, apparently

Born in Singapore and educated in the US and the UK,

Grenoble MBA Brian Pang is now set to be an expert in

European technology management

You‟ve all heard of Silicon Valley but what about the Silicon

Alps? Singaporean engineering brain Brian Pang, who‟s cur-

rently doing an MBA at GGSB, thinks there are great oppor-

tunities to grow tech companies in Europe as well as Califor-nia.



A job thanks to an alumnus!

In the press… extracts from “ Businessbecause”

ST Microelectronics engineer David Axelrad has used the

Grenoble Ecole de Management MBA to propel him from

France to the cutting edge of Silicon Valley...


Page 2 GGSB MBA Network News


Mohan Koujalgi MBA FT 11 Grenoble

« MBA degrees

are well-respected

in US firms »

« You’ve all heard

of Silicon Valley

but what about

the Silicon Alps? »

Alumni and Student News

The main information in this news is about YOU, not us.

For this first network news we will start with the information that we have, which is focused at the mo-

ment on current students more than Alumni. Here are 3 examples of students who have all completed

the MBA class phase recently and are about to graduate…but the first example is a great illustration of

how your MBA network can work..

David Axelrad

MBA PT 5 Grenoble

Brian Pang

MBA FT11 Grenoble

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Some other Alumni stories...

Page 3 November 2011, N°1

Gilles Comeau

MBA PT5 London

Last we heard Gilles was off

to Hong Kong to continue

working for Microsoft but in

a new region. What is the


Rob Whitaker

MBA PT7-FT3 London

Rob was one of those stu-

dents whose family grew in

size during the MBA, adding

to the pressure when trying

to hit those assignment

deadlines. He is with IBM

and when last contacted was working on an SAP project

for client British and Ameri-

can Tobacco.

Niko Mchedlishvili

MBA PT3 Georgia

Niko was with Reuters based

in Tbilisi when he completed

the MBA, and was subse-

quently appointed Head of

the Georgian Prime Minis-

ter‟s Press Service. Having

resigned recently from this post he is now with Japan

Tobacco International.

Abhishek Chandrashekar


Abhishek succeeded in

quickly obtaining a position

with SEB next to Lyon, as

Strategic Projects Manager.

Despite some initial obsta-

cles regarding the work

permit, SEB were able to give him a permanent posi-


Program news

Grenoble Programs : more choice in delivery

Full-Time : the 2010 review has led to new module lengths of 15 and 30 hours. The program now includes Risk Manage-

ment, Geopolitics, Macroeconomics as well as Microeconomics, furthermore Sustainability and CR has been added to the

Ethics module. All these modules are 15 hours. Business Law now focuses on Contract law and on

Corporate Governance. In the specializations menu Global Management now has a Supply Chain mod-

ule, and the International Law and Business Environment components have been reduced to 15 hours

each. The content of this program will continue to be delivered offsite in part-time format.

International Executive MBA : in 2012 the Part-Time delivery will become an Executive Part-Time

requiring a minimum 5 years of professional experience. The program will have more on Leadership

and Strategy, plus a shorter project focused on Personal Development and Career Planning.

Online Delivery in Blended MBA : also from 2012 a third option will be added. The core courses

will be available and taught on-line, in a blended program that will offer the specializations together

with students in Grenoble. So in all this means 400 hours online and 100 hours in class in Grenoble. Phil Eyre

MBA Program Director

In brief

Reward for pedagogical excellence Grenoble Ecole de Management rewards,

every year, 3 permanent employees for their

excellence in class.

This year, GGSB is proud to count one of its

MBA Pofessor, Isabelle Chaboud who tea-

ches Accounting for On and Off site campus.

Comfort has increased

We look after you…

In Grenoble, the MBAs have now their own space

within walking distance from the school and acces-

sible also the week-end;

3 workrooms, a repro and a lounge area with

coffee machine to keep you awake and energized! Alice Retaggi Aguilar

MBA Grenoble Program Coordinator

The MBA team is not complete without

Céline Ben Hamou

MBA London Program Coordinator

Sandrine Jaubert

MBA Moscow & Tbilisi Program Coordinator

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Page 4 GGSB MBA Network News

GGSB Community

GGSB‟s MBA is ranked 63rd in the world and has jumped 3 places and is now ranked 20th in Europe.

Which MBA? In the Economist Oct 2011

Our visibility

Social media: Join our groups!


GGSB Alumni face book group

GEM/GGSB Alumni- Georgia Chapter

GEM Alumni - Paris Chapter

Forthcoming events

Alumni services

2011 Full-Time MBA ranking

Please update your profile on the online directory

to keep connected with our Network!

Contacts : Emilie Blin : [email protected];

[email protected]

About Career statistics 2011: a bilingual document is

available on the Graduate Network website. Please read

pg. 7 Focus on three international programs –

Classes of 2010 http://graduatenetwork.grenoble-


Barometre_insertion_2011.pdf More career statistics: please send your requests to

[email protected]

GGSB Graduation Ceremony and

Gala in Grenoble on 23 March 2012,

more details to come soon.

Networking events not to be missed

in Singapore, New Delhi and Dubai

end of November & December in

partnership with the Association of

MBAs committed to supporting accredited Business Schools in

building relationships with our alumni. Events called Global Con-


More info:

To register for a free place at these events in Singapore

and New Delhi please follow the instructions:

In Singapore:


d=374&required=No Please sign up as a non-member and use the discount code: NON-


In New Delhi:


User type: non-member Discount code: NONMEMBER_373 In Dubai


d=372&required=Yes Contact: Kate O'Brien [[email protected]]

GGSB Around the World events: “Cheese and Wine” networking evening: 14 Feb-

ruary 2012 during the personal development

week in Grenoble for current Students on and offsite.

Alumni are invited to share their experiences and


In our off sites:

In Moscow, 2nd February 2012, more details to come.

In London, 13 or 14 June

In Singapore, 4 May

In Tbilisi, Georgia, early July We need Ambassadors among alumni and class

relays among students to communicate with GGSB

Alumni and work on our GGSB brand, to help for ca-

reer supports, rankings and to organize networking

events. Regular events are organized in Dubai. Our Ambassador

there is Tiina Kontra [email protected].

Some plans for Montreal: [email protected]

In London, Arjan Dede, [email protected],

[email protected], Kate Pam, kathe-

[email protected], Nikolaos Tsokanos niko-

[email protected] and Ugur Bingül

[email protected] are willing to help and build

a stronger MBA network. Please, connect with them

and be innovative!

Monique Garnier

Cormons, International Student Services Manager

You are invited to view GGSB International Student

Services’ photo album:

GGSB Alumni Event - London

View Album

Play slideshow

GGSB Alumni Event - London

14 Nov 2011

by GGSB International Student Services

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Thank you to those who participated on the creation of this 1st MBA

Network News! Next publication in May 2012.

We would like to hear from you all, please send us your feedbacks, suggestions,

ideas, news….

Alumni from all campuses, tell us about your professional experience, positive

and negative, and let us know if you or your company is hiring.

We would like the next letter to include some women Alumni news as well so

don‟t hesitate to contact us!

It is almost time…already!

Contact Alice: [email protected]

You will find this Network News on the Graduate Network website:

Don’t forget to note in

your agenda the

« Wine & Cheese »

event in Grenoble on

14 February 2012 and

Register here!